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Uniforma - jedan od najbitnijih elemenata vizuelnog identiteta kompanije ...........................8 Dobrodoli u svijet royal plave boje Montenegro Airlines News - Akcija ranog bukinga ponovo u ponudi Montenegro Airlinesa ..................................................................... 12 Mislite na budue ljeto rezerviite ranije i utedite Montenegro Airlines News - Iz Beograda i Nia, preko Podgorice, do evropskih centara ............. 14 Posjetite Rim, Pariz, Moskvu za 169 eura Montenegro Airlines destinacije: Pariz ........... 18 Najpoznatiji i najvei muzej svijeta Desetak hiljada metara nad zemljom ............. 30 Avionom u postojbinu Crnogorsko narodno pozorite ......................... 36 Ljubav, vjera, nada Skriveno u peini .................................................... 46 Crvena stijena Milo Karadagli...................................................... 54 Gitarista naeg doba! Priam ti priu .......................................................... 62 Parfem Galerija, Milena Jovievi..................................... 74 Sunane obale novih svjetova Savremena crnogorska poezija ......................... 90 Stanka Raenovi ivio smijeh! ............................................................. 94 Nai me u olji! Crna Gora Zima 2012/13. ................................. 98 Neka pone pjesmom Crnogorska kuina ...............................................106 Ne moe jednostavnije pardon, ukusnije!!! Intervju: Petar Kapisoda, rukometni reperezentativac Crne Gore..............................110 Nesalomivo krilo pobjednika

Uniform one of the most important elements in visual identity of the company ........................ 10 Welcome to the World of Royal Blue Montenegro Airlines News - Early booking campaign again within the offer of Montenegro Airlines ............................................ 13 Think of the Summer - book & save Montenegro Airlines News - From Belgrade and Ni, via Podgorica, to the European centers ........................................................................ 14 Visit Rome, Paris, Moscow... for 169 Montenegro Airlines destinations: Paris ............ 24 The Largest and Best Known Museum in the World Ten thousand meters above the sea level ..... 32 By plane to the homeland Montenegrin National Theatre .......................... 40 Love, Faith, Hope Hidden in a cave ..................................................... 50 Crvena stijena Milo Karadagli...................................................... 58 A modern-age guitarist! Let me tell you a story........................................... 68 A Perfume Gallery, Milena Jovicevi ...................................... 82 Pursuit for the sunny shores Montenegrin contemporary poetry ................ 91 Stanka Raenovi Long live the laughter! ......................................... 95 Find me in a cup! Montenegro: Winter 2012/13...........................102 Let it begins by singing Montenegrin cuisine: Krtolova soup .............107 Cannot be simpler... sorry, more delicious!!! Interview, Petar Kapisoda, member of the Montenegrin national handball team ..........114 Unbreakable winners wing


Inflight Magazine No 32 Zima 2013. / Winter 2013 UreUje I Izdaje / edItINg aNd PUblIshINg Montenegro Airlines, Marketing & Corporative Communications Department, Mr Aleksandra Gardaevi-Slavuljica dIzajN, PrIPreMa za taMPU I oglaavaNje / desIgN, PrePress aNd ads

glavNI I odgovorNI UredNIk / edItor-IN-chIef Nada Bukili art dIrektor / art dIrector Vuk Erakovi dIzajN / desIgN Vuk Erakovi tekstovI / teXts Nada Bukili, Marija Pajovi, Bratislav Kokolj, Stela Mikovi, Slobodan uri, Doc. dr Goran Barovi, Tijana Jovovi fotografIja / Photo Miodrag Martinovi, Goran Roganovi, Dalibor evaljevi NaslovNa straNa / cover Page Dalibor evaljevi lektor / Proofreader Dr Sanja ubari PrevodIlac / traNslator Mileta Lutovac tehNIkI UredNIk / techNIcal edItor Gavrilo Miroti oglaavaNje / advertIsINg Jelena Dragutinovi Tel: +382 (0)20 664 283 E-mail:

taMPa / PrINted by DPC & Grafotisak Grude Tira / Number of copies: 5000

Montenegro airlines Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, tel: +382 (0)20 405 501 fax: +382 (0)20 405 528 E-mail:

Montenegro advertising and Production agency Stadion Budunosti, Ul. 19. decembra 13, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro tel: +382 (0)20 664 283 ISSN 1800-5462

Potovani putnici,
Zadovoljstvo mi je da Vam poelim dobrolicu na Montenegro Airlines let, uz zahvalnost na ukazanom povjerenju. Poetak godine uvijek predstavlja ansu za nove izazove, oekivanja i nova nadanja. U izuzetno konkuretnom okruenju, suoeni sa brojnim potekoama koje dominiraju u avio industriji, Montenegro Airlines uspijeva da ostvari progres u mnogim segmentima. Zavidan broj destinacija prema kojima redovno saobraamo, posjedovanje najmodernije flote u regionu, znatan porast broja putnika sve su to parametri koji ukazuju na dobro pozicioniranje Montenegro Airlinesa na veoma zahtjevnom trzitu. Uspjeli smo da stvorimo respektabilan brend, svuda prepoznat po svojoj profesionalnosti. Slozicete se, optimizam je korisna ivotna i profesionalna filozofija, posebno ako je baziran na realnim postulatima. Upravo jasno definisana razvojna strategija kompanije i dobar poslovni ambijent, ohrabruju nas da e i godina pred nama, kao i mnoge koje slijede, stvoriti jo vee potencijale za dalji prosperitet nacionalog avioprevozioca. Na putu strategije razvoja i spajanja Crne Gore sa Evropom, nastavljamo sa jo veim entuzijazmom. Maksimizirali smo cost-saving pristup u svim segmentima poslovanja, intenzivirali smo korienje internih resursa, poboljsali smo sve performanse poslovnog procesa Dakle, u kreiranju poslovne strategije, osmislili smo koncept koji obezbjeuje, ne samo dominaciju na regionalnom, ve znaajno poveanje kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog uea na evropskom tritu. Sve postignuto, samo je jo vea obaveza da nastavimo da ispunjavamo Vaa oekivanja. Potovani putnici, u ime svojih saradnika i u svoje lino ime, elim Vam puno uspjeha u 2013. godini. Srdano, dr Zoran urii, dipl. in., predsjednik Odbora direktora Montenegro Airlinesa

Dear passengers,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you on Montenegro Airlines flight, with gratitude for your trust. The beginning of a year is always a chance for new challenges, expectations and hopes. In extremely competitive environment, facing many difficulties that have been dominating airline industry, Montenegro Airlines has managed to achieve progress in many segments. Operation numerous direct flights to many destinations, the most prestigeous fleet in the region, a significant increase in the number of passengers, etc. are all parameters indicating great position Montenegro Airlines has achieved. We have managed to establish a respectable brand, recognized for its efficiant service. It is well known that optimism is a useful life and professional philosophy, especially if it has realistic background. Clearly defined development strategy of the company and good business environment, are encouragment for us to believe that in 2013, like in the years to follow we will establish great potentials for further development of Montenegrin national air carrier. Creating our development strategy and connecting Montenegro with Europe our goals that push us forward to work with even greater enthusiasm. We have maximized our cost savings approach in all business segments, intensified utilization of internal resources, improved all business process performances Consequently in creating business strategy, we have designed a concept that enables not only domination on the regional market, but also significant growth of qualitative and quantitative participation on the European market. The results achieved have obliged us even more to continue fulfilling your expectations. Dear passengers, on behalf of my colleagues and me, I wish you all very happy and successful 2013. Sincerely, Zoran Djurisic, Phd President The Board of Directors Montenegro Airlines

Fasten your seatbelts!

Presidents message

Uniforma - jedan od najbitnijih elemenata vizUelnog identiteta kompanije

ubaznost, profesionalnost, ljepota su epiteti koji krase lanove kabinskog osoblja Montenegro Airlinesa. Ako uz to dodate i novi dizajn uniformi, dobiete savren rezultat kabinsko osoblje za ponos.

DobroDoli u svijet royal Plave boje lj

da pomognemo klijentima da prepoznaju kompaniju i da se zaposleni osjeaju kao dio tima. Nove uniforme, koje odnedavno moete vidjeti u naim avionima, modernog su dizajna, saivene od najfinijih materijala i prate najsavremenije modne trendove. Kabinsko osoblje, koje je ogledalo svake kompanije, bie najbolji prezenteri brenda Montenegro Airlines irom evropskih aerodroma.

Uniforme u potpunosti prate vizuelni identitet kompanije. Royal plavi detalji na uniformama, istiu prepoznatljiv stil i na najbolji nain asociraju na brend Montenegro Ailrinesa, koji za svojih 18 godina postojanja, ovom prepoznatljivom bojom i stilom komunicira sa svojim javnostima. Sigurni smo da smo odabirom ovog dizajna opravdali oekivanja i visoke standarde, na koje ste, kao nai putnici, navikli.

Tenja ka kvalitetu i prepoznatljivosti brenda Montenegro Airlinesa kroz jedinstveni stil i ovog puta rezultirali su da na najbolji nain prikaemo svoj profesionalni imid,



Uniform one of the most important elements in visUal identity of the company

Welcome to the WorlD of royal blue K

indness, professionalism, beauty are epithets that adorn the cabin crew of Montenegro Airlines. If you add a design of our uniforms, you will get a perfect result cabin crew for pride. employees feel as part of a big team. The persuit of quality and brand recognition of Montenegro Airlines through a unique style, once more have resulted in professional image, so that our clients can recognize our company through it, and our The new uniforms have recently entered our flights. They have a modern design, tailored from the finest materials and they follow latest fashion trends. Our cabin crew, who are a reflection of each company, will be the best presenters of Montenegro Airlines brand across the European airports. The uniforms fully follow the visual identity

of our company. Royal blue details on the uniforms point out the distinctive style and create an association to the Montenegro Airlines brand. We have used distinctive colours and style to communicate with our audiences for 18 years. We are sure that choosing this design, we have justified the expectations and high standards that you, our passengers, have been accustomed to.



mislite na budue ljeto rezerviite ranije i uteDite m

ontenegro Airlines ne prestaje da pravi prijatna iznenaenja putnicima. Ovoga puta u pitanju je akcija koja se tie ponude za proljee/ljeto 2013. godine, ime se daje znatan doprinos promociji Crne Gore kao turistike destinacije. Akcija traje do 20. februara 2013. godine, do kada je potrebno kupiti karte, a odnosi se na putovanja od 31. marta do 26. oktobra 2013. godine. Svim putnicima Montenegro Airlinesa, u zemlji ili u inostranstvu, omogueno je da svoje karte za putovanja tokom ljetnjeg reda letjenja 2013. godine, kupe po promotivnim tarifama. Promotivne tarife znatno su nie u odnosu na one koje e biti aktuelne u pomenutom periodu. Na ovaj nain putnici koji ranije isplaniraju svoja putovanja, bie u mogunosti da ostvare znatne utede. Putnici koji u pomenutom periodu planiraju da posjete Rim, povratnu kartu sa svim pripadajuim taksama, mogu kupiti po cijeni od 169 eura. Za putovanje do Bea i nazad potrebno je izdvojiti 189 eura, do Ciriha 199 eura, a do Pariza 209 eura. Povratnu kartu za London moete kupiti po cijeni ve od 209 eura, dok je za povratno putovanje za Moskvu potrebno izdvojiti 289 eura. Pored pomenutih, u ponudi su i ostale destinacije nacionalnog avio prevozinika. Cijene karata su u potpunosti iste, bilo da putovanje zapoinje iz Crne Gore ili inostranstva, a u cijene su uraunate i sve pripadajue takse. Detaljne informacije moete dobiti ukoliko pozovete Montenegro Airlinesovu slubu za rezervacije (tel: 19804) ili bilo koju od naih poslovnica. Karte po promotivnim tarifama mogu se kupiti na svim prodajnim mjestima Montenegro Airlinesa u zemlji i inostranstvu, ili veoma komforno - putem kompanijskog web sitea www. Ukoliko elite da iskoristite povoljnost kupovine karata, samo je potrebno da to prije donesete odluku o svom buduem putovanju. Montenegro Airlines misli na Vas, a Vi mislite na Vae budue ljeto i ranom kupovinom karata - utedite.

montenegro airlines news - akcija ranog bUkinga ponovo U ponUdi montenegro airlinesa

montenegro airlines news - early booking campaign again within the offer of montenegro airlines

think of SummerbooK & save m

ontenegro Airlines does not cease to prepare really pleasant surprises to passengers. The campaign is valid until 20 February 2013, for buying the tickets, and refers to the trips from 31 March to 26 October 2013. All Montenegro Airlines passengers tickets, both in the country and abroad are sold at promotional rates and for the 2013 Summer timetable. The promotional rates are considerably lower This time it is the campaign concerning the offer for Spring/Summer 2013. This campaign is making a substantial contribution to the promotion of Montenegro as a fantastic tourist destination.

than the actual ones in the same period. Using this special occasion, travelers that plan their trips earlier, will be able to realize substantial savings. Travelers planning to visit Rome in this period, can buy a return ticket with all the taxes, at a price of only 169 . A trip to Vienna and back costs 189; to Zurich 199 and to Paris it is 209. A return ticket to London can be bought for as little as 209, while for the return trip to Moscow is necessary to set aside 289. Apart from these, the national air carrier has other destinations to offer you. Ticket prices remain the same, including all related taxes, whether your journey begins from Montenegro or from abroad. You can get more detailed available information if you call the Montenegro Airlines Booking Service (phone: +382 19804) or at any of our business offices. The tickets at promotional prices are available in all Montenegro Airlines representative offices, both at home and abroad. Also you can buy your ticket in the very comfort of your home - through the companys web site If you want to take this opportunity and purchase your tickets at these advantageous rates, you just need to make a decision about your future trip. Montenegro Airlines thinks of you, and you just need to think of your future Summer and save a lot by early ticket purchase.




montenegro airlines news - iz beograda i nia, preko podgorice, do evropskih centara

Posjetite rim, Pariz, mosKvu za 169 eura

a uspostavljanjem zimskog reda letjenja, Montenegro Airlines je pokrenuo niz promotivnih kampanja. Jedna od atraktivnijih ponuda pripremljena je za trite Srbije kojom je putnicima omogueno da putuju do najatraktivnijih evropskih centara po cijeni od 169 eura. Cijena se odnosi na povratna putovanja iz Beograda i Nia, preko Podgorice, do svih destinacija u Evropi gdje saobraa crnogorska nacionalna avio kompanija. U cijenu su ukljuene sve pripadajue takse, kao i taksa tampanja karte. Ukoliko razmiljate da li da posjetite Rim, Pariz, Cirih, Moskvu, Frankfurt ne oklijevajte - pozovite booking slubu ili jednu od poslovnica Montenegro Airlinesa i obezbijedite kartu po specijalnoj cijeni od 169 eura. Saznajte i ostale pogodnosti koje je Montenegro Airlines pripremio za Vas i posjetite kompanijski veb sajt

montenegro airlines news - from belgrade and ni, via podgorica, to the eUropean centers

visit rome, Paris, moscoW... for 169

ontenegro Airlines has launched a series of promotional campaigns after establishment of the winter flight table. One of the most attractive offers has been prepared for the Serbian market allowing passengers to travel to most European centers at a cost of 169.

Svijet je knjiga, oni koji ne putuju proitali su samo jednu stranicu knjige. The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page. Svijet je knjiga, oni koji ne putuju proitali su samo jednu stranicu knjige. The world is a book, and those 17 who do not travel, read only a page.

Price refers to the return ticket from Belgrade and Ni, via Podgorica, to all destinations in Europe, which runs the Montenegrin national airline carrier. The price includes all associated taxes and ticket printing tax. If you are thinking whether to visit Rome, Paris, Zurich, Moscow, Frankfurt do not hesitate - call the booking office or a branch office of Mon-

tenegro Airlines and provide a ticket at a special price of 169. Find out other benefits that Montenegro Airlines has prepared for you and visit the Companys Web site


Montenegro airlines Destinacija: Pariz

najpoznatiji i najvei muzej svijeta

Tekst: Marija Pajovi uzej Luvr jedan je od najljepih spomenika ovjeanstva. Datira s kraja XII vijeka, kada je kralj Filip Avgust na mjestu dananjeg etvrtastog dvorita podigao utvrenje koje je sluilo kao vladareva rezidencija, riznica i tamnica. Kralj Fransoa I u XVI vijeku napravio je od tog utvrenja Kraljevski dvor, koji je bio rezidencija francuskih kraljeva. U XVII vijeku kardinal Rielje elio je da Luvr uredi kao rezidenciju za Luja XIV. Meutim, francuski kralj odluuje da u ovoj palati napravi muzej, koji e prikazivati kraljevsku kolekciju eksponata, i da izgradi novi kraljevski dvor van Pariza (Versaj). Luvr je u to doba sluio kao Molijerov teatar, gdje su najzasluniji glumci dobijali stanove. Francuski revolucionari najzasluniji su za to to je Luvr postao muzej umjetnosti. Naime, Luvr je prvi put kao muzej otvoren za javnost mjesec dana nakon pogubljenja Marije Antoanete 8. novembra 1793, za vrijeme Francuske revolucije, kad su voe revolucije odluile da javnost treba da uiva u kraljevskoj zbirci umjetnina, iznijetoj iz vladarskih palata. Ve te 1793. Luvr je posjedovao vie od esto pedeset umjetnikih djela, od ega tri Da Vinijeva,

etiri Rafaelova, i dva Ticijanova... Revolucija je uinila da se muzejska zbirka znatno proiri i to uglavnom eksponatima iz velikog broja crkava i dvoraca, iji su vlasnici protjerani. Meutim, pred kraj XVIII vijeka Luvr je doivio drastian pad i postao je dom mnogim skvoterskim familijama, koje su u njegovim hodnicima drale ak i stoku. Napoleon je okonao nastalu situaciju odluivi da restaurira palatu i vratiti joj nekadanji sjaj. Osim toga, odluio je da se u njoj vjena i za nekoliko godina dopremio je veliki broj slika i skulptura plijen svojih meunarodnih pohoda. Na Luvru je kroz istoriju radilo vie znaajnih arhitekata (Lesko, Di Serso, Lemersje, Le Vo, Pero, Viskonti, Guon...). Muzej sadri jednu od najbogatijih umjetnikih zbirki na svijetu. Luvr ima tri krila: Rielje, Vii i Denon. Krilo Denon najposjeeniji je dio muzeja. Muzejska postavka slavi dugo putovanje sa izuzetnim obimom zbirke ona obuhvata hiljade godina i dosee od Amerike do granica Indije i Kine. Vrlo bogate muzejske kolekcije podijeljene su u nekoliko odjeljaka: antike (mesopotamske) starine, grke, rimske starine, istonjake, egipatske, vajarstvo srednjeg vijeka, renesanse i novijeg doba, slike, crtei i umjetniki predmeti iz

srednjeg vijeka, renesanse i novijeg doba. Tu se nalaze svjetski poznata djela, kao to su Milska Venera, Da Vinijeva Mona Liza, i francuski krunski nakit.

Ponos Grada svjetlosti

Zgrada muzeja, biva kraljevska palata, nalazi se u centru Pariza, na obali rijeke Sene. Centralno dvorite zgrade, u kome se danas nalazi staklena piramida, lei na osi ans Elize i time formira jezgro Pariza. Izgraen u obliku potkovice, Luvr je predstavljao najduu zgradu u Evropi, koja se protezala dalje od tri Ajfelova tornja poloena u nizu, jedan iza drugog. U njemu se nalazi oko 400.000 umjetnikih djela, od kojih je izloen svega deseti dio, a procjenjuje se da bi posjetiocima trebalo pet sedmica da bi na odgovarajui nain vidjeli sva djela. Godine 1981. odlueno je da se Luvr proiri i ponovo raspodijeli umjetnika kolekcija u gotovo cijeloj zgradi. Tadanji francuski predsjednik Fransoa Miteran odluio je da omogui kontroverzno uljepavanje Luvra. Staklena piramida smjela, elegantna, sa konstrukcijom od aluminijuma i nerajueg elika, visoka 21 metar, napravljena po



zamisli arhitekte Peia iz 1983, sveano je otvorena 1989. Ta arhitektonska realizacija, lijepa i jednostavna, na funkcionalan nain rijeila je glavni ulaz u muzej, kroz prostran i svijetao suteren. Iako je piramida u to doba pokrenula lavinu rasprava, Pariani se danas njome i te kako ponose. Broj posjetilaca u Luvru ve etiri godine premauje cifru od osam miliona. Turisti sa svih strana svijeta dolaze da vide uveno remekdjelo velikog slikara renesanse Leonarda da Vinija Mona Lizu. Slika koja je uraena uljanom tehnikom na ploi od topole izvor je vjeitih rasprava ko se zapravo nalazi na slici. Tumaenja se kreu od ideje da je u pitanju mlada firentinska dama Liza del akondo, do toga da je blistavi Leonardov um naslikao svoj autoportret. Vinenco Perua je 21. avgusta 1911. ukrao ovu sliku iz Luvra i iznio je sakrivenu ispod mantila. Nakon ovog skandala slika je zatiena neprobojnim staklom i moe se posmatrati sa rastojanja od tri metra. Posjetiocima se preporuuje da pou rano izjutra, jer deava se da ekanje bude dugo.

