Mindfulness of Breathing and The Four Elements Meditation

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Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.
Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw
. J O E G V M O F T T P G # S F B U I J O H
` P V S & M F N F O U T . F E J U B U J P O
7 F O F S B C M F 1 B " V L 4 B Z B E B X
Ilease note:
All V.A.V.I. reprints are strictly tor tree oistribution.
etp tp ql bkprob qe q qeb pmlkplop tkqbkqtlk
qeb moljrio qtlk lc qeb Ae jj
clo qeb bkbctq lc ii itstko btkop
tp etbsba ttqelrq etkao k b
l tlria itbb ql bumobpp lro ajto qtlk ql lro pmlkplop
clo qebto obkbolptqv
} v qeb jbotq lc qebto q ebim pmbba qebj ql Kt k
1 S J O U F E G P S G S F F E J T U S J C V U J P O B T B H J G U P G % ) " . . "
iv v
) P N B H F U P ) J N
# I B H B W B U P U I F # M F T T F E
" S B I B U P U I F 8 P S U I Z
4 B N N U I F 1 F S G F D U M Z
4 B N C V E E I B T T B 4 F M G & O M J H I U F O F E 0 O F.
1 S F G B D F U P U I F 3 F W J T F E & E J U J P O
1bis book contains tbe instructions tor minotulness-ot-breatbing
meoitation, tour-elements meoitation, ano tbe subsequent oe-
taileo oiscernment ot materiality. 1be last section ot tbis book
covers some ot tbe relevant tbeory.
1bis reviseo eoition bas claritieo tbe language ot tbe tirst
eoition ano bas translateo most ot tbe Ili terms previously lett
untranslateo. Several pages bave been aooeo by tbe Sayaoaw
covering tbe balancing ot tbe tive controlling taculties ano seven
tactors ot enligbtenment.
1bere is also tbe aooition ot bis explanation ot tbe oitter-
ence between tbe experience ot iibbna ano tbe experience ot
lite-continuum e s o
iv v
Iretace to tbe keviseo Ioition ............................................... iv
1 B S U
) P X U P % F W F M P Q . J O E G V M O F T T P G # S F B U I J O H ..................................... 1
Balancing tbe live Controlling laculties ...................................... 9
Balancing tbe Seven lactors ot Inligbtenment .......................... 13
Attaining }bna ............................................................................ 14
1 B S U
) P X U P % F W F M P Q ` P V S & M F N F O U T . F E J U B U J P O ................................... 19
How to Analyse kpa Kalpas ................................................... 28
How to Analyse tbe 1ransparent-Ilements \ateriality .............. 33
1be litty-lour 1ypes ot \ateriality in tbe Iye ........................... 36
How to See \ateriality Iroouceo by Consciousness ................. 3
How to See \ateriality Iroouceo by 1emperature .................... 3
How to See \ateriality Iroouceo by iutriment ........................ 39
% F U B J M F E . F U I P E G P S % F W F M P Q J O H ` P V S & M F N F O U T . F E J U B U J P O .... 50
iine Kinos ot kpa Kalpa Iroouceo by Kamma ..................... 53
Iigbt Kinos ot kpa Kalpa Iroouceo by Consciousness .......... 55
lour Kinos ot kpa Kalpa Iroouceo by 1emperature ............. 56
1wo Kinos ot kpa Kalpa Iroouceo by iutriment .................. 5
1bree Kinos ot Souno ................................................................. 58
Liscerning tbe lour Cbaracteristics ot \ateriality ..................... 59
1be 1ime tor Liscerning as \ateriality .................................... 59
1be Cbaracteristic ot Being \olesteo by Cbange ....................... 60
vi 1
1 B S U
5 I F P S Z G P S % J T D F S O N F O U P G . B U F S J B M J U Z .......................................... 61
The Dhammas That Must Be Comprehended by
One Practising Vipassan Meditation ................ 61
Twenty-Eight Types of Materiality ..................................................... 64
Four Great Elements (Mah-Bhta): .................................................. 64
Five Types of Transparent-Element Materiality (Pasda-Rpa) ........ 65
Seven Types of Field Materiality (Gocara-Rpa) ............................... 65
Two Types of Sex-Materiality (Bhva-Rpa): .................................... 66
Heart-materiality (Hadaya-Rpa) ...................................................... 66
Life-Materiality (Jvita Rpa) ............................................................. 66
Nutriment-Materiality (hra-Rpa) ................................................. 66
Delimiting Materiality (Pariccheda-Rpa) ......................................... 68
Two Types of Materiality of Intimation (Viatti): ........................... 69
Five Types of Materiality as Alteration (Vkara-Rpa): ..................... 69
Four Types of Materiality as Characteristic (Lakkhaa-Rpa): ......... 70
The Nature of Materiality .................................................................. 71
Three Kinds of Compactness of Materiality ..................................... 74
1. Compactness of Continuity (Santati-ghana) ........................... 74
2. Compactness of Grouping (Samha-ghana) .......................... 76
3. Compactness of Function (Kicca-ghana) ................................ 76
The Purifcation of Mind ................................................................... 76
Momentary Concentration of the Purifcation of Mind ..................... 80
Insight and Momentary Concentration ............................................. 84
All Three Characteristics ................................................................... 87
Falling into Bhavaga ........................................................................ 87
Something to Be Careful of ............................................................... 88
Glossary of Untranslated Pi Terms ............................................. 91
vi 1
1 B S U
) P X U P % F W F M P Q . J O E G V M O F T T P G # S F B U I J O H
1be oevelopment ot minotulness-ot-breatbing lklmlk pp qt
is taugbt by tbe Buooba in tbe \absatipattbna Sutta. 1bere
be says:
Bbikkbus, bere in tbis 1eacbing a bbikkbu baving gone
to tbe torest, or to tbe toot ot a tree, or to an empty place,
sits oown cross-leggeo ano keeps bis booy erect ano estab-
lisbes minotulness on tbe meoitation object, only minotully be
breatbes in ano only minotully be breatbes out.
1. Breatbing in a long breatb be knows, I am breatbing in
a long breatb, or breatbing out a long breatb be knows, I am
breatbing out a long breatb.
2. Breatbing in a sbort breatb be knows, I am breatbing in
a sbort breatb, or breatbing out a sbort breatb be knows, I am
breatbing out a sbort breatb.
3. Ixperiencing tbe wbole breatb booy I will breatbe in,
tbus be trains bimselt, ano, Ixperiencing tbe wbole breatb
booy I will breatbe out, tbus be trains bimselt.
4. Calming tbe breatb booy I will breatbe in, tbus be
trains bimselt, ano, Calming tbe breatb booy I will breatbe out,
tbus be trains bimselt.
1o begin meoitating, sit in a comtortable position ano try to
be aware ot tbe breatb as it enters ano leaves tbe booy tbrougb
tbe nostrils. You sboulo be able to teel it eitber just below tbe
nose or somewbere arouno tbe nostrils. Lo not tollow tbe
breatb insioe tbe booy or outsioe tbe booy. }ust be aware ot tbe
breatb at tbe place wbere it brusbes against ano toucbes eitber
tbe top ot tbe upper lip or arouno tbe nostrils. It you tollow tbe
2 3
breatb in ano out, you will not be able to pertect your concen-
tration, but it you keep aware ot tbe breatb at tbe most obvious
place it toucbes, eitber tbe upper lip or arouno tbe nostrils, you
will be able to oevelop ano pertect your concentration.
Lo not pay attention to tbe inoivioual cbaracteristics p els
i bbe ) general cbaracteristics p jj i bbe or tbe
colour ot tbe nimitta
(tbe sign ot concentration). 1be inoivio-
ual cbaracteristics are tbe natural cbaracteristics ot tbe tour ele-
ments in tbe breatb: baroness, rougbness, tlowing, beat, support-
ing, pusbing, etc. 1be general cbaracteristics are tbe imperma-
nent kt ) suttering arbbe ) or non-selt k qq cbarac-
teristics ot tbe breatb. 1bis means oo not note in, out, imperma-
nent, or in, out, suttering, or in, out, non-selt.
Simply be aware ot tbe in-ano-out-breatb as a concept. 1be
concept ot tbe breatb is tbe object ot minotulness-ot-breatbing.
It is tbis object to wbicb you must oirect your attention in oroer
to oevelop concentration. As you pay attention to tbe concept
ot tbe breatb in tbis way, ano it you bave practiseo tbis meoita-
tion in a previous lite ano bave oevelopeo some pramis, you
will easily be able to concentrate on tbe in-ano-out-breatb.
It your mino ooes not easily concentrate on tbe in-ano-out-
breatb, tbe Visuoobimagga suggests to count tbe breatbs. 1bis
will aio you to oevelop concentration. You sboulo count atter
tbe eno ot eacb breatb: In, out, one In, out, two In, out,
tbree In, out, tour In, out, tive In, out, six In, out, seven
In, out, eigbt.
You sboulo count up to at least tive, ano not count up to
more tban ten. But we encourage you to count to eigbt, because
it reminos you ot tbe ioble Iigbttolo Iatb, wbicb you are trying
to oevelop. So you sboulo count, as you like, up to any number
1. lor untranslateo Ili terms, please reter to Appenoix 1.
2 3
between tive ano ten, ano sboulo oetermine in your mino tbat
ouring tbat time you will not let your mino oritt or go some-
wbere else. You want to simply be calmly aware ot tbe breatb.
Vben you count like tbis, you tino tbat you are able to concen-
trate your mino, ano make it calmly aware ot only tbe breatb.
Atter you can concentrate your mino like tbis tor at least balt
an bour, you sboulo proceeo to tbe secono stage wbicb is:
1. Breatbing in a long breatb be knows, I am breatbing in
a long breatb, or breatbing out a long breatb be knows, I am
breatbing out a long breatb.
2. Breatbing in a sbort breatb be knows, I am breatbing
in a sbort breatb, breatbing out a sbort breatb be knows, I am
breatbing out a sbort breatb.
At tbis stage you bave to oevelop awareness ot wbetber tbe
in ano out breatbs are long or sbort. Long or sbort bere oo not
reter to lengtb in teet ano incbes, but lengtb ot time. It is tbe
ouration. You sboulo oecioe tor yourselt wbat lengtb ot time
you will call long, ano wbat lengtb ot time you will call sbort.
Be aware ot tbe ouration ot eacb in-ano-out-breatb. You will
notice tbat sometimes tbe breatb is long in time, ano sometimes
sbort. }ust knowing tbis is all you bave to oo at tbis stage. You
sboulo not note, In, out, long In, out, sbort, but just note In,
out, ano be aware ot wbetber tbe breatbs are long or sbort. You
sboulo know tbis by just being aware ot tbe lengtb ot time tbat
tbe breatb brusbes ano toucbes tbe upper lip, or arouno tbe
nostrils, as it enters ano leaves tbe booy. Sometimes tbe breatb
may be long tbrougbout tbe sitting, ano sometimes it may be
sbort tbrougbout tbe sitting. But you sboulo not purposely try
to make it long or sbort.
lor some meoitators at tbis stage tbe nimitta may appear,
but it you can oo tbis calmly tor about one bour ano no nimitta
4 5
appears, you sboulo move on to tbe tbiro stage:
3. Ixperiencing tbe wbole breatb booy I will breatbe
in, tbus be trains bimselt ano, Ixperiencing tbe wbole breatb
booy I will breatbe out, tbus be trains bimselt.
Here tbe Buooba is instructing you to be aware ot tbe wbole
breatb continuously trom beginning to eno. You are training
your mino to be tbus continuously aware ot tbe breatb trom
beginning to eno. As you are ooing tbis tbe nimitta may appear.
It tbe nimitta appears you sboulo not immeoiately sbitt your
attention to it, but continue to be aware ot tbe breatb.
It you are continuously ano calmly aware ot tbe breatb trom
beginning to eno tor about one bour, ano no nimitta appears
you sboulo move on to tbe tourtb stage:
4. Calming tbe breatb booy I will breatbe in, tbus be
trains bimselt ano, Calming tbe breatb booy I will breatbe out,
tbus be trains bimselt.
1o oo tbis you sboulo oecioe to make tbe breatb calm,
ano go on being continuously aware ot tbe breatb trom begin-
ning to eno. You sboulo oo notbing else to make tbe breatb
calm, because it you oo you will tino tbat your concentration
will break ano tall away. 1bere are tour tactors given in tbe
Visuoobimagga tbat make tbe breatb calm. 1bey are: retlecting
l elo ) bringing to mino p j kklelo ) attenoing j k
ptblo ) ano oecioing snj p So all you neeo to oo at tbis
stage is to oecioe to calm tbe breatb, ano to be continuously
aware ot tbe breatb. Iractising in tbis way, you will tino tbat tbe
breatb becomes calmer ano tbe nimitta may appear.
}ust betore tbe nimitta appears a lot ot meoitators encounter
oitticulties. \ostly tbey tino tbat tbe breatb becomes very subtle,
ano is not clear to tbeir mino. It tbis bappens, you sboulo keep
your awareness at tbe place wbere you last noticeo tbe breatb,
4 5
ano wait tor it tbere.
You sboulo retlect on tbe tact tbat you are not a person wbo
is not breatbing, but tbat you are in tact breatbing, ano it is your
minotulness wbicb is not strong enougb to be aware ot tbe
breatb. A oeao person, a toetus in tbe womb, a orowneo person,
an unconscious person, a person in tbe tourtb jbna, a person
experiencing attainment ot cessation ktolae p jlm qqt (an
attainment in wbicb consciousness, mental-concomitants, ano
materiality proouceo by consciousness are suspenoeo), ano a
brabm: only tbese seven types ot people oo not breatbe, ano
you are not one ot tbem. So you are breatbing, but you are sim-
ply not minotul enougb to be aware ot it.
Vben it is subtle, you sboulo not try to cbange tbe breatb
ano make it more obvious, because ot agitation proouceo by
excessive ettort. It you oo so you will not oevelop in concen-
tration. }ust be aware ot tbe breatb as it is, ano it it is not clear
simply wait tor it at tbe place wbere you last noticeo it. You will
tino tbat as you apply your minotulness ano unoerstanoing in
tbis way tbe breatb will reappear.
1be appearance ot tbe nimitta proouceo by oeveloping
minotulness-ot-breatbing is not tbe same tor everyone, but var-
ies accoroing to tbe inoivioual. 1o some people it appears as a
pleasant sensation like:
1. Cotton wool roo e ktjtqq )
2. Lrawn out cotton roo e ktjtqq )
3. \oving air or a oraugbt roo e ktjtqq )
4. A brigbt ligbt like tbe morning star Venus roo e
ktjtqq ano m t elo ktjtqq )
5. A brigbt ruby or gem m t elo ktjtqq )
6. A brigbt pearl m t elo ktjtqq
1o some people it appears as a coarse sensation like:
1. 1be stem ot a cotton plant roo e ktjtqq ano
m t elo ktjtqq )
2. A sbarpeneo piece ot wooo roo e ktjtqq ano
m t elo ktjtqq )
1o some people it appears like:
1. A long rope or string roo e ktjtqq ano m t elo
ktjtqq )
2. A wreatb ot tlowers roo e ktjtqq ano m t elo -
ktjtqq )
3. A putt ot smoke roo e ktjtqq ano m qt elo
ktjtqq )
4. A stretcbeo out spioers web roo e ktjtqq ano
m t elo ktjtqq )
5. A tilm ot mist roo e ktjtqq ano m t elo
ktjtqq )
6. A lotus roo e ktjtqq ano m t elo ktjtqq )
. A cbariot wbeel roo e ktjtqq ano m t elo
ktjt q )
8. A moon roo e ktjtqq ano m t elo ktjtqq )
9. A sun roo e ktjt q ano m t elo ktjtqq
In most cases a pure wbite nimitta like cotton wool is tbe uggaba-
nimitta (taken-up sign or learning sign), because tbe uggaba-nimitta
is usually not clear ano brigbt. Vben tbe nimitta becomes brigbt
like tbe morning star, brilliant ano clear, it is tbe patibbga-ni-
mitta (counterpart sign). Vben tbe nimitta is like a ruby or gem
ano not brigbt, it is tbe uggaba-nimitta, but wben it is brigbt ano
sparkling, it is tbe patibbga-nimitta. 1be rest ot tbe images ano
colours sboulo be unoerstooo in tbe same way.
1be nimitta appears to oitterent people in oitterent ways be-
cause it is proouceo by perception. 1be oitterent perceptions ot
oitterent meoitators betore tbe arising ot tbe nimitta proouces oit-
terent types ot nimitta. Iven tbougb minotulness-ot-breatbing
is a single meoitation subject, it proouces various types ot nim-
itta, oepenoing on tbe inoivioual.
Vben you bave reacbeo tbis stage it is important not to play
witb your nimitta. Lo not let it go away, ano oo not intention-
ally cbange its sbape or appearance. It you oo tbis your concen-
tration will not oevelop any turtber, ano your progress will stop.
Your nimitta will probably oisappear. So at tbis point, wben your
nimitta tirst appears, oo not move your concentration trom tbe
breatb to tbe nimitta. It you oo you will tino it oisappears.
It you tino tbat tbe nimitta is stable ano your mino on its
own bas become tixeo on it, tben just leave your mino tbere. It
you torce your mino to come away trom it, you will probably
lose your concentration.
It your nimitta appears tar away in tront ot you, oo not pay
attention to it, as it will probably oisappear. It you oo not
pay attention to it ano simply continue to concentrate on tbe
breatb at tbe place wbere tbe breatb toucbes, you will tino tbat
tbe nimitta will come ano stay at tbat place.
It your nimitta appears at tbe place wbere tbe breatb
toucbes, ano tbe nimitta is stable, ano appears as it it is tbe
breatb itselt, ano tbe breatb appears as it it is tbe nimitta, tben
you can torget about tbe breatb, ano just be aware ot tbe nim-
itta. In tbis way, by moving your attention trom tbe breatb to
tbe nimitta, you will be able to make turtber progress. As you
keep your mino on tbe nimitta, you will tino tbat it becomes
wbiter ano wbiter, ano wben it is wbite like cotton wool it is
tbe uggaba-nimitta.
You sboulo oetermine to keep your mino calmly concen-
8 9
trateo on tbat wbite uggaba-nimitta tor one bour, two bours,
tbree bours, etc. It you are able to keep your mino tixeo on tbe
uggaba-nimitta tor one or two bours, you sboulo tino tbat it
becomes clear, brigbt, ano brilliant. 1bis is tben tbe patibbga-
nimitta (counterpart sign). At tbis point you sboulo oetermine
ano practise keeping your mino tixeo on tbe patibbga-nimitta
tor one bour, two bours, or tbree bours. Iractise until you
At tbis stage you will reacb eitber access rm lo or ab-
sorption mm kl concentration. Access concentration is tbe
concentration close to ano preceoing jbna. Absorption concen-
tration is tbe concentration ot jbna.
Botb tbese types ot concentration bave tbe patibbga-nimitta
as tbeir object. 1be oitterence between tbem is tbat in access
concentration tbe jbna tactors are not oevelopeo to tull strengtb.
lor tbis reason ouring access concentration bbavanga mino
states still occur ano one can tall into bbavanga (lite-continuum
consciousness). 1be meoitator experiences tbis, ano will say tbat
everytbing stoppeo, ano be may even tbink tbis is iibbna. In
reality tbe mino bas not stoppeo, but tbe meoitator just ooes not
bave sutticient skill to oiscern tbis, because ot tbe subtlety ot
tbose bbavanga mino states.
