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February 10, 2013

Issue 06

In This Issue
Pastors Corner 2 Statistics 2 Remember in Prayer 3 Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3 Prayer Requests, Feb. 3 3 Serving in the Military 3 Thank You/Office closed 3 Congregational Mtg. 3 Sr Book Club/Adults 4 Souper Bowl 4 Save Dates/Pathways 5 Lent Services/Booklet 5 Disciples Women 5 Parlor Class/Outreach 6 Week of Compassion 7 Tri Tip Project 7&8 Chapel on Wheels Fundrsr 8 O & A Letter from Randy 9 O&A Proposal 10&11 Alzheimers Seminar 11 Budget 12&13 Serving Sunday 14

Events February 10, 2013 February 17, 2013

February 10: 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 11:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Casa de Oracion use FH February 11: 7:00 A.M. 9:30 P.M. Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser @ Pollys 7:00 P.M. - 12-step class, Choir Room February 12: 9:30 A.M. POH Executive Meeting, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry Woodbridges February 13: 1:30 P.M. - Pilgrimage Into Last Third of Life Class, CL 3:00 P.M. - Youth Group 5:30 P.M. Debra Todds Pastoral Relations Committee, CL 7:00 P.M. Ash Wednesday Service, Sanctuary February 14: 3:30 P.M. - Lord Teach Us to Pray, Bible Study, CL 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir 7:30 P.M. - Chancel Choir February 15: Feb Camp @ Pilgrim Pines through Monday February 17: 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 11:30 A.M. - Congregational Meeting, Sanctuary 11:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Casa de Oracion use FH February 18: Office Closed - Holiday 7:00 P.M. - 12-step class, Chapman Lounge February 19: 9:30 A.M. - Pathways of Hope General Board, CL Noon - Senior Adult Ministry Meeting, CL 6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry Woodbridges AA Groups - Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M.

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

For fifteen years, our congregation served the needs of families with small children through our Preschool and Infant Center. We offered care for children from six weeks to five years old and many of those children spent a good part of every week for the first five years of their lives with our preschool teachers. The employees of our Center were extraordinarily dedicated to the ministry of caring for these children. Many of the kids for whom they provided care came from families passing through severe crisis. They cared for foster children, homeless children, and many children whose parents were working and going to school to try to better their familys prospects. Many times, the kids at our preschool enjoyed their most secure, predictable hours in the care of our school teachers. Many of the employees at our Preschool and Infant Center have been employed there for years. A number have been there for more than ten years. Their dedication allowed us to offer this ministry to our community. Working at our Center wasnt just a job to them, it was a ministry. For the last several years, the Childcare Committee, the employees of the Preschool and Infant Center, and the Director of our Center have all worked to keep our Center open in the face of extraordinary challenges. The recession hit childcare hard, and many centers closed over the past five years. The States financial challenges impacted our Center especially hard since we served many families who received childcare benefits through the State. Through every challenge, everyone strived to work through the adversity even as our Centers financial reserves dwindled, then disappeared. Our Council of Elders extended financial support to the Center over the last year hoping that by providing a financial bridge through these economically challenging times the Center could flourish when the economy turned around. Two weeks ago, our leaders acknowledged that we were at a point where we needed to close this important ministry. The people most affected by the closure of the Center are the Centers employees. These generous, loving people who poured themselves into this ministry now must find work in an economy that is just beginning to recover. Furthermore, because they were employed by a church, they were not allowed to contribute to Unemployment and are not, therefore, eligible to collect Unemployment benefits. If you would like to contribute to a fund to help these dedicated women meet their financial obligations while they search for work, please write a check in any amount and note in the memo field, Childcare Employees Fund. We will see that 100% of the money collected is disbursed to our former employees. Thank you, CynDee Allen and the dedicated employees of the First Christian Preschool and Infant Center for being Christs hands and feet to so many families! May God guide your steps as you seek new opportunities to serve.

