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Internal Combustion Engine

CnA1Lk 1
1.1 Introduct|on
An l.C. englne ls LhaL klnd of prlme mover whlch converLs chemlcal energy of fuel Lo
mechanlcal energy. 1he fuel on burnlng changes Lo gas whlch lmplnges upon Lhe plsLon
and pushes lL Lo cause reclprocaLlng moLlon. 1he reclprocaLlng moLlon of Lhe plsLon ls
Lhen converLed Lo roLary moLlon of crankshafL wlLh Lhe help of a sllder mechanlsm
lnvolvlng connecLlng rod and crank.
l.C. englnes are used ln marlne, locomoLlve, alrcrafL, auLomoblle and oLher
lndusLrlal appllcaLlons. Several Lypes of l.C. englnes are used on varlous auLomoblles.
1hey are glven ln Lhe secLlon LhaL follows.
The main components of an automobile are :
I. The basic structure. It consists of the frame, the suspension system, axles, wheels
2. The engine. It provides the motive power for all the various functions which the
vehicle or any part of itmay be required to perform. The engine for automotive use is of
internal combustion type.
3. The transmission system. It consists of a clutch, a gear box giving three, four or even
five different ratios of torque output to torque input, a propeller shaft to transmit the
torque output from the gear box to the rear axle and a differential gear to distribute the
final torque equally between the driving wheels.
4. The auxiliaries. The principal one out of these is the electrical system.
5. The controls. They consist of steering system and the brakes.
6. The superstructure. In those cases where frameless construction is not adopted there
must be a superstructure, i.e., the body.
Internal Combustion Engine
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Classify the Engines on different basis.
Explain the arrangement of engine cylinder
Explain cylinder head, cylinder block and crankshaft assembly
Explain cylinder liners, valve mechanisms, pistons and piston rings
Explain crank shaft, connecting rod and cam shaft.

1.) Cn the bas|s of no. of cy||nders
1hey can be slngle cyllnder or mulLl cyllnder englnes. Some of Lhese are:
1 cyllnder englne such as mopeds and scooLers,
2 cyllnder englne such as 1oyoLa,
3 cyllnder englne such as MaruLl Cmnl van & MaruLl 800,
4 cyllnder englne such as ln cars & [eeps of lndlan made,
3 cyllnder englne such as Mercedes 8enz L230u,
6 cyllnder englne such as Ashok Leyland Lrucks and busses,
8 cyllnder englne such as v englne large slze saloon,
10 cyllnder englne such as eugeoL 203 raclng car,
Internal Combustion Engine
12 cyllnder englne such as Mercedes 8enz S600
16 cyllnder englne such as ln Cadlllac car havlng 2 seLs of v8 cyllnders
lncllned aL 133
Lo each oLher.

2.) Cn the bas|s of fue| used
eLrol englne such as ln 8a[a[ rear englne auLorlkshaw,
ulesel englnes such as Llcher 1070,
Cas englne such as propane gas, coal gas, CnC englnes,
8l-fuel englne such as ln mlllLary vehlcles & hybrld cars,
Pydrogen fuel englne such as ln Musashl 3
car (!apan),
Llquefled peLroleum gas (L..C.) englne such as ln Ashok Leyland's Lveko

3.) Cn the bas|s of no. of strokes per cyc|e
2 sLroke englnes such as moLor cycles, mopeds, scooLers,
4 sLroke englne such as ln bulleL and Pero Ponda moLorcycles.

4.) Cn the bas|s of d|mens|ons of stroke L and bore D
1hese englnes can be named as:
Cver square englne lf L > u such as ln MaruLl 800
Internal Combustion Engine
Square englne lf L = u such as 8a[a[ CheLak
under square englne L < u such as Pero Ponda Cu100SS.

S.) Cn the bas|s of arrangement of cy||nders
ln llne englne:
2-cyllnder ln-llne such as Mahlndra 233 ul LracLor
3-cyllnder ln-llne such as MaruLl Cmnl,
4-cyllnder ln-llne such as 1aLa Sumo
3-cyllnder ln-llne such as Mercedes 8enz L230u
6-cyllnder ln-llne such as Ashok Leyland comeL
8-cyllnder ln-llne such as ackard elghL car
v4 such as ln lord explorer
v6 such as ln a[ero [eep
such as ln lord
v10 such as ln eugeoL 203
such as ln lerrarl
v16 such as ln raclng cars
Cpposed plsLon englne such as ln Alfa 8omeo Alfasud raclng cars
8adlal englne
Internal Combustion Engine

6.) Cn the bas|s of |ocat|on of va|ves
1hese can be
l-head or over head valve englne such as MaruLl 800
L-head valve englne such as ln uodge/largo 89M4 peLrol
l-head valve englne such as ln Wllleys [eep
1-head valve englne such as ln lord 1 model cars of 1908

7.) Cn the bas|s of work|ng cyc|e
ConsLanL volume cycle or oLLo cycle englne such as peLrol and gas englnes
ConsLanL pressure cycle or dlesel cycle englne such as dlesel englnes
ConsLanL volume and consLanL pressure cycle englne or dual combusLlon
cycle englne

8.) Cn the bas|s of coo||ng
Internal Combustion Engine
Alr cooled englne such as ln mopeds, scooLers
WaLer-cooled englne such as ln mosL cars, [eeps, busses & Lrucks

9.) Cn the bas|s of |gn|t|on
Spark lgnlLlon Lnglnes (S.l.L.) such as peLrol and gas englnes.
Compresslon lgnlLlon Lnglnes (C.l.L) such as dlesel englnes.
MagneLlc ulse lgnlLlon Lnglnes such as ChervoleL CorveLLe car
Seml-LranslsLorlzed lgnlLlon englne such as several 2-wheelers
1ranslsLorlzed lgnlLlon englne such as volvo 740 CL car models

10.) Cn the bas|s of fue| supp|y system
CarbureLor mounLed peLrol englne such as Pero Ponda Splendor
ln[ecLor mounLed peLrol englne such as Lancer
Alr-ln[ecLlon Lype dlesel englne such as ln older ueLrolL englnes of general
Alrless or solld ln[ecLlon Lype dlesel englne such as ln modern dlesel

Internal Combustion Engine
11.) Cn the bas|s of eng|ne (crankshaft) speed
Slow speed englne, generally havlng crankshafL speed n < 1000 rpm
Medlum speed englne, generally havlng crankshafL speed 3000 > n >
1000 rpm
lasL speed englne generally havlng crankshafL speed n > 3000 rpm
12.) Cn the bas|s of ax|s or|entat|on of eng|ne
PorlzonLal englne such as ln farm vehlcles
verLlcal englne such as ln ackard elghL car
lncllned englne such as ln LambreLLa lnnocenLl. lL ls lncllned aL 9
from verLlcal.
13.) Cn the bas|s of camshaft pos|t|on
Cverhead camshafL (CPC) englne
l.) uouble Cverhead CamshafL (uCPC) englne such as ln Clelo
ll.) Slngle overhead, camshafL (SCPC) englne such as Lancer
under head camshafL (uPC) englne
14.) Cn the bas|s of no of va|ves per cy||nder
ConvenLlonal (2 valves/cyllnder) englne such as lord LscorL
8ecenL (mulLl-valves/cyllnder) englnes such as 4/cyl ln nexla, 3/cyl ln
Pyundal AccenL.