Da bi se obila postavka Luvra, koja se prostire na etiri sprata, treba i ivaca i snage za hodanje, i dosta entuzijazma. Uglavnom se savjetuje da se doe dan ranije i uzme mapa muzeja, koja se dijeli ispred jednog od tri ulaza. Na mapi su markirane oblasti obiljeene su postavke i muzejske atrakcije. Na taj nain mogue se unaprijed pripremiti, iako Luvr nije teak za snalaenje. Da bi se izbjegla guva, najbolje je sii na metro stanici Luvr Rivoli i podzemnim prolazom ui u muzej. Za to je potrebno samo trideset minuta ekanja. U suprotnom, ulazak iz dvorita podrazumijeva viesatno ekanje. Za ulaznicu treba izdvojiti osam i po eura. Radno vrijeme je od 9 h do 22 h svakog dana sem utorkom, kada je muzej zatvoren za posjetioce. Ulaznica poslije 18 h kota est eura. Zaista ne morate da budete ljubitelj umjetnosti i muzeja da biste shvatili kako je boravak u Parizu bez obilaska Luvra pravi grijeh.


Relax, play and entertainment


In romantic rocky bay of the Montenegrin Riviera, above the charming send beach, lays hotel Maestral. The name has been taken from the fresh aromatic wind that has been companion of that picturesque rocky coast through the summer months. It has been splashed by the warm sea of the south Adriatic, and leans on the mountain background, which through the wormiest days brings to the sunny coast the freshness of the spring. Hotel offers the high quality of 418 beds in 196 rooms and 18 apartments. All rooms have air condition, safe strongboxes, mini-bars, telephone, TV (possibility of Pay TV). Most of the rooms have the beautiful view on the sea and Internet access. Relaxing and recreation Maestral takes care about the moments of total relaxing. Guests of the hotel can use the advantages of the full wellness offer at one place. Different types of pools and sauna center with the Finland and infrared saunas, Roman and Turkish bathroom, cosmetic salon, medical and dentist center, bath massages, and more than anything, there is a great comfort that will bewitch you completely. In the gorgeous center of the traditional Thailand massage Sa Wann, we will pamper you with the most different types of massages. Play and entertainment Without the real and exited fun, there is not a real vacation. You can find it in the Maestrals playground that shines with the lights of the 130 slot machines, 3 electric roulettes, as well as American Rulette, Black Jack, Texas Holdem Poker, Midi Punto Banco and HIT Progressive Draw Poker tables. On the auditorium of spectacles Theatre you can see grand concerts, cabarets as well as many other entertainment programs. From 2010 we enhanced our entertainment offer through regular organization of poker tournaments. MAESTRAL Prno, 85315 Sveti Stefan Montenegro

Odmor, igra i zabava

U romantinom stjenovitom zalivu crnogorskog primorja, iznad ljupke pjeane plae, nalazi se potpuno obnovljeni hotel Maestral". Ime nosi po svjeem aromatinom vjetru koji je tokom ljetnih mjeseci stalni pratilac te slikovite stjenovite obale. Zapljuskuje ga toplo more junog Jadrana, a naslanja se na brdovito zalee koje i u najtoplijim mjesecima donosi svjeinu proljea. Hotel raspolae sa 418 leaja u 196 sobi i 18 apartmana najvie kategorije. Sve sobe su klimatizovane i imaju sef, mini-bar, telefon, televizor (mogunost Pay TV). Veina ima predivan pogled na more i pristup Internetu. Oputanje i rekreacija "Maestral" vodi brigu i o trenucima potpunog oputanja. Gosti hotela mogu da iskoriste prednosti kompletne wellness ponude na jednom mjestu. Razni bazeni i sauna centar sa finskom i infracrvenom saunom i turskim i rimskim kupatilom, kozmetiki salon, specijalni tretmani za podmlaivanje, estetska stomatoloka ordinacija, kupke sa masaom, a prije svega vrhunska udobnost, u potpunosti e vas oarati. U centru tradicionalne tajlandske masae "Sa Wann" moi ete da birate najrazliitije vrste masaa. Igra i zabava Bez prave, uzbudljive zabave nema ni odmora. Potraiete je u "Maestralovoj" igranici koja treperi svjetlima 130 automata za igru, 3 elektronska ruleta, stolova za ameriki rulet, midi punto banco, blek-dek, HIT-ov progresivni draw poker i Texas Holdem Poker. Na pozornici za priredbe moete vidjeti vrhunske koncerte, kabare i druge zabavne programe. Od 2010. godine obogatili smo nau ponudu redovnim organizovanjem poker turnira.


t +382 33 410 108, 410 109

montenegro airlines destination: paris

the largest and Best Known Museum in the World

You dont need to be a lover of art and museums in order to understand that it truly is a sin to visit Paris and not see Louvre. The museum possesses about 400,000 works of art, only one tenth of which is exhibited, and the estimate is that it would take a visitor five weeks to complete a thorough tour of the Louvre.

Text: Marija Pajovic he Louvre museum is one of the most beautiful monuments of humankind. It dates back to the late 12th century, when King Philippe Auguste erected a fortress on the location of the Square Courtyard (Cour Carre), which served as a royal residence, treasury and dungeon. In the 16th century, King Francois I decided to turn it into the Royal Court, the residence of the French kings. In the course of the 17th century, Cardinal Richelieu wished to remodel the palace for Louis XIV who, however, decided to erect a new court at Versailles outside Paris and to create a museum in this palace, housing the royal art collection. That was the time when the Louvre was Molieres theatre, in which the most prominent actors lived and performed. The greatest credit for turning the Louvre into an art museum goes to the French revolutionaries. In fact, the first public opening of the museum took place only one month after the execution of Marie Antoinette, on 8 November 1793, during the French Revolution, when the leaders of the Revolution decided to let the public enjoy the royal art collection, taken from the rulers palaces. As early as that year, 1793, Louvre had over 650 works of art; there were three Da Vincis, four Raphaels, and two Titians The revolution also led to a significant expansion of the museum collection, enriching it with exhibits from numerous churches and castles, after the expulsion of their owners. However, there was a drastic downturn in the late 18th century, and the Louvre became home to many squatter families, who even kept their cattle in its corridors. It was Napoleon who put an



end to this situation; he restored the palace and returned it to its former glory. In addition, he also decided that this would be the site for his wedding and within several years he had brought a large number of paintings and sculptures, spoils from his foreign conquests. Throughout its history, several prominent architects contributed to the building of the Louvre (Lescot, di Cerceau, Lemercier, Le Vau, Perrault, Visconti, Goujon and others). The museum boasts one of the richest art collections in the world. The palace consists of three wings: Richelieu, Sully, and Denon. The Denon wing is the most visited among them. The museum exhibition forms a long voyage of discovery encompassing thousands of years and different continents, from America to the borders of India and China. The exquisite museum collections are divided into several sections: ancient (Mesopotamian) antiquities, Greek, Roman antiquities, Middle Eastern, Egyptian antiquities, Renaissance and the new era. Many world famous masterpieces are kept here, such as the Venus de Milo, Da Vincis Mona Lisa, as well as the French Crown Jewels.

time, functional solution for the main entrance to the Louvre, through its bright and spacious interior. Even though it was first met with an avalanche of criticism, it is today something Parisians are very proud of. For the last four years, the annual number of visitors to the Louvre has exceeded eight million. Tourists from all over the world come to see the Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vincis famous masterpiece the Mona Lisa. This portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel is the subject of never ending arguments of who it really depicts. According to some, it is a young Florentine lady, Lisa Del Giocondo, although others believe that Leonardo actually painted a self-portrait. On 21 August 1911, a man named Vicenco Peruggia stole the painting from the Louvre, concealing it under his smock. After this scandal, the painting was given special protection, including unbreakable glass, and a restriction of access of no closer than 3 meters. Visitors wishing to see it are recommended to arrive early in the morning, because the queues can be very long. In order to tour the entire four floors of the Louvre exhibits, you need a lot of stamina as well as enthusiasm. The most sensible advice one gets before going to the Louvre is to arrive a day earlier and get a map of the museum that can be collected outside any of its three entrances. The map marks all the exhibitions, with small photos of their most notable attractions. In this way, you can prepare yourself in advance, and shorten the time of wandering aimlessly around the museum. By the way, it is not difficult to find your way around Louvre, and you will easily find what you want to see. To avoid the crowds, you should exit the Metro system at the Louvre-Rivoli station and enter the museum through a subterranean entrance. This method involves only 30 minutes of waiting. If not, be prepared to wait for hours, just to enter the museum. The price of the admission ticket is 8.50. It is open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day, except Tuesdays, when the museum is closed to the public. After 6 p. m, admission costs 6. You dont need to be a lover of art and museums in order to understand that it truly is a sin to visit Paris and not see Louvre.

Pride of the City of Light

The museum building, the former royal palace, is situated in the centre of Paris, on the banks of the River Seine. The central yard of the palace, which hosts a modern glass pyramid today, is positioned on the axis of Les Champs lyses and forms the heart of the city. Built in the shape of a horseshoe, the Louvre is the longest edifice in Europe, exceeding the length of three Eiffel towers, if placed one after the other on the ground. The museum has around 400,000 works of art, only one tenth of which is exhibited, and the estimate is that it would take a visitor five weeks to complete a thorough tour of the Louvre. In 1981, a decision was made to renovate the Louvre and display exhibits in the entire building. The then President of France, Francois Mitterrand, also commissioned a controversial embellishment. The architect Pei proposed the new feature in 1983 and, in 1989, the glass pyramid was opened: a daring and elegant building, of aluminium and stainless steel construction, reaching a height of 21 meters. It was a beautiful, simple, and at the same

avionom u postojbinu
Tekst: bratislav kokolj

desetak hiljada metara nad zemljom

Avion i let, ak i onaj krai, odlino su mjesto i vrijeme za ugodan razgovor. Jo kad imate sree da do vas sjedi zanimljiva linost! Ovog puta, letio sam sa Vojom Brajoviem, maestrom aktuelnog i ex-yu glumita

vion Montenegro Airlinesa, moda ba ovaj u kome ste udobno smjeteni, uobiajena dobrodolica strjuardese na letu BeogradPodgorica i prijatan basbariton gospodina do mene. Vidim poznato lice: Iguman Stefan i glavom i bradom! Glumac i gospodin: Voja Brajovi, naravno.

Ljubazno kaem: Vi se ne morate predstavljati, a ja sam ekajte, ekajte, prekida me pruajui ruku. Lik ne znam, ali pamtim glas: na radiju ste prenosili utakmiceVa me je glas prilino nervirao! Prenosili ste i utakmicu kad je Budunost tada u Prvoj ligi gubila!? Laknulo mi je: dakle, nije u pitanju kvalitet prenosa, ve glas ili to to je Budunost gubila. udo da to pamtite?! Odavno je, rekoh gotovo zbunjen.

Bilo je ovo ekspirovsko unoenje male zabune kod protivnika Vjerovatno ete kasnije u Kosi (kod Danilovgrada) ili u Budvu? Uslijedila je mala pauza sa oveseljenim smijehom barunastog basbaritona. Jeste, moram da obiem jo uvijek bistru i uvijek hladnu rijeku mog djetinjstva, Zetu, a potom u da provjerim je li mogue sunati se na okovoj kafe-terasi, na Jazu Dobro, no, nijeste valjda propustili ljetnje kupanje Ohooo, naravno da ne! Ali, kupam se ja i te kako u Beogradu svakog dana! U znoju lica i tijela svog! Moemo li koju o teatru? O ostvarenim i neostvarenim eljama Naravno, ali, odakle da ponem? Pa, recimo, sjeate li se Igumana Stefana... Ja bih o jednoj metafori s tim u vezi? Naravno Evo, ovako: jednom mi dooe stariji roaci iz Bjelopavlia i od njih dobih kompliment drai od svih pohvala teatarskih kritiara. Kau: Sluaj, Vojo, da je tvoj ed Vojislav bio u prilici da gleda Gorski vijenac i tebe ka igumana, e ne bi alio da umre prije etrdeste! Vrlo naki kompliment. Razumijem Vas. Neemo o nagradama i priznanjima. Radije o ulogama koja Vam je najdraa? Nemam najdrau. A jednu od milijih smo pomenuli. I Va sin je poao oevim stopama Zar Crnogorci ne kau e e kruka, no pod kruku? Tano A Va najvei, svejedno da li stvarni ili teatarski heroj? Nemam vam ja heroje imam heroinu! Moju divnu suprugu koja me trpi, voli, eka A ja po pozoritima, u filmovima, na televizijama. Na putovanjima i gostovanjima... Eto, godinama sa njom, najee bez nje. ta mogu gluma je moja sudbina! Glas stjuardese: Potovani putnici, slijeemo na aerodrom Golubovci. Molimo vas, veite pojaseve. Ovo je, naalost, znak za brzi kraj razgovora sa sluajnim saputnikom. Brajovi, kao da je uo moju misao, dodaje imitirajui stjuardesinu intonaciju i glas: Potovani putnici, zavravajte razgovore, ma kako ugodni, sluajni i nedovreni bili! Sletjeli smo i srdano se pozdravili. Iguman Stefan ode, svjestan da svi gledaju za njim. Dio glumake sudbine

By plane to the homeland

ten thoUsand meters above the sea level

Text: bratislav kokolj

Plane flight, even the shorter one, is a perfect place for a pleasant conversation. Plus if you are lucky enough that an interesting person sits next to you! This time, we fly with Vojo Brajovi, maestro of the actual and ex-Yugoslav stage.
ontenegro Airlines airplane, perhaps the one in which you are comfortably seated, usual stewardesss welcome on the flight Belgrade Podgorica and a friendly bass baritone of the gentleman next to me. I see a familiar face: The prior Stefan by his head and beard! The actor and gentleman: Voja Brajovi, of course. I say in a friendly tone: - You do not have to introduce yourself, and Im - Wait, wait, he breaks me giving his hand. I dont not know the face, but I remember the voice: you broadcasted the football matches on the radio Your voice was pretty irritating to me! You broadcasted the match in which Budunost then in the first division - lost!? I was relieved: that was, not the quality of the broadcast, or the voice, but the fact that Budunost lost. - Its a wonder that you remember?! It was long time ago, I said, almost embarrassed. - This was Shakespearean creating of a small confusion at the opponent... - Later, you will probably go to Kosi (near Danilovgrad) or Budva? There was a little break with merry laughter of velvety bass-baritone: -Yes, I have to visit Zeta, yet always clear and cold river of my childhood, and then Im going to check whether its possible to sunbathe on okos cafe terrace, at Jaz... - Well, you have not missed a summer swim I guess... - Ohooo, of course not! But I certainly can bathe in Belgrade every day! In the sweat of my face and body! - Can we talk a little about theater? The fulfilled and unfulfilled desires...

- Sure, but where should I start from? - Well, lets say, do you remember prior Stefan... - I would like to talk about a metaphor in this regard? - Sure... - Here, like this: once older relatives from Bjelopavlii came to me and from them I received a compliment more precious than praises of all theater critics. They say: Listen Vojo, if your grandfather Vojislav was able to watch The Mountain Wreath and you, as prior Stefan would not complain to die before the age of forty! - It sounds a very our compliment. I understand you. Well not talk about rewards and recognitions. Rather about roles - which is your favorite? - I do not have a favorite. And weve mentioned one of nicer. - And your son follows his fathers footsteps. - Dont Montenegrins say: Where the pear will go, but under the pear? - Right... And your greatest, whether real or theatrical hero? - I dont have a hero but a heroine! My lovely wife, who suffers, loves, waits for me... And Im in theaters... films, on television, on trips and tours. Well, for years with her, usually without her. What can I do - acting is my destiny! The flight attendants voice: Dear passengers, we are landing at the airport Golubovci. Please, fasten your seat belts. This is, unfortunately, a sign for the end of a quick conversation with random companion. Brajovi, as if he heard my thoughts, adds imitating flight attendants intonation and voice: Dear passengers, end your conversations, no matter how pleasant, and random they were. We landed and told warmly good buy to each other. The prior Stefan went, knowing that everyone was looking for him. A part of the actors destiny...

PROIZVODNJA: Majevika br. 18 Tel: + 382 20 262 277 81000 Podgorica Crna Gora

SHOW ROOM: Cetinjski put bb (preko puta Delta city-ja) Mob: +382 69 018 181 Tel: + 382 20 290 290

ljubav, vjera, nada ...

Tekst: stela Mikovi Fotografije: cNP arhiva

crnogorsko narodno pozorite

Ognjite, Reija: Blagota Erakovi, 1974.

Osnovna uloga nacionalnog teatra jeste promocija dramske batine, kulturnog nasljea i nacionalne dramaturgije. U doba globalizma, ini se veoma vanim posvetiti se tome. Meutim, ako uzmemo u obzir promjene koje nameu evropske integracije, shvatamo da je zadatak nacionalnog pozorita i da te promjene prati, te da u skladu sa njima mijenja repertoarsku politiku, redefinie misiju i odgovori savremenim trendovima

a nacionalni teatar Crnogorsko narodno pozorite, na svom ezdeset godina dugom putu, prolo je kroz niz promjena uslovljenih razliitim kulturnim, drutvenim, politikim i ekonomskim okolnostima. Prvo je moralo da uspostavi vezu sa tradicijom, a potom i da se distancira od iste; da uva identitet nae kulture, a da pri tome zahvati i novi teatarski izraz i pozabavi se pitanjima multukulturalizma i interkulturalizma. vie predstava koje su doivjele uspjeh kod kritike i publike. Blagota Erakovi i Nikola Vavi jesu reditelji koji obiljeavaju ovaj period. (Prvu postavku Njegoevog komada Lani car epan Mali 1969. godine uradio je Blagota Erakovi.) Osamdesete godine teatra prole su u nepovoljnim materijalnim, kadrovskim i prostornim uslovima i tek bi poneka predstava doivjela uspjeh. Na kraju tog perioda, 1989. godine, zgrada CNP-a izgorjela je u poaru i na taj nain onemoguen je normalan rad u narednih nekoliko godina. Ipak, i u takvim uslovima Crnogorsko narodno pozorite je, u iznajmljenim salama, uz kanjenja premijera, sa dobrovoljnim radom glumaca i reditelja, u znak zahvalnosti strpljenju publike, ipak opstalo sve do otvaranja nove zgrade 1997. godine. Period razvoja pozorita, od 1953. do 1997. godine, znaajan je jer se u njemu vide napori pozorinog drutva da okuplja i zadrava kadar u gotovo nemoguim uslovima za rad. Kroz prouavanje repertoarske politike i praenje repertoara, jasno se ogleda tenja uvoenja kvalitetnih dramskih tekstova na utrb onih tendenciozno nametnutih. Zbog raznih prepreka, repertoar je, ipak, uskraen za mnoga velika djela svjetske dramske literature. Ovaj period je znaajan i zbog poetka raskida sa tradicionalnim (u uem smislu), provincijalnim, lokalnim stilovima Premijerom predstave Gorski vijenac, P. P. Njegoa, u adaptaciji i reiji Branislava Miunovia, u novoj zgradi, 25. maja 1997. godine, poeo je novi ivot Crnogorskog narodnog pozorita. Ovo sasvim novo itanje Gorskog vijenca udarilo je temelje jednoj potpuno novoj etapi u razvoju ovog teatra kako je sam Miunovi rekao: dodir s duhom nove osjeajnosti evropske Crne Gore. Sa ovom predstavom Crnogorsko narodno pozorite osvojilo je znaajne nagrade na festivalima. Uslijedile su premijere koprodukcije, koje su dobro primljene od publike: Lani car epan Mali, P. P. Njegoa, u reiji D. Mijaa, Princeza Ksenija od Crne Gore i Montenegrini, autorski projekti R. Vojvodi, i Konte Zanovi, V. Sekulia, u reiji Radmile Vojvodi. Koprodukcije su dio novog imida Crnogorskog narodnog pozorita i oznaavaju interakciju razliitih nacionalnih kultura i njihov ivot na scenama izvan matine kulture. Povezivanje CNP-a sa pozoritima u zemljama regiona i ire, ostvareno je sa uspjehom, te je Crnogorsko narodno pozorite potpisalo protokole o saradnji sa svim nacionalnim teatrima bive Jugoslavije, a uestvovalo je na festivalima i gostovanjima i u Italiji, Albaniji, Njemakoj, Bugarskoj i Kolumbiji. Nastavljen je trend promovisanja savremenih crnogorskih pisaca. Osim navedenih tekstova Radmile Vojvodi, izvedena je drama Otpad, Ljubomira urkovia (reija Nick Upper), koja je nagraena na Sterijinom pozorju, a igrani su i komadi Stevana Koprivice, Mirka Kovaa, Veljka Radovia, Novaka Kilibarde, Milice Pileti, Vladimira Sekulia. O promovisanju mladih umjetnika sa cetinjskog Fakulteta dramskih umjetnosti, svjedoe i dva izvedena komada studenata prve generacije Odsjeka za dramaturgiju Lasice, Bojane Mijovi (reija Stevan Bodroa) i Dobra smrt, Vaska Raievia (reija Filip Grinvald), jedan od etiri teksta koji su dobro plasirali na prvom Konkursu za savremeni crnogorski dramski tekst. Na ovom konkursu pobijedila je Nataa Nelevi sa dramskim tekstom Jaja, premijerno izvedenim u martu 2012. godine u reiji Nicka Uppera. Afirmacija mladih umjetnika sa FDU ne zavrava se sa piscima. U CNPu ve dugi niz godina uspjeno stvaraju i mlade rediteljke Lidija Dedovi (Blie, Art Export, Antigona, Kve..) i Ana Vukoti (Beauty Queen, Don uan, Ljubav vjera nada, Ribarske svae...), a i dobar dio znatno obnovljenog glumakog ansambla upravo je sa Fakulteta dramskih umjetnosti. Misiju koju je sebi zadao obnovljeni Crnogorski nacionalni teatar nastavlja organizovanjem dva festivala. A Tempo muziki festival, osnovan 2001. godine, u poetku je bio