Sunday Statistics
February 3, 13 108 (Remember Service) 5 (Reawaken Service) 12 (Refresh Service) No Contemplative Service Weekly Giving: $4,499.64 Mission: $672.36 Budget Goal: $4,681 Souper Bowl: $214 Week of Compassion: $5 2

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: Jenny Alldridge, Donna Bagley, Helen Bailey, Margie Barlow and family, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Mary Brill, Betty Ruth Buchanan, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, Dean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin & Linda Johnen, Carolyn Kenrick, Nancy Knott, Lowenn Land, Flora Miller, Denise Olson and family, Betty Rollo, John & Marj Schwenker, Claudia Tammen, Dorothy Tanner, Jack Townsend, Gil Tucker and family, and Bob Vannoy. Please pray for the following church in the Pacific Southwest Region: All Peoples Christian Church 822 E. 20th Street Los Angeles, CA 90011 Mary Jo Bradshaw, Pasto

Prayer Requests: Feb. 3, 2013

Deb Taylor & others Susie Wright

Ed Linberg Bill Martin Cyndi Cairns

Child Care parents, children, staff and church during this difficult and emotional time. Our congregation as we seek positive ways to make a difference in our community. The family of Barbara Tucker whose memorial service was held Saturday. Donna Bagley, may God be with her during this time. Don & Maxine Johnson, both in the hospital. Maxine with heart issues, Don with low blood pressure and low blood sugar

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew, Adam in Afghanistan. He will be gone nine months from his wife and new baby. Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law, now back at his home base. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is also back at his home base. Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son. He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD and will be returning to Afghanistan soon.

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of Feb. 11 Feb. 17, 2013
Monday, February 11: Reading: Isaiah 58: 1-12; pray for the Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser at Pollys. Tuesday, February 12: Reading: Psalm 51: 1-7; pray for the teachers of the preschool as they begin to look for other positions. Congregational Prayer Day, Wednesday, February 13: Reading: Matthew 6: 1-6; pray for the Ash Wednesday service and the beginning of Lent. Thursday, February 14: Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16; pray for the Crittenton school as they use Fellowship Hall for testing. Friday, February 15: Reading: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; pray for the high schoolers who will be attending Feb Camp at Pilgrim Pines. Saturday, February 16: Reading: Romans 10: 8b-13; pray for Global Ministries Missionary Elena Huegel in Chile. Sunday, February 17: Reading: Luke 4: 1-13; pray for the Congregation as they hold their Congregational Meeting after the 10:15 a.m. service.

Thank you
On behalf of my family, I want to thank my church family for all your support, thoughts and prayers. They are a comfort to my brother, his sons, my daughter, grandson and myself during this terrible time with the passing of my mom, Marie Walker Thank you again, Denise Walker Olsen

Congregational Meeting scheduled for February 17 after the 10:15 A.M. service. Watch Caller for more details. Office Closed, Monday, February 18 in observance of Presidents Day Holiday

Youth Thank You!

Thank you so much to everyone for such GREAT participation in this years Souper Bowl of Caring! Without your support we would not have had such great success and had such a large donation! As you know we split the youth into two teams to represent the two Super Bowl teams, the Ravens and the 49ers. We hope that as you entered the church you felt the spirit of each team, and the joy that they had in collecting food and money for Pathways of Hope! In the end it was SUPER close! The Ravens team collected $80 and 144 cans of food. The 49ers team collected $109 and 132 cans of food including the donation in the offering on Sunday the total collected $214. So the winner of the contest? Pathways of Hope with $214 and 276 cans of food! The youth did such a good job collecting donations not only from our church family but also during the week and at neighborhood businesses. We are excited to have participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring, and look forward to trying to collect even more for next year!

