CONCOR India 2013: Registration Slip Application Form For Post Code: MT/TH

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C oncor I ndi : R I STR O N SLI P G at e- 2013 a EG ATI

CONCOR India 2013: Registration Slip Application Form for Post Code: MT/TH

* Registration No. * Application for the Post of

120466 Management Trainee (Technical) (Post Code: MT/TH)

Personal Particulars * Candidate Name Mr. KAPIL TRIPATHI * Father's Name SECTOR-12 GHAZIABAD * Pin Code 201009 VIDHYA VISHAL TRIPATI

* Address for Communication A-47 VIJAY NAGAR * City * State Contact No. * Date of Birth * Category * Are you a person with Disability(PwD)? GHAZIABAD UTTAR PRADESH 21-Oct-1992 GEN NO

Mobile No. * Gender * Email-ID If yes, Nature of Disability & Degree

8515872476 Male

* Whether ex-serviceman? * Religion *


if yes, Armed Forced Service Period of Service in Armed From-- To -Force * Marital Status if yes, Employee No. UNMARRIED

Are you Departmental NO employee of the CONCOR?

Essential Qualification Detail Qualification Degree Specialization/ Name of Year of Marks Maximum University %age CGPA Name Discipline Institute/College Passing Obtained Marks GBT U LUCKNOW M.I.T BULANDSHAR 2011 3359 5000 67.16


Candidates who have secured marks in CGPA terms are required to mention the equivalent percentage of marks as per University/ Institute norms. Alternatively the marks in CGPA terms should not be less than the 7 points in the scale of 10. *Whether in the final year Essential Eductional Qualification /Degree course as mentioned above? NO GATE 2013 Registration Details GATE-2013 Paper for which Registered Mechnical Engineering Declaration
I he re by de clare that all state m e nts m ade in this application are true , com ple te and corre ct to the be st m y k nowle dge and be lie f. I unde rstand that in the e ve nt of any inform ation be ing found false or incorre ct at any stage or not satisfying the e ligibility crite ria according to the adve rtise m e nt, m y candidature / appointm e nt is liable to be cance lle d / te rm inate d. I he re by agre e that any le gal proce e ding in re spe ct of m atte rs or claim s or dispute s arising out of this application and / or out of said adve rtise m e nt can be institute d by m e in the N.C .T. of De lhi.

Paper code ME

Gate 2013 Registeration No. 41091396

o j bappl . i / concor gat e/ Fi Appl at i nN . aspx?R o=120466&dob=21- O ct - 1992 y n _ i o ext l c egN

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C oncor I ndi : R I STR O N SLI P G at e- 2013 a EG ATI

Place Date Signature of Applicant Kindly save this page by using 'SAVE AS' option given in the browser before taking the print out.

(Please Print the form for Further Reference)

o j bappl . i / concor gat e/ Fi Appl at i nN . aspx?R o=120466&dob=21- O ct - 1992 y n _ i o ext l c egN

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