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dieval monk and scientist Roger Bacon, who had suggested making a scientific map merica was discovered by an Italian of the world, Lynn, between 1330 and 1360, called Christopher Columbus in 1492. It was undertook several voyages of discovery in named after a later navigator called Amerigo the North Atlantic with the support of King Vespucci. Thats the story we learn at school. Edward III of England. The Franciscans, If we have critical teachers, they might add who took great care to produce accurate that the Vikings under Erik the Red were acmaps, drew up that legendary and long lost tually the first to reach Americaand we Friars map. Even Christopher Columbus believe that this story gives us a true underwas said to have been fascinated by Franstanding of the matter. And yet, this does ciscan cosmography at a later period. not correspond to the truth. It was also Roger Bacon who, around the History is something that never hapyear 1270, showed his friend Brunetto Lapened, written by someone who was not tini a magnetic compass that he had made. present at the time, noted Voltaire shrewdly. Latini later wrote to a friend: This discovSir Francis Bacon remarked that history ery, which appears so eminently useful is a lie agreed upon. And to the seafarer, must remain hidden until other times the reason is to be sought in dawn, for no master mariner that historians do not would dare use it today, as he tell us what really happened, would be accused of sorcery; but what they would like to neither would mariners dare believe (Benjamin Frankput out to sea under the comlin). Or again, what the premand of a man who used an vailing political doctrine instrument which appeared enjoins. Whoever believes to have been invented under that historical lies are an inthe guidance of a diabolic vention of the mass media in spirit. May the time come the 20th century is sorely when such prejudices, which mistaken. The world theater represent such a great imhas always opened its curpediment to the discovery of tains onto a stage where the true mysteries of nature, pretty marionettes presenwill have been overcome; ted the audience with a histhen will humanity harvest tory designed to entertain the fruits of the work of such and to conceal what really learned men as Brother happened. At the time of Bacon, and do justice to the Francis Bacon there was a industry and intelligence bewell-known saying that a hind efforts for which they wise man was like a doubletoday reap only mockery bottomed trunk: even if it and shame. For this and appeared empty when opeother crimes of unorthoned, it actually had a secret compartment which contai- Christopher Columbus in the New World. Fresco by Carlone. No-one really dox thoughts, Bacon was ned the source of his wisdom. knows who this deeply pious mystic was, nor what he looked like. imprisoned for 14 years In earlier ages too, history mild punishment compared continents of North and South America? was made only to a limited extent by monwith those usual in the medieval world. At Naturally not completely correct geograarchs and churchmen. Behind them were the end of the thirteenth century, Bacon was phicallythat was beyond contemporary the gray eminences, the truly powerful masdeadbut the compass was in general use. skills for more familiar territories toobut ters of knowledge, some of them initiates. So mariners could venture to leave their safe coastal waters and set out into the unknown this map had been drawn 78 years before the They were familiar with the mysteries and in search of new land. However, knowledge discovery of America, namely in 1414. with occult teachings which were not meant of the existence of the great continent to the How did early 15th century Venetians for the eyes of the profane, and met in secret west goes much further back in time. come to know about Florida and Ca-paru societies and lodges. (Peru)? Gunnar Thompson conjectures in his In the early middle ages, the existence of America was already known to these book The Friars Map of Ancient America Hellenic traces in Canada guardians of the mysteries. How might we that it could have some connection with an The ancient Greeks were already using otherwise explain that a Venetian merchant English Franciscan friar known as Nicholas the Gulf Stream thirteen centuries before map of the world shows and names the of Lynn. Inspired by the dream of the meBy Ursula Seiler

America was long known to the worlds initiates. They determined when it might be discovered. They chose the discoverer. They knew the plan for the New World and its purpose: to become the leading nation in the promised Golden Age.




