The Internet Has Forever Changed The Way We Live

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The Internet has forever changed the way we live

Nowadays, in my opinion no one can deny the importance of Internet because it is influencing our daily life. Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse three times, we can get access to the information high way, which provides we a lot of valuable source of information and communication. The Internet plays a major role in the life of everyone. It bring people of the world closer together. It makes the world smaller because through the Internet we can communicate with people from all over the world. Most of people live virtual life even more than the real one. People meet one another in the Internet, fall in love and even love. They dont need our appearance, they love we as we are, our thoughts and manners. We can find virtual true friends in the Internet world. We can tell him or her all secrets we have and they will not gossip or laugh at you. The Internet resources help people get latest news, improve knowledge by providing access online libraries. It is the center of attention for business, governments and individual person around the world. It has spawned entirely, new industries transformed existing ones and become a global cultural phenomena. Communicating through the Internet gives the opportunity to know and other people of another nation and find out their culture to make comparison between regions and even to learn new things form that communicated with. I can assert that the Internet will change our lives in every aspect of life. Without a doubt I can say thet the use of the Internet around the world is doubling every months. The Internet is becoming faster all the time and we can already watch video and communicate with each other more easily. I suppose that many people now work at home via the Internet. It has created unlimited new business opportunities. I strongly believe that nowadays more and more pople need to go out and meet other people.eople from the world use email address instead of writing letters to keep in touch with their friends. But I have no doubt that the Internet will not change everything in our lives because people need to go out and meet other people. People need to draw fresh air because they must to be healthier. Im afraid I dont agree reading so much on a computer screen because it is uncomfortable and has negative influence especially on our eyes. Thats why people will never stop wanting to read, listen to music and be entertained in traditional ways. Finally, Im pretty sure that the importance of Internet will continue to grow. And to my mind, life without the Internet would be dull, but we need to live a real life, not a virtual one. I really can say that the Internet has forever changed the way we live.

One of holiday celebrated in Great Britain, Moldova and USA in greater detail
In the world exist many holidays which are celebrated different in every country. Id like to characterize Christmas in three statea from the world as Moldova, Great Britain and USA. I choose this holiday because it is one of the most festive holiday in many countries around the world. It is a Christian holiday in memory of Jesus Christs birth and most people celebrate the day on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, but many Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on January 7 like Moldovans. There are many ways to celebrate Christmas and people from different countries blend their cultural traditions with more universal Christmas celebration. For Moldova, Great Britain and USA are specific to have decorated Christmas trees, either real or fake. Although Moldovans usually decorate Christmas trees on New Years Eve, and some call it the New Year tree. The Christmas trees for British and Americans or New Year tree for Moldovans are beautifully decorated with colored lights, angels and bright ornaments. In Great Britain in addition on the tree are hung little packets with nuts, candies and special biscuits. In USA and Great Britain are present traditions to decorate the exterior of house with small, bright-colored lights. In my opinion it are looking very beautiful and create an wonderful atmosphere. Also in these three state people buying gifts to present each other and sending Christmas cards. Children waiting to receive gifts from Santa Claus. In USA and Great Britain he puts his sweets into the Christmas stokings, but in Moldova Santa puts his gifts under the Christmas tree. I dont really believe in Santa but I believe thet Christmas is a very unusual holiday when the wonders happen and all dreams may come true. Usually children from these states come around in the evening to the front doors and start singing carols and the people living in these houses give children candies, nuts, pies and so on, to thank them for carol singing. When the meal is ready the real Christmas comes with the big dinner, gifts, sweets and illumination. Christmas time is the most beautiful time of year, the time of love, joy and hopes. It is a special holiday for all the people around the world and it has its traditions which are different or similar.