Internal Combustion Engine

1.3 1ypes of Cy||nder Arrangements

Internal Combustion Engine
1. Single cylinder engines. A single cylinder engine has a power stroke every 720
of crankshaft rotation for a four - stroke engine.These are used generally for scooters and
motor cycles. It is s:enthat the maximum size of the single cylinder engine is restricted
to about 500---600 c.c., because of the higher unbalance forces, which become difficult to
be balanced.Further the weight of the flywheel required becomes excessive for higher
engine sizes.
2. Two cylinder engines. This type of engine, apart from providing more power, gives
more uniform torque and balancing possible is also better as compared to single cylinder
engines. However, in practice two cylinder engines are rarely employed for automotive
use. Fig. 1.12 shows three different types of 2-cylinder engines.
(a) In-line type cylinders placed side by side. This type has two single cylinders placed
side by side vertically so that their pistons are in phase. Such an engine will have a power
impulse every 360 degrees of crankshaft rotation.
(b) In-line type. cylinders 1800out of phase. In this the two single cylinders are in
effect, placed side by side vertically, so that their cranks are 180out of phase. This type
provides good balancing, but the disadvantage is in unequal firing intervals: the spark
takes place at 0, 180, 720, 900 and so on.
3. Three-cylinder engines. In three-cylinder in-line engine the power impulse occurs
every 2400 of crankshaft rotation. These are dynamically balanced, but there remain
some unbalanced rocking forces. However, the three cylinders smooth out the cyclic
torque adequately so that this has become a good competitor of the more popular four-
cylinder in-line engine for small cars. Its other advantages are reduced weight, length and
drag besides improved fuel consumption. Maruti 800 Vehicles in India employ this
4. Four-cylinder engines. In this type, the torque obtained, as compared to a single
cylinder engine, is much more uniform because two working strokes per revolution are
obtained. Further, the balancing is also better. Apart from this, the maintenance is also
easier as compared to the engines with larger number of cylinders.
(a) In-line vertical type. This is perhaps the most popular engine for ordinary cars of
medium size (from 0.75to 2.0 liters). Fig. 1.13shows this type of engine. It has a power
Internal Combustion Engine
impulse every 1800of crankshaft rotation. The four cylinders are all in a line.The second
and third cylinders are in I 2 3 4 phase, while cylinders I and 4 are also in phase, but in
the direction opposite to 2 and 3. Thus the reciprocating forces are also nearly balanced.
Firing order is 1-3-4-2 or 1-2-4-3. Regarding crankshaft torsional wind-up and uneven
breathing spacing between adjacent cylinders. both these firing orders have equal merits
and demerits.

1.3.1 Mer|ts and L|m|tat|ons of S|ng|e and Mu|t|-cy||nder Lng|nes.
1he followlng ma[or facLors are requlred Lo be consldered whlle comparlng englnes of
dlfferenL cublc capaclLy and varlous numbers of cyllnders.
a) lor a glven maxlmum plsLon speed Lhe shorLer Lhe plsLon sLroke, Lhe hlgher can
be Lhe crankshafL roLaLlon.
b) As Lhe cyllnder becomes smaller, Lhe plsLon becomes llghLer ln proporLlon Lo Lhe
cyllnder slze, accordlngly causlng hlgher plsLon speeds.
c) lor Lhe same englne cyllnder capaclLy and maxlmum plsLon speed, mulLl cyllnder
englne develops more power Lhan a slngle-cyllnder englne.
Internal Combustion Engine
d) A slngle-cyllnder englne wlLh Lhe same plsLon cross-secLlonal area as a mulLl-
cyllnder englne produces a greaLer Lorque ouLpuL.
e) 1he smaller Lhe cyllnder slze, Lhe hlgher ls lLs surface-Lo-volume raLlo and hence
hlgher ls Lhe compresslon-raLlo wlLh an lmprovemenL ln englne Lhermal
f) lor a glven LoLal volume, acceleraLlon response lmproves wlLh Lhe number of
cyllnders, because of llghLer reclprocaLlng componenLs and Lhe smaller flywheel.
g) As Lhe number of cyllnders and Lhe englne lengLh lncrease Lenslonal vlbraLlon
becomes a problem.
h) As Lhe number of cyllnders lncreases
Lhe power consumed ln overcomlng roLaLlonal and reclprocaLlng drag
also lncreases,
mlxLure dlsLrlbuLlon for carbureLed englnes becomes more dlfflculL,
Lhe cosL of replacemenL of componenLs becomes proporLlonally hlgher,
1he frequency of power lmpulses lncreases, due Lo whlch Lhe power
ouLpuL becomes more conslsLenL.
SmooLh operaLlon of mulLl-cyllnder englnes ls posslble only when each
combusLlon chamber produces Lhe same combusLlon chamber pressure as oLhers ln Lhe
same englne. 1he carbureLor should ensure Lhe charge quallLy by mlxlng Lhe fuel lnLo
Lhe lncomlng alr ln Lhe correcL proporLlons. 1he lnLake manlfold should dlrecL an equal
quanLlLy of Lhe mlxed charge Lo each lnLake valve. Lach lnLake valve musL be Llmed
same as Lhe oLhers Lo allow an equal quanLlLy of Lhe charge Lo enLer each combusLlon
chamber. 1he lgnlLlon dlsLrlbuLor musL be Llmed Lo send a spark across Lhe spark plug
Internal Combustion Engine
gap when compresslon ls aLLalned Lo Lhe same amounL ln all Lhe cyllnders. When all
Lhese requlremenLs are meL Lhe pressure ln Lhe combusLlon chambers ls equal. 8uL
pracLlcally Lhese ldeal requlremenLs are noL meL under all operaLlng condlLlons due Lo
an lncrease ln manufacLurlng cosL.