You Are Invited To Hear Jeffrey Mensendiek Speak To Seniors On February 19

One of our Global Ministries missionaries, Jeffrey Mensendiek, who lives and serves in Japan, will be the guest speaker for the Sr. Adult Ministry's meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at Noon. He is currently on furlough and is in the PSW Region during January and February to both visit churches and to spend time with his mother who lives at Pilgrim Place in Claremont. This will be Jeffrey's second visit with our congregation. He was with us on a Sunday morning a few years ago. He spoke to the Parlor Class and their guests at 9 A.M. and participated in our 10:15 A.M. worship service where he led Children's Moment and taught our children a Japanese song. We had hoped to have Jeffrey with us again on a Sunday, but when we contacted his representative to secure him for a visit with our congregation, all of his Sundays were booked. So, we took the next best date, which is the day of our Sr. Adults meeting. If you are not a member of the Sr. Adult Ministry and would like to hear about Jeffrey's work in Japan, which is supported by our outreach offerings, you are most welcome to attend. Bring your own lunch. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Jeffrey's presentation will feature both slides and information about his ministry in Japan. One of the components of his talk will concern his work in response to the tsunami that followed the major earthquake that hit Japan a few years ago. Though he does not live in the area overwhelmed with destruction by the tsunami, he spent many weeks in that area assisting with the relief effort as a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) representative. That made him our personal representative in the response to this disastrous event that took so many lives, injured scores more, and caused an incredible amount of damage to property. He will also tell us about his day-to-day work This invitation is jointly issued by the Sr. Adult Ministry and the Outreach Ministry. We urge you to attend and learn about our work in Japan! 4

The Senior Book Club

The Senior Book Club has chosen The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce for our next book. We will discuss it on March 28, 2013 at Mary Brills home. One of the themes of this novel is how a seemingly ordinary life can take on extraordinary aspects. Its an unassuming story with immense emotional weight without being melodramatic. Join us in reading this beautifully written book.

Save the Dates

March 1 & 2 Womens Convocation, Double Tree Hotel, Orange, CA. Reg. Deadline Feb. 1 July 13 17 - General Assembly, Orlando, FL August 24 & 25 First Christian Annual Homecoming Weekend

Special Services and Activities for Lent Lenten Devotional Booklets

Join the FCCF family as we begin Lent with the devotional Fellowship of Prayer. With daily readings, meditations, and prayers, Fellowship of Prayer is the perfect devotion for this holy time of year. With the theme of "Letting Go," this year the Bethany Fellowship writers show us how to free ourselves from sin, assumptions, consumption, idolatry, fear, and control. Then, we can truly celebrate Easter with the freedom of Christ's death and resurrection! Members of the Worship Ministry Team will be in the Narthex handing out copies today. Be sure to pick one up. Supplies are limited.

Disciples Womens Convocation

Everything is Holy Now, Everything is a Miracle, Everything is a Promise, is the theme for the Pacific Southwest Regions Twenty Second Convocation. Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Cathy Myers Wirt, Co-Regional Minister in the Oregon region. Music will be led by Aeros Pierce and Bible study leader is Janis Brown. Our own Debra Todd will be involved in the awesome worship services. Great workshops are available on Saturday. Cost is $150 per person Four in a room; $160 per person three in a room; $180 per person two in a room; or $90 for Saturday only (NEW THIS YEAR). Registration packets are available on the counter in the office.

Ash Wednesday Evening Service and Tais

A couple weeks ago in the Caller there was a brief introduction to a style of worship known as Taiz. Taiz style centers itself around repetition of prayer, but something unique about this is that the prayer is an adaptation of a repetitive prayer to simple musical lines and many Biblical texts to be sung by everyone together. The simplicity allows for everyone to learn the new pieces by hearing it over and over, and joining in as each is comfortable. You can also allow yourself to listen to and connect to God through the repetition of the prayer. Another important aspect of Taiz prayer and worship is silence. In true Taiz worship a period of silence takes the place of a sermon or meditation. The silence is held so that each person may hold themselves in a place where they can allow prayer to happen within them. Prayer is often broken through singing another prayer. Our Ash Wednesday service this year, February 13 at 7:00 P.M., will have aspects of Taiz worship interspersed in our service. We invite you to come and take part in the rhythm, repetition, silence, and holy imposition of ashes as we observe the remembrance of the beginning of the season of Lent. 5

Looking for Volunteers

Interested in helping to serve the hungry and homeless? Pathways of Hope is looking for volunteers to: bag and distribute food at the Food Distribution Center on one or more of the following days: Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri. It is important to be able to lift at least 30 lbs. Please contact Nancy Somerville, our Volunteer Coordinator at 714 680-3691 ext. 230 for more information on this volunteer opportunity.