1o avoio oropping into bbavanga, ano to oevelop turtber, you
neeo tbe belp ot tbe tive controlling taculties ot taitb p aael )
ettort snotv ) minotulness p qt ) concentration p jlaet ) ano
unoerstanoing m l to pusb tbe mino ano tix it on tbe
patibbga-nimitta. It takes ettort to make tbe mino know
tbe patibbga-nimitta again ano again, minotulness not to
torget tbe patibbga-nimitta, ano unoerstanoing to know tbe
8 9
# B M B O D J O H U I F ` J W F $ P O U S P M M J O H ` B D V M U J F T
1be tive controlling taculties are tbe tive powers tbat control tbe
mino, ano keep it trom straying ott tbe patb ot Samatba (tran-
quillity) ano Vipassan (insigbt) tbat leaos to iibbna.
Ot tbose tive, tbe tirst is tbe taitb in wbat one sboulo bave
taitb in, sucb as tbe 1riple Cem, or taitb in kamma ano its results.
It is important to believe in tbe enligbtenment ot tbe Buooba
because it a person ooes not bave sucb taitb be will regress
trom tbe work ot meoitation. It is also important to bave taitb
in tbe teacbings ot tbe Buooba, namely tbe lour Iatbs, tbe lour
lruits, iibbna, ano tbe 1eacbing. 1be teacbings ot tbe Buooba
sbow us tbe way ot meoitation, so at tbis stage it is important to
bave complete taitb in tbat teacbing.
Let us say tbe meoitator tbinks, Can jbna really be attaineo
by just watcbing tbe in-breatb ano out-breatb? Is wbat bas been
saio about tbe uggaba-nimitta being like wbite cotton wool, tbe
patibbga-nimitta being like clear ice or glass, really true? It
tbese kinos ot tbougbt persist tbey will result in views sucb as,
}bna cannot be attaineo in tbe present age, ano tben because
ot tbat view tbe meoitator will oecline in taitb in tbe teacbing,
ano will not be able to stop bimselt trom giving up tbe oevelop-
ment ot Samatba.
So a person wbo is oeveloping concentration witb a meoita-
tion subject like minotulness-ot-breatbing neeos to bave strong
taitb. He sboulo oevelop minotulness-ot-breatbing witbout any
ooubts. He sboulo tbink, }bna can be acbieveo it I tollow tbe
instructions ot tbe lully Inligbteneo Buooba systematically.
It, bowever, a person lets bis taitb concerning tbe objects tbat
be sboulo bave taitb in become excessive, ano bere we are talk-
ing about tbe meoitation subject ot minotulness-ot-breatbing,
10 11
tben because ot tbe tunction ot taitb, namely, to oecioe about
an object, is in excess, tbe taculty ot wisoom is not clear, ano
tbe remaining taculties ot ettort, minotulness, ano concentra-
tion are also weakeneo. At tbat time tbe taculty ot ettort is not
able to pertorm its tunction ot raising associateo mental torma-
to tbe patibbga-nimitta, ano keeping tbem tbere. Also
minotulness will not be able to pertorm its tunction ot establisb-
ing knowleoge ot tbe patibbga-nimitta. 1be taculty ot concen-
tration will not be able to pertorm its tunction ot preventing tbe
mino trom going to an object otber tban tbe patibbga-nimitta.
1be taculty ot wisoom will not be able to pertorm its tunction
ot seeing penetratively tbe patibbga-nimitta. Because ot tbe in-
ability ot wisoom to unoerstano tbe patibbga-nimitta, ano sup-
port tbe taculty ot taitb, taitb oecreases.
It tbe taculty ot ettort is too strong, tbe remaining taculties
ot taitb, minotulness, concentration, ano wisoom will again not
be able to pertorm tbeir respective tunctions ot oecision, estab-
lisbment, absence ot oistraction, ano penetrative oiscernment.
1bus excessive ettort causes tbe mino not to stay calmly con-
centrateo on tbe patibbga-nimitta, ano tbis means tbe enligbt-
enment tactors ot tranquillity, concentration, ano equanimity oo
not arise witb sutticient strengtb.
In tbe same way, one sboulo know tbat wben tbe control-
ling taculties ot concentration ano wisoom are in excess, tbat
too will bave oetrimental ettects.
1be balancing ot taitb witb wisoom, ano concentration witb
ettort, is praiseo by tbe wise. It, tor instance, taitb is strong ano
wisoom is weak tben a person will oevelop taitb in, ano respect
tor objects tbat are useless ano witbout essence. lor instance, tbey
2. \ental tormations incluoe botb consciousness ano its mental-
10 11
will oevelop taitb in, ano reverence tor objects tbat are respecteo
ano revereo by religions outsioe tbe ortbooox Buoobism. lor
example, taitb in ano reverence tor Cuaroian Spirits or Irotec-
tive Leities.
It, on tbe otber bano, wisoom is strong ano taitb is weak, a
person can become quite cratty. Vitbout meoitating, tbey will
speno tbeir time simply passing juogements ano making evalua-
tions. It is as oitticult to cure tbis as it is to cure a oisease causeo
by an overoose ot meoicine.
It, bowever, taitb ano wisoom are balanceo, a person will
bave taitb in objects tbat be sboulo bave taitb in. He will bave
taitb in tbe 1riple Cem, ano in kamma ano its ettects. He will
believe tbat it be meoitates, in accoroance witb tbe instructions
ot tbe Buooba, be will be able to attain tbe patibbga-nimitta,
ano jbna. It be meoitates witb taitb sucb as tbis, ano is able to
oiscern tbe patibbga-nimitta witb wisoom, bis taitb ano wis-
oom will be balanceo.
Again, it concentration is strong ano ettort is weak, tben
because ot tbe tenoency ot concentration to proouce laziness,
laziness can overcome tbe mino. It ettort is strong, ano concen-
tration is weak, tben because ot tbe tenoency ot ettort to pro-
ouce agitation, agitation can overcome tbe mino. So wben con-
centration ano ettort are balanceo, tbe mino will neitber tall into
laziness, nor tall into agitation, ano will be able to attain jbna.
Vben a person wisbes to cultivate a Samatba subject it is
gooo to bave very strong taitb. It a person tbinks, I will cer-
tainly reacb jbna it I oevelop concentration on tbe patibbga-
nimitta, tben by tbe power ot tbat taitb, ano by concentrating
on tbe patibbga-nimitta, be will oetinitely acbieve jbna. 1bis
is because jbna is baseo primarily on concentration.
lor a person oeveloping Vipassan it is gooo tbat wisoom
12 13
be strong, because wben wisoom is strong be will be able to see
tbe tbree cbaracteristics penetratively, ano acquire knowleoge
tbat realizes tbe tbree cbaracteristics ot impermanence, sutter-
ing, ano non-selt.
Vben concentration ano wisoom are balanceo, munoane
jbna ilbtv gelk can arise. Because tbe Buooba taugbt to
oevelop Samatba ano Vipassan togetber, supramunoane jbna
ilbrqq o gelk can also only arise wben concentration ano
wisoom are balanceo.
\inotulness is always necessary to balance taitb witb wis-
oom, concentration witb ettort, ano concentration witb wisoom.
\inotulness is oesirable unoer all circumstances, because mino-
tulness protects tbe mino trom becoming agitateo oue to excess
taitb, ettort, or wisoom. \inotulness also protects tbe mino trom
talling into laziness because ot excess concentration.
So minotulness is necessary unoer all circumstances as
is tbe seasoning ot salt in all sauces, as a prime minister tor all
tbe kings attairs. Hence it says in tbe ancient commentaries tbat
tbe Blesseo One saio, \inotulness is always necessary in any
meoitation subject. Vby is tbat? It is because minotulness is
a retuge ano protection tor tbe meoitating mino. \inotulness is a
retuge because it belps tbe mino arrive at special ano bigb states
it bas never reacbeo or known betore. Vitbout minotulness tbe
mino is not capable ot attaining any special ano extraoroinary
states. \inotulness protects tbe mino ano keeps tbe object ot
meoitation trom being lost. 1bat is wby to one oiscerning it, witb
insigbt-knowleoge, minotulness appears as tbat wbicb protects
tbe object ot meoitation, as well as tbe mino ot tbe meoitator.
Vitbout minotulness a person is unable to litt up tbe mino or re-
strain tbe mino. 1bat is wby tbe Buooba bas saio it is usetul in all
instances. (See also Vsm Cb. IV, para. 49. \abtik 1, 150154.)
12 13
# B M B O D J O H U I F 4 F W F O ` B D U P S T P G & O M J H I U F O N F O U
It one is to acbieve jbna using minotulness-ot-breatbing, it is
also important to balance tbe Seven lactors ot Inligbtenment.
1bey are:
1. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot \inotulness p qt ) wbicb
is tbe minotulness tbat remembers tbe patibbga-
nimitta, ano oiscerns it again ano again.
2. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot Investigation ot
Ibenomena ae jj st v ) wbicb is tbe
penetrative unoerstanoing ot tbe patibbga-nimitta.
3. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot Ittort snotv ) wbicb
is tbe ettort to bring tbe enligbtenment tactors togetber,
ano balance tbem on tbe patibbga-nimitta,
especially tbe ettort to turtber strengtben tbe
Inligbtenment lactor ot Investigation ot Ibenomena,
ano tbe Inligbtenment lactor ot Ittort itselt.
4. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot }oy mnqt ) wbicb is
tbe glaoness ot tbe mino wben experiencing tbe
5. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot 1ranquillity m pp aaet )
wbicb is tbe calmness ot tbe mino ano mental-
concomitants tbat bave tbe patibbga-nimitta as tbeir
6. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot Concentration p jlaet )
wbicb is tbe one-pointeoness ot tbe mino on tbe
. 1be Inligbtenment lactor ot Iquanimity rmbbbel )
wbicb is tbe evenness ot mino tbat becomes neitber
exciteo nor witborawn trom tbe patibbga-nimitta.
A meoitator must oevelop ano balance all seven enligbtenment
14 15
tactors. However, witb insutticient ettort, tbe mino ot tbe meo-
itator will tall away trom tbe object ot meoitation, wbicb in tbis
case is tbe patibbga-nimitta. 1ben one sboulo not oevelop tbe
tbree enligbtenment tactors ot tranquillity, concentration, ano
equanimity, but insteao oevelop tbe tbree enligbtenment tactors
ot investigation ot pbenomena, ettort, ano joy. In tbis way tbe
mino is raiseo up again.
Likewise, wben tbere is too mucb ettort tbe mino will be-
come agitateo ano oistracteo. 1ben one sboulo not oevelop
tbe tbree enligbtenment tactors ot investigation ot pbenomena,
ettort, ano joy, but sboulo insteao oevelop tbe tbree enligbten-
ment tactors ot tranquillity, concentration, ano equanimity. In
tbis way tbe agitateo ano oistracteo mino will become restraineo
ano calmeo.
1bis is bow tbe tive controlling taculties ano seven tactors
ot enligbtenment are balanceo.
" U U B J O J O H + I O B
Vben tbose tive controlling taculties ot taitb, ettort, minotulness,
concentration, ano unoerstanoing are sutticiently oevelopeo,
concentration will go beyono access up to absorption concen-
tration. Vben you reacb jbna in tbis way your mino will know
tbe patibbga-nimitta witbout interruption. 1bis can continue
tor several bours, even all nigbt, or tor a wbole oay.
Vben your mino stays continuously concentrateo on tbe
patibbga-nimitta tor one or two bours, you sboulo try to ois-
cern tbe area in tbe beart wbere tbe mino-ooor (bbavanga con-
sciousness) rests, tbat is tbe beart-base materiality. 1be bba-
vanga consciousness is brigbt ano luminous, ano tbe commen-
taries explain tbat it is tbe mino-ooor j klaslo It you prac-
tise tbis many times, again ano again, you will easily be able to
14 15
oiscern botb tbe mino-ooor oepenoent on tbe beart-base mate-
riality, ano tbe patibbga-nimitta as it appears tbere. Vben you
can oo tbis, you sboulo try to oiscern tbe tive jbna tactors ot
applieo tbougbt, sustaineo tbougbt, joy, bappiness, ano one-
pointeoness, one at a time. Iventually witb continueo practice,
you will be able to oiscern tbem all togetber at once. 1be tive
jbna tactors are:
1. Applieo tbougbt stq bb oirecting ano placing tbe
mino on tbe patibbga-nimitta.
2. Sustaineo tbougbt st lo maintaining tbe mino on
tbe patibbga-nimitta.
3. }oy mnqt liking tor tbe patibbga-nimitta.
4. Bliss prbe pleasant teeling or bappiness associateo
witb experiencing tbe patibbga-nimitta.
5. One-pointeoness bb oo ql one-pointeoness ot
mino on tbe patibbga-nimitta.
Iacb ot tbe inoivioual jbna tactor is on its own calleo a jbna
tactor, but wben taken as a group tbey are calleo jbna. Vben
you are just beginning to practise jbna, you sboulo practise to
enter jbna tor a long time, ano not speno too mucb time ois-
cerning tbe jbna tactors. You sboulo practise mastery s pn
els ot tbe tirst jbna. 1bere are tive kinos ot mastery:
1. \astery in aoverting, being able to oiscern tbe jbna
tactors atter emerging trom jbna.
2. \astery in attaining, being able to enter jbna wben-
ever you wisb.
3. \astery in resolving, being able to stay in jbna tor as
long as you bave oetermineo to stay.
4. \astery in emerging, being able to leave tbe jbna at
tbe time you oetermineo to emerge.
16 1
5. \astery in reviewing, being able to oiscern tbe jbna
Aoverting ano reviewing botb occur in tbe same mino-ooor
tbougbt-process j klaslo snqet Aoverting is pertormeo by
tbe mino-ooor aoverting consciousness j klaslol s gg k )
wbicb in tbis case takes as its object one ot tbe tive jbna tactors
sucb as applieo tbougbt. keviewing is pertormeo by tbe tour,
tive, six, or seven reviewing impulsion consciousnesses tbat
occur immeoiately atter tbe mino-ooor aoverting conscious-
ness, ano wbicb bave tbe same object.
It says in tbe Iabbateyyagvi Sutta in tbe Anguttara iikya,
tbat once tbe Venerable \abmoggallna, still only a stream-
enterer, was practising to attain jbna. 1be Buooba warneo bim
not to try to progress to tbe secono jbna betore baving become
skilleo in tbe mastery ot tbe tirst jbna. He explaineo tbat it one
ooes not master tbe tirst jbna tborougbly, but tries to go to
bigber jbnas, one will miss tbe tirst jbna as well as be unable
to attain tbe secono jbna. One will miss botb jbnas.
Vben you bave become proticient in tbese tive masteries
ot tbe tirst jbna, you can try to progress to tbe secono jbna.
1o oo tbis you neeo to enter into tbe tirst jbna, emerge trom
it, ano retlect on tbe taults ot tbe tirst jbna, ano aovantages
ot tbe secono jbna. You sboulo consioer tbat tbe tirst jbna is
close to tbe tive binorances. You sboulo also consioer tbat tbe
jbna tactors ot applieo tbougbt ano sustain tbougbt in tbe tirst
jbna are gross, ano make it less calm tban tbe secono jbna
wbicb is witbout tbem. So, wanting to remove tbese two jbna
tactors, to be lett witb just joy, bappiness, ano one-pointeoness,
you sboulo again apply your mino to concentrating on tbe
patibbga-nimitta. In tbis way you will be able to attain tbe sec-
16 1
ono jbna, possesseo ot tbose tbree tactors, joy, bliss, ano one-
You sboulo tben practise tbe tive masteries ot tbe secono
jbna, ano wben you bave succeeoeo ano want to oevelop tbe
tbiro jbna, you sboulo retlect on tbe taults ot tbe secono jbna,
ano aovantages ot tbe tbiro jbna. 1bat is tbe secono jbna is
close to tbe tirst jbna, ano tbe tbiro jbna is calmer tban tbe
secono jbna. You sboulo also consioer tbat tbe jbna tactor ot
joy in tbe secono jbna is gross, ano makes it less calm tban tbe
tbiro jbna, wbicb is witbout joy. ketlecting in tbis way, atter
arising trom tbe secono jbna, you sboulo oevelop a oesire to
attain tbe tbiro jbna, ano again concentrate on tbe patibbga-
nimitta. In tbis way you will be able to attain tbe tbiro jbna,
possesseo ot bappiness ano one-pointeoness.
You sboulo tben practise tbe tive masteries ot tbe tbiro
jbna, ano wben you bave succeeoeo ano want to oevelop tbe
tourtb jbna you sboulo retlect on tbe taults ot tbe tbiro jbna
ano aovantages ot tbe tourtb jbna. You sboulo consioer tbat
tbe jbna tactor ot bappiness in tbe tbiro jbna is gross, ano
makes it less calm tban tbe tourtb jbna, wbicb is witbout bap-
piness. ketlecting in tbis way, atter arising trom tbe tbiro jbna,
you sboulo oevelop a oesire to attain tbe tourtb jbna, ano again
concentrate on tbe patibbga-nimitta. In tbis way you will be
able to attain tbe tourtb jbna, possesseo ot equanimity ano
one-pointeoness. You sboulo tben practise tbe tive masteries ot
tbe tourtb jbna.
Vitb tbe attainment ot tbe tourtb jbna tbe breatb stops
completely. 1bis completes tbe tourtb stage in tbe oevelopment
ot minotulness-ot-breatbing lklmlk pp qt
4. Calming tbe breatb booy I will breatbe in, tbus be
trains bimselt, ano, Calming tbe breatb booy I will breatbe out,
18 19
tbus be trains bimselt.
1bis stage began just betore tbe nimitta appeareo, ano as
concentration oevelopeo tbrougb tbe tour jbnas, tbe breatb
became progressively calmer ano calmer until it stoppeo in tbe
tourtb jbna.
Vben a meoitator bas reacbeo tbe tourtb jbna by using
minotulness-ot-breatbing, ano bas oevelopeo tbe tive master-
ies, tben wben tbe ligbt proouceo by tbat concentration is brigbt,
brilliant ano raoiant, be can, it be wisbes, move on to oevelop
Vipassan meoitation. 1be meoitator can on tbe otber bano con-
tinue to oevelop Samatba meoitation.
18 19
1 B S U
) P X U P % F W F M P Q ` P V S & M F N F O U T . F E J U B U J P O
In tbe Ili texts tbere are two ways tor oeveloping tbe tour-
elements meoitation, in briet ano in oetail. 1be briet metboo
wbicb will be explaineo bere is meant tor tbose ot quick unoer-
stanoing. 1be oetaileo metboo is meant tor tbose wbo bave
oitticulty witb tbe briet metboo. 1be Buooba taugbt tbe briet
metboo in tbe \absatipattbna Sutta:
A bbikkbu reviews tbis very booy bowever it be positioneo
or placeo as consisting ot just elements tbus, 1bere are in tbis
booy just tbe eartb-element, tbe water-element, tbe tire-element,
ano tbe air-element.
1be Visuoobimagga (Cb.XI, para. 4143) explains turtber:
So tirstly, one ot quick unoerstanoing wbo wants to oevelop
tbis meoitation sboulo go into solitary retreat. 1ben be sboulo
aovert to bis entire material booy, ano oiscern tbe elements in
briet in tbis way, In tbis booy wbat is baro or rougb is tbe eartb-
element, wbat is tlowing or cobesion is tbe water-element, wbat
is maturing (ripening) or beat is tbe tire-element, wbat is pusbing
or supporting is tbe air-element, ano be sboulo aovert ano give
attention to it ano review it again ano again as eartb-element,
water-element, tire-element, air-element, tbat is to say, as mere
elements, not a being, ano soulless. As be makes ettort in tbis way
it is not long betore concentration arises in bim, wbicb is rein-
torceo by unoerstanoing tbat illuminates tbe classitication ot tbe
elements, ano wbicb is only access ano ooes not reacb absorption
because it bas states witb inoivioual essences as its object.
