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Dark Sun Gazetteer

Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: Character Creation ................................................................................................................ 4 Chapter 3: Character Advancement ....................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 4: Healing .................................................................................................................................. 8 Chapter 5: Races of Athas ....................................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 6: Wild Talents......................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 7: Core Classes......................................................................................................................... 21 Chapter 8: Dark Sun Classes.................................................................................................................. 22 Chapter 9: Backgrounds ........................................................................................................................ 25 Chapter 10: Organisations in Allanak.................................................................................................... 30 Chapter 11: Weapon Styles................................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 12: Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter 1: Introduction
This is an introduction to Dark Sun. All of the images are from the TSR Dark Sun books while some of the text comes from TSRs Dark Sun books and Wizard of the Coasts D&D Next playtest. As such Wizards of the Coast own the copyright to those items. Portions of text are from the online roleplay intensive game called ArmageddonMUD located at and as such are owned by them. These copyrighted materials are used in good faith with no copyright infringement intended.

Athas is a harsh world where only the fittest survive, and competition over extremely scarce resources causes constant strife, struggle, and bloodshed. Deserts cover most of the Known World and the great red sun can bring temperatures as high as 150 degrees during mid-day and as low as 60 degrees at night. Your character will face hardship often, and will probably even be killed. If your character dies, he or she is dead -- permanently. A new one must be rolled up to continue playing.

The City-State of Allanak

Allanak is a large city-state located in the southern portion of the Known World. The city itself is divided into five main "quarters" -- The Magickers Quarter, the Commoners' Quarter, the Merchants' Quarter, the Nobles' Quarter and the Templars' Quarter. The Magickers Quarter is a ghetto where those born with a connection to one of the elemental planes are permitted to live when they arent doing the bidding of the Highlord. The Merchants' Quarter contains a large bazaar and various merchant estates within. The Templars' and Nobles' Quarters, located on the south-west and south-east sides of the city respectively, each contain residences of the city's rulers. Lastly, the Commoners' Quarter contains houses belonging to the city's common people.

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Life in Allanak
The life of an Allanaki citizen is one of strife--expensive and degenerate living conditions, a nearly omnipotent ruler and His Templars watching your every move. Everyone accepts it though as the only option is to go out into the terrible wastelands beyond Allanaks walls where giant lizards, poisonous insects and worse lurk under every rock and over every sand dune. Most Allanaki are slaves belonging to the nobles and Templars, and the commoners are usually of the merchant class or soldiers in Tektolness army. The rest of the population earn their living in less honest ways. Templars are His Gloriousness's elite soldiers and spellcasters. Their power comes from Tektolnes Himself rather than from the elements, more deadly but with few applications aside from destroying people who pose a threat to Him. Templars basically have the power to do anything they want, and don't hesitate to use it when threatened, intimidated, or annoyed. The nobles spend their careers gathering popular support, serving in the senate, or otherwise advancing the goals of their houses. Nobles are accustomed to a very luxurious lifestyle, far beyond the means of the commoners. Many commoners may have little idea what a noble's life really entails, but they know that nobles are simply a better breed than they.

History of Allanak
Almost everyone within the Known World is illiterate. The only exceptions are the nobility, Templars and those few who are born into the Great Merchant Houses. Given this, your average person is hazy on the details or timeframes for history, but there are some things everyone knows. Legend has it that at the dawn of time Athas was a fertile land with grass and plants spreading as far as the eye could see. Then The Dragon came. This creature declared war on all the people that lived in these lands. The Dragon used powerful magicks, fuelled by the life energy of plants, animals and even people, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. By the time the Dragon was finished, the land was a wasteland and everyone was either dead or enslaved by The Dragon. After some time, The Dragon left, leaving Dragonthralls to act as rulers in his place. These Dragonthralls were powerful people who had learned the terrible defiling magicks of The Dragon. For generation after generation these Dragonthralls ruled the Known World. Until one day, the Highlord Tektolnes rose to power. Uniting the southern tribes, he led a warband against the Dragonthralls, defeating them and freeing his slaves. The people repaid the Sun King by building him a city. The City-State of Allanak. Tektolnes continued his war against the other Dragonthralls, ridding the world of them once and for all. When Tektolnes returned to the southern deserts to rule over his people, false kings clawed their way from the ashes and built cities of their own. These false kings angered Tektolnes. But he allowed them to rule over these far off lands as they were too far away for Tektolnes to try to rule. And so for generation after generation the people of Allanak have lived in the city, protected by the Highlord from the beasts of the desert, from elves who would rob everyone of their goods and worse threats that lurk just beyond the citys walls.

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Magick in Athas
Wizards are known as defilers. They are people who draw energy from plants and people, turning them to ash in the process. Once filled with this energy, defilers are able to unleash it in the form of terrible spells. There are few laws which are universal in Athas, however the law that condemns all defilers to death upon first sight is one of them. Even elven tribes outlaw such magick, condemning those who practice it to death. If they can be killed. In contrast elementalists are permitted to exist within Allanak so long as they register their abilities with the Templarate. Once registered, they are permitted to use their abilities whenever they so desire. As long as they do it within the confines of the Magickers Quarter. Despite elementalists being permitted by the law, commoners still fear and despise them, dubbing these people and their Quarter magickers. Commoners will even turn on their own parents or children, forcing them out of home and into the Magickers Quarter where they remain for the rest of their lives. There are six elemental planes, which are: Suk-Krath: The plane of fire that also shares the same name as the sun. Ruk: The plane of stone. Vivadu: The plane of water. Whira: The plane of wind. Drov: The plane of shadows Elkros: The plane of electricity.

In addition there are Nilazi. Nilazi are said to have a connection to the Void Plane, a plane where nothing exists. This plane is poorly understood and is the only type of elementalist that isnt welcome in the Magickers Quarter. Although technically they are permitted under the law, the other elementalists will quickly try to kill the Nilazi and the templarate rarely intervene. In order to be easily identified, elementalists are forced to wear a dull green gem around their neck. It is believed these gems somehow allow the Allanak Templarate to control the magickers, which makes them viewed with great suspicion in other city-states.

Metal is extremely rare in Athas with obsidian being used as both a coin and a weapon material.

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Chapter 2: Character Creation

This campaign uses the playtest rules for D&D Next.

Ability Scores
Ability scores are determined by rolling 4d6, discarding the lowest die and then adding the rest together. Do this 6 times and then assign those numbers to the ability score of your choice. If the total value of your ability score modifiers doesnt equal at least +1 with at least one stat equal to 13 or higher, discard these scores and start again. Athas is a harsh world and such a character would have died very early in their childhood. Ability Modifier Ability Modifier Score Score 1 -5 12-13 +1 2-3 -4 14-15 +2 4-5 -3 16-17 +3 6-7 -2 18-19 +4 8-9 -1 20 +5 10-11 0

Select 1 race. The possible races are: Dwarves City Elves Desert Elves Gith (must choose the gladiator background) Half-Elves Half-Giants Halflings (must choose the gladiator background) Humans Muls Thri-Kreen

These races are detailed in Chapter 5 as the races of Athas differ quite a bit from standard fantasy settings.

Wild Talents
Every character begins the game with 1 psionic ability. Some, such as psions and thri-kreen, have more than one ability that they gain through either their race or class. Roll 1d10 and consult the table below. Further details on these wild talents can be found in Chapter 6 after the races. Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wild Talent Attraction Barrier Contact Danger Sense Heightened Listening Heightened Smell Mind Over Body Know Direction Object Reading Retrospection Page 4

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Select 1 class to begin with at level 1. The possible classes you can choose are: Athasian Ranger Barbarian Cleric (Templar) Elementalist Fighter Rogue Psion

For further details on what options for each class are available see Chapter 7 and 8.

Select 1 background. Only backgrounds detailed in this document are permitted. Youll find them in greater detail after the classes in Chapter 9. Note: All characters must have lived in Allanak their whole lives for this campaign. Future campaigns will allow for greater background choices.

You gain training in 4 skills from the table below. Each background has suggestions on which skills to take. Skill Administer First Aid Associated Attribute Wisdom Description Trying to stabilise a dying creature or quickly diagnosing a common illness that is afflicting them. Attempting to keep your footing on a narrow or slippery surface. Attempting to deceive someone either through words or actions. Breaking an object such as a door or rope that has you bound. Moving up a cliff or wall and hanging on despite any attempts to knock you off. Attempting to planting an object on someone, retrieve an item without being seen or hiding an object without being seen. Creating items and recalling information related to a particular craft. To control a wagon or carriage. Trying to find information from people. Keeping an animal calm or trying to get them to do something. Trying to influence someone through overt threats, hostile actions and physical violence. Page 5

Balance Bluff Break an Object Climb Conceal an Object

Dexterity Charisma Strength Strength Dexterity

Craft Drive Gather Rumours Handle an Animal Intimidate

Intelligence Dexterity Charisma Wisdom Varies

Dark Sun Gazetteer

Attempting to jump a long or high distance or perform a stunt midway through a jump. Listen Wisdom Trying to hear something in the distance or eavesdrop on a conversation. Perform Charisma Performing for an audience with either music, dance, acting, storytelling or some other form of entertainment. Persuade Charisma Attempting to convince someone through reason, tact or social grace. Recall Cultural Lore Intelligence Remembering information about different cultures and their customs and laws. Recall Forbidden Lore Intelligence Remembering information about defilers. Recall Historical Lore Intelligence Remembering information from long ago. Recall Military Lore Intelligence Remembering information about battles, weaponry, fortifications and tactics. Recall Natural Lore Intelligence Remembering information about terrain, plants, animals and weather. Recall Planar Lore Intelligence Remembering information about magick and the various planes. Recall Political Lore Intelligence Remembers information about the numerous Noble and Merchant Houses. Ride Dexterity Attempting to stay atop a mount in difficult circumstances. Search Intelligence Looking for clues that point to a hidden object, such as a trap, secret door or hints of a creatures passage through an area. Sense Motive Wisdom Attempting to determine the true intentions of another person such as determining if theyre lying or attempting to guess what theyll do next. Sneak Dexterity Attempting to move without being spotted. Spot Wisdom Seeing something that is obscured, easy to miss or a creature that is trying to hide from you. Tumble Dexterity Performing an acrobatic stunt such as dives, rolls, somesaults or flips. When you gain training in a skill you get a +4 bonus to that skill. When you level you get the option of Further Skill Training. You can either increase your bonus to a currently trained skill by +1 or you can get a +4 bonus in a new skill.