Save the Date

Food Loving Guys & Gals event at new Community Center, March 24, 4:30 p.m. Special Award to be presented to FCCF.

Dr. Amy Jill Levine's Lecture Series Begins February 17

Next Sunday at 9 A.M. the Parlor Class will view and discuss the first of 24 lectures from the series, "Introduction to the Old Testament," featuring Dr. Amy Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, Tennessee. Though she teaches New Testament, Dr. Levine is Jewish. She belongs to a Conservative Jewish congregation. So, she is well versed in the Old Testament. Those who have heard her, and that includes most of us in our congregation since she preached for us last March, know that she is a very able communicator who brings the scriptures alive. The Parlor Class is pleased to know that at least four people plan to join their ranks for this series of lectures. They are Sybil Dittberner, Pam Findley-Flor, Nancy Knott and Laura Miller. The Class again extends a cordial invitation to anyone in the congregation who'd like to join them for this series of lectures. There is a sign-up sheet for this purpose on the credenza in the Narthex. Whether or not you sign up in advance, you will be welcome at the first session on February 17. All sessions will be held in Chapman Lounge from 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M. The Parlor Class

clothing eased the bite of the winter wind. Yet, they felt it wasnt enough. They decided to use their construction skills to make the cobbled together structures. It is this spirit of wanting to do a little more that took Corazon* from repairs to a house in a day, from one house to a Super Build with ten houses in a day. It is the spirit that built a new high school in Cerro Azul. We want to thank you for your support and let you know that your gift of $215 helps to keep the Corazon spirit alive." Tom McMillen, President * Corazon was one of the many ministries that were part of the 2012 Alternative Gift Faire. January 28, 2013 "It was a joy to receive your gift of $125.00 through the Office of Church Relations at Chapman University. You are actively supporting our mission to Disciples and United Church of Christ students at Chapman, as we help them grow spiritually and relationally in this pivotal years. In addition to your giving, I hope that you will continue to support Chapman University. Keep our students and student ministry in prayer. Tell prospective students about Chapman and let us know about them so that we can get in touch with them. This year's Founders Day celebration will be held on March 15-16. We will be welcoming Brian McLaren, an author, speaker, activist and public theologian. He is an ecumenical global networker among innovative Christian leaders. Please save the date now and be an ambassador for this event." Nancy Brink, Director of Church Relations This handwritten note was added to Nancy's letter: "It was such fun traveling to India with Cambria. Thanks for loving our students!" In case you don't know, Cambria is our own Cambria Findley-Grubb, a senior at Chapman this year.

Letters, We Get Letters . . .

A few weeks ago we published a couple of letters we received from ministries we support. We will be doing this again, from time to time, including this week, so that you know how the outreach dollars you provide through your offerings are being used. January 30, 2013 "Thirty five years ago, four idealistic young people headed down to Mexico for the day to help out those less fortunate than themselves. In those days you found the poorest folks gathering about the local trash dump . . . They did the normal thing Americans did--they brought food and clothing to help make things just a little better. The food helped for a few days. The warm

A Letter From Week of Compassion Minister

Dear Friends, Have you ever imagined what brings joy to the Holy One? Scriptures suggest that God seems to be pleased by: . . . steadfast love, justice and righteousness (Jeremiah 9:24), . . . the well being of God's people (Psalms 35:27b), . . . a generous hand outstretched to help another (Matthew 22:37-40, and, . . . a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). God knows joy when we take actions that restore the well being of God's children everywhere. When we reach out to others with helping hands, we share love and justice with our brothers and sisters with whom we are one. In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul seemed to highlight financial gifts first as he encouraged the Corinthian church to give to the collection for the believers in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 9:6-15). Then, as now, money is often the logical and practical step in providing the tangible gifts others need. The funds we gather together and share during our Week of Compassion, February 17-24, become very real gifts of love, joy and restoration. Like the Corinthians, through our sharing an amazing "domino effect" of joy starts. We begin to see ourselves as part of all of God's children. We come to understand that others who happen to be in need are not simply recipients of our charity, but sisters and brothers with whom we are called to live justly and share abundantly. We recognize our abundance as a gift from God, and are more willing to let go of the fear of scarcity that can inhibit our generosity. Joy-filled sharing shows that our hearts and hands are open--open to giving that fosters restoration of shalom and open to generosity that speaks of God's love. When we cannot physically go to meet needs of persons, our gifts go together to assist others. Knowing we willingly share with them, others are reminded of who they are--beloved children of the Creator, family of us all, each one a person of sacred worth also imbued with