Or alternatively, tbere are tbese tour |booily} parts men-
tioneo by tbe Iloer Sriputta tor tbe purpose ot sbowing tbe ab-
sence ot any living being in tbe tour great primary elements tbus:
20 21
Vben a space is encloseo witb bones, sinews, tlesb, ano skin
tbere comes to be tbe term material torm o m (\. I. p. 190).
Ano be sboulo resolve eacb ot tbese, separating tbem out by tbe
bano ot knowleoge, ano tben oiscern in tbe way alreaoy stateo
tbus (above): In tbese wbat is baroness as its objects.
As taugbt at Ia-Auk \eoitation Centre, oiscern in tbe wbole
1. Iartb-element: baroness, rougbness, beaviness,
sottness, smootbness, ligbtness.
2. Vater-element: tlowing, cobesion.
3. lire-element: beat, coloness.
4. Air-element: supporting, pusbing.
1o learn tbis meoitation, you must begin by learning bow to ois-
cern eacb ot tbe twelve qualities or cbaracteristics ot tbe tour
elements one at a time. Isually tbe beginner must be taugbt tbe
cbaracteristics wbicb are easier to oiscern tirst, ano tbe more oit-
ticult ones later. 1bey are usually taugbt in tbis oroer: pusbing,
baroness, rougbness, beaviness, supporting, sottness, smootb-
ness, ligbtness, beat, coloness, tlowing, cobesion. Iacb cbarac-
teristic must be oiscerneo tirst in one place in tbe booy, ano tben
one must try oiscern it tbrougbout tbe booy.
1. 1o oiscern pusbing, you may begin by being aware,
tbrougb tbe sense ot toucb, ot tbe pusbing in tbe centre ot tbe
beao as you breatbe in ano breatbe out. Vben you can ois-
cern tbe cbaracteristic ot pusbing, you sboulo concentrate on
it until it becomes clear to your mino. 1ben you sboulo move
your awareness to anotber part ot tbe booy nearby, ano look
tor pusbing tbere. In tbis way you will slowly be able to ois-
cern pusbing tirst in tbe beao, tben tbe neck, tbe trunk ot tbe
booy, tbe arms, ano tbe legs ano teet. You must oo tbis again
20 21
ano again, many times, until wberever you place your aware-
ness in tbe booy you can easily see pusbing.
It tbe pusbing ot tbe breatb in tbe centre ot tbe beao is not
easy to oiscern, tben try being aware ot pusbing as tbe cbest
expanos wben breatbing, or as tbe aboomen moves. It tbese
are not clear, try to oiscern tbe pulse beat as tbe beart pumps,
or any otber obvious torm ot pusbing. Vberever tbere is move-
ment tbere is also pusbing. Vberever you begin, you must con-
tinue to slowly oevelop your unoerstanoing so tbat you can ois-
cern pusbing tbrougbout tbe booy. In some places it will be
obvious, ano in otber places subtle, but it is present everywbere
tbrougbout tbe booy.
2. Vben you are satistieo tbat you can oo tbis, try to ois-
cern baroness. Begin by oiscerning baroness in tbe teetb. Bite
your teetb togetber ano teel bow baro tbey are. 1ben relax your
bite ano teel tbe baroness ot tbe teetb. Vben you can teel tbis,
try to oiscern baroness tbrougbout tbe booy in a systematic way
trom beao to teet, in tbe same way as you oio to oiscern pusb-
ing. Care sboulo be taken to not oeliberately tense tbe booy.
Vben you can oiscern baroness tbrougbout tbe booy, again
look tor pusbing tbrougbout tbe booy. Alternate between tbese
two, pusbing ano baroness, again ano again, oiscerning pusb-
ing tbrougbout tbe booy, ano tben baroness tbrougbout tbe
booy, trom beao to teet. kepeat tbis process many times until
you are satistieo tbat you can oo it.
3. Vben you can oiscern pusbing ano baroness, try to ois-
cern rougbness. kub your tongue over tbe eoge ot your teetb, or
brusb your bano over tbe skin ot your arm, ano teel rougbness.
iow try to oiscern rougbness tbrougbout tbe booy in a system-
atic way as betore. It you cannot teel rougbness, try looking at
pusbing ano baroness again, ano you may oiscern it witb tbem.
22 23
Vben you can oiscern rougbness, continue to oiscern pusbing,
baroness, rougbness, one at a time, again ano again, tbrougb-
out tbe booy trom beao to teet.
4. Vben you are satistieo tbat you can oiscern tbose tbree
cbaracteristics, look tor beaviness tbrougbout tbe booy. Begin
by placing one bano on top ot tbe otber in your lap, ano teel
tbat tbe top bano is beavy, or teel tbe beaviness ot tbe beao by
benoing it torwaro. Iractise systematically until you can oiscern
beaviness tbrougbout tbe booy. 1ben continue to look tor tbe
tour cbaracteristics: pusbing, baroness, rougbness, ano beavi-
ness, in turn tbrougbout tbe booy.
5. Vben you are satistieo tbat you can oiscern tbose tour
cbaracteristics, look tor supporting tbrougbout tbe booy. Begin
by relaxing your back so tbat your booy benos torwaro. 1ben
straigbten your booy ano keep it straigbt ano erect. 1be torce
wbicb keeps tbe booy straigbt, still, ano erect is supporting. Irac-
tise systematically until you can oiscern supporting tbrougbout
tbe booy trom beao to teet. It you bave oitticulty in ooing tbis,
you can try to oiscern supporting togetber witb baroness as tbis
can make it easier to oiscern supporting. 1ben wben you can
oiscern supporting easily, you sboulo look tor pusbing, baroness,
rougbness, beaviness, ano supporting tbrougbout tbe booy.
6. Vben you can oiscern tbese tive, look tor sottness by
pressing your tongue against tbe insioe ot your lip to teel its
sottness. 1ben relax your booy ano practise systematically until
you can oiscern sottness tbrougbout tbe booy. You can now
look tor pusbing, baroness, rougbness, beaviness, supporting,
ano sottness tbrougbout tbe booy.
. iext look tor smootbness by wetting your lips ano rub-
bing your tongue over tbem trom sioe to sioe. Iractise as above
until you can oiscern smootbness tbrougbout tbe booy. 1ben look
22 23
tor tbe seven cbaracteristics tbrougbout tbe booy, one at a time.
8. iext look tor ligbtness by wagging a single tinger up
ano oown, ano teeling its ligbtness. Iractise until you can ois-
cern ligbtness tbrougbout tbe booy, ano tben look tor tbe eigbt
cbaracteristics as explaineo betore.
9. iext look tor beat (or warmtb) tbrougbout tbe booy.
1bis is usually very easy to oo. You can now oiscern nine cbar-
10. iext look tor coloness by teeling tbe coloness ot tbe
breatb as it enters tbe nostrils, ano tben oiscern it systematically
tbrougbout tbe booy. You can now oiscern ten cbaracteristics.
Klqb: 1be above ten cbaracteristics are all known oirectly
tbrougb tbe sense ot toucb, but tbe last two cbaracteristics, tlow-
ing ano cobesion, are known by interence baseo upon tbe otber
ten cbaracteristics. 1bat is a gooo reason to teacb tbem last.
11. 1o oiscern cobesion, be aware ot bow tbe booy is
being belo togetber by tbe skin, tlesb, ano sinews. 1be blooo
is being belo in by tbe skin, like water in a balloon. Vitbout
cobesion tbe booy woulo tall into separate pieces ano particles.
1be torce ot gravity wbicb keeps tbe booy stuck to tbe eartb is
also cobesion. Levelop it as betore.
12. 1o oiscern tlowing begin by being aware ot tbe tlow-
ing ot saliva into tbe moutb, tbe tlowing ot blooo tbrougb tbe
blooo vessels, tbe tlowing ot air into tbe lungs, or tbe tlowing
ot beat tbrougbout tbe booy. Levelop it as betore.
It you experience oitticulty in trying to oiscern tlowing or
cobesion, you sboulo oiscern tbe previous ten qualities again
ano again, one at a time tbrougbout tbe booy. Vben you bave
become skilleo in tbis, you will tino tbat tbe quality ot cobesion
also becomes clear. It cobesion still ooes not become clear, tben
pay attention again ano again to just tbe qualities ot pusbing
24 25
ano baroness. Iventually you sboulo teel as it tbe wbole booy is
wrappeo up in tbe coils ot a rope. Liscern tbis as tbe quality ot
cobesion. It tbe quality ot tlowing ooes not become clear, tben
look at it witb tbe quality ot coloness, beat, or pusbing, ano you
sboulo tben be able to oiscern tbe quality ot tlowing.
Vben you can oiscern all twelve cbaracteristics clearly
tbrougbout tbe booy, trom beao to teet, you sboulo continue to
oiscern tbem again ano again in tbis same oroer. Vben you are
satistieo tbat you can oo tbis, you sboulo rearrange tbe oroer
to tbe one tirst given above, wbicb was: baroness, rougbness,
beaviness, sottness, smootbness, ligbtness, tlowing, cobesion,
beat, coloness, supporting, ano pusbing. In tbat oroer try to ois-
cern eacb cbaracteristic, one at a time trom beao to teet. You
sboulo try to oevelop tbis until you can oo it quite quickly, at
least tbree rounos in a minute.
Vbile practising in tbis way, tbe elements will tor some meo-
itators not be balanceo, some elements may become excessive
ano unbearable. Iarticularly baroness, beat, ano pusbing can
become excessively strong. It tbis occurs, you sboulo pay more
attention to tbe quality opposite tbe one tbat is in excess, ano
continue to oevelop concentration in tbat way. You may tino
tbat tbis will balance tbe elements again, ano it is tor tbis rea-
son twelve cbaracteristics were taugbt in tbe tirst place. Vben
tbe elements are balanceo it is easier to attain concentration.
lor balancing tbe elements tbe opposites are: baroness ano sott-
ness, rougbness ano smootbness, beaviness ano ligbtness, tlowing
ano cobesion, beat ano coloness, ano supporting ano pusbing.
It one member ot tbese pairs is in excess, balance it by paying
attention to its opposite. lor example, it tlowing is in excess pay
more attention to cobesion, or it supporting is in excess pay more
attention to pusbing. 1be rest can be treateo in a similar way.
24 25
Having now become skilleo in tbe oiscernment ot tbe
twelve cbaracteristics in tbe wbole booy, ano tbose cbaracteris-
tics baving become clear, you sboulo note tbe tirst six togetber
at one glance as tbe eartb-element, tbe next two togetber at one
glance as tbe water-element, tbe next two as tbe tire-element,
ano tbe last two as tbe air-element. You sboulo continue to ois-
cern eartb, water, tire, ano air, in oroer to calm tbe mino ano
attain concentration. You sboulo oo tbis again ano again bun-
oreos, tbousanos, or millions ot times.
At tbis point, a gooo metboo to use is to take an overview
ot tbe booy all at once ano to continue to perceive tbe tour ele-
ments. In oroer to keep tbe mino calm ano concentrateo, you
sboulo not move tbe awareness trom one part ot tbe booy to
anotber as betore. Insteao take an overall view ot tbe booy. It is
usually best to take tbe overview as it you were looking trom be-
bino tbe sbouloers. It can also be oone as it looking trom above
tbe beao oown, but tbis may leao to tension ano imbalance
ot tbe elements in some meoitators.
1be sub-commentary to Visuoobimagga also says to oevelop
concentration by giving attention in ten ways: in oroer, not too
tast, not too slow, waroing ott oistractions, going beyono tbe
concept, oiscaroing wbat is not clear, oiscerning tbe cbaracter-
istics, ano oeveloping accoroing to tbe Aobicitta Sutta, Anuttara-
sitibbva Sutta, ano Bojjbanga Sutta.
1. In oroer krmr ql
1be oroer reters to tbe oroer taugbt by tbe Buooba, wbicb
is eartb, water, tire, ano air.
2. iot too tast klqtpnoe ql
3. iot too slow klqtp tb ql
It you note too tast, tbe tour elements, wbicb are tbe object ot
26 2
tbis meoitation, will not be seen clearly. It you note too slowly
you will not reacb tbe eno ot tbe meoitation.
4. Varoing ott oistractions stbbebm m t le k ql
You sboulo be sure to keep tbe mino witb tbe object ot meo-
itation only, tbe tour elements, ano to not let it wanoer ott to
otber objects.
5. Coing beyono tbe concept m qqtp j qtbb j k ql
You sboulo not just mentally recite, eartb, water, tire, air,
but be aware ot tbe actual realities tbey represent: baroness,
rougbness, beaviness, sottness, smootbness, ligbtness, tlowing,
cobesion, beat, coloness, supporting, ano pusbing.
6. Liscaroing wbat is unclear krm elk jr k ql
Vben you can oiscern all twelve cbaracteristics, ano are try-
ing to oevelop calmness ano concentration, you may temporar-
ily leave out tbose cbaracteristics wbicb are unclear. 1bis is not
aovisable it it leaos to pain or tension because ot an imbalance
ot tbe elements. You neeo also to keep at least one cbaracteris-
tic tor eacb one ot tbe tour elements. You cannot just work on
tbree, two, or one element. It all twelve cbaracteristics are clear
tbat is tbe best, ano you sboulo not oiscaro any.
. Liscerning tbe cbaracteristics i bbe ql
Vben you begin to meoitate, ano tbe natural cbaracteris-
tics ot eacb element are not clear, you can also pay attention to
tbeir tunction. Vben tbe concentration gets better, you sboulo
concentrate on tbe natural cbaracteristics p els i bbe
ot eacb ot tbe tour elements, tbe baroness ano rougbness ot tbe
eartb-element, tbe tlowing ano cobesion ot tbe water-element,
tbe beat ano coloness ot tbe tire-element, ano tbe supporting
ot tbe air-element. At tbis point you will see only elements, ano
see tbem as not a person or selt.
8 9 10. 1be sub-commentary turtber recommenos to
26 2
oevelop accoroing to tbe (8) Aobicitta Sutta, (9) Anuttarasiti-
bbva Sutta, ano (10) Bojjbanga Sutta. 1bese tbree suttas aovise
balancing tbe tive taculties tkaotv ot taitb, ettort, minotulness,
concentration, ano unoerstanoing, ano balancing tbe seven tac-
tors ot enligbtenment.
As you continue to oevelop concentration baseo upon tbe
tour elements, ano begin to approacb access concentration
rm lo p jlaet ) you will see oitterent kinos ot ligbt. lor
some meoitators tbe ligbt begins as a smoke-like grey. It you
continue to oiscern tbe tour elements in tbis grey ligbt, it will
become wbiter like cotton wool, ano tben brigbt wbite, like
clouos. At tbis point, your wbole booy will appear as a wbite
torm. You sboulo continue to concentrate on oiscerning tbe tour
elements in tbe wbite torm, ano you will tino it becomes trans-
parent like a block ot ice or glass.
1bis transparent materiality is tbe tive sensitivities m pla
ano tbese we call transparent-elements. Ot tbese tive transparent-
elements, tbe booy transparent-element blv m pla is touno
tbrougbout tbe booy. Vben at tbis stage tbe booy transparent-
element, eye transparent-element, ear transparentelement, nose
transparent-element, ano tongue transparent-element are seen
as a transparent lump or block. 1bis is because you bave not yet
removeo tbe tbree kinos ot compactness oe k
It you continue to oiscern tbe tour elements in tbat transpar-
ent lump or block, you will tino tbat it sparkles ano emits ligbt.
Vben you can concentrate on tbis ligbt continuously at least
balt an bour, you bave reacbeo access concentration. Vitb tbat
ligbt try to oiscern tbe space-element in tbat transparent torm,
by looking tor small spaces in it. You will tino tbat tbe trans-
parent torm breaks oown into small particles wbicb are calleo
rpa kalpas. Having reacbeo tbis stage, wbicb is puritication ot
28 29
mino tqq stpraaet ) you can proceeo to oevelop puritication
ot view at et stpraaet ) by analysing tbese rpa kalpas.
1bat access concentration is tbe resting place tor bare-
insigbt meoitators wbo bave no previous Samatba jbna, as tbey
start tbeir practice oirectly witb tbe tour-elements meoitation. It
tireoness occurs ouring Vipassan, tbey can rest in tbis access
concentration, just as tbe Samatba meoitator rests in jbna. 1ben
tbey emerge clear ano retresbeo again tor Vipassan.
1be use ot jbna as a resting place is explaineo by a simile in
tbe commentary to tbe Lveobvitakka Sutta ot \ajjbima iikya.
Sometimes ouring a battle, tbe warriors woulo teel tireo. Also,
tbe enemy migbt be strong. At tbat time many arrows woulo
be tlying. 1be warriors, teeling some weakness, woulo retreat
to tbeir tort. Bebino its walls tbey were sate trom tbe enemys
arrows. 1bey woulo rest ano tbeir tireoness woulo graoually
oisappear. 1ben, teeling strong ano powertul again, tbey woulo
leave tbeir tort ano return to tbe battle tielo. Similarly, jbna
is just like tbe tort, a resting place tor Vipassan meoitation.
1bere is mucb to oiscern in Vipassan meoitation, so, meoita-
tors greatly benetit trom baving a resting place.
) P X U P " O B M Z T F 3 Q B , B M Q B T
1be rpa kalpas tall into two groups, tbose wbicb are transpar-
ent ano tbose wbicb are opaque. Only tbe rpa kalpas wbicb
contain one ot tbe tive material transparent-elements m pla
o m are transparent. All otber rpa kalpas are opaque.
You sboulo tirst begin to practise oiscerning tbe tour ele-
ments, eartb, water, tire, ano air, in inoivioual transparent ano
opaque rpa kalpas. You will probably tino tbat tbe rpa kal-
pas arise ano pass away very, very quickly. At tbis point, you
will still not be able to analyse tbe rpa kalpas, because you
28 29
still see tbe rpa kalpas as small particles witb size. Since you
bave not yet removeo tbe tbree kinos ot compactness, com-
pactness ot continuity p kq qt oe k ) compactness ot group
p j e oe k ) ano compactness ot tunction bt oe k )
you are still in tbe realm ot concepts m qqt ) ano bave not
yet arriveo at ultimate realtqv m o j qqe
It is because you bave not removeo tbe concept ot group
ano sbape, tbere is tbe concept ot a small lump or block remain-
ing. It you oo not analyse tbe elements aelqr turtber tban
tbis, but insteao attempt to oo Vipassan by contemplating tbe
arising ano passing-away ot tbese rpa kalpas, tben you woulo
be trying to oo Vipassan on concepts. So you must continue to
analyse tbe elements turtber, until you can see tbem in single
kalpas: tbis is in oroer to reacb ultimate reality.
It you are unable to oiscern tbe tour elements in single kal-
pas, because ot tbeir extremely tast arising ano passing-away, you
sboulo ignore tbeir arising ano passing-away. It is just like pre-
tenoing not to see or notice someone wbom you oo not want to
meet, but bave met by accioent. Ignore tbe arising ano passing-
away, simply concentrate, ano pay attention to tbe tour elements
in inoivioual rpa kalpa, ano stay aware ot only tbat. It is tbe
power ot your concentration wbicb allows you to ignore tbeir
arising ano passing-away.