You may choose any feat as long as you meet the pre-requisites. Certain feats arent legal due to flavourful reasons. Those feats are: Arcane Dabbler Find Familiar Herbalism Magical Rejuvenation Restore Life Use Magic Device

Furthermore the following feats have been modified as follows: Healing Initiate: has the additional prerequisite requiring that you be able to cast at least one spell from the clerics spell list. Page 6

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Below is a table that lists which languages each race starts with knowing. Race Athasian Dwarf City Elf Desert Elf Gith Athasian Half-Elf Half-Giant Grey Forest Halfling Human Mul Thri-kreen Languages Sirihish and Mirrukim Allundean and Sirihish Allundean and either Sirihish or Bendune Heshrak and either Allundean, Sirihish or Bendune Allundean and either Sirihish or Bendune Sirihish Kentu and one other racial language except Nrizkt Sirihish Sirihish and Mirrukim Nrizkt and either Allundean, Sirihish or Bendune

Sirihish is the common language in each of the City-States, while Bendune is the tribal tongue spoken by most nomadic humans. The other languages listed are racial languages spoken by members of that particular race. Most races can learn each others language, except for Nrizkt. Only Thri-kreen possess the appropriate anatomy to speak this language. There are are additional restricted languages. These are Cavilish which is the merchant tongue, spoken only by members of the Great Merchant Houses. The other secret language is Tatlum which is believed to be the language spoken before the coming of the Highlord Tektolnes. In modern times only Templars are able to speak this language.

You start 1st level with 400 sid.

Hit Points
At 1st level you receive the maximum number of hit points.

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Chapter 3: Character Advancement

Below is a table that represents how much XP is required to advance to each level and what is gained at that level. XP Level Benefit 0 1 Race, Background, Feat, Skills 250 2 950 3 Feat 2,250 4 +1 to two ability scores 4,750 5 9,500 6 Feat 16,000 7 Further Skill Training 25,000 8 +1 to two ability scores 38,000 9 Feat 56,000 10 77,000 11 96,000 12 +1 to two ability scores, Further Skill Training 120,000 13 150,000 14 190,000 15 230,000 16 +1 to two ability scores 280,000 17 Further Skill Training 330,000 18 390,000 19 460,000 20 +1 to two ability scores At each level after 1st, you can determine your hit points by either rolling or taking the average of the dice (half the maximum value, rounding up). If you roll, always reroll a 1. When you gain further skill training you can either increase your bonus to a currently trained skill by +1 or you can get a +4 bonus in a new skill.

Chapter 4: Healing
At each level you gain hit dice. The type of hit die you gain is determined by your class. After a 10 minute rest you may spend hit dice by rolling them and regaining that many hit points. Once a hit dice has been used it is spent until you complete an 8 hour rest. You may only regain your hit dice in this manner once in a 24 hour period.

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Chapter 5: Races of Athas

Athasian Dwarven Stats
+1 Constitution, +1 Strength: Dwarves are strong and sturdy. Speed: 25 feet. They arent slowed from carrying a heavy load or wearing heavy armour theyre proficient with. Dwarven Resilience: Dwarves have advantage on saving throws against poison and are resistant to poison. Dwarven Resistance: Dwarves are resistant to magick. They only take half the damage to their Hit Points from spells and only heal half the damage to their Hit Points from spells. Dwarven Focus: Due to their focused nature, dwarves gain training in 1 bonus skill and always have advantage when making a checks related to that skill. Languages: Mirrukim and Sirihish. Dwarven Physical Appearance Uniformly a short and stocky lot, dwarves possess heights of endurance often unattainable by other races. Physically, dwarves stand between 52 and 58 inches in height and are nearly as thick across the shoulders as they are tall. All Athasian dwarves are completely hairless, with slightly pointed ears and great masses of muscle. Dwarves in Allanak Although something of a minority in population, the dwarven nature is well known among all races. They universally live within the human controlled city-states as either commoners or slaves. Although dwarves can fill a number of roles in the Allanak ranging from mercenaries to independent merchants or even crafters, they are never employed by either the city militia or the noble houses. Dwarven Focus A dwarven focus is something that a dwarf becomes fixated on by the time they become an adult. It is a goal they will never abandon and strive to achieve their whole life. A dwarf may do things unrelated to the focus - but it will always be at the back of their head, nagging them. A dwarf will never do something contrary to their focus, ever. A dwarf likely does not refer to their focus in terms of "this is my focus." To them, it is entirely natural to want to complete this goal, just like breathing or eating. Given that a dwarfs focus is the overwhelming nature of their life, should a dwarf achieve their focus it is likely they will become fixated on a new focus directly related to the previous one. In this way a dwarf can appear to pursue a single goal their entire life to an outsider. It takes someone that knows the dwarf very well to realise how their goals have been achieved over the years. Dwarven Aging The average life expectancy of a dwarf is 100 years. Theyre considered adults at 26.

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City Elven Stats +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom: City elves are born liars adept at bargaining their way out of trouble. Theyre also good at spotting other creatures belongings. Low-Light Vision: If there is no light within 30 feet of an elf, they treat shadows in that radius as normal light, and they treat darkness in that radius as shadows. Speed: 30 feet. Keen Senses: City elves have advantage on all checks to listen and spot. Distrustful: Naturally distrusting of outsiders, city elves are immune to charm effects and others have disadvantage when attempting to persuade, lie or intimidate an elf. Child of the Streets: City elves can never get lost while in a city theyre familiar with and have advantage when trying to sneak in a city. Languages: Elves begin play speaking Allundean and Sirihish. Desert Elven Stats +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom: Desert elves are nimble. Low-Light Vision: If there is no light within 30 feet of an elf, they treat shadows in that radius as normal light, and they treat darkness in that radius as shadows. Fast: Desert elves have a base speed of 35 feet. Keen Senses: City elves have advantage on all checks to listen and spot. Distrustful: Naturally distrusting of outsiders, desert elves are immune to charm effects and have others have disadvantage when attempting to persuade, lie or intimidate an elf. Child of the Sands: Desert elves have advantage on all checks to sneak and and obscure their tracks. Languages: Desert elves begin play speaking Allundean and either Sirihish or Bendune. Elven Physical Appearance All elves stand between around 75 and 96 inches in height and tend to have slim, light frames. Elvish features tend to have less variation than do human features, but a large range does indeed exist: skin color usually falls in the dark, dusky browns to pale cream-colors; hair is typically darker but shares a similar range of hues. Eye colour among elves, however, is a matter of extraordinary variability. Elven ears are always pointed, and the shape of the eyes is always that of an almond. Elves in Allanak Elves are universally considered thieves, a reputation they not only deserve but are proud of. Were they not the most populous race in Athas (by a very small margin) they would most likely be banished from the city-states. As it is, they are shunned from polite society, but allowed to live there nonetheless. Most elves live in the wastelands, coming to the City-States only to ply their trade. Whether that trade be dealing in goods or attempting to trick people out of their coin. Some elves actually make their home within a city-state. Often these degenerate souls are more often than not the remnants of a tribe that fell to the many dangers of Athas. Some elves are slaved, but arent highly valued. due to their unreliability. Elves in this campaign must have lived in Allanak all their lives.

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Tribal Nature Elves, all elves, are deathly loyal to their tribe, if they should belong to one. You can almost attribute a sort of 'hive mind' to elves, in that most of them consider the welfare of their tribe above their own personal welfare. An elf would tell you that they would give up their own life without hesitation to protect or serve their tribe. Not all of them have that much willpower, but all of them wish they did, and certainly all of them will claim they do. Elves also naturally trust their tribemates. They know that every elf in their tribe feels the same loyalty they do - so they have a strong ingrained trust and even reliance upon all of their kin. To act in a harmful way against a tribemate is an unthinkable act in an elven tribe. As a general rule, a harmful act against a tribemate would be one that betrays them to an outsider - this would be the ultimate crime among elves. Sometimes harmful acts occur entirely within the structure of the tribe which are important for the strength of the tribe as a whole - these are not truly harmful, to an elf. Finally, all elven tribes have an "us and them" philosophy of the world. As elf sees their tribemates as being essential to their self-image - they are part of a tribe more than they are an individual. Similarly, elves see anyone not of their tribe as being a complete outsider. This extends even to other elves and other elven tribes. There is no reason why an elf would feel any closer to an elf from another tribe than they would to a human or dwarf. Indeed, elven tribes war among each other as much, or more, than they war with other races. Individual elves may provide outsiders tests to gain their trust and loyalty. These tests are dangerous for both the elf and the outsider as the elf places themselves in more and more vulnerable situations to see if the outsider takes advantage of them. All elves assume outsiders will always take advantage of them; they would if given the chance, and so rarely perform these tests. Elven Culture There are two ideas that are true in all elven tribes. An elf would rather die than ride on a mount and all elves highly respect thievery. In elven culture, a gifted thief is given the same respect as a gifted artisan would be given in a human culture. In this sense, robbery is considered a precious skill among elves - it is something to be cultivated, something to hope your children possess, something which you yourself strive after, and the reason you look up to those more gifted than you. A clever pickpocket is indeed a fine example of an elven thief - but there is so much more to the art. Con-artists of any sort are thieves. Muggers are thieves, albeit less subtle ones. Even traders are thieves - indeed, many elves consider trading to just being a sophisticated form of theft. This makes many elves become merchants, but they tend to be the least scrupulous merchants around. The only person an elf wouldnt steal from is a tribemate. To do so would be to betray the tribe. Elven Aging The average life expectancy of an elf is 92 years. Theyre considered adults at 24.

