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RGL Consultancy dec.


Product Costing v0

Product Costing

CONTENTS: 1) Introduction 2) Master data A) Material B) BOM C) Routing D) Work Center E) Activity output/prices F) Business process & prices 3) Customizing settings A) Costing variant B) Costing type C) Valuation variant D) Costing Sheet E) Date Control F) Qty. Struct. Control G) Costing variant continuation H) Cost Component Structure 01 I) Template J) Check Costing Variant 4) Process demonstration A) Create Costing Run B) Analysis of the Cost Estimate 1. Material 102-110 2. Material 102-120 3. Material 102-130 4. Material 102-100 5. Material P-102

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 1) Introduction

Product Costing v0

Product costing is an essential part within Production Planning(PP). Understanding how the system calculates the cost price of a product is important to know in order to control this process. In this document I will show the master data and customizing settings which the system uses in product costing and manually re-calculate some of the prices in order to obtain a good understanding of what the system did.

2) Master data
The product which will be cost estimated as an example is material no. P-102. In Paragraph 4 a costing run will be created for this purpose and used to calculate the costs of the product. Then using an analysis report the costing results will be analyzed. In this paragraph all the master data which will play a roll in the cost estimate process will be listed in detail. A) Material Display costing 1 material view of material P-102 in plant 1000: Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Master Data Material Display Display Menu Path Current Transaction code MM03

Click on button

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Select version 0001 and then click on button

In this window you see the group no.(50000004) and group counter (1) of the routing which the system will use and the alternative BOM no. (3) and BOM usage(1). Go back by clicking on button (2x) , then display costing 2view :

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Costs are assigned to a cost element. In case of raw materials generally the standard price of the material is used as the cost and the valuation class of the material is used to retrieve the cost element. If for example P-102 was a raw material with valuation class 7920, the cost element is found in customizing by first retrieving the account modification key.

Call up the customizing transaction as follows: IMG Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Menu Path Account Determination Account Determination Without Wizard Define
Tr. code / Table Account Grouping for Movement Types OMWN / -

Call up the customizing transaction as follows: IMG Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Menu Path Account Determination Account Determination Without Wizard
Tr. code / Table Configure Automatic Postings OBYC / -

But P-102 is an assembled product which could be taken in stock after production. Than the cost element is determined as follows:

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B) BOM Display the Bill Of Material(BOM) of material P-102 in plant 1000: Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Master Data Bill of Material Material BOM Menu Path Display Transaction code CS03

Enter selection criteria then click on button

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Note here the status of the BOM which is 1(active).

In the Admin. Data tab we check its validity:

Click on button

P-102 is a multi-level BOM as items 10,20,30,40 and 50 are marked as assembly items(BOM themselves). To get a complete overview of this BOM with all its materials, quit this tx. and execute the following. Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Master Data Bill of Material Reporting Menu Path BOM Explosion Material BOM Multilevel BOM Transaction code CS12

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Note column level no. at the left., showing the different BOM levels.

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C) Routing Display the Routing of material P-102 in plant 1000: Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Standard Menu Path Routings Display Transaction code CA03

Enter material and plant no. and then click on button

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Click on button

D) Work Center Display work center 1310 in plant 1000. Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Master Data Work Centers Work Center Menu Path Display Transaction code CA03

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Click on button

Product Costing v0

tab Costing:

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E) Activity output/prices Display activity output/prices of cost center 4220 & 4230 in controlling area 1000. Call up the transaction as follows: Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Activity Menu Path Output/Prices Display Transaction code KP27

Enter selection criteria and then click on button Above selection criteria are based on the valuation settings in paragraph 3C tab ActivityTypes/Processes.

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F) Business process & prices In the customizing as will be seen later use will be made of business processes 300900 and 400900. To display a business process. Call up the transaction as follows: Accounting Controlling Activity-Based Costing Master Data Menu Path Business Process Individual Processing Display Transaction code CP03

Click on button

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Tab: Allocation

Product Costing v0

Tab: Template

Click on button

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Display cost price for business process 300900 & 400900. Call up the transaction as follows: Accounting Controlling Activity-Based Costing Planning Process Menu Path Quantities/Prices Display Transaction code CP27

Enter selection criteria and then click on button Above selection criteria are based on the valuation settings in paragraph 3C tab ActivityTypes/Processes.