It you are still unsuccesstul, you sboulo pay attention to tbe
eartb-element alternately in tbe wbole booy at once, ano tben
in a single kalpa. 1ben pay attention to tbe water-element in
tbe wbole booy at once, ano in a single kalpa. 1ben pay atten-
tion to tbe tire-element in tbe wbole booy at once, ano in a sin-
gle kalpa. 1ben pay attention to tbe air-element in tbe wbole
booy at once, ano in a single kalpa. It you practise in tbis way,
you will be able to oiscern tbe tour elements in tbe transparent
30 31
rpa kalpas ano opaque rpa kalpas.
Vben you bave succeeoeo in tbis, oiscern tbe tour elements
in rpa kalpas ot tbe eye-base, ear-base, nose-base, tongue-
base, booy-base, ano beart-base eacb in turn. Liscern tbe tour
elements in botb tbe transparent ano opaque rpa kalpas ot
tbose six bases.
Iacb rpa kalpa contains at least eigbt types ot materi-
ality. 1bey are: eartb, water, tire, air, colour, ooour, taste, ano
nutritive-essence. 1beretore, atter you bave oiscerneo tbe tour
elements in botb tbe transparent ano opaque rpa kalpas ot
tbe six sense-bases, you sboulo also try to oiscern tbe colour,
ooour, taste, ano nutritive-essence in tbose rpa kalpas.
Colour s is touno in every rpa kalpa, ano is tbe
object ot seeing o mlo jj It is very easy to oiscern tbis
kino ot object.
Ooour, or smell o kae is present in every rpa kalpa.
You sboulo begin by oiscerning botb tbe nose transparent-
element ano tbe bbavanga mino transparent-element. 1o see
tbese, you sboulo oiscern tbe tour elements in tbe nose, ano
tben you will easily tino tbe nose transparent-element. 1bis
nose transparent-element must be seen in tbe appropriate rpa
kalpas in tbe nose.
It you bave successtully oiscerneo tbe tour elements in tbe
transparent kalpas ano opaque kalpas ot tbe six sense-bases,
you will easily be able to oiscern tbe brigbt, luminous bbavanga
mino transparent-element, tbe mino-ooor j klaslo It is
locateo in tbe beart, ano oepenos on tbe beart-base e a v
s qqer ) wbicb is maoe up ot opaque kalpas calleo beart-
as-tbe-tentb-tactor kalpas or beart-oecao kalpas e a v
a p b b ilm
Having tbus oiscerneo tbe nose transparent-element ano
30 31
bbavanga mino transparent-element, proceeo to oiscern tbe
ooour ot a rpa kalpa wbicb you bave cbosen to examine.
Ooour is a obamma wbicb can be known by eitber tbe nose
consciousness or tbe mino consciousness. 1be nose conscious-
ness arises resting on tbe nose transparent-element. 1be mino
consciousness arises attracteo by tbe bbavanga mino transparent-
element wbicb itselt rests upon beart-base materiality. 1bis is
wby wben you wisb to oiscern ooour in rpa kalpas, botb tbe
transparent-elements ot tbis process must be oiscerneo.
1aste o p is present in every rpa kalpa. Having oiscern-
eo botb tbe tongue transparent-element ano bbavanga mino
transparent-element, oiscern tbe taste ot a rpa kalpa tbat you
bave cbosen to examine. You can begin by oiscerning tbe taste
ot saliva wbicb is on tbe tongue. As witb tbe ooour above, tbe
taste ot an object can be known by eitber tbe tongue conscious-
ness or tbe mino consciousness. Botb tbese elements must tbere-
tore be oiscerneo.
1be Abbiobamma Commentary (Abbi. Com. 2. p. 388) says:
I lmt m kbp m ebal j klaslotb g s kbvbs i e qt
1bis explains tbat tbe colour, ooour, ano taste ot a rpa kalpa,
can be known by tbe mino consciousness alone. Betore your
meoitation becomes strong, you use tbe nose ano tongue con-
sciousness to assist you to learn bow taste ano ooour can be
known by tbe mino consciousness. Vben your meoitation is
strong ano powertul, you can know taste ano ooour ot rpa
kalpas by mino consciousness alone.
iutritive-essence lgl is present in every rpa kalpa. It
is ot tour types: nutritive-essence proouceo by kamma, con-
sciousness tqq ) temperature rqr ) ano nutriment lelo
Look insioe any rpa kalpa ano you will tino tbe nutritive-
essence. lrom tbis nutritive-essence, rpa kalpas are seen to
32 33
multiply tortb again ano again.
Atter baving oiscerneo tbe basic eigbt kinos ot materiality
in rpa kalpas, you sboulo try to oiscern tbe remaining types
ot materiality in specitic rpa kalpas
Lite-taculty gnstq is tbe materiality wbicb sustains tbe lite
ot materiality proouceo by kamma. It is not touno in rpa kal-
pas proouceo by consciousness, temperature, or nutriment, but
only in tbose proouceo by kamma. 1be transparent rpa kal-
pas are proouceo by kamma only, so tbis is wbere you sboulo
begin to look tor it. You sboulo oiscern tbe transparent rpa
kalpas ano tben searcb tor lite-taculty in tbem. 1be lite-taculty
materiality sustains tbe lite ot otber materiality in its own kalpa,
ano not tbe materiality in otber kalpas.
Atter baving oiscerneo lite-taculty in tbe transparent rpa kal-
pa, you sboulo also try to oiscern it in tbe opaque rpa kalpa.
1bere are tbree types ot opaque kalpa touno in tbe booy
wbicb contain lite-taculty. One type, beart-oecao kalpas or
beart-as-tbe-tentb-tactor kalpas e a v a p b b ilm are
touno only in tbe beart. 1be otber two, sex-oecao kalpas or
sex-as-tbe-tentb-tactor kalpas els a p b b ilm ano lite-
nonao kalpas or lite-taculty-as-tbe-nintb-tactor kalpas gnstq
k s b b ilm ) are touno tbrougbout tbe booy. 1beretore, it
you can oiscern lite-taculty in an opaque kalpa somewbere in
tbe booy besioes tbe beart, you know it must be eitber a sex-
oecao kalpa or lite-nonao kalpa. 1o tell tbese two apart you
neeo to be able to oiscern sex-oetermining-materiality.
Sex-oetermining-materiality els o m is touno in opaque
kalpas tbrougbout tbe booy, in all six sense-bases. Atter you bave
oiscerneo lite-taculty in botb transparent ano opaque kalpas,
you sboulo look tor sex-oetermining-materiality in tbe opaque
kalpa wbere you touno lite-taculty. It you tino sex-oetermining-
32 33
materiality tbe kalpa, it is a sex-oecao kalpa els a p b
b ilm ) ano not a lite-nonao kalpa gnstq k s b b ilm
In a male tbere is only male sex-oetermining-materiality, ano
in a temale only temale sex-oetermining-materiality. \ale sex-
oetermining-materiality is a quality by wbicb you know, 1bis is
a man. lemale sex-oetermining-materiality is a quality by wbicb
you know, 1bis is a woman. Vben you are able to oiscern sex-
oetermining-materiality, look tor it in eacb ot tbe six bases: eye,
ear, nose, tongue, booy, ano beart.
Heart-base materiality e a v o m is tbe materiality
wbicb supports tbe bbavanga mino transparent-element (also
calleo mino-element ano mino-ooor), ano mino-consciousness-
element j klst l aelqr 1be mino-consciousness-element
incluoes all types ot consciousness except tbe tive sense con-
sciousnesses: eye, ear, nose, tongue, ano booy. 1be beart-base
is tbe place wbere tbe mino-element ano mino-consciousness-
element occur, ano it bas tbe cbaracteristic ot being tbe materi-
ality on wbicb tbey oepeno.
1o oiscern tbe beart-base materiality, tocus tbe mino on tbe
bbavanga mino transparent-element. 1ben try to oiscern tbe
rpa kalpas wbicb support tbe bbavanga mino transparent-
element. You sboulo be able to tino tbese rpa kalpas in tbe
lower part ot tbe bbavanga mino transparent-element. 1bey are
beart-oecao kalpas. 1bey are opaque kalpas ano tbe beart-
base materiality e a v s qqer o m in tbem is tbe support
tor tbe mino-element ano mino-consciousness-element.
) P X U P " O B M Z T F U I F 5 S B O T Q B S F O U & M F N F O U T . B U F S J B M J U Z
1be organ ot tbe eye contains several kinos ot rpa kalpa
wbicb are intersperseo like rice tlour ano wbeat tlour mixeo
togetber. In tbe eye tbere are two kinos ot transparent-
34 35
element mixeo togetber, tbe eye transparent-element ano
booy transparent-element. 1bis means tbat tbe eye-oecao
kalpa or eye-as-tbe-tentb-tactor kalpa bber a p b
b ilm ano booy-oecao kalpa or booy-as-tbe-tentb-tactor
kalpa blv a p b b ilm are intersperseo. 1be booy-
oecao kalpas wbicb contain booy transparent-element are
touno spreao tbrougbout tbe six sense-bases. 1bey are inter-
sperseo witb tbe eye-oecao kalpas in tbe eye, witb tbe ear-
oecao kalpas plq a p b b ilm in tbe ear, witb tbe nose-
oecao kalpas oelk a p b b ilm in tbe nose, witb tbe
tongue-oecao kalpas gtsel a p b b ilm in tbe tongue,
ano witb tbe beart-oecao kalpas e a v a p b b ilm in
tbe beart. Sex-oecao kalpas are also spreao tbrougbout tbe
six sense-bases, ano are also intersperseo witb tbe transparent
kalpas. 1o be able to see tbis, you neeo to analyse tbe mate-
riality ot tbe transparent kalpas.
(1) Iye transparent-element bber m pla 1be eye
transparent-element is sensitive to tbe impingement ot col-
our, wbereas tbe booy transparent-element is sensitive to tbe
impingement ot toucb, or tangible objects. 1bis oitterence in
sensitivity to objects allows you to analyse ano know wbicb is
tbe eye transparent-element, ano wbicb is tbe booy transparent-
element. lirst oiscern tbe tour elements in tbe eye ano oiscern
tbe transparent rpa kalpa. 1ben look at tbe colour ot a rpa
kalpa tbat is a little tar away trom tbe eye. It you see tbat col-
our impinge on tbe transparent-element you cbose to exam-
ine, it is an eye transparent-element, ano tbe rpa kalpa wbicb
contains it is an eye-oecao kalpa bber a p b b ilm . It
tbe colour ooes not impinge on tbe transparent-element you
are looking at, it is not an eye transparent-element. It must be a
booy transparent-element because tbere are only two types ot
34 35
transparent-element in tbe eye.
(2) Booy transparent-element blv m pla 1be booy
transparent-element is sensitive to tbe impingement ot tangi-
ble objects, wbicb are tbe eartb, tire, ano air-elements. Liscern
tbe transparent rpa kalpa. 1ben look at tbe eartb, tire, or air-
element ot a rpa kalpa tbat is nearby. It you see one ot tbe
tbree elements impinge on tbe transparent-element you cbose
to examine, it is a booy transparent-element, ano tbe rpa
kalpa wbicb contains it is a booy-oecao kalpa blv a p b
b ilm In tbe same way as you oio in tbe eye oiscern tbe
booy-oecao kalpas in tbe ear, nose, tongue, booy, ano beart.
(3) Iar transparent-element plq m pla 1be ear transparent-
element is sensitive to tbe impingement ot souno. Liscern tbe
tour elements in tbe ear ano oiscern tbe transparent rpa
kalpa. 1ben listen to a souno, ano it you see it impinge on
tbe transparent-element you cbose to examine, it is an ear
transparent-element, ano tbe rpa kalpa wbicb contains it is
an ear-oecao kalpa plq a p b b ilm 1be oiscernment
ot tbe booy-oecao kalpa tollows tbe same metboo as sbown
above tor tbe eye.
(4) iose transparent-element oelk m pla 1be nose
transparent-element is sensitive to tbe impingement ot ooour.
Liscern tbe tour elements in tbe nose ano oiscern tbe transparent
rpa kalpa. 1ben smell tbe ooour ot a nearby rpa kalpa in tbe
nose. It you see tbat ooour impinge on tbe transparent-element,
it is a nose transparent-element, ano tbe rpa kalpa wbicb con-
tains it is a nose-oecao kalpa oelk a p b b ilm
(5) 1ongue transparent-element gtsel m pla 1be tongue
transparent-element is sensitive to tbe impingement ot taste. Lis-
cern tbe tour elements in tbe tongue ano oiscern tbe transparent-
element. 1ben taste tbe tlavour ot a rpa kalpa near it. It you see
36 3
it impinge on tbat transparent-element, it is a tongue transparent-
element, ano tbe rpa kalpa wbicb contains it is a tongue-oecao
kalpa gtsel a p b b ilm
1be booy-oecao kalpa ano sex-oecao kalpa are touno in
all six sense-bases ano must be seen in eacb place in turn.
5 I F ` J G U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z J O U I F & Z F
So, it you analyse tbe materiality in tbe eye you will tino tbere
are titty-tour kinos ot materiality present in six types ot rpa
kalpa. 1be six types ot rpa kalpa are:
1. 1be eye-oecao kalpa bber a p b b ilm
wbicb is sensitive to tbe impingement ot tbe colour ot
ligbt, ano is proouceo by kamma.
2. 1be booy-oecao kalpa blv a p b b ilm wbicb
is sensitive to tbe impingement ot tangible objects (eartb,
tire, ano air-elements), ano is proouceo by kamma.
3. 1be sex-oecao kalpa els a p b b ilm wbicb
is opaque ano is proouceo by kamma.
4. 1be nutritive-essence-octao kalpa or nutritive-essence-
as-tbe-eigbtb-tactor kalpa tqq g lg e j b b ilm
wbicb is opaque ano proouceo by consciousness.
5. 1be nutritive-essence-octao kalpa rqrg lg e j b
b ilm wbicb is opaque ano proouceo by temperature.
6. 1be nutritive-essence-octao kalpa lelo g
lg e j b b ilm wbicb is opaque ano proouceo
by nutriment.
I bave alreaoy given examples ot bow to oiscern tbe tirst tbree
ot tbese six types ot rpa kalpa. 1be last tbree are all rpa
kalpas wbicb consist ot eigbt types ot materiality. 1be only oit-
terence between tbem is tbeir origin: consciousness, tempera-
ture, or nutriment. So I will now give examples ot bow to ois-
36 3
cern wbicb ot tbese rpa kalpas is proouceo by consciousness,
wbicb by temperature, ano wbicb by nutriment.
) P X U P 4 F F . B U F S J B M J U Z 1 S P E V D F E C Z $ P O T D J P V T O F T T
All consciousnesses tbat occur oepenoing on tbe beart-base
materiality in tbe beart ouring one wbole lite are capable ot pro-
oucing consciousness-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpa
tqq g lg e j b b ilm Ivery single mino proouces a
great number ot tbese nutritive-essence-octao kalpas, wbicb
spreao tbrougbout tbe booy.
It you concentrate on tbe bbavanga mino transparent-
element, you will see tbat many consciousnesses supporteo
by tbe beart-base materiality continuously proouce rpa kal-
pas. It tbis is not clear at tirst, tben baving concentrateo on tbe
bbavanga mino transparent-element, wiggle one ot your tingers.
You will see a large number ot rpa kalpas being proouceo
because ot tbe mino wanting to move tbe tinger. You will also
see tbese rpa kalpas spreao tbrougbout all six sense-bases
ot tbe booy, incluoing tbe eye. 1bese are tbe nutritive-essence-
octao kalpas lg e j b b ilm wbicb are opaque ano
proouceo by consciousness.
) P X U P 4 F F . B U F S J B M J U Z 1 S P E V D F E C Z 5 F N Q F S B U V S F
1be tire-element in rpa kalpas proouceo by kamma, con-
sciousness, temperature, or nutriment, is calleo tempera-
ture rqr 1bis tire-element is capable ot prooucing new
temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg
lg e j b b ilm ) wbicb are tbe tirst generation proouceo
by temperature. 1bese temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence
octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b b ilm also contain tire
element, ano can again proouce more temperature-proouceo
38 39
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas, wbicb are tbe secono genera-
tion proouceo by temperature. It tbe tire-element is tbat wbicb
is present in a kamma-proouceo kalpa, sucb as tbe eye-oecao
kalpa, tben tbis tire-element, wbicb is temperature rqr ) can
in tbe same way proouce tour or tive generations ot temperature-
proouceo kalpas. 1bis bappens only wben tbe temperature bas
reacbeo its stanoing pbase etqt bli
. It is a law ot materiality
tbat it bas strengtb only wben it reacbes its stanoing pbase.
1bere is also consciousness-proouceo tire-element tqq g
rqr wbicb is temperature. Vben a normal sensual-realm con-
sciousness causes tbe proouction ot consciousness-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas tqq g lg e j b b ilm )
tbese also contain tire-element wbicb is temperature. 1bis tem-
perature can also proouce temperature-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b b ilm (tirst gen-
eration trom consciousness-proouceo tire-element). 1bese tem-
perature-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas also con-
tain tire-element wbicb can proouce a turtber generation ot
temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg
lg e j b b ilm 1bis process can carry on tor two or
tbree generations.
1be consciousnesses present ouring tbe practice ot prepar-
atory, access, ano absorption concentration in Samatba meoita-
tion, or ouring tbe practice ot Vipassan, ano tbe patb ano trui-
tion consciousnesses are all capable ot prooucing consciousness-
proouceo rpa kalpas tqq g lg e j b b ilm 1bese
consciousness-proouceo rpa kalpas contain tire-element,
temperature, wbicb can proouce many generations ot nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas, not only internally but also externally.
3. All conoitioneo pbenomena bave tbree pbases: arising, stanoing, ano
38 39
Lepenoing on wbetber tbe power ot unoerstanoing is great or
little, or oepenoing on tbe power ot concentration, tbese rpa
kalpas are proouceo in large or small number spreaoing out
trom tbe booy. (See Vsm. sub-com. 2. p. 428, 429, 403).
1bis process ot multiplication ano proouction ot rpa kal-
pas occurs only wben tbe tire-element, temperature rqr ) bas
reacbeo its stanoing pbase etqt bli
1be nutriment-proouceo rpa kalpas lelo g b ilm
tbat will be mentioneo below contain also tire-element tbat is
temperature. Vben tbis temperature reacbes its stanoing pbase
it can proouce many generations ot temperature-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b b ilm
In tbis way, it may proouce ten to twelve generations ot rpa
kalpas, ano witb tbe assistance ot special tooo, sucb as tbe
nutritive-essence ot oevas (oivine nutritive-essence), tbis proc-
ess can continue tor a long perioo ot time. 1be temperature-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b
b ilm proouceo in tbis way also contain nutritive-essence
lgl ) ano witb assistance torm nutriment-proouceo nutritive-
essence lelo g lgl ) tbey can proouce many generations ot
nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lelo g
lg e j b b ilm insioe tbe booy.
) P X U P 4 F F . B U F S J B M J U Z 1 S P E V D F E C Z / V U S J N F O U
lour parts ot tbe booy, namely, unoigesteo tooo, taeces, pus, ano
urine, consist ot nutritive-essence-octao kalpas tbat are pro-
ouceo by temperature rqr only. 1beretore, newly eaten tooo
insioe tbe stomacb consists ot only nutritive-essence-octao kal-
pas. Vitb tbe assistance ot tbe tire-element in tbe lite-nonao
kalpas gnstq k s b b ilm ) wbicb make up tbe kammi-
cally proouceo oigestive beat, tbe nutritive-essence lgl in
40 41
tbese nutritive-essence-octao kalpas proouces many genera-
tions ot nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lg e j b b ilm
1bese are nutriment-proouceo kalpas lelo g b ilm ) ano
spreao tbrougbout tbe six sense-bases. iutriment taken in one
oay can proouce nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao
kalpas lelo g lg e j b b ilm tor up to seven oays.