Columbus to sail safely to America, where they possessed several colonies. Plutarch describes their ancient voyages and gives the location of the Greek colonies as directly opposite the Caspian Sea as the crow flies. They called the land to the west the colonies of Hercules, and the Caribbean was the Sea of Saturn, where Homers Ogygia (Calypsos isle) was also found. As knowledge was sacred to the ancient Greeks and thus had to be protected from the eyes of the hoi polloi (the common people), they took care not to record it in writing for posterity. Oaths of secrecy prevented the initiates of the mysteries from letting an unguarded word pass their lips. And yet they were not the only ones who knew about America. The continent was also known to the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. These ancient peoples were also able to build huge ships to voyage across the oceans. One of the Egyptian Ptolemies built a ship large enough to accommodate an orchard with fruit trees on deckin addition to swimming pools and fountains with live fish. Francis Bacon reports in his partially utopian, partially real fable The New Atlantis that about 3,000 years ago, or somewhat more, the navigation of the world (especially for remote voyages) was greater than at this day. Do not think with yourselves, that I know not how much it is increased with you, within these threescore years; I know it well, and yet I say, greater then than now; whether it was, that the example of the ark, that saved the remnant of men from the universal deluge, gave men confidence to venture upon the waters, or what it was; but such is the truth. The Phoenicians, and especially the Tyrians, had great fleets; so had the Carthaginians their colony, which is yet farther west. Toward the east the shipping of Egypt, and of Palestine, was likewise great. China also, and the great Atlantis (that you call America), which have now but junks and canoes, abounded then in tall ships. A historian called Spyros Cateras wrote in the 1930s that the ancient Greeks had penetrated as far as the region of the Great Lakes via Canadas St. Laurence River. Hercules, Odysseus, Colaeus, Pytheus and Eratosthenes had apparently been among those bold seafarers of antiquity. Cateras also showed that the language of the ancient Maya on the American continent contains many words of pure Homeric Greek, and notes: Years ago, traces of Alexander the Greats army were found in the South American Republic of Uruguaynamely swords and shields with the inscription PTOLEMEOS ALEXANDROY!

The top left part of this Venetian map by Albertin de Virga shows the continent of North America in fragmentary form and distorted by perspectivealmost 70 years before Columbus discovered America, namely in 1414!

Atlantis, mother of Europe and America

But Greece was already a major power at the time of the legendary (and yet real) island continent of Atlantis. Its last remains disappeared beneath the surging waters of the Atlantic Ocean some 11,500 years ago. The American continent had emerged from the waters at a time when Atlantis was still a flourishing civilization. Somewhat later than America, Europe arose from the seas and gave rise to a historical epoch during which Atlantis (in the region of todays North Atlantic) formed a kind of land bridge between the younger continents of America and Europe. It is also thanks to this land bridge, writes Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine, that the animals and plants of both continents are so similar ... all, nearly all belong to the same genera, while many, even of the species, are common to both continents indicating that they radiated from a common centre (Atlantis). The horse continues Blavatsky, according to Science, originated in America. At least, a large proportion of the once missing links connecting it with inferior forms have been exhumed from American strata. How did the horse penetrate into Europe and Asia, if no land communication bridged the oceanic interspaces? Or if it is asserted that the horse originated in the New World, how did such forms as the hipparion, etc., get into America in the first instance on

the migration hypothesis? The extremely mysterious language of the Basques, whose homeland lies in the Pyrenees, also indicates a link between Europe and America: it bears no relationship to any European languagebut to all the native, i.e. Indian languages of America! And it should be noted that the aboriginal peoples of America are themselves of Atlantean origin so it comes as no surprise that at the time of its discovery by the Europeans, America was called Atlanta by some native tribes. As the primeval Hellenes carried on a vigorous trade both with Atlantis and the great continent to the west, it is hardly surprising that the great philosopher Plato in his treatise on Atlantis notes that after the destruction of that great continent all attempts at seafaring to the west became impossible for a long period. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean were so stormy and so permeated by the detritus and silt of the submerged continent that travel by sea in that region became unthinkable. So the ancient peoples knew more than early Christendom in some respects, and for them there lay beyond the western sea the land over which the gods watched so that it might one day become the earthly paradise. When the times will have been fulfilled, human beings seeking the Golden Fleece would enter upon that land. And the first avaricious conquerors really did seek physical gold, and plundered the treasures of the Incas and Aztecs. But for the Greeks the Golden Fleece was a document on which the secret of human immortality was written. We now have a Golden Fleece in America, kept in the Library of Congress, writes the initiated author Manly P. Hall, namely the American Declaration of Independence, which was written on an animal hide and bears the magic formula of human hope. Those who understand it and make wise use of its ideas dispose of the secret of immortality of human society.