possibilities for sharing joy. Surely such sharing of joy makes God, our divine parent, joyous for a world made better by love. May your worship be amazingly joyful. May your sharing be delightfully abundant. May God be made glad by your cheerful generosity! Joyfully serving with You, Rev. Amy Gopp Executive Director, Week of Compassion

Dates For Week Of Compassion Offering

Our 2013 Week of Compassion Offering is to be received on either Sunday, February 17 or Sunday, February 24. Our goal for this year's Week of Compassion Offering is $2,200, as set by the Outreach Ministry during its meeting on January 16th. Please use the special Week of Compassion Offering envelope which is attached to the brochure you will find in this weeks bulletin or on the credenza in the Narthex or one of the Week of Compassion offering boxes, to make your gift in support of our congregation's 2013 Week of Compassion offering. The Outreach Ministry

Tri-Tip Project Moving Ahead

At the information/organization meeting held this past Wednesday night those present made these decisions about the continuation of the Tri-Tip Project in 2013. 1. Tom Beck and Dirk McCuen volunteered to serve as Coordinators for our tri-tip/bratwurst sales during the upcoming 2013 Downtown Market. 2. In addition, these persons said they would be part of the work teams: Barbara and Gordon Fenters, most weeks except when they'll be out of town; Mike Silva, every week; Bev Reinke once a month; Emily Styffe, every week until the time the Choir rehearsals begin at 7:30 P.M.; Leslie Beck will help once or twice a month; Rod Farley, one or two times a month; Jan McCuen, two times a month, or as needed; and Ed Linberg, days when he will be coming to Choir rehearsals in the months of 7

April, May and June, plus September and October. Terry Knott is going to consider what his role will be, if any, based on the information he got at the meeting. 3. Barbara Fenters volunteered to be our cashier. Bob Vannoy, long time cashier, said he would cover for her when she and Gordon are out of town. This will be as many as five or six Thursdays. Donna Vannoy said she would help the new volunteers to understand what's involved in making sure the condiments are consistently available for those who purchase sandwiches 4. Darrell McGowan expressed his support for the project and will do what he can to help us recruit more volunteers to be part of this project. The following persons were unable to attend the meeting on Wednesday night but had indicated in advance that they would like to be part of this project. Jack and Connie Townsend will serve once a month. Bill Henke, Ben Stuart, Craig Wallace and Donna Woodbridge will participate, too. At this time their level of participation is not known. We understand that Tim Acquistapace may be willing to work on this project, too, but that is yet to be confirmed. These are the next steps to be taken for this project. 1. Tom Beck and Dirk McCuen will contact the O.C. Health Department right away to get the necessary permit for this project. They will then follow up by completing the application that has to be submitted to the City of Fullerton. 2. A table is going to be set up outside the Narthex for the next few Sundays to encourage additional volunteers to sign up. If you are interested in helping with this project, please speak to Tom and/or Dirk after worship on one of the upcoming Sundays. The time commitment for this project is on Thursdays from April 4 through October 31. Workers are needed at least once a month. If you'd like to be part of this project, be sure to sign up on 2/10, 2/17 or 2/24. Or call either Tom Beck or Dirk McCuen to let them know

you will help. 3. Once some additional volunteers are recruited, an organizational meeting will be held to set up the schedule for those who will be working at the upcoming Farmer's Market in anticipation of the first night of sales-Thursday, April 4th. It's most likely this meeting will occur in early March. In addition to the things outlined above, we spent part of the meeting reviewing the document prepared for us by Eloise Smith, with input from Paul Smith. It gives a comprehensive overview of the various tasks to be done each week, and especially on Thursdays. We are most grateful to Eloise and Paul for producing this most helpful document. Finally, thanks to everyone who has volunteered to be part of this project in 2013 and special thanks to those who attended Wednesday night's meeting. The Outreach Ministry

Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser

What Does Open and Affirming Really Mean by Randy Baxter

Having been the only openly gay couple in our church for the past decade, and having attended the "listening" meetings held last fall, Rick & I were delighted to hear that a group of volunteers had committed to steering our congregation through a process of becoming an officially Open and Affirming church. Some of you may wonder, why do we need to do this? Why now? What exactly does Open and Affirming mean and how might it change our church? (In general, I know it's become confusing to know what ever-changing label to use: homosexual, gay and lesbian, LGBTQ, queer, sexual minorities, gender/sexuality issues, etc. I will use "non-heterosexual" here, for brevity's sake!) First off, the term Open and Affirming was developed over twenty years ago, across the nation in various progressive-minded churches, to specifically refer to the idea of welcoming nonheterosexual people. Aside from the issue of how American churches have been split over issues of racism, no modern group has been actively driven from churches, historically, in the way nonheterosexuals have. Such a long-standing epidemic of castigation and suffering has led nonheterosexual people to abandon churches by the millions over the past few decades. The current domination, in news media and public imagination, of homophobic (gay-rejecting) Christian groups has led many non-heterosexuals to assume these fundamentalists speak for all "Christians." Since non-heterosexuals have been wounded, spiritually, either by their overt expulsion from, or covert non-affirmation within "loving" Christian churches, these people are in special need of specific affirmation that they will be respected and not pressed to change who they feel they are (innately and unalterably) should they choose to attend our church. The lack of "Open and Affirming" label, then, sends the message that we reject such people -- surely not part of the Disciples creed -- even if, in practice, our congregation has been functionally Open and Affirming for quite some time. I feel that most people in our congregation have already decided to be Open and Affirming in their Christian walk and daily lives. Such a formal vote, therefore, would merely catch us up to where we've already moved. In case, however, some still question their beliefs and stance, don't yet know for sure, or would just like to study an Open and Affirming theology, I would love to offer to teach a Bible study on the "clobber passages" (those Bible verses which refer to some type of homosexual act, and have been used by some Christians to condemn homosexuality). I've taught many such courses -- usually in a two-meeting format -- many times over the past several years, including to national conferences of church organizations. I could offer such a program sometime in early March, fitting with our Lenten theme of prayerful consideration and meditation. I hope this brief explanation of the Open and Affirming concept has helped clarify what such a vote would mean. Please do not hesitate to contact me further (either in person, or via, should you have more questions on this issue. Your brother in Christ, Randy Baxter

Open and Affirming Proposal

WELCOMING STATEMENT Everyone is welcome here. We welcome you no matter who you are, we affirm you as a beloved child of God, and we celebrate you just the way you are. You are welcome here! We are grateful to the members of our congregation who participated in the Open and Affirming process. Your prayers, wisdom and guidance have helped direct the committee and the Council of Elders to bring this matter to the congregation. On Sunday, February 17 we will have a congregational meeting after the 10:15 service to vote on this key issue. This vote will be by written ballot and be two-fold. The congregation will vote on the acceptance or rejection of the Welcoming Statement posted above. In addition, the congregation will vote on whether to accept or reject the motion of becoming an Open and Affirming church. If the Welcoming Statement is accepted, the votes for becoming an Open and Affirming church will be counted; if it is rejected the motion will not pass and the process ends there. We believe this is a critical vote and need all members of the congregation to be present. The Council also suggested that we reprint the following article so everyone is clear on the process and how these decisions were made. The Open and Affirming committee would like to address certain questions so that any decision the congregation makes will be grounded in fact. The following questions and answers are a direct result of our committee meetings, our listening conferences, and Council of Elders discussions. 1. HOW DID THE OPEN AND AFFIRMING PROCESS COME ABOUT? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING THIS ISSUE FORWARD? After meeting with Sharon Watkins this summer, Cambria Findley-Grubb, an Elder, asked Minde Findley to bring it to the Council of Elders for discussion. Minde placed it on the agenda and there was a spirited discussion at the Council of Elders meeting in July. After the discussion, the Council voted to approve a motion to bring the possibility of becoming an Open and Affirming congregation to our church family. A committee was formed and included the following members: Deb Taylor, Janelle Vannoy, Elizabeth Beech, Donna Villasenor, Penny Fonches, Minde Findley, Darrell McGowan, and Debra Todd. Cambria stated that Sharon Watkins has remained neutral on this issue, but felt it was important that all congregations have the discussion regarding this process. The church on a national level is moving in this direction, but IT IS UP TO EVERY CONGREGATION TO DECIDE IF BECOMING AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGEGATION BEST MEETS ITS NEEDS. Many people have made the statement that issue was brought forth by Darrell. That is incorrect; it was brought forth by Cambria Findley-Grubb and Minde Findley. 2. WHAT IS THE PROCESS? A Welcoming Statement must be developed. With congregational input, our latest statement reads, "Everyone is welcome here. We welcome you no matter who you are, we affirm you as a beloved child of God, and we celebrate you just the way you are. You are welcome here!" On February 17, the congregation will vote to approve or not approve the statement. There needs to be evidence that a process including discussion, such as listening conferences, which 10