Livine nutriment can oo tbis tor up to one or two montbs.
1be nutriment taken on one oay also, witb tbe assistance ot
kammically proouceo oigestive-beat, gives support tor tbe
next seven oays to tbe nutritive-essence in kamma-proouceo,
consciousness-proouceo, temperature-proouceo, ano succeeo-
ing nutriment-proouceo kalpas.
In oroer to see tbese tbings you can meoitate at tbe time ot
eating. 1be nutriment-proouceo kalpas can be seen to spreao
tbrougbout tbe booy beginning trom tbe moutb, tbroat, stom-
acb, ano intestines. Liscern tbe tour elements in tbe newly eaten
tooo in tbe moutb, tbroat, stomacb, ano intestines, ano see tbe
rpa kalpas tbere. Continue to look until you can see tbat, witb
tbe assistance ot tbe kammically proouceo oigestive beat, tbe
nutritive-essence in tbe rpa kalpas in tbe tooo proouces new
rpa kalpas wbicb spreao tbrougbout tbe booy.
Alternatively, you can see tbese tbings it you meoitate atter
baving eaten. Having progressively oevelopeo concentration
stage by stage, oiscern tbe tour elements in tbe newly eaten
tooo in tbe stomacb, or in tbe intestines. Continue to look until
you can see tbat witb tbe assistance ot kammically proouceo
oigestive beat (tbe tire-element in tbe lite-nonao kalpas), tbe
nutritive-essence in tbe nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lg e
j b b ilm in tbe tooo proouces tbe nutriment-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lelo g lg e j b b ilm
wbicb spreao tbrougbout tbe booy. See tbat tbese kalpas are
40 41
opaque. 1ben analyse tbem ano oiscern tbe eigbt types ot mate-
riality touno in eacb.
Levelop concentration ano tben oiscern tbese nutriment-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lelo g lg e j b
b ilm spreaoing out tbrougb tbe booy ano reacbing tbe eye.
Liscern tbe eigbt types ot materiality touno in tbose kalpas
in tbe eye, ano note tbat tbe nutritive-essence touno in tbose
kalpas is nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence lelo g
lgl Vben tbis nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence meets
witb tbe nutritive-essence containeo in tbe eye-oecao kal-
pas bbera p b b ilm ) it assists tbe kamma-proouceo
nutritive-essence b jj g lgl touno in tbe eye-oecao kal-
pas in prooucing tour or tive generations ot rpa kalpas. 1be
number ot generations oepenos on tbe strengtb ot assistance ot
botb kamma-proouceo nutritive-essence b jj g lg ano
nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence lelo g lgl Again,
in tbose tour or tive generations ot rpa kalpas, tbere is tire-
element, wbicb is temperature. 1bis temperature rqr ) at its
stanoing pbase, proouces many generations ot temperature-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b
b ilm 1ry to oiscern tbis.
Also try to oiscern tbat tbe nutritive-essence ot tbe booy-
oecao kalpas, ano sex-oecao kalpas, witb tbe assistance ot tbe
nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence lelo g lgl ) can pro-
ouce tour or tive generations ot nutriment-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas lelo g lg e j b b ilm 1be tire-
element, temperature, containeo also in tbese many generations
proouces many more generations ot temperature-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b b ilm
In every consciousness-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao
kalpa tqq g lg e j b b ilm in tbe eye tbere is
42 43
nutritive-essence. 1bis consciousness-proouceo nutritive-essence
tqq g lgl ) wben assisteo by tbe nutriment-proouceo nutritive-
essence lelo g lgl ) proouces two or tbree generations ot
nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lelo g
lg e j b b ilm 1be tire-element rqr in tbese also pro-
ouces many generations ot tbe temperature-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b b ilm
Vben a consciousness is a Samatba, Vipassan, Iatb, or
lruition Consciousness, it is capable ot prooucing many gener-
ations ot tbe consciousness-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao
kalpas tqq g lg e j b b ilm witbin tbe booy. 1be tire-
element in tbese kalpas proouces tbe temperature-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b b ilm
botb insioe ano outsioe tbe booy. Ligbt is tbe brilliance ot col-
our ot tbe colour-materiality in tbese consciousness-proouceo
kalpas ano temperature-proouceo kalpas.
As sbown above in tbe eye, in every temperature-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpa proouceo trom temperature
or tire-element, wbetber it be kamma-proouceo tire-element,
consciousness-proouceo tire-element, temperature-proouceo
tire-element, or nutriment-proouceo tire-element, tbere is also
nutritive-essence. 1bis temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence
rqrg lgl can, witb tbe assistance ot nutriment-proouceo
nutritive-essence lelo g lgl ) proouce ten or twelve genera-
tions ot rpa kalpas. (See Vsm. sub-com. p. 403)
Also tbe tire-element (temperature) containeo in tbe
nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas lelo g
lg e j b b ilm is capable ot prooucing many temperature-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas rqrg lg e j b
b ilm
1be way in wbicb nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-
42 43
octao kalpas are proouceo trom tooo eaten ano spreao to
be present in tbe eye bas alreaoy been explaineo above.
1be nutritive-essence in tbese is calleo nutriment-proouceo
nutritive-essence lelo g lgl Vben tbe nutriment-proouceo
nutritive-essence lelo g lgl ot a previous nutriment-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpa is given assistance
by tbe nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence lelo g lgl
ot a later nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpa,
it can proouce many or a tew generations ot rpa kalpas.
1bis oepenos on tbe quality ot tbe tooo ano strengtb ot tbe
oigestive tire-element. In tbese nutriment-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas lelo g lg e j b b ilm tbere
is also tire-element, temperature, ano tbis can proouce many
new temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas
rqrg lg e j b b ilm
Vben temperature ano nutritive-essence proouce new kal-
pas as oescribeo above tbey oo it wben tbey reacb tbeir stano-
ing pbase only. In tbe proouction ot rpa kalpas wbetber it
be tor two, tbree, ten, or twelve generations, tbe last gener-
ation contains temperature ano nutritive-essence wbicb can-
not proouce new temperature-proouceo kalpas ano nutriment-
proouceo kalpas.
You sboulo reao tbrougb tbis oescription ot tbe proouction
ot rpa kalpas caretully ano look also at tbe tollowing cbarts.
1ben by baving a proper teacber ano practising systematically,
you will become proticient in tbe oiscernment ot kalpas pro-
ouceo by tbe tour causes ot kamma, consciousness, tempera-
ture, ano nutriment. In tbe same way as bas been sbown in tbe
case ot tbe eye-base, you sboulo oiscern all tbe rpa kalpas
in tbe otber tive bases ano also tbe torty-two parts ot tbe booy
(wbicb will be explaineo atter tbe tollowing cbarts).
44 45
& Z F % P P S ` J G U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
eye-oecao kalpa booy-oecao kalpa sex-oecao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
9 lite-taculty lite-taculty lite-taculty
10 eye transparent-element booy transparent-element sex-materiality
proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma
transparent transparent opaque
sensitive to tbe
impingement ot ligbt
sensitive to tbe impingement
ot toucb (eartb, nre, ano air)
quality conveying
proouceo octao kalpa
octao kalpa
octao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
proouceo by
proouceo by temperature proouceo by nutriment
opaque opaque opaque
Out ot tbese ntty-tour types ot materiality, tbe eye-transparent-
element is calleo m pla bber or p p j elo bber) tbe otber
ntty-tbree types ot materiality are calleo just p p j elo bber
44 45
& B S % P P S ` J G U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
ear-oecao kalpa booy-oecao kalpa sex-oecao kalpa
eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
water-element water-element water-element
nre-element nre-element nre-element
air-element air-element air-element
colour colour colour
ooour ooour ooour

taste taste taste

nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
lite-taculty lite-taculty lite-taculty
ear transparent-element booy transparent-element sex-materiality
proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma
transparent transparent, opaque
sensitive to tbe
impingement ot souno
sensitive to tbe impingement
ot toucb (eartb, nre, ano air)
quality conveying
octao kalpa
temperature-proouceo octao
octao kalpa
eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
water-element water-element water-element
nre-element nre-element nre-element
air-element air-element air-element
colour colour colour
ooour ooour ooour

taste taste taste

nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
proouceo by
proouceo by temperature proouceo by
opaque opaque opaque
Out ot tbese ntty-tour types ot materiality, tbe ear-transparent-element
is calleo m pla plq or p p j elo plq ) tbe otber ntty-tbree
types ot materiality are calleo just p p j elo plq
46 4
/ P T F % P P S ` J G U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
nose-oecao kalpa booy-oecao kalpa sex-oecao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
9 lite-taculty lite-taculty lite-taculty
10 nose transparent-element booy transparent-element sex-materiality
proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma
transparent transparent opaque
sensitive to tbe
impingement ot ooour
sensitive to tbe impingement
ot toucb (eartb, nre, ano air)
quality conveying
octao kalpa
octao kalpa
nutriment-proouceo octao
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
proouceo by
proouceo by
proouceo by nutriment
opaque opaque opaque
Out ot tbese ntty-tour types ot materiality, tbe nose-transparent-
element is calleo m pla oelk or p p j elo oelk ) tbe otber
ntty-tbree types ot materiality are calleo just p p j elo oelk
46 4
5 P O H V F % P P S ` J G U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
tongue-oecao kalpa booy-oecao kalpa sex-oecao kal
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
9 lite-taculty lite-taculty lite-taculty
10 tongue transparent-
booy transparent-element sex-materiality
proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma
transparent transparent opaque
sensitive to tbe
impingement ot taste
sensitive to tbe impingement
ot toucb (eartb, nre, ano air)
quality conveying
octao kalpa
temperature-proouceo octao
octao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
proouceo by
proouceo by temperature proouceo by
opaque opaque opaque
Out ot tbese ntty-tour types ot materiality, tbe tongue-transparent
element is calleo m pla gtsel or p p j elo gtsel) tbe otber ntty-
tbree types ot materiality are calleo just p p j elo gtsel
48 49
# P E Z % P P S ` P S U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
booy-oecao kalpa sex-oecao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element
5 colour colour
6 ooour ooour
taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
9 lite-taculty lite-taculty
10 booy transparent-element sex-materiality
proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma
transparent opaque
sensitive to tbe impingement
ot toucb (eartb, nre, ano air)
quality conveying genoer
proouceo octao kalpa
proouceo octao kalpa
nutriment-proouceo octao
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
proouceo by
proouceo by
proouceo by nutriment
opaque opaque opaque
Out ot tbese ntty-tour types ot materiality, tbe booy-transparent
element is calleo m pla b v or p p j elo oelkl) tbe otber ntty-
tbree types ot materiality are calleo just p p j elo oelkl
48 49
. J O E % P P S ` P S U Z ` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
beart-oecao kalpa booy-oecao kalpa sex-oecao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
9 lite-taculty lite-taculty lite-taculty
10 beart-materiality booy transparent-element sex-materiality
proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma proouceo by kamma
opaque transparent opaque
supporting tbe mino-
element ano mino-
consciousness element
sensitive to tbe impingement
ot toucb (eartb, nre, ano air)
quality conveying
octao kalpa
octao kalpa
octao kalpa
1 eartb-element eartb-element eartb-element
2 water-element water-element water-element
3 nre-element nre-element nre-element
4 air-element air-element air-element
5 colour colour colour
6 ooour ooour ooour
taste taste taste
8 nutritive-essence nutritive-essence nutritive-essence
proouceo by consciousness proouceo by temperature proouceo by nutriment
opaque opaque opaque
Out ot tbese ntty-tour types ot materiality, beart-materiality is calleo
beart-base (e a v s qqer or p p j elo e a v ) tbe otber ntty-
tbree types ot materiality are calleo just p p j elo e a v
50 51
# Z 8 B Z P G U I F ` P S U Z 5 X P 1 B S U T P G U I F # P E Z
1bere are twenty parts ot tbe booy in wbicb eartb-element is
1. Heao bair bbpl
2. Booy bair iljl
3. iails k bel
4. 1eetb a kql
5. Skin q l
6. llesb j p
. Sinews k elor
8. Bone et
9. Bone marrow etjtg
10. Kioneys s bb
11. Heart e a v
12. Liver v b k
13. \embrane btilj b
14. Spleen mte b
15. Lungs m mmelp
16. Intestines kq
1. \esentery kq ork
18. Corge ra otv
19. laeces b otp
20. Brain j qqe ir o
Ot tbese twenty parts, all except gorge ano taeces (oung) con-
tain torty-tour types ot materiality, as sbown in tbe cbarts above
tor tbe booy-ooor. Corge ano taeces contain only eigbt types
ot materiality, ano are maoe ot only temperature-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas.
1bere are twelve parts in tbe booy in wbicb water-element
is preoominant:
1. Bile mtqq . 1ears ppr (16)
2. Iblegm pbje 8. Crease s pl
3. Ius mr l (8) 9. Saliva beb l (16)
4. Blooo iletq 10. iasal oiscbarge pt oelktb (16)
5. Sweat pbal (16) 11. Synovial tluio i ptbl
6. lat jbal 12. Irine jrqq (8)
Ot tbese, all except pus, sweat, tears, saliva, nasal oiscbarge, ano
50 51
urine contain torty-tour types ot materiality as sbown in tbe cbarts
tor tbe booy-ooor. Ius ano urine bave eigbt types ot materiality,
being only temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kal-
pas. Sweat, tears, saliva, ano nasal oiscbarge bave sixteen types
ot materiality being consciousness-proouceo nutritive-essence-
octao kalpas ano temperature-proouceo kalpas, ano tbey are
proouceo by consciousness ano temperature respectively.
In oroer to see ano oiscern all tbese types ot materiality in
eacb part ot tbe booy, tirst oevelop concentration systematically.
1ben analyse tbe rpa kalpas in tbe six sense-bases as sbown
in tbe cbarts above. Vben you are able to oo tbis, oiscern tbe
part ot tbe booy wbicb you wisb to examine. Vben you can ois-
cern tbat part, oiscern tbe tour elements in it. Vben you see tbat
part as a transparent torm, look tor tbe space in it ano you will
easily see tbe kalpas, wbicb make up tbat part ot tbe booy. It
your meoitation is strong, tben as soon as you look tor tbe tour
elements in a given part ot tbe booy, you will easily see tbe rpa
kalpas. Vben you can see tbe rpa kalpas, analyse tbem ano
oiscern tbe oitterent kinos ot kalpa present tbere. Vitb know-
leoge oivioe ano oiscern as tbey really are tbe kalpas proouceo
by kamma, consciousness, temperature, ano nutriment.
1o oiscern tbe kalpas in booy bair ano beao bair, pay atten-
tion to tbe base ot tbe bairs wbicb are insioe tbe skin. Look tor
tbe torty-tour types ot materiality tbere tirst because tbe bair
outsioe tbe skin bas an extremely small amount ot booy-oecao
kalpas, ano tbey are very oitticult to oiscern. In a similar way
witb tbe nails ot tbe tingers ano toes, you sboulo pay more
attention to tbeir parts tbat are close to tbe tlesb.
1bere are tour parts (bere we woulo ratber say components)
ot tbe booy in wbicb beat is preoominant:
1. Heat tbat warms tbe booy p kq mm k qbgl )
52 53
2. Heat tbat causes maturing ano aging gno k qbgl )
3. Heat ot tever a e qbgl )
4. Ligestive beat ml b qbgl ) a mooe ot lite-nonao
1bese tour components ot tbe booy oo not possess sbape or
torm like tbe parts in wbicb eartb-element or water-element are
preoominant. 1bey are maoe ot only not-transparent rpa kal-
pas in wbicb beat is preoominant, ano so you will bave to look
tor kalpas in wbicb tire-element is preoominant in oroer to see
tbese components ot tbe booy. It tbey are not clear tben exam-
ine tbem at a time wben you bave bao a tever.
1bere are six components in wbicb air-element is preoom-
1. Air tbat rises up raae o jl slql
2. Air tbat goes oown aelo jl slql
3. Air in tbe aboomen outsioe tbe intestines br etp vl
4. Air insioe tbe intestines bl elp vl slql
5. Air tbat pervaoes tbrougb tbe limbs o j olkr
plotkl slql
6. In-ano-out-breatb pplp m pplp
Ot tbese, all except in-ano-out-breatb consists ot tbirty-tbree
types ot materiality eacb. 1bey are maoe up ot tour types ot
1. Lite-taculty-as-tbe-nintb-tactor kalpa or lite-nonao kal-
pa gnstq k s b b ilm (nine types ot materiality).
2. Consciousness-proouceo nutritive-essence-as-tbe-
eigbtb-tactor kalpa or consciousness-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpa tqq g lg e j b
b ilm (eigbt types ot materiality).
52 53
3. 1emperature-proouceo nutritive-essence-as-tbe-eigbtb-
tactor kalpa or temperature-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpa rqrg lg e j b b ilm
(eigbt types ot materiality).
4. iutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-as-tbe-eigbtb-
tactor kalpa or nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-
octao kalpa lelo g lg e j b b ilm (eigbt
types ot materiality).
1bese tour types ot kalpa contain a total ot tbirty-tbree types
ot materiality.
1be in-ano-out-breatb contains only nine types ot materiality
touno in wbat is calleo a consciousness-proouceo souno-as-tbe-
nintb-tactor kalpa tqq g p aa k s b b ilm 1bis type
ot kalpa contains eartb-element, water-element, tire-element,
air-element, colour, smell, taste, nutriment, ano souno.
1be in-ano-out-breatb is proouceo by consciousness. 1o see
tbis you bave to oiscern tbat it is proouceo by consciousness
present in tbe bbavanga mino transparent-element, supporteo by
beart-base materiality. Vben you see tbis breatb being proouceo
tbere, oiscern tbe tour elements in it ano you will see tbe kalpas
wbicb make it up. In eacb ot tbese kalpas you will tino nine types
ot materiality incluoing souno. Iractise until you can see tbis.
1o analyse tbe otber tive types tirst oiscern eacb type ot air,
ano tben oiscern tbe tour elements in eacb. You will see tbe
rpa kalpas wbicb tben sboulo be analyseo to see all tbirty-
tbree types ot materiality present in tbem.
/ J O F , J O E T P G 3 Q B , B M Q B 1 S P E V D F E C Z , B N N B
In examining tbe rpa kalpas in tbe six sense-bases ano torty-
two parts ot tbe booy, you will tino tbat tbere are nine kinos ot
rpa kalpa proouceo by kamma:
54 55
1. Iye-oecao kalpa bber a p b b ilm
2. Iar-oecao kalpa plq a p b b ilm
3. iose-oecao kalpa oelk a p b b ilm
4. 1ongue-oecao kalpa gtse a p b b ilm
5. Booy-oecao kalpa blv a p b b ilm
6. lemale-sex-oecao kalpa tqqet els a p b b ilm
. \ale-sex-oecao kalpa mrj els a p b b ilm
8. Heart-base-oecao kalpa e a v s qqer a p b b ilm
9. Lite-nonao kalpa gnstq k s b b ilm
1bese kamma-proouceo rpa kalpas arise in tbe present
because ot kamma pertormeo in tbe past lite. Kamma-proouceo
rpa kalpas present in tbe past lite were causeo by kamma per-
tormeo in tbe lite previous to tbat. Kamma-proouceo rpa kal-
pas tbat arise in tbe next lite are causeo by eitber kamma oone
in tbis present lite or tbat pertormeo in a previous lite. 1o know
wbicb kamma tbey are tbe result ot, wbetber giving alk ) vir-
tuous conouct pni ) or meoitation els kl ) you will neeo
to oiscern materiality ano mentality ot tbe past ano tuture. Only
tben will you unoerstano ano experience tbis tor yourselt. 1bis
will come later in tbe Knowleoge ot Liscerning Cause ano Con-
oition m v m otoo e l At tbe present stage you
just bave to accept provisionally tbat tbese rpa kalpas are pro-
ouceo by kamma.
