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Magic: The Gathering Sealed League MTG Gatecrash Start Date: 12 Feb 2013 Time: Noon - ?

Cost: The cost to participate in the league will be as follows: 1. 6 Booster Packs of MTG Gatecrash at reduced costs [6 x $3.33 = $20.00] 2. A $5.00 League Fee (used to cover the cost of the prize pool) 3. If you do not have a Box of your own to provide for the duration of the League, Wizards of the Coast has provided boxes at no cost. However, these are thin and flimsy so you may want to purchase a $1.50 white 400 count cardboard box from DKs. General Information: The League Rules will be posted on the DKs Sierra Mountain Comics Facebook page. The rules will also be posted at the store. The format of the league will be sealed deck, starting with 6 booster packs. Decks and card pools will be kept at the store! Each card pool and deck will be stored in a 400 count cardboard box with each players name written on top of the box. At the beginning of the league, each player will fill out a card pool registration sheet as soon as the initial booster packs are opened. Players will be required to register each card opened in their six booster packs. When a new booster pack is purchased a registration sheet will need to be completed for the appropriate set. The registration sheet will be noted with the date the booster pack was purchased. Decklists will be kept at the shop, please ask for your decklist when needed. Card boxes will be checked out and should be returned before you leave the shop!

Sealed Decks: Decks must contain a minimum of 40 cards. Decks have no maximum size, but you must be able to shuffle your deck with no assistance.

Decks have no maximum number of duplicate cards allowed. If you open five copies of a card you can play with all five copies. Decks can be built with your own basic lands or you may borrow from the store. Lands need to be returned at the end of the league. All League decks are subject to random spot checks at any time during the League. Please be careful when completing your deck registration sheets! Errors found during deck checks will result in a 6 point deduction for the League. Your league score cannot go below zero.

Schedule: A League Meeting will be held on Sunday, 2/10/13 at 3:00 PM to review the league structure and answer questions. A League Week runs from Tuesday to Sunday. The League will run for 5 Weeks (Tuesday, February 12, 2013 to Sunday, March 17, 2013). Official League Days will be Sundays after 1:00 PM. You are allowed to play any day of the week as long as the shop is open. Games can be played any time during the week in the DKs Game Center during normal business hours. It is highly recommended that you arrange to meet with other players in advance, rather than just drop in and hope that someone else shows up. Feel free to use the Facebook page to arrange games!

Extra Boosters: In each of Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 and Week 5, players with a winning record (over half of their matches won so far) will have the option to purchase one additional Booster Pack ($3.50) to add to their card pool. In each of Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 and Week 5, players with a losing record (half or fewer of their matches won so far) will have the option to purchase two additional Booster Pack (at the $3.50 store price) to add to their card pool. Each week will feature a different set that booster packs can be purchased from: 1. Week 2 Return to Ravnica 2. Week 3 Gatecrash 3. Week 4 Return to Ravnica 4. Week 5 Gatecrash

League Matches: League games must be played at the store. A match consists of the best 2 out of 3 games between two players. Matches are not timed. As with other Sealed Deck events, you may make adjustments to your deck from your sideboard between games. You may construct an entirely new deck between matches. Each player is expected to play a minimum of three (3) matches each week. Players are expected to arrange their own matches. However, players must make every reasonable attempt to play all players within the League an equal number of times. DKs is more then willing to open early or stay past normal closing hours to meet players work schedules. If a player completes their three (3) weekly scheduled matches, players may play up to two (2) more matches each week with another player of their choice. These matches will be used for extra points/tie breakers. Each player can play no more then 25 league matches during the 5 week league and cannot play more than 5 matches per League Week. Catch up matches will NOT be allowed. In a single week (Tuesday-Saturday) each player may not play an opponent more than once. Matches may be continued over more than one day if there is not enough time to complete all the games at once, though an incomplete game is considered a draw game (it can be played over if both players choose). A match must be completed within the same League Week. When each match is completed, you and your opponent will fill out a Result Slip, which can be obtained at the shop. You will only fill out one Result Slip per match. Please date the slip, sign the slip (both players) and drop the slip in to the League Results box located at the front of the store. Please Note: If the slip is not complete filled out, the result will not count. Sportsmanship is a must for the League. Everyone is encouraged to have fun and be available to play league matches.

Scoring: Each player in during their first three matches each week receives 1 point for playing, and the winner gets 2 bonus points in addition to the participation point for a total of 3 points.

For any match ups that players schedule themselves past the mandatory three weekly matches, the winning player will receive 1 additional point. No points are received for a non-win, draw or incomplete match. League results will be tallied up every Tuesday. The League Standings will be posted on the Facebook page and in the shop. Using the $5.00 league fee, a prize pool of 2 booster packs per player will be made. The final prize distribution will depend on the total number of players at the end of the League. In support of the League and based on final numbers, DKs will provide a donation to the prize pool in addition to providing boosters at the reduced cost listed in the rules above.

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