The way you treat yourself sets the standards for other

Feelings are different. We know how to feel and how to behave, but we dont know exactly how to express it. If you allow for subpar standards in your life, do not shrink or get aggravated when people treat you in a subpar manner. Many of us dont recognize exactly how much greatness that we actually have on the inside of ourselves, and too many times we get caught up in trying to please everyone by telling ourselves no, thet we start to lose ourselves and end up frustrated in the end. Respect is an word ehich you dont use and dont hear every day, but you know that you have right to be respected as a personality. And if you treat yourself with respect the others will treat you with that same respect. If you have low esteem, you shouldnt expect others to think highly of you. You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standard for yourself. And then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards. Instead of treating yourself poorly, and not taking the care that you need to take in your life, including thing like the continual education, and development of your spiritual and phycal body, treat yourself like you want others treat you. No one who are treating you better than yourself. You are the person that what you need, what you want and how to behave with your own person. It is indispensable to treat yourself as well you can. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. Plant your own flower, decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring your flowers. Im pretty convinced that treat yourself as you would like others to treat you is one of the most important things in life. You must never forget that the way you treat yourself sets the standards for other persons.

Happiness is a value worth pursuing

Most of us want to be happy. But what is happiness? Is it something that you feel at a fleeting moment or does it has to last certain amount of time before it can officially be called as happiness? While the thought of blazing through the sky after jumping out of a plane may spell utter bliss for some, others may shiver at the mere mention of it. What one person defines as something that keeps them smiling may be just the thing that makes another person miserable. Experts say that happiness is an emotion, and just like any emotion, it comes and goes. Also like any emotion, some people simply seem to experience it more than others. It is even believed by some that the everyone has a happiness baseline. If this is true, then no matter what happiness in our life, we will always return to our original level of happiness after a certain amount of time. So our life is like a value of pursuing the feelings of happiness. Of course, there are many other things that can contribute to our happiness other than those listed above. Although this may come as a surprise to many, money does not account for much when it comes to happiness. Once people accumulate wealth, they are not any more satisfied with their than those who can only afford to meet their most basic needs. In the search of happiness, we often look to others to make us happy. Then when we find ourselves anything less that pleased, we play the blame game and hold them responsible for the cause of our feelings. However, only we can be held accountable for our own happiness because only we have the power to change the situation we are in. When it comes to achieving happiness, it is important not to forget the small stuff. By concentrating too much on being happy, you may be missing out on the little things that are right in front of you every day that can cause enjoyment. Simply appreciating the little things in life and learning to love, forgive, laugh, and live can lead to lifelong satisfaction. Now that we are armed with the map to happiness, we may be wondering where to start. As with anything, happiness does not magically appear overnight because we can neither buy happiness, nor sell it; you can never win it in the lottery; the only way to be happy is to grow your happiness. I am sure that the happiness is in our heart! Follow your heart, your passion and your dreams to be really happy! This is the easiest and at the same time the hardest way to achieve the happiness.

Different countries have reputations for being good at different sports. Think of some exemples

In the world exists many type of sports. Some of these are more interesting than others for different people. For example, Americans have reputations for being good at baseball, volleyball and basketball. Basketball and volleyball are invented in United States of America. In USA are presented and another types of sports near the enumerated sports. It can be explained by the size and variety of country. Another reason of the popularity of sports is the peoples love of competitions of any kind and wishes to have the best reputations at different sports. One more reason is that Americans use sports activities for teaching social values, such as teamwork and sportsmanship. All these explain why Americans have traditionally done well in many kinds of sports, especially at baseball, ice-hockey and others. The British are great lovers of sports and they have reputations for being good at football, rugby and tennis. Professional football is a big business in Great Britain. Wimbledon is the centre of lawn tennis. Furthermore English men pay much attention to swimming, rowing and walkink. In generally, in Great Britain we can not say about the reputations for being good at one type of sports because many kinds of sports have taken the origin in England. The Australians has a good reputations for being good swimmers, the Chinese are the best gymnastics and Spanish has a good reputations at soccer. Different countries have reputations for being goods at different sports because it are influnced by territorial and ethnic characteristics such as climate and topography of the country, the culture and traditions of the people who inhabit in it. In colder climates are better developed winter sports, and closer to the Equator summer sports. If the entire country is plain, it is not likely to be good at alpine skiing. Some traditional sports in any country which are few popular in the world promote successes in other sports in certain countries. The success of Brazilian football players did not achieve without capoeira. But curling didnt a final role in what Canadians do on the hochey site. Finally, I want say that The Moldovan atlets are making significant progress at the global level, not at all typical sports such as, for example, the Greco-Roman wrestling. And Moldovans has reputations for being good at weightlifting. This year Moldova took three medals at European Championship. But the reputation of the countries is due primarly to climatic condition. In a country where winter prevails, will practice winter sports and where the prevailing climate is warm, will be practiced summer sports.

