Soal Bahasa Inggris Kombinasi

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PROGRAM KEAHLIAN SEMUA PROGRAM KEAHLIAN MATA UJI : Bahasa Inggris W A K T U: 120 Menit Petunjuk Umum : 1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam lembar jawaban komputer (LJK) dengan pinsil 2 B sesuai petunjuk. 2. Periksa dan bacalah naskah soal dengan cermat dan teliti sebelum menjawab pertanyaan. 3. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang. 4. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas jika diperlukan. 5. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu lainnya. 6. Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I Pictures
Questions: 1 to 4 Directions: For each item, there is a picture in you test book and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken twice, and are not written out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement (A),(B),(C), or (D) that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice. Example: Look at the pictures below and listen to the four sentences. Look at the picture in your test book.

Man: A. He is sitting in the garden holding a camera. B. He is pointing at the two women. C. He is taking a photograph of the women. D. He is talking to the women. Sample answer. Choice (C) He is taking a photograph of the women.- best describes what is you seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

1. Picture 1

A. B. C. D.

The people are standing in line to entry the gate The tower clock has a traditional roof There are no trees around of the park The house is surrounding the Big Ben

2. Picture 2

A. B. C. D. 3. Pictures3

It looks like it's about to rain. One of the people has white hair The baby being held appears to be crying. The mountain tops in the background are covered with snow.

A. The man with the headscarf is talking with the guests. B. The lady is holding something in her hands. C. The man is speaking with the microphone. D. They are having signing some documents.

Part II Question and Responses Questions 47 Directions : In this part of the test you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and the responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question: You will hear You will also hear : Woman : Man : Could you work until nine tonight? : (A) No. it doesnt work. (B) Yes, you can go to work now. (C) No, I have to be home by eight.

Sample answer. Choice (C) No, I have to be home by eight.- best response to the question Could you work until nine tonight?. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

4. Woman : Do you prefer lobster or crab? Man : A . Neither, actually. B . I really love seafood. C. I did like the lobster. 5. Man : Any way, do you think Microsoft Excel is more difficult than Power Point? Woman : A. My friend takes Power Point in his program. B. No, It is not my Computer. C. No, absolutely not. 6. Woman : I would like to be the first to congratulate to your success. Man : A. It must be nice to hear that, Thank you very much. B. Congratulation on your great success C. You have done your job.

7 Man

: Weren't you at the conference last month? Woman : A. Yeah, I was there. B. No you weren't. C. I won't be able to attend.

Part III: Short Conversations

Questions 8 11 In this part of the test you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversation two times; the conversation will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You will also hear a question about each the conversation

In your test book, you will read a question each question. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet. Example: You will hear : Man Woman Man You will read : :The driver will meet you at the gate. : What kind of car will he be driving? : Hell be driving a large, black limousine.

What will the woman do?

A. Drive a car.

Sample answer.

B. Wait at the door. C. Look for a specific automobile. D. Call a taxi. Choice (C) Look for a specific automobile.- best response to the question What will the woman do?. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet. 8. Woman : Id like to celebrate my birthday in Pangerans Beach Hotel. Why dont you join with me? Man : Really? That would be great, thanks. What time will the party begin? Woman : Around 7 oclock, ok? Man : Right, Ill be there. What will the man do? A. He will come with the woman the party. B. He will attend the party at that time. C. He will invite the woman to party. D. He will have the birthday party. 9. Man : I dont want waste my money for invaluable thing. Woman : Me too, an antique things needs so much money. Man : Well for me thats not the point. I have to make some deposits for the future of my children. How does the man waste his money in his life? A. Looking for used things. B. Going to the antique shop. C. Buying the cheaper thing in the market. D. Save the money for future life of his children. 10. Woman : A security report that your windscreen is broken because of falling tile. Man : Realy, it must be damaged of the storm. Woman : He also said that the banned is scratched How is the man wind screen? A. Scratched B. Secured C. Broken D. Good 11. Woman Man Woman : What do you think about the red watch in the cap lock, will it suit me? : But I think the white one look more stylish. : But I dont like the white even though people said it looks clean.

Which watch does the woman choose? A. The stylish one. B. The white one. C. The clean one D. The red one

Part IV: Short Talks


In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken twice; they will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Questions 12-13 refer to the following announcement! Police are trying to locate Mr. Thomson, age 80, who disappeared from Selamat's Home for the Elderly on Wednesday night. Mr. Thomson is 175 centimeters tall, weighs 110 kilograms, and has short white hair. He wears thick glasses, has a light complexion, and brown eyes. When last seen he was wearing a short blue jacket, brown slack and black shoes. 12. How is Mr. Thomsons appearance?
A. He's tiny B. He's slim C. Hes overweight D. Hes ideal weight

13. What is the announcement about?

A. B. C. D. Mr. Wilson's appearance. Police's research. Selamat's Home for elderly. A missing person

Questions 14-15 refer to the following notice!