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Gith Stats
+1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom: Gith are quite agile and are good at spotting things. Speed: Gith have a base speed of 30 feet. Low Light Vision: If there is no light within 30 feet of a gith, they treat shadows in that radius as normal light, and they treat darkness in that radius as shadows. Gith Weapon Training: Gith are proficient in improvised weapons, dealing either 1d4 with one handed weapons or 1d6 for two handed weapons and retain their attack bonus. Gith Toughness: Somewhat more hardy then elves, Gith increase all their Hit Dice by one step. At first level they get 1 extra hit point. Born Foragers: Gith have advantage on all spot and search checks. Languages: Gith begin play speaking Heshrak and either Allundean, Sirihish or Bendune. Gith Physical Appearance Gith are a race of hunched-over humanoids which are apparently descended from elves. Any such evolutionary branching assuredly occurred sometime in the very distant past, for there are few similarities between them save their long-limbed frame and great height. Gith skin is yellow to dark brown, rough and perhaps a little scaly as though some reptilian anscestry may exist. Average height is approximately 84 inches, with weight similar to that of elves. Eye colour is typically black and dark brown. Gith in Allanak Relegated to the wastelands, gith are not tolerated within the city-states. As such all gith within Allanak were either captured in a raid or born into slavery. They live short lives in either the obsidian mines or in the arena as gladiators. Gith in this campaign must have lived in Allanak all their lives. Gith Culture Gith society is highly tribal, much like nomadic elves. However, gith tribal culture is extremely ritualistic and sometimes cruel. Symbolism, tradition, and attention to correct processes marks gith society apart from others (with the possible exception of thri-kreen culture, from whom the gith may have learned). Tests of merit by combat are common among gith, but other measures such as ritual performance are also frequently used to settle disputes. For example, as there is no gain from fighting an obviously weaker tribesman, the stronger gith may just as easily demand a contest of storytelling or a fire-ritual judged by peers. Aging The average life expectancy of a gith is 45 years. Theyre considered adults at 13.

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Half-Giant Stats
+1 Strength, +1 Constitution: Half-Giants are large and powerful. Speed: Half-Giants have a 30 foot base speed. Slow Witted: Often too stupid to understand when to be afraid, half-giants are immune to effects that would make them frightened. Keen Senses: Keenly aware of those around them, half-giants are trained in the Spot and Listen skills. Half-Giant Weapon Training: When wielding a heavy weapon deal 1d12 damage instead of 1d10. Greatswords also 2d6 damage instead. Armour Mastery: While wearing medium or heavy armour they gain a +1 bonus to AC. Languages: Half-Giants begin play speaking Sirihish. Half-Giants Physical Appearance Half-giants appear much like a human, but with highly exaggerated features, and with skin tones which sometimes go into the reds. Half-giants stand between 120 and 150 inches tall. Due to their large size, half-giants must drink twice as much as other races and eat four times as much. Half-Giant Culture Half-giants have no culture to speak of. Suffering from great difficulty in formulating original ideas, half-giants very willingly adopt the customs of those nearby. They will do their best to emulate a particular person in the best way they know how. However if the half-giant leaves that persons presence for long, they start emulating someone else. Given this, halfgiants are able to switch their loyalties very quickly, and some races (such as elves) find this to be intolerable. Half-Giants in Allanak Technically half-giants arent normally slaves under the law. A half-giant thats killed someone powerful might be sent to the obsidian mines to mollify the family. But most people dont see the point in owning a half-giant. Theyre quite loyal and easily fooled. Most Half-Giants work for either one of the Great Merchant Houses, the Allanak militia or a noble family as soldiers and guards. Aging The average life expectancy of a half-giant is 82 years. Theyre considered adults at 21. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 13

Half-Elf Stats
+1 to two ability scores: The half-elfs human half makes them quite versatile. Low-Light Vision: If there is no light within 30 feet of the half-elf, they treat shadows in that radius as normal light, and they treat darkness in that radius as shadows. Speed: 30 feet. Keen Senses: Half-Elves have advantage on all checks to listen and spot. Reckless Abandonment: Eager to please anyone, half-elves often take foolish risks, but somehow manage to survive them. When they roll a natural 1 on an attack, ability check or saving throw, they can reroll but must take the new result. Stubborn: Half-elves are immune to effects that would make them frightened as they doggedly go about their current course of action with no regard for their safety. Languages: Half-Elves begin play speaking Allundean and Sirihish. Half-Elves Physical Appearance Born of mixed elvish and human parentage, half-elves share many of the traits of both races. Tall, between 70 and 82 inches in height, and possessed of deeply etched features, half-elves resemble their elven parents. On the other hand, half-elves are bulkier and somewhat more durable than elves, and so resemble their human parents. Regardless of these attributes, however, half-elves can virtually always pass for either humans or elves, and share the skin tones and hair-and-eye colours of both parents. Half-Elven Culture Born from either a disgusting and unnatural union between an elf and a human, or as a result of an assault, half-elves are reviled by all, considered untrustworthy thieves by humans and weak and tribeless by elves. As a result all half-elves have a strong need for acceptance as they seek to find somewhere in the world where they belong. Half-elves will often do anything to gain attention such as buying drinks, lying or taking great risks to draw attention to themselves. Theyll take whatever traits belong to the culture theyre seeking to gain acceptance in and go out of their way to prove they can hate elves or steal from others just as well as anyone else. These attempts are quite transparent and so rarely work in actually gaining acceptance for the half-elf. If anyone should actually show some degree of kindness or acceptance to an elf, theyll immediately become distrustful expecting that theyre the butt of a joke or that the person is trying to swindle them somehow. Theyll scorn the person and immediately turn on them, thinking the person views them as weak and pitiful. Theyll go out of their way to then prove they dont need anyone else and that they can survive just fine on their own. Half-Elves in Allanak If a half-elfs mother is human, its likely that their mother is a native to Allanak. Half-elves whose mother are an elf could either be born to a city elf or a desert elf who abandoned their child in the streets of Allanak at an early age. Aging The average life expectancy of a half-elf is 78 years. Theyre considered adults at 20.

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Grey Forest Halfling Stats

+1 Dexterity, +1 Consitution: Halflings are quite nimble and hardy. Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 25 feet. Eat Anything: A Halfling can eat the leftovers of a creature after its been skinned and get enough meat for 1 day and two quarts worth of water. A Halfling can also eat uncooked meat without ill effect. Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of hostile creatures that are larger than you. Naturally Stealthy: Halflings can hide behind creatures that are larger than them. Reckless Abandonment: Halflings have little disregard for themselves and so often succeed where others would fail. When they roll a natural 1 on an attack, ability check or saving throw, they can reroll but must take the new result. Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Kentu and one other bonus language. Halflings Physical Appearance Halflings can often be mistaken as children of other races at first glance. Standing between 36 and 44 inches in height, halflings are indeed the smallest of the humanoids. Skin and eye colour among halflings tends to vary between a pale cream and a muddy brown, although other colourations are not uncommon: pale blue, greenish, or coppery skin can all be found. Halflings are virtually hairless except for the typical unruly mane of hair which tops their heads. Halfling Culture Native to the Crescent Forest, halfling culture is extremely different than the societies of elves, dwarves, and men. Among the attributes stressed in halfling society are tolerance, learning and an oneness with nature. Aggressiveness, a desire to steal, or a will to deceive would be foreign qualities to a typical halfling. While seemingly an eminently desirable race to befriend, there are several aspects of halfling life which set them forever apart from other races. Foremost, halflings are extremely carnivorous and will readily consume nearly any freshly killed creature--a practice which tends to turn the stomach of others. However if that wasnt enough, halflings dont differentiate between intelligent and unintelligent animals and see them all as sources of food. By the standards of other races, halflings are a backward and savage people (not to mention dangerous). Not only do they lack anything but the most basic ability to create equipment, they have no understanding of the concept of trade. Halflings in Allanak Halflings are killed on sight when within the human controlled city-states. As such all halflings in Allanak are kept as slaves. They are trained to fight in the citys arena as gladiators where they lead short, but brutal lives. Aging The average life expectancy of a halfling that doesnt fight in the arena is 120 years. Theyre considered adults at 31.

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Human Stats
+1 to all ability scores: Humans are much less specialised than other races. Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Humans begin play speaking Sirihish.

Human Physical Appearance

Most humans stand between 68 and 78 inches in height and vary tremendously in skin and eye colour (hair colour tends to range between light blond to black, but peculiar variations on even this feature are entirely possible). Eons of life on Athas has warped the human appearance enough so that physical anomalies are somewhat commonplace: webbed fingers or toes, hairlessness, pointed ears, long or short limbs, or skin tones in the faint blues or greys are all possible mutations upon the human form. It is said in Allanak that such people are descendants of the mutants who followed the Sun King over the northern mountains. Somehow though, that doesnt seem to grant them respect or acceptance within society.

Humans in Allanak
Humans are the most predominant race in Allanak. They are either natives to the city-state or theyre travellers from the wastelands. They could either be people born in another city-state or a member of a tribe that lives within the harsh conditions of the desert itself. In this campaign PC humans must either have lived in Allanak all their life or be from one of the local tribes. Those native to Allanak could either be a slave, a commoner, a gemmed magicker, a member of a Great Merchant House, a noble or a Templar. These organisations are detailed later in this document.

The average life expectancy of a human is 68 years. Theyre considered an adult at 18.

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Mul Stats
+1 to two ability scores: The mul's human half makes them quite versatile. Speed: Muls have a 30 foot base speed. Born to Fight: Muls have advantage on recall military lore and intimidate. Fearless: Muls are immune to becoming fightened. Beserker: Muls can continue fighting even when they drop below 0 hit points. Each time they take damage that causes them to be in negative hit points they can choose to fall unconscious or continue fighting. If they continue fighting they must make a wisdom save equal to 5 + the damage they took. On a failed save they go into a homicidal rage and for 1 minute will attack the closest creature.