A destiny guarded by initiates

Why, one might ask, did western conquerors not set off westwards much earlier, if the initiates of the secret lodges already knew about America? Everything has its appointed time, one may reply, and, banal though this may sound, it is surely closer to the truth than many other explanations. For America is the country of the New Age now dawning, and the leading role which it plays in the 01/05


world is consequently no accident, but dispensation, providence or destinywhatever one may wish to call it. (The fact that it is currently abusing this leading role is a different story!) Manly P. Hall, who was undoubtedly among the most enlightened spirits of the twentieth century, and to whose talents one may also add the ability to read the Akashic record (that cosmic memory in which all past events are recorded), notes on this point: If the Christian nations had dared to act against the commands of the mystery schools, such sacrilege would have been revenged either by the power of Islam with its seat in Cairo, or by the edict of Lhasa with its Mongolian warriors in the background. The east had agreed to respect the borders of Europe as long as the European states jointly undertook not to exploit the western hemisphere. The fear of a terrible revenge from beyond the walls of Gog and Magog also held the popes back from breaking this agreement. And without the leadership of the Church, the great families of Europe dared not throw themselves privately into such an adventure. But when the agreed hour came, the secret societies sought among their ranks for suitable agents to begin their program of discovery. The esoteric orders of Europe, Asia and the Middle East had been allied with the priesthoods of the more advanced Amerindian nations for centuries. One has to be aware that truly high initiates need no physical vehicle to meet in secret places, shielded from the outer world, and to forge plans for future developments. Plans for the development of the western hemisphere, writes Manly Hall, were laid in Alexandria, Mecca, Delhi and Lhasalong before European statesmen had any inkling of this great utopian program. This leads us to the question as to whether Christopher Columbus wanted to find the western sea route to India out of his own volitionor whether, as Grace Fendler suggests in her book New Truths about Columbus, he worked as a chosen representative of secret societies in order to realize the old utopian ideals and to carry them across the sea? This would also provide reason enough to explain his accusation as a traitor; the destruction of all his books and papers, of all portraits and sculptural representations of him, and the complete disappearance of some of his literary works, including the diary of his first voyage and the logbook of his second voyage. All this, writes Fendler, would be mere inquisitional routine, including the new version of his biographymore or less due to political necessity and arising from a sacred mission.

The secret of Columbus

on one occasion on a voyage that God had Is it not in fact extremely strange that we led him to the New Heaven and New Earth know almost nothing about the greatest exof Revelation, and in his darkest hour he plorer of all times? No-one knows when he was convinced that God spoke to him to enwas born, and no fewer than twenty cities courage him. On his third voyage, the seaclaim him as their son. Manly P. Hall has a farer believed that he heard the voice of God particular surprise in store for us: he quotes speaking to him with words of encouragethe author Spyros Cateras who claims that ment and comfort. On his fourth voyage, Columbus was really Greek. Allegedly, his when great misfortune threatened to deoriginal name was Prince Nikolaos Ypsistroy the whole enterprise, the Admiral fell lantis and his home the Greek island of into a trance, and a voice spoke to him: Oh Chios. Hall writes: This statement is confool and fainthearted servant of God, the firmed by numerous early historians and ofGod of all things! Did He ever do more for ficial documents. He put out to sea from Moses, or for David, His Servant, than He the harbor of Mahonwhich was then did for thee? Greekon the island of Minorcaand not as history tries to convince us, from an ItalCathars and knightly orders ian or Spanish port. Like most Greeks of his In Manly Halls estimation, Columbus time, he admired the writings of Plato and was beyond doubt the emissary of secret orthe other classical philosophers; and his ders who possessed hidden knowledge. mind was eminently well equipped to interThis is also indicated by his signature, pret the classical traditions. Much points which was always embellished with mysteto the fact that Columbus was inspired to rious Kabbalistic symbols. These show a undertake his voyages by Platos story of striking similarity to the secret characters the submerged Atlantis and the early sea of the heretical sect of the Albigensians. voyages to the west, writes Hall in his The Albigensians were the southern French book The Secret Destiny of America. branch of the Cathars (named after the The true circumstances of the life of the Provencal town of Albi). The name discoverer of America are so enigmatic Cathar means the that it seems as if history had taken pure ones, a fact also refuge in a conspiracy in order to conceal expressed by their unthe truth, supposes Hall, for the confusion derstanding of life: as had apparently already begun before an ideal of love they Columbus death. His own son calls his facountenanced only ther a Greek. It was assumed that Columbus chivalrous lovethe changed his name in response to religious Troubadour movement or political pressure, but that belongs to the of southern France is realm of speculation. The numerous bialso closely linked to ographies of Columbus are unanimous in the Catharsfor telling us that Colon (the name which he chivalrous love is no himself used) was a deeply religious man sin, but a virtue which with mystical tendencies. He was said to makes the bad good The greatest thinker of the have sometimes worn a habit and cord simand the good better, ancient world, Plato, was ilar to that of the Franciscans, notes Hall, as the Troubadour the father of most ideas although nothing is known of a direct conMontangagol put it. about a utopian world. nection with that order. Some religious groups, continues Hall, including brotherhoods familiar with the esoteric tradition, favored this garb. It is beyond doubt that Columbus regarded himself as having been chosen for his mission by heaven, and that he continuously gained strength from the certainty that he was guided and protected by divine providence. The author John Bartlet Brebner speaks of the colossal, mystical selfconfidence of Columbus. It had been so much a part of the seafarer that he remarked Imaginary map of Atlantis by Athanasius Kircher, 1678.