There will be an earthquake drill on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. everybody will be instructed to leave the building through the emergency exit stairways. All elevators will not operate at that time. Once the alarm is sounded, all those inside the building should immediately get out. 14. What is the building occupants expected to do? A. Shut off the elevator. B. Remain calm all throughout. C. Avoid using the stairs. D. Vacate the building. 15. What is the notice about? A. A safety exercise. B. A new evacuation system. C. An earthquake alarm. D. A problem with the elevators.

This the end of listening section

Reading Section
Incomplete Dialogues Question 16 30 are incomplete dialogues. Four answers market (A), (B), (C), and (D) are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the best answer to complete the dialogue. 16. Wanda Nadia : Good afternoon. Can I talk to Mr. Harris, please? : . Ill connect you. Youre through now. 5

A. B. C. D.

Could you hold on? Would you like to leave a message? Im afraid hes not here right now. Thanks for calling.

17. Travel agent: that will be five hundred dollars, round trip ? Jhon : I will pay by check. A. What will you pay B. How much does it cost C. Will you pay by check or in cash D. I pay in cash or by check 18. Waiter Felicia A. B. C. D. 19. Teacher Tia Teacher Tia : All right. Chicken soup and fruit salad. And for your main course? : Can I see the main course menu, please? Well, . I ate beef steak and mashed potatoes. Id like fried chicken and French fries. It is grilled Russian salmon, isnt it? Just a cup of hot lemon tea, please.

: why do you look so sad? : every things fine : I can see that you have a problem, please tell it. : Tomorrow will be the last day of the month. I dont have enough money to pay the school fee. I cant ask my parents. He has got out of his work. Teacher : .. A. Really dont worry B. Why not C. Im delighted to hear that D. Im sorry to hear that : Are you hungry? Its lunch time, isnt it? Lets go to the canteen. : Sure, but can you wait for fifteen minutes? . We had breakfast there yesterday. Im still printing these documents. Youve finished your lunch, have you? They talk loudly when they are hungry.

20. Arimbi Haris A. B. C. D.

21. Teacher : What happen to Angga? Student : He got a terrible accident on motorbike Teacher : If Angga had stayed to study here. A. he would have got that accident B. he would not have got that accident C. he would get that accident D. he will not get that accident 22. Doddy Nana A. B. C. D. : Are you going to be home this weekend? : No, actually . we are planning to go hiking. I prefer to stay home all day. my house is relatively unique. they invited you over for lunch.

23. Manager : Have you copied the letter for Mr Paul? Secretary : Yes, . . . two hours ago. A. I did it B. He has received it C. He sent it D. I have done it 24. Henry : Mr. Jaya and I are going to that Chinese restaurant. Olivia : Id really like to, but I have to prepare my presentation this afternoon. A. Pleased to meet you, Olivia. 6

B. Have you ever been there? C. I know that you like Chinese food. D. Would you like to come along? 25. Mr. Lee : I have just got back to work after being hospitalized for a week. Mr. Jhon : . . . . A. You should work harder then B. How were you doing there? C. You should stay in hospital D. You d better work half day for now 26. Gita : Was Randy the last to leave last night? Yulia : No, I think , A. Mirza stayed until 10 p.m. B. Rudy will come tonight. C. Jimmy lives in Medan. D. Fadly has delayed his stay 27. Man : . . . , mom? Woman : The people in this office dont respect the customers .Im displeased with their service A. What are you looking for B. Why were you so angry C. Why are you looking so sad D. What are you going to do 28. Santy : Excuse me, I bought this hairdryer the other day and . Id like a refund. Heres my receipt. Seller : I see. What seems to be the problem? A. Perhaps my hair is the problem B. Im not satisfied with it. C. The tool must be in a dry condition D. It costs more than I thought. 29. Stranger :Excuse me, . . . ? I have just moved here. Woman : Well, walk along this street until intersection and turn right .You will see it across from A. Where is the Post office B. Do you know the Post Office is C. How do I get to the post office D. Is a post office far from here 30. Rita : Ive terrible headache .. Tania : My pleasure. Ill take you home soon. A. Would you drive me home? B. Will you go to my house? C. Must you take me home? D. Could I drive you? II. Error Recognition Question 31 to 35, choose the inappropriate structure in the sentences below and choose the best word or phrase to substitute it. 31. Riri : Mrs. Astuti, the logistic manager is more discipline than the more old big boss. A B Ria : In spite of her younger age, she has proved to be more excellent C D A. discipliner B. oldest C. younger ages D. most excellent 32. Rinto : Are you sure? that Jodi is smarter than Rendia? I believe he is the most A B Intelligent student in this class. 7