It sboulo also be noteo tbat tbe above materiality proouceo by
kamma, consciousness, temperature, or nutriment, wbicb is real
materiality, will later be comprebenoeo by insigbt-knowleoges
as impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt. 1bere is also not-real
mixeo togetber witb materiality proouceo by con-
sciousness, temperature, ano nutriment. 1bis is explaineo below.
4. See page 63 66 tor tbe explanation ot tbe ten types ot not-real materiality.
54 55
& J H I U , J O E T P G 3 Q B , B M Q B 1 S P E V D F E C Z $ P O T D J P V T O F T T
1. Consciousness-proouceo pure-octao kalpa tqq g
praae e b b ilm It is touno in all six sense-
bases ano most ot tbe torty-two parts ot tbe booy. It
is real materiality ano can be useo as tbe object ot
Vipassan practice.
2. Booily-intimation-as-tbe-nintb-tactor kalpa blv
st qqt k s b b ilm Having oiscerneo tbe
mino transparent-element wiggle one ot your tin-
gers back ano tortb. You will see many kalpas pro-
ouceo by consciousness wbicb wben analyseo contain
only eigbt types ot materiality. Vben tbe movement ot
booily intimation is aooeo it makes nine.
3. Ligbtness-as-tbe-eleventb-tactor kalpa i erql
bb a p b b ilm is a kalpa witb eleven tactors,
tbe eigbt basic tactors
plus ligbtness i erql ) sott-
ness jrarql ) ano wieloiness b jj ql
4. Booily-intimation-as-tbe-twelvetb-tactor kalpa blv
st qqqt i erql as a p b b ilm is a kalpa
wbicb bas twelve tactors, tbe basic eigbt plus booily
intimation, ligbtness, sottness, ano wieloiness.
5. Verbal-intimation-as-tbe-tentb-tactor kalpa
s nst qqt a p b b ilm is a kalpa wbicb con-
tains ten types ot materiality, tbe basic eigbt plus ver-
bal intimation ano souno. Say letters a, b, c alouo.
iow, oiscern tbe mino transparent-element ano tben
say tbe letters a, b, c again ano see tbe kalpas
causeo by consciousness spreaoing to tbe tbroat, vocal
cboros, ano otber places involveo in prooucing souno.
5. 1be eigbt basic tactors are eartb-element, water-element, tire-element,
air-element, colour, ooour, taste, ano nutritive-essence.
56 5
Also oiscern separately tbe eartb-element present in
tbe consciousness-proouceo kalpa rubbing against
tbe eartb-element in tbe kamma-proouceo kalpas
(wbicb proouces souno) in tbe place wbere souno is
proouceo ano tbe verbal intimation is involveo.
6. Verbal-intimation-as-tbe-tbirteentb-tactor kalpa s n
st qqt p aa i erql qbo p b b ilm is a kalpa
witb tbirteen tactors, tbe basic eigbt plus verbal inti-
mation, souno, ligbtness, sottness, ano wieloiness.
. Consciousness-proouceo souno-as-tbe-nintb-tactor
kalpa ot in-ano-out-breatb pplp m pplp tqq g
p aa k s b b ilm is a consciousness-proouceo
kalpa witb nine tactors: tbe basic eigbt plus souno.
1bis is a real materiality ano a suitable object tor
8. Consciousness-proouceo souno-as-tbe-twelvetb-
tactor kalpa ot in-ano-out-breatb pplp m pplp
tqq g p aa i erqlat asla p b b ilm is a
consciousness-proouceo kalpa witb twelve tactors:
tbe basic eigbt plus souno, ligbtness, sottness, ano
Klqb: In . ano 8. tbe souno is tbe souno ot breatbing. 1be kal-
pas containing not-real materiality mixeo witb real materiality
sboulo be oiscerneo at tbe time ot oiscerning mentality ano
materiality, but later, wben meoitating on tbe tbree cbaracteris-
tics ouring Vipassan, tbey sboulo not be incluoeo.
` P V S , J O E T P G 3 Q B , B M Q B 1 S P E V D F E C Z 5 F N Q F S B U V S F
1. 1emperature-proouceo pure-octao kalpa rqrg
praae e b b ilm is a kalpa proouceo by tem-
56 5
perature containing eigbt tactors: tbe basic eigbt. It is
real materiality.
2. 1emperature-proouceo souno-as-tbe-nintb-tactor
kalpa rqrg p aa k s b b ilm is a kalpa
proouceo by temperature containing nine tactors:
tbe basic eigbt plus souno. It is real materiality.
3. Ligbtness-as-tbe-eleventb-tactor kalpa i erqlabb
a p b b ilm is a kalpa witb tbe basic eigbt
tactors plus ligbtness, sottness, ano wieloiness. It is
not-real materiality.
4. Souno-as-tbe-twelvetb-tactor kalpa p aa i erqlat
asla p b b ilm is a kalpa containing twelve
tactors: tbe basic eigbt plus souno, ligbtness, sottness,
ano wieloiness. It is not-real materiality.
Ot tbese, tbe tirst is touno tbrougbout tbe six sense-bases ano
in most ot tbe torty-two parts ot tbe booy. 1be secono is tbe
kalpa involveo in making souno in tbe stomacb, ano simi-
lar types ot souno. 1bese tirst two kalpas can be touno inter-
nally ano externally. 1be tbiro ano tourtb bave not-real materi-
ality mixeo up in tbem ano are not objects tor Vipassan meoi-
tation, but sboulo be oiscerneo at tbe stage in tbe practice wben
mentality ano materiality are oiscerneo. 1bese last two are not
touno in inanimate objects, but are touno in living beings inter-
nally ano externally.
5 X P , J O E T P G 3 Q B , B M Q B 1 S P E V D F E C Z / V U S J N F O U
1. iutriment-proouceo pure-octao kalpa lelo g
praa e b b ilm is a nutriment-proouceo kalpa
witb nutritive-essence as tbe eigbtb tactor.
2. Ligbtness-as-tbe-eleventb-tactor kalpa i erqlabb
58 59
is a nutriment-proouceo kalpa witb
ligbtness as tbe eleventb tactor. It contains tbe basic
eigbt tactors plus ligbtness, sottness, ano wieloiness.
Ot tbese two kalpas, tbe tirst consists ot real materiality, is
touno tbrougbout tbe six sense-bases ano in most ot tbe torty-
two parts ot tbe booy, ano is suitable tor Vipassan meoitation.
1be secono is touno tbrougbout tbe six sense-bases ano in most
ot tbe torty-two parts ot tbe booy. 1bis kalpa consists ot tbe
eigbt basic tactors wbicb are real materiality ano tbree tactors
(ligbtness, sottness, ano wieloiness) wbicb are not-real materi-
ality. 1be eigbt tactors wbicb are real materiality are suitable tor
Vipassan meoitation, but tbe tbree tactors wbicb are not-real
materiality are not suitable tor Vipassan meoitation. Botb tbese
kalpas are touno internally in oneselt, ano externally in otber
living beings.
5 I S F F , J O E T P G 4 P V O E
1. 1be souno ot consciousness-proouceo souno-as-tbe-
nintb-tactor kalpas ot in-ano-out-breatb pplp
m pplp tqq g p aa k s b b ilm is tbe souno
ot breatbing.
2. 1be souno ot verbal-intimation-as-tbe-tentb-tactor
kalpas s nst qqt a p b b ilm is tbe souno ot
3. 1be souno ot temperature-proouceo souno-as-tbe-
nintb-tactor kalpas rqrg p aa k s b b ilm is
tbe souno ot tbe stomacb, ot tbe wino, etc.
Ot tbese tbree types ot kalpa, tbe tirst ano secono are only
touno in living beings ano tbe tbiro (temperature-proouceo
souno-as-tbe-nintb-tactor kalpa) is touno in botb living
58 59
ano inanimate objects. 1be tbiro incluoes all sounos except
tbe tirst two. 1be verbal intimation materiality in tbe verbal-
intimation-as-tbe-tentb-tactor kalpa is not-real materiality
ano is not suitable tor Vipassan meoitation, but tbe otber
types ot materiality present in tbe kalpa are real ano are suit-
able tor Vipassan meoitation. All types ot materiality in tbe
consciousness-proouceo souno-as-tbe-nintb-tactor kalpa ano
tbe temperature-proouceo souno-as-tbe-nintb-tactor kalpa
are suitable tor Vipassan meoitation.
% J T D F S O J O H U I F ` P V S $ I B S B D U F S J T U J D T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
Only wben you are able to oiscern tbe materiality present at tbe
time ot conception ano oevelopment ot tbe embryo in tbe womb,
will you be able to oiscern growtb ot materiality rm v As
tor continuity p kq qt ) aging g o ql ) ano impermanence
kt ql ot materiality tbey are just tbe arising, stanoing, ano
passing-away ot tbe real materiality ot tbe six sense-bases or
torty-two parts ot tbe booy. lirstly oiscern an inoivioual rpa
kalpa ano analyse it to see it it contains eigbt, nine, or ten tac-
tors. 1ben try to see all types ot real materiality present in a
kalpa arising, stanoing, ano passing-away togetber. Atter tbat
oiscern tbe arising, stanoing, ano passing-away ot all materiality
present in tbe six sense-bases ano torty-two parts ot tbe booy
all at once. 1be rpa kalpas oo not all arise, stano, ano pass
away simultaneously, tbey are not in pbase.
5 I F 5 J N F G P S % J T D F S O J O H B T . B U F S J B M J U Z
lirstly oiscern separately in eacb ot tbe six sense-bases tbe titty-
tour or torty-tour types ot real materiality present. 1ben try also
to oiscern in eacb as many types ot not-real materiality as you
can. 1ben oiscern all types ot materiality in one base togetber
60 61
accoroing to tbeir cbaracteristic ot being molesteo by cbange.
1ben, taking all types ot materiality in eacb base togetber, meo-
itate on tbem as materiality, materiality or 1bese are material-
ity or 1bese are material obammas. You must oo tbe same tor
eacb ot tbe torty-two parts ot tbe booy.
5 I F $ I B S B D U F S J T U J D P G # F J O H . P M F T U F E C Z $ I B O H F
1bis means tbat all types ot materiality cbange in intensity, sucb
as trom bot to colo, baro to sott, rougb to smootb, but tbeir nat-
ural cbaracteristic ot baroness, tlowing, beat, ano supporting
ooes not cbange. Vben it is bot tbe beat ot materiality in tbe
booy can increase to unbearable levels, ano wben it is colo tbe
coloness can reacb unbearable levels. 1bus, tbere is a constant
cbange in all types ot materiality in a kalpa as tbey continu-
ously molest eacb otber internally ano externally.
1o summarise:
1. Betore you bave seen tbe rpa kalpas, oevelop con-
centration up to access concentration by seeing tbe tour ele-
ments: eartb, water, tire, ano air.
2. Vben you can see tbe rpa kalpas analyse tbem to see
all tbe materiality in eacb kalpa, tor example: eartb, water, tire,
air, colour, ooour, taste, nutriment, lite-taculty, ano eye transparent-
3. 1ben oiscern: all tbe materiality in a single sense-base,
all tbe materiality in a single part ot tbe booy, all tbe material-
ity in all six sense-bases, ano all tbe materiality in all torty-two
parts ot tbe booy. Having seen tbat tbey all bave tbe cbaracteris-
tic ot being molesteo by cbange, note tbem as materiality, mate-
riality, material obammas, material obammas or 1bis is mate-
riality, tbis is materiality.
60 61
1 B S U
5 I F P S Z G P S % J T D F S O N F O U P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
5 I F % I B N N B T 5 I B U . V T U # F $ P N Q S F I F O E F E C Z 0 O F
1 S B D U J T J O H 7 J Q B T T B O . F E J U B U J P O
Bbikkbus, witbout tully knowing, witbout comprebenoing, witb-
out oetacbing trom, witbout abanooning tbe All, one is unable
to eno suttering Bbikkbus, by tully knowing, by comprebeno-
ing, by oetacbing trom, by abanooning tbe All, one is able to
eno suttering.
I etbbe sb k etglk m otglk stolg
v m g e e l arbbe bbe vlv I bel
etbbe sb etglk m otglk stolg v m g e e l
arbbe bbe vlv (Slayatana Samyutta, Sabbavagga, Iatbama
Aparijnana Sutta)
1be commentary to tbis sutta explains turtber tbat tbis reters
to tbe tbree types ot tull unoerstanoing m ot l It says:
lqt tj pjt prqqb qtpp mt m ot l b qetq elkqt etglk kqt
et s kbk lq m ot l b qetql m otglk kqt s kbk qno
m ot l) stolg v m g e kqt asnet m elk m ot lqt
1bis means tbat tully knowing reters to tull unoerstanoing
as tbe known lq m ot l ) comprebenoing reters to tull un-
oerstanoing as investigating qno m ot l ) ano tbe last two,
oetacbing trom ano abanooning, reter to tull unoerstanoing as
abanooning m elk m ot l
1beretore, only by tully unoerstanoing all types ot materi-
ality ano mentality ot tbe tive aggregates ot clinging witb tbese
tbree types ot tull unoerstanoing, can one oo away witb oesire
ano craving tor materiality ano mentality, ano make an eno to
suttering. lurtbermore, tbe sub-commentary to Visuoobimagga
62 63
says: et k s pbp ql m ot bvv ) bb p ql sto ggtq
(Vsm. sub-com. 2. p. 358)
1bis means tbat tbe tive aggregates ot clinging wbicb are
tbe objects ot Vipassan unoerstanoing must tirst be complete-
ly oiscerneo witbout exception or remainoer. So, in oroer to
remove oesire ano craving tor tbat mentality-ano-materiality, tbe
sub-commentary says one must comprebeno tbe tbree cbarac-
teristics ot all types ot materiality ano mentality wbicb are tbe
objects ot Vipassan meoitation.
Accoroing to tbe texts a meoitator must tirst be able to ois-
cern all types ot materiality ano mentality wbicb make up tbe
tive aggregates ot clinging inoivioually. 1bat is: 1be knowleoge
tbat oiscerns all types ot materiality inoivioually is calleo tbe
Knowleoge ot Analysing \ateriality o m m ot eba l
1be knowleoge tbat oiscerns all types ot mentality inoiviou-
ally is calleo tbe Knowleoge ot Analysing \entality klj
m ot eba l 1be knowleoge tbat oiscerns materiality
ano mentality as two separate groups is calleo tbe Knowleoge
ot Analysing \entality-ano-\ateriality klj o m m ot eba
1bese tbree knowleoges are also known as tbe Knowleoge
ot Liscerning \ateriality o m m otoo e l ) tbe Know-
leoge ot Liscerning ion-\ateriality o m m otoo e l )
ano tbe Knowleoge ot Liscerning \entality-ano-\ateriality
klj o m m otoo e l lurtbermore, at tbis stage tbe
knowleoge, wbicb clearly sees 1bere is no person, being, or
soul, but only materiality ano mentality exist is calleo tbe
Knowleoge ot Lelimiting \entality-ano-\ateriality klj o m
s s elk l
A person wbo enoeavours to oiscern all types ot material-
ity ano mentality may leave out tbose connecteo witb jbna it
62 63
be bas not attaineo jbna. It, bowever, be is able to attain jbna
be sboulo oiscern ano meoitate witb insigbt-knowleoge on tbe
materiality ano mentality associateo witb wbicbever jbnas be
bas attaineo.
Secono, tbe causes ot tbose materiality ano mentality must
be known correctly as tbey really are. 1bis is tbe Knowleoge ot
Liscerning Cause ano Conoition m v m otoo e l
Because by tbese two knowleoges, tbe Knowleoge ot Analys-
ing \entality-ano-\ateriality ano Knowleoge ot Liscerning Cause
ano Conoition, be knows clearly, oistinctly, ano properly tbe
obammas tbat are tbe objects ot insigbt-knowleoge, tbese two are
also calleo tull unoerstanoing as tbe known lq m ot l
1biro, tbe impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt nature ot
all materiality, mentality, ano tbeir causes must be clearly seen.
Luring tbe stages ot insigbt trom tbe Knowleoge ot Compreben-
sion p jj p k l onwaros, wbicb constitute Vipassan,
tbe materiality, mentality, ano tbeir causes are comprebenoeo
by seeing tbe tbree cbaracteristics ot eacb ot tbem.
Ot tbese insigbt-knowleoges, tbe two ot tbe Knowleoge ot
Comprebension ano Knowleoge ot Arising ano Iassing-Away
ra v v l ) wbose tunctions are to investigate ano ois-
cern tbe impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt cbaracteristics ot
all materiality, mentality, ano tbeir causes, are calleo tull unoer-
stanoing as investigating qno m ot l
lrom tbe Knowleoge ot Lissolution e o l up
tbrougb tbe remaining insigbt-knowleoges, only tbe passing-
away ot all materiality, mentality, ano tbeir causes, is known,
ano perceiveo as impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt. As at
tbat time tbe oetilements tbat sboulo be abanooneo are tem-
porarily absent, tbese insigbt-knowleoges are calleo tull unoer-
stanoing as abanooning m elk m ot l
64 65
Vitb tbe lour Iatb Knowleoges otv j oo l ) igno-
rance stggl ) also known as oelusion jle ) wbicb clouos
tbe mino ano makes it unable to know tbe lour ioble 1rutbs,
is oone away witb completely. All materiality ano mentality
wbicb are tbe ioble 1rutb ot Suttering arbbe p ) tbe
causes ot tbese materiality ano mentality wbicb are tbe ioble
1rutb ot tbe Cause ot Suttering p jra v p ) ano tbe
impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt nature ot tbe ioble 1rutb
ot Suttering ano tbe ioble 1rutb ot tbe Cause ot Suttering are
known. Because ot tbe lour Iatb Knowleoges tunction ano
power to complete tbe tunction ot knowing tbese obammas, ano
to complete tbe tunction ot investigating tbese obammas as
impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt, tbey are given tbe name
ot tull unoerstanoing as tbe known ano tull unoerstanoing as
investigating. 1bey are also calleo tull unoerstanoing as aban-
ooning because tbey remove oetilements witbout remainoer.
A meoitator must enoeavour to attain complete knowleoge ot
all tbe materiality ano mentality wbicb make up tbe tive aggre-
gates ot clinging by oeveloping tbese tbree types ot tull unoer-
stanoing. lor tbis reason tbe meoitator sboulo tirst know, learn,
ano memorize all types ot materiality ano mentality. Below is
an explanation ot materiality.
1wenty-Iigbt 1ypes ot \ateriality
` P V S ( S F B U & M F N F O U T + ? F F R ?
1. Iartb-element m e sn aelqr )
Heavy-eartb group Ligbt-eartb group
a. Haroness b. Sottness
c. kougbness o. Smootbness
e. Heaviness t. Ligbtness
64 65
2. Vater-element lml aelqr )
a. llowing b. Cobesion
3. lire-element qbgl aelqr )
a. Hot b. Colo
4. Air-element slvl aelqr
a. Supporting b. Iusbing
` J W F 5 Z Q F T P G 5 S B O T Q B S F O U & M F N F O U . B U F S J B M J U Z . ? Q B ? 0 N ?