For them, a pure chaste life meant to be poor in worldly goods, to shun no work, to kill no creatureincluding animals, which is why they were vegetariansand to use all means to oppose the God of darkness, the Tempter. They saw the world as a constant battleground between spirit and matter, and the good was for them not simply a higher principle, but, as Walter Nigg describes in his Buch der Ketzer (Book of the Heretics), a power, personified in the good God of light, the originator of the invisible higher world order. The good God is pure spirit to whom nothing evil adheres and whose nature is love. The Cathars saw goodness in its whole radiant fullness, he notes. One cannot talk of the good God in more magnificent and transcendent terms than the Albigensians did. And this was a time in which the official Church taught people to fear the wrath of God! This Christian community, which was later persecuted in the most brutal way by the Church in the Albigensian warswhere the motto was to simply kill everyone, from babes to old men, in the belief that God would save his ownwas supposed to have played a part in the secret preparations for the discovery of America. The Cathars possessed immense personal charisma, and how greatly they represented a threat to the Vatican becomes evident from the fact that the German word for heretic, namely Ketzer, comes directly from the word Cathar. Even the great Italian poet Dante is believed to have been a member of the Albigensian church and to have worked as its pastor in various European cities for several years. The Montana Mason wrote in October 1921 that Dante was also a friend of Roger Bacon and an ally and adviser of the powerful leaders of the ancient order of the Templars, who at the time of his death, although apparently at the pinnacle of their power, were in reality approaching their

Another famous man acted as his agent and helped significantly in the preparations for the discovery of the New World: the visionary artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci! Manly Hall says of him: Although Lorenzo did not live to see the fulfillment of his magnificent plan, he spoke the magic word which opened the doors for Columbus to the most exclusive institutions of Europe and provided him with the necessary worldly means so that he could arouse the interest of liberal princes and scholars. It was the invisible hand of the Medici which balanced the famous egg of Columbus
One of numerous, completely different portraits of Columbus, who was said to have been a Greek.

America does not come from Amerigo

The name America has absolute nothing at all to do with Amerigo Vespucciespecially as the latter was in reality called Alberico and not Amerigo (which does not exist as a forename). Rather, the name America, at least according to America scholar James Pryse, who published a part of the Popol Vuh (the holy book of the Maya) with commentaries at the end of the nineteenth century, comes from the Peruvian word Amarucawhich means The land of the plumed serpent. We meet this figure in all pre-Columbian cultures of America. The serpent is a symbol of divine wisdom, and it grows feathers to denote that its wisdom has acquired wings, making it into spiritual wisdom namely enlightenment. Pryse supposes that Amaru, who gave America its name, is none other than the divinity worshipped in Mexico as Quetzalcoatl. He is believed to have taught humanity compassion, meekness and the pursuit of peaceideals so close to Christian ones that the Christian missionaries who subsequently came upon the scene were convinced that Quetzalcoatl must have been a disciple of Jesus Christ. The priests of this god of peace once ruled from their headquarters in the cordilleras of both Amarucasi.e. Americas. So it would seem to be Americas destiny to be a nation of enlightened people as we would expect in the coming Golden Age! Some see in the name AMERICA an anagram of the phrase I AM RACE, those people who have realized their own divinity and express it in their lives. A promise we would fain see fulfilled!

disastrous end. Dante is said to have been initiated into the esoteric teachings of the Templars. In his work Christopher Columbus, a Greek Nobleman, Seraphim G. Canoutas of the University of Athens attempted to reconstruct the early life of the mysterious explorer. What he found is revealing. His investigations showed that the secret preparations for the colonization of the Fortunate Isles, which were also called the Blessed Isles in the west, were in the hands of the Albigensians, the Troubadours and the knightly orders. In the final phase of the project of discovery, the most famous member of the Florentine family of the Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent, was the power behind the scenes. Lorenzo de Medici was a noted Platonist, a patron of secret societies, founder of an important school of philosophy, and a sophisticated opponent of the cunning, depraved Borgias.

