Template Leadership Test

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1. SHORT INTRODUCTION Give an overview of the structure of the assignment 2. INDIVIDUAL a. Personal Identity, Culture and History: i.

Who is she/ he? What is his/ her identity? ii. Where does he/she come from? What are his/her roots? What has shaped his/her personality? iii. Personal life story b. Personal Leadership Edges i. Living webs of leadership: 1. Who are the people supporting him/ her? 2. What are the energising, inspiring and stimulating relationships to achieve his goals? ii. Does he/she show the characteristics of an authentic leader: 1. Is his behaviour in line with his/ her personal values? 2. Does he lead from conviction or only for personal honour/status/ success? 3. Does he/ she show his own personal leadership edge and authentic fingerprint? iii. Giving voice to values 1. Does he/ she express her values? This is also in conjunction with leadership authenticity? 2. Is he/ she speaking up when confronted with non-ethical behaviour? iv. VISA: 1. Is he/she strong on vision, interdependence, structure or actionorientation? 2. Where can we see this? 3. What typical behaviour does he/she show? 4. In how far does the VISA influence his leadership thinking and acting? 5. Which leadership paradoxes do we explore? (Great leadership consists of competing paradoxes) (Slide 98 of Personal Edge) does a strength on the one hand lead to a weakness on the other hand? 6. What about leadership shadows and gold? (Slide 111 on Leadership Edge) to my mind paradoxes and shadows and gold go into the same direction

v. Are there any leadership anxieties? 1. Can we explore any leadership anxieties? What might shape them? What are the consequences thereof? 1

c. Personal Mastering and EQ i. Awareness: Is he/ she aware of his/ her emotions, triggers, defence mechanisms? ii. Stressor awareness response instead of stressor reaction iii. In how far does he/she show interpersonal (e.g. empathy), adaptability (e.g., e.g. flexibility) stress management (e.g. stress control) competencies? iv. What about the general mood? How does he/ she manage emotions d. New economy leadership style? i. Does he/ she show interdependence and integration characteristics? ii. Does he/she forces knowledge and participation by information and selfinsight? iii. Does he/ she considers environmental and societal issues as well (leads to the forth block) e. Tyrannies of competence and caves of incompetence? It might be an idea to sum this section up with the identified tyrannies of competence and caves of incompetence.

3. TEAM a. High performance Leadership and Teaming i. Exploring key lead factors to create organizations that perform highly and where all staff are highly engaged. These include the changing world, leadership styles, use of rank and power, levels of work, organizational culture and many personal factors. ii. Is it all about people? Does he/ she have the capability to unleash the collective genius? Does he/ she have the capability to energise and optimise the team? iii. Rank and Power 1. What is the rank and power that influence on others? E.g. certain memberships, hierarchy, characteristics, networks, iv. Levels of work 1. Is his/ her style of leadership appropriate to the level he/ she is in? b. Team and Group dynamics i. Do we observe any conflicts in the team? Where do they come from? Diversity issues? ii. How does he/ she deal with any conflicts? iii. Does he/ she is aware of emotions, feelings, etc. in the team? iv. Are there any insider or outsider groups which might be due to rank and power in the team? Are there different VISAs present in the group which might cause the discussion/ trouble? v. Is he/ she aware of the impact of different leadership style depending on the VISA, characteristics, history of the employees? c. Coaching and Mentoring i. In how far does he/ she develop talent? Does he/ she show active listening skills? d. Diversity i. Does he/ she show awareness of diversity issues? ii. Does he/ she create an environment in which everyone is appreciated and empowered independent of age, gender, culture etc.? iii. Does he/ she appreciate different opinions, views, attitudes, etc.? iv. Does he/ she take the best out of diversity? v. Does he/ she recognize the fact that diversity leads to increased creativity and innovation? 1. Is there cultural awareness? Does he/ she understand that culture shapes the way you look at problems? 2. Can we explore any differences or conflicts that are shaped by cultural diversity? 3. Is there awareness of different generations at work? 4. How about gender diversity? e. Unleashing the collective genius i. It might be an idea to sum up whether he/ she is unleashing the collective genius of the team?

4. ORGANISATION a. High performance culture? Check whether the following points apply in the case? i. It starts at the top. ii. Measure the current culture. iii. Get top level buy-in to this change. iv. Clearly identify the organizations Purpose and Values, as well as begin to establish a Vision and Goals. v. Communicate the intentions to ALL employees about where the organization is going and why it is taking these measures. vi. Start teaching your managers how to create the environment that will be necessary for your new culture to be established, grow, and flourish. vii. Get everyone involved in being Personally Responsible for the success of the new culture, not just top leadership or management. b. Organisational Change Management i. Is there a culture of change? ii. Does he/ she support employees during change processes? iii. Do you explore change commitment/ sponsorship from management? iv. Are employees committed to change? v. Is there any systematic change management process? vi. Does he/ she focuses on communication, intervention and monitoring measures likewise to promote the change? vii. Is management in touch with the people during the change process? viii. Does management understand any sorrows, anxieties, uncertainties? Is management empathetic? c. HR, high performance people management practices i. Are people management practices aligned with corporate strategy? 1. Are the peoples performance measures in line with corporate goals? ii. Is he/ she aware of the necessity of talent as a critical success factor/ competitive edge? iii. Has the company proper talent management, succession management and performance management installed? 1. Do they attract, develop and retain talent? Do they have the right people on board? 2. Is he/ she aware of the different skills and competencies in the team and act accordingly? 3. Is he/ she aware of the different skills, competencies and capabilities in the team? Are employees treated according to their levels of competence? 4. Are there appropriate training measures in place? d. Employee relations i. Are employee relations good, trustworthy, stimulating? ii. Does management build and maintain trust? e. Negotiation: i. Does he/ she shows good negotiation skills? ii. Does he/ she considers people, processes and problem likewise? Does he/she tries to figure out the underlying issues and concerns? 5. Purpose of People management and organisational leadership: a. It might be an idea to sum up whether this company builds and leverages human capital as a competitive advantage?

6. SOCIETY a. Does he/ she show the characteristics of a Servant leader: an ethics of care towards staff, society and environment? b. Does he/ she manages to create sustainable stakeholder relations? c. Does he/ she as shows the art of building and sustaining morally sound relationships with all relevant stakeholders of an organization? d. Ethics and Society i. Did he/ she give voice to values? ii. Does he/ she or the company make ethically decisions? iii. How does he/ she deal with dilemmas? e. Corporate Citizenship i. Since companies depend on global development it is in their interest to help improve the state of the world: Does he/ she show these characteristics? ii. Does he/ she show an ethical relationship of responsibility between the company and the society in which it operates? f. To sum it up: In how far does he/ she manages, understands and interprets the interface between leadership and society


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