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Shannon R.

4924 Oaklawn Drive ~ North Little Rock, AR 72116 ~ (501) 378-6648 ~ (501) 908-1132 ~

Project Management & Team Experience

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s) Create style guide for the Arkansas State Board of Massage Therapy. Team Leader, Meeting Facilitator, Writer, Editor 3 months Myself and Michael Casey Dodson, LMT Board Members for Arkansas State Board of Massage Therapy Created style guide that is used as standard for all internal and external written communications by the Board.


Create desk procedures and training material for BANA ITS Adjustments department.

My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Technical Writer, Curriculum Developer 4 months Myself, Neil Johnson, Katrina Warner, Zoe Banwell, Mary Cannon BANA ITS Adjustments While working for ABCBS BlueCard Customer Service and Adjustments, I was recruited to spend time with a workgroup who was charged with creating desk procedures for a new area as a result of the Walmart contract. I had no prior knowledge of their department or their processes, but I assisted the workgroup by coming in as a trained technical writer. We created desk procedures for all functions of BANA ITS Adjustments. Later, I took this information and created training material for BAA Education and Development.

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served

Re-design Training Intranet Designer, Webmaster 1 month Myself BAA Education and Development


Re-designed Training Intranet to better serve the needs of training team. Took existing format and re-designed it to be more functional. Also added and updated all training materials on this website. (This intranet no longer exists at ABCBS due to the development of the BAA ICE SharePoint Site).


Create reference material for claims processors and management staff for a new automated workflow tool, Macess.

My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Technical Writer 2 months Myself, Neil Johnson, Gretchen Barnes, Ronson Jones BANA Claims, BAA Education and Development I created reference material for claims processors and management staff that was used in the implementation and rollout of the tool. This reference explained everything the staff and management needed to know in simple terms. A separate reference was also created to explain how to use Macess in a training setting.

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Create documentation style guide for BAA Education and Development. Technical Writer 1 Month Myself, Doug Thompson, Jackie McFadden, Amy Thompson, Sheila Bryant BAA Education and Development Created a living document outlining internal documentation (BAU, newsletter, training documents, online modules, multimedia, procedure documents, etc) standards for the division.


Write and edit various types of articles for BlueAdvantage This Week publication, including software release articles, BlueWho employee highlights, notices of promotions, etc.

My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Writer/ Assistant Editor Weekly Myself, Doug Thompson, BAA Team of Reporters (varied) BAA Education and Development A weekly newsletter was produced serving all of BlueAdvantage.


Participate in QATS Workgroup to improve communication between QA, Training, and Customer Service.

My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Technical Writer Ongoing Myself, BANA QA Staff, Customer Service representatives BANA Claims As a result of QATS meetings, EX code resolutions were updated and operational issues were worked out.


Create ECT Home Worker Agreement Manual as requested by Director of BANA Customer Service using provided materials from Micro Services.

My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Designer/ Editor 1 Week Myself BANA Customer Service Created manuals both for employees and management for use during the rollout of the new work-at-home program. These manuals ended up being shared across the Enterprise for use in similar work-at-home programs.

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Create Blue2 Manual specific to BlueAdvantage. Technical Writer 2 Months Myself BlueAdvantage Blue2 Manual was created and uploaded to BAA ICE for use by BAA employees.


Create Release Documentation for BlueCard Releases using technical analyst information and converting it to understandable language for CSRs and claims processors.

My Role Timeline

Technical Writer Ongoing (Every April and October)

Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Myself, BlueCard Analysts BlueCard Division Documentation is posted every April and October relaying software changes and updates to operational procedures.

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Create procedural manual for BANA Diversion process. Technical Writer 1 Month Myself, Amy Thompson, Jamesia Givan, Tanya Jacobs BANA Customer Service and Claims Documentation was created that served as a reference when a BANA Diversion is implemented. Successful test diversions were conducted using this tool.

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Create Manual for Bluebook Administration. Technical Writer 2 Weeks Myself OSD Training and Development An administration manual was created and uploaded to a shared network location for use by all Bluebook Administrators.

Objective My Role Timeline Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Create new Orientation material for OSD Training and Development. Curriculum Developer 1 Month Myself, Carl Carter, Wanda Davis OSD Training and Development New content was created for the first day of training for new employees.


Reduce paper manual usage in the training classroom by re-designing curriculum for all BlueCard operational areas.

My Role Timeline

Curriculum Developer 1 Year

Participants Customer Served Result(s)

Myself, Tana Hubbert, Kenyata Baltimore, Michelle Harding, Robin Duckworth OSD Training and Development; BlueCard Division Training content is being streamlined and modified to include Captivate simulations, job aides via Bluebook, online assessments, etc.

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