Crnogorsko narodno pozorite je prvu sezonu otvorilo 1. novembra 1953. godine premijerom komedije Ugaena ognjita, PetraPecija Petrovia. Kako bi se konstituisalo jedno ozbiljno i snano pozorite koje e zadovoljiti sve uslove i pretpostavke nacionalnog teatra, ukinuta su sva ostala profesionalna pozorita u Crnoj Gori (Cetinje, Niki, Kotor, Pljevlja) i Narodno pozorite je dobilo sasvim drugi i daleko vei znaaj. Time su mu nametnuti novi zadaci i obaveze prema irem podruju, a s druge strane morao se praviti kompromis sa publikom. Moralo se teiti prilagoavanju repertoara svim sredinama, a ishod tog prilagoenja bio je pozitivan samo utoliko to je doprinio omasovljavanju publike. Takoe, Narodnom pozoritu je time nametnut karakter putujueg pozorita. Ovakav poloaj pozorita izazivao je strah od inovacija i definitivno ograniavao istraivanje novih teatarskih formi. Uz sve to, tadanja vlast je diktirala pozoritu poloaj i ulogu u drutvu, pa su zabrane i cenzura bile realnost. Znaajan iskorak Crnogorskog narodnog pozorita iz domae sredine bila je premijera predstave Gorski vijenac, po dramskom spjevu najveeg crnogorskog pjesnika romantizma, Petra II Petrovia Njegoa, u adaptaciji i reiji reditelja Nikole Vavia, u Zagrebu decembra 1960, a u ast stogodinjice Hrvatskog narodnog kazalita. Vano je istai da su Njegoeva djela u raznim dramaturko-rediteljskim obradama kontinuirano prisutna na sceni nacionalnog teatra. U skladu s tim, namjera je bila da se stvara kvalitetan repertoar od najboljih djela nacionalne knjievnosti. Sve ove aktivnosti pratili su veliki finansijski problemi, a koji e usloviti i probleme sa kadrom sve vie glumaca naputalo je ansambl. Kraj ezdesetih i poetak sedamdesetih godina oznaila je neto drugaija i povoljnija klima. Ta sezona je poela u renoviranom zdanju pozorita, sa novim upravnikom Vladom Popoviem i sa obnovljenim glumakim ansamblom. Tada je pozorite dobilo sadanji naziv Crnogorsko narodno pozorite. U tom periodu se teilo oslobaanju teatra krute ljuture institucionalizma i izvedeno je

okrenut domaem izvoatvu, promociji mladih umjetnika, posveivan je muzici za pojedine instrumente ili filmskoj muzici, da bi se zatim usmjerio ka festivalu sa irom koncepcijom koja obuhvata gotovo sve muzike anrove. Vaan segment festivala jeste njegova vlastita produkcija, to je u uslovima nepostojanja profesionalnih muzikih institucija u Crnoj Gori imalo poseban znaaj. Pored crnogorskih, na festivalu su nastupali ugledni umjetnici i ansambli iz mnogih evropskih zemalja. Festival crnogorskog teatra odrava se bijenalno i predstavlja presjek godinje produkcije pozorinih institucija i nezavisnih projekata i kao takav popularie najbolja dostignua ostvarena u pozorinoj umjetnosti. Festival crnogorskog teatra je prva zvanina nacionalna manifestacija koja prezentuje produkciju i koprodukciju crnogorskih pozorita u festivalskoj takmiarskoj formi. Festival ukljuuje: Glavnu selekciju, Selekciju plus i Selekciju off. Pratei program ine razliiti sadraji, razgovori, predavanja, promocije, prezentacije. Bitan segment prateeg programa jeste i Okrugli sto medija i kritike, uz uee bitnih protagonista predstava. Festival crnogorskog teatra je takmiarskog karaktera. Ove godine nagraeni su: Radmila Vojvodi, za najbolju predstavu (Konte Zanovi, V. Sekulia), Lidija Dedovi, za najbolju reiju (Enciklopedija izgubljenog vremena, Slobodana najdera), Sran Grahovac za najbolju muku, a Nada Vukevi za najbolju ensku ulogu, Kristina Stevovi i Mio Obradovi za najbolji glumaki par, i Jelena Simi za najbolju epizodnu ulogu. U Selekciji off (nezavisna produkcija) nagradu je dobio Duan Kovaevi za predstavu Maado, Gorana etkovia, a mladi reditelj Veljko Miunovi dobio je nagradu u Selekciji plus za predstavu Nesporazum, Albera Kamija.

Nedugo poto je Crnogorsko narodno pozorite nastavilo svoj ivot kao vaan centar kulturnih zbivanja u Crnoj Gori, promovisana su, novembra 1998. godine, prva izdanja naeg nacionalnog teatra. Ova karakteristina izdavaka djelatnost nastala je kroz zamisao da pozorina umjetnost u Crnoj Gori treba da bude organizovanije praena i izuavana, a sve u cilju da se scenski kreativni in sauva od zaborava i da se svijest o znaaju pozorita i na ovaj nain potvrdi, a teatar dodatno priblii publici. Ustanovljene su etiri edicije: Premijera, Zetski dom, Dramska batina i Nagraene drame. Prvog novembra 1998. godine promovisan je Dan Crnogorskog nacionalnog teatra i ustanovljene su dvije nagrade CNP-a: Velika nagrada CNP-a, koja je ove godine pripala Dagici Tomas, i Godinja nagrada CNP-a, koju su dobili aklina Otir, Mio Obradovi Duan Kovaevi. Zahvalnica CNP-a dodijeljena je britanskom savjetu za realizaciju edukativnog programa Razvoj publike, a stipendija je dodijeljena Lenki orojevi. Tokom sveanosti u CNP-u, mladom dramskom piscu Vasku Raieviu uruena je, za dramu Kalina process, nagrada Konkursa nacionalnog teatra za savremeni domai dramski tekst. Prvog novembra 2013. godine Crnogorsko nacionalno pozorite proslavie svoj ezdeseti roendan. Slavie uspjeno ispunjenu misiju, kulturnu politiku koja je omoguila internacionalizaciju, meunarodnu saradnju, paljivo profilisanje repertoara, a samim tim i publike, slave inovativnost, otvorenost i spremnost na istraivanje, na neprestano usavravanje i traenje novih formi, a opet u nastojanju ouvanja nacionalnog identiteta i integriteta.

Inspired by the miraculous god-given beauty of Montenegro a complete new town is being developed in Lutica Bay, Tivat. Find out more about the authentic architecture, the state-of-the-art-marinas, the Gary Player designed 18 hole golf course and how you could become a part of the Magic of Montenegro.

Malograani, Reija: Paolo Maeli, 2001.


love, faith, hope ...

Text: stela Mikovi Photography: Montenegrin National theatre archive

montenegrin national theatre

The primary role of the national theatre is to promote the national drama heritage, cultural heritage and national dramaturgy. In the era of globalization, dedication to it seems very important, however, if we take into consideration the changes imposed by the European integration, we understand that the task of the national theatre is also to monitor such changes, and accordingly adjust the repertory policy, redefine the mission and respond to modern trends.
n its sixty-years-long path, our National Theatre Montenegrin National Theatre, has passed through a series of changes caused by a variety of cultural, social, political and economic circumstances. First, it had to establish a connection with the tradition, and then to disavow from it; to protect the identity of our culture, by taking hold also a new theatrical expression and deal with the issues of multiculturalism and interculturalism. The Montenegrin National Theatre opened its first season in November 1953, by premiere of comedy Died out families by Petar-Pecija Petrovi. In order to be established a serious and powerful theatre complying with all terms and conditions of the national theatre, all other professional theatres in Montenegro (Cetinje, Niki, Kotor, Pljevlja) were close down and he National Theatre became completely different and far more important. Thus, new duties and obligations to the wider area were imposed, on the other hand, a compromise with the audience had to be done. Long time was necessary for adapting the repertoire in all environments, and the outcome of this adjustment was positive only insofar as it contributed to the spreading of audience. Also, in such a way, the character of traveling theatre was imposed to the National Theatre. Such position of the theatre provoked fears of innovation and definitely limited the exploration of new theatrical forms. In addition, the former authority forced on the theatres position and role in society, so prohibition and censorship were reality. A significant step forward of the Montenegrin National Theatre from the domestic environment was the premiere of The Mountain Wreath, dramatic based upon the poem by the greatest Montenegrin Romanticism poet, Petar II Petrovi Njego, adapted and directed by director Nikola Vavi, in Zagreb in December 1960, on the occasion of the centenary of the Croatian National Theatre. It is important to point out that Njegoeva works, have been continuously present on the national theatre scene, in various dramaturgical-directorial remakes. Accordingly, the intention was to create a quality repertoire consisting of the best national literature works. All these activities were followed by major financial problems, resulting in staff problems - more and more actors were leaving the ensemble.

Defence and the last days Directed by Branislav Miunovi, 1985

The end of the sixties and beginning of the seventies marked a somewhat different and more favorable climate. That season started in a renovated theatre building, with the new director Vlado Popovi and renewed actors ensemble. Then the theatre was given its present name Montenegrin National Theatre. Aspiration during that period was freeing it from hard shell of institutionalism and several performances were done that experienced success with critics and audiences. Directors that characterize this period are Blagota Erakovi and Nikola Vavi. (The first setting of Njegos drama Fake Tzar epan Mali was done by Blagota Erakovi in 1969). The eighties were for the theatre years of unpleasant financial, personnel, and spatial situation and only occasional successful theatrical performances. At the end of that period, year 1989, CNP (Montenegrin National Theatre) building was destroyed in the fire and thus the normal functioning of the theatre during the next few years was made impossible. However, in such circumstances, the CNP yet survived, in rented rooms, with late premieres, volunteer work of actors and directors, as sign of gratitude to the patience of the audience, until the opening of new building in 1997. Theatre development period from 1953 to 1997 is significant owning to visible efforts of a theatre company to gather and retain the staff in almost impossible conditions for the work. The wish of introducing high-quality plays at the expense of those intentionally imposed is clearly reflected based upon repertoire policy study and tracking the repertoire. However, due to various obstacles, repertoire was deprived of many great works, of the world dramatic literature. This period is also significant because here begins the process of breaking with the traditional (in the narrow sense), provincial, local styles... On the 25th May 1997, began a new life of the Montenegrin National Theatre, in the new building, by the premiere of the Mountain Wreath by P.P. Njego, adapted and directed by Branislav Micunovic,. This quite new staging of the The Mountain Wreath laid the foundations for a completely new phase in the development of this theatre- as Miunovi himself said: Contact with the spirit of a new sensibility of the European Montenegro. With this theatrical performance, CNP has won major awards at festivals. This was followed by the co- production premieres, well received by the audience: Fake Tzar epan Mali by P.P. Njego, directed by D. Mija, Princess Xenia of Montenegro and Montenegrins, author projects by R. Vojvodi and V. Conte Zanovi by V. Sekuli, directed by Radmila Vojvodi. Co-productions are part of the new image of the Montenegrin National Theatre designating interaction of different national cultures and their life on stages outside their home culture. Connection of the CNP with theatres in the region and beyond was achieved with success, and CNP signed protocols on cooperation with all national theatres of the former Yugoslavia, and participated in festivals and tours in Italy, Albania, Germany, Bulgaria and Colombia. The trend towards the promotion of contemporary Montenegrin writers was continued. In addition to these texts of Radmila Vojvodi, drama Waste by Ljubomir urkovi (directed by Nick Upper) awarded at Sterijino pozorje, was performed, but also plays by Stevan Koprivica, Mirko Kova, Veljko Radovi, Novak Kilibarda, Milica Pileti, Vladimir Sekuli, were performed. Two realized dramas of first-generation students of the Department of

Princess Xenia of Montenegro Directed by Radmila Vojvodi, 1994

Dramatic Lasice-Ferrets by Bojana Mijovi (directed by Stevan Bodroa) and a Good Death by Vasko Raievi (directed by Philip Greenwald), one of the four well-placed texts in the first Contest of contemporary Montenegrin dramas, also testify promotion of young artists from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts Cetinje. This contest was won by Nataa Nelevi with the dramatic text Jaja, premiered in March 2012, directed by Nick Upper. Promotion of young artists from the FDA is not exhausted with the writers. For many years in the CNP have been successfully creating and directing the young theatre directors: Lidija Dedovi (Blie-Closer, Art Export, Antigone, Kve...) and Ana Vukoti (Beauty Queen, Don Juan, Vjera Nada Ljubav-Faith Hope Love, Ribarske svae-Fishermen Quarrels...); and a good part of the significantly restored ensemble comes just from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. Renewed Montenegrin National Theatre continues the mission assigned to itself through the realization of two festivals: A Tempo - Music Festival, founded in 2001, was initially characterized by domestic performers, promoting young artists, with music of a particular instrument or film music devotion, to be directed toward the broader concept festival including almost all music genres. An important segment of the festival is its own production that in the absence of professional music institutions in Montenegro was particularly important. Besides Montene43

grin, at the festival performed renowned artists and groups from many European countries. Montenegrin Theatre Festival is held biennially representing the annual production of theatre institutions and independent projects, promoting as such the best achievements in theatre arts. Montenegrin Theatre Festival is the first national official event presenting productions and co-productions of Montenegrin theatres in the competition form. The festival includes the Main Selection, Selection Plus and Selection Off. The accompanying program consists of various activities, discussions, lectures, promotions and presentations. An important segment of it is the roundtable of media and critics, with the participation of important protagonist of the theatrical performance. Montenegrin Theatre Festival is competitive by its character. This year, the winners were: Radmila Vojvodi, best performance (V. Conte Zanovi by V. Sekuli); Lidija Dedovi, best director (Enciklopedija izgubljenog vremena-Encyclopedia of wasted time, by Slobodan najder), Sran Grahovac, best male role, and Nada Vukevi, best female role; Kristina Stevovi and Mio Obradovi, best actors couple and Jelena Simi, best supporting role. In the Selection Off (independent production) winner was Duan Kovaevi for the performance Machado, by Goran etkovi, a young director Veljko Miunovi won the award in the Selection Plus for the performance Misunderstanding by Albert Camus. In November 1998, shortly after the National Theatre continued to exist as an important center of cultural activities in Montene-

gro, the first editions of our national theatre were published. This characteristic publishing activity was created based upon the idea that the Theatre Arts in Montenegro should be monitored and studied on more organized way, all in order to preserve the scenic creative act from the oblivion by additional confirming awareness of importance of the theatre and bringing it closer to the audience. Four editions: Premiere, Zetski dom, Dramatic heritage and Rewarded dramas, were established. On the November 1998, was declared the day of Montenegrin national theatre and two CNP awards established: CNP Grand Prix which this year went to Dragica Tomas, and CNP Annual Award, won by aklina Otir, Mio Obradovi and Duan Kovaevi. CNP Acknowledgements was awarded to the British Council for the implementation of educational program Audience development, a scholarship to Lenka orojevi. During the ceremony at the CNP award of the national theatre competition for contemporary domestic drama, text was delivered to a young drama writer Vasko Raievi, for drama Kalina process. On November the 1th 2013, Montenegrin National Theatre shall celebrate its sixtieth birthday. It will celebrate the successfully completed mission, cultural policy that allowed the internationalization, international cooperation, careful composed repertoire and therefore the audience, shall celebrate the innovation, openness and willingness to explore, to continuous improvement and the searching for new forms, and again in an effort to preserve national identity and integrity.

The Mountain Wreath, Directed by Branislav Miunovi, 1997

skriveno U peini

crVena stijena
Tekst i fotografije: doc. dr goran barovi

Speleoloke odnosno arheoloke tajne udesne Crvene stijene pohranjene su u trideset i dva sloja, duboko u Zemljinoj utrobi svaki od slojeva je dokaz o dugom trajanju ljudske naseobine i tek treba da nam otkriju kako su ivjeli neandertalci i kako ih je naslijedio na bliski roak homo sapiens

peleoloki objekat Crvena stijena nalazi se na zapadnom obodu nikike optine, u rejonu Oputnih Rudina, na samoj granici sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom. Ime je dobila po visokoj i strmoj litici ija je boja rezultat oksidacije krenjaka i njegovih primjesa tokom duge geoloke istorije. Ulaz u peinu nalazi se na oko 700 m nadmorske visine i okrenut je ka jugu. Kao sa probranog vidikovca, sa ulaza puca pogled na dolinu rijeke Trebinjice i Bileko jezero, dodue vjetako. No, to ne remeti utisak da su i pradavni stanovnici ovog podruja umjeli odabrati mjesto za ivot. Ulaz u peinu visok je impozantnih 25 metara i jednako je irok. Do njega se lako stie pjeakom stazom. Od ulaza ka unutranjosti peina je prohodna cijelom duinom (dvadesetak metara), ali se do njenog za sada najdubljeg istraenog dijela, silazi niz metalne stepenice koje su privrene za zid peine tokom ranijih istraivakih pohoda. Geoloki, Crvena stijena je izuzetno zanimljiva i ona je, svakako, najpoznatija i najvanija peina u Crnoj Gori. Ali, njenoj atraktivnost doprinosi arheoloka vrijednost: do sada utvreni slojevi imaju debljinu od po 20 do 30 metara, i u njima su pronaeni oigledni tragovi ivota, potvrde njenog dugog trajanja kao stanita, zbog ega se uporeuje sa lokalitetom El Castillo u paniji. U periodima kada je nastanjivana, ova peina je, oigledno, omoguavala dobre uslove. Orijentacija ulaza prema jugu, zatienost od hladnih sjevernih vjetrova, izvori vode u blizini, raskone ume bogate i ogrijevom i ivotinjama za lov, omoguavali su njenim tadanjim stanovnicima siguran boravak i neophodnu stabilnost za ivot.

Istraivanja ovog lokaliteta zapoela su tokom ezdesetih godina minulog vijeka. Sa prekidima su potrajala i narednih decenija, da bi se nakon 2006. godine i laika interesovanja za tajne ove peine i arheoloka istraivanja pojaala i uozbiljila. Istraivai su do sada utvrdili postojanje 32 sloja, a svaki sloj je specifian jer je nastajao pod jedinstvenim, odreenim uslovima. Zato je svaki sloj zasebna teritorija u kojoj se boravilo, ivjelo, trajalo. Arheolozi su utvrdili da Crvena stijena predstavlja jedno od najveih i najznaajnijih svjetskih nalazita iz vremena paleolita. Staro kameno doba, paleolit, jedno je od veoma vanih perioda u razvitku ljudske civilizacije, te e analiza arheolokih tragova i otkria na ovom lokalitetu, znaajno rasvijetliti ivot tadanjeg ovjeka. Oekuje se da e i izuavanje smjene odreenih slojeva, omoguiti i sagledavanje uslova za pojavu i ivot homo sapiensa, naeg najblieg pretka, na ovim prostorima. Kako je ivio, kako se hranio, branio, opstajao...? Sve su to pitanja na koja, barem dijelom, mogu odgovoriti arheolozi kroz istraivanje Crvene stijene. Zbog toga je Crvena stijena veoma zanimljiva i privlana arheolozima iz svih krajeva svijeta. Prema navedenom, ne udi to je ovaj speloloki objekat postao interesantan i kao turistiki motiv. Ranije je, zbog udaljenosti od vanijih turistikih pravaca, Crvena stijena esto ostajala po strani. Izgradnja moderne saobraajnice PljevljaabljakNikiRisan, omoguila je da svi sa makar malo avanturistikog duha u sebi, lako stignu do crvene litice i zavire u njene, i bukvalno, duboke tajne. Posebno zbog toga to dubina do koje su arheolozi istraivai do sada stigli ni sluajno nije konana.


crVena stijena

hidden in a cave

layman interests and archaeological researches have became stronger and more serious. Researchers have revealed the presence of 32 layers, so far, and each layer is unique because it was created under exceptional, specific conditions. Therefore each layer is a separate territory where people stayed, lived, lasted. Archaeologists have established that Crvena stijena is one of the largest and most important sites from the Paleolithic times. Paleolith, the Old Stone Age, is a very important period in the development of human civilization, and the analysis of archaeological traces and discoveries on the site, significantly light up former human life. It is expected that the study of the modifications of certain layers, will allow understanding conditions for the occurrence and life of homo sapiens, our closest ancestor, in this region. How he lived, fed, defended himself, survived? These are all questions that, at least in part, could be responded by the

archaeologists researching Crvena Stijena. Therefore, Crvena stijena is a very interesting and attractive to archaeologists from all over the world. Taking into account the above, no wonder that this speleological site has become also interesting as a tourist motive. Previously, because of the distance from the main tourist routes Crvena Stijena was often left on the sidelines. The construction of modern road Pljevlja- abljak - Niki - Risan, that everyone possessing even a little adventurous temperament in itself, can easily reach the red cliff and peep into her, also literally speaking, deep secrets. Especially due to the fact that the depth to which the archeologists-explorers arrived so far, by no means is final.

Text and Photography: doc. dr. goran barovi

Speleological or archaeological mysteries of amazing Crvena stijena (Red Rock), are stored deep in the earths womb in thirty-two layers- each them is evidence of long lasting human habitation and have yet to discover us how Neanderthals lived and how our close relative homo sapiens succeeded them.

peleological site Crvena stijena is located on the western edge of the municipality of Niki, in the region of Oputne Rudine, on the very border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is named after the high and steep cliff whose color is the result of oxidation of limestone and its impurities during the long geological history. The entrance to the cave is about 700 meters above sea level and is facing south. From the entrance as from exquisite gazebo is seen a view to the valley of the river Trebinjica and truly artificial, Lake Bilea. But that does not disturb the impression that the ancient inhabitants of the area, knew how to pick a place to live. The entrance to the cave is imposing 25 meters tall and equally wide. It is easily reached by footpath. Cave is passable throughout the length (about twenty meters ) from the entrance to the interior, but its deepest so far excavated part, can be reached down the metal stairs attached to its wall during earlier research expeditions.