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 3) Customizing settings

Product Costing v0

The central customizing object in product costing is the costing variant. I will explore in this paragraph the settings of costing variant PPC1 and its sub-objects. This costing variant is namely generally used to create a cost estimate.

A) Costing variant Call up the customizing transaction as follows: IMG Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Menu Path Basic Settings for Material Costing Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure Define Costing Variants
Tr. code / Table OKKN / -

Select the line with costing variant PPC1 and then click on button

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B) Costing type

Tab: Save Parameters

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Product Costing v0

Click on button
C) Valuation Variant

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Product Costing v0

Note the strategy for ActivityTypes/Processes which is Plan price average of all fiscal year periods. Based on this, the selection criteria for prices was chosen. Tab: Overhead

D) Costing Sheet

Select line COGS and then double click on Costing sheets rows in folder Dialog structure:

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Select row 10 and then double click on line Base in folder Dialog Structure =>

Click on button Select row 20 and then double click on line Overhead rate in folder Dialog Structure =>

Click on button Select row 20 again and then double click on line Credit in folder Dialog Structure => 20 / 55

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Click on button Following same procedure for the other conditions in the costing sheet =>

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Tab: Misc.

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Back to Costing variant PPC1 ,tab: Control

E) Date Control

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F) Qty. Struct. Control

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Tab: Routing

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G) Costing variant continuation Tab: Additive Costs

Tab: Update

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 Tab: Assignments

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H) Cost Component Structure 01

Product Costing v0

Next we check the customizing settings of cost component structure 01. Call up the customizing transaction as follows: IMG Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Menu Path Basic Settings for Material Costing Define Cost Component Structure
Tr. code / Table OKTZ / -

Select cost comp. str. 01 and then double click on line Cost Components with Attributes =>

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Product Costing v0 to view its details =>

Select line with cost component 10 and then click on button

From this screen double click on line Assignment: Cost Component - Cost Element Interval =>

Double click on line Update of Additive costs =>

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Double click on line Cost Component Views =>

Double click on line Assignment: Organiz. Units - Cost Component Struct =>

Double click on line Cost Component Groups =>

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I) Template

Product Costing v0

Template for overhead cost distribution from Activity-based costing. Call up the customizing transaction as follows: IMG Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Menu Path Basic Settings for Material Costing Templates Assign Templates
Tr. code / Table KTPF / -

Relevant template here is COPC-10-1 Order Processing COGS, which will be retrieved using OH key = SAP10 and environment=001. Check its settings. Call up the customizing transaction as follows: IMG Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Menu Path Basic Settings for Material Costing Templates Maintain Templates Display
Tr. code / Table Template CPT3 / -


Double click on object COPC-10. 30 / 55

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J) Check Costing Variant

At last we run a check on the costing variant and get a list of all the settings for this variant.

Click on button
Menu Path Tr. code / Table

or call up the customizing transaction as follows:

IMG Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Basic Settings for Material Costing Check Settings CKC1 / -

Click on button This gives a list of all the customizing setting of this costing variant.

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 4) Process demonstration A) Create Costing Run

Product Costing v0

A costing run will be setup and processed up to and including costing, than I will switch to a report to analyze the results of the costing . Create costing run. Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Product Cost Planning Material Costing Menu Path Costing Run Edit Costing Run Transaction code CSK40N

Click on button

Click on button

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Click on button Tab: Valuation

or first check the Valuation tab.

Note the valuation variant which is 001 and the costing sheet which is COGS. Click on button .

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In row Selection click on button

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Next click on button

Product Costing v0

Enter matl no., plant no. and removed Background Processing flag. and then click on button

Click now on button the screen.