Muls Physical Appearance

Physically, muls bear most of the bulk of their dwarven parent, being extremely strong and rugged. Most of the height and cunning of their human ancestry is preserved as well--from a purely intellectual point of view, a much better product than half-giants. Mulish ears are always pointed, and muls never grow hair. Skin tones are widely varied, from light tan to copper to greys and even blues to dark browns. Usually, a mul's eyes are slanted. Muls are slightly shorter than humans.

Mul Culture
Being sterile, and thus outside of the typical chain of reproduction, muls often suffer from a sense of meaninglessness. This is compounded when they learn (often too young) that they were born as a tool or bargaining chip. This tends to make many muls into angry people, full of distrust and hate.

Muls in Allanak
Muls are sterile crossbreeds of dwarves and men, bred solely by House Borsail for combat in the arenas of Allanak. It is quite likely that muls did not exist prior to the founding of Allanak, when the earliest known experimentation of this nature was recorded. Muls are always slaves and are usually gladiators. Some nobles and merchants are brave enough to keep them as personal bodyguards, sometimes with disastrous results. Muls who prove themselves in the arena as not only powerful warriors, but brilliant tacticians are sometimes taken into the Nakkie militia as Captains. Although technically slaves of the templarate, they command a unit and are given great latitude in the training of their men.

Mul Aging
The average life expectancy of a mul is 60 years. Theyre considered an adult at 15.

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Thri-Kreen Stats
+1 Dexterity, +1 Strength: Due to their insectoid nature, thri-kreen are quite agile and strong. Speed: 30 feet. Low-Light Vision: If there is no light within 30 feet of a thri-kreen, they treat shadows in that radius as normal light, and they treat darkness in that radius as shadows. Extra Arms: Thri-kreen have four arms and can use these extra hands to hold different items such as a weapon, shield or parrying dagger. Hive Mind: Thri-Kreen have a greater psionic connection then other races. By spending a week in close proximity to other creatures it can establish a connection that allows the group to communicate with each other telepathically when within a range of 100 feet of the thri-kreen. The other creatures have to be willing to accept this psionic connection for it to work. Insect Biology: Thri-kreen can survive on 1 pint of water a day. This cannot be lessened by being in the shade during the day. Furthermore thri-kreen are incapable of sleep. Languages: Thri-kreen begin play speaking Nrizkt and either Allundean, Sirihish or Bendune.

Thri-Kreens Physical Appearance

Thri-Kreen are hulking insectoids who generally stand about 85 inches in height at the shoulder (they are nearly 48 inches longer than they are tall). They are six-limbed exoskeletal creatures, covered by a hard, sandy yellow-to-ruddy brown carapace. Their heads are wedgelike, with two black compound eyes on either side and a laterally-working jaw at the front. Two antennae grow from between their eyes, and serve as aids to movement when in darkness.

Thri-kreen Culture
Thri-kreen are utterly foreign in manner and thinking to all other intelligent races. The single thought which dominates the mind of a thri-kreen is the hunt for food. Active all day and night, thri-kreen travel with their packs (or clutches) endlessly, searching for prey, killing, and eating. The packmentality is so strong within thri-kreen that they act as one, losing all independent thought. Thrikreen regard most other races as lazy (because of their sleeping habits) and have great difficulty distinguishing the non-insectoid races. As such wild thri-kreen will often hunt down and eat the intelligent races for food. Among some thri-kreen clutches elven meat is considered a great treat. A strictly carnivorous species, thri-kreen can only eat freshly killed meat. Thri-kreen refrain from hunting when they approach other races to trade, lest they accidentally kill the creatures they wish to trade with. Thri-kreen do not normally craft goods, they instead with other races for such items.

Thri-kreen in Allanak
Thri-kreen do come to the city to trade, and might even stay there if they are without a pack. They recognise that as a single creature they are vulnerable and will often hire on as a guard in a merchants caravan until they find a new pack to run with. Thri-kreen are also kept as gladiators in the arena and the Great Merchant Houses even keep some slaves as personal guards.

Thri-kreen Aging
The average life expectancy of a thri-kreen is 24 years. They are fully matured at 6. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 18

Chapter 6: Wild Talents

Every character begins the game with a single wild talent. Some characters, such as a psionicist or thri-kreen, have additional psionic abilities. These are detailed under the race or class that grants those abilities. Using wild talents requires a wisdom check with the DC depending on the wild talent. Failure to make this check results in you taking subdual damage equal to your classes hit die. This represents the mental strain it takes to use your psionic abilities untrained and doesnt actually mean youve taken physical damage. If your HP reach 0 it means that you have passed out. Any damage taken this way can be restored through rest and spending hit die or magick.

This wild talent helps you in dealing with other people. It is a DC 10 wisdom check to use this ability. If you succeed you gain advantage on the next roll you make to affect someones mood towards you. Every additional time you use this ability the DC increases by +2. The DC resets to DC 10 after you have an extended rest.

This wild talent protects you from psionic attacks. It is a DC 10 wisdom check to erect the barrier initially which lasts for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you must make another wisdom check with +1 to the DC or lose the barrier. The DC resets to 10 after you have an extended rest. If youre attacked with a psionic attack while you have the barrier running, you and the attacker must make opposed wisdom checks to see if the attack succeeds (automatically causing you to lose the barrier). You have advantage on this check.

This ability allows you to communicate psionically with someone else. The table below determines the DC depending on how far away they are from you: DC 10: 100 feet DC 15: 1 mile DC 20: 18 miles

This contact lasts for 10 minutes during which time you can communicate with them one way. After 10 minutes you must sever the link or make an additional wisdom check with +2 to the base DC. The DC resets after an extended rest.

Danger Sense
This wild talent warns you when danger is coming. When you roll initiative you can make a DC 10 wisdom check to either avoid being surprised or to gain advantage on the initiative roll.

Heightened Hearing
This wild talent allows you to overhear other conversations much more easily. When you make a listen check you can gain advantage be beating a separate DC 10 wisdom check. This DC increases by +2 every additional time you use it. The DC resets to 10 after an extended rest.

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Heightened Smell
This wild talent allows you to track someone by scent. Make a DC 10 wisdom check and you gain the ability to follow someone based on their scent. This ability lasts for 10 minutes at a time, after which you must make an additional wisdom check with +2 to the DC before or lose this ability. The DC resets to 10 after you have an extended rest.

Mind Over Body

This wild talent allows you to go without food and water for 24 hours without suffering any negative effects. The initial wisdom check is a DC 10. Every day you make an additional check without eating or drinking the DC increases by +1. You cannot attempt to use this ability if you are suffering from the effects of dehydration or starvation.

Know Direction
This wild talent helps you avoid becoming lost. You can imagine a place that you are quite familiar with and then make a DC 10 wisdom check to work out which direction it is. Every time you make another check before resting for the day, the DC increases by +2.

Object Reading
This allows you to pick up impressions left on an object by its previous owner. Listed below are the DCs you must meet to get the relevant information. When attempting to gain particular information you must declare the DC youre attempting to meet. If you fail this check then you take damage as normal: DC 10: Last owners race DC 13: Last owners sex. DC 16: Last owners age. DC 19: How the last owner came to gain the item and how they lost it. DC 22: All this information about all past owners.

This ability allows you to try harder to recollect a lost memory. If you make a DC 10 wisdom check you can reroll a failed lore check. If you beat the wisdom check by 5 or more you can reroll the failed lore check with advantage. Each time you use this ability in a day the DC increases by +2. The DC resets to 10 after an extended rest.

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Chapter 7: Core Classes

There are heavy modifications as to what classes are available and the options available to them. Below is a detailed list of what is and isnt available to each class.

Often associated with muls, in reality muls are trained heavily to avoid them utilising the tactics employed by barbarians. Those who fail the training typically become gladiators. Halflings are also commonly barbarians, although in reality any race can become a barbarian. Most barbarians found within Allanak are gladiators of one kind or another. You may select any of the current features available to barbarians. Future abilities that have a strong supernatural theme may be restricted.

Clerics (Templars)
The iron fist with which the Highlord rules Allanak, templars are selected from the ranks of Allanak's nobles and as such are only available to humans. To qualify for the cleric class you must be a human and choose the Templar background. It may be possible to multiclass into a Templar at later levels, but this is extremely unlikely. Beyond that all options are available as written in the playtest guide. You may co-ordinate with your DM in determining which domain you may choose. You can prepare any of the spells on the Clerics spell list.

All races can become fighters, although half-giants are almost always fighters. You may use any options available to fighters from the playtest.

City Elves, humans and half-elves make up the bulk of rogues. Although any race can become a rogue, dwarves aren't typically suited to this calling while half-giants are normally too stupid to get away with it. You may use any options available to rogues from the playtest.