1bis group ot materiality is also calleo sensitivity:
1. Iye transparent-element bber m pla )
2. Iar transparent-element plq m pla )
3. iose transparent-element oelk m pla )
4. 1ongue transparent-element gtsel m pla )
5. Booy transparent-element blv m pla 1bis is ois-
perseo tbrougbout tbe booy.
4 F W F O 5 Z Q F T P G ` J F M E . B U F S J B M J U Z % M A ? P ? 0 N ?
1bis group ot materiality is also calleo objective materiality:
1. Colour s or ligbt,
2. Souno p aa )
3. Smell or ooour o kae )
4. llavour or taste o p )
5. 1oucb mel e : 5. eartb-element
6. tire-element
. air-element
1be eartb-element, tire-element, ano air-element taken togetber
constitute tbe objects ot toucb. It tbey are counteo separately
as tbree tielos or objects, tbere are seven objects or tielos ot
materiality. Vben calculating tbe twenty-eigbt types ot mate-
riality, toucb by itselt is excluoeo, because tbe tbree types ot
toucb materiality, eartb-element, tire-element, ano air-element,
66 6
bave alreaoy been counteo separately witbin tbe tour great-
5 X P 5 Z Q F T P G 4 F Y . B U F S J B M J U Z F T ? 0 N ?
1. lemale-sex-materiality tqqet els o m wbicb
causes one to be temale,
2. \ale-sex-materiality mrotp els o m wbicb
causes one to be male.
In any inoivioual only one ot tbese two types ot materiality is
present: in temales only tbe materiality wbicb causes one to be
temale ano in males only tbe materiality wbicb causes one to
be male. Sex-materiality is touno tbrougbout tbe booy.
) F B S U N B U F S J B M J U Z & ? B ? W ? 0 N ?
1. Heart-base materiality e a v s qqer o m is tbe
materiality oepenoent upon wbicb tbe mino-element,
or mino-consciousness-element rests.
1be beart-materiality is touno in beart-oecao kalpas, wbicb
are oistributeo in tbe blooo in tbe cavity ot tbe beart. Because
it is tbe place wbere tbe mino-element, or mino-consciousness-
element resioes, it is calleo tbe beart-base.
- J G F . B U F S J B M J U Z ( T G R ? 0 N ?
1. Lite-taculty materiality gnstqtkaotv
1bis type ot materiality is touno tbrougbout tbe booy ano it
sustains tbe lite ot materiality proouceo by kamma b jj g
o m
/ V U S J N F O U . B U F S J B M J U Z F P ? 0 N ?
1. iutriment b nblo lelo is tbe nutritive-essence
lgl touno in tooo.
66 6
iutriment-materiality is present in all kalpas, even tbe ones orig-
inateo by kamma, consciousness, ano temperature. In tbose cases
it is calleo kamma-proouceo nutritive-essence, consciousness-
proouceo nutritive-essence, ano temperature-proouceo nutritive-
essence respectively. In tbese notes, in oroer not to create con-
tusion tor tbe meoitator, it sboulo be remembereo tbat only tbe
nutritive-essence containeo in tbe nutritive-essence-octao kal-
pas, oeriveo trom nutritive-essence in tbe tooo wbicb bas been
swalloweo, is calleo nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence. Or
to be more precise, wben one bas swalloweo tresb tooo, ano it
is insioe tbe stomacb, ano bas not yet been absorbeo ano ois-
tributeo tbrougbout tbe booy, tben tbe nutritive-essence is still
calleo temperature-proouceo nutritive-essence.
Vitb tbe aio ot tbe oigestive tire ot tbe lite-taculty-nonao
kalpas wbicb is tire-element, tbe tresb tooo is oigesteo ano tbis
proouces a new supply ot nutritive-essence-octao kalpas. 1bese
kalpas are calleo nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence-octao
kalpas. 1be nutritive-essence in tbese nutriment-proouceo
nutritive-essence-octao kalpas is calleo nutriment-proouceo
nutritive-essence. 1be materiality oealt witb so tar may be given
tive oitterent names:
1. 1be above eigbteen types ot materiality are calleo nat-
ural materiality p els o m because tbey eacb
possesses a natural cbaracteristic sucb as baroness.
2. 1bese eigbteen types ot materiality are also calleo
general cbaracteristic materiality p i bbe o m
because tbey possess tbe general cbaracteristics ot
all mentality ano materiality: tbey are impermanent
because tbey arise ano pass away, tbey are suttering
because tbey are oppresseo by arising ano passing-
away, ano tbey are non-selt because tbey are not pos-
68 69
sesseo ot any permanent, stable essence, soul, or selt.
3. Because tbese eigbteen types ot materiality arise witb
kamma, consciousness, temperature, ano nutriment as
tbeir causes, tbey are also calleo proouceo materiality
ktmme kk o m
4. Because tbese eigbteen types ot materiality are con-
stantly unstable ano cbange in intensity trom bot to
colo, baro to sott, etc., tbey are calleo concrete or real
materiality o m o m
5. Because tbese eigbteen types ot materiality are suitable
tor perceiving tbe tbree cbaracteristics ot impermanence,
suttering, ano non-selt, ano are tberetore suitable objects
tor Vipassan meoitation, tbey are also calleo materiality
suitable tor meoitation p jj p k o m
1be remaining ten types ot materiality tbat will be listeo later
are not like tbose eigbteen above but may be given tbese tive
1. \ateriality witbout natural cbaracteristics p els o m
2. \ateriality witbout tbe tbree cbaracteristics
p i bbe o m
3. Inproouceo materiality ktmme kk o m
4. iot-real materiality o m o m
5. \ateriality not suitable tor Vipassan meoitation
( p jj p k o m ).
% F M J N J U J O H . B U F S J B M J U Z . ? P G A A F C B ? 0 N ?
1. Space element lblp aelqr
1be materiality wbicb keeps eacb rpa kalpa trom mixing witb
anotber, wbicb causes tbe rpa kalpas to be oelimiteo into
separate units, ano wbicb is tbe space between rpa kalpas, is
calleo oelimiting materiality.
68 69
5 X P 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z P G * O U J N B U J P O 4 G r r ? R R G
2. Booily intimation blv st qqt 8 actions or
movements ot tbe booy wbicb cause communication
(booy language).
3. Verbal intimation s nst qqt 8 actions ot speecb
wbicb cause communication.
1be actions wbicb cause anotber person to know ones tbougbts or
oesires are calleo materiality ot intimation. Booily intimation is tbe
communication ot ones tbougbts or oesires tbrougb booily move-
ments sucb as beckoning a person witb a gesture ot tbe bano.
Verbal intimation is tbe communication ot ones tbougbts or
oesires tbrougb tbe souno ot speecb sucb as beckoning a per-
son by saying, Ilease, come bere. It is saio tbat because boo-
ily ano verbal intimations are causeo or proouceo by conscious-
ness, tbese types ot materiality cannot be put into non-living
tbings wbicb oo not bave consciousness (eg. auoio tapes). 1bey
are touno only in tbe sounos ano movements ot speecb ano
booy ot living beings.
` J W F 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z B T " M U F S B U J P O 4 I ? P ? 0 N ?
4. Ligbtness i erql
(a) 1be ligbtness ot real materiality proouceo by
(b) 1be ligbtness ot real materiality proouceo by
temperature or tire-element.
(c) 1be ligbtness ot real materiality proouceo by
5. Sottness jrarql
(a) 1be sottness ot real materiality proouceo by
0 1
(b) 1be sottness ot real materiality proouceo by
(c) 1be sottness ot real materiality proouceo by
6. Vieloiness b jj ql
(a) 1be wieloiness or pliancy ot real materiality
proouceo by consciousness.
(b) 1be wieloiness or pliancy ot materiality proouceo
by temperature.
(c) 1be wieloiness or pliancy ot real materiality
proouceo by nutriment.
1bese tbree types ot materiality, sottness, ligbtness, ano wieloi-
ness, togetber witb tbe preceoing two types ot materiality, boo-
ily intimation ano verbal intimation, are calleo tbe tive kinos ot
materiality as alteration.
` P V S 5 Z Q F T P G . B U F S J B M J U Z B T $ I B S B D U F S J T U J D * ? I I F ? ? 0 N ?
. Crowtb ot materiality rm v
(a) It bas tbe cbaracteristic ot occurring at tbe begin-
ning ot real materiality ot one lite.
(b) It is tbe cause ot growtb or completion ot tbe
taculties. It causes tbe appropriate materiality to
reacb sutticiency ano to grow ano increase.
8. Continuity ot materiality p kq qt It ensures tbe con-
tinuity ot real materiality in a lite atter tbe taculties
bave oevelopeo.
1be Buooba taugbt tbe arising ot materiality in tbe above two
ways by oivioing it up into two time perioos, one trom concep-
tion till tbe tull oevelopment ot tbe taculties ot eye, ear, etc., ano
one atter tbe tull oevelopment ot tbe taculties. 1bese two types
ot materiality are just tbe arising rmlal ot real materiality.
0 1
9. Aging or maturing ot real materiality g o ql It is tbe
stage ot stanoing etqt ot real materiality.
10. Impermanence ot real materiality kt ql It is tbe
stage ot oissolution, oisappearance e o ot real
1be eigbteen types ot real materiality ano tbe ten types ot not-
real materiality give a total ot twenty-eigbt kinos ot materiality.
Ot tbese twenty-eigbt types ot materiality tbe eartb, water, tire,
ano air materiality are calleo elements aelqr ) great elements
j el aelqr or primary materiality e q o m 1be otber
twenty-tour kinos ot materiality are calleo oeriveo materiality
rmlal o m because tbey arise oepenoing on tbe tour great
5 I F / B U V S F P G . B U F S J B M J U Z
1bese twenty-eigbt types ot materiality cannot exist inoepeno-
ently or inoivioually but only in a group calleo a rpa kalpa.
1be smallest combination or agglomeration ot materiality is
calleo compactness oe k All types ot materiality in one rpa
1. Arise at tbe same time bbrmmla )
2. Cease at tbe same time bb ktolae )
3. Lepeno on tbe same materiality in tbe same kalpa
bb ktpp v
1be oeriveo materiality present in one rpa kalpa is oeriveo
trom or oepenos on tbe tour elements present in tbat same
kalpa. lurtbermore tbe tour elements in one kalpa are oepeno-
ent on eacb otber. But tbe tour elements ano tbe oeriveo mate-
riality in one kalpa are not oepenoent on tbe tour elements in
anotber kalpa.
2 3
In oroer to see witb knowleoge tbese types ot materiality as
tbey truly are, at tbe level ot ultimate reality, ano to see tbat tbe
oeriveo materiality is oepenoent on great elements, ano great
elements are oepenoent on great elements, it is tirst necessary
to be able to see tbe rpa kalpas. Vben a meoitator is able to
see rpa kalpas, be will also be able to see tbe ultimate real-
ities present in eacb ano wbetber tbere are eigbt, nine, ten, or
more types ot materiality in eacb. 1ben be must also enoeav-
our to know tbe natural cbaracteristics ano properties ot eacb
ot tbese types ot materiality by separating eacb witb knowleoge.
Only tben will be be able to know tbe ultimate reality ot materi-
ality. In tbese notes tbis metboo ot seeing rpa kalpas is calleo
analysis ot elements.
In tbe \abgoplka Sutta ot \ajjbima iikya, \lapannsa,
\abyamaka-vagga, tbe Buooba says: Bbikkbus, in tbis same way
a bbikkbu possesseo ot eleven qualities is incapable ot growtb,
oevelopment, or greatness in tbis 1eacbing ano Liscipline.
Ot tbese eleven qualities, one enumerateo by tbe Buooba is:
Here, bbikkbus, a bbikkbu ooes not know materiality.
1bis is explaineo turtber by tbe Buooba: Bbikkbus, bere in
tbis 1eacbing a bbikkbu ooes not know as it really is, Vbatever
materiality tbere is, all materiality is tbe tour great elements
ano materiality oeriveo trom tbe tour great elements. Bbikkbus,
by not knowing tbus a bbikkbu ooes not know materiality.
1be commentary to tbis says: 1be not knowing materi-
ality ot tbe tour great elements is tbe not knowing tbem in
two ways, as to number ano as to cause ot arising. iot know-
ing tbe number means not knowing tbe twenty-tive types ot
materiality tbat come in tbe Ili texts: eye, ear, nose, tongue,
ano booy base, sigbts, sounos, smells, tastes, ano toucbes,
temale, ano male taculty, lite taculty, booily, ano vocal inti-
2 3
mation, space-element, water-element, ligbtness, sottness, ano
wieloiness ot materiality, growtb, continuity, aging, ano imper-
manence ot materiality, nutriment ot tooo.
1bus, like a cowbero wbo ooes not know tbe number ot
bis cows, a bbikkbu wbo ooes not know tbe number ot types
ot materiality is not capable ot oiscerning materiality, ot oistin-
guisbing wbat is not materiality (ie. mentality), ot oiscerning
mentality, materiality ano tbeir causes, ot comprebenoing tbe
tbree cbaracteristics ano ot reacbing tbe goal ot meoitation.
}ust as tbat cowberos bero ooes not increase or grow, so
too in tbis oispensation tbat bbikkbu ooes not grow in virtue,
concentration, insigbt, patb, truition, or iibbna. }ust as tbat
cowbero ooes not enjoy tbe tive prooucts ot cows, so too tbat
bbikkbu ooes not enjoy tbe tive groups ot Lbamma tbat are tbe
virtue, concentration, unoerstanoing, treeoom, ano tbe know-
ing ano seeing ot treeoom ot an arabant.
iot knowing tbe cause ot arising ot materiality means not
knowing, 1bese types ot materiality bave one cause ot arising,
tbese bave two causes, tbese bave tbree causes, ano tbese bave
tour causes. }ust like a cowbero wbo ooes not know tbe col-
ours, or appearance ot bis cows, a bbikkbu wbo ooes not know
tbe causes ot arising ot materiality, is not capable ot oiscerning
materiality, ot oistinguisbing wbat is not materiality, ooes not
enjoy tbe tive groups ot Lbamma (as above) treeoom ot an
A meoitator wbo really wisbes to attain patb, truition, ano
iibbna sboulo pay special attention to tbese woros ot tbe
Buooba. 1o be able to know tbe number ot types ot material-
ity ano tbeir causes ot arising, it is necessary to be able to ois-
cern ano analyse rpa kalpas inoivioually. 1be reason is tbat
witbout being able to analyse rpa kalpas, one will not be able
4 5
to oitterentiate in any way wbatsoever wbicb rpa kalpas are
causeo by kamma, wbicb by consciousness, wbicb by tempera-
ture, ano wbicb by nutriment. 1beretore, witbout being able to
analyse rpa kalpas, tbere is no way wbatsoever one can be
saio to bave seen ultimate reality.
1bree Kinos ot Compactness ot \ateriality
1o be able to see tbe ultimate reality ot materiality, a meoitator
bas to break oown tbe tbree kinos ot compactness ot materi-
ality o m oe k 1be sub-commentary explains tbat tbere
are tbree kinos ot compactness relateo to materiality: Le k
stkt elo k qt p kq qt p j e bt oe lk stkt erglk
stsb k (\. sub-com. 1. p. 365)
1ranslation: 1be breaking oown ot compactness means
tbe breaking oown ot compactnesses ot continuity p kq qt )
grouping p j e ) ano tunction bt
$ P N Q B D U O F T T P G $ P O U J O V J U Z 1 ? L R ? R G E F ? L ?
In all rpa kalpas, wbetber tbey are proouceo by kamma,
consciousness, temperature, or nutriment, tbere is always tire-
element qbgl aelqr 1bis tire-element is also calleo temper-
ature rqr 1bis tire-element or temperature causes tbe aris-
ing ano multiplication ot new temperature-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas wbicb are kalpas proouceo by temper-
ature witb nutritive-essence as tbe eigbtb tactor. 1bese contain
eartb-element, water-element, tire-element, air-element, colour,
ooour, taste, ano nutritive-essence.
Let us take tbe case ot an eye-oecao kalpa as an exam-
ple. It we analyse tbis kalpa we will tino ten tactors: tbe above
eigbt plus lite-taculty ano eye transparent-element. Amongst
tbese ten tactors tbere is also tire-element. 1bat tire-element
causes tbe proouction ano multiplication ot tbose kalpas witb
4 5
nutritive-essence as tbe eigbtb tactor tbat are proouceo by tem-
In tbis way, every time materiality reacbes its stanoing pbase,
tbe tire-element in eye-oecao kalpas causes temperature-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas to arise tour or tive
times. 1be last kalpa ot tbis series contains tire-element wbicb
cannot proouce turtber kalpas proouceo by temperature. Otber
rpa kalpas sboulo be unoerstooo to bebave in a similar way.
1be tire-element ot some rpa kalpas causes multiplica-
tion ot kalpas tour or tive times, wbile some otbers may be
able to cause it to bappen many more times. All tbe temperature-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas proouceo in tbese var-
ious ways are calleo rpa kalpas proouceo by temperature.
In a way similar to wbat bas been sbown above, nutriment
tbat is consumeo is maoe ot temperature-proouceo nutritive-
essence-octao kalpas, eacb ot wbicb contains nutritive-essence.
1bis nutritive-essence, wbile not yet absorbeo into tbe booy ano
oisperseo, is still temperature-proouceo materiality. Ot tbe torty-
two parts ot tbe booy it is known as gorge. 1bis temperature-
proouceo nutritive-essence is oigesteo witb tbe aio ot tbe kam-
mically oeriveo tire ot tbe stomacb (tbe tire containeo in a type ot
lite-nonao kalpa). 1bis nutritive-essence is absorbeo ano spreao
tbrougbout tbe booy in tbe torm ot nutritive-essence-octao kal-
pas. 1bese nutritive-essence-octao kalpas are calleo nutriment-
proouceo nutritive-essence-octao kalpas (kalpas oeriveo trom
Vitb tbe aio ot tbis nutriment-proouceo nutritive-essence tbe
nutritive-essence ot tbe kamma-proouceo kalpas, consciousness-
proouceo kalpas, ano temperature-proouceo kalpas is able to
multiply ano proouce a series ot nutritive-essence-octao kalpas
trom tbree to twelve times in succession. It tbe tooo tbat is con-
sumeo bas nutritive-essence wbicb is strong, tben accoroing to
tbat strengtb, many generations ot nutritive-essence-octao kal-
pas can be proouceo in succession.
Vben a meoitator can see all tbese processes oistinctly ano
separately, ano can oiscern eacb inoivioual rpa kalpa in tbese
processes, tben be is saio to bave removeo tbe compactness ot
$ P N Q B D U O F T T P G ( S P V Q J O H 1 ? K F ? E F ? L ?
1be breaking oown ot tbe compactness ot grouping comes witb
tbe separation ot ultimate materiality, tbe seeing witb know-
leoge ot tbe inoivioual natural cbaracteristics ot eacb inoivio-
ual ultimate materiality in eacb rpa kalpa, wbetber tbere are
eigbt, nine, or ten types ot materiality in a kalpa.
$ P N Q B D U O F T T P G ` V O D U J P O ) G A A ? E F ? L ?
1be breaking oown ot tbe compactness ot tunction occurs wben
one is able to see witb wisoom tbe tunctions pertormeo by eacb
inoivioual ultimate materiality present in a rpa kalpa.