Geologically, Crvena stijena is very interesting and certainly the best known and most important cave in Montenegro. Its attractiveness is stressed by the archaeological value: so far identified layers have a thickness of 20 to 30 meters, and obvious signs of life were found in them, witnessing its long life as a habitat, therefore it is comparable with the locality El Castillo in Spain. At times when it was inhabited, this cave obviously allowed good conditions. The orientation of the entrance to the south, sheltering from the cold north winds, close water sources, luxuriant forests rich with fuel and animals for hunting, allowed to its former inhabitants very safe stay and necessary stability for life. Researches on this site began in the sixties of the last century. They lasted for decades, with some breaks and after 2006 also

gitarista naeg doba!

Tekst: tijana jovovi Fotografije: Arhiva

milo karadagli

Dovoljno je rei Milo, i na Ostrvu e odmah znati da govorite o Podgorianinu Milou Karagaliu, jednom od najeminentnijih mladih umjetnika dananjice. Hes known by just his first name pie u britanskom Telegrafu u tekstu koji ga opisuje kao novog heroja klasine gitare

Kada govori o instrumentu koji je obiljeio njegov ivot, Karadagli istie: Od svih instrumenata gitara je najpristupaniji instrument. Bilo da je klasina gitara, elektrina, akustina ili dez, bila ona sa plastinim ili metalnim icama, ili je svirate trzalicom, vrhovima prstiju ili noktima, ona ostaje najpopularniji instrument na svijetu, i obraa se svima. Ona svojim zvukom stvara nove izazove, pomjera granice anrova i slavi sve jedinstveno kada je muzika u pitanju.

na svijetu, i da mu je ponuena stipendija. Ostalo je u ovom sluaju nije fraza istorija! Postaje student najboljih profesora i pedagoga Velike Britanije, a svoju strast upotpunie vrhunskom tehnikom, prefinjenim tonom, besprijekornim repertoarima, ali i scenskim ponaanjem i personalitetom koji s lakoom i posve prirodno osvaja i one kojima klasina muzika nije omiljeno tivo na nosaima zvuka... Gotovo nenametljivo, a opet beskrajno armantno i rafinirano, Karadagli traga za jedinstvenim i prepoznatljivim stilom i izrazom, koji e sasvim brzo osvojiti i najrazmaeniju publiku u prestinim salama Berlina, Londona, Pariza, a od ove jeseni i Toronta i ikaga, na njegovoj svjetskoj turneji, koja je pored Amerike i Azije obuhvatila i Australiju. Da, do daljnjega Milo Karadagli je jedini Crnogorac koji je potpuno sam na sceni ispunio etiri hiljade mjesta (do posljednjeg) u slavnom londonskom Royal Albert holu, ostavivi ugledne britanske muzike kritiare da se utrkuju hvalama i pohvalama kada je njegovo sviranje u pitanju. Ne proputa Karagadli ni u najveim trenucima slave da pomene Crnu Goru kao stalnu inspiraciju i motivaciju za svoj rad, ne zaboravlja da su najvea nadahnua upravo u prostoru koji je utkan u njegove gene i emocije i temperament. Znaju to svi koji su na posljednjem festivalu A tempo sluali njegovo izvoenje Rodrigovog uvenog Aranjueza, u pratnji Crnogorskog simfonijskog orkestra, na Velikoj sceni Crnogorskog narodnog pozorita. Salve aplauza i ovacija doekale su njegovu lijepu pojavu im se poklonio svojoj publici u svom gradu..., kao emocija koju ne dijelite sa svakim, kao intima i tradicija koja se njeguje i uva i kada je svaki susret samo produetak vrste veze koju ovaj umjetnik ima sa crnogorskom publikom i svojom dravom..., za koju se zahvaljujui njemu zna kao za mediteransku domovinu jednog od najboljih gitarista dvadeset prvog stoljea...

edan od glavnih (i divnih) razloga za to je album Mediterraneo i fenomenalno odsvirane kompozicije Tarege, Albeniza, Granadosa, i drugih velikih imena i majstora klasine gitare, koje je ovaj dvadesetosmogodinjak snimio za ugledni Deutsche Gramophon, a za interpretacije dobio i prestini Classic Brit Award 2012.

A sve je, ipak, poelo, gotovo sluajnim pronalaskom stare, pranjave gitare u sobi Miloevih roditelja, koja ga je na prvi pogled ubijedila da mora postati muziar. Gitarista naeg doba! Upis u podgoriku muziku kolu Vasa Pavi bio je samo zvanini poetak jednog divnog prijateljstva izmeu mladog Karadaglia, klinca koji, po sopstvenom priznanju, u to doba nije bio previe vjet u fudbalu, i instrumenta koji, kako sam kae, u njegovoj zemlji nema znaajnu tradiciju kada je klasina gitara u pitanju... Kako god, on svoje uspjehe poinje kao jedanaestogodinjak osvajanjem nacionalnih nagrada, da bi sa punih esnaest snimio sopstveno izvoenje dijela tadanjeg (kolskog) repertoara i video-traku poslao Kraljevskoj akademiji u Londonu. Kako je odgovor dugo ekao, podgoriki tinejder je mislio da je trud bio uzaludan. No, nakon to e i telefonom provjeriti ta se desilo sa snimkom, saznaje da mu je poslato pismo u kojem ga informiu da je primljen na najprestiniju muziku akademiju

Pored albuma Mediteraneo Karadagli je 2012. godinu obiljeio albumom Latino, za ije stvaranje kae da je jedno od najljepih iskustava u njegovoj karijeri. Rad na Latinu bio je veoma intenzivan, s obzirom na to da sam imao jako ispunjen raspored nastupa i snimanja, ali uvjerio sam se da uvijek izvlaim najbolje iz sebe kada stvaram pod pritiskom. Snimili smo CD u predivnoj maloj crkvi sa perfektnom akustikom. Bila je hladna engleska zima, ali muzika je bila puna vreline, i ponosan sam na postignuti rezultat. Ponosan sam na Latino zato to zaista odslikava ko sam ja, kao umjetnik i kao osoba

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milo karadagli

a modern-age guitarist! o
You just need to say Milo, and the British will immediately know youre talking about the Podgorica-born Milo Karadagli, one of the most eminent young artists of today. Hes known just by his first name, says the Telegraph in an article that describes him as the new hero of classical guitar.

By: tijana jovovi

ne of the main reasons for that is his album Mediterraneo, and his fantastic performances of works by Tarrega, Albeniz, Granados, and other great names of classical guitar whose pieces this 28 year-old recorded for the prestigious Deutsche Grammophon, and won a prestigious Classic Brit Award for them as well. Yet, it all started with an almost accidental discovery of an old, dusty guitar in his parents room, which instantly convinced him that he was to become a musician. A modern-age guitarist! Joining the local Music School Vasa Pavi was just an official start of a wonderful friendship between a kid who, as he admits, really couldnt play any football, and an instrument which, doesnt have any significant history in my country when it comes to classical guitar, says Milo. His early successes were rewards in national competitions as an 11 year-old, then, at the age of sixteen, he recorded his interpretation of his school repertoire at the time, and sends the video tape to the Royal Academy of Arts in London. The answer didnt arrive for a while, so the teenager from Podgorica thought his efforts were worthless. However, after he would telephone the Academy to find out what happened with the tape, he is told that he was sent a letter, which says that hes been accepted to the most prestigious academy in the world, and that hes been offered a scholarship. The rest is-here its really not clich-history! He becomes a student of Great Britains finest professors and pedagogues, and will complement his passion with supreme technique, sophisticated tone, impeccable repertoire, but also with behavior on stage and a personality that, easily and completely naturally, wins over even those who dont have classical music as their favorite reading on their sound carriers. Almost unobtrusively, yet extremely charming and refined, Karadagli searches for a unique and recognizable style and expression, which will soon enough win over even the most spoiled of audiences in the prestigious halls of Berlin, London, Paris, and from this fall, Toronto, Chicago, in his world tour that includes Australia as well as Asia and America. Yes, until further notice Milo remains the only Montenegrin to fill out the famous Royal Albert Hall, with its 4000 seats, this autumn, leaving respectable British critics competing in superlatives when it comes to describing his performance. Even in moments of his greatest fame and glory, Milo doesnt miss the opportunity to mention Mon-

tenegro as an all-time inspiration and motivation for his work, he doesnt forget that the greatest inspirations are right there, in the space thats deep in his genes, his emotions and his temperament. That is a known fact to everybody who listened to his performance of Rodrigos famous Aranjuez, at the last A tempo Festival in Podgorica, with the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra, on stage of the Montenegrin National Theatre. Ovations and rounds of applause welcomed his handsome appearance, as soon as he bowed to his audience, in his hometown. This was an encounter full of emotions thats not shared with everybody, an intimacy and tradition that is cared for and nurtured, every encounter just shows a strong relationship this young artist has with his Montenegrin audience and his country, a country famous for being the Mediterranean homeland of one of the finest guitarists of the 21st century.

When he speaks of the instrument that has marked his life, Karadagli points out that: The guitar is the most accessible of all the classical instruments. Whether its classical, electric, acoustic or jazz, with plastic or metal strings, played by plectrum, fingertips or nails, the guitar is the most popular instrument in the world, and it speaks to everybody. Its sound challenges boundaries of genres and celebrates everything unique about music.

Apart from the album Mediterraneo Karadagli has marked 2012, in this context with another album, Latino, and describes recording it as one of the best experiences of his professional life. It was also very intense - the schedule was almost impossible to manage. But somehow, I always get the best result out of myself when Im on the edge. We recorded the CD in a perfect little church with gorgeous acoustics. It was a cold winter in England, but the music was hot and Im so proud of the results. Im proud of the Latino because it is true to who I am as and artist and a person today.


PODGORICA, Njego 16 eva BuDvA, Mediteranska 8, TQ Plaza BuDvA, Slovenska obala 11

PODGORICA - Trg Svetog Petra Cetinjskog BuDvA - Slovenska obala 11, Mediteranska 8 - TQ Plaza

priam ti priU

ilo je neeg neoekivano omamljujueg u tom mirisu: nemam rafiniran nos i ne razumijem se u esencije, ulja i arome, te me njemu nije privuklo nita od toga. omama je bila u neemu drugom, samo nikako nisam mogao da se sjetim: u emu? kada je otkopala kaput i razmakla njegove revere da bi ga polako skinula, blago je mahnula glavom i kosa je oslobodila okovratnik tada se rairio taj neoekivani miris i potpuno je zaposjeo cijeli prostor. bila je to zanimljiva ena, vie elegantna nego lijepa, ali ta njena elegancija inila ju je vrlo privlanom. vjerovatno ste sretali takve ene: one nenametljivo ali sigurno ostavljaju utisak na sve sa kojima se upoznaju. kao da su maloprije sile sa nekog mekog i veoma istog i urednog oblaka, takve ene povremeno prou naim ulicama, koraaju svojim tankim nogama i jo tanjim potpeticama, izazivaju znatielju, rjee poudu i obavezno ostavljaju za sobom poseban, lijep miris. ponekad, takva ena zaluta i u kancelarije ministarstava gdje

pie: nada bukili ilustracija: gavrilo miroti govorila, inio je da se spor doima kao sluaj od posebne vanosti. ne samo po nju ili nau optinu nego, sva je prilika, po nacionalnu bezbjednost! taj nain izlaganja navodio me je da se zbilja pozabavim ovim stranim problemom. meutim, blijeda boja koe na njenim zglobovima i duga tanka nadlanica, nisu mi to doputali. e, sad, da ste me u tom trenutku pitali zato mi se sve to deava, ne bih vam nita pametno mogao kazati! za mene je sve bilo neobjanjivo, i ti tanki prsti i ta njena koa, ba kao i onaj malopreanji neoekivani miris. zar ne uoavate koliko je ova situacija... mislim... runa, upita me ena, ozbiljno me gledajui pravo u oi?

bi drugo? nee, valjda, na pijacu?! ili u kancelarije optinske administracije, poput dame koja je, kako rekoh, dola k meni. Uzeh joj kaput i odnesoh ga do iviluka kraj vrata. Usput, pazei da ena ne primijeti moj vie nego udan gest, omirisah jo jednom njegove revere. da, mirisalo je jednako lijepo, ali utisak mi bijae mnogo slabiji. koncentrii se, posavjetovah sebe, popravih kravatu dok sam jo bio za eninim leima i potom, hvatajui poluluk oko runog kancelarijskog stola, zauzeh svoje mjesto referenta za pritube graana. ona poe objanjavati svoj problem. ve je pripremila papire koje mi je htjela pokazati, spisak nekih imena i telefonskih brojeva, kao i ugovor koji je imala sa naom optinom. tankim prstima je okretala stranice i nastavljala iznositi svoj sluaj, ali ja, ve nakon pet-est reenica, nita nisam ni sluao, ni razumio. shvatio sam tek to da se radi o nekakvom banalnom sporu koji sam mogao i sm da rijeim bez mijeanja viih instanci. ali, nain na koji je ova ena o tome

svakako, svakako, potvrdih bre-bolje. ba runa i zato emo je to prije rjeavati oh, to bi bilo divno, obradova se ena i pokloni mi jedan vrlo lijep, zahvalni osmjeh. izgleda da nije oekivala da e je ovdje, u ovoj kancelariji, u ovoj zgradi uopte, iko sasluati povodom njenog stranog problema, a kamoli razumjeti i tako lako obeati pomo. molim vas, rekoh, doite u ponedjeljak i tada emo ve imati rjeenje. moe li? ona me pogleda kao da nikada nije ula za neto to se zove ponedjeljak, kao da uopte i ne razumije dimenziju vremena, niti shvata zato bi morala ita ekati; ali, svejedno ree: o, da, da, u ponedjeljak! doi u! mnogo vam hvala zadovoljstvo mi je da vam pomognem, rekoh skromno. ljubazno dohvatih onaj kaput divnog mirisa i pomogoh joj da ga odjene. ena jo hitrije, kao da je perjem mahala, skupi svoje stvari, opet mi se nasmijei i nestade iz moje kancelarije. izbrojah do tri i izaoh za njom. htio sam da je gledam dok, nesvjesna mog pogleda, odlazi moda mi njen korak ili bilo to drugo oda tajnu koju je danas donijela. U dugakom hodniku, za koji meni treba bar petnaest sekundi da ga pro65

em, nikog nije bilo. ali, ostao je onaj udesni miris, magino i neobjanjivo mi privlaan. namjerio sam da vikend pred sobom iskoristim za rjeavanje ove mirisne zagonetke. *** U subotu ujutro, uz duplu kafu, moja ena i ja smo sjeli za sto naumivi da rastumaimo dio po dio moje fascinacije. tvrdo sam raunao na njenu racionalnost i analitinost; uostalom nije bila zbunjena ona, nego ja, pa je bila prava osoba za sagledavanje mog neobinog problema. takoe, svi parfemi koje je imala, nalazili su se na stolu pred nama. postavila mi je i mnogo pitanja od onih banalnih koja lie na ljubomorne ispade, do onih gotovo filozofskih, koja su me zbunila jo vie. ali, bez obzira na to to sam se svojski trudio da dam najkonkretnije i najiskrenije odgovore, do podneva se nismo ni primakli odgonetki. samo mi se na momente inilo da sam se, dodue vie emocijom nego stvarnim poimanjem ili prepoznavanjem mirisa u rozim i plaviastim boicama moje ene, primicao neemu to bi moglo biti smjernica ka pravom putu. na posljetku mi se od tih mirisa zavrtjelo u glavi, a moja ena konano ree: sve bi bilo jednostavno samo kad bi ti umio prepoznati o kojem se parfemu radi, ili da si, bar, pitao nju samu

Ustade i, ljuta to nita ne znam o parfemima, ode u sobu. gurnuh i oljice i mirisne boice daleko od sebe, poloih ruke na sto i naslonih glavu. par minuta sam murio, umoran i kivan na sebe: to e meni ovo uopte, to je to bitno, je li vano to udno osjeanje? a onda otvorih oi i, onako leei, iskosa se zagledah u bistro nebo ije sam povee pare vidio kroz prozor. od prozorskog rama pa do zavjese pomjerene u stranu, vidio se komad neba kao izdueni plavi pravougaonik, kao iroki lenjir od stakla kojim sam stao mjeriti zimski dan i svjetlost koja mi je, prodirui kroz njega, tukla u oi. U lenjiru se vidjela ivica zida susjedne zgrade: u dijelu koji je bio u ravni sa mojim oima prave linije, u sljedeem, viem, od svjetlosti lelujava linija i iskrzana kao na djeijem crteu; jo vie su se, zamrznute i nepokretne, bijelile pelene. Ustadoh i skroz razmakoh zavjesu granje golog drveta drhtae ispred stakla sitnim damarima, treslo se poput eljadeta zbog nekog uzbuenja i cvokotalo je od studeni svojim drvenim zubima. pusta ulica po kojoj je padala studen i uz iji trotoar se caklila tanka poledica, ovo drhtee granje i one zaleene pelene gore, bili su u potpunom kontrastu sa plavetnilom i svjetlou neba. Umije zima, ponekad, darovati takav dan: svijetao i plaviast, s potpuno mirnim,

nepokretnim zrakom; sve je studeno i zaleeno, a odozgo u oi bije naotreno, podivljalo sunce. oduvijek volim ba takve zimske dane. nisam se mogao mai od prozora i od te slike. neto mi se, zbilja, deavalo neto to sebi ne umjeh objasniti. osjeao sam to u stomaku, duboko za rebrima kao da je neku postojanu tugu nenadano prelila plima radosti i sad, smijeane, kolaju mojom nutrinom, a da ja ne znam ni otkud ta tuga, ni otkud mi ta srea. a vidi, odjednom uh glas moje ene, moda poenta uopte nije u parfemu, u tom mirisu? moda te je lecnulo neto sasvim drugo? ma, nije vano, odgovorih tuno i okrenuh se ka njoj. moja ena, putene i ovla raeljane kose, stajala je u sivom, dugakom kaputu. lakim pokretima ga otkopa, mahnu njeno kosom i sav se miris sa njenog grla razli ka meni. to je to, to je to, viknuh uzbueno, iako je mirisalo sasvim drugaije, i nas se dvoje snano zagrlismo i izljubismo kao da smo oslobodili silno roblje, kao da smo s broda otjerali gusare, kao da smo ispod zemlje izvukli stotine rudara, a ne samo iz mene jednu sitnu, jednu malu djeaku uspomenu. ispriah, potom, mojoj eni: jo nije ni bila zima, a u mojoj sobi je stajala okiena jelka. da

bude spremna kad stigne nova godina. okitila ju je moja majka no prije nego to e otputovati u veliki grad, na lijeenje. imao sam pet, najvie est godina, ali sam shvatio, zbog te jelke, da se majka nee brzo vratiti. tu sam jelku i mrzio i volio. vrijeme je odmicalo sporo, muei me svakim svojim danom. kad je stigao praznik i otac prenio jelku u dnevnu sobu, pomislio sam da se majka vie nikada nee ni vratiti. otac je sm u kuhinji pekao kola, otuda me zivkajui, a ja sam sm gledao crtani, plaui minulo je po mom osjeanju dosta vremena, ali jo je vladala zima i, sjeam se, jo sam se sankao sa drugom djecom tamo niz kosinu iza naih kua. onda je osvanuo dan ba kao ovaj dananji: zima pred prozorima, zima po plonicima, zima u zraku, a gore sve plavo, svijetlo i sjajno. otac me je nahranio i umio, odjenuo mi novi demper i oeljao me. zatim mi je naredio da sjednem na fotelju u dnevnoj sobi, ba pored jelke koju jo nismo raskitili. ona je u meni izazivala ogorenje i bijesnu nemo ostavljenog i zaboravljenog djeteta. da bih sprijeio te misli, zabavio sam se plastinim motoriem. jurio je po mojim koljenima kao to su jurila moja uzburkana osjeanja preko suza, preko uzdisaja na drugoj strani otvorila su se vrata i jedna ena u dugom kaputu ula je u sobu. podigao sam

oi ka njoj. gledala me je kao da ne zna ni otkud ja tu, ni otkud ona sama. prvo je skinula rukavice, a onda je bijelim rukama, kao da mae perjem, otkopala kaput. malo je ulijevo mahnula glavom, kosa joj je popadala niz ramena i tada je neto toplo i milo ispunilo cijeli prostor. mada tanka, blijeda i drugaija, to je bila moja majka. prepoznavi je, u grlo sam joj zario lice, jecajui i plaui uplaeno i glasno kao stijenom prignjeena ivotinja. to je bila najelegantnija, najnjenija, najotmenija, najljepa i najmirisnija ena na svijetu. to je bio moj dan nad danima *** U ponedjeljak sam sa zadovoljstvom rijeio problem drage dame, koja je ovog puta dola oiana i u kratkom, konom mantilu. nacionalna bezbjednost je, konano, bila sigurna.