involved the entire congregation, took place. We want to make sure that all members have had a chance to voice their opinion whether negative or positive. If the Welcoming Statement is approved, the congregation will vote whether to become an Open and Affirming congregation. If we decide to move in this direction, our Welcoming Statement will be posted on the GLAD website and other appropriate community websites, and we will be acknowledged as an Open and Affirming church. 3. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT US, WHAT IS GOING TO CHANGE? If the congregation decides to become an Open and Affirming church, our Welcoming Statement will be published and we will be acknowledged as an Open and Affirming church on the GLAD website and other appropriate community websites. It will be noted on the FCC website. 4. WHAT OTHER CHURCHES IN THE AREA ARE OPEN AND AFFIRMING? At the present time there are 29 Open and Affirming churches in Orange County. Some of the nearby churches are: Brea Congregational Church UCC; Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim; Congregational Church of Fullerton; St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Fullerton; INA Mega Church, Fullerton; Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Fullerton; St. Anselms Episcopal Church, Garden Grove; Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange; Chapman University Disciples on Campus, Orange; First Christian Church of Orange; and Church of the Foothills, Santa Ana. We look forward to presenting this motion to the congregation for a vote on February 17th. We would like to thank our congregation for your input and look forward to working together as a community of faith, love, and generosity.

Alzheimers Seminar


2013 Proposed Budget to be voted on February 17 at Congregational Meeting



First Christian Church 109 E Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832

Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Refresh (Contemporary Worship Service) Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M. Contemplative Service: Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. Joyful Noise (Now WOW Worship) NO Service in February

Serving February 10, 2013

Greeter: Laura Miller Guest Book: Terry Vannoy Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Acquistapace Sound: Clare Keech Video: PJ Vannoy Lay Leader: PJ Vannoy Childrens Moment: Emily Steward-Styffe Elders: Pam Findley-Flor, Sharlane Blakeley, Kathy Robidoux (HC) HC Elders: Kathy Robidoux, Penny Fonches, Joshua Dorrough Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Barbara Fenters, Ben Stuart Ushers: Bill & Jodie Martin Serve: Annie Frater, Bill & Jodie Martin, Dirk McCuen, Ben Stuart, Janelle Vannoy Clean Up: Bill & Jodie Martin, Ben Stuart Alternates: Masumi & Mike Hogan

Serving February 17, 2013

Greeter: Sue Harless Guest Book: Scott Brill Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: McCuen Sound: Alyssa Robidoux Video: Paul/Travis Robidoux Lay Leader: Lisa Parks Childrens Moment: Pat Van Vliet Elders: Tim Acqiuistapace, Joshua Dorrough, Elizabeth Beech Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Masumi & Mike Hogan Ushers: Masumi & Mike Hogan Serve: Barbara Fenters, Masumi & Mike Hogan, Nancy Knott, Dirk & Jan McCuen, Clean Up: Barbara Fenters, Annie Frater, Ben Stuart Alternates: Bill & Jodie Martin


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