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I accept cookies from this Black Library site andBlack Library isproceed to access the site. want to always looking for new writers to join the hallowed ranks of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000
authors. To that end, we run an annual open submissions window where anyone can send us their story ideas and writing samples. In response to the overwhelming interest in recent years, we are changing the policy for open submissions, starting in 2012. These new guidelines will also be in effect for any extra themed submission periods which may be announced, unless specifically stated otherwise. First and foremost, the dates for the open submissions window is changing the mailbox will now be open from Sunday 1st April to Saturday 30th June, based on British Summer Time (GMT+1). Any submissions sent outside this period will be rejected automatically by the system. Notably, after the 2012 window we will no longer be accepting novel submissions. The amount of work required for a new writer to pitch a novel, and the amount of time it takes for our Editors to read them, means that it becomes impractical when we receive nearly two thousand submissions in three months! Also, it is exceptionally rare for Black Library to commission a full novel as an authors first piece of work for us we are far more likely to ask for

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short stories first, to test the waters as it were, and Hammer and Bolter magazine now provides a far more accessible platform for writers to make their debut with us. All submissions should be sent to submissions@blacklibrary.com There is no automated receipt message, and we are unable to confirm the receipt of specific submissions. Please review Games Workshops standard policies on submitted material before making any submission to Black Library full details can be found here.

Prospective authors are able to submit to us in the following ways: Short writing sample This is the most obvious and clear-cut method for submitting to Black Library all we require is a title, and a sample of your best and most engaging writing (between 500 and 1000 words). It is presumed that you have a story idea in mind and that this would be an extract from it, but you should simply aim to demonstrate your finest prose to us. The short stories that we publish are generally between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length, and you should bear that in mind when writing your sample. If we like your initial submission, one of our editors will contact you to discuss working the idea up into a full story pitch for further assessment. When submitting a short writing sample by email, please attach it as a Microsoft Word-compatible file (.doc or .docx are best) but also paste the full text of your work into the body of the email itself. Game book sample In a new and exciting venture, Black Library are now accepting submissions for choose your own adventure-style game books, for our Path to Victory series. In these books, the reader plays the role of the main character and must fight their way through hordes of foes to reach their ultimate goal. For a game book submission, you should include the following: 1) 2) A title for the book, and a one-paragraph summary of the whole storyline Ten sample pages, each detailing an encounter or giving the reader a choice to make. These need not be

sequential in the storyline, but should certainly give us an idea of how you intend the player/character to progress as the adventure goes on. Each page should be no more than 200 words long A full game book would be expected to weigh in around 50,000 words in total, with approximately 400 pages, and you should bear that in mind when working on your sample. If we like your initial submission, one of our editors will contact you to discuss working the idea up into a full story pitch for further assessment. When submitting a game book sample by email, please attach it as a single Microsoft Word-compatible file (.doc or .docx are best) but also paste the title and one-paragraph summary into the body of the email itself.

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Novel pitch (last chance!) The open submissions window in 2012 will be the last opportunity (for the foreseeable future) for new writers to submit novel pitches to Black Library. Unless you have already started work on your pitch, please consider submitting a short writing sample instead (see above for details). For a novel pitch submission, you should include the following: 1) A title for the book, and a one-paragraph summary of the whole plot 2) 3) A chapter-by-chapter synopsis in no more than 4 pages The first three chapters of your novel (10,000 words minimum)