1.4 I|r|ng order of cy||nders:
Cyllnder flrlng order lmproves Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe fresh charge ln Lhe manlfold Lo Lhe
cyllnders and helps Lhe release of exhausL gases, whlle aL Lhe same Llme suppresses
Lorslonal vlbraLlons. 1hese condlLlons are as follows.
1. Successlve cyllnders flrlng allows a recovery of charge ln Lhe manlfold and
mlnlmlzes lnLerference beLween ad[acenL or near by cyllnders. normally
cyllnders from Lhe opposlLe end of Lhe manlfold are chosen or from alLernaLe
cyllnder banks ln v englnes Lo draw alLernaLely. 1hls arrangemenL however
becomes dlfflculL as Lhe number of cyllnders decreases.
2. SeparaLlng successlve cyllnders whlch are exhausLlng are even more lmporLanL
Lhan foe lnducLlon. lL ls because lf Lhe exhausL perlod overlaps wlLh Lhe cyllnders
exhausL gas back pressure may prevenL escaplng of producLs of combusLlon from
Lhe cyllnders.
3. ower lmpulses cause wlnglng up of Lhe crank shafL. ln addlLlon, lf Lhe naLural
Lorslonal osclllaLlon of Lhe shafL colncldes wlLh Lhese dlsLurblng lmpulse
frequencles Lorslonal vlbraLlons may Lake place. 1herefore ln general lL ls
deslrable Lo have successlve power lmpulses Lo alLernaLe ends of Lhe crankshafL.

Internal Combustion Engine
uue Lo Lhe presence of number of reclprocaLlng parLs, llke plsLon, connecLlng rod eLc.
whlch move once ln one dlrecLlon and Lhen ln oLher dlrecLlon, vlbraLlon develops durlng
operaLlon of Lhe englne. Lxcesslve vlbraLlon occurs lf Lhe englne ls unbalance. lL ls
Lherefore necessary Lo balance Lhe englne for lLs smooLh runnlng. 1he vlbraLlons may be
caused due Lo deslgn facLors or may resulL from poor malnLenance of Lhe englne. ln
order Lo mlnlmlze Lhe vlbraLlon, aLLenLlon musL be glven Lo Lhe followlng parameLers.
1. prlmary balance,
2. ComponenL balance,
3. flrlng lnLerval and
4. Secondary balance.
An englne comprlses of a few hundred componenLs: small and blg, sLaLlonary and
movlng, meLalllc and non-meLalllc, casLed and forged, and made by oLher processes. 1he
number of componenLs varles ln dlfferenL englnes dependlng upon Lhelr slzes, Lypes and
Lechnology. 1hese componenLs are assembled LogeLher Lo form a compacL englne. 1he
componenLs of an englne can be grouped under Lwo caLegorles.
SLaLlonary or sLrucLure formlng componenLs,
Movlng or mechanlsm formlng componenLs.

1he sLaLlonary componenLs consLlLuLe Lhe sLrucLural parLs and Lhe movlng componenLs
synLheslze Lhe mechanlsm parLs of Lhe englne.

Internal Combustion Engine
1op of Lhe dlagram ls Cyllder head, nexL Cyllnder block and CranshafL

1.7 Cy||nder b|ock:
A cyllnder block ls a baslc sLrucLure of an englne. CLher parLs are elLher assembled, or
are aLLached Lo lL. 1he cyllnder block ls generally a slngle plece casLlng havlng lnLrlcacles
and complexlLles, and made of grey casL lron or alumlnum alloy. ComplexlLles are due Lo
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe block does noL conLaln cyllnders only buL also conLalns waLer [ackeLs ln
lLs surroundlng, passageways Lo accommodaLe valve mechanlsms, openlngs for lnleL and
ouLleL valves, and oLher provlslons. 1he lnleL valve seaL ln some englnes, especlally ln L-
head englnes, ls an lnLegral parL of Lhe cyllnder block. Maln bearlngs, whlch supporL Lhe
englne crankshafL, are locaLed ln lower poslLlon of Lhe cyllnder block.

Internal Combustion Engine
CLher lLems mounLed or supporLed ln Lhe cyllnder block are as follows:
1. A camshafL and lLs supporLlng bearlngs ln Lhe lower porLlon,
2. An oll pan aLLached Lo Lhe lower parL whlch serves as a reservolr and allows
coollng of Lhe lubrlcaLlng oll,
3. 1he lnleL and ouLleL manlfolds aLLached Lo Lhe block on opposlLe sldes,
4. A waLer pump whlch ls drlven Lhrough a belL-pulley arrangemenL and whose
pulley ls mounLed on Lhe crankshafL,
3. Cover for Llmlng gears, or sprockeLs and chaln mounLed on fronL of Lhe block,
6. Pouslng for Lhe flywheel and Lhe cluLch aLLached Lo Lhe rear end of Lhe block,
7. lgnlLlon dlsLrlbuLor, generally, mounLed on Lhe slde of Lhe cyllnder block,
8. LubrlcaLlng oll pump mounLed ln Lhe lower parL of Lhe block,
9. luel pump mounLed on Lhe slde of Lhe block,
10. Cyllnder head aLLached on Lop of Lhe block Lo enclose Lhe valves and plsLons.

All Lhese aLLachmenLs and mounLlng, lnvarlably, employ sulLable gaskeLs Lo
provlde leak proof seals. varlous parLs are aLLached on Lhe block wlLh a gaskeL placed
beLween Lhem. 1hese parLs are Lhen LlghLened by Lhe fasLeners (nuLs, bolLs, sLuds,
screw eLc.) uslng a pre-deLermlned amounL of Lorque.
1.8 Cy||nder b|ock mater|a|s:
Cyllnder blocks are commonly made of Lhe followlng maLerlals:
1. Crey casL lron.
Internal Combustion Engine
2. Alloyed casL lron (nl or Cr as alloylng maLerlals).
3. Alumlnum alloy.

1.9 Cy||nder nead
1he cyllnder head ls a slngle plece casLlng mounLed on a cyllnder block and provldes
proLecLlon Lo Lhe valves and plsLons by encloslng Lhem. uependlng on lLs shape Lhe
cyllnder head can be of Lhe followlng Lypes

Internal Combustion Engine

1. l head Lype 2. L head Lype.
8oLh Lypes of heads conLaln coollng waLer [ackeLs, spark plug openlng for valves and Lhe
combusLlon chamber. 1he pockeLs are curved ln such a shape so LhaL Lhe alr fuel
mlxLure enLerlng Lhrough Lhe lnleL valve ls sub[ecLed Lo Lurbulence (or whlrllng) ln Lhe
combusLlon chamber.
1he Lurbulence of mlxLure ls a deslred phenomenon as lL
a. assures unlform mlxlng of alr and fuel.
b. lmproves Lhe process of combusLlon,
c. Pelps ln prevenLlng local zones of hlgh pressures and hlgh LemperaLures and
d. avolds deLonaLlon (or knocklng) ln Lhe englne.