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Chapter 8: Dark Sun Classes

Athasian Ranger
Able to survive in the wilderness with nothing but a waterskin and their weapons, rangers are highly sought after by anyone who leaves the safety of the cities. Found amongst any number of races such as halflings, thri-kreen, elves and even human. Almost anyone can become a ranger. Creating a Ranger When you create a character whose first class is ranger, you gain these benefits. Ability Adjustment: +1 to your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score. You use Strength or Dexterity for attacking, and a high Constitution provides extra hit points. Starting Hit Points: 10 + your Constitution modifier. Armour and Shield Proficiencies: All armour and shields. Weapon Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons. Class Features A ranger gains the following class features. Hit Dice: 1d10 per ranger level. Hit Points: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per ranger level gained. Weapon Attack +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Class Features Favoured Enemy, Track Favoured Enemy Benefit Wary Camouflage, Deadly Strike (roll twice), Multiattack Desert Stride Favoured Enemy Benefit Feral Senses, Deadly Strike (roll three times) Combat Surge 1/day Combat Surge 2/day Deadly Strike (roll four times) Combat Surge 3/day Combat Surge 4/day, Deadly Strike (roll five times)

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Level 1: Favoured Enemy Rangers are hunters, and as a hunter you must know your quarry. The wilderness you travel through is rife with savages and beasts. You have become particularly skilled at fighting one type of beast. Benefit: You gain a favoured enemy of your choice. Your choice grants you the relevant benefit at the specified level. Savage Hunter You have faced elves, gith, halflings and thri-kreen that infest the wilderness of Athas. Such savages rely on numbers to overrun their victims. Thus you have learned how to fight well when outnumbered. Savage Lore (1st level): You have advantage on intelligence checks to recall lore about elves, gith, halflings and thri-kreen. Pack Awareness (1st level): If you are not surprised at the start of combat, creatures of your choice within 25 feet of you are also not surprised, provided those creatures are conscious. Weave through the Fray (2nd level): Opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage. Whirlwind of Death (8th level): You can use your action to make a special attack. If that attack reduces your target to 0 hit points or fewer, you can make another attack as part of the same action. If the attack was a ranged attack then the target must be within 20 feet of the previous target; otherwise, the next target must be within your reach. If the subsequent attack also reduces the target to 0 hit points or fewer, you can make a third attack as part of the same action with the same restrictions as the previous attack. Behemoth Killer The land is filled with large creatures that most would be wise to flee from. You, however, are skilled at facing such challenges head on. Beastial Lore (1st level): You have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall lore about beasts that are at least Large in size. Small Target (1st level): When you are hit by a melee attack from a creature that is at least Large in size, you can use your reaction to halve the damage. Slayer of Great Beasts (2nd level): If you damage a creature with an attack but do not reduce it to 0 hit points or fewer, you deal 1d6 extra damage to that creature the next time you deal damage to it before the end of your next turn. Avoid Reach (8th level): Creatures that are not within 5 feet of you have disadvantage on melee attacks against you. Level 1: Track You gain Track as a bonus feat.

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Level 4: Wary You get advantage on Wisdom checks to avoid being surprised. Level 5: Camouflage You can spend 1 minute camouflaging yourself, allowing you to hide even without concealment. You must be outside of a city in order to use this ability. After spending 1 minute, you can hide by placing yourself flat against a surface that is at least as tall and wide as you are. You are automatically hidden from all creatures as long as you remain motionless, taking no actions and not moving. Level 5: Deadly Strike Once per turn when you roll damage, you roll the damage twice and add the rolls together. At higher levels you can roll the damage even more times: three times at 10th level, four times at 15th level and five times at 20th level. Level 5: Multiattack Choose either the Volley or Whirlwind attack options. Volley: As an action you can use a longbow or a shortbow to shoot a volley of arrows. Choose two creatures that are within 40 feet of each other and make two separate attacks on both. These attacks cannot benefit from deadly strike. At certain levels you can make attacks against additional enemies. At 10th level you can target three creatures within 60 feet of each other. At 15th level you can target four creatures within 80 feet of each other. At 20th level you can target five creatures within 100 feet of each other. Whirlwind Attack: As an action you can attack two enemies that are within your reach and make two two separate attacks on both. These attacks cannot benefit from deadly strike. At certain levels you can make attacks against additional enemies: at 10th level you can target three creatures, at 15th level you can target four creatures and at 20th level you can target five creatures. Level 7: Desert Stride You are so experienced in moving through the desert that difficult terrain no longer costs extra feet of movement for you. Level 10: Feral Senses Through subtle changes in the ground, your keen sense of smell and your sensitive hearing, you are able to detect hidden creatures. Benefit: Being unable to see the target does not impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it. Additionally, as long as you are conscious and are not defeaned or blinded, you are aware of the location of any invisible creatures within 25 feet of you, provided the creature isnt hidden from you. Level 11: Combat Surge Once per day you can use a combat surge which allows you to take a second action on your turn. You cannot take another combat surge until youve had an extended rest. At level 14, 17 and 20 the number of combat surges you can use each day increase by 1. However you can only ever use 1 combat surge per turn.

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Chapter 9: Backgrounds
Allanaki Militia Soldier
Prerequisites: Human, Dwarf or Half-Giant. Suggested Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Spot You applied to join the militia and were accepted. You underwent the basic training and have been stationed in Allanak ever since. You walk a beat and have quickly learned a few of the local undesirables, the smart ones give you regular payouts to look the other way while you get to shake those who arent smart enough down for any contraband they might have. Trait - Known Fences: You know the criminal parts of the city pretty well and have often had to frequent fences in order to transform the stolen goods you receive into cold hard coin. In cities or large towns you are quickly able to find a fencer and sell and buy goods that would otherwise be illegal. Such fences may also be able to put you into contact with shady types for a price.

Suggested Skills: Bluff, Gather Rumours, Recall Cultural Lore, Tumble You ply the trade of a performer, knowing many tales and songs to entertain people with. However along the way youve picked up quite a bit of information on a number of topics and can also talk your way out of trouble. Trait - Researcher: When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you can spend 1d6 hours when within a large city to find someone who does have that information.

Blue Robed Templar

Prerequisites: Human Suggested Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Recall Political Lore, Sense Motive You were born into a noble house of Allanak where you were raised until the age of sixteen. Upon reaching sixteen years of age a Red Robed Templar met with the leaders of your house, at which time you were brought forward and informed that you were to be joining the Templarate. You had to work hard to survive the training but five years of hard service you were finally handed the blue robes of a Templar where you have served ever since. Trait - Immediate Obedience: When within lands that recognises you as a member of the military, you are able to call upon the service of commoners to assist you in minor tasks such as fetching you an item, delivering a message or watching over a corpse. Furthermore as a Templar you know how to speak, read and write sirihish and tatlum.

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Caravan guide
Suggested Skills: Handle an Animal, Persuade, Sneak, Spot Caravan Guides are skilled in desert travel and can help deal with the local tribes they come across. Trait Trade Routes: When travelling along a trade route you can always find a cave, crevasse or otherwise sheltered area to rest within a days travel. Furthermore as a caravan guide you gain training in either Allundean, Bendune or Kentu which helps you deal with the local savages.

Suggested Skills: Craft, Gather Rumours, Persuade, Spot You worked as a simple farmer, servant or laborer. You find it easy to blend in wherever you go, and you possess a folksy wisdom that can sometimes help you out of a bad situation. Trait Trade: You know a trade or you practice a profession befitting a commoner. Choose a common trade (such as armourer, cook, furniture maker, grebber, hunter, jeweller, tailor, weapon crafter) as your profession. You can earn wages to support a standard of living fitting for that profession. Additionally, others who share your trade recognise your skill and experience and might be willing to share information with you.

Con Artist
Suggested Skills: Bluff, Conceal an Object, Gather Rumours, Sense Motive With a glib tongue, youre an expert at taking advantage of people. Trait Comfortable Bed: When within a settlement you can find suitable lodging for you and your friends, often by preying on the lonely and elderly.

Gang Thief
Suggested Skills: Balance, Bluff, Search, Sneak You made a living by stealing as a member of a gang or tribe. The gang is similar to a modern organized crime syndicate. It exacts protection money from criminals and businesses alike, and uses its influence to keep the militia happy. Trait Thieves Cant: Among thieves, there is a secret language, a combination of jargon words and secret signs that members of the criminal underworld know and use. Creatures hearing you converse in Thieves Cant might think you say one thing when you are actually saying something else entirely. You have learned the secret language of thieves and can communicate in this manner to others familiar with this language.

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Suggested Skills: Intimidate, Recall Military Lore, Sense Motive, Tumble You were either born into slavery or captured at a very young age. You were sold into the Arena where youve been most of your life, learning how to fight. You have been trained to go up against large dangerous beasts from the wilds as well as other slaves or even criminals. Trait Fighting Prowess: When in a settlement you are able to earn a small amount of coin using your fighting skills. You are either able to fight other creatures for sport or train others in how to fight. After a couple of hours work you gain enough coin to feed you and put you up somewhere somewhat comfortable to sleep during the night. Additionally soldiers and mercenaries might be willing to share information with you.

Great Merchant House Family Member

Prerequisites: You must be human to take this background. Suggested Skills: Bluff, Drive, Persuade, Recall Political Lore A member of one of the Great Merchant Houses, youve lived a much easier life than ordinary commoners. Not only do you know how to read and write cavilish, an ability that is jealously guarded by all of the Great Merchant Houses, you have access to wagons and are skilled at driving them. Trait Connected: You are the member of a powerful House and are able to use your connections to get you out of any trouble you might find yourself in. Your family can bribe Templars to overlook any transgressions on your part and also help you if you find yourself short on coin. However such aid comes at a price and a family member that consistently found themselves calling upon their family for help might find the senior merchant members feel its cheaper to simply provide you with a dagger in the back then constantly bail you out of whatever trouble youve gotten yourself into. Furthermore as a family member of a Great Merchant House you can speak, read and write in Cavilish.

Suggested Skills: Intimidate, Listen, Ride, Spot Whether you guard independent merchants or grebbers (people who forage for stones or other valuable goods outside of the city) or if youre a guard for an important noble house, you earn your coin by protecting people. Youve become quite adept keeping a lookout for trouble, often spotting it before your charge is even aware of it. Trait Steady Employ: Regardless of whether or not you belong to one of the important Houses, you can gain steady coin protecting people from the dangers that lurk both inside and outside of the city walls. Not only do you earn enough coin to see you through each day, you can sometimes turn to the contacts you make to take advantage of the services or goods they provide.

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Suggested Skills: Recall Natural Lore, Spot, Survival, Track At home in the wilderness, you can survive off the land, knowing where to locate enough water and food for yourself to get by. You can either work for a Merchant House, bringing in much needed supplies for the wares they make, or operate independently caring for no-one but yourself. Trait Survivalist: When given the opportunity to concentrate and reflect, youre able to identify the carcass of a freshly killed animal to learn more about it such as what it is and which parts of it would fetch a good price. You can also identify any poisons or special attacks it has and recall how to cure these afflictions. In instances where you simply do not know anything about an animal, you do know where you can go to for more information.