This is almost nothing in your life that is not touched by language

Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words. What is it about language that makes people so curios? The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language. We live in and by language. Among the cultural goods that people could create, language occupied a prominent place. Language is not only a medium of understanding between individuals, but serves as a tool of deep insight and interpretation of human life. Language represents all verbal expressions which are learned by every community of people to make understanding between them. Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, cultural ties, and economic relationships. Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness. Brains and knowledge are what create the prosperity and growth we tend to take for granted. Even our thoughts, dreams take birth along with the utterance of the words. everything is transposed on sheets or exposed only minutes with the help of words, enunturilor, generally with the help of the spoken language. And it is very important to know to speak, combine and make sentences with words. In my vision it is a game with word where everyone is a player, someone better than another. And win the player who know to realize a good discussion in few minutes. The language has helm to any destination what you want to achieve, and a bad player will quickly fall out of the field of play. Language touching any untouched corner from the really life of today. It is the one that follows every movement of every man. It is both in our consciousness when we think without talking, and when we relate what we want from this life. I can conclude that language is very necessary part of our life and we doesnt exist without it. It is all we need to be presented in the social, cultural, economic and political daily life. We must to develop it and it will help us to be a personality, a valuable personality in the society.

Do you think it is a dangerous thing to judge about a nation by existing stereotypes? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In my opinion it is a dangerous think to judge about a nation by existing stereotypes, because stereotypes is a fixed idea that is

generally held about the characteristics of a particular type of person which are wrongly believed to be shared by all the people of that type. Many of this stereotypes say about people. For example not to judge the Chinese about their stereotypes : All Chinese look the same. This thing not true, because everyone Chinese are unique in China. Others say it because Chinese nation resembles. Many says what: All Arabs are terrorists which says that all Arabs including children are terrorist but this thing true. This stereotype formed because a group of terrorist done something wrong. Even stereotypes applied to a racial group become inconsistent when members of that group are broken down by national origin. A case in point is that stereotypes about black Americans differ from those about blacks from the Caribbean or blacks from African nations. Such discrepancies indicate that stereotypes make little sense and arent useful tools by which to judge others based on just a few aspects of their identity. Negative stereotypes are a schematic idea of someone. Usually they are formed when people are required it wrong. Audiovisual media often tell us, for example that gypsies stole him on such and such. Did they steel gypsies, but only a person of Roma? Or we camunicated, Romanians in Ukraine leading cigarettes. Are all the people Romanian trafficked cigarettes , or border was retained only a Romanian citizen? Similarly, in the mainds of many were roote negative stereotypes and that Jews are smart, Russians -drunks, Ukranians - stingy, Lituanians very slower, Georgians aggressive. In the middle of every nation there are people smart, drunken, greedy, aggressive. Nationality not determine these traits or specific human behavior, but education, some psychological traits we should not make a wrong picture well that there is no bush wood forest. As a conclusion must not judge about a nation by existing stereotypes. For my knowledge stereotypes doesnt represents every person from society and so I say that we cant characterize all people from any country after the dominant characteristic in it.



English lesson
Realized by: Nastas Alina The student group FA 1006 G Coordinated by: Tirsina Daniela Professor of English
Chisinau, 2012

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