7 6

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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let me tell yoU a story

a perfUme

here was something unexpectedly captive in that scent, i did not have a refined nose and i did not know anything about oils and the essences, and nothing of that attracted me. the enchantment was in something else, only i could not remember: in what that was? when she unbuttoned her coat and opened the lapels, to take it off slowly, gently waved her head and hair released a collar- then that unexpected scent spread and fully occupied the entire space. that was an interesting woman, more elegant than nice, but the elegance of her made her very attractive. youve probably met such women: they make an impression not intrusively but safely to all they get to know. as if theyve just stepped from a soft and very clean and tidy cloud, such women occasionally pass our streets, walking their thin legs and even finer heels, provoke curiosity, and less frequently a desire, definitively leaving a special, nice scent behind. sometimes, such a woman gets lost in the offices of the ministries - where else? perhaps, she will not go to the market?! or to the municipal administration, such as this, who, as i said, came to me. i took her coat and carried it to the hanger next to dor. by the way, making sure that the woman did not no-

tice, my more than a strange gesture, i smelled her lapels once more. yes, it smelled just as nice, but my impression was much weaker. concentrate! i counseled myself, fixed a tie when i was behind the woman and then, taking a semi-circle around the ugly office table, i took my place of the officer for citizens complaints. she began to explain her problem. already prepared the papers that she wanted to show, list of some names and phone numbers, and a contract she had with our municipality. she turned the pages by thin fingers and continued presenting her case, but i did not hear nor understood anything already after five or six sentences. i only realized that this was a minor dispute i could solve independently without interference of higher institutions. but the way this woman spoke about it, resulted that a dispute looked as a case of special importance. not only for her, or our community, but, probably, the national security! the way she made me exposure induced me to indeed deal with this terrible problem. however, the pale color of the skin on her wrists and long, thin metacarpus, did not allow me to do that. so, if you asked me at that point, why did it all happen to me, i would not ha-

ve anything reasonable to say! for me everything was inexplicable, those thin fingers, and soft skin, just like the recent, unexpected scent. - dont you see how much this situation is... i mean... unpleasant, asked me a woman, looking seriously straight at my eyes? - sure, sure, i confirmed with the embarrassment. just unpleasant and so we will deal with it as soon as possible... - oh, that would be great, said women happily, giving me a very nice, grateful smile. it seemed that she did not expected that here generally, in this office, anyone should listen to her concerning the terrible problem and not to mention understand her promising a support, so easily. - please, i said, come on monday and well already have a solution then. is it ok? she looked at me like had never heard of something called monday, did not understand the dimension of time and why she had to wait for anything but nevertheless said: - oh, yes, yes, on monday! ill be there! thank you very much... - it is my pleasure to help you, i said modestly. i politely took the coat with nice scent and i helped her to dress it. a woman, even quicker as if wa71

text: nada bukili illustrations: gavrilo miroti


ving feathers, picking up her stuff, smiled to me again and disappeared from my office. i counted to three and went out after her. i wanted to watch her for a while, unaware of my gaze, she was going away- maybe her pace or anything else discloses me a secret that she brought. no one was in a long corridor, for which i need at least fifteen seconds to go through. but that amazing scent, magically and inexplicably attractive to me, remained. i was going to take the weekend ahead to solve this scented enigma. *** my wife and i sat down at the table, on saturday morning, with double coffee, intending to solve my fascination, piece by piece. i much count on her rationality and analyticity; after all she was

not confused, like me, so she was the right person to considerate my unusual problem. also, all perfumes she had, were on the table in front of us. she also asked me many questions starting from those unessential resembling to jealous outbursts, to those almost philosophical, confusing me even more. but, even though i made a great effort to give the most concrete and most honest answers, until noon we did not even come close to the solution. just for a moment i felt that i was approaching something that could be guidance to the right way, though more by emotion than actual understanding or scent recognition in my wifes pink and blue bottles. finally, due to all those scents, i felt dizziness in my head, and my wife said: all would be so easy if you were able to recognize the perfume, or at least, asked her about it she got up angry, and because i did not know anyt-

hing about perfumes, went to the room. i pushed the cups and scented bottles away from myself, laid hands on the table and leaned my head. for a few minutes i turned my eyes blind, tired and asked myself angrily: what will this do to me, at all, what did it and that strange feeling, matter? and then i opened my eyes and, so while lying down, looked askance at the clear sky seeing its rather large piece through the window. a patch of elongated sky blue rectangle was visible from the windowpane to curtains shifted aside, like a wide glass ruler, i started to use measuring winter day as the light that penetrating through it, was beating my eyes. in the edge of adjacent building could be seen in the ruler: the part that was in line with my eyes- straight lines, in the next, higher, frozen and immobile, swaying like ragged childrens drawings shone white diapers. i stood up and moved curtains apart completely-bare tree branches trembled in front of the glass by small pulses, they were shaking like a person for some excitement chattering from the cold by his wooden teeth. deserted street with chill falling on it and thin ice shining along pavement, these shaking branches, and those frozen diapers up, were in total contrast to the blue sky and its light. sometimes winter

presents such a day: bright and bluish, with completely calm, fixed air; everything is cool and frozen with a harsh, wild sun glittering into the eyes from above. since always ive really liked winter days like these. i could not move away from the window and that picture. something was, indeed, happening to me-something inexplicable. i felt it in my stomach, deep behind the ribs- as if a steady grief was suddenly overflowed by the tide of joy and mixed they were circulating in me, and i did not even know where this sadness, or joy came from. - but, you see, i suddenly heard the voice of my wife, perhaps the perfume, that scent is not a point at all? perhaps theres something else that impressed you? - oh, never mind, i said sadly and turned toward her. my wife was standing in a gray, long coat, with released and lightly pectinated hair. she unbuttoned it by easy movements, gently waved the hair and all the smell from her neck poured over me. - thats it, thats it, i shouted excitedly, although it smelled quite different, and we strongly embraced and kissed each other, as if freed enormous number of slaves, chased pira-

tes from the vessel, pulled hundreds of miners out of underground, but not only a small, trivial little boys memory, from me. then i told to my wife: - that was not even winter, and there was a decorated christmas tree in my room. to be ready when a new year comes. it was decorated my mother the night before she travelled to the big city, to medical treatment. i was five at maximum six, but owning to that christmas tree i realized, that the mother would not return soon. i hated and loved that tree. time went by slowly, tormenting me with every passing day. when the holiday came and father carried the christmas tree in living room, i thought my mother would never come back. the father himself baked a cake in the kitchen, then called me from there, and i watched cartoons, crying... in my feeling a lot of time passed, but was still a winter and, i sleighed, with other children there, down the slope behind our houses. then the day came just like this one today: winter in front of the windows, on sidewalks, in the air, and up - all blue, bright and shiny. my father fed me, washed me and dressed me my new sweater and combed me. then he ordered me to sit on a chair in the living room

right next to the still decorated christmas tree. it provoked in me the outrage and angry impotence of abandoned and forgotten children. to prevent these thoughts, i had fun with plastic toy motorcycle. it rushed over my knees like my stirred up feelings ran through tears, sighs... the door opened on the other side and a woman in a long coat came into the room. i looked up at her. she looked at me like she didnt know how i was, neither how she was there. first she dressed off her gloves, and then unbuttoned coat by white hands, as if waving by feathers. she gently waved her head to the left, and her hair fell down the shoulders and something warm and sweet filled the entire space. it was my mother although thin, pale and different. recognizing her, i plunged my face into her throat, sobbing and crying, frightened and loud like an animal pressed by a rock. she was the most elegant, tender, finest, noblest and the most beautiful and fragrant woman in the world. that was my day of days... *** on monday, i resolved with pleasure the problem of nice lady, who this time came with short haircut and in a leather coat. national security, after all, was safe now.


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galerija - milena jovievi

sUnane oBale noViH sVjetoVa

Razgovarala: Nada bukili Fotografije: Privatna arhiva

O njoj ni najpretenciozniji ne mogu rei da znaju sve; niti i najsavjesniji meu publikom mogu tvrditi da su vidjeli sav njen opus; dodatno, ni struna kritika ne moe obujmiti sve to umjetnica baca pred nae oi gledajui bilo koje od njenih djela, osjeate da vas, vrlo direktno i vrlo namjerno, gae komadima dobro poznatog pakla koji ivimo, pored kojeg prolazimo, koji sami stvaramo, u kome se kuvamo i znojimo, u kojem pokuavamo da stojimo, diemo, volimomi ovdanji, ali i ovjek uopte, zatrpan bremenitostima ovoga doba, zaboravljen negdje u podrumskom liftu pseudocivilizovanosti i kriptohumanosti. Ona je: jedinstvena, posebna, drugaija, provokativna, nepovodljiva, svojeglava, superiorna, pisali su brojni teoretiari i kritiari, naa Milena Jovievi

to god pisali kritiari, to god mislila publika, pisati o Mileni Jovievi i njenim djelima, vrlo je delikatno. Izraajnost njenih radova, direktnost, odsustvo bilo kakvog koketiranja sa ukusom publike ili oekivanjima kritiarima, neoptereenost trendovima, nagradama i potvrdama uspjeha, ak i dosljedno odsustvo potovanja onih tzv. nivoa i institucija, gotovo nepristojno nerazlikovanje tema i ne-tema u dananjem socio- psiholoko- politikom kontekstu, ine i nju, uz njeno djelo, neopisivom pojavom na umjetnikoj sceni. Pa, zato, rijei postaju ili nedovoljne ili suvine blijedi njihova snaga pred znaenjem Sugar Free na primjer, i tanji se njihova vanost pred Mileninim iAdamiEvom! A od Adama, onog Biblijskog, na ovamo, ovjeku, opet, nita nije bilo bliskije od slike i nita ne razumijevae tako jasno kao njuotuda, valjda, i ona uvjerenost, ne samo kod prostog svijeta, da je samo slikar, za razliku od pisca ili muziara ili sinonim za umjetnika. - va rad je najee (ili uvijek!) u dubokom sueljavanju sa aktuelnostima vremena u kojem ivimo, i to kroz visoku kritiku dioptriju. Ne radite nita za zakait na zid, zato? JOVIEVI: Radimmoete zakaiti na zid to god hoete! I zid trpi sve, kao papir Vie volim da slikam i crtam po zidu nego da po zidu kaim radove Moji radovi proistiu iz potrebe da se izrazim u odnosu na svijet koji me okruuje, u odnosu ne njegove devijacije, probleme, fenomene, komare, radosti. Prioritet mi svakako nije da buduu sliku ili objekat kaim na zid, kao ni prodaja Budui da esto iskau formatom, tehnikom i nainom realizacije iz nekih oekivanih i propisanih naina prezentacije, veliki broj mojih slika nije melem za oko, ve je vrlo iritantan tako da kaenje na zid esto ne dolazi u obzir. U sopstvenoj kui nemam slika po zidovima, sem nekih rijetkih dragih poklona, i nemam potrebu da umjetniki rad doivljavam kroz usputno dekorisanje prostora. Ne bavim se iskljuivo fenomenima likovnosti, ve, uz likovne probleme, kritiki promiljam vrijeme i prostor u kome ivim. To mi se namee kao logian izbor, zbog toga se izraavam u razliitim medijima, slikarstvo je jedan od njih.

- Mnogi, i meu priznatim umjetnicima, ostaju i gluvi i slijepi za svijet oko sebe. vjeruju da imaju pravo na svoj svijet i vjeruju da je upravo to privilegija koju dobija bavei se umjetnou. JOVIEVI: To je pitanje senzibiliteta i izbora. Umjetnik ima pravo da se povlai u, kako to volimo da kaemo, svoj svijet i to moe biti njegov komentar na vrijeme koje ivi. uva se, na neki nain, povlaenjem u svoj svijet. To je otklon, bijeg kroz umjetnost. Zato slikari vae za najdugovjenije meu umjetnicimasami sa sobom i platnom, u ateljeu. Nekad povlaenje u atelje nije bijeg od ovog svijetasjetimo se slika Dada Djuria sa ijeg se platna, lencuna, flaa, fotelja, zidova crkve,.. cere androgene utvare, nakaze Taj njegov svijet je dominantno obojen grozotama i komarima ovog svijeta. ini mi se da umjetnici koji ive i stvaraju u svom svijetu, ne osvrui se na ovaj realni, uivaju mnogo veu udobnost i mir. Moj senziblitet je suprotan. Ja se kroz radove suoavam sa onim to me titi, obuzima, sa onim to ivimprosto ne mogu da odvojim ta dva svijeta. Svijet mojih radova je, naalost, vrlo uprljan ovim realnim. Voljela bih da mogu da se zatvorim u ate-

lje i spokojno slikam tako da me ne dotie nita to dolazi spolja. Meutim, previe je toga prema emu ne mogu biti ravnoduna i to me tjera na ovakav rad. itala sam intervju sa poznatim britanskim slikarom, njemakog porijekla, koji je umro prole godine, Lucianom Frojdom, u kojem je kazao da nikada ne bi mogao slikati ono to fiziki nije pred njim i da slikar nema pravo da prikazuje vie od onoga to je bog prikazao Ba udno, ja mislim sasvim suprotno, da umjetnik treba da prikazuje i stvara neto drugo - da, mi laici, vas i tako doivljavamo kao svojevrsna boanstva. tako vam se divimo. koliko su, ustvari, umjetnost i umjetnici zarobljenici tatine? JOVIEVI: Umjetnici su manje ili vie zarobljenici tatine, ali nita vie od doktora, politiara, ekonomista, zanatlijaili bilo koje druge profesije. - odbranili ste doktorsku tezu na temu fenomen konzumerizma i tijelo kao motiv u vizuelnoj umjetnosti 20. i 21. vijeka. (ensko tijelo i pojam ljepote u vremenu novih tehnologija, mas medija i interneta). zato vas je intrigirao


konzumerizam, ba u odnosu na ljudsko tijelo? U kakav odnos ste ih postavili? JOVIEVI: Konzumerizam je pojava koja me konstantno intrigira. Nas je zadesio preko noi i iz Amerike i Evrope uao na velika vrata u nae male sisteme. Pored pozitivnih momenata, koje ima, smatram da je obojio svaki aspekt ivota i, samim tim, banalizovao i razne prostore koji nisu poivali na materijalnom. Sve je na prodaju i sve se kupuje. Sve se mjeri novcem i nagomilavanjem materijalnih dobara ...U toj zoni opteg ludila i vulgarizovanja svih prostora: i javnog i privatnog i individualnog i kolektivnog, tijelo je u centru svih zbivanja. Tijelo je oduvjek omiljeni motiv i zagonetka za umjetnike. Meutim, druga polovina XX vijeka i poetak XXI su najeksplicitnije i bez ustezanja izloili to tijelo u njegovim najintimnijim i najkrhkijim izdanjima. Ogoljeno je, zloupotrijebljeno, razotkriveno... Oduzet mu je svaki sloj misterije koji je postojao u prolim vremenima. Tijelo je danas samo povrinski omota koji svako dorauje i mijenja kako hoe, briui granicu izmeu prirodnog i artificijelnog, dozvoljenog i nedozvoljenog, materijalnog i duhovnog. Insistira se na spoljanjosti, dok unutranjost zvoni kao prazna kanta. U radu istraujem tijelo koje je svedeno na funkcije i na matricu za proizvoenje fizikih, esto mehanikih zadovoljstava. Aktuelni poredak ga je svrstao u jedan od artikala konzumerizma koji troimo kao svaki drugi objekat potronje - tijelo, ne samo ensko, esta je tema i u knjievnosti ili u nauci ovjek ostaje najzanimljivija tema ovjeku. Iz te svojevrsne opsjednutosti sobom, ovjeku se i deavaju izvjesne devijacije i u ponaanju i u djelovanju, ali i u poimanju sopstvene vanosti i mjesta u drutvu JOVIEVI: Tijelo, naroito ensko, do te je mjere vulgarizovano i zloupotrijebljeno da me hvata panika kad mislim o tome. I Antika Grka je bila opsednuta tijelom, ali i duhom. Iz te ravnotee se nisu mogle roditi ovakve devijacije, niti je ta opsjednutost bila usmjerena protiv tijela i protiv ovjeka kao danas. - kako vi stojite sa vaim mjestom pod suncem? JOVIEVI: Za svoje mjesto ne brinem dok

ima suncaza njim u polako. Kad ponete od sunca, onda je lako, dodate vode i malo duha, i eto vam novi svijet! Moje e mjesto pod suncem biti uz prirodu, uz more, opasano sa tri strane visokim bedemima od puzavica, preko kojih se ne gleda u tua dvorita, daleko od kamera i osmatranica, ekrana, kupoprodaja i svakojakih groznih pojava dananjeg svijeta Biu vana ili nevana u drutvusasvim je svejedno, ako imam ovo prvo - za vas najee kau: ona ima osoben izraz! Nije li to, ipak, eufemizam? (zvui kao doskoica kojom se pokriva nemo da se dokui i objasni smisao i znaenje umjetnikog djela, i da se, ustvari, ne kae u emu je ta osobenost.) odnosno, ima li uopte smisla o b j a nj a v a t i umjetniko djelo? I izraz umjetnika? (bez obzira to kritika mora neto radit) JOVIEVI: Imati osoben izraz meni ne znai nita, svako od nas je osoben. Vie me zanima da li to to radim dopire do nekoga ili ne i zato Znam da ko god malo iskoi iz ustaljenih formi i konevencionalnih okvi-

ra dobija taj epitet osoben. Umjetniko djelo treba objanjavati, ali ga ne treba otkriti do kraja, neophodan je mali veo misterije i nadogradnja koju ostavljamo onome koji gleda, posmatra. Posmatra mora da uestvuje. Ne slaem se sa onima koji kau: slika govori za sebe, ja nemam to da dodam Ako onaj koji gradi tu sliku ne moe o njoj da govori, ko moe? Neka slika zaista govori sama za sebe, ne svaka. Kritika, naravno, radi svoj posao dobro ili loe, ali, prije svih, o djelu mora govoriti autor. Kritiar je tu da djelo promilja kroz odreeni kontekst, da ga prepozna, esto da pomogne valorizovanju tog djela, ali ne da objanjava djelo prije onoga ko je to djelo stvorio, to se vrlo esto deava. - Nedavno ste dobili nagradu za skulpturu objekat salona 13.novembar koji se odrao u Ministarstvu kulture na cetinju JOVIEVI: Ta nagrada mi je posebno draga jer je vezana za Dan Cetinja 13.novembar. Cetinje je grad u kome sam roena i za koji sam vrlo vezana i poslom i emotivno. Nagradu sam dobila za rad Man games 2011.

Radi se o predimenzioniranom stonom fudbalu koji je realizovan u staklu, metalu i poliesteru. Rad istrauje stereotipe o enskom tijelu i tijelo kao socioloku konstrukciju. Timovi koji dijele megdan u fudbalu nisu muki nego enski. U tu priu o tijelu upletena je i pria o muko- enskim odnosima. Jedan tim ine figure polunagih ena izraenih oblina od silikona. Drugi, figure tradicionalnih ena sa maramama na glavi, u dugakim suknjama. Rad problematizuje enu svedenu na odreenu funkciju i ensko tijelo svedeno na objekat. Rije je zapravo o dva stereotipa. Jedan personifikuje seksualni uitak a drugi vjernost i dom. Dok dva enska tima igraju jedan protiv drugog u mukoj igri, po mukim pravilima, mukarac nije fiziki prisutan ali, on je taj koji stvarno igra i manipulie. - jedna mala, romantiarska upadica: kada bi imali vremensku mainu i mogli da birate period u kojem bi voljeli da ivite i stvarate, koji bi to period bio i zato? (XXII vijek ili neto iz prolosti?) JOVIEVI: Znam sigurno da to ne bi bio XXII vijek, frustrira me razmiljanje o vre-


menu koje dolazi. Bilo bi idealno da mi ta maina omogui i neki voz koji bi me vozio iz civilizacije u civilizaciju, due pored mora i suncapreko svih kontinenata, s duim zadravanjem na teritorijama koje danas zovemo Balkan, Italija, Grka, panija, Portugal, Turska, Francuska, Egipat, Maroko, Kenija, Sirija, Iran, Jordan, Izrael, tri grada Sjeverne Amerike, Srednja Amerika, Brazil, Peru, Pakistan, Kina, Indijanajsporije kroz stari vijek, sporo kroz 15. i sasvim brzo kroz 20. vijek sa povratnom kartom za Crnu Goru, Italiju, Grka ostrva, Egipat, Istanbul i Pariz. - koja imena, meu likovnim umjetnicima dananjice, cijenite? JOVIEVI: Taj spisak bi bio dugaak. Cijenim mnoge, a posebno volim: Dada, ana

Dibifea, Luiz Buruaz, Gadamer, Kiki Smit, Sigmara Polkea, Filipa Gastona, Mauricia Katalana, Kristiana Boltanskog, Viljama Kentrida, Wang Dua, Brusa Njumana, Romana Opalku, Alberta Elena, Alana Seasa - kako doivljavate crnogorsku likovnu scenu? s obzirom da imate i pedagoka iskustva, kako vam se ini: ima li meu tim buduim umjetnicima nekih izuzetnih, osobenih JOVIEVI: Crnogorska likovna scena je uvijek bila bogata i vrlo zanimljiva, naroito kad uzmemo u obzir na kakvom malom prostoru nastaje, ali je uvijek nedovoljno valorizovana. ini mi se da je jo uvijek previe oslonjena na jednu konvencionalnu i oekivanu struju, a da esto odbacuje provokativnije i eksperimentalnije oblike izra-

avanja, u korist osrednjosti i dopadljivosti. Generacije koje stasavaju suoene su sa okorelijim sistemom i zbog toga usvajaju neke druge naine miljenja, okrenuti su vie ka globalnim tokovima, manje lokalnim. Mislim da e nove generacije nau scenu znatno osvjeiti i dati joj ono to nedostaje Meu sadanjim studentima e biti izuzetnih umjetnika, ali naalost i onih koji e se brzo okrenuti nekim drugim profesijama. To se moe ve naslutiti, jer im se ideali i vizije o bavljenju ovim poslom vrlo brzo uruavaju nakon kolovanja Centrala: Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 141 Tel: +382 20 409 174 Fax: +382 20 409 124


