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I) Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.

4. A) a) B) b) Every student has a key to the main door. Drinks cannot be ordered at the bar.
Use this machine when the bar is closed. Incorrect

II) Read the text about a student hostel. Decide if each of the 10 statements (1/10 to 0/10) is correct or incorrect. 1. If you cook late at night, you should leave the washing-up until the morning.
To make life in this student hostel as comfortable and safe as possible for everyone, please remember these rules. HOSTEL RULES


C) There is a drinks machine in the bar.

5. You can borrow your friend's main door card.

D) This machine is not working at the moment a) Correct b) Incorrect

a) Correct Security You have a special card which operates the electronic lock on your room door and a keyb) Incorrect for the main door of the hostel. These are your responsibility and should never be lent to anyone, including your fellow students. If you lose them you will be charged 20 for a replacement. Do not leave your room unlocked even for short periods (for example, when makingStudents who play loud music theft from student hostels is very common and 2. yourself a coffee). Unfortunately, may have to leave the hostel. insurance companies will not pay for stolen goods unless you can prove that your room was broken into by force. a) Correct
VisitorsNcorrect rarely any rooms available for visitors, except at the end of the summer b) There are term. Stan Jenkins, the hostel manager, will be able to tell you and can handle the booking. A small charge is made. Stan also keeps a list of local guesthouses, with some information 3. You should ask Stan etc. You doctor allowed to ill. about what they're like, prices, to call a are also if you are use empty beds for up to three nights, with the owner's permission (for example, if the person who shares your room is away for the weekend), but you must inform Stan before your guest arrives, so that he has a) Correct an exact record of who's in the building if a fire breaks out. Students are not allowed to b) each other chargeIncorrect for this.

A) Only use this entrance in an emergency. B) c) C) d) Do not park in front of this entrance. Always keep this door open. Incorrect

6. Insurance companies will pay if someone steals your card and takes things from your room. Correct

D) Permission is needed to park here

7. Spare rooms are least likely to be available in summer.

a) Correct A) Return your b) Incorrect books before you leave the library. B) The librarian will show you where to put your books. C) The librarian needs to see your books before you go. c) Correct D) Make sure you take all your books with you. d) Incorrect

8. Your brother can stay free of charge if he uses the other bed in your room.

9. Guests must report to Stan when they arrive.

A) a) B) b) Supersaver tickets cannot be bought before the weekend. Supersaver tickets can be used every day except Fridays

III) Below are some articles from 8 different magazines. Choose one Magazine for each person that best matches their interests. Choose "None" if there isn't a match. K itc h e n T h eSarah isitch e n walker. c h flo o r in h e re lig h t m isa ls , d rinand pere p a re d . b s re is a k a keen o n e a She lives w an area which e very flat k e tc . m a y s, E a ch h a s awhen e frid g e onn d a fo o d cu p btoawalk A lltheo d sh o u ld b e sto re d , cle a rly m a rk e d la rg she goes a holiday she likes o rd . in fo hills. She is w ith th e o w n e r's form e , places e o f th e s e tw o p la c e s. B e d ro o m s a re to o w a rm fo r fo o d to b looking n a new in o n to go. k e p t in , a n d th e c le a n e rs h a v e in stru c tio n s to re m o v e a n y fo oe m . u n d r u s in g in th d fo A fte th e k itc h e nJane aise b e on music.uShe likesy o u -uw aim m e d ia te ly an life of ve it tid y . If , p le s keen su re y o d o a ll reading about g personal d le a r p sh in the famous th e v to find p le a se a lso ta really like. y o u u se it la te in pe eoplee n in g , out what they arek e ca re th a t y o u d o s o q u ie tly in o rd e r to a v o id d is tu rb in g p e o p le in n e a rb y b e d ro o m s.
Peter is going to France next week on business and has a free weekend which he plans to spend in Paris. He would like to find out M u s ic y o ulik e yis u r m u s ic there,forle a s andse a W a lkm a n ! R e m e m b e r th a t yo u r n e ig h b o rs If what o happening lo u d p fun e u entertainment.

Correct Incorrect

C) You can save money by travelling on a Friday.

m a y n o t s h a re y o u r ta s te s . B re a kin g th is ru le c a n re s u lt in b e in g a s k e d to le a v e th e h o s te l. M u sic ia n s c a n u s e th e p ra ctic e ro o m s is also interested n t. B o o k th ro u g h S ta n . Paul likes visiting other cou ntries. He in th e b a se m e in history
and likes reading about famous explorers from the past.