A novel is understood to be approximately 100,000 words in length, and you should bear that in mind when working on your pitch. If we like your initial submission, one of our editors will contact you to discuss working the pitch up into a full novel for further assessment. When submitting a novel pitch by email, please attach it as a single Microsoft Word-compatible file (.doc or .docx are best) but also paste the title, the one-paragraph summary and the first 500 words of your first chapter into the body of the email itself. General submission guidelines Black Library only publishes stories set in the rich and diverse worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 we do not accept submissions of generic fantasy or science fiction. We do not accept Horus Heresy, Space Marine Battles, Time of Legends or Gotrek & Felix submissions from new writers. If this policy changes for any reason, we will announce it accordingly. Please note that Games Workshop is a British company, based in England therefore we can only accept submissions that are presented in the English language. For logistical reasons, we cannot accept submissions by post or in person at any time, unless you have prior agreement from a member of our editorial team or it is announced at a specific event where we will be ready to receive them. Black Library reserve the right to reject any submission, without stating the reason. Submissions will be rejected automatically if they do not follow the exact instructions presented above. We are unable to enter into correspondence with any submitting writer, unless their work is of sufficient standard to warrant further interest from our editors. Black Librarys decision is final in all matters concerning submissions.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - EDITING AND PROOFING FOR BLACK LIBRARY How do I report a typographical error in one of your books?

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Please contact us listing the book title, page number and details of the error. I have no experience as a professional editor / proof reader but think I could do a good job We recommend that you visit the Society for Editors and Proofreaders website for pointers and information on breaking into the industry. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - SUBMISSIONS Why dont rejected submissions receive a response? Past experience tells us that well receive many hundreds of submissions, even during such a short submissions window. Responding to every single one would take up valuable time better spent working on the fantastic novels and short stories that are worthy of publication. Whats a summary/synopsis/chapter-by-chapter breakdown? Black Library publish professional work by professional authors. Consider finding out the answer to the above question your first step to becoming a professional author, perhaps visiting your local bookstore or library for reference material or searching for reading material on professional writing may help. Will I need to have my entire story written by the end of the submission period? Don't worry about when you will need to be finished by, if we are interested in your submission we will work with you to produce the finished story later. Can I include a prologue / prelude in my novel submission? Please only include the first three chapters as requested in the guidelines above. Why do you have a submissions window? Why dont you accept submissions throughout the year? As with all publishers, we have times of the year that are busier than others. By only having a limited submissions window it allows us to schedule the rush of submissions during a period where the extra work will be manageable. Is there a particular army/race/event you are looking for? We are looking for stories of great adventure which fit the world of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universe. Can I include an established character in my proposal? We recommend that you don't use characters already established elsewhere in Games Workshop publications or Black Library novels as this may mean your story won't fit well. What time period can I set my story in? All submissions should be set in the contemporary timeline for Warhammer and within the 41st Millennium for Warhammer 40,000.

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How many submissions am I allowed to make? As many as you feel you want to, but keep in mind that we are looking for quality not quantity so it may be worthwhile to keep to your very best idea first and discuss other ideas later if we accept your submission. Ive written a novel that isnt based in the worlds of Warhammer, will you publish it? Im sorry, but we only publish novels based in the worlds of Warhammer. Ive written a book of poetry, will you publish it? No. I am a professional artist and would like to submit my work, as I think it would be appropriate for use as Black Library illustration, how do I go about this? Please send three or four screen resolution JPGs to contact@blacklibrary.com at least one of these pictures MUST be based in either the Warhammer orWarhammer 40,000 settings. Dont send a link to your website or hundreds of images, choose three or four images that best represent your work. Can you give me any feedback or advice on my artwork? Im sorry, we do receive many requests like this, but responding to everyone would take up valuable time which we feel would be better spent ensuring the novels we produce will be as fantastic as possible

Blac k Library is a division of Games Workshop. Frequently Asked Questions. To c ontac t us either send an email to c ontac t@blacklibrary.com or call +44 (0) 115 9004069. Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2012. Games Workshop, BL Publishing, Blac k Library, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the foregoing marks' respec tive logos and all associated marks, logos, places, names, c reatures, rac es and race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehic les, loc ations, weapons, units, c harac ters, produc ts, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world and Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , and/or Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered in the UK and other c ountries around the world. For further information read the Games Workshop IP Policy. Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS. Registered in England and Wales - Company No. 01467092. VAT No. GB 580853421

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