Commemorative postage stamp of Newfoundland bearing a portrait of Sir Francis Bacon.

The far from virgin queen

The Somers Island shillings show the pig, Sir Francis Bacons heraldic animal.

Francis Bacon was one of the most influential puppet masters behind the founding of the American colonies.

The first state in the New World was called Virginiain honor of the virgin queen Elizabeth I. In truth, the queen was neither virginal nor unmarried, having 01/05


cretly wed her lover Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester. She had a son colonies of this great Republic. And by himFrancis Bacon, who was in yet he was actively involvedlike reality called Francis Tudor and Raleigh and Delawarein these acwould have been the rightful Prince tivities, and played a major part in of Wales and heir to the throne of the sacrifices through which the England. This Francis Bacon was to foundations of both Virginia and the play a key role in the history of the two Carolinas were laid. To his United States of America. But his other fame therefore, that of the first days on earth were overshadfounder of a new state would have to owed by danger, for in fact the be added queen wanted to do away with the Judge Brown notes in his History newborn child. Sir Nicholas Bacon, of Newfoundland: It was exclua loyal member of the Privy Council sively due to the influence of the and confidant to the queen, was forLord Chancellor that the King tunately able to prevent her from dogranted the loans and issued the ing so. He suggested that he would foundation deed to Bacon and his take the child as his son, as his wife partners in Guys Newfoundland had given birth to a stillborn child at Company. The first true settlement in the about the same time. So the young Francis Bacon grew up without In this series of pictures, famous American artist Norman New World was Jamestown in Virknowing who his real parents were. Rockwell presents the four freedoms which are still re- ginia, founded on May 14, 1607. Sir Manly P. Hall had the privilege of garded as sacred in America today: Freedom of speech Francis Bacon became a member of seeing a photocopy in the British the Virginia Company in 1609. We Museum in London of an engraving find a further indication of Bacons showing Queen Elizabeth I at her role in the new world in the foreword confinement. As it was at that time to a manuscript by William Strachey, usual for the entire court to be predated 1618, on his Historie of Trasent at a royal birth, a large number vaile into Virginia Britania: Your of people were privy to the secret Lordship, who has always been an delivery. They were all sworn to seextremely noble promoter of the Vircrecy upon pain of death. ginia colony, and who strove from The Queen made no secret of her the very beginning (together with affection for the boy who was a daily other Lords and Earls of the Privy presence at court. The relationship Council) to increase and guide it. And in a speech in Grays Inn Hall, cooled down only when, in one of American James Beck remarked that her notorious outbreaks of rage, she the two fundamental government inadvertently revealed to the young laws which formed the nucleus of the Bacon who his true parents werea United States Constitution had been realization which was to change his written by Lord Bacon. whole life. He was convinced that Bacons hidden guidance in the the Queen would recognize him becolonization of the New World is fore her death as her rightful succesalso revealed in another historical sor. When Bacon ultimately discovdetail: in 1609the same year in ered the conspiracy against himself which Sir Francis Bacon officially and his natural father (who had been became a member of the Virginia poisoned), he lost all respect for CompanySir George Somers Elizabeth; and her high regard for sailed from England to the New him turned into bitter hate. Only after Elizabeths death in World, having been appointed by 1603 was Francis Bacons star to the King as the new governor of Vircome into its ascendant. King James freedom of belief ginia. But he ran into a hurricane and ennobled him, firstly as Baronet of was shipwrecked off the Bermudas, Verulam and then as Viscount of St. Albans. works commonly alleged to Shakespeare then still known as the Hog Islands. HowUltimately, Bacon became Lord Chancellor a fact entertained even by a serious branch ever, this led to the actual discovery of the of literary research. However, little is known of England and thus the most powerful man beautiful Bermudas, which henceforth beof the part he played in the founding of the in the country. came a British colony. Bacon was a universal genius of his time: colonies on the American continent. Interestingly, a unique currency came to William Hepworth Dixon of the Inner a scholar with few equals in the sciences and be used on these Hog Islands: the reverse Temple wrote in 1861 about the early settlein philosophy. Indeed, his contemporaries side of all the coins bore the private arms ment of the New World: In no history of believed to see in him a reborn Plato. But he of Sir Francis Bacon. But the King prohiAmerica, and in no biography of Bacon was also without peer in his contribution to bited the use of these coins outside the have I found a word which linked him to the the arts, as the true author of most of the Bermudas, although contemporary sources