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gallery - milena jovievi

Pursuit for the sunny shores

Interviewed by: Nada bukili Photo by: Private archive

Neither the most pretentious cannot say they know everything about her; neither the most conscientious among the audience cannot claim to have seen all of her opus. Additionally, even expert critics cannot embrace, all that artist throws before our eyes - seeing any of her works, you feel her throwing at you very directly and deliberately, pieces of well-known hell that we live in, pass by, we make, cooking and sweating in it, in which we are trying to stand in, breathe, love... we the local, but also a human being at all, surrounded by burdens of modern age, forgotten somewhere in a basement elevator of pseudo-civilization and crypto-humanity. She is: unique, special, different, provocative, unimpressionable, independent, superior our Milena Jovicevi as numerous theorists and critics wrote

hatever critics have written, audience thought, writing about Milena Jovievi and her artworks, is very delicate. The expressiveness of her works, directness, lack of any flirting, with the taste of the audience and critics expectations, not being burden with trends, awards and acknowledgments of success, even consistent lack of respect toward so-called. Levels and institutions, almost indecent lack of distinction between theme and non-theme in todays socio-psychological and political context, make her, along with her work, indescribable phenomenon on the art scene. Therefore, the words become either insufficient or excessive - their strength fades in front of the Sugar Free meaning for example and their importance becomes thinner in front of Milenas BothAdamAndEve! And since Adam till now, nothing was closer to a human being than painting; and nothing he understood so clearly as it... Hence, I guess, the common conviction is that, not just within the common people, in contrast to writers or musicians, or only a painter is a synonym of artist.

the future painting or object neither to sell it. Because they often differentiate by the format, technique and method of accomplishment from some expected and prescribed manners of presentation, many of my paintings are not a balm for eye but very irritating, so that hanging on the wall is often not an option. I have no paintings on the walls, in my own

imposed as a logical choice to me, therefore I express myself in a variety of media and painting is one of them. - Many, even among the recognized artists, remain deaf and blind to the world around them. they believe they are entitled to their world and that is a very privilege you get dealing with the art. JOVIEVI: Its a question of sensibility and choice. The artist has the right to withdraw, as we like to say, into His World and it may be his comment onto living time Somehow a self-protection by withdrawing into own World. This is a deviation, an escape through the art. Thats why painters are considered the most long-living people among the artistsalone with themselves... and canvas in their studio. Sometimes withdrawal to the studio is not an escape from this world Remember the paintings of Dado uri his canvases, sheet, bottles, chairs, walls, churches with grinning androgen ghosts, monsters... That his world is predominantly coloured with nightmares and horrors of this world. It seems to some people that artists who live and work in their own world, without regard for the real one, enjoy far more comfort and peace. My sensibility is the opposite. Through my works I am in confrontation with what ails, inspires, what I live with simply can not separate these two worlds. World of my work is, unfortunately, very spoiled by this reality. I wish that I could close myself in the studio and

- your work is most often (or always!) in deep confrontation with the current events of our time, through high critical sphere. you dont do anything to just hung on the wall, why? JOVIEVI: I work... You can hang on the wall whatever you like! And the wall can withstand anything, like paper... I prefer to paint and draw on the wall rather than to hang works on the wall... My works originate from the need to express myself in relation to the world around me, its deviations, problems, phenomena, nightmares, joys. It is certainly not my priority to hang on the wall. It is not my priority to hang on the wall

house, except for some rare dear gifts, and I do not need to experience the artwork by casual decorating of the room. I do not deal exclusively visual phenomena, but with visual problems, critically pondering the time and space in which we live. That is

- the body, not just a female, is a common theme in literature or in science - human remains the most interesting topics to human. out this sort of obsession with himself, happen some human deviations in the behavior and actions, but also in the comprehension of own importance and place in society... JOVIEVI: The body, especially the female, is to such extent vulgarized and abused that I am panic-stricken thinking about it. Ancient Greece was obsessed with the body, but also with the spirit. From this equilibrium could not bear such a deviation, nor this obsession was directed against the body and human as it is today. - how about your place in the sun? paint peacefully, not minding for anything coming from outside. However, there is too much to what I can not be indifferent and it makes me work like this. I read an interview with the famous British painter of German origin, who died last year, Luciano Freud, saying that he could never paint what was not physically in front of him and that the painter had no right to show more of what God had shown... How strange, I think quite the opposite that the artist should show and create something else... - yes, we lay people, perceive you so, as a sort of deity. so we admire you. to which extent, in fact, are art and artists prisoners of vanity? JOVIEVI: Artists are more or less prisoners of vanity, but nothing more than doctors, politicians, economists, artisans... or any other profession. - you defended doctoral thesis on topic the phenomenon of consumerism and the body as a motif in the visual art of the XX and XXI century. (the female body and the concept of beauty in the era of new technologies, mass media and Internet). Why are you intrigued by consumerism, just in relation to the human body? In which relationship you set them? JOVIEVI: Consumerism is a phenomenon that intrigues me constantly. It happened to us over night, entering the front door from America and Europe to our small systems. Besides the positive developments that it has, I think that it has colored every aspect of life, and thus simplified various spaces based on the material value. Everything is for sale and everything is purchased. Everything is measured by money and the accumulation of material goods... In this zone of general madness and vulgarization of all fields: public and private, individual and collective, the body is in the center of all events. The body has always been a favorite theme and mystery for artists. However, in the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century the body is exposed in the most explicit and without reservation way, in its most intimate and fragile forms. It is nude, abused, exposed... It is deprived of any layer of mystery that existed in the past. The body is now only surface shell finished and changed by anybody the way he likes, by erasing the boundary between the natural and artificial, permitted and prohibited, material and spiritual. The stress is on appearance, while interior echoes like an empty can. In my work I explore the body reduced to a function and matrix for the producing of physical, often mechanical pleasures. The current order has placed it among one of items of consumerism which we consume as any other object of consumption JOVIEVI: I do not worry for my place till there is the sun... I will slowly go after it. When you start from the sun, its easy, add a little water and the spirit, and there you have a new world! My place in the sun will be with nature, sea, surrounded on three sides by high walls of creepers, through which you can not look into other peoples yards, away from the cameras and the crows nest, screens, sales and all kinds of terrible phenomenon of todays world... Being important or unimportant in society... it does not matter to me if I have the things Ive mentioned before... -for you people often say, she has a particular expression! Isnt that, after all, an euphemism? (sounds like a clever answer, which covers the inability to comprehend and explain the meaning of the artistic work, without saying what this peculiarity is.) In other words, is there any sense to explain the artistic work? and the expression of the artist? (No matter that criticism must be doing something...) JOVIEVI: Have a particular expression does not mean anything to me, each of us is special. Im more interested in whether what I do reaches someone or not, and why... I know that whoever pops a bit out of the usual form and conventional frames receives the epithet peculiar. The artwork should be explained, but it should not be revealed until the end, you need a little air of mystery and upgrade that we leave to

the observer. He must participate. I disagree with those saying: a painting speaks for itself; I have nothing to add... If the one who makes the painting can not talk about it, who can? Some paintings really speak for themselves, not all. Criticism, of course, does its job well or bad, but, but before all, the author has to speak about the artwork. The critic is there to reflect about the artwork through the particular context, to recognize it, often to help the valorization of artwork, but not to explain it before the person who created it, which is very often the case. - you recently received an award for sculpture facility of salon November 13, held at the Ministry of culture in cetinje JOVIEVI: This award is especially dear to me because it is related to the Day of Cetinje, November 13... Cetinje is the city where I was born, and to it I am very attached through the work and emotionally. I received the award for Man games 2011 work. Its about an over-dimensioned table football, realized in glass, metal and polyester The work explores the stereotypes of the female body and the body as a sociological construction. Teams fighting duel in football are not male but female. In this story of the body is also involved a story about male-female relationships. One team consists of half-naked female figures with stressed silicon curves. The other, figures of traditional women with a carves on their heads and in long skirts. The work problematizes a woman reduced to the function and the female body reduced to the object. It is actually about two stereotypes. One personifies sexual pleasure and other loyalty and home. While the two womens teams play against each other in the mens game, according to rules for men, male is not physically present, but he is the one who actually plays and manipulates. - a small, romantic interruption: if you had a time machine and were able to choose the period in which you would


like to live and create, what time period should that be, and why? (XXII century or something from the past?) JOVIEVI I know for sure that it would not be the XXII century, thinking about the times to come frustrates me. It would be ideal if that machines allows also some train taking me from one civilization to another, for longer time beside the sea and the sun over all continents with longer stays at the territories that now called Balkans, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, France, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, Syria, Iran, Jordan, Israel, the three cities of North America, Central America, Brazil, Peru, Pakistan, China, India... slowest through old age, slowly through 15th century and quite rapidly through the 20th century with a return ticket for Montenegro, Italy, the Greek Islands, Egypt, Istanbul and Paris.

- What names, among modern painters, do you appreciate? JOVIEVI: The list would be long. I respect many, and particularly: Dado, Jean Dubuffet, Louise Bourgeois, Gadamer, Kiki Smith, Sigmar Polke, Philip Guston, Maurizio Cattlan, Christian Boltanski, William Kentridge, Wang Duo, Bruce Nauman, Roman Opalka, Albert Allen, Alan Seshasai... - how do you experience Montenegrin art stage? given that you also have pedagogical experience, what do you think: are there among those future artists some exceptional, distinctive... JOVIEVI: Montenegros art stage has always been a very rich and interesting, especially when we consider the kind of

small space it is created on, but is always not sufficiently valorized. It seems to me that it is still too dependent on a conventional and expected trend with often rejecting of provocative and more experimental forms of expression, in favor of mediocrity and likeability. Growing up generations are facing more hardened system and therefore adopt some other ways of thinking, turn more to global trends, less local. Think that the new generations will much refresh our scene and give it what its missing... Among the actual students will be exceptional artist, but unfortunately those who will soon turn to some other professions. This can be already felt, because their ideals and visions about occupied with this work break into peaces very soon after schooling.


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savremena crnogorska poezija - stanka raenovi

montenegrin contemporary poetry - stanka raenovi

Odmarajmo uz veznike. Vrijeme je navika! (Ljudi se ale na vrijeme) itaj me drugaije! Vjekovi su utonuli u stereotip. Zastave na pola koplja i nakon svega godi sunce. Obezoruati dan! Ove se niti pletu u opasan znak. No lomi koplja i nas. Metamorfoza ae u vinu je zabluda. Mi, nestvarni u nama posru putevi. Jaka doza veznika, veze demagog tka. Slutim prazninom veze veu nas...

Miriu dani na hlorofil djetinjstva. Djeca sjeanja u savrenom redu po troje. Listovi djeteline. (Tuge nas se sjete uvijek kad je lijepo) Boja fasade zgrade zaumi zrelou u nama. Sjenke zidova imaju pravo ak i na beskunike! A sjenke kronji padaju na san. Budi se jo jedan dan! Vagona koji stoji.

Two lonely trees waving strangely at me asking for a password! In which language shall I pronounce salvation for the words awakened, unborn while the cry of iron guard is being kept outside? I feel in another language I could tell more beautiful things.

Lets lie down with conjunctions. Time is a habit! (People complain about the weather) Read me in a different way! Centuries have immersed in stereotype. Flags at half-mast and after all the Sun feels so good. To disarm the day! These threads are woven making a dangerous sign. The night cuts both the spears and us Metamorphosis of a glass there is a fallacy in wine We, the unreal paths are stumbling within us A high dose of conjunctions, demagogue is weaving and looming. I can sense it is the void that makes the bond between us... Translation: Ivana Maksic

The days smell of childhood chlorophyll. Children of memories in perfect order three by three Clover leaves. (Sorrows always remember us when everything is fine) The colour of a facade murmuring maturity within us. Shadows of the walls can claim even the homeless! But the shadows of the treetops are falling on the dream. Another day of the motionless wagon wakes.

Dva usamljena drveta udno mi mau lozinku trae! Na kojem jeziku da izgovorim spas za rijei probuene, neroene, dok napolju uvaju krik gvozdene strae? Osjeam na nekom bih jeziku drugom sve ljepe mogla da kaem.


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nai me u olji!
Da nije smijeha, vrijeme bi stalo; da nije ala, ovjek ne bi znao da postoji, a svakodnevica bi bila ravno, jednolino polje bez cvijea

ivio smijeh!

Find me in a cup!
Without laughter, time would stop ticking, without jokes, one would not know one exists, and everyday life would be straight, uniform field without flowers

long live the laUghter!

vi nai gradovi i krajevi imaju svoje autentine likove, zabavljae i one ije se zgode i nezgode dugo, dugo pamte i prepriavaju. I mada svi imaju sopstvene lokalne povode za smijeh, razumijemo ih globalno i smijemo se! Ipak, Cetinjani se ubrajaju meu najduhovitije. Iz knjige Slobodana Pura uria Cetinjske aljive prie, za vas smo odabrali nekoliko. Uivajte!

ll of our cities and regions have their own authentic characters, entertainers and those whose mishaps stay long, long remembered and retold. And though they all have their own, local - causes for laughter, we understand them globally and we laugh! However, people from Cetinje are among the wittiest ones. From Slobodan uris book Funny stories from Cetinje, we have selected a few. Enjoy!

leei policajac
Mnoge je graane obradovala vijest da e ispred kola i bolnica postaviti ovalne betonske zapreke, za prisilno ogranienje brzine automobila. Svi to pozdravie. Meutim, neki o tome nita nijesu znali, pa ni policajac uro. Nezainteresovan za novotarije, drao se ustaljenih metoda: obilazak ulica, kafana, pazara Nae se zateen kad mu prijatelj Joko, uz rakiju, kaza: -Milo mi je to e i kod nas postavit leee policajce... -Lako je tebi, moj Joko. A ja u da ti nastradam, garantujem -A zato, uro? -Kakve sam sree, komandir e mene prvoga odredit da leim nege po tim putevima

Bez troka
Nabavio Novica mobilni telefon. Svi se ukuani obruie na njega, tako da Novica nikad nije znao e mu je telefon. Kao da ga i nema. A u mobilni telefon se prosto zaljubio Noviin otac Pero. Ne odvaja se starac od njega. Zove po itav dan roake i prijatelje. -Ostavi vie taj telefon, da se odmori ukori ga baba Ike potroie previe! -Ne troim ja nita, uzvrati sreno ed Pero. Ima on punja, metne ga u struju i samo se dopuni!

Pismo iz vojske
Dosadie Anelku svakodnevna ispijanja kafa brojnih kominica u njihovoj kui, ali kako je majka mnogo voljela ove seanse, bilo mu je ao da joj pokvari zabavu. ene su pile kafu, pa okretale olje i dugo, dugo gatale jedna drugoj, sve sa nadom da e ba u oljama vidjeti prvi znak neke lijepe vijesti, neke nove ljubavi i sl. ene i gatanje su mu sve vie smetali, ali Anelko, ipak, nita ne ree majci Proe vrijeme i Anelko stasa za vojsku! Uskoro ga i ispratie. On ode, ali se dugo otuda ne javi. I ba kad se majka opasno zabrinula, stie pismo od Anelka! Majka sva srena otvori pismo i poe glasno itati: - Draga majko, nalazim se u kasarni. Ostalo zna iz olje. Voli te tvoj Anelko.

speed bump
A while ago, many citizens were glad to hear the news that in front of schools and hospitals were set oval concrete barriers, to force the speed limit of the vehicles. Everybody praised the idea. However, some of them were not yet familiarised with it. Not even a policeman uro. Uninterested in the novelty, he stuck to the customary methods: a tour of streets, cafs, markets... He was surprised to hear from his friends Joko, While Joko, his friend, was drinking a rakija, policeman uro was surprised to hear him say: - I am glad we will have these Speed Bumps (note: in Montenegro = lying policemen). - It is easy for you to say so, my dear friend Joko. Im going to be the hurt one, I can bet on that... - Why, uro? - With my luck, the commander will appoint me first to lie somewhere on these roads...

no cost
Novica has bought a mobile phone. All the family made a rush on him, so he was never sure where his phone was. As if he did not possess it. And more anybody else, his father Pero got in love with this new gadget in the house. One could not take it away from him. He called all day long his relatives, friends... - Leave the phone in peace grandma Ike rebuked Youll spend it! - I do not spend anything, grandfather Pero replied happily. The phone has a charger, so I just plug it in!

letter from the army

Anelkos mother spent days drinking coffee with her friends and neighbours, and he got bored watching it in their home. But as the mother loved these sessions, he did not want to spoil her fun. They drank coffee and revolved their cups, and predicted destiny to one another, all with the hope that it would be just the first sign of some good news, some new love... Women and divination bothered him more each day, but Anelko said nothing to his mother... After a while Anelko matured enough to join the army! He parted, and did not write home for a while. His mother was worried sick, till one day a letter arrived from Anelko! Mother opened the letter and began reading out loud: - Dear Mother, I am in the quarters. The coffee cup will tell you the rest. Love you your, Anelko




neka pone pjesmom b

Ljubitelji kvalitetnog pop zvuka ispred zidina Starog grada Budve uivae uz pjesme Zdravka olia, Andrijane Boovi, grupe Perper, Parnog valjka. Bajkoliki abljak je popularna destinacija za najluu no, a i za viednevni odmor. Odlinu atmosferu i prijatnu zabavu u gradiu tra-

crna gora - zima 2012/13.

lagost ove jeseni, kau meteorolozi, naslijedie otra zima. Dakle bie snijega na pretek! Idealno za putovanje i odmor, za duge i vesele zimske noi - u uvijek toploj Crnoj Gori. Doivljaj Crne Gore kao prijatnog doma sa domainom irokog srca najintenzivniji je u novogodinjoj noi na trgovima starih primorskih gradova, u hotelima, restoranima, kafiima planinskih zimskih centara, uz vrhunska domaa vina i domae specijalitete. Ove godine i uz muziku i pjesmu najpopularnijih pjevaa i grupa regiona.

Kad smo ve kod cijena, prije i poslije praznika cijene smjetaja u zimskim centrima na bazi noenja iznosie oko 10 u privatnom smjetaju, dok e se u hotelima noenje sa dorukom kretati u zavisnosti od kategorije: 2* od 13 do 23 , 3* od 20 do 35 , 4* od 40 do 80 , apartmani: od 35 do 135 . Zanimljivo je da e u Kolainu od 16. do 24. decembra vaiti popust od 50% na cijene u hotelima i privatnom smjetaju. to se tie dueg boravka, sjeverni, planinski dio Crne Gore ove zimske turistike sezone nudi, pored kvalitetne hotelske ponude i ponude privatnog smjetaja, iroku lepezu aktivnosti za individualce, grupe, porodice. Bogomdan prostor ima sada sve potrebno i za turiste koji nisu na snijegu samo radi skijanja i bordanja, ve ele da provedu aktivan odmor na planini uz manje zahtjevne aktivnosti takozvane soft ski-sportove, kao to su snowshoeing hodanje na krpljama, snowkiting (bordanje uz pomo zmaja i energije vjetra), nordijsko skijanje, alpsko turno skijanje... Osim one tiine proete odsjajem sunca sa netaknutog, snijegom prekrivenog prostranstva, tu je i ona mediteranska. Moete da birate, ali i kombinujete. Ureene skijake staze i etalita starih primorskih gradova i novih marina, udobnost primorskih hotela i oputanje u spa i velnes centru. Otkrijte ari zimskog sutona u malom ribarskom mjestu... Ili se, ipak, prepustite bunoj karnevalskoj povorci, praznicima u slavu cvijea, festivalima ribe i vina... Dekor je isti umirujua puina i mimoze, ali u veselom drutvu sve je mnogo bolje. Dakle, birajte. I budite otvoreni i topli, kao to je otvorena i topla, u svako doba godine, Crna Gora za vas.

dicionalno pruaju kafii i hoteli. Paket-aranmani u hotelima viih kategorija na sjeveru ukljuuju korienje bazena, saune, turskog kupatila, teretane i dakuzija, kao i transfere do ski-centra i nazad. Ne propustite arobne ukuse dobre tradicionalne hrane kaamaka, cicvare, prute ..., uz au nezaobilaznog crnogorskog vranca.

Ski-pas na abljaku Savin kuk: cjelodnevni 5 . U Kolainu 1450 poludnevni ski-pas iznosi 12 , a dnevni 20 ; sedmodnevni je 104 ; za djecu poludnevni ski-pas iznosi 9 , dok je dnevni 13 . U Ski-centru Vuje sezonski ski-pas kota 100 , dnevni 10 , a poludnevni 5 . Na Lovenu i na Verui nalaze se djeja odmaralita, a na skijalitima se ne naplauju ski-pasovi.

Nacionalna Turistika organizacija Crne Gore Call centar +382 1300

Koncerti na snijegu
U tri skijalita (abljak, Kolain i Vuje) u okviru kampanje Bijeg na snijeg tokom zime bie organizovani koncerti poznatih izvoaa. Neete pogrijeiti ako izabere ski-centar Kolain 1450 ( - ovaj centar nudi kolimetre dobro opremljenih staza namijenjenih svim uzrastima. Padine Savinog kuka na Durmitoru iznenadie i najzahtjevnije skijae i ljubitelje veih adrenalinskih doivljaja. Poetnici i mlaa populacija odlinu zabavu nai e na skijalitima Vuja (, a maliani posebno u odmaralitima, specijalno namijenjenim za njih, na Lovenu i Verui.

iz etno sela bre u avanturu

Neka etno sela otvorena su tokom itave godine. Zimi nude atraktivne izlete, skijake aranmane i uspone, ali i veoma povoljne cijene smjetaja. Novinu u ponudi etno sela u okolini masiva Dirmitora i Pive predstavljaju mini-staze za sankanje i djeje skijanje, kao i organizovani izleti motornim sankama do Pivske planine, zimski usponi na Durmitor, transferi na skijalita Savin kuk i Javorovaa. Cijene se kreu od 15 po osobi, dok se za viednevne aranmane nude povoljnije cijene.

montenegro: winter 2012/13

let it begin by singing a

ccording to meteorologists after gentle fall shall come harsh winter. So - there will be plenty of snow! Ideal for travel and vacation, and a long and happy winter nights. In always warm Montenegro - for example. The experience of Montenegro as a nice home with a wide heart host is most intense in the New Years Eve. On the streets of old coastal towns, in hotels, restaurants, cafes of mountain winter resorts, with excellent local wines and specialties. This year, with music and songs of the most popular singers and groups from the region.

