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Order of Worship

Announcements & Prayer Missions Report Isaiah 43:1-7; Luke 3:15-22 #401 Since I Have Been Redeemed 10,000 Reasons Lord, Reign in Me Special Music by Caty Scantlin: Lead Me to the Cross Offering: Offertory by Gerry Nofzinger Children (up through 4th-graders) Dismissed for Childrens Church Message by Pastor Ryan: Dont Be a Fool Ephesians 4:26

In Sympathy
Our sympathy is extended to Don and Karen Stevens, Anna Powers and her children on the passing of Dons mother, Annas grandmother, Esther Steinman. Services were this past week.

Prayer & Encouragement

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26

Work in the Childrens Department Saturday

The next scheduled work day in the childrens dept. is January 19; please note this is the third Saturday for January due to a scheduling conflict. In February we will go back to the second Saturday as the workday. Plan to come! Walls are going up. You have a chance to make a difference. Kelvin Diller is overseeing this for us. Anyone willing to help with food, please talk with Kelvin as soon as possible.

Twenty-three of you picked up your waiting cards last week! Fourteen of you decided to wait a bit longer. If your name is on the list below, you have things waiting for you to pick them up; please check the table in the lobby. Thank you for helping us get this taken care of. R. Schrock J. Arias K. Shelton C. Beavers H. Shepherd L. Bodine M&E Strimple A. McCray A. Thatcher B&M McCray R&S Waikel G. Nofzinger B. Watson J&M Ridderheim

Scripture & Song

Isaiah 43:1-7 God redeems and protects his people. Luke 3:15-22 Christ came to change us, baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Since I Have Been Redeemed We bear witness to the great change brought about in Christ saving us. 10,000 Reasons We praise God for each new day (1), his character (2), and that death is only a door to eternity (3). Lord, Reign in Me We submit to the Lord.

March for Life

The 39th Annual Fort Wayne March for Life is on Saturday, January 19. A rally begins at noon at the USF Performing Arts Center (formerly the Scottish Rite) with the march through downtown following. The March marks the sad anniversary of 40 years of legalized abortion in our country and this is our opportunity to remember the lives of 55 million little boys and girls that have been ended by abortion during that time.

Building & Grounds This Week: Ned Hirschy Childrens Church Next Week: Karen Sober & Crystal Wolford

January 13-20 at Northside

Today: Sunday School 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Youth Leaders Mtg 12pm Monday: Prayer Mtg 10am Mens Shooting League 6:30pm Cheryls Bible Study 6:30pm Church Board Mtg 7pm Tuesday: Men @ McDonalds 6am Self Defense Class 6:30pm Ministry Board 7pm Wednesday: Kids Club 7pm Youth Group 7pm Adult Bible Study 7pm Thursday: Mens Fraternity 7pm Saturday: Youth to Echo Valley Workday 8:30am-2pm Next Sunday: Sunday School 9:30am Worship Service 10:30am Baby Shower for Dawn Densmore 2pm Youth to Winter Jam Bible Study at Goleekes 6:30pm

You may still join us for the McDonalds morning meetings on Tuesdays @ 6am. We are focusing our discussion on the devotions from The Uncommon Life Daily Challenge by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker. We are meeting at the McDonalds on Coliseum across from Glenbrook Mall.

A Man and His Work starts this week

Join us for a seven week study on Thursday nights starting January 17th. We will cover topics directly related to what God has to say about work and how it applies to men today. The workbook cost $10. Meeting time is 7-8:30pm. If you are interested drop a note in the offering plate indicating your interest, include your name and phone number and you will be contacted.

Group 53
A simple investment of time in my spiritual growth With Gods help I am committing to: Read the Bible for five minutes a day Pray for five minutes a day Talk to others about Jesus for five minutes a day If you want to be a part of this group and did not remember to sign up last Sunday, print your name and email address on a slip of paper indicating you are committing to the three simple tasks above. Drop the paper in the offering or give it to Pastor Ryan.
Office: 484.2321

Missionary Church
January 13, 2013

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