indicate that this money had been minted for America. Incidentally, some researchers see Shakespeares/Bacons play The Tempest, as an allegory of Sir George Somers voy-

age and shipwreck off the Bermudas, where Sir Francis Bacon hoped to see his New Atlantis realized in literary form. Bacons direct influence on the New World extended beyond his death: In the later decades of the 17th century, many members of his family and descendants emigrated to Virginia. The Bacons thus became one of the best-known and influential families of the colony. Nathaniel Bacon, a descendant of Sir Francis, even led what was known as the Bacon rebellion in 1676, in which he fought for greater justice on the part of the English crown toward its subjects. In other words, for ideals similar to those espoused by his famous ancestor.

A new Atlantis for a new age

Most of the original deeds of the Privy Council which might have thrown light on the role played by Bacon in the founding of the New World perished in the Whitehall fire of 1618. One of his greatly esteemed essays, Of Plantation, gives highly detailed instructions for the successful settlement of still virgin land, and his treatise New Atlantis is a utopia which Bacon would have liked to have seen realized in the true new Atlantis, namely America. The inhabitants of that mysterious island known as Bensalem espoused pacifism, lived without money as a means of exchange and in their conduct of life followed a concept which blends Communist and Christian features. Thus the New Atlanteans respect strangers despite all due reserve. They possess immense knowledge, use a universal language and find out about the outside world by means of systematic explorations. Although the social organization of Bensalem recognizes class distinctions, these do not depend on wealth, but on wisdom, dignity and age. The first principle of this form of community is respect for life and quite particularly for the family. The women on New Atlantis are not emancipated, but they are particularly honored in their capacity as mothers. The most remarkable quality of the New Atlanteans is their chasteness and freedom from moral confusions. But the society of New Atlantis paid particular homage to sciencethe true natural science which is organized under the roof of a foundation known as Solomons House. The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible, Bacon has the wise men of Bensalem explain. Is it not remarkable that the America of today has failed signally in all these domains? Its research massacres life and

freedom from want

has become a threat to human dignity. It is characterized by a belligerent attitude to the outside world and toleration of extreme violence within the country, and the slavish pursuit of money, along with its use as an instrument of enslavement. Let us recall that since 1913 not even the dollar has been the property of the American people, but of a number of exclusive Wall-Street bankers who are independent of the political establishment. Moreover, American society shows a debasement of morals which has also brought about the dissolution of families, and the celebration of a capitalism which mocks every form of Christian neighborly love. The discovery of America wasas this article aimed to showno accident, but was long and carefully planned by initiates. Neither is it an accident that the age of the Renaissancethe rebirth of the old classical knowledgecoincided with the discovery of the New World. The hour had struck, the sacred fire could be carried to the west. The secret orders had given their consent. The various attempts to describe an ideal world which arose at that timeThomas Mores Utopia, Tommaso Campanellas Civitas Solis (city of the sun), Francis Bacons New Atlantis, the works of Shakespeare, the new translation of the Bible (the authorized or King James version)all formed the spiritual edifice and provided the ethical code for the New World. Secret societies such as the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons, who already met together on American territory in 1606 for the first time, possessed the initiate knowledge which was to enable them to realize in the New World the ideas which the old world had developedright up to the Golden Fleece of the future, the American Declaration of Independence. This, let it be noted in passing, also has much to do with that mysterious figure of history who played a key role in the discovery and constitution of the United States: Roger Bacon alias Christopher Columbus alias Sir Francis Bacon alias the Comte de Saint Germain. He was the instrument of divine providence who led to the plans of the Hierarchy becoming realized on earthso that the seed which had been sown in heaven would bear abundant fruit in the New World. I
Bibliography Manly P. Hall: The Secret Destiny of America, The Philosophical Research Society, Inc. Manly P. Hall: Americas Assignment with Destiny, The Philosophical Research Society, Inc. Gunnar Thompson: The Friars Map of Ancient America, Laura Lee Productions & Argonauts of the Misty Islands H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II: Anthropogenesis Manly P. Hall: Collected Writings Vol. 2, The Philosophical Research Society, Inc. 01/05

and freedom from fear.


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