. After the system reported that run has been saved click on button

to update

In row Struct. Explosion click on button

Remove flag Background Processing , then click on button After system reported that run has been saved, click on button

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Click on button


Click on button

in row Struct. Explosion .

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Continue with clicking on button

in row Costing.

Flag Log by Costing Level and remove flag at Background Processing. Check costing levels by clicking on button

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At this point you could unselected one or more levels. Click on to continue. and then click on button

Next click on button

Click on button in row Costing. Each matl which is being costed is shown at the bottom of the screen during this process.

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Click on button

in row Analysis.

Select variant name SAP&11 and then click on button

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Next click on button

Product Costing v0

and then click on button

At this point we can click on button

to view the cost estimate.

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 Tab: Material Overview

Product Costing v0

Click on button

in row Analysis of Costing Run.

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Click on button

Product Costing v0

We can see the costs above on an itemized level.

Click on button

to leave this transaction.

B) Analysis of Cost Estimate

The costs estimate of material P-102 will be analyzed. Not all cost items will be analyzed but only of different item categories. The analysis is to show where the cost price and the cost element of an item comes from. An overview of the cost estimate can be retrieved with the following report. Call up the transaction as follows: Logistics Production Product Cost Planning Information System Menu Path Summarized Analysis Analyze Costing Run Results of Costing Run Transaction code S_ALR_87099930

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Enter the costing run no. and date, then click on button

Position the cursor on material P-102 at the bottom of the list and then go to the menu : Goto Display Cost Estimate

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Product Costing v0

Above you can see a breakdown of the costs of material P-102 according its BOM explosion. Cost are build up starting with the materials at the lowest level of the BOM and are rolled up to the next higher level material. I will therefore start the analysis with materials 102-110,102-120 and 102-130 of BOM 102-100, followed by an analysis of the cost estimate of material 102-100 and will finish with an analysis of the cost estimate of material P-102. Cost estimates of materials 102-200, 102-300, 102-400 and 102-500 are assumed to be similar to that of material 102-100. Go back to Analyze/Compare material cost estimates overview screen of the report. 1. Material 102-110: Position the cursor on material 102-110 and then go to the menu: Goto Itemization =>

We see item cat. I (delivery) and cost element is 400000. It look likes the price comes from a purchasing info record, but actually the price comes from the standard price in the material master as can be seen from the next screenshot:

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The valuation class is 3000 so I lookup in customizing what the cost element should be using the logic and paths showed in paragraph 2A =>

As the origin of the cost price and the cost element has been determined, this completes the analysis for material 102-110. 2. Material 102-120: Position cursor on material 102-120 then go to the menu: Goto Itemization =>

The accounting view 1 of the material master in next screenshot explains the price and the cost element =>

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This completes the analysis for material 102-120. 3. Material 102-130: Position cursor on material 102-130 then go to the menu: Goto Itemization =>

The accounting view 1 of the material master explains the price and the cost element =>

This completes the analysis for material 102-130. 46 / 55

RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 4. Material 102-100:

Product Costing v0

This is a material which is assembled from the 3 materials we just saw. Which means that the costs of this material consist of the costs of these 3 materials plus the costs to assemble it , plus possible overhead costs. Position the cursor on material 102-100 and then go to the menu: Goto Itemization => Itemized overview of material 102-100:

The costs of the 3 components can be found as item no.s 4,5 and 6 all marked with item cat. M(Material). Item cat. E refers to costs due to production activities. I will analyze item no.s 1,2 and 3 . Than I will analyze item no. 16 with item cat. X, followed by item no. 18 with item cat. G. This is a list with item categories with their description =>

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Material 102-100 has its own routing(see par. 2C regarding Routing) which is =>

Double click on work center 1112, then go to tab Costing =>

I will now go thru the items 1,2,3,16 and 18. Item no. 1(setup costs):

Formula SAP005:

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Product Costing v0 ):

Setup time = 10 MIN * 1 = 1/6 H = 0.167 H Item detail(select the item and then click on button

The cost prices are in accordance with the master price data of cost center=4220 and activity type=1422 in paragraph 2E, as shown here again:

This means that the cost price for item 1 is: (3.357,74 / 10 ) * 0.167 = 56,07 euro Cost element matches with the master data.

