All Unit Interconnection Algorithm For Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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International Journal of Computer Networking, Wireless and Mobile Communications (JCNWMC) ISSN 2250-1568 Vol.

3, Issue 1, Mar 2012, 123-130 TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


SAURABH SRIVASTAVA, OPINDER KUMAR, SARVESH KUMAR & VIJAY KUMAR Computer Science & Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, India

Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is a very new and blooming technology which takes care about the transportation system of ground level. The most important function of VANET is to broadcast or send emergency message to each and every vehicle in range of danger zone, such that vehicles can get out of that area without any further problems. There are several broadcast schemes which are used but they are not efficient enough to prevent shadowing or intersection problem, broadcast storm and connection hole problem. In this paper we propose an idea which can deal with above problems and improve road safety measures using carry and forward technique.

KEYWORDS: VANET, Carry and Forward Technique, Shadowing, Intersection, Connection Hole, Broadcast Storm Etc INTRODUCTION
Vehicular ad-hoc network have proposed one of the promising ad-hoc techniques to provide drivers & passengers with a safe & enjoyable driving experience. VANET is based on a dedicated short range communication system. The communication can take place between road-side units (RSU) to on-board computing units (OBU) & OBU to RSU, OBU to OBU & RSU to RSU. These are various types of communication system in VANET. When an accident occurs on road, alert messages must be generated without any delay, so that the RSU can broadcast an alert message to the vehicles in that area, so that divers can get reaction time to perform safety measures. We can term these communication techniques as RVC (road to vehicle communication) and IVC (inter-vehicular communication). The RVC takes place between RSU and OBU in which vehicles retrieve data from road-side unit and in IVC vehicles communicate with each other by transferring data creating a network. One of the most important function of VANET [4] is to relay alert messages to various vehicles or OBUs in case of emergency in case of any dangerous events such as accidents or road under construction etc. Without any delay of time, but there are several major problem which appears while transferring the message. Broadcast storm, connection hole and shadowing are the major problems which prevents vehicles from receiving the alert message.

Figure 1: Conventional VANET


Saurabh Srivastava, Opinder Kumar, Sarvesh kumar & Vijay Kumar

There are several techniques which were used but are not efficient enough to deal with above problems. In this paper, we first discuss about the various challenges which can appear while transmitting the message and then we will propose an idea which can be used to avoid the above mentioned problems. Our proposed scheme use carry and forward mechanism in which all the participating units can carry message and transfer the message ahead.

Starting from the scratch, there were several methods of disseminating message to the vehicles such as broadcast scheme, in this method vehicles transfers alert messages to all the other vehicles nearby the danger area. Again, all the nodes or vehicles that receive messages broadcast the received message and the process proceeds in similar fashion leading to broadcast storm. In this case two major problems rises, firstly, there is bombardment of messages i.e a single node will receive same message for multiple time and in second case, we have collision problem [6].

Figure 2: A Simple Broadcast at Accident If the nodes will blindly broadcast the packets or message then it will lead to frequent contention and thus collision will be common which is certainly referred as broadcast storm problem. There are several other schemes which faces similar kind of problems while transmitting the message. We here discuss two techniques related to message broadcast. Weighted- P Persistence Here, GPS is used to calculate the distance between sender and receiver node to find the probability whether to rebroadcast a message or not. On receiving packet from node i, node j checks the packet ID and rebroadcast it with Pij probability if the packet is received for the first time else it discards the packet. Dij is relative distance between node i and j and R is average transmission range then probability Pij is calculated using expression Pij = Dij/R If node j receives duplicate packet from various sources within waiting period of wait_time before retransmitting, it selects the smallest value of Pij as the probability to rebroadcast. In this scenario, chances of collision are high enough to rely. In order to prevent the message to die out at least one receiving node must broadcast it with probability of 1. Also, if the probability to rebroadcast is high for any two or more vehicles then the chances of collision will also be very high. Slotted 1-Persistence This scheme divides transmission band into several sub-bands and allot different sub bands accordingly for different distances ranges from the transmitting node. Each range will be assigned its own wait_time to rebroadcast the alert message.

All Unit Interconnection Algorithm for Vehicular AD-HOC Networks


Figure 3: Sub-Bands in Slotted 1-Persistence Node j upon receiving the packet checks for the packet ID and Dij, i.e distance from the transmitting node i. It broadcast with probability of 1 when the wait_time expires if it has received the packet for the first time and did not received any duplicates before the wait_time Tsij expires. Otherwise it discards the packet. Tsij = Sij * t Sij is slot number and t represents estimated 1 hop-delay. Sij can be expressed as Sij = N [ 1 [ min(Dij, R)]/R] Slotted time approach uses same logic as it was used by weighted p-persistence. The difference is 1-persistence uses the GPS information to calculate the wait_time to rebroadcast instead of calculating the re-broadcasting probability. APAL Broadcast Protocol [1] Adaptive Probability Alert Protocol is another such technique which uses probability technique to rebroadcast the message. This algorithm does not need location information of any vehicle. In this algorithm, upon receiving the message for the first time the receiver waits for a random time given by t.

Figure 4: APAL Broadcast Scheme After the expiry of the random time interval it will check whether it has received same alert packet from some other node or not, if yes it discards the packet otherwise it rebroadcast with high probability. Process repeats up to certain upper limit of duplications that can be handled by the single node. Count time = i t If condition is true the nodes will continue to propagate messages else exit the process.