Internal Combustion Engine
A gaskeL ls a seallng agenL beLween Lwo sLaLlonary parLs such as
1. Cyllnder block and cyllnder head
2. Cyllnder block and oll pan
3. Cyllnder block and Lhe manlfolds.

lL provldes a LlghL [olnL beLween Lhese parLs and prevenLs leakage of waLer, oll or gas.
CaskeLs are made up of maLerlals llke copper, zlnc, asbesLos meLal, copper plaLed sLeel,
sLeel asbesLos copper, crlmped sLeel sLalnless sLeel, flber composlLes eLc.

1.10 Cy||nder ||ner or s|eeve
1he cyllnder llners are cyllndrlcal componenLs LhaL flL lnslde Lhe cyllnder's bore. 1he
plsLon rlngs press upon Lhese llners and always remaln ln conLacL wlLh Lhem, and rub on
Lhem durlng Lhelr moLlon.
A cyllnder llner serves Lwo purposes.
a. lL provldes a sulLable wear reslsLanL surface for Lhe cyllnder bore for alumlnum alloy
cyllnder block ,
b. lL slmpllfles Lhe producLlon of casL lron englnes by allowlng open deck form of
cyllnder block.
1he llners are made of CasL lron and are cenLrlfugally casLed.

Internal Combustion Engine
1ypes of ||ners
1. ury llner 2. WeL llner
ury llner malnLalns meLal Lo meLal conLacL beLween lLs ouLer wall and Lhe cyllnder block.
lL ls known as dry llner because lLs ouLer wall ls noL exposed Lo Lhe coolanL.

ln case of weL llner lLs ouLer wall ls exposed Lo Lhe coollng waLer clrculaLlng wlLhln Lhe
cyllnder [ackeL.
8oLh Lhe llners can be deLachable from or casLed lnLegrally wlLh Lhe cyllnder block.

ln Ashok Leyland comeL passenger vehlcle lL ls press flL and flanged locaLed. ln oLher
appllcaLlons lL ls casLed lnLegrally wlLh Alumlnum alloy cyllnder block as shown ln flgure

Internal Combustion Engine

1.11 In|et Man|fo|d

1he lnLake manlfold ls a casLlng aLLached Lo Lhe cyllnder head ln Lhe case of an overhead
valve englne or Lo Lhe cyllnder block ln Lhe case of a slde valve englne. 1he lnLake
manlfold ls a passage Lhrough whlch fresh charge enLers Lhe cyllnder. ln a peLrol englne
Lhe fresh charge ls alr fuel mlxLure and ln a dlesel englne Lhe fresh charge ls aLmospherlc
alr. ulfferenL Lypes of lnLake manlfolold are as shown ln Lhe flgure above.

Internal Combustion Engine

1.12 Lxhaust Man|fo|d

1he exhausL manlfold ls a casLlng aLLached Lo Lhe cyllnder head of an overhead valve
englne or Lo Lhe cyllnder block of a slde valve englne. 1hrough Lhe exhausL manlfold, Lhe
producLs of combusLlon escape from Lhe englne cyllnders Lo Lhe aLmosphere. 1he slze
shape and orlenLaLlon of exhausL manlfold ls such LhaL lL wlll cause qulck and compleLe
dlscharge of Lhe producLs of combusLlon from Lhe englne cyllnders. lL musL also be such
LhaL Lhe gases leL ouL by one cyllnder should never enLer lnLo anoLher cyllnder.
1he exhausL manlfold of dlfferenL shape can be seen ln Lhe flgure above.

Internal Combustion Engine
comporison between dry ond wet /iners.

uesctlptloo uty lloet wet lloet
coottlbotloo of tlqlJlty to
tbe cylloJet block
Mote less
lottoJoctloo of tbetmol
bottlet ot tbe oJjololoq
Mote less
coolloq lofetlot 8ettet
keoewol oftet weot compototlvely Jlfflcolt osy
cbooces of cooloot leokoqe less Mote
lloet tblckoess 1.5 to J mm 4 to 6 mm

Internal Combustion Engine

1.13 Mer|ts and demer|ts of Cast |ron and A|um|num a||oys for eng|ne cy||nders.

uesctlptloo cost ltoo Alomloom Alloy
5pecific qrovity 7.7 - 7.8 2.7
weiqht neovy Liqht
1ouqhness niqher Lower
weor Lower niqher
5trenqth Low in tension niqh in tension
neot conductivity Lower niqher
4bi/ity to sustoin torsiono/
niqh Low
corrosion resistonce niqh Low
5tress sustoininq obi/ity


Internal Combustion Engine
5heor /ess more
5ound dompinq 8etter lnferior
1o/eronce to
1hreoded connection
Over heotinq
core/ess hond/inq


xomp/e: nqine of liot uno,Peuqotl09 Moruti steem, 2en
1ypico/ enqine weiqht 280 kq 100kq

1.14 Lng|ne c|ass|f|cat|on based on va|ve pos|t|ons:
1. S|ng|e row s|de va|ves (L-nead):
1he lnleL and exhausL valves are arranged verLlcally ln Lhe cyllnder block wlLh Lhelr
heads faclng upwards and are all poslLloned ln a slngle row Lo one slde of Lhe cyllnders.
1hls once popular combusLlon chamber provlded moderaLely good performance up-Lo
abouL 2/3
s of Lhelr maxlmum speed, buL afLer Lhls breaLhlng was lmpeded.
wltb tbls ottooqemeot.
oll tbe volves coo be opetoteJ by o sloqle comsboft.
kemovol of cylloJet beoJ becomes eosy Jotloq mojot ovetbeoJ os oll volve
opetotloq mecboolsms ote locoteJ lo cylloJet block.
Internal Combustion Engine
1otboleoce of tbe eotetloq cbotqe lmptoves sloce sbope of tbe combostloo
cbombet osslsts lo settloq-op wbltlloq motloo lo tbe cbotqe.
nlqbet comptessloo ls oot posslble fot spoce llmltotloo Joe to volve.

2. Doub|e row s|de va|ves (1-nead):
Internal Combustion Engine
1he lnleL and exhausL valves are arranged verLlcally ln Lhe cyllnder blocks wlLh Lhelr
heads faclng upwards and formlng Lwo separaLe rows, on each slde of Lhe cyllnders.
1hls early arrangemenL wlLh lLs wlde combusLlon chamber provlded poor
combusLlon conLrol and low performance wlLhln lLs llmlLed speed range.
wltb tbls ottooqemeot.
tbe opetotloo of volves tepoltes two comsbofts.
1be spoce occopleJ by tbe eoqloe becomes lotqe.
A blqbet comptessloo tboo tbot lo l-eoqloe ls posslble.