Minor Merchant
Suggested Skills: Bluff, Gather Rumors, Ride, Sense Motive. Not belonging to any of the Major Merchant Houses, you lack the backing or education of a Great Merchant House family member. Instead your organisation, if you even have one, struggles to survive on a day to day, always on the verge of being swallowed or taken out by a Great Merchant House. Trait Good Bargain: When spending more than a month in a city, youre able to sell goods for full value.

Suggested Skills: Bluff, Persuade, Recall Political Lore, Sense Motive Born into a noble family, youve had a learned upbringing, taught both how to read and write in sirihish and also taught about a particular area of study. As a noble your above the law, but should you be too crass or obvious in flaunting the law youre likely to find yourself sanctioned by your own family. Trait Retainers: You have the service of three loyal retainers to do your bidding. They can perform mundane tasks for you, but have little fighting capabilities. Should they die, your family is unlikely to replace them with any haste. Furthermore as a noble you can read and write in sirihish.

Suggested Skills: Recall Folklore, Recall Historical Lore, Recall Political Lore, Sense Motive You were either born into slavery or captured at a very young age. Luckily for you, your fate wasnt to end up in the obsidian mines but instead to live a life of relative luxury. You could be owned by a merchant house, the templarate or a noble house. Trait - Lost in a Crowd: As a slave you are easily overlooked. You are able to slip into crowds quite easily where you easily go without notice unless you draw attention to yourself. Youre also able to hide yourself in large groups of slaves with the masters being unaware or the other slaves ratting you out. Furthmore your training as a scribe allows you to speak, read and write in either sirihish, tatlum or cavilish. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 28

Suggested Skills: Bluff, Listen, Search, Sneak You can learn information that others attempt to keep secret. You collect rumors, whispers, stories, and hard won evidence. Then you use that knowledge to aid your own endeavors and, when appropriate, to sell to those willing to pay a premium. Trait Contact: You have a contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other spies. You know how to reach your contact and can typically exchange information you have gathered for information you seek from your contact.

Suggested Skills: Gather Rumors, Intimidate, Spot, and Use Rope. Years of being a street tough have given you an aura of menace. Your look communicates a basic message to those who annoy you: Youd as soon break their knees as receive an apology. Threats and bullying tactics come easily to you. Your demeanor has landed you jobs with less than reputable organizations in the past, where youve provided both protection and muscle. Trait Bad Reputation: No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your connections to the dangerous criminal underworld or your history of violence. When you are in a place of civilization, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the authorities.

Untrained Slave
Suggested Skills: Administer First Aid, Climb, Intimidate, Use Rope You were either a worker in the slave pits, worked in the fields or another labour intensive job. Your life has been hard and unforgiving with those all around you succumbing to disease and weakness while you struggled to survive. Trait - Endurance: You can perform strenuous physical activity, such as forced marching or holding your breath, for twice as long as normal. In addition, you can carry twice as much as your strength would allow without being encumbered.

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Chapter 10: Organisations in Allanak

Allanak Militia
The boot that keeps people in line, the Allanaki militia are famously corrupt with criminals given the freedom to ply their trade as long as they pay their due. Led by Templars, nobles who the Highlord Tektolnes has bestowed great powers, there are very few who are willing to challenge the militia, lest they earn the wrath of a Templar.

Great Merchant House Inika

Founded in the city-state Gulg to the far north, House Inika trades in exotic foods, seasonings, feathers, wooden furniture and precious gemstones. With holdings in each of the major city-states, House Inika is able to operate small caravans whose goods yield a high profit. House Inikas banner shows a plain gold circle on a black field.

Great Merchant House Salarr

Perhaps the largest Merchant House in existence, House Salarr is the premier dealer in arms and armour in Athas. The House's overall prosperity should come as no surprise, given the level of physical conflict encountered in the world, and subsequently, the continual demand for armour and weapons. Whenever war erupts, the coin rolls into House Salarrs coffers. House Salarrs symbol is a pair of crossed black scimitars on a white field.

Great Merchant House Vordon

One of the wealthiest Merchant Houses in Athas, House Vordon exclusively trades in iron from the city-state of Tyr. The only source of metal in the entire Known World, Vordon drives the price of iron high so that even nobles are conservative with how much they purchase. Although famous for trading in iron, House Vordon also trades in slaves. Of late it has been buying as many slaves as it can and transporting them to Tyr. House Vordons symbol is a black diamond on a red-brown field.

The Haruch-Kemad are a tribe of city elves that live within Allanak. Secretive, business-oriented, subtle and proud, these elves are commonly thought to survive within Allanaks walls through shady means. They are best known for their dealings through the black market, and for their ability to acquire goods from outside Allanak's walls.

House Borsail
Ever conscious of their position as the topmost noble House in Allanak, Borsails generally exemplify the stereotypical noble, arrogant and wealthy. The House's income is derived from their slave trading, and the Borsail brand on a mul is generally considered a mark of excellent breeding and training. They have major ties with the templarate, and generally are influential political players. Borsail's colors are crimson and black; their emblem is two wyverns engaged in battle, biting each other's tails.

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House Fale
Renowned for their entertainments and extravagant festivals, Fales are sociable, giddy creatures, experts in matters of style, food, wine and spice. They are generally superstitious, or at least fond of pretending to be so when it amuses them, and dislike magickers of any ilk. The normal Fale reaction to any crisis situation is to throw a party and hope whatever it is either blows over or goes away. Nonetheless, due to their popularity with the lower classes, the Fales exert an uncommon amount of influence. Fale's colors are purple and green; their emblem is a woman's hand, holding an overbrimming wineglass, surrounded by a coil of ivy.

House Jal
This House oversees much of city maintenance, and was responsible for creating the vast sewage system beneath Allanak. They also handle water distribution, and the fountain in the Noble's Quarter is a Jal effort at public relations. Jal's colors are white and yellow; their emblem is a white triangle.

House Kasix
Generally considered imitations of Borsails, this noble House finances itself with slave trade, particularly the slave labor used to perform city maintenance, a lucrative contract which augments their Senate stipend. Kasix's colors are green and black; their emblem is a green jakhal fighting a black snake against a sand dune

House Oash
This noble House, ever conscious of not being the premier House, despite all their pretense to the contrary, deals primarily with the Merchant Houses. Oash are born politickers and schemers. Their House nourishes a strong hatred towards elves. Oash are somewhat more accepting of magick than the other Houses. They are usually on bad terms with the templarate due to their constant embroilment in various plots. Oash's colors are azure and black; their emblem is an azure dragon surrounded by five golden coins.

House Rennik
The nobles of this House oversee the villages around Allanak and conduct much of the practical matters involved in foreign affairs. The Rennik greenhouses, filled with exotic plants culled from across the world, are famous. They often send out trade missions or expeditions to sites outside the city Rennik's colors are gold and purple; their emblem is a hawk over a wagon.

House Sath
The Sath are scholarly creatures, who conduct much of the City's recordkeeping. Their library is rumored to rival that of the Templarate. Sath's colors are black and silver; their emblem is a purse overspilling with coins. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 31

House Tor
Military down to their stiff little toes, the Tors rose from the ranks of Tektolness army. Obsessed with weapons and matters of martial honor, the Tors participate in the city's defense as well as attacks on other areas. They are generally unsubtle and given to blunt speeches, though just as prone to getting involved in political tangles as any other House. They run the Military Academy in Allanak which teaches the art of warefare to those who can pay. Tor's colors are red and silver; their emblem is a scorpion, its tail upraised.

House Valika
Uncannily good with matters of finance, this noble House is a major player in city-finances as well as initiating many of the trade laws. Their ties to merchant houses are strong, and it's rumored that they play some part in determining tax laws as well. Valika tend to be somewhat lower key than most of the other Houses, preferring to operate behind the scenes. Valika's colors are green and silver; their emblem is a winged creature hovering between two cacti.

Minor House Kadius

As the exclusive trader in silk, House Kadius has managed to withstand the efforts of the Great Merchant Houses, particularly House Inika, who have sought to wrest the secret away from the House. Based out of Tuluk to the north-west on the edge of the Grey Forest, Kadius has small holdings in Allanak, Gulg and Tyr. Despite the high price that silk commands, House Kadius is taxed quite heavily and has thus far only managed to attain the status of a minor merchant house. As such, its members do not know the secret reading and writing in cavilish.

Minor House Kurac

Based out of Tyr, House Kurac trades in sandcloth. Despite the competition that the nomadic tribes present House Kurac with, it has managed to establish small holdings in both Allanak and Steinal to the far east on the other side of the Salt Flats.

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Chapter 11: Weapon Styles

Athas is a world full of conflict, and nowhere is this conflict more apparent than in the mortal combat that happens somewhere in it at any given time. Over the Ages each of the city-states have developed their own style of fighting. While a particular style is favoured in one city-state, almost any fighting style can be found in a particular location if you look hard enough.

Allanak Weapon Styles

Weapons in Allanak are by and large dependent on obsidian as their principle component. Short and medium-length cutting blades are the most common types of weapons produced in the region, for they make best use of the weight and sharp edge-holding property of obsidian. Clubs and axes are available, but not in so much favor with Allanaki warriors. Both are limited by the availability of wood for the haft. Similarly, polearms are relatively rare in Allanak, though they can appear in the armories of large military organizations due to their considerable purchasing power. With the intense heat of the desert, warriors favour sandcloth and light leathers as heavier armours increase their water consumption. The one exception to this are large military organisations who operate exclusively in the city (e.g. the militia or guards who work for the noble houses) as their water supply is provided by the Highlord. Allanaki fighting styles typically concentrate on striking quickly and striking often. With the possibility of an obsidian weapon shattering, most Allanki warriors fight wield two weapons rather than wielding a weapon in conjunction with a shield. The most common pairing is a larger weapon, primarily for offense, with a smaller weapon, primarily for defence. If a weapon breaks, the fighter then still has another weapon ready with which to present a threat to the opponent whilst a replacement is drawn.

