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Midterm What makes a good public speaker & speech?

Dealing with Nervousness Acknowledge Your Fear Focus on Message, not Fear Act Confident Give Yourself a Mental Pep Talk Visualize Your Success Channel Nervous Energy BREATHE Practice, Practice, Practice Understand Your Audience CHALLENGES People Think Faster Than They Hear Short Attention Span Easily Distracted How to Deal with Keep Speech Focused Analyze Audience Carefully Adapt to Situation What Audience most often remembers: #1Last thing heard #2Introduction #3Topic The Audience Size Demographics Beliefs and Values Receptive/Antagonistic Understand the Speech Making Process Choosing Topic Focus Purpose Researching Topic Organizing Content Developing an Outline Delivering Speech Rehearsing

Choosing a Topic -Consider Assignment Is It Important to You? Is It Important to Your Audience? Will It Hold Audiences Attention? Is It Manageable in the Time Available? Is It Clear? Can You Support It? Focus Purpose General Purpose: TO Inform, Persuade, Entertain, Inspire, Pay Tribute, etc. Specific Purpose: What you hope to accomplish EXAMPLE: To inform the audience about the importance of having a college education. Central Idea: 1 sentence summary of speech content EXAMPLE: A college education opens the door to: greater earning potential, more employment opportunities and allows for personal growth. Researching Topic Current Situation/Info Background Info Supporting Materials Types of Supporting Material Common Knowledge Live/Direct Observation Examples & Illustrations Explanations & Descriptions Data & Statistics Tests of Supporting Material Is Information Specific? Timely? Relevant & support point made? Is Source An expert/reputable? Unbiased? Sources for Material Online Search Engines Online Libraries Libraries Books & Reference materials Data Bases Periodicals & Newspapers Government Documents

Organizing Content Chronological Topical Spatial Cause-Effect Problem-Solution Comparison- Contrast Types of Outlines Speakers Outline Introduction Main Point Support with Evidence TRANSITION Main Point Support with Evidence TRANSITION --REPEAT AS NECESSARY- Conclusion PURPOSE of Introductions Introduce topic & preview what is to come State purpose Establish importance of topic Grab Attention Build Credibility for speaker & topic Types of Introductions Story Rhetorical Question Quotation Humor Allude to conclusion PURPOSE of Conclusions Summarize Speech Re-emphasize Main Idea Motivate Response Provide Closure Types of Conclusions Summary Quotation, Story or Rhetorical Question Refer to Introduction Challenge to Audience Offer Vision of the Future

Methods of Delivery Manuscript Reading (hard to connect with audience) Memorized (pressure to remember) Impromptu (off the cuff) Extemporaneous (best choice) Delivering Speech - Beginning Approach Calmly with confidence Establish Eye Contact Smile Naturally Deliver Introduction Delivering Speech - During Use Effective Eye Contact Gestures & Expressions Volume & Pace Use Clear Language Coversational style Be Enthusiastic Elements of Vocal Delivery Speech Rate and Pauses Volume Inflection and Pitch Pronunciation and Articulation Delivering Speech - Ending Summarize Main Message Be Concise & Memorable Pause before Returning to Seat Accept Applause Graciously Elements of Body Language Appearance Posture Facial Expression Eye Contact Movement Gestures Rehearsing Speech Practice Out Loud Practice Actual Delivery (eye contact , volume, stance) Watch Yourself Keep Track of Time Plan, Prepare, Polish, Practice, Present

The better you know your material, the less anxious you will be. Smile and act natural. Dont apologize for ANYTHING! No one will know youre nervous unless you call attention to it. Sources Adapted from 4-H Speaking PowerPoint A Concise Public Speaking Handbook by Steven & Susan Beebe Lecture Notes from SPC 2608 by Heather Elmatti

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