3a. S|ng|e row overhead va|ves (I nead):
1he lnleL and exhausL valves are arranged verLlcally ln
Lhe cyllnder head wlLh Lhelr heads faclng downwards
and formlng a slngle row dlrecLly over Lhe cyllnders.
WlLh Lhls arrangemenL, hlgh compresslon raLlos can be
used, lean mlxLures can be burnL and a good
performance ls provlded over a relaLlvely wlde speed
leototes of tbls ottooqemeot ote
Actootloo of oll volves by o sloqle comsboft.
compoct Jeslqo wblcb coo oJopt blqbet comptessloo totlo.
Mote compllcoteJ volve mecboolsm tboo lo l-beoJ eoqloe.
kepoltemeot of oJJltloool coolloq of cylloJet beoJ os beot teocbes loto lt ftom
volves olso lo oJJltloo to tbot ftom spotk ploq ooJ combostloo cbombet.
Internal Combustion Engine
closet qtooploq of plstoo ooJ volves ollowloq cooslJetoble teJoctloo of cleotooce

3b. Doub|e-row overhead va|ves (I head)
lnleL and exhausL valves are sllghLly lncllned Lo each oLher ln Lhe cyllnder head, wlLh
Lhelr heads Lowards Lhe cyllnder and formlng Lwo rows dlrecLly over Lhe cyllnders.
1hls layouL can be used wlLh hlgh compresslon raLlos and provldes excellenL
breaLhlng, combusLlon, and hence performance from low Lo very hlgh speeds.

4. Cverhead |n|et and s|de exhaust va|ves (I-nead):
valves are arranged so LhaL Lhe lnleL valves are elLher uprlghL or sllghLly lncllned ln
Lhe cyllnder head dlrecLly over Lhe cyllnders ln one row and Lhe exhausL valves are
elLher uprlghL or sllghLly lncllned ln Lhe cyllnder block aL one slde of Lhe cyllnders.
wltb socb oo ottooqemeot.
sloqle comsboft coo be oseJ to opetote tbe volves
eoqloes wltb moJetote comptessloo totlo coo be JeslqoeJ
ower over|ap:

1he more cyllnders ln an englne, Lhe more conLlnuous wlll be Lhe flow of power and
smooLher wlll be lLs operaLlon. 1hls ls due largely Lo power overlap. ln a four cyllnder
englne, for example each plsLon ln Lurn (ln flrlng order) pushes Lhe crankshafL Lhrough
of crankshafL roLaLlon durlng lLs power sLroke. Slnce Lhese power sLrokes begln
Internal Combustion Engine
every 180
, Lhere ls no overlap beLween power sLrokes ln a four cyllnder englne, each
new power sLroke beglnnlng exacLly as Lhe prevlous one ends.

ln a slx cyllnder englne a power sLroke beglns every 120
of crankshafL roLaLlon and
conLlnues for half a roLaLlon (180
). 1hls produces a 60
overlap beLween power sLrokes
LhaL follow each oLher ln Lhe flrlng order of Lhe englne. As one plsLon ls compleLlng Lhe
lasL 60
of lLs power sLroke, Lhe nexL plsLon ls operaLlng on Lhe flrsL 60
of lLs power
sLroke. ln Lhe second flgure below every power sLroke ls broken up lnLo 60

ln an elghL-cyllnder englne a power sLroke occurs each 90
of crankshafL roLaLlon (720
8). 1hls produces a power overlap of 90
- 90
). A Lwelve cyllnder englne would
have a power overlap of 120
, a slxLeen cyllnder englne an overlap of 133
. Cbvlously,
Lhe more cyllnders ln an englne Lhe more Lhe power overlap and Lhe less Lhe resulLlng
vlbraLlon produced by Lhe englne. Slnce 1948 no Amerlcan manufacLurer has produced
a passenger car englne of more Lhan elghL cyllnders.

180 degrees 180 degrees 180 degrees 180 degrees
1 Power Exhaust Suction Compression
3 Compression Power Exhaust Suction
4 Suction Compression Power Exhaust
2 Exhaust Suction Compression Power
order 1 revolution = 360 degrees 1 revolution = 360 degrees
720 degrees of crankshaft Rotation
One Complete cycle

Internal Combustion Engine
uue Lo Lhe presence of number of reclprocaLlng parLs, llke plsLon, connecLlng rod eLc.
whlch move once ln one dlrecLlon and Lhen ln oLher dlrecLlon, vlbraLlon develops durlng
operaLlon of Lhe englne. Lxcesslve vlbraLlon occurs lf Lhe englne ls unbalance. lL ls
Lherefore necessary Lo balance Lhe englne for lLs smooLh runnlng. 1he vlbraLlons may be
caused due Lo deslgn facLors or may resulL from poor malnLenance of Lhe englne. ln
order Lo mlnlmlze Lhe vlbraLlon, aLLenLlon musL be glven Lo Lhe followlng parameLers.
1. prlmary balance,
2. ComponenL balance,
3. flrlng lnLerval and
4. Secondary balance.

1.1S IS1CN

1he gas force produced durlng power sLroke acLs on Lhe plsLon. lL ls deslgned as a meLal cup. lLs
parLs are crown, head wlLh grooves (some Llme called rlng belL) for rlngs, sklrL and plsLon pln
bosses and rlbs.
1he deLalls of Lhe plsLon can be seen ln Lhe flgure below.

1he plsLon crown musL be Lhlck enough Lo wlLh sLand Lhe gas forces and also Lo LransmlL Lhe
heaL Lransferred Lo lL durlng combusLlon Lo Lhe rlng belL. 1he gas load geLs Lransferred Lo Lhe
plsLon pln bosses Lhrough Lhe rlbs. 1he heaL geLs Lransferred Lo Lhe cyllnder walls Lhrough Lhe
rlng belL and Lhe rlngs.
lsLons of englnes are made of alloy sLeel, alloy casL lron or alumlnum alloy. ulfferenL alumlnum
alloys used for plsLons are SAL300, ? alloy, SAL 301, Low expanslon alloy- PC 413, Low
expanslon alloy- PC 416. ln Lhese Al alloys, varlous meLalllc compounds are added Lo lmprove
Lhelr properLles. Magneslum lmproves bearlng properLles. nlckel and copper lncrease Lhermal
sLablllLy and lmprove Lo some exLenL mechanlcal properLles aL hlgh LemperaLures. Alloys wlLh
slllcon have lower coefflclenL of Lhermal expanslon.
At pteseot Al olloy plstoo ls mote popolot sloce lts beot cooJoctlvlty ls blqbet ooJ loettlo fotces
ote lesset.


