Decisions Sample 1

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Manhattan, NY The fabulous outside view of the Ritz Carlton was overshadowed by its dazzling silk and flower

laced inside lobby. The conference room next to the lobby was even more glorious, and was teeming with a slew of chatty guests holding Imperial champagne glasses. Dressed in all white, Alverez Zsapata and his stunningly attractive new bride, Dalearah CarreraZsapata, stood laughing amid a small crowd people. This is the best day of my life, Dalearah whispered to her groom. Alverez gazed into her eyes. I am the luckiest man in the world to have someone as beautiful as you. Dalearah smiled and kissed him on the lips. Not far away, Alverezs childhood friend and best man, Sergio Juarez, was standing with a group of colleagues. He was talking with retired diplomat Kyme Lee and business associate Merlin Harris. This is very good champagne, Sergio said in his heavy accent. Good indeed, Kyme replied. Sergio placed his champagne flute on a small round table. But Ill stick to my trusted Dom Perignon, he said. Im loyal, and loyalty is important. Dont you agree Merlin? Uh, of course, Merlin said, caught off guard, of course it is... A majority of the people present at the bridal shower were talking, smiling and drinking. Alverez and Dalearah were holding hands and gazing at one another. I am sooo happy, Dalearah confessed, seeming to glow. I want to be with you all the time. He kissed her softly on the lips and told her, I will provide you with any and everything you need to stay happy.

With a sincere smile, she assured, I just want to be with you my love. That is all I need to stay happy. Alverez noticed Sergio looking over in his direction. He nodded at Sergio then focused his attention back to Dalearah. Honey, I have a surprise for you, he said. But first, I must leave for a brief moment, to take care of some important business. She frowned and said, Right now, in the middle of our wedding reception? He gently put his hands on the side of her shoulders and whispered, Yes, but I will be right back, I promise. He kissed her on the forehead and said, I love you honey ... Now go, have fun with your friends for now. We will reunite before you know it. Alverez gave her an intimate hug and then they separated. He turned around and began to walk over to where Sergio, Kyme and Merlin were. Once he reached them over by the bar, he said, Gentlemen, lets go for a ride. Shall we? Sergio added. Go for a ride? Kyme asked. Right now? Alverez said, No need for you to come, Mr. Lee. This will be a quick spin around the block for myself, Sergio and Merlin. Huh? Merlin said, starting to act weird. A business meeting? Precisely, Alverez said with authority. Lets go. The three of them headed towards the exit. Kyme Lee stayed behind and grabbed another drink.

-Minutes later Merlin was trembling in the back of a stretch limousine. He was sweating like a pig near a

butcher. His mouth was gagged, wrists were bound, and the look on his face was similar to an abused pet on the ASPCA commercials. He was stuffed between two burly henchmen on one side of the limo. Across from them sat Alverez, Sergio and another henchman. Alverez looked at Merlin and asked, My friend, did you think that I would never find out? Alverez had a closed notebook on his lap. He opened it up and started to tap the keyboard. He turned the screen towards Merlin and made him watch. What is the meaning of this? he grilled, as a video came on. The footage showed Merlin standing in a desolate parking lot, shaking hands with two men in DEA jackets. Alverez slammed the laptop closed and shouted, You fucking traitor! You trying to ruin my empire, my life? Merlin moaned and twisted his head. I took care of you! I brought you in and made you rich, Alverez lectured. And this is the thanks I get? Alverez was disgusted. He regained his composure and said, You know Merlin? I normally dont come out for these, justice rides. I am a very busy man. I own several businesses and I sit on several community boards... The limo pulled into the back parking lot of an old condemned warehouse, and parked by a corner in the buildings shadow. ...But because I once considered you a trusted employee, Alverez continued, I am here to see you off. Merlins eyeballs moved side-to-side, trying to forecast what was going to happen next. Alverez ended his piercing stare and turned to nod at the henchmen. Merlin was yanked out of the car by the

thugs and dragged to the inside of the abandoned building. Alverez and Sergio got out and followed. Once inside they sat him down and contained him in a chair. One of the henchmen grabbed Merlins arms and held out his bound hands. Another one of the goons held him still while the other pulled out a pair of hedge clippers and began to effortlessly slash off Merlins fingers like a gardener clipping hedges. Merlin grunted and cried in pain. Shh, shh... Alverez whispered. Only a couple more to go. And then the toes! Sergio squinted while watching the affliction. Blood was squirting so he moved out of the way. He pulled out a small vial of coke and proceeded to take two bumps while listening to the torture. Once the henchmen completed the amputations, Merlin fell out of the chair and was on the floor barely conscious. Alverez smiled with satisfaction. Stupid bastard, he said while staring down at him. Then he looked at the henchmen and said, Make him disappear ... And clean up all the evidence. The henchmen nodded and got to work. They had a steel tub, cans of gasoline, a rope, a fire extinguisher, a mop and some bleach. A ride will be back here for you all in thirty minutes, he told the henchmen, so make it fast. Alverez walked towards where Sergio was and they left the building. The limo was waiting by the curb when they got outside. The chauffeur immediately hopped out and opened the door for them. He gave Sergio a cigarette and handed Alverez a Scotch on the rocks. Send someone back here to pick up the boys in half an hour, Alverez said to the driver, before sliding into the back of the car. Yes sir, said the chauffeur, closing the door behind them.

Suburban Washington DC 2018 An electronic voice of a human businesswoman emitted from the computer system of a Range Rover X Coupe. You are going northeast at eleven miles per hour. Trees as tall as beanstalks stood high above the well manicured lawns along the path of a smooth neighborhood road. Twenty three year old Christopher Klughes decreased the speed of his electronic luxury whip in order to make a right turn onto Maplehurst Court. He coasted the compact SUV to a driveway entrance at the top center of the court, and rolled onto the cement-gravel paved driveway of the Reynolds residence. The driveway curved through the trees and around to the back of the residence. The multistory brick and fiberglass dwelling had a solar paneled rooftop and a glass walkway that connected the inside of the garage to the inside of the house. Chris stopped the sports utility coupe in front of a closed three-car garage. He touched a button that stopped the flow of electricity in the engine. Looks like no one is home, he said before getting out. The passenger, Gabriel Juarez, looked at his Movado SE Extreme watch and said, He should be

here. Last night I told him wed be comin through around noon. Chris opened the door and hopped out of the vehicle without spilling his drink. Gabriel did the same. Chris was biracial and Gabriel was Hispanic. Chris had strong comely facial features with a somewhat pointy nose and caramelized looking skin. Gabriel had hazel eyes, a black goatee and mid length curly hair like Vinny Chase. Both of them were intelligent and ambitious young men. Down at the end of the pathway from the garage to the back of the house, was a blinking light. It was connected to an intercommunication system built into the cement wall next to the back door of the Reynolds residence. Chris approached the flickering light and pressed the door chime on the intercom. Gabriel went to the back door and started peeping through the diamond shaped glass window that was centered near the top. Somebodys here, he said as he looked inside. This little window would be covered if no one was home. On the other side of the door was a sparkling porcelain white kitchen with a long center island, a breakfast bar, and a beautiful morning room next to it. Beyond there was a large den with yellow lights shimmering from beneath elegant lampshades, accompanied by matching furniture, lovely plants, and floor to ceiling arched windows. After thirty seconds of waiting for a reply to the doorbell, Chris pressed the button again three more times. Damn, he said, taking a step back to look up at one of the second floor windows. Rolando must be knocked the fuck out.

Decisions, Decisions Spring 2013

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