10. The cleaners take away food that they find in bedrooms. D) ZYou need a special ticket to travel on a Friday.
a) Correct b) Incorrect

H e a lth n y s e rio up ro b le m s sh o u ld b e ta k e n to th e lo c a l d o cto r. T h e n u m b e r to rin g fo r a n A s Mary n th clothes ' lis t b e s id e th e money o e a ch flo o r. F o a p p o in tm e n t is o likes e 'H e lpbut hasn't got muchp h o n e sonshe is looking for r firs t a id , c o n ta c t S t ways of dressing smartly without spending too much. o r o n e o f th e s tu d e n ts w h o s e n a m e s y o u w ill fin d o n th a t lis t, w h o a ls o a id v e so m e first ha tra in in g .

She conquered the world of opera with the most extraordinary voice of the century -- and died miserable and alone. Michael Tonner looks at Maria Callas, the woman behind the opera singer. BUSINESS IN PARIS John Felbrick goes to Paris to see what facilities it offers for business people planning meetings. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non


Our guide to what is happening in London, and this month we'll also tell you what's on in Paris, Rome, and Madrid. EXPLORE AFRICA Last year Jane Merton joined a trip across Africa, exploring the most cut-of parts of the continent. Read what she has to say. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non

2) DON"T GO into the hills unprepared. If you're a hill walker, we have advice for you on what to
take and what to do if something goes wrong. WE SHOW pictures of Linda Evangelista, the supermodel from Toronto, wearing next season's clothes for the woman with unlimited money. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non

This is the season for street festivals. We've travelled to three of the big ones in South America and bring you pictures and information. HOW I GOT THERE Georgina Fay tells us how she became a famous clothes designer overnight. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non

7) READ about NEIL ASHDOWN's recent walk along one of Britain's oldest paths. It passes
through some of the most beautiful hill country. ENTER our competition and win a week for two in THAILAND. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non


Penelope Fine's well-known children's stories are going to be on Sunday morning Children's TV. We have a wonderful talk with this famous author. FLATLANDS It may not look like promising walking country -- it hardly rises above sea level, but we can show you some amazing walks. a) Sarah b) Jane c) Peter d) Paul e) Mary f) Non

We talk to the two men who have just completed a walk across the Antartic. TIGHTEN THAT BELT Well-known fashion designer, Virginia McBride, who now lives in Paris, tells us how to make our old clothes look fashionable. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non


David Beech talks to the famous singer about his future tour to the Far East. NEW LIGHT Julian Smith talks to the granddaughter of one of the men who reached the North Pole for the first time in 1909. She tells us about his interesting life. a) b) c) d) Sarah Jane Peter Paul e) Mary f) Non

IV) Read the text and then look at the questions. There are 5 questions for each reading.
Dear Mr Landers, I run `Snips' haird ressing shop above Mr Shah's chemist's shop at 24 High Street. I started the business 20 years ago and it is now very successful. My customers have to walk through the chemist's to the stairs at the back which lead to the hairdresser's. This has never been a problem. Mr Shah plans to retire later this year, and I have heard from a business acquaintance that you intend to rent the shop space to a hamburger bar. I have thought about trying to rent it myself and make my shop bigger but I cannot persuade anyone to lend me that much money. I don't know what to do. My customers come to the hairdresser's to relax and the noise and smells of a burger bar will surely drive them away. Also, they won't like having to walk through a hot, smelly burger bar to reach the s tairs. I have always paid my rent on time. You have told that you wish me to continue with my business for possible. I believe you own another empty shop in Could the burger bar not go there, where it would people's businesses? I hope you think carefully about this. me in the past as long as the High Street. not af fect other

1) What is the writer's main aim in the letter?

a) to show why her business is successful b) to explain why her customers are feeling unhappy c) to avoid problems for her business a) to complain about the chemist downstairs

1) Who was the letter sent to?

a) The writer's landlord b) The writer's bank manager c) The owner of the burger bar d) The local newspaper

2) What does the writer think about the burger bar?

a) It will make her lose money. b) It will not be successful.

V) Use words from list and fill ALL gaps

After two weeks of worry, a farmer (0 )_________ the north of England was very happy yesterday. James Tuke, a far mer who (1) _______sheep, lost his dog, Sally, when they were out (2) ________together a for tnight ago. 'Sally was running ( 3) ___________of me', he said. 'and disappeared over the top of the hill. I whistled and called 4)________she didn't come. She's yo ung, so I thought perhaps she'd gone back to the farmhouse (5)________ her own. But she wasn't there. Over the next few days I (6)__________ as much time as I could looking for her. I was afraid that I would never see her (7)_________ Then a neighbor said she'd heard an animal crying while she was out walking near the (8)________ of a cliff. I rushed out and found Sally on a shelf of rock halfway down. She was thin and (9)_________but she had no (10)__________ injuries. She was really lucky!'

(0) in, of, at, to (1) goes, grows, keeps, holds (2) working, worked, work, works (3) behind, beside, ahead, around (4) but, so, and, even (5) by ,on, with, of (6) used, spent, gave, passed (7) more, again, further, after (8) edge, side, border, height (9) poor, dull, weak, broken (10) strong, hard, rough, serious


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