1.16 1ypes of p|ston
1. cutowoy piston. ln Lhls Lype of plsLon Lhe plsLon sklrL ls cuL unlformly and ls employed ln
MaruLl car englne. 1hls arrangemenL permlLs a lower and more compacL englne
2. 5o/id skirt piston. 1o encounLer hlgh combusLlon loads, Lhe solld sklrL plsLon of rlgld
consLrucLlon are favored now a days. 1he plsLon sklrL ls machlned oval ln conLour and
Laper ln proflle Lo compensaLe for Lhe Lhermal expanslon. (8efer Lo Lhe flgure below)
When Lhe plsLon ls cold, Lhe mlnor axls of sklrL ovallLy ls dlsposed ln Lhe dlrecLlon of
gudgeon pln
When Lhe plsLon ls hoL, Lhe sklrL Lakes on Lo clrcular shape on accounL of greaLer expanslon.
1he Lop of Lhe sklrL expands more Lhan Lhe comparaLlvely cooler lower porLlon. lLs
consequence ls LhaL Lhe ovallLy dlmlnlshes or vanlshes.


3. com qround piston. 1he ovallLy ln solld sklrL plsLons ls
obLalned on grlndlng Lhem by a cam Lhe cam ls a hlghly
accuraLe ob[ecL havlng such a conLour whlch ls slmllar Lo
Lhe deslred proflle on a plsLon. So Lhe plsLons of oval
secLlon are made by cam grlndlng process. Such plsLons
are called cam ground plsLons. Cval Lapered plsLons have
been provlded ln llaL 1100.

4. 5p/it skirt piston. An alLernaLlve Lo solld sklrL plsLon ls a spllL sklrL plsLon whlch
lncorporaLes a 1 Lype compensaLory sloL. nearly verLlcal parL of Lhe 1 sloL exLends down
Lo Lhe base of Lhe sklrLs and Lhus spllLs Lhe sklrL.
1.17 Methods for contro|||ng p|ston expans|on
unequal Lhermal expanslon of Al plsLon wlLhln a CasL lron cyllnder ls a drawback as Al expands
more Lhan casL lron, Lhe chances of englne slap cannoL be ruled ouL. 1herefore conLrol of Lhe
plsLon expanslon ls essenLlally requlred. 1hls ls accompllshed by one of Lhe followlng meLhods.
1. lncorporotion of compensotinq s/ots
2. provision of contro//inq inserts.
l. orronqement of heot dom
4. wire wound piston
5. Piston of /ow expondinq moterio/s.
1. lncorporotion of compensotinq s/ots: 1he compensaLory sloLs are usually made ln Lhe
clrcumferenLlal dlrecLlon beneaLh Lhe oll conLrol groove as shown below.


2. 4rronqement of heot dom: A groove ls cuL below Lhe plsLon crown as shown ln Lhe
flgure above. 1he paLh of heaL Lravel from plsLon crown Lo Lhe sklrL ls reduced by Lhls
arrangemenL. 1he sklrL Lherefore remalns cooler and so Lhe expanslon ls reduced.
3. wire wound piston: 1he Lhermal expanslon of plsLon sklrL may also be prevenLed by
uslng a mechanlcal force on lL. ln Lhls case, a low expanslon sLeel wlre ls wrapped
around Lhe plsLon beLween gudgeon pln and Lhe lowesL oll conLrol rlng.
4. Provision of contro//inq inserts: Alloy sLeel lnserLs havlng lower coefflclenL of Lhermal
expanslon Lhan LhaL of Lhe plsLon maLerlal are used Lo resLrlcL Lhe expanslon of Lhe
sklrL along Lhe sklrL axls. uependlng Lhe arrangemenL of lnserLs Lhe lnserLed plsLons
can be of Lwo Lypes. l. AuLoLhermlc plsLon and ll. 8lmeLalllc plsLon. lo oototbetmlc losett
plstoo tbe steel losett bos o mecboolcol booJ wltb tbe olomloom boJy wbeteos lt ls costeJ lo cose of
blmetolllc plstoo.


1.18 |ston S|ap

lf Lhe plsLon clearance ls Loo small Lhere wlll be loss ln break power due Lo excesslve frlcLlon,
severe wear and posslble selzure of Lhe plsLon ln Lhe cyllnder. Selzure wlll cause compleLe
englne fallure. Cn Lhe oLher hand lf clearances are excesslve, plsLon slap wlll occur.


lsLon slap ls caused by Lhe sudden LllLlng of Lhe plsLon ln Lhe cyllnder as Lhe plsLon sLarLs
movlng down ln Lhe power sLroke. 1he plsLon shlfLs from one slde (compresslon LhrusL slde l. e.
mlnor LhrusL slde) of Lhe cyllnder Lo Lhe oLher slde (expanslon LhrusL slde or ma[or LhrusL slde)
wlLh sufflclenL force. 1hls hlLLlng of plsLon surface on Lhe cyllnder wall produces a dlsLlncL nolse
(meLalllc nolse) called plsLon slap. 1he shlfLlng of Lhe plsLon from Lhe compresslon LhrusL face Lo
Lhe expanslon LhrusL face whlch causes plsLon slap can be seen ln Lhe flgure below.

5peclol potpose plstoo to coottol slop, beot, weot etc.
1. offseL plsLon
2. lnserLed rlng carrler plsLon
3. oll cooled plsLon
4. heaL shlelded plsLon
3. Lwo plece plsLon
6. casL sLeel plsLon
7. Anodlsed plsLon
8. 1lnned plsLon
9. low expanslon alloy plsLon

1. Offset piston: lLs deslgn ls such LhaL Lhe cenLer llne of plsLon does noL colnclde wlLh Lhe
cyllnder and remalns aL an offseL. 1he offseL ls glven Lowards Lhe ma[or LhrusL slde. 1he
gudgeon pln ls also provlded wlLh sllghL offseL. 1he effecL of provldlng offseL ln Lhe
plsLon ls felL durlng compresslon sLroke when Lhe plsLon LllLs sllghLly whlle approachlng
Lhe Lop dead cenLer. AfLer compleLlon of Lhe compresslon sLroke, Lhe plsLon moves
down smooLhly, remalns ln conLacL wlLh Lhe cyllnder wall and avolds plsLon slap.

2. lnserted rinq corrier piston: ln Lhls deslgn Lhe ausLenlLlc casL lron rlng lnserLs are LlghLly
flLLed beneaLh Lhe alumlnum crown as shown ln flgure above. 1he rlng lnserLs are
properly machlned and perfecLly bonded wlLh Lhe carrler plsLon such plsLons are
sulLable for PCv'S.

3. Oi/ coo/ed piston: ln heavy duLy vehlcle where plsLon geL more heaLed and requlre
addlLlonal coollng Lhe use ls mad of oll cooled plsLon. An oll cavlLy ls produced ln Lhem

lnLo whlch Lhe oll ls dlrecLed from Lhe c-rod small Lhrough open or closed gallerles.
uurlng reclprocaLlng moLlon of Lhe plsLon Lhe movemenL of oll lnslde Lhe oll cavlLy Lakes
heaL from Lhe crown and keeps lL cool.
4. 1wo piece piston: Such plsLons are made of Al sklrL and sLeel crown boLh bolLed
LogeLher. 1he sklrL and Lhe crown are generally forged and secured by means of lncllned
bolLs. Such plsLons flnd use ln Lhose englnes whose LemperaLure ls hlgher Lhan Lhe
worklng LemperaLure range of alumlnum.