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 Item no. 2(machine costs):

Product Costing v0

Formula SAP006:

Machine time = 30 MIN * 10 / 1 = 5 H Item details(select the item and then click on button ):

The fixed and variable prices are in accordance with the master price data of cost center=4220 and activity type=1420 =>

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This means that the cost price for item 2 is: Fixed: (6.253,88 / 100 ) * 5 = 312,69 euro Variable: (576,38 / 100 ) * 5 = 28,82 euro --------Total: 341,51 euro Also the cost element matches. Item no. 3(labor costs):

Formula SAP007:

Labor time = 30 MIN * 10 / 1 = 5 H Item details(select the item and then click on button ):

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Product Costing v0

The fixed and variable prices are in accordance with the master price data of cost center=4220 and activity type=1421 =>

This means that the cost price for item 3 is: Fixed: (4.861,03 / 100 ) * 5 = 243,05 euro Variable: (449,62 / 100 ) * 5 = 22,48 euro --------Total: 265,53 euro Cost element matches. Item no. 16(Business process):

Item details(select the item and then click on button


The fixed and variable prices are in accordance with the master price data of business process 300900 in paragraph 2F =>

Also the cost element matches.

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 Item no. 18(overhead):

Product Costing v0

Item details(select the item and then click on button


See Costing sheet in paragraph 3D. Raw material costs(condition B100): 20,50 + 230,00 + 0,80 = 251,30 euro Overhead (condition C010/D010): 10% of 251,30 = 25,13 euro Fixed value (condition E00): 50% of overhead = 50% of 25,13 = 12,57 euro
Cost element 655100 from E00:

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RGL Consultancy dec. 2010 5. Material P-102:

This is the final assembled material.

Product Costing v0

Position cursor on material P-102 and then go to the menu: Goto Itemization =>

We see 8 line items with item cat. M, of which 5 are assembly items and 3 are stock items judging from the cost element assigned to them. Item no. 9 is familiar from previous matl 102-100, so I will analyse only items 10 - 13. Item no. 10(Business process):

The fixed price is in accordance with the master price data of business process 400900 in paragraph 2F =>

Also cost element 629000 matches. Item no. 11,12 & 13(overhead):

See Costing sheet in paragraph 3D for all the details. Raw Material(condition B100=> cost element=400000): 511,00+16,38+0,80 = 528,18 euro

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Item 11: Total value = Material OH(condition C010/D010): 10% of 528,18 = 52,82 euro Fixed value (condition E00): 50% of material OH= 50% of 52,82 = 26,41 euro

Cost element 655100 comes from E00:

Item 12: Production costs(condition B200=>where cost element=619000/620000/623000/625000) = 0 Manuf. Cost level (total) = 528,18 + 52,82(from item 11) = 581,00 euro Manuf. Cost level (fixed portion) = 26,41 euro (from item 11) Administration OH(condition A300/D000): Total value = 20% of 581,00 = 116,20 euro Fixed value = 20% of 26,41 = 5,28 euro
Cost element 655300 comes from E03:

Item 13: Total costs(condition B110=> cost element=890000) = 1283,00 + 459,56 + 2789,57 + 505,08 + 114,33 = 5151,54 euro Fixed costs(condition B110=>cost element=890000) = 925,80 + 408,28 + 2346,18 + 240,18 + 6,53 = 3927,36 euro Semi Finished goods(total) = 52,82(item 11) + 581,00(item 12) + 5151,54 = 5732,54 euro Semi Finished goods(fixed portion) = 3927,36 + 26,41 ( item 11) = 3953,77 euro Sales OH(condition A310/D000): Total value = 15% of 5732,54 = 859,88 euro Fixed value= 15% of 3953,77= 593,07 euro
Cost element 655400 comes from E04:

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