Saurabh Srivastava, Opinder Kumar, Sarvesh kumar & Vijay Kumar

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm All Unit Interconnection (AUI) which disseminates messages efficiently without any delay to the vehicles in the area nearby the emergency spot. This algorithm sorts out the problem of broadcast storm to much extent and also deals with the problem of shadowing or intersection. There are certain assumptions that have been made which will be discussed later in this paper. First we explain the notations that will be used in the algorithm. Table 1: Notations Terms RSU OBU RVC IVC LOC R2R S ID WT TTL Description ROAD-SIDE UNIT ON-BOARD UNIT (vehicles) ROAD TO VEHICLE COMM INTER-VEHICULAR COMM LOCATION OF ACCIDENT RSU TO RSU COMM ID OF SENDER OF PACKET WARNING TIME TIME TO LIVE (message)

We will now enlist certain assumptions that have been made in order to carry out the algorithm.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RSU is available at every stop lights, at every traffic signals, and intersection road and also in critical sections. Critical section includes areas like railway crossing, over-bridges, under-tunnels etc. Every vehicle on the road is equipped of GPS system. Range of RSU is 300 mts. & vehicle can broadcast up to 100mts. We will take three scenarios here; No intersection road in range of RSU at LOC Intersection road at one end in range of RSU at LOC Intersection road in range of RSU at LOC in more than one end.

Figure 5: No Intersection Area within Range In this above scenario only RVC and IVC will take place as there is no intersection area within the range of LOC. Once the RSU detected the calamity it will soon notify the vehicles within the range by broadcasting the message.

All Unit Interconnection Algorithm for Vehicular AD-HOC Networks


Figure 6: One Intersection Road In this scenario one intersection area lies within the range of accident spot, thus here we can face problem of shadowing if we only broadcast message from the LOC. Thus, here R2R, RVC message broadcast will take place and also IVC afterwards. Final scenario takes the condition in which we have intersection road at both end.

Figure 7: Intersection Area at More Than 1 End In this scenario, shadowing is the problem for both the direction and we need to broadcast the alert packet to all the vehicles moving towards the calamity zone or LOC. Now we will proceed to the proposed algorithm by considering above assumptions and the scenario that can be built on the real time environment. Also we are considering that a collapsed vehicle cannot transmit any data. Finally we describe a data structure of the alert message i.e. what the broadcast packet will include. Broadcast Packet: S_ID | Sequence Number | LOC | Warning Time | Message content | Sender Location | TTL. Sequence number is the packet number sent in sequence from the same RSU.

1) At any emergency event RSU checks the LOC and generates an alert message. 2) RSU broadcast the alert message to OBU (RVC takes place). 3) Each OBU after receiving alert message computes the distance from the LOC using GPS system. 3.1) if Dij <= 250 mts. No rebroadcast


Saurabh Srivastava, Opinder Kumar, Sarvesh kumar & Vijay Kumar

Else rebroadcast 3.2) OBU having 250 < Dij < 300 mts. will broadcast message to next 100 mts. after waiting for a random time ti. Random time ti ranges 0.1 to 1 sec. Dij is dist. Between LOC (i) and vehicle (j) receiving broadcast packet from RSU. 3.3) If node j receives any packet with same LOC while waiting for random time ti, Then, No rebroadcast Else rebroadcast 4) If there is no intersection road on either side of the LOC (there will be no shadowing problem), a general RVC deliver alert message to OBUs. [Fig 5] 5) If there is an intersection road within range of RSU 5.1) RSU sends packet to RSU at intersection road along with OBU in range. 5.2) RSU at intersection will perform similar function as RSU at LOC and transmits message to other OBUs and RSUs (if any in range). 6) OBU receiving packets for first time will calculate distance from LOC If 300mts < Dij or Dij < 250 mts. No rebroadcast Else rebroadcast 7) If there are more than one intersection road within range of LOC the similar procedure 5 will be taken for each RSU. 8) RSU receiving packets/messages will also calculate distance from LOC if Dij > 300 No broadcast Else broadcast

9) if Dij > 300 mts or TTL expired OBU exits RSU exits End of algorithm

In this section, we will describe the performance of AUI algorithm that it can perform. As there are three problems i.e connection hole, shadowing and the most important one broadcast storm, these three problems can be dealt easily using the above algorithm. We will here describe how.

All Unit Interconnection Algorithm for Vehicular AD-HOC Networks


In the step 3 of algorithm, the receiving nodes are waiting for a random time and computing the distance from LOC and also checking whether after the completion of waiting time if there is any duplicate message received with same LOC from other OBU in range. If yes, it does not broadcast further. Thus it can be realized that only one vehicle will rebroadcast the message unless waiting time of two vehicles are same. In Step 4, RSU checks if there is any other RSU in range, if no, RVC takes place and IVC follows. If yes, algorithm moves to step 5 or 6 depending on the number of RSUs found. In step 5 and 6, shadowing problem can be recovered. As on every signal or intersection road there is an RSU which can transmit message to other OBUs thus solving the problem of shadowing. Connection hole can be dealt as message is transmitted to large range before TTL expires. Algorithm exits in step 9 when all the receiving RSUs and OBUs are not in range of first RSU i.e. 300 mts. or after the TTL expires. TTL is sent with broadcast packet when the first packet was broadcasted.


In this paper we proposed AUI algorithm that use carry and forward mechanism in order to broadcast data. We have made several assumptions which are quite feasible in real environment. Thus algorithm can perform well in real conditions. We are working on the simulation part and checking performance in simulator. Also, we are improving some part of algorithm to reduce RSU requirements at every point.

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