Gulg Weapon Styles

Located within the Grey Forest to the far north of Allanak, Gulg weapons tend to be made from either wood or bone, or a combination thereof. Given the greater robustness of the materials they use, northern weaponsmiths are far freer to experiment with different forms of weaponry, so there tends to be a wide variety of weapon types compared to those found in Allanak. While it is still hot in the north, the bushes and trees of the region afford some shade, as well as ameliorating the effect of fierce winds. Many Gulgan warriors thus wear heavier armor, constructed from bone and thick hides. Gulgan armors also tend to be a bit more colorful than their southern counterparts utilising both paints and feathers. This isnt solely due to the artistic flair found in Gulg, as it provides the practical benefit of providing camouflage with the surrounding forest. With much fighting occurring in the forest where trees and cover are all around, an extra weapon or a shield tend to get in the way more than they help. As such many Gulgan warriors will simply wield a weapon in one hand with their body turned so as to present a minimal target to the opponent. The off-hand is then free to draw another weapon if needed, or else be employed for striking or grappling if the combat enters very close quarters. The wristsheath hidden beneath a sleeve is a common tactic here, for a previously empty hand might suddenly have a poisoned dagger in it, at a most inconvenient moment for the opponent. Exponents of this one-weapon style usually spend a lot of their time on extremely quick footwork. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 33

Finally many Gulgans cut down trees for a living, so it is only natural that they should develop an affinity for axes. The relatively heavy head of a chopping weapon demands the utmost care in timing a stroke, so that the wielder is not left unbalanced and at a disadvantage. Chopping wood is also an excellent exercise for developing raw strength and intense concentration. We thus see some axemasters amongst the weapons experts of Gulg.

Steinal Weapon Styles

Located to the far east of Allanak beyond the Salt Flats, Steinal faces the same harsh conditions as Allanak and has found other ways of dealing with it. Lacking a ready supply of obsidian, Steinal weapons are typically made of bone and as a result which are more expensive (although less prone to breaking). As a consequence warriors tend to focus on wielding a heavy weapon that deals as much damage as possible. The principle of 'one strike, one kill' is taught by many in Steinal.

Tuluk Weapon Styles

Located to the far north-west of Allanak, Tuluk is the smallest of the city-states and is considered to be on the very edge of the Known World. Located on the western edge of the Grey Forest, Tuluk is surrounded by grassy plains with little to obscure enemies approaching. Tuluki warriors have adapted to this landscape, employing ranged weapons such as longbows that allow them to attack an enemy from afar rather than getting into close contact where their lived are put at greater risk. When forced into melee a Tuluki warrior will either employ weapons that have reach to try to keep their enemy as far from themselves as possible or theyll utilise weapons that can also be thrown in the event they find their opponent suddenly attempting to flee.

Tyr Weapon Styles

Located in the Tablelands to the north-east of Allanak, Tyr has the only known source of metal in all of Athas. As a result Tyr is a rather rich city-state and is able to import more expensive weapons from places such as Gulg. As such warriors tend to be less concerned about their weapons shattering. Tyrian warriors typically fight with a one-handed weapon and a shield in the other. They employ a wide variety of tactics in order to put the opponent in such a position that an attack can get past their shield. The use of complex sequences of maneuvers is common, often being treated as art forms in their own right. Spears and thrusting swords are especially effective for this type of combat, and for those who have the strength, clubs and warhammers.

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Chapter 12: Equipment

All item costs are in obsidian pieces which is the only coin in the Known World. Merchants will often trade in high value goods while the Great Merchant Houses give their family members promissory notes that can be redeemed at any of their enclaves.

Name Erdlu leather Padded sandcloth Leather Mekillot Hide Armoured Coat Hide Studded Hide Scale Chainmail Breastplate Splint Banded Half-Plate Full Plate Shield Parrying Dagger Cost 10 20 1,000 10,000 20 50 100 1,000 10,000 60 150 1,000 1,500 10,000 20 20 Armour Class 11 + Dex mod 11 + Dex mod 12 + Dex mod 13 + Dex mod 12 + Dex mod (max 2) 13 + Dex mod (max 2) 14 + Dex mod (max 2) 14 + Dex mod (max 2) 15 + Dex mod (max 2) 14 16 17 17 18 +2 +2 Speed -5 feet -5 feet -5 feet -5 feet Stealth Disadvantage Disadvantage Disadvantage Disadvantage Disadvantage Disadvantage Disadvantage Category Light Light Light Light Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Shield Shield Weight 15 lb. 15 lb. 15 lb. 20 lb. 25 lb. 20 lb. 25 lb. 30 lb. 40 lb. 40 lb. 45 lb. 50 lb. 50 lb. 50 lb. 5 lb. 3 lb.

Erdlu leather: Made from erdlu leather, this vibrant purple armour provides some added protection over mere clothing, but does make swishing sounds whenever the wearer moves. Padded Sandcloth: Sandcloth is a very loose weave of cotton, often used for desert wear. Padded sandcloth is reinforced to provide more protection. Leather: Commonly worn by hunters who work for the Great Merchant Houses who can afford this armour, it is carefully constructed from the tanned hides of various creatures such as erdlu and carru in a manner that doesnt restrict the wearers manoeuvrability while offering protection for the wearer. Studded Leather: Bone or obsidian studs have been masterfully interwoven with the leather armour to ensure that they provide a real benefit to the wearer without restricting their maneuverability. Armoured Coat: Much more sturdy then padded sandcloth, an armoured can be made from the skin of any number of animals. It does come at the cost of restricting some manoeuvrability. Hide: Hide armour is constructed from the hide of creatures that are particularly thick skinned such as braxat and inix. This does come at the cost of losing some manoeuvrability. Studded Hide: Made from the same material as hide armour, studded hide has bone or obsidian studs in it providing a bit of extra protection. This does come at the cost of losing some manoeuvrability. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 35

Scale: Constructed from the scales of some of the most dangerous creatures including dujat worms and mekillots, scale provides more protection for the wearer than any of the light armours. However this is at the cost of manoeuvrability. Chainmail: This is composed of smaller scales that have been linked together much more expertly then scale armour, although at a significantly higher cost. Breastplate: Covering only the torso, breastplate is normally made from the shell of creature. Most commonly this is from a scrab in the Allanak region. Wearing it does offer quite a bit of protection, however it does increase the amount of water the wearer needs to consume. As such, it is normally only worn by the Allanaki militia who have their water and food provided to them for free. Splint: This is constructed from bone or obsidian that is embedded into leather armour. This is done much less expertly then studded leather as it severely inhibits the manoeuvrability of the wearer. Banded: Constructed from the same materials as splint armour, this is more expertly crafted. This provides a bit more protection, but still inhibits the movement of the wearer considerably. Half-Plate: Half-Plate takes elements of breastplate and scale armour to provide greater protection then just scale armour. It incorporates breastplate, but provides a helm to protect the head in addition to sleeves and gauntlets made from scale armour. Full Plate: Where full plate incorporates breastplate and scale armour, full plate incorporates breastplate and chainmail with much finer scales used to protect the arms, head and legs of the wearer. Unlike traditional breastplate, the torso protective armour can be constructed of obsidian rather than shell. Shield: In Allanak shields are constructed from shell or bone and leather. Category Light Medium Heavy Time to Don 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes Time to Remove 1 minute 1 minute 5 minutes Water Requirements No effect No effect Increases water consumption requirements by half.

Below is a list of the various weapons and the categories theyre split into. Weapons can have various properties which are as follows. Double: A double weapon is held in both hands and can be used to make multiple attacks with. The first damage value is considered the primary attack, while the second value is the secondary attack. Finesse: When attacking with a finesse weapon you can choose to either use strength or damage for the attack and damage rolls. Heavy: Heavy weapons are so large that small creatures have disadvantage whenever they use it. Loading: Because of the time it takes to load this weapon, you can only fire one bit of ammunition when attacking with it. Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 36

Light: This weapon is so easy to use that its ideal for two-weapon fighting with it. Missile range: This is a weapon that can be used to make a range attack. The first value is its normal range while the second one is its maximum range. When using a weapon beyond its normal range you have disadvantage on the attack roll. Reach: When using this weapon your reach increases by 5 feet. Special: There is something unique about this weapon which is detailed in its entry after the weapons table. Thrown range: You can use this weapon to either make melee or ranged attacks. When making a ranged attack you use your strength modifier. Two-Handed: This weapon requires two hands to use. Versatile: This weapon can be wielded in either one hand or two hands. The first damage value is for when wielding it in one hand while the second is for two hands. Small creatures can only use this weapon as a two-handed weapon. Name Simple Weapons Club Crossbow, Light Dagger Greatclub Javelin Improvised object Improvised object Mace Quarterstaff Shortbow Sling Spear Spiked Glove Quabone Unarmed Strike MartialWeapons Carrikal Chatkcha Datchi Club Bastard Sword Heavy Crossbow Dark Sun Gazetteer Cost Damage Weight Properties

1 50 5 2 10 0 0 10 2 50 1 5 2 0 -

1d4 bludgeoning 1d8 piercing 1d4 piercing 1d8 bludgeoning 1d6 piercing 1d4 varies 1d6 varies 1d6 bludgeoning 1d8/1d6 bludgeoning 1d6 piercing 1d4 bludgeoning 1d6 piercing 1d4 piercing 1d4 slashing 1d4 bludgeoning

3 lb. 6 lb. 3 lb. 15 lb. 4 lb. 8 lb. 4 lb. 2 lb. lb. 5 lb. 1 lb. -

Light Loading, missile, range 80/320, two-handed Finesse, light, thrown range 30/120 Two-Handed. Missile range 30/120 Two-Handed Double, finesse, two-handed Missile range 80/320, two-handed Missile range 30/120 Thrown range 20/60

20 1d10 slashing 6 1d6 slashing 10 1d10 bludgeoning 70 1d8/1d10 slashing 100 1d10 piercing

15 lb. lb. 25 lb. 10 lb. 10 lb.

Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Missile, Range 30/120, Two-Handed, special Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Versatile Loading, missile range 100/400, Page 37

Greatsword Gythka Impaler Labrys Longspear Longbow Longsword Miners Pick Morningstar Parrying Dagger Shield Short sword Stiletto Sickle Spiked Chain Throwing axe Throwing hammer Warhammer Whip Wrist Razors Special Weapons Blowgun

60 10 10 20 10 100 30 10 30 20 20 20 50 2 30 10 4 30 4 60

1d12 slashing 1d10 slashing 1d10 piercing 1d8/1d6 slashing 1d8 piercing 1d8 piercing 1d8 slashing 1d6 piercing 1d8 bludgeoning, piercing 1d4 slashing 1d6 bludgeoning 1d6 slashing 1d6 piercing 1d6 slashing 1d6 piercing 1d6 slashing 1d6 bludgeoning 1d8 bludgeoning 1d4 slashing 1d6 slashing

15 lb. 15 lb. 5 lb. 2 lb. 5 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. 6 lb. 12 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 7 lb. 7 lb. 8 lb. 2 lb. 6 lb.

two-handed Heavy, Two-Handed Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Double, two-handed Reach, two-handed Missile, range 150/600, two-handed

Light, Finesse, Special Finesse Finesse

Thrown range 20/60 Light, thrown range 20/60


1d4 piercing


Range 30/120

Carrikal: The sharpened jawbone of a large creature is lashed to a haft. The jagged edges are sharpened, forming a sort of battleaxe with two forward-facing heads. Chatkcha: This is a thri-kreen throwing weapon. It is made up of bone wedges that are lashed together with sinew. Due to its spin and affect upon the air, it returns to the thrower if it misses the target. Crossbows: Normally it takes an action to reload a crossbow. You can load and fire a crossbow in the same action, however doing so gives you disadvantage on the attack roll. Datachi Club: A datchi club has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but you cannot use it against an adjacent foe. This weapon, generally found in the arenas, is made by affixing a 4-5 foot length of dried insect hide or roots to a three-foot long shaft. Teeth, claws, or obsidian shards are embedded into the head of the weapon. Gythka: This thri-kreen polearm has wicked blades at either end. The weapons thick shaft allows it to be used like a quarterstaff against similarly armed opponents. The use of this weapon has actually been mastered by desert elves, the long sworn enemies of thri-kreen.

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Impaler: An impaler is a weapon developed for arena combat. It has a single shaft about 4 feet long with a pair of long pointed blades, splitting to each side and forming deadly T The weapon can be swung horizontally or vertically, over the head. Parrying Dagger: This weapon is constructed much like an ordinary dagger, although it isnt weighted for throwing. Instead its designed to help someone defend themselves from attacks. When wielding a parrying dagger, the wielder gains a +1 shield bonus. This bonus doesnt stack with any other shield bonuses the character has. Quabone: This weapon is constructed from four identical shanks of bone, lashed together to form a radially symmetrical, sword-length rod. With its lightness and crudely sharpened end, the quabone is a fairly ineffective weapon. The quabone is used in arena situations where combat is intended to draw out for a long period of time. Wrist Razors: Wrist razors consist of a trio of blades that protrude from a heavy arm band. The razors project out over the back of the hand, are extremely sharp, and can be up to 6 inches long. Wrist razors can be worn on one or both forearms. Due to the fact theyre worn on the forearms, it is impossible to disarm someone wearing wrist razors. However it does take a minute to don them or remove them.

Weapon Materials
Weapons can be made from different materials. These materials impact how much it costs, weighs and the likelihood it breaks during combat. In order to determine if a weapon breaks, after youve rolled a natural 20 as part of an attack roll, roll a second time. If the d20 roll is within the break range for that weapon, the weapon shatters as it deals maximum damage to the enemy. Material Obsidian Bone Wood Fire Hardened Wood Metal Cost Multiplier x1 x1.5 x2 x10 Cannot be bought Weight x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 Break Range 1-10 1-7 1-5 1 Cannot break

Type of Work Daily Wage Type of Work Daily Wage Unskilled Labourer ..........................................30 Hunter .............................................................40 Minor Merchant ............................................130 Crafter ............................................................ 40 Guard ............................................................. 45 Militia Soldier ................................................. 45

Food and Water

Items Cost Items Cost Gallon of water ...............................................11 Glass of cheap wine ........................................10 Plain meal at a tavern ....................................... 3 Nobles meal at a tavern .................................20 Pint of ale ......................................................... 2 Glass of good wine......................................... 20 Merchants meal at a tavern ........................... 9 Days travel rations ......................................... 10

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Gallon of water: A gallon of water is how much water the average race needs a day if theyre performing physical activities out in the sun (its halved if they are in shade all day or rest during the day and work during the night). Half-Giants need four times as much while thri-kreen only need 1 pint a day (there are 8 pints in a gallon). Ale: This is the common drink served in most bars for commoners. Cheap wine: Commoners will break out the wine on special occasions. Good wine: Nobles, merchants and Templars alike drink this. Plain meal: This is roots and tubers supplemented with small portions of heavily salted meat, typically chalton meat, a six-legged antelope-like creature. If the ingredients are bought and cooked personally then the cost is halved. Merchants Meal: This relies less on salt and is often seasoned by ocotillo powder, which has a sour oniony flavour beloved by nakkies. The meat will typically range from scrab to tarantula. If the ingredients are bought and cooked personally then the cost is halved. Nobles Meal: These vary the most, and can often involve meat and seasonings imported from neighbouring city-states. A local delicacy is to eat a scrabs head, with various tubers, roots and bulbs surrounding it. If the ingredients are bought and cooked personally then the cost is halved. Days Travel Rations: This is heavily salted meat that can last a long time without spoiling.

Items Cost Items Cost Slaves outfit...................................................... 5 Artisans outfit ................................................20 Gypsy outfit .....................................................40 Belt Pouch ......................................................... 2 Commoners Outfit ........................................ 10 Travellers Outfit ............................................ 20 Nobles Outfit .............................................. 750

Slaves Outfit: Commonly loincloth and sandals, houseslaves or guards may be outfitted in finery or armour. Commoners Outfit: Commonly made out of sandcloth, this is a very loose weave of cotton. Artisans Outfit: Commonly made out of cotton, this material can be stylised with patterns such as geometric shapes and stripes. Travellers Outfit: This includes a leather duster and boots, along with a sandcloth shirt and a sandcloth scarf that can be worn over the face during a sandstorm. It also includes sandcloth wrappants that stop at just below the knees, with strips of cloth wound tightly around the lower leg to deter sand from entering the wearers boots. Gypsys Outfit: This is often made from linen and lace and consists of bright patterns and jarring colours. Wealthy gypsies occasionally incorporate silk in their garments for twice as much obsidian coin.

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Nobles Outfit: Composed entirely of silk, this often incorporates designs that hinder the nobles day to day activities such as sleeves whose cuffs extend beyond the fingertips or slippers that are far too thin to allow the wearer to walk the city streets with them. These demonstrate that nobles who wear such clothing dont need to do things for themselves and have slaves to cut their food for them or to carry them in palanquins throughout the city. Belt Pouch: A small leather or silk pouch that can hold coins inside.

Household Items
Items Cost Items Cost Backpack ........................................................... 3 Heavy Blanket ................................................... 5 Chest ................................................................. 3 Flint ................................................................... 2 Hooded lantern ...............................................11 Pitcher ............................................................... 2 Sack ................................................................... 1 Torch ................................................................. 4 Bedroll.............................................................. 3 Candle .............................................................. 1 Dried dung ....................................................... 1 Flask of Oil........................................................ 2 Mug .................................................................. 2 Cooking Pot ...................................................... 8 Soap ................................................................. 5 Empty waterskin .............................................. 2

Items Cost Items Cost Artisans tools .................................................50 Climbers Kit ..................................................160 Manacles .........................................................15 Miners Pick ....................................................... 3 Shovel ................................................................ 2 Masterwork musical instrument...................200 Thieves Tools..................................................60 Bone crowbar .................................................. 2 Healers Kit ................................................... 100 Masterwork manacles ................................... 50 50 ft of Rope .................................................. 10 Simple musical instrument ............................ 10 Tent .............................................................. 100 Masterwork Thieves Tools .......................... 200

Mounts and Barding

Items Cost Items Cost Erdlu ................................................................25 Trained kank..................................................120 Leather inix barding ......................................150 Mekillot .........................................................200 Chitinous mekillot barding .........................7,500 Untrained kank ............................................... 50 Inix ................................................................ 120 Chitinous inix barding ................................... 500 Leather mekillot barding ........................... 5,000

Erdlu: These flightless, usually featherless birds are sometimes employed as mounts by the lighter races of Athas, although they cannot last great distances and are not particularly strong. They are, however, quite quick and eat relatively little compared even to kanks. Great care is taken in taming them, since they are capable of wreaking great damage in a fight. Despite this, their meat is usually very tender. Kank: Kanks are a type of insectoid creature that are commonly used as beasts of burden for riding and packing. Physically, they resembled gigantic ants, and are known for their strength, speed, and Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 41

stamina for their size, compared to other mounts. They are easily domesticated, and used not only for transportation, but also for food and their green honey. Inix: These large lizards are capable of carrying even half-giants, albeit under duress. Plodding slowly along, they have voracious appetites, and usually only the rich, or those living in the green lands of the far North, can afford to keep them. They have developed a protective shell that grows across their backs, and they have a tough hide, both useful and sought-after as raw materials. Mekillot: Gigantic behemoths, these lizards are many times the size of an inix, and often where six inix were required to draw a given argosy, only one mekillot suffices. In the wild they are extremely dangerous, being known to take out entire squadrons of ill prepared travelers in the salt flats. However, one carefully skinned carcass can provide shell, meat, bone, and remarkably tough hide for a huge number of people. Because of their danger in the wild (though with an appetite to suit their size), a very few mekillots are raised from birth as beasts of burden to draw the wagons of the filthy rich. They are believed to feed primarily upon the local Salt Worms when in the wild.

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