Randa A. B. C. D. 33. Indah

: in my opinion, Jodi is as smarter as Rendia, but Rendia is less creative. C D smart more as smart as more creative

: What would you do if you had a million US dollar? A B David : If I am that rich I would quit job and travel around the world. C D A. will you B. have C. were D. would have quit : Where will you go tomorrow morning? A : May be just stay at home B : I think youd rather see the movie to stay at home C D what in the house suppose than

34. Gito Rita Gito A. B. C. D.

35. Mrs. Jihan : Where is your son? I have never met him before. A B Mrs. Ratih : Over there. The boy which is standing among the girls. C D A. who B. meet C. who D. stand III. Reading Comprehension Questions 36 50 - are based on a selection of reading materials. You have to choose the best answers (A), (B), (C), or (D) to each question. Questions 36 38 refer to the following text Jackie Chan was born in Tokyo in 1972. When she was 14, some people from a film studio come to his school and choose him to learn acting at studio. He was happy about this chance, but mainly he liked the idea of getting out of school. Soon, however, he discovered that he really liked acting. At age 18 , he won The Golden Rooster, Japans top film award. 36. What is the paragraph about? a. The idea of being a good film b. The successful Japan actor c. The happiness of Japan actor d. The award nomination for studio school artist 37. Where did Jackie start to learn acting? a. In Nagasaki b. At his school c. In a film studio d. In Golden rooster 38. The synonym of the word award is 8

a. b. c. d.

Prize Reward Punishment Contribution

Questions 39 41 refer to the following instructions TO WATERPROOF SHOES AND BOOTS Remove all dust and dirt from shoes. Hold spray can 20 cm away from clean shoes. Cover all surfaces evenly. Let dry for one hour. Repeat applications one more time. The protection will last for six months under average climatic conditions. 39. The word evenly in Cover all surfaces means A. Quickly B. Equally C. Carefully A. Partly 40. What should we do after spraying the shoes? A. Remove all dirt B. Cover all surfaces C. Let the shoes dry D. Repeat application 41. How many times should we apply the shoe protection? A. Twice a year B. Once in six days C. Twenty times D. Anytime we want Questions 42 44 refer to the following advertisement. Are you planning a trip abroad? Whether your trip is for business or pleasure, we can help you develop the language skills you will need. Classes are available in French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. Classes meet daily. New groups are forming every month. Private tutorials are by special arrangements. *Ask our traditional and interpretation services.* *join us for our Friday evening foreign film series. Call our office for a current schedule.* UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE 223 Shark Avenue, Suite 45 567-8910 42. Which service is not provided? A. Travel planning B. Language classes C. Translation D. Films 43. What phrase would be best to define current in Call our office for a current schedule? A. Flow of water B. Presently provided C. Money available D. Widely recognized 44. Where would probably be the location of Universal Language? A. In France 9

B. In Saudi Arabia C. In a developed country D. In an English speaking country Question 45 47 to following letter : 30 Jln. Pramuka Jakarta 90102 April 18, 2007 HR Manager Jayakarta Hotel Jln. Subroto Menado Dear Sir/Madam Being interested in the post of Waiter Supervisor you advertised in yesterdays Kompas, I would like to apply for the vacancy. I am 22 years old and graduated from SMK Pariwisata majoring in Restaurant Service. Currently, I am working at Seafood Restaurant. Attaching copies of my certificates, CV, and my recent photograph, I am available for an interview at your convenience. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Faithfully yours,


45. What position does Rianto apply for? A. A supervisor. B. A service supervisor. C. A waiter supervisor. D. A restaurant supervisor. 46. What does Rianto expect from his application? A. He will be invited for an interview. B. He will work at Seafood Restaurant. C. A restaurant supervisor D. He will stay at Makassar Golden Hotel 47. Whats the antonym of the word recent in paragraph 3? A. Old B. Bald C. Field D. Sealed Questions 48 50 refer to the following table. MORDOVA ISLAND Average Temperatures (Fahrenheit) January Mountain region Coast Capital City High 32 70 57 low 18 55 32 high 75 85 75 July low 51 61 58

48. The word temperatures in the phrases average temperatures refers to the temperatures of A. Moldova Island 10

B. The mountain region C. The coast D. The capital city 49. What is the coldest temperature in the mountain region? A. 18 B. 32 C. 51 D. 55 50. What can be concluded from the table? A. There is no temperature differences B. January is colder than July in Mordova C. The capital city is as hot as the coast D. The lowest temperature is 18o Celcius


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