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11th American Literature Poetry Portfolio

DUE: PART I: Respond (60 points) DUE: Select one poem from five different periods (Enlightenment 1750-1800, Romanticism 18001860, Transcendentalism 1840-1855, Realism 1865-1915, Naturalism, Regionalism, American Renaissance 1840-1860, Modern 1900-1950) to write a readers response. For each poem you select, select one of the questions below for a response. Each response should be ~250 words in length, hand written. Blended quotes are expected (with correct internal citation for each response). Please proofread. Select a different prompt for each response. At the top of each response, clearly indicate the poems title, author, and reader response prompt. (Each response is 12 points) Reader Response Prompts
1. What is your initial response to the poem? What helps convey that reaction diction, syntactical pacing, structure, topic, etc? 2. Does the poem relate to your personal experience? To universal experience? 3. What questions are attempted to be answered, or left unanswered by the poet or for you yourself? 4. What poetic elements are used effectively to convey the tone, or theme or subject matter? 5. Does the poet present any surprising or unexpected elements in the way of structure, development, images, devices, topic, etc? 6. Are the speakers thoughts valid? Explain. 7. What is a particularly striking image? Why? 8. What line(s) seem to embody the theme? Explain how the theme applies both contextually and universally 9. What is a favorite line or use of language in the poem for you? Why? 10. Are there any enigmatic words or phrases? How can their meaning be clarified poetically?

PART II: Annotate (24 points) DUE: For two poems, annotate them. Provide two annotated copies, which clearly illustrate theme, speaker/audience, tone(s), form, and any other poetic, rhetorical or syntactical elements, etc. Marginal annotations should show that you have read closely and reflected on the text. Then, write a hefty analysis paragraph. (Each annotated poem is 12 points) PART III: Illustrate (30 points) DUE: For one of your poems, illustrate the images, mood, theme, simile(s), metaphor(s), imagery, personification, etc. This assignment must be assembled by hand. You may use magazine clippings and photographs, even images off of ClipArt. However, all pieces must be hand assembled. Also, provide the related quotations (with line numbers) as well as the theme, title, and author. Include all the lines from your chosen poem, even if there is no illustration for a line. This can be in the form of a collage (8.5 x 11 paper). PART IV: Prove (60 points) DUE: Select a poem that you believe supports one of the poetry quotes below and explain. First provide a general response to the quotation, and then apply it to the poem. (500 words)

POETRY QUOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I would define the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of beauty. - Edgar Allan Poe A poet writes about what he feels, what agitates his heart and sets his pen in motion. - Dudley Randall Poetry makes nothing happen: it survives in the valley of its saying. - William Butler Yeats A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language. - W. H. Auden Poetry is the impish attempt to paint the color of the wind. - Bodenheim Prose is words in the best order. Poetry is the best words in the best order. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poetry does not necessarily have to be beautiful to stick in the depths of our memory. - Colette All great poetry gives the illusion of a view of life. - T. S. Eliot Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the best and happiest minds. - Percy Bysshe Shelley

PART V: Mimic (30 points) DUE: Select a poem from any of the poems youve read this unit, but have not used for any of the requirements in your portfolio. Study the rhythm, rhyme, form, and figurative language devices used. Then using your selected poem, created one where you pay homage to that poet by mimicking the rhythm, rhyme, form, and at least three uses of figurative language used by your chosen poet. Include the original piece of inspiration behind your poem. BONUS VI: Free DUE: Select a piece of modern poetry, in any form (lyrics from a popular song, inaugural poem, post 1950) to write a personal response to (answering any prompt from PART I) OR annotate (directions in PART II) OR illustrate (directions in PART III) OR prove (directions in PART IV). ESSAY PROMPT FINAL DRAFT DUE (120 points):
HAND WRITTEN ROUGH DRAFT IS COMPLETED IN CLASS (must be attached to the final draft for credit)


Choice #1: Emily Dickinsons The Last Night that She lived Print out Emily Dickinsons The Last Night that She lived Annotate it carefully using directions from Part II. Write an essay in which you describe the speakers attitude toward the womans death. Using specific references from the text, show how the use of language reveals the speakers attitude. Attach the annotate poem and hand-written rough draft behind the final draft. No essay may be submitted without a hand written rough draft or an annotated poem. OR Choice #2: Personal Selection Select any poem by a poet that you have not use for Parts I-IV. Annotate it carefully using directions from Part II. Read it carefully. Then write an essay in which you show how the language of each stanza reveals the perceptions and feelings of the speaker. Attach the annotate poem and hand-written rough draft behind the final draft. No essay may be submitted without a hand written rough draft or an annotated poem. Remember, select a new poem for each assignment. Include a cover sheet, a rubric and a table of contents (see hand out)

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