1.19 |ston r|ngs

lsLon rlngs ln an l.C. englne are provlded Lo serve Lhe followlng purposes.
1o acL as
1. 5eol to pteveot leokoqe of combostloo qosses loto tbe ctook coses.
2. lossoqe of beot flow ftom plstoo ctowo to tbe woll of tbe cylloJet.
J. lobtlcotloq oll coottollet oo tbe cylloJet woll so os to mlolmlze weot.


1he plsLon rlngs are of Lwo Lypes accordlng Lo Lhe purpose served by Lhem.
1. comptessloo ot qos tloqs
2. Oll coottol tloqs ot oll sctopet tloqs
1he compresslon rlngs generally of 2 or 3 ln
number, are placed ln combusLlon chamber
l.) 5eolloq of tbe combostloo qos
ll.) neot ttoosfet ftom plstoo ctowo
to tbe cylloJet woll.

1he oll conLrol rlngs, generally 1 Lo 2 ln
number prevenL excesslve oll from passlng
o.) 1btooqb tbe eoJ qop of tbe tloqs
b.) 8etweeo tbe cylloJet woll ooJ tbe
tloq foce.
1hey, Lhus, avold undeslred burnlng of Lhe
lubrlcaLlng oll. 1he burnlng of lubrlcaLlng oll
causes smoke, polluLlon and carbon
1he oll conLrol rlngs scrapes off excess
lubrlcaLlng oll from Lhe cyllnder walls durlng
Lhe downward movemenL of Lhe plsLon.
1he oll scraped and collecLed from Lhe
cyllnder wall

1.20 |ston p|n or Gudgeon p|n:
lL connecLs Lhe plsLon and Lhe connecLlng rod. 1he plsLon pln ls a hollow cyllnder made of case
hardened sLeel. lL makes Lhe [olnL beLween Lhe boss of Lhe plsLon and Lhe small end of
connecLlng rod. 8ased on Lhe anchorlng arrangemenL of gudgeon pln and osclllaLlon of
connecLlng rod ln lL, Lhere are 3 Lypes of plsLon plns employed on dlfferenL l.C. englnes.
o. lu//y f/ootinq piston pin:
1hls arrangemenL employs separaLe bushes Lo be easy (clearance) pressed beLween Lhe pln and
plsLon, and also beLween Lhe pln and small end eye of Lhe connecLlng rod. Slnce Lhe gudgeon
pln almosL remalns floaLlng ln Lhe bush, Lhe assembly ls known as fully floaLlng. 1he laLeral
moLlon of Lhe gudgeon pln ls prevenLed by clrcllps on boLh Lhe ends. 8earlng ln Lhls
arrangemenL ls hlghly sLressed and dlfflculL Lo lubrlcaLe effecLlvely.

A folly flootloq plstoo plo bos beeo oseJ lo n. M. Jlesel cot.

b. 5emi f/ootinq qudqeon pin
ln Lhls arrangemenL Lhe gudgeon pln floaLs ln Lhe bush locaLed beLween lL and Lhe connecLlng
rod eye. 1he pln ls anchored beLween Lhe plsLon and Lhe gudgeon pln. ue Lo Lhls, Lhe gudgeon
pln osclllaLes only ln Lhe connecLlng rod.

c. 1hree fourth f/ootinq piston pin:
ln Lhls arrangemenL a clamped connecLlon exlsLs beLween Lhe gudgeon pln and Lhe small end of
Lhe connecLlng rod, whlle Lhe pln osclllaLes over Lhe bush ln Lhe plsLon. 1hus Lhe assembly ls
nelLher fully floaLlng Lype nor seml floaLlng Lype.

1.21 Lng|ne Va|ve
valves are mechanlcal conLrol elemenLs needed Lo admlL fresh charge and allow Lhe burnL
gasses Lo escape ouL of Lhe cyllnder. 1wo valves,
an lnleL and Lhe oLher exhausL are used for Lhls
purpose. lresh mlxLure of fuel and alr enLers Lhe
lnleL valve Lhrough Lhe lnleL manlfold, and Lhe
burnL gases pass Lhrough Lhe exlL valve and go Lo
Lhe exhausL manlfold.
1he followlng Lypes of valves are generally used
on auLomoblles.
1. oppeL valve or mushroom valve
such as ln Ambassador ulesel nova.
2. Sleeve valve
3. 8oLary valve such as ln k8123
moLorcycle, 8a[a[ 3 wheeler eLc.
4. Cooled hollow valve such a sodlum cooled valve used ln Alfa 8omeo 2000 splder
veloce car.
3. 1ullp valve such as used on raclng cars

Poppet vo/ve. A poppeL valve as shown ln flgure ls slmple ln consLrucLlon, free Lo roLaLe abouL
lLs sLem Lo any poslLlon, self cenLerlng, can be machlned properly easlly for proper seaLlng on
Lhe valve seaL. LxhausL valves are smaller Lhan Lhe lnleL valves as

1he veloclLy of exhausL gases (dlscharglng above aLmospherlc pressure) ls more Lhan Lhe
veloclLy of lnflowlng fresh charge.
1he denslLy of exhausL gases due Lo hlgher pressure ls also sllghLly hlgher Lhan LhaL of
fresh mlxLure due Lo lower pressure.

5odium coo/ed vo/ve: LxhausL valves aLLaln a hlgh LemperaLure of abouL 600 - 700
C ln normal
course. 8uL ln heavy duLy englnes and Lhe raclng car englnes, Lhls LemperaLure ls sLlll hlgher.
1hls ls noL a deslred sLaLe,
1herefore coollng of such exhausL
valves ls very essenLlal. A sodlum
cooled valve ls shown ln Lhe flgure.
lL has a hollow sLem whose abouL
30 volume ls fllled wlLh llquld
sodlum. lL remalns ln llquld sLaLe aL
Lhe operaLlon LemperaLures of
exhausL valve. Sodlum ls used due
Lo lLs hlgher Lhermal conducLlvlLy
and lower melLlng polnL (103
When Lhe valve ls operaLlng, Lhe llquld sodlum moves up and down ln Lhe hollow sLem.
ConsequenLly, sodlum absorbs heaL from Lhe hoL cyllnder head when lL moves up and glves Lhe
same Lo Lhe sLem on downward movemenL. lrom valve sLem Lhe heaL goes Lo valve gulde, Lhen
Lo cyllnder block and flnally Lo coollng waLer clrculaLlng ln Lhe waLer [ackeL. 1hls arrangemenL
helps ln lowerlng Lhe valve LemperaLure by 80-100

1u/ip vo/ve: 1hese are llghL welghL and small slzed valves as shown ln flgure. 1hey allow Lhe
gases Lo come ln or go ouL easlly. 1hey also provlde seallng of combusLlon chamber. Such valves
are used on alrcrafLs and raclng car englnes.