Devotees of the pop quality sound in front of the Old town of Budva walls will enjoy with songs of Zdravko oli, Andrijana Boovi and bands: Perper and Parni Valjak. The fabulous abljak is the popular destination for the New Years Evening but also for a longer vacation. Great atmosphere and pleasant entertainment in the town are traditionally offered in bars and hotels. Package tours in higher categories hotels in the North, include use of pool, sauna, Turkish bath, gym and jacuzzi and transfers to the ski centers and back. Do not miss the magic taste of a good traditional food, kaamak-polenta, cicvara-gruel, ham, and a glass of unavoidable Montenegrin red vine Vranac. Speaking of prices, bed price at ski resorts, before and after the holiday will be about 10 euro in private accommodation, while in hotels, depending on the category, bed and breakfast will cost: 2 * 13-23, 3 * 20-35, 4 * 40-80, suites: 35-135. It is interesting that from 16 to 24 December, hotels and private accommodation prices in Kolain will be with 50% discount. As for a longer stay, besides quality hotel and private accommodation, the northern, mountainous regions of Montenegro this winter season offers a whole variety of activities for individuals,

groups and families. God-given space now has everything needed also for tourists being on the snow not only for skiing and snowboarding, but wishing to spend an active holiday in the mountains with less demanding activities - so-called soft ski sports such as snowshoeing - - Walking on snowshoes, snowkiting (boarding with kite and wind energy), Nordic skiing, alpine turn skiing, etc. Except for that silence pervaded with the sunrays from virgin, snow-covered space, here is also a Mediterranean one. You can choose and combine. Maintained ski trails and walkways of ancient coastal cities, and new marinas, comfort of coastal hotels and relaxation in the spa and wellness center. Discover the magic of winter sunset in the small fishing village... Or, surrender to a noisy carnival parade, holidays in the glory of flowers, fish and wine festivals. The scene is the same, soothing high seas and mimosas, but in the merry company - all is much better. Therefore, choose. And be open and warm, like Montenegro is open and warm all year round for you.



concerts on the snow

During the winter, within the campaign Escape to the snow will be organized concerts by famous artists in the three ski resorts (abljak, Kolain and Vuje). You will not go wrong if you choose the ski center Kolain 1450 (, with kilometers of trails intended for all ages, good equipment and experienced instructors. For experienced enthusiasts of winter activities and major adrenaline adventures, slopes of Savin kuk Durmitor will surprise even the most demanding skiers. Beginners and younger people will find lots of fun on the slopes of Vuje (www., and especially in resorts Loven and Verua, a specially intended for them.

Ski pass in abljak - Savin kuk: full day 5. A half-day ski pass In Kolain 1450 costs 12, and daily is 20. Seven day pass cost 104, and a half-day ski pass for children costs 9 and daily costs 13. A seasonal ski pass in the Ski Center Vuje costs 100, daily is 10 and half-daily is 5 On the ski resort Loven and Verua childrens recreation centers are located and ski passes are not charged there. Nacionalna turistika organizacija crne gore (National tourism organisation of Montenegro) call center +382 1300

We invite you to experience unique feeling in unspoiled nature beauty, in the surrounding of Durmitor massif, its lakes, rivers and canyons. These resources make Zabljak one of the most beautiful mountain resorts in the Balkans.

Faster in adventure from ethnic villages

Some ethnic villages are open all year. In winter, they, not only offer a good accommodation prices but also attractive excursions, ski packages and climbs. New offers of ethno villages in the Massif of Durmitor and Piva, are the trails for sledding and children skiing, as well as organized excursions by snowmobiles to Piva Mountains, winter climbs to Durmitor, transfers to ski resorts Savin Kuk and Javorovaa. Here, prices range from 15 per person to multi-day package at a lower price.

Respecting nature and environmental values, hotel SOA has been built at abljak, in the very heart of the National park Durmitor. Whether you are on a business trip, a romantic weekend or on a holiday with your family, Hotel offers you eight rooms and 10 suites that provide complete comfort. With a magnificent view of Durmitor massif, by fireplace, enjoy delicious meals and a selection of various desserts.

Address: National park Durmitor 84220 Zabljak, Montenegro Tel: +382 (0)52 360 110 Fax: +382 (0)52 360 111 Mob: +382 (0)69 151 152 Email: Web:

ne moe jednostavnije, pardon, ukusnije!!!

ma naa tradicija od kuine komplikovanih jela, koja se dugo kuvaju i iziskuju bogzna kakvo umijee i strpljenje. Ali, ima u njoj i vrlo prijatnih iznenaenja koja svojom jednostavnou, a ukusom posebice, oduzimaju dah i zauvijek ostanu u najljepim uspomenama od trpeze!

crnogorska kUina

Svi znamo da dobra orba zlata vrijedi! Za nostalgine, za ozeble, za maze i probirljive, za one umorne ili, prosto, gladne preporuujemo crnogorsku krtolovu orbu, sigurno i bezbroj puta provjereno najbolji kulinarski doping!
Jedno od njih je crnogorska krtolova orba, kremasti uitak koji postane sasvim savladan i doivljen nakon drugog, treeg..., ko bi brojao kojeg tanjira! U stvari, pravo je ime za ovu orbu nikad dosta! A priprema se na sasvim jednostavan nain. U dubljem sudu (priblina koliina za etiri-pet osoba) na malo ulja propriti kaiku-dvije obinog peninog brana (podrazumijeva se neto nia temperatura). Kad brano blago pouti, skloniti sud sa vatre i uz brzo mijeanje varjaom doliti oko litar hladne vode. Voda mora biti hladna da bi se brano lijepo i lako spojilo sa vodom. Vratiti erpu natrag i dodati na kockice usitnjenu krtolu (34 osrednje krtole) i pustiti da lagano uzavire, uz povremeno i paljivo mijeanje. Dodati malo soli i zaina od suvog povra, najbolje onog na iji ste ukus navikli (mediterano, vegeta, ce ili sl.). Tokom kuvanja, u orbu dodati veu olju varenike (slatkog mlijeka) i saekati da se krtola skuva tako da se pod kaikom moe lako smrviti. S obzirom na to da je krtola usitnjena, pazite to bude zaista brzo. Pred sami kraj kuvanja dodati metvicu! Ona je ta arobnica koja daje sutinsku aromu i krtolovu orbu ini jedinstvenim uitkom. Sada je orba spremna za jelo i sve to treba da uinite jeste da je sipate u duboke inije ili tanjire i saekate sigurne komplimente vaem kulinarskom umijeu! Dodue, moete biti jo predusretljiviji i pokazati se kao jo vei znalac, pa onima koje ete nahraniti krtolovom orbom, ponudite da, po izboru, u svoj tanjir dospu malo kisjelog mlijeka ili pavlake. Kao i u svim drugim receptima, i ovdje ima mjesta za neke dodatke. Moe se, recimo, dodati arena, suva slanina izrezana na tanke listie ili koji koluti suve, domae kobasice, da se zajedno ukuvaju. Sve zavisi od ukusa i navika, no najbolja orba je ovakva jednostavna i zdrava. Zima, hladno je i vjetar e sa sjevera, djeca e kasno iz kole, draga e se vratiti s puta ili e vas iznenaditi mio gost sve su to razlozi da ve danas skuvate najbolju, najjednostavniju i najukusniju krtolovu orbu. Nek iz kuine zamirie metvica i zima e biti ljepa, toplija. Prijatno! P.S. Za one koji ne znaju, ako takvih ima, krtola je krompir!

cannot be simpler... sorry, more delicious!!!

We all know that a good soup is worth gold! For the nostalgic, half-frozen, mollies, choosies, for those tired, or simply hungry - we recommend Montenegrin krtolova soup the best culinary doping, safe and proven countless times.

montenegrin cUisine

n this our traditional cuisine there are complicated, long cooking dishes, requiring much of a skill and patience. But, owning to its simplicity and flavor it also has a very pleasant, breathstopping surprises, resulting in the happiest memories of the table, remaining forever! One of them is a Montenegrin krtolova soup, creamy delight that becomes completely overwhelmed and experienced after the second, third, who can count the plates! Actually, the real name of this soup is its never enough! It can be prepared in a very simple way: (approximate amount for four or five persons) First fry in deeper bowl a spoon or two of common wheat flour with little oil, (slightly lower temperature is implied). When the flour turns golden yellow, remove pot from the heat and while quickly mixing with a wooden spoon, add about one liter of cold water. Water must be cold to avoid curdling of flour but enable its nice and easy merging with water. Put back the pot and add the chopped and diced krtola (3-4 medium sized krtolas), and let it boil gently, with occasional and careful stirring. Add a little salt and spices of dried vegetables, preferably the one to which taste you are accustomed (Mediterano, Vegeta, C, etc.). Pour big cup of milk into the boiling soup and wait until krtola is properly cooked,

so that, when mixed, the dices can be easily crushed under the spoon. As krtola is fragmented do it very well. Just before the end of cooking, add mint! Its the sorceress giving the substantial flavor making krtolova soup a unique pleasure. Now the soup is ready to eat and all you have to do is to pour it into a deep bowl or plate and wait for the definitive compliments to your culinary skills! However, you can be more polite, proving yourself even more connoisseur by offering to those who will eat your soup to, add into the plate, at their choice a little milk or sour cream. As in all recipes, there is a room for some additions, also here. A colorful, dry bacon cut into thin slices or some slices of dry, homemade sausages, can be added, to boil down together. Everything depends on the tastes and habits, but the best soup is like this - simple and healthy. Winters cold and the wind will blow from the north, children will be late from school, sweetheart will be back from the trip or a dear guest will surprise you- all these are the reasons that today you cook the best, simplest and most delicious krtolova soup. Let the cuisine smells of mint and winter will be nicer, warmer. Good appetite! P.S. For those who do not know, if any, krtola is a potato


nesalomivo krilo pobjednika

Boj ne bije svijetlo oruje, ve boj bije srce u junaka! P. II P. Njego

intervjU: petar kapisoda, rukometni reperezentativac crne gore

Razgovarala: Nada bukili Fotografija: Miodrag Martinovi, goran roganovi

zentativac. Davno sam nauio, a i provjerio, da nita ne dolazi sluajno ili bez velikog truda. U sportu se uvijek sve vrati i to ba onako kako ste zasluili. Sport vas naui jo jednoj ivotnoj dimenziji: velianstveno je biti pobjednik, ali je prava stvar u tome to i kada nijeste na pijedestalu, a znate da ste dali sve od sebe, vi i dalje jeste pobjednik! Pobijediti sebe, izvui iz sebe maksimum i dati se u ime igre i sporta, u ime onih koji vas sa panjom prate, koji iz srca za vas navijaju to je vrhunsko dostignue svakog sportiste. A mi smo upravo to uradili. kako se nosite sa popularnou? o vama se pie, pokatkad i u tzv. utoj tampi, salijeu vas, dragi ste enskim srcima KAPISODA: Ma, nije to ba tako. I nije tampa uta, uti su ljudi generacije koje su vaspitavane na nekim drugim modelima i sa nekim drugaijim ivotnim ciljevim. Ne deava mi se nita glamurozno. Na Cetinju sam, to mi veoma prija. Ovo je moj grad, moja je svaka ulica, svaki trotoar, oe kod ove ili one zgrade, staza pored kue, pogled na onu planinu, etalite ka parku... Sve to je dio mog odrastanja i sazrijevanja, struktura iz koje su izrasle moja unutranja, intimna stvarnost i realnost. I sada bi zaista bilo vie nego smijeno kada bih ja ovim ulicama koraao kao neko ko je drugaiji ili vaniji od ljudi oko nas. ta bih ja od toga imao? Nita! Bio bih smijean, a ni Cetinjani mi ne bi dali da se tako ponaam! To kod nas ne moe i mislim da je to potpuno fer. fer? KAPISODA: Pa, jeste. To je kao u sportu. Ne moete vi u malom gradu kao to je Cetinje, ba kao ni u timu, biti posebno drugaiji, ne moete imati nekakav tretman koji e da vai za vas, ali ne i za ostale grupa to odmah eliminie, poniti, urui. Tim je tim ba zato to funkcionie po istim principima za sve, ma koliko bili razliiti kao pojedinci. Sport izjednaava, ujedinjuje, ui potenom odnosu, povjerenju i saosjeanju. Ne znam ni jednog pravog sportistu koji ovo ne razumije i ne potuje. Individualne razlike su neto sasvim drugo i to su svojstva sa kojima ovjek mora sam da se izbori. oito je da vjerujete u snagu sporta i, ajde da kaem, sportskog vaspitanja. kako ste vi doli u taj svijet?

iz biografije
Petar kapisoda (1976, Cetinje) pozicija: lijevo krilo; reprezentacija jugoslavije: 95 nastupa, oko 300 golova; reprezentacija crne gore: 41 nastup, 162 gola; rezultati: svjetska prvenstva: Egipat, 1999. g. (bronzana medalja), Francuska, 2001. g. (bronzana medalja), Olimpijske igre Sidnej, 2000. g. (4. mjesto); titule: 6 puta prvak Jugoslavije; 1 kup Jugoslavije; obrazovanje: godine 2003. diplomirao na Fakultetu za poslovne studije Univerziteta primijenjenih nauka u Beogradu; priznanja: dobitnik Trinaestonovembarske nagrade grada Cetinja; od Ministarstva za sport drave Crne Gore dobio status i zvanje vrhunski sportista

drugaiji on je vjeiti borac protiv nepravde, pa sam i sam osjetljiv na sva pitanja pravednosti. Brat ivi u vajcarskoj, tamo je igrao rukomet u drugoj ligi, ima lijepu porodicu. Prole sam godine, dok sam bio angaovan u vajcarskom WEST HBC, ivio blizu njega. Od moje esnaeste samo smo se viali, nikada druili, pa sam ga ostao eljan. Sada smo to nadoknadili i mogu rei da mi je, zaista, bilo prelijepo. Sestra i njena porodica ive u Tivtu. Roditelji su, da tako kaem, ostali sami... Mora da ih je usreio va povratak na cetinje? KAPISODA: Izgleda! I, kako je to: biti doma, kod roditelja, kod majke? KAPISODA: Hahaha, kao kod majke! Po cio dan mi kuva, pee, ugaa. Kao etetu. Pravi mi divne pite od jabuka, kuva kompote, a ja uivam! Tako uvan i njegovan ne mogu se ni prehladiti! od koga ste u ivotu ili karijeri dobili najbolji savjet? KAPISODA: Cio ivot sam u sportu i oko mene je uvijek bilo ljudi koji su znali i umjeli rei pravu stvar u pravo vrijeme. Kad sam bio ba mlad, recimo kada sam kao osamnaestogodinjak pozvan da igram za Reprezentaciju ondanje SRJ, to je za mene tada bilo udo nad udima (Ej! Znate li kakav je to osjeaj!? Reprezentacija, a samo osamnaest!) bile su mi neprocjenjivo vrijedne rijei trenera Jovice Elezovia, koji me je potapao po ramenu i rekao: Ne brini oni ne lete!. I ja sam igrao najbolje to sam mogao. I kasnije su se deavale odsudne situacije, ali sam uvijek uz sebe imao ljude koji su mi davali snagu i kojima sam vjerovao. Primjetno je da se sportisti esto pozivaju na povjerenje, na vjeru u saigraa KAPISODA: Naravno. I prije sam pomenuo da je to jedan od kvaliteta sporta: niko ne mora biti vrhunski sportista, ali je za svakog od velikog znaaja nauiti se povjerenju u ljude. Vjerovati u ovjeka do sebe kao u sebe samoga, vrhunac je ne samo sportskih odnosa. Da nema te vjere i ubjeenja da e te onaj do tebe slijediti do posljednjih snaga, ne bi bilo mogue baviti se sportom koji je i izmiljen iz najboljih i najistijih ljudskih namjera. Uo113

Kada su pred utakmicu vedska Crna Gora nai rukometai uli intoniranje pogrene pjesme, zbunjenost je trajala samo par sekundi spontano su svi zapjevali himnu, toliko snano i dostojanstveno da su ih i sami veani nagradili uzbuenim i jakim aplauzom. Poslije pjevanja himne, nijesu morali da daju nijedan gol! Ma, nijesu morali ni da igraju odrali su svima neoekivanu, najveu i najljepu lekciju dostojanstva i uglaenosti. Meu njima je bio nezaobilazni i nezaboravni 36-godinji Petar Kapisoda, na lijepi Petar, sa oima plavim kao cetinjsko nebo

etar Kapisoda, Cetinjanin i jedan od najljepih momaka sa sportskih scena dananje i bive nam drave, veoma je prisan ovjek, jednostavan i drag. Djeluje kao svaki od mladia iz nae ulice, iako je iza njega izuzetna sportska karijera. Ali, u njegovom glasu i maniru ni traga samoljublju. On je, u sutini, olienje optimizma i one specifine, snane njenosti, koja je tako draga svim enama svih epoha... Rijeju: dentlmen!

Sreli smo se u omiljenoj mu Gradskoj kafani na Cetinju, gdje je doao sportski odjeven i nasmijan. Motor je parkirao nedaleko, u za to dozvoljeni dio ulice. Nimalo mu nije smetalo to se oko nas okupila znatieljna publika momci i djevojke iz Podgorice eljeli su ga vidjeti, sluati, pitati poneto. Sa mnogo predusretljivosti sluao je i mene i njih. ono to je reprezentacija crne gore postigla u posljednje vrijeme, uinilo je da vas i vae saigrae doivljavamo sa osobitim potovanjem. ta je, u stvari, bilo najtee kroz koju sportsku bitku? KAPISODA: Kakva bi to bitka i izazov bili da nema i tekoa? Sve je i teko i naporno, ali je ba izmeu ja mogu, hou i onoga teko je i ne znam kako u, ona razlika zbog koje neko jeste, a neko nije pravi sportista i repre-

KAPISODA: Moj ed Ljubo je bio pravi sportski zaljubljenik. On je mene i brata i odveo na rukomet, uveo u sport, bodrio nas i podsticao, i tako je krenulo. Doivio je, nadam se, dosta radosti zbog naih uspjeha i bio je moj najvei i najstrastveniji navija. ao mi je to nije ostao na ovom svijetu dovoljno dugo da me vidi u dresu crnogorske reprezentacije. To bi za njega bilo neto sasvim posebno, a ja bih znao da sam mu se oduio. kaite nam neto o porodici iz koje potiete? KAPISODA: Imam oca, majku, sestru i brata. Majku nikada nijesam vidio sem vedru i nasmijanu. Od nje sam, vjerujem, pokupio taj lijepi, pozitivni pogled na ljude i ivot. Otac je

stalom, vjera jednih u druge, sigurnost da e saigra dati od sebe i vie nego to moe, jer zna da u i ja i svi ostali uiniti isto, uinila je nau Reprezentaciju ovako uspjenom. Izgleda da ste ba ponosni? KAPISODA: Pa, jesam I mi smo KAPISODA: Mi nita drugo nijesmo ni eljeli. Za mene, odnosno za sve nas najvanija je ta injenica: igramo za nau zemlju i naa zemlja, cijela, navija za nas! Bez obzira na uslove u kojima treniramo i situaciju u kojoj smo i pojedinano i kao ekipa. Mi znamo da je nekome tamo, u toj maloj, lijepoj zemlji, izuzetno vano kakvi emo biti na terenu. Neko tamo nas gleda, navija, srce mu bije za nas, za ovu ruku koja dri loptu svaka ast toj ruci! KAPISODA: Hahahaha, hvala. I, vidite, nema jutra da ne doem do Gradske kafane tu sa drutvom pijem kafu, razgovaramo i, naravno, smijemo se i svakog me jutra poneko zaustavi sa eljom da me pozdravi, da mi estita. Najdirljivije mi je kad mi prie starac i prui mi ruku, kao da sam za njega lino uinio neto izuzetno i vano. U tome je mnogo sree i uzvraenih emocija, i mnotvo potvrda da je bilo i vrijedno i, ako hoete, asno, boriti se bez samosaaljenja. Mi smo, shvatili smo, mala zemlja i malo se odvaja za sport. Malo je mogunosti, a moda e jednom biti bolje. Ali mi ivimo sada i igramo sada dakle, da li da se alimo na sudbinu ili da, brate, zaigramo? I zaigrali smo, vidjeli ste kako! vidjela se razlika izmeu nae i drugih reprezentacija, a ponekad se inilo da vas smatraju autsajderima koji su ko zna kako dospjeli tu KAPISODA: Da, potcjenjivali su nas. Ako. Nije nas to omelo, naprotiv. ak nam je dalo neku snagu i otpornost htjela sam rei da je ta razlika bila uoljiva i na drugi nain: bez obzira na tu povrnu ocjenu vaih suparnika, vi ste isijavali snanu energiju kao da ste unaprijed znali da ste pobjednici. kako? KAPISODA: Tako smo se postavili. Nijesmo dali da nam ita skrene panju

ne! ne! ne!

Zbilja sam zateen ovovremenim nainom vaspitanja i podizanja ece. Svuda oko sebe ujem zabrinute roditelje kako govore eci: Ne tri oznojie se! Obuci se bie ti hladno! Svuci se bie ti vrue! Ne skai pae! Ne idi na sunce ubie te sunanica, i jo hiljadu slinih glupih savjeta. Ne mogu da se naudim udu! Ne tri pae!? Nevjerovatno! Pa, to ako padne? Ustae! Pustite ecu da rastu, igraju, tre, padaju i ustaju, pustite ih da okuse ivot, da upoznaju sebe i svoje mogunosti. Pustite ih da se raduju! Jer meni je veoma tuno to dananja eca gube dragocjeno vrijeme djetinjstva nad kompjuterima, na Fejsu, u virtuelnim prijateljstvima, sa hladnim prijateljima-predmetima. Zato ne mogu da osjete kako je to kad te neko iskreno potape po ramenu da te utjei ili kako je to kad se obraduje uspjehu svog druga, kad se sa njim smije ili kad pred njim prizna da ti je teko...

