Cooperative Work 3r Ep Animals

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/ SECRETARY: / Victria / Judith /Albert / Pol / Marc Walter - SILENCE AND ORDER: Sergi / Mateo / Salvador / Alba / lex /Joan Maria. - SPEAKER: lvaro / David / Marina / Nana / Aida / Marc Aureli - DESIGNER / SUPERVISOR: Suhail Differents kinds of animals depending on: 1-) WHERE THEY LIVE: they live / they dont live They are / they arent On land= a terra In water= a la terra In the air= a laire On land and in water Extinct= extingit Mammal= mamfer (feeds on milk from its mother body) Amphibian/ amphibious= amfibi (they live on land and in water) Reptail= reptile (lays eggs and it has a scaly skin) Birds= Fish= 2-) RELATION WITH THE PEOPLE: they are Wild animal= salvatge Domestic animal= animal domstc Pet animal= de companyonia Farm animal= de granja 3-) FOOD AND EATING: they are/ they arent they eat /they donteat Carnivore /carnivorous Herbivore / herbivorus They eat: Meat= carn Leaves= fulls Grass= herba Fish= peix Insects= insects Grain= gra

4-) PARTS OF THE BODY: They have got/ havent got

Fur= pel Scales= escates Paw= potes Wings= ales Claw=urpa, ungla Tail=cua

Feathers=plomes Horn= cuerno Antenna / antennae =antenes

5-) ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR: they can /cant. -They can run: crrer -They can swim: nadar -They can fly: volar -They can hop, jump: saltar - They sleep: dormer 6-) STRUCTURE: they have spine / they havent got spine VERTEBRATES: - MAMMAL - BIRDS - FISH - REPTILE -AMPHIBIAN


It can help you to have a look at: %20potatoes/web_mjose/animales.htm


Bird Fish Cat Dog Horse Cow Pig Sheep Lion Leopard Tiger buffalo Snake Parrot Elephant Turtle Tortoise Mouse Monkey Giraffe Rabbit Donkey Fox Squirrel=esquirol Rhinoceros Zebra Hippopotamus Hare=llebre Seal= Polar Bear= Koala Gorilla= Wolf= Deer=crvol

Lizard=llangardaix Shark Jellyfish Eagle=

AUTOAVALUACI DEL TREBALL COOPERATIU. ANIMALS_____________________________________ Colour your answers GROUP __ My work EDUARD
I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my p hotos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

Cooperative work

Solving problems


AUTOAVALUACI DEL TREBALL COOPERATIU. ANIMALS____________________________________ Colour your answers GROUP __ My work AINA
I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my p hotos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

Cooperative work

Solving problems


AUTOAVALUACI DEL TREBALL COOPERATIU. ANIMALS ____________________________________ Colour your answers GROUP __ My work MARIONA
I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my p hotos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

Cooperative work

Solving problems


AUTOAVALUACI DEL TREBALL COOPERATIU. ANIMALS ____________________________________ Colour your answers GROUP __ My work IVAN
I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my p hotos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

Cooperative work

Solving problems



ANIMALS__________________________________ Colour your answers GROUP __ My work ROGER

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my p hotos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English I had my photos and pictures when we needed them I brought my photos and pictures late. I didnt have my photos and pictures when we needed them I cooperate with my group helping with my abilities Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt know what to do. I didnt cooperate with my group because my team didnt let me to do it. I didnt cooperate with my group because I didnt want to. We used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems Sometimes we used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems We never used the pen in the middle of the table to speak and solve problems I have learnt how to describe and classify animals in English. I have some problems with the name of the animals in English and its classification. I dont know how to classify and describe the animals in English

Cooperative work

Solving problems



ANIMALS__________________________________ Colour your answers

I had my photos I had my photos I had my photos and I had my photos I had my photos and and pictures when and pictures when pictures when we and pictures when pictures when we we needed them we needed them needed them we needed them needed them I brought my I brought my I brought my p I brought my I brought my photos and pictures photos and pictures hotos and pictures photos and pictures photos and pictures EXPOSITION late. late. late. late. late. I didnt have my I didnt have my I didnt have my I didnt have my I didnt have my photos and pictures photos and pictures photos and pictures photos and pictures photos and pictures GROUP 1 we needed GROUP when we needed 2 GROUPwhen we needed 3 GROUPwhen we needed 4 GROUP 5 we needed GROUP 6 when when them them them them them POSTER SPEAKING POSTER SPEAKING POSTER POSTER SPEAKING I cooperate with my SPEAKING with I cooperate POSTER SPEAKING with I cooperate POSTER SPEAKING Cooperative I cooperate with my I cooperate with GROUP group helping with my group helping group helping with my group helping my group helping work 1 my abilities with my abilities my abilities with my abilities with my abilities Sometimes I didnt Sometimes I didnt Sometimes I didnt Sometimes I didnt Sometimes I didnt cooperate with my cooperate with my cooperate with my cooperate with my cooperate with my GROUP group because I group because I group because I group because I group because I 2 didnt know what to didnt know what didnt know what to didnt know what didnt know what to do. to do. do. to do. do. GROUP I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate with my group with my group with my group with my group with my group 3 because my team because my team because my team because my team because my team didnt let me to do didnt let me to do didnt let me to do didnt let me to do didnt let me to do GROUP it. it. it. it. it. 4 I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate I didnt cooperate with my group with my group with my group with my group with my group because I didnt because I didnt because I didnt because I didnt because I didnt GROUP want to. want to. want to. want to. want to. 5 We used the pen in We used the pen in We used the pen in We used the pen in We used the pen in Solving the middle of the the middle of the the middle of the the middle of the the middle of the problems GROUP table to speak and table to speak and table to speak and table to speak and table to speak and 6 solve problems solve problems solve problems solve problems solve problems Sometimes we used Sometimes we Sometimes we used Sometimes we Sometimes we used the pen in the used the pen in the the pen in the used the pen in the the pen in the middle middle of the table middle of the table middle of the table middle of the table of the table to speak to speak and solve to speak and solve to speak and solve to speak and solve and solve problems VG = VERY problems problems problems problems GOOG We never used the We never used the We never used the We never used the We never used the pen in the middle of pen in the middle pen in the middle of pen in the middle pen in the middle of G= GOOD the table to speak of the table to the table to speak of the table to the table to speak and OK= OK and solve problems speak and solve and solve problems speak and solve solve problems NOT GOOD= NG problems problems I have learnt how to I have learnt how I have learnt how to I have learnt how I have learnt how to Learning describe and to describe and describe and to describe and describe and classify classify animals in classify animals in classify animals in classify animals in animals in English. English. English. English. English. I have some I have some I have some I have some I have some problems problems with the problems with the problems with the problems with the with the name of the name of the animals name of the name of the animals name of the animals in English in English and its animals in English in English and its animals in English and its classification.

GROUP __ My work






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