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Friends of Walgrove Members Meeting February 5, 2013 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School 1630 Walgrove Avenue*Los Angeles, CA 90066 Phone (310)391-7104*Fax (310)391-9809 I. Special Thanks- Brandy Oeser A. Talent Show Organizers: Amy, Melissa, Laura, John, Logan, Jeff, Billy, Chris, and Lance B. Auction Volunteers and Callers (We are looking for bartenders and a DJ for the auction party) C. Walgroovy English Tea Hosts: Groppe & Eyeler Families D. 3rd Grade Movie Night: Laura & Volunteers E. Walgroovy Japanese Moonviewing Hosts: Simonowitz & Eyeler Families F. Benny's Taco Dine Out: Susie and Participants G. Community Day: Katka and Volunteers H. Mural Team: Renee, Georgia and others I. Green Team: Walgrove Wildlands J. Tour Organizers: Michelle, Warner, Leisle, Julie, Teresa K. Coffee Chat Bakers II. Guest Speaker- Differentiation Teacher: Lynn Webster A. Enrichment started last week. There are 23 different offerings! B. We have an English and a Math pilot program that we will be testing out. Lynn can see how these programs will be particularly good for specific kids. C. Club Walgrove program is running very successfully with outstanding high school students working with a select group of our students after school. D. We have 3 students teachers currently helping out in 1st grade. They are a huge help. III. School/Instructional Reports- Principal's Report- Olivia Adams A. One of her goals she is continuing to work on is making sure we are using the data from the quarterly assessment tests in English and math in a useful way. B. We are moving from using California Standards to Common Core Standards, which have been adopted by 47 states. This focuses on developing students as learners, to ask questions, and read for a purpose. C. There is a Local School Leadership (LSLC) meeting next Wednesday, February 13 at 3:30 p.m. One of the issues to be discussed is ways to retain families at our school. All are invited to attend. IV. School Site Council- Sarah Reimers A. The next meeting is February 11. All are invited to attend. B. The SSC are the Core Beliefs watchdogs, and they are working on a Core Beliefs Orientation document. C. They are also trying to find different ways of communicating with different families so we can continue to inform more people. V. Office Reports A. President- Julie Dair 1. Julie is still working on the bulleting boards in the Parent Center. B. VP Fundraising- Brandy Oeser 1. The Annual Fund is at about $84,000. The goal is $100,000. a. We are doing a participation drive the week of February 19. We need 75% of families to participate in order to hold Wacky Wednesday. b. Anne is looking for a replacement Annual Fund Coordinator. 2. The Auction a. The party is April 13 and the online auction starts March 18. b. We've already received about 100 donations and more items are rolling in. c. There is going to be an auction raffle with a $1,000 cash first prize.

3. We are receiving about $6,000 per quarter from Ralph's. 4. The Walk-a-thon is going to be held May 17. 5. We are going to have an adult screening of the movie Blackfish by first grade parent Gabriella Cowperwaite in March in the auditorium. Babysitting will be available in the library. VI. Old Business A. Green Space Update- Walgrove Wildlands 1. All work that has been done so far has been completed by LAUSD. Our work week-end is scheduled for April 19 & 20. B. Grant Task Force- Sarah Reimers 1. They have a sales team ready to go in if anyone has a corporate contact. 2. We can not yet count on money from grants for budgetary concerns. VII. Happenings A. Parent Tour: 2/6 from 8:15-10 a.m. B. Walgroovy Sweetheart Dance Party: 2/9, 4-6 p.m., Oeser Home C. Walgroovy Chinese New Year's Party: 2/10, 1:30-4:30 p.m. D. Annual Fund Participation Drive: 2/19-2/22 E. Auction Donations Due: 2/25 F. Dine Out TBD: 2/26 G. Yearbook Dedication Ad Sales Begin: 2/27 VIII. Help Wanteds A. Annual Fund Coordinator: Anne would like a replacement by June 1st. B. Annual Fund Table Volunteers: 2/19-2/22 C. Student Council Volunteers: help make bookmarks D. Lunch/Recess Volunteers

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