Veoma volim motore i onaj osjeaj slobode koji ima dok leti. U svojoj osami, koncentrisan na ono ispred sebe i fasciniran onim oko sebe, vozim najee putevima i stazama ka jezeru Skadarskom, do velianstvene Boke ili niz lovenske strane Oarava me priroda, u njoj je sve za divljenje, nalazim u njoj mnogo vie od lijepih slika i oblika. Zato je meni lijep dan poput ovog, kad mogu kroz raskone boje pozne jeseni kliznuti do jezera, okruen svim tim zauujuim prizorima, uvijek drugaijim iako ih poznajem cio ivot i sluajui omiljeni bluz (B. B. King, Gary Moore, Ray Charles) biti sam sa sobom i na motoru

kako ste pobijedili Njemce? oni djeluju grandiozno! KAPISODA: Upravo sam to htio ispriati. Jesu, grandiozni su! Da ste vidjeli kako sija njihova sportska oprema, kako bljete bijele trenerke na onim razvijenim ramenima, na onim monim, snanim tijelima! Posebno kad svaki od igraa ima maltene linog fizioterapeuta, kad za svakim od njih tri poneki od strunjaka svake vrste. A Njemci kao Njemci udesni, snani, nemilosrdni. Biti okruen takvim protivnicima, vjerujte, jezivo je! A mi? itav glamur, esencija vrhunskog evropskog sporta protiv nas koji ni dvije iste majice nemamo!? Pa, ta da radimo? Ej, mi smo se samo pogledali, zahvaljujui valjda uroenoj drskosti i samopotovanju, moda i snazi mentaliteta, kao da im presuujemo: Uf, kako emo ih razbit danas! I razbili smo ih! Ima li u takvim prilikama i onih anegdotskih situacija? KAPISODA: Naravno. Na toj utakmici, recimo, bilo je i dosta naih navijaa. Nakon utakmice, nekolicina su doli kod nas u svlaionicu da nam estitaju. Nije se znalo ko je sreniji. Izlazimo potom i iz hodnika, onako preko ramena, vidimo situaciju u njemakoj svlaionici: sada grandiozni muk i tiina. Jedan od naih navijaa saosjeajno je pripitao: A vii, kad primaju sauee? sve je to sada lako prepriavati, no ostaje istina da ste, ipak, savladali monije od sebe. ta ini jednog sportistu nadmonim? KAPISODA: Mislim da je to spremnost na to da moe biti povrijeen, da moe doi-

vjeti bol. Ako te je strah od boli, ako ti je ao sebe, svog tijela, onda nijesi ba za sport. Kad igram, ja ginem i nije me briga hou li slomiti ruku ili e mi pui kost u nozi. Protivnik vjerovatno misli da sam ludak i vjerovatno to izaziva neku vrstu strahopotovanja, ne znam. Znam samo da to pobjeuje. Naroito kad su ti saigrai isti ludaci. ta je bilo najtee u ovim dugim, sportskim godinama? KAPISODA: Najtee su mi padala lijeenja nakon povreda, a lomio sam obje ruke, operisao obje noge, povrijedio sam ak i kimu To vrijeme kada ne moe da trenira, da se kree, da igra to je veoma, veoma teko. ta pomae tada? KAPISODA: Pomae da i to shvati kao sastavni dio sporta i da disciplinovano eka da ozdravi. Da se i prema tome dri kao prema bilo kome ko blokira tvoj sportski rad. Ako lijeenje treba da potraje, onda je pametno iskoristiti ga uei ili itajui, ili posveujui vie panje onima koje si do tada moda zanemarivao. Ja sam, recimo, zavrio fakultet ba u nekim takvim situacijama. itate li? KAPISODA: Naravno. Vjerujem u dobro, jednakost, optimizam. Pacifista sam. Ne volim nacionalizme, politiku, niti ita s njom povezano. Ne volim ni ratne teme, pa bih ako me pitate, prije preporuio za itanje Tri poslijeratna druga ora Balaevia nego Remarkova Tri ratna druga. Naravno, ne zalazei u spisateljske kvalitete samih autora

ko je va sportski uzor? jeste li imali svog sportskog boga? KAPISODA: Da. Za mene je bog sporta bio pokojni Mate Parlov, bokser koji je osvojio evropsko, pa svjetsko zlato u amaterskoj konkurenciji, potom je isto osvojio kao profesionalac, a onda uzeo i zlatnu olimpijsku medalju! Dovoljno za divljenje... Cijenim predanost i portvovanje. Parlov je, objanjavajui svoj uspjeh, rekao: Ja treniram svakog dana svog ivota vie nego ijedan moj protivnik ijednog dana njegovog ivota. Mjesecima se pripremao za svoje borbe, mjesecima... Da, Parlov je najvei od svih. sada ste i vi uzor drugima KAPISODA: Vjerovatno. To ima za posljedicu produenu vaspitnu ulogu sporta, odnosno nastavak karijere ne smijete pokvariti ono to ste postigli dok ste se aktivno bavili sportom. bogata je ta vaa karijera. Mora da se tokom nje desilo mnogo lijepih dogaaja. opiite jedan od njih KAPISODA: Pa, recimo, kad sam igrao za sarajevsku Bosnu, publika je vidjela koliko se trudim i borim. Da bi me za to nagradila, na utakmici u Skenderiji, doivio sam da puna

sala Mirza Delibai skandira: Montenegro, Montenegro! Kao pozdrav meni. Na to ne moete ostati hladni. Mi, znate, i dalje od reprezentacije elimo najbolje, najvie. kako e to ii? KAPISODA: Znam, u stvari, znamo svi mi da je u startu bilo izvjesnih sumnji i nedoumica oko konstituisanja nae Reprezentacije. Sumnjalo se i u mogunosti Zorana Kastratovia, naeg selektora, kao i u njegovu namjeru da okupi igrae rasute po evropskim i svjetskim ekipama. Jer poznato je da je naa liga premala da takvi igrai budu ovdje. Ali Kastratovi je veoma mudro i veoma strpljivo organizovao nau igru i dao nam pravi smjer. Tu je i Blao Lisii, s kojim sam nekada igrao. Bili smo i cimeri i saigrai, a danas je on jedan od ljudi u naem strunom tabu. Imamo sjajne momke, recimo izvanrednog golmana Rada Mijatovia, kojeg bih rado predloio za ministra odbrane, hahaha Vidjeemo. Zajedno smo, boriemo se. S vjerom i dobrim nadama obeavate? KAPISODA: Mogu obeati u ime svih nas, u ime Draka, Smaja, Zorana, Mele, Maa i svih ostalih: boriemo se kao lavovi na predstojeem prvenstvu, pa kako bude!

da li vas je od iega strah? KAPISODA: Na terenu nije. Nikada. Strah je isto to i protivnik. Na strah uvijek morate gledati kao na neprijatelja i uiniti sve da ga eliminiete. vie vas protivnici nee gledati kao autsajdere bie tee? KAPISODA: Neka. Mene je strah od drugih stvari Na primjer? KAPISODA: Strah me je hoemo li imati sigurnu bazu buduih rukometaa, hoemo li uspjeti da razvijemo to vie klubova gdje bi stasavali i igrali budui reprezentativci? Jer opasna je ova situacija kada u reprezentaciji imate vie od pola igraa maltene iz dvije cetinjske ulice. a imate li neku posebno veliku elju? KAPISODA: Imam. elim da uspjeh nae Reprezentacije, kao i svi uspjesi svih ostalih crnogorskih sportista, daju snaan zamah i inspiriu sportiste koji u Crnoj Gori upravo sada stasavaju.


interview: petar kapisoda, member of the montenegrin national handball team

Unbreakable winners wing

The battle is not won by honest arms but beating heart of a hero! P. II P. Njego
Interviewed by: Nada bukili Photo by: Miodrag Martinovi, goran roganovi

When before the match Sweden - Montenegro our handball players heard striking the wrong track, confusion lasted only a few seconds they all spontaneously sang the national anthem, so strongly and with dignity that even Swedes awarded them with excited and strong applause. After singing the anthem, they didnt have to give a single goal! Well, they even didnt have to play but held all unexpected, the biggest and best lesson of dignity and politeness. Among them was unavoidable and unforgettable 36-year old Petar Kapisoda, our lovely Petar, with eyes blue as the sky of Cetinje

etar Kapisoda, originating from Cetinje and one of the nicest guys on the sports scene of our current and former state, is very close, simple and sweet man. He looks like any of the boys in our streets, regardless his outstanding sports career. With no trace of conceit in his voice and manner. He is, in essence, the embodiment of optimism and that specific, strong affection, so dear to women of all epochs, a synonym for gentleman!

We met at his favorite pub in Cetinje, where he came dressed in sports mode and smiling. He parked the motorcycle nearby, in the section of the street where it was allowed. He did not mind at all the curious audience - boys and girls from Podgorica gathered around us, who wanted to see, listen and ask him something. He was listening to me and to them with a lot of courtesy. - the recent results of Montenegrin national team have resulted in our special respect for you and your teammates. What is, in fact, was the hardest through this sport battle?

KAPISODA: What a battle and a challenge they would be if there were no difficulties? Everything is difficult and laborious, but just between: I can and wish and it is difficult and do not know how to do, is the difference that owning to which one is or is not a real athlete and national team member. I have learned but also experienced since long time ago, that nothing comes by chance or without great effort. In sports all and always returns to you just as you deserve it. Sports teach you to another dimension of life: it is magnificent be a winner, but the real thing is that, even when youre not on a pedestal knowing that you gave your best, you are still a winner! To beat yourself, get out and give your maximum in the name of the game and sport, on behalf of those who follow you carefully, supporting you from their hearts- it is a crowning achievement of every athlete. And we did just that. - how do you deal with popularity? sometimes, so called yellow press writes also about you, bothering you by saying that you are close to womens hearts.

KAPISODA: Well, its not like that. And the press is not yellow, people are yellow - generations that are brought up on some other models with some different life goals. Nothing glamorous is happening to me. I am in Cetinje, which makes me feel very comfortable. This is my town, every street, sidewalk, angle with this or that building, the path next to the house, look at that mountain, walkway to the park, is mine. All this is a part of my growing up and maturing, the structure out of which my inner, intimate reality have grown. I now, it would really be more than funny to see me walking on these streets as someone different or more important than the people around us. What would I have of it? Nothing! I would have been hilarious, and people from Cetinje would not allow me to do so! It cannot be with us, and I think thats entirely fair. - fair? KAPISODA: So, it is. It is as well as in the sports. You cannot be particularly different in the small town like Cetinje, just as well as in a team, you cannot have some

treatment that will apply to you, but not to others- a group immediately eliminates, cancels and tears it down. A team is a team just because it works on the same principles for all, no matter how varied as the individuals. A sport equalizes, unifies, by teaching on correct communications, trust and compassion. I do not know any true sportsman who fails to understand and respect this. Individual differences are something entirely different and are the properties a man has to cope with. - It is clear that you believe in the power of sports and, lets say, sports education. how did you come into this world? KAPISODA: Ljubo, my grandfather was a true sports enthusiast. He took me and my brother to the handball, revealed us a secret of sport, cheered and encouraged us, and so it started. He had, I hope, a lot of joy because of our success, and he was my biggest and most passionate supporter. Im sorry that he did not stay in this world long enough to see me wearing jersey of Montenegrin national team. That would be something special

for him, and I would know that I helped his dreams come true. - tell us about your family of origin? KAPISODA: I have a father, mother, sister and brother. I have never seen a mother other than cheerful and smiling. From her, I believe, picked up the nice, positive view of people and life. Father is different - he is eternal fighter against injustice, so Im also sensitive to all the issues of justice. My brother lives in Switzerland, where he played handball in the second division, has a lovely family. Last year, while I was engaged in the Swiss WEST HBC, lived near him. Since I was sixteen, we saw each other occasionally, we never spent much time with each other, so I remained desirous of him. Now we have compensated it and I can tell you that was indeed beautiful. My sister and her family live in Tivat. Parents are, so to speak, left alone... - Must be that your return to cetinje made you happy? KAPISODA: Looks like it did!

- so, hows it: being at home with your parents, mother? KAPISODA: Ha ha ha, with the mother! All day long she cooks, bakes, accommodates me... She treats me like a child. She makes me lovely apple pies, cooks compotes... and I enjoy it! So guarded and cared I can neither catch a cold! - from whom in life or career you got the best advice? KAPISODA: All my life Ive been in sports and around me there were always people who knew how to say the right thing at the right time. When, as really young, lets say at the age of eighteen, I was invited to play for the National team of former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, that was the greatest miracle for me (Hey! you know how it feels!? National team and you are only eighteen!) words of coach Jovica Elezovi were invaluably worth when he patted me on the shoulder and said: Do not worry - they do not fly, and I played the best I could. Crucial situations happened also later, but I was always supported by people to whom I trusted.


- It is evident that athletes often refer to the trust, confidence in teammates... KAPISODA: Sure. Ive mentioned before that this was one of the qualities of sport: No one has to be a top athlete, but for every one is of great importance to learn trusting in people. To believe a man next to you as yourself is a culmination not only of sports relations. Without this faith and conviction that your teammate will follow you to the very end, would not be possible to go in for sports invented with the best and purest human intentions. After all, trust in each other, confidence that teammate gives of himself even more than he can, knowing that I and all the others will do the same, makes our National team so successful. - It seems that you are really proud? KAPISODA: Well, I am... - so we are... KAPISODA: We did not dream of anything else. For me, and for us, these are the most important facts: we play for our country and the whole our country is cheering us! Regardless our training conditions and the situation in which we as individuals and as a team are. We know that there is someone in this tiny, beautiful country, to whom is very important what well be on the playground. Someone is watching us out there. His heart beats for us, for this hand holding the ball... - congratulations to the hand! KAPISODA: Hahahaha, thank you. And, you see, theres no single morning that I do not come to the Town tavern - there I drink a coffee with friends, we talk and, of course, laugh- and every morning somebody stops me wishing to say hello, to congratulate. The most touching is when an old man approaches me giving his hand, as if I did something extraordinary and important, for him personally. Thats a lot of joy and returned emotions, and plenty of proof that fight without self-pity was well worth and if you like so, honorable. We understand that we are little country with not many resources set aside for sports. There are few opportunities, but may be it will

the biography
Petar kapisoda (1976, Cetinje) Position: Left wing yugoslav national team: 95 perfomances, about 300 goals Montenegrin national team: 41 performance, 162 Goals results: World Cup: Egypt 1999 (bronze medal), France 2001 (bronze medal), the Olympic Games Sydney 2000 (4th place) titles: 6 times champion of Yugoslavia 1 time Yugoslav Cup winner education: 2003 graduated at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Applied Sciences in Belgrade awards: Winner of 13th November Award of City of Cetinje from the Ministry of Sports of Montenegro and the TOP ATHLETE status be better, one day. But we live now and play now so brother, should we complain about the fate or play? And we played, youve seen how! - you could see the difference between ours and other National teams, sometimes it seemed they considered you outsiders, getting there who knows how KAPISODA: Yes, they underestimated us. But that was not a problem... That did not hamper us, on the contrary. Even gave us a strength and resilience. - I wanted to say that this difference was apparent in other ways: despite this superficial assessment of your rivals, you radiated a strong energy, as if you knew you were the winners. how comes? KAPISODA: We set so. We did not allow anything to draw our attention...

- how did you beat the germans? they looked grandiose. KAPISODA: Just that I wanted to tell you. Yes, they are grandiose! If you could see their shining sporting equipment, glowing white suits on those developed shoulders, mighty strong bodies. Especially when each player almost has a personal physiotherapist, especially when no one of them is in the care of a specialist of any kind. And the Germans as the Germans are - wonderful, powerful, ruthless. Being surrounded by such opponents, believe me, is scary. And we? The whole glamour, essences of Top European sports against us not having two of the same shirts!? Well, what should we do? Hey, we just looked at each other, probably due to the inherent arrogance and self-esteem, may be also to the power of mentality, as we judged them Gee, how we will break them today! And we broke them! - Were there also those anecdotal situations in such occasions? KAPISODA: Of course. There were a lot of our fans on one match. After the game, a few came to us in the locker room, to congratulate. We did not know who was happier. Then we went out through the hall, saw the situation in the German locker room, as over the shoulder: there was grandiose silence and stillness. One of our fans compassionately asked: When they receive condolences? - Its now easy to retell, however the truth is that you von the stronger than you. What makes an athlete superior? KAPISODA: I think is readiness that you can be injured, experience pain. If you are afraid of the pain, feel sorry for yourself, your body, then you are just not for sports. When I play, I die and I do not care if I will break my arm or a bone in my leg. The opponent probably thinks Im crazy and that probably causes some kind of awe, I dont know. I only know that it beats. Especially when those teammates, are the same lunatics. - What was the hardest thing in these long, sports years? KAPISODA: I fell hardest healings after injury, and I broke both arms, was opera-

ted on both legs, injured my spine even That period of time- when you cannot train, move, play- its very, very difficult. - What helps then? KAPISODA: It helps if you consider that as an integral part of the sports with disciplined waiting to heal. To behave toward it as to anyone blocking your sports work. If healing treatment should take time, then it is wise to take advantage of learning or reading or paying more attention to those you may have previously ignored. I have, for example, completed faculty just in some such situations. - do you read? KAPISODA: Of course. I believe in good, equality, optimism. I am pacifist. I do not like nationalism, politics, or anything associated with it. I do not like war themes neither, so if you ask me, I would rather recommended for reading the Three postwar comrades by ore Balaevi than the Three war comrades by Remark. Of course, I do not wish to engage into literary quality of the authors...

I really love motorcycles and the feeling of freedom that you have while flying. In my solitude, focused on whats ahead and fascinated by those around me, I drive mostly roads and trails to the lake Skadar, or to the magnificent Boka Bay or down Loven slopes... Nature fascinates me, its all admirable, I find much more than pretty pictures and shapes, in it. So, to me is beautiful a day like this, when I can glide to the Lake, through the sumptuous colors of late fall, surrounded by all these startling scenes, always different even though I know them a lifetime and listening to my favorite blues (B. B. King, Gary Moore, Ray Charles...) being alone on my motorcycle.

- Who is your sports ideal? have you had your sports god? KAPISODA: Yes. For me, the God of the sports was late Mate Parlov, a boxer who won European and world gold in amateur competition, then he won the same as a professional and then took the gold Olympic medal! Enough to be admired. I appreciate the dedication and sacrifice. Parlov, explaining his success, said: I train every day of my life more than any other

my opponent in single day of his life, has! He was preparing himself for his fight for months, months. Yes, Parlov was the greatest of all. - Now also you are the ideal for others. KAPISODA: This results in extended educational role of sport or extension of the career- you must not spoil what you have achieved while you were active in sports.


- your career is rich. Many beautiful events, must have happened during it. describe one of them... KAPISODA: Well, lets say, when I played for Sarajevo Bosnia, the audience saw how much I was trying and fighting. In order to reward me for that, on a match in Skenderija, I experienced that full Mirza Delibai hall chanted: Montenegro, Montenegro! As regards to me. You cannot remain neutral on that. - you know, we still expect the best, maximum from the National team. how will it go? KAPISODA I know, in fact, we all know that from the start there were some doubts and concerns about the constitution of our National team. There were also suspects about abilities of Zoran Kastratovi, our selector, as well as his intention to bring together players scattered across European and Worldwide teams. Because it is known that our league is too small that such players were here. But Kastratovi very wisely and patiently organized our game and gave us the right direction. There was also Blao Lisii, with whom I once played. We were also roommates and teammates, and today he is one of the guys in our coaching staff. We have great players, for example, Rade Mijatovi, extraordinary goalkeeper, whom I would like to propose the Minister of Defense hahaha... Well see. We are together and will fight. With faith and good hopes. - you promise? KAPISODA: I can promise on behalf of all of us, Drako, Smajo, Zoran, Mele, Mao and all the others: we will fight like lions in the forthcoming championship, so be it! - are you afraid of anything? KAPISODA: Not on the playground. Never. Fear is the same as the opponent. You must always consider it the enemy and do your best to eliminate it. - your opponents you will not see you like outsiders, it will be harder? KAPISODA: May be. But I am afraid of other things.

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no! no! no!

I am really caught by a contemporary way of raising children. All around me I can hear worried parents telling children: Do not run you will sweat! Get dressed youll be cold! Dress off - youll be hot! Do not jump - you will fall down!! Do not go in the sun - you will have sunstroke... and thousands more like stupid advice. I cannot stop wondering! Do not run - you will fall down!? Unbelievable! Well, so what if he falls? He will get up! Let your children grow, play, run, fall and get up, taste the life, learn about themselves and their capabilities. Let them be happy! Because, to me it is very sad that children today lose precious time of childhood on computers, Facebook, virtual friendships, with cold object-friends. So they cannot feel what its like when someone truly taps you on the shoulder, to comfort you, what its like when you look forward to the success of your friend, when you are laughing with him or when you admit him that its hard to you

- like what? KAPISODA: Im afraid if we will have a sound basis for future handball players and manage to develop as many clubs as possible where also future members of the National team will grow up? Because this is a dangerous situation when you have a National team with almost more than half of players from two streets in Cetinje.

- and do you have a particularly strong desire? KAPISODA I have. I wish success of our National team that like all the successes of Montenegrin athletes provides strong momentum and inspire the athletes growing up in Montenegro.


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