1.22 Va|ve operat|ng mechan|sms
1. vo/ve mechonism for overheod vo/ve, under heod com shoft enqine:
Worklng: 1he cam on Lhe cam shafL llfLs Lhe LappeL durlng lLs roLaLlon. 1he LappeL acLuaLes
Lhe push rod whlch ln Lurn operaLes Lhe rocker arm abouL lLs fulcrum. 1he rocker arm exerLs
pressure on Lhe valve sLem agalnsL Lhe sprlng Lo move Lhe valve sLem ln Lhe gulde. ln dolng
so Lhe valve comes down from Lhe valve seaL and makes space for fuel alr mlxLure Lo enLer
Lhe cyllnder. WlLh more roLaLlon of Lhe cam shafL, Lhe valve sprlng pushes back Lhe valve on

lLs seaL when non-eccenLrlc porLlon of Lhe cam comes ln conLacL wlLh Lhe LappeL. now Lhe
valve ls closed.
2. vo/ve mechonism for overheod com shoft enqine:
Some overhead valve englnes are provlded wlLh an overhead cam shafL lnsLead of under
head cam shafL. Cars llke uolmlet 8eoz, lotJ escott, Nexlo, loocet, Opel ostto ote ptovlJeJ
wltb socb volve opetotloq mecboolsms.
1he overhead cam shafL arrangemenL has hlgh volumeLrlc efflclency and hlgh compresslon
raLlo. 8uL lLs use requlres hlgher lnlLlal cosL and compllcaLed combusLlon chamber.

l. vo/ve mechonism for side vo/ve enqines
Such arrangemenL ls employed on L - Pead englnes and ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. 1he
advanLages and dlsadvanLages are as follows.
1. Low englne helghL ls posslble as Lhere are no parLs above Lhe cyllnder head.
2. LubrlcaLlon ls easler for Lhe valve mechanlsm.
3. Worklng ls quleLer as Lhere ls no rocker arm assembly.
4. Mechanlsm ls less compllcaLed Lhen LhaL ln overhead valve englne.
3. volumeLrlc efflclency and compresslon raLlo are poor.
6. Shape of Lhe combusLlon chamber ls compllcaLed.
7. Space for lnleL valve ls resLrlcLed.

1.23 Connect|ng rod
1he small end of Lhe connecLlng rod ls connecLed Lo Lhe plsLon and Lhe blg end ls
connecLed Lo Lhe crank shafL Lhrough Lhe crank pln. 1he connecLlng rod ln operaLlon ls
sub[ecLed Lo comblned axlal and bendlng sLress. 1he combusLlon gas pressure and Lhe lnerLla
forces on accounL of reclprocaLlng moLlon produce axlal sLress whlle Lhe bendlng sLresses are
developed due Lo Lhe cenLrlfugal acLlon. 1he cross-secLlon of connecLlng rod ls made l Lype Lo
provlde lmproved rlgldlLy and Lo reduce Lhe welghL. 8efer Lo Lhe flgure below. 1he connecLlng

rods are manufacLured by elLher drop forglng process or by casLlng. Alloy sLeel and alumlnum
alloy are used Lo make connecLlng rods.

1.24 cronk 5hoft
Crank shafL ls a roLaLlng componenL Lo whlch ls connecLed ls Lhe crank. 1he crank shafL recelves
Lhe power produced ln Lhe englne for onward Lransmlsslon Lo Lhe Lransmlsslon sysLem. 1he
power comes Lo lL from Lhe connecLlng rod and ls Lhen Lransferred Lo Lhe cluLch Lhrough a
flywheel, whlch ls mounLed on lL. Crank plns ln a crank shafL are eccenLrlcally locaLed wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe axls of crank shafL. 1he eccenLrlclLy ls called Lhrow of Lhe crank. rovlslon of
crank web ls made Lo counLer acL Lhe Lendency of bendlng of Lhe crank shafL due Lo cenLrlfugal
acLlon durlng englne operaLlon. 1he crank shafL ls of elLher bullL ln Lype or a slngle plece Lype. A
slngle plece consLrucLlon ls more common. 1he crankshafLs are generally made by forglng of
medlum carbon alloy sLeels. 1hey are Lhen lnducLlon hardened Lo ensure unlform hardness and
checked for balanclng dynamlc balanclng machlne.

Exercise 1
1. Enumerate the main parts of an automobile engine.
2. Describe in detail the function, construction and materials used for the
(a) Cylinder Block. (b) Cylinder Head (c) Crank Case (d) Oil Pan
3. What are the functions of engine inlet and exhaust manifolds? Describe their materials and
5. Discuss different types of cylinder liners. What are their comparative advantages? Discuss
various liner troubles,
6. What is the difference between Wet liners and Dry liners?
7. How the IC Engines are classified?
8. Make a sectioned sketch of a petrol engine piston and name its various parts.
9. State the functions which a piston in an automobile engine cylinder is required to perform.
Discuss various methods used to avoid piston-slap.
10. Describe in detail various types of automotive pistons.
11. Discuss in detail various types of piston failures. Give suggestions to avoid the same.
12.What are the functions which the piston rings are required to perform? With the help of
suitable sketches explain the constructional features of various types of piston rings,
13.Explain with the help of simple sketches the working of the compression and the oil control
14.Discuss various design considerations for piston rings. What factors would you consider for

selecting rings for an engine?
15.Discuss in detail various ring failures and their causes.
16.Describe the functions, materials used and the construction of a connecting rod and a piston
pin. Discuss also various methods of connecting these two, stating their merits and demerits.
17. Where is the' crankshaft mounted in the cylinder block?
18. What are the Merits and Limitations of Single and Multi-cylinder Engines?
19. What is the function of camshaft?
20. What is the function of a cylinder head?
21. What type materials are used for Cylinder blocks?
22. How the Engines are classified based on valve positions?
23. What are the methods used for controlling piston expansion?
24. Explain briefly about Valve operating mechanisms of an engine.
25. What is 'firing order'? What are the correct firing orders for 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder in-line
26. What is the function of an engine flywheel?
27. Why does the increase in number of cylinders makes the engine power output more uniform?
28. Why is the acceleration response in a multicylinder engine quicker compared to a single
cylinder engine of theComparable size?
29. Stage any three problems that arise if number of cylinders in an engine is more.
30. Ordinarily what is the maximum size of a single-cylinder engine?


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