1o break oown all tbree torms ot compactness, a meoita-
tor will neeo to be able to oiscern tbe cbaracteristic, tunction,
manitestation, ano proximate cause ot eacb ultimate material-
ity present in any particular rpa kalpa. 1o see tbese tbings
a meoitator will neeo to oevelop one ot tbe two levels ot con-
centration, eitber access concentration rm lo p jlaet or
absorption concentration mm kl p jlaet
5 I F 1 V S J D B U J P O P G . J O E
Lo all tbe eigbt tactors ot tbe ioble Iigbttolo Iatb neeo to be
A meoitator wbo wisbes to attain iibbna sboulo recall tbat
in tbe Lbammacakka Sutta, tbe \absatipattbna Sutta, ano in
otber suttas, tbe patb ot practice tbat leaos to tbe cessation ot sut-
tering is always taugbt to consist ot eigbt tactors, trom rigbt view
p jjl at et up to rigbt concentration p jjl p jlaet
Only wben all eigbt tactors are present can a meoitator
reacb iibbna, wbicb is tbe cessation ot suttering.
Ot tbese eigbt tactors, rigbt concentration is oetineo as
tbe tirst, secono, tbiro, ano tourtb jbnas by tbe Buooba in
various suttas. 1bis metboo ot teacbing is calleo eitber rbb e
ktaabp metboo or j ggebanm b metboo. 1be rbb e ktaabp
metboo sbows tbe best concentration upon wbicb to base ones
Vipassan practice. 1be j ggebanm b metboo points to tbe mio-
ole tour ot all nine types ot concentration. It points to tbe tine-
material-plane concentration o mls o p jlaet 1bis must
be taken togetber witb tbe bigbest concentration ot tbe sensual
plane bljls o ) wbicb is access concentration, ano witb
tbe immaterial-plane concentration o mls o p jlaet
wbicb occur on eitber sioe ot tbe tine-material-plane concen-
tration. 1beretore, wben tbe Buooba gives tbe tour jbnas as an
example ot rigbt concentration it sboulo be unoerstooo tbat all
nine types ot concentration are meant. 1bus, it can be seen tbat
a meoitator must possess rigbt concentration to practise Vipas-
san ano to attain iibbna.
1o oevelop tbe seven stages ot puritication a meoitator must
tirst oevelop tbe puritication ot virtue pni stpraaet ) tolloweo
by tbe puritication ot mino tqq stpraaet Having acbieveo
tbe puritication ot mino be can oevelop tbe puritication ot view
at et stpraaet
In tbe Abbiobammattba-Sangaba it is stateo:
I bbe o p m rm elk m a elk s pbk klj
o m m otoo el at etstpraaet klj (cbapter 9, visuoobibbeoo)
1bis can be translateo as:
8 9
1be oiscerning ot mentality ano materiality accoroing to
cbaracteristic, tunction, manitestation, ano proximate cause is
calleo tbe puritication ot view.
A meoitator wbo wisbes to complete tbe oevelopment ot
puritication ot view must tirst enoeavour to acbieve tbe puriti-
cation ot mino. 1be Visuoobimagga oetines tbe puritication ot
mino saying: ?tqq stpraaet klj p rm lol e p jlm q
qtvl Vbicb means: 1be puritication ot mino is tbe eigbt attain-
ments togetber witb access concentration. (Vsm. XVIII, 1)
So, tbe tour tine-material ano tour immaterial jbnas plus
access concentration constitute tbe puritication ot mino. 1bere-
tore one must enoeavour to acbieve eitber access concentration
or one ot tbe jbnas, or all ot tbem togetber to attain tbe puri-
tication ot mino.
1be Samobi Sutta ot Samyutta iikya (Kbanoavagga Sam-
yutta) states:
I jlaet etbbe sb elsbqe ) p jletql etbbe sb
etbber v qel erq mlglklqt) bt v qel erq mlgl
klqt) o m pp p jra v qqe o j ) sba klv
p jra v qqe o j ) p lv p jra v
qqe o j ) p belolk p jra v e o
j ) st l pp p jra v qqe o j
1bis can be translateo as:
Bbikkbus, oevelop concentration. Bbikkbus, a bbikkbu wbo
is concentrateo knows tbings as tbey really are. Ano wbat ooes
be know as tbey really are? 1be arising ot materiality ano its
causes, ano its passing-away ano its causes. 1be arising ano
causes ot origination ano tbe passing-away ano causes ot oisso-
lution ot teelings sba kl ) perception p l ) tormations
p belol ) consciousness st l
In tbis sutta tbe Buooba bas sbown tbat concentration must
8 9
be oevelopeo to be able to know tbe tollowing as tbey really
1. \ateriality, teeling, perception, tormations, ano
consciousness, wbicb are ultimate obammas.
2. 1be causes ot origination ot tbe tive aggregates,
wbicb are ignorance stggl ) craving q el )
clinging rmlalk ) volitional tormations p belo )
kamma, etc.
3. 1be causes ot tbe oissolution ot tbe tive aggregates,
wbicb are tbe cessation ot ignorance, craving, clinging,
volitional tormations, kamma, etc.
4. 1be arising ano passing-away ot tbe tive aggregates
ano tbeir causes.
Any person wbo wisbes to attain iibbna sboulo pay attention to
tbis 1eacbing ot tbe Buooba because it oemonstrates tbe neces-
sity ot oeveloping concentration. It, bowever, meoitators were to
meoitate witbout oeveloping concentration, tben because tbey
oio not possess concentration, tbe tollowing woulo be beyono
tbeir ability:
1. 1o know correctly bow in tbe past, present, ano tuture,
resultant obammas are proouceo because ot causal
obammas, ano bow tbe cessation ot tbese causal
obammas causes tbe cessation ot tbe resultant obammas.
2. 1o see rpa kalpas, or it tbey can see tbem, to
analyse tbem, remove compactness, ano oiscern
ultimate obammas.
3. 1o know as tbey really are tbe arising ano passing-
away ot tbe tive aggregates, ano tbeir causes,
internally ano externally, as well as in tbe past,
present, ano tuture.
80 81
1beretore, tor tbose wbo as yet oo not know tbese tbings, it is
aovisable to respecttully tollow tbe Buoobas aovice ano oevelop
concentration. In tbis way one will, witb tbe tbree unoerstano-
ings m ot l ) be able to oiscern tbe tive aggregates com-
pletely, ano attain iibbna. 1be Buooba taugbt tbis in oroer tbat
we may be able to reacb tbe eno ot suttering.
. P N F O U B S Z $ P O D F O U S B U J P O P G U I F 1 V S J D B U J P O P G . J O E
Let us explain a little about tbe momentary concentration
be tb p jlaet ot a bare-insigbt-vebicle inoivioual praae
stm pp kl vlktb at tbe time ot attaining tbe puritication ot
mino, ano, tben tbe momentary concentration subsequently
present at tbe time ot actual Vipassan practice.
A tranquillity-vebicle inoivioual p j qe vlktb is one
wbo bas oevelopeo one ot tbe jbnas ano, tberetore, com-
pleteo tbe puritication ot mino. Vben be wisbes to complete
tbe puritication ot view, be sboulo enter into one ot tbe jbnas,
altbougb not tbe base ot neitber-perception-nor-non-perception.
Having emergeo trom tbat jbna be sboulo oiscern tbe jbna
tactors, beginning witb applieo tbougbt stq bb ) etc., ano all
tbe mental-concomitants bq ptb associateo witb tbat jbna
consciousness. Iacb sboulo be oiscerneo accoroing to cbarac-
teristic, tunction, manitestation, ano proximate cause. Atter tbat,
be sboulo take tbem all togetber as mentality because tbey all
bave tbe cbaracteristic ot benoing towaros tbe object.
1ben be sboulo oiscern tbe beart-base materiality wbere
tbose types ot mentality resioe, tbe tour elements on wbicb tbat
beart-base materiality oepenos, ano tbe otber types ot oeriveo
materiality present tbere. 1bey sboulo also be oiscerneo accoro-
ing to cbaracteristic, tunction, manitestation, ano proximate
cause (accoroing to Vsm. XVIII, 3).
80 81
It, bowever, tbat tranquillity-vebicle inoivioual wisbes to
begin by oiscerning material obammas, witbout baving ois-
cerneo tbe mental obammas, be sboulo proceeo in tbe exact
same way as a bare-insigbt-vebicle inoivioual. A bare-insigbt-
vebicle inoivioual oevelops tbe puritication ot view as tollows:
Iraae stm pplklvlktbl m k v jbs sl p j qe
vlktbl qraelqr s s qqelkb srqqlk qbp qbp aelqr
m otoo e jrbelk lq o jrbe s pbk p bebm ql
sl stqqelo ql sl q ppl aelqrvl m otoo kelqt
1bis means: A bare-insigbt-vebicle inoivioual, or a tranquillity-
vebicle inoivioual wbo wisbes to begin insigbt practice by
oiscerning materiality insteao ot mentality, sboulo oiscern tbe
tour elements in briet, or in oetail, in one ot tbe various ways
given in cbapter XI on tbe oetinition ot tbe tour elements.
(Vsm. XVIII, 4)
Accoroing to tbese instructions trom tbe Visuoobimagga, a
person wbo wisbes to proceeo oirectly to tbe practice ot Vipas-
san witbout any jbnas as a tounoation, or a person wbo bas
attaineo one or all ot tbe eigbt jbnas, but wisbes to begin
Vipassan by oiscerning materiality tirst, must begin by ois-
cerning tbe tour elements in briet, in oetail, or botb in briet ano
in oetail.
Vipassan is maoe up ot two sections: contemplation ot
materiality ano contemplation ot mentality. 1bese two are also
calleo oiscernment ot materiality o m m otoo e ano oiscern-
ment ot mentality o m m otoo e
1be \ajjbima commentary ano tbe Abbiobamma commen-
tary say:
qqe e o sl o m b jj elk b qebkql p bebm
j k ptblo s pbk sl stqqelo j k ptblo s pbk sl qraelqr
s s qqelk b qebpt (Abbi. com. 2. p. 252, \. com. 1. p. 280)
82 83
1bis means: Ot tbese two, oiscernment ot materiality reters
to tbe oetining ot tbe tour elements in tbe briet way or tbe
oetaileo way.
1bese instructions touno in tbe commentaries, on bow to
oiscern materiality in Vipassan, sbow tbat tbe Buooba taugbt
tbat a bare-insigbt-vebicle inoivioual, or a tranquillity-vebicle
inoivioual wbo wisbes to begin by oiscerning materiality, must
begin by oiscerning tbe tour elements in briet or in oetail. It a
meoitator practises accoroing to tbe 1eacbing ot tbe Buooba, it
will proouce tbe most beneticial result.
1be Visuoobimagga clearly states tbat tour-elements meoi-
tation, wbicb is one ot tbe torty subjects ot Samatba meoitation,
is incluoeo in tbe group ot meoitation subjects wbicb can leao
to access concentration. 1bis means tbat it is a meoitation sub-
ject wbicb must be oevelopeo up to access concentration.
How to oevelop tbe tour-elements meoitation bas been
oescribeo in oetail in Iart 2 ot tbis book. 1be Buooba taugbt
tbe briet metboo in tbe \absatipattbna Sutta saying:
\rk m o etbbe sb etbber tj jbs blv v qel
qetq v qel m tetq aelqrpl m sbbbe qt) qqet tj p
jt blvb m qe snaelqr lmlaelqr qbglaelqr slvlaelqr qt
(L. ii, 294, \. 1, 5)
1bis means: Again, bbikkbus, a bbikkbu retlects about tbis
very booy, bowever it be positioneo or placeo, as consisting
ot just elements tbus: 1bere exists in tbis booy just tbe eartb-
element, water-element, tire-element, ano air-element.
1be Visuoobimagga turtber says tbat a meoitator sboulo
oiscern tbe tour elements, in tbe bones, sinews, tlesb, ano skin,
separating eacb out witb tbe bano ot wisoom, ano oo tbis again
ano again one bunoreo, one tbousano, ano even one bunoreo
tbousano times.
82 83
1be Visuoobimagga turtber states:
ppbs slv j jlk pp k tobkbs aelqrmm ebal
s elp k m lm otoo etql p els ae jjlo jj qql
mm k mm qql rm lo j qql p jlaet rmm gg qt
1bis means: As be makes ettort in tbis way, it is not long
betore concentration arises in bim, wbicb is reintorceo by un-
oerstanoing tbat illuminates tbe classitication ot tbe elements,
ano wbicb is only access rm lo ano ooes not reacb ab-
sorption because it bas states witb inoivioual essences p els
ae jj as its object. (Vsm. XI, 42)
Attention sboulo be paio to tbe tact tbat tbe Visuobimagga
clearly states tbat meoitation on tbe tour elements can leao to
access concentration.
1be sub-commentary to Visuoobimagga states:
I j qe vlktb pp et rm lo mm kl eba p jlaet
tq o pp be tb p jlaet r e vbp jmt stjlbbe jrbe q
q v stkb k b al tmt ilbrqq olaeto jl p e s qt
(Vsm. subcom. l. p. 15)
1bis means: Vitbout access ano absorption concentration
in one wbose vebicle is tranquillity, or witbout momentary con-
centration in one wbose vebicle is bare-insigbt, ano witbout tbe
gateways to liberation (knowleoge ot impermanence, suttering,
ano non-selt), tbe supramunoane can in eitber case never be
Here tbe sub-commentary uses tbe term momentary con-
centration to oescribe tbe concentration oevelopeo by tbe bare-
insigbt-vebicle inoivioual, ano tbe Visuoobimagga uses tbe term
access concentration. 1bis oistinction in usage sboulo be unoer-
Concerning tbis usage tbe sub-commentary explains:
km lo p jlaenqt or en s pbk sbatq mm kljet
84 85
(Vsm. sub-com. 1. 436)
1bis means: Vben tbe commentary uses access concen-
tration to oetine tbe bigbest concentration attainable in tour-
elements meoitation, it must be unoerstooo tbat it is useo in tbe
sense ot comparison or similarity. Only tbe concentration close to
jbna can be calleo access ano in tbis tour-elements meoitation
tbere is no jbna to be attaineo because it bas states witb inoivio-
ual essences as its object. However, since tbe level ot concentra-
tion attaineo in tour-elements meoitation is similar to access con-
centration, tbe commentators call it access concentration.
1bus it can be seen tbat tbe autbor ot tbe sub-commentary
believeo tbat only tbe bigbest sensual-plane concentration wbicb
bas a tranquillity object ano is prior to or close to jbna, can truly
be calleo access concentration. He believeo tbe bigbest sensual-
plane concentration attaineo by ooing tour-elements meoitation
to be calleo access concentration by tbe commentators because
it is similar. However, be tbougbt it sboulo be calleo momen-
tary concentration because in tbis meoitation subject tbere is no
jbna to wbicb one can strictly say tbere is an access.
* O T J H I U B O E . P N F O U B S Z $ P O D F O U S B U J P O
1be Visuoobimagga says tbat a meoitator sboulo try to oevelop
tbe insigbt-knowleoges trom tbe Knowleoge ot Comprebension
p jj p k l upwaros only atter be bas completeo tive
kinos ot oiscernment. 1bey are:
1. Liscernment ot materiality o m m otoo e
2. Liscernment ot mentality o m m otoo e
3. Liscernment ot mentality ano materiality klj o m -
m otoo e
84 85
4. Liscernment ot obammas wbicb are causes ano
obammas wbicb are results ot tbe present mentality
ano materiality m v m otoo e
5. Liscernment ot obammas wbicb are causes ano
obammas wbicb are results ot tbe past ano tuture
mentality ano materiality aaelk m otoo e
1be objects ot insigbt meoitation are mentality, materiality,
obammas tbat are causes, ano obammas tbat are ettects. 1bese
are also calleo tormations or conoitioneo pbenomena p belo
ae jj
1be unoerstanoing m l tbat sees all tbese conoitioneo
pbenomena as impermanent, suttering, ano non-selt is calleo
insigbt stm pp kl 1beretore, a meoitator wbo wisbes to oe-
velop Vipassan beginning trom tbe Iuritication by Knowleoge
ano Vision ot Vbat Is ano Vbat Is iot Iatb j oolj oo
l a pp k stpraaet onwaros, must tirst bave complet-
eo tbe Iuritication ot View ano tbe Iuritication by Overcom-
ing Loubt b belstq o stpraaet 1bis is because it is tbe
mentality, materiality, ano causes ano ettects oiscerneo in tbose
puritications stpraaet wbere tbe tbree cbaracteristics ot im-
permanence, suttering, ano non-selt must be perceiveo ano
seen witb insigbt.
In tbe practice ot insigbt tbe meoitator must alternately per-
ceive tbe tbree cbaracteristics in tbe tive internal aggregates
ano in tbe tive external aggregates, ano in materiality ano men-
tality (see Vsm. XXI, 86). 1be Visuoobimagga says one sboulo
also perceive tbe tbree cbaracteristics in tbe obammas in tbe
past ano tuture at tbe time ot practising insigbt on tbe tactors
ot oepenoent-origination ouring tbe Knowleoge ot Compre-
bension p jj p k l ano tbe Knowleoge ot Arising
86 8
ano IassingAway ra v v l (see Vsm. XX, 69 ).
1be concentration tbat occurs wbile practising insigbt is calleo
momentary concentration, because it ooes not remain on a sin-
gle object continuously as it ooes in Samatba.
1o be able to practise insigbt systematically, as oescribeo
above, tbe practice must be baseo upon access or absorption
concentration. Here access concentration reters to tbat proouceo
by tour-elements meoitation or Samatba meoitation. Only tbe
concentration tbat occurs wben ooing insigbt in tbe above way
can be calleo insigbt momentary-concentration stm pp kl
be tb p jlaet
Ilease note tbat it tbe meoitator is as yet unable to see rpa
kalpas or inoivioual types ot mentality, to analyse tbem, to ois-
corn tbe causes ano results in tbe past, present, ano tuture, to per-
ceive tbe tbree cbaracteristics ot all tbese obammas, tben bis con-
centration cannot be calleo insigbt momentary-concentration.
1o summarize: Vben oeveloping concentration, tbe bare-
insigbt-vebicle inoiviouals bigbest concentration reacbeo in
tour-elements meoitation is calleo access concentration by com-
parison to tbe access concentration preceoing jbna. 1bis bigb-
est concentration is also calleo momentary concentration by
tbe sub-commentary. Vben a bare-insigbt-vebicle inoivioual is
practising Vipassan, be bases bis insigbt upon access concen-
tration, wbicb tor bim is tbe puritication ot mino tqq stpraaet
Vben be proceeos to see witb insigbt conoitioneo pbenomena,
be bas at tbat time concentration calleo insigbt momentary-
concentration. Vben tbe tranquillity vebicle inoivioual, wbo
oevelops access or absorption concentration as bis puritication
ot mino, arises trom tbat concentration, ano sees witb insigbt
conoitioneo pbenomena, be bas at tbat time concentration like-
wise calleo insigbt momentary-concentration.
86 8
" M M 5 I S F F $ I B S B D U F S J T U J D T
1be Visuoobimagga says: One man comprebenos tormations as
impermanent at tbe start. But emergence ooes not come about
tbrougb merely comprebenoing tbem as impermanent, since tbere
must be comprebension ot tbem as suttering ano non-selt too, so
be comprebenos tbem as suttering ano non-selt. (Vsm. XXI, 88)
1bis sbows tbat by comprebenoing impermanence only, sut-
tering only, or non-selt only one cannot attain tbe noble patbs
otv j oo ) but only by comprebenoing eacb ot tbe tbree
cbaracteristics alternately, will a meoitator be able to reacb tbe
noble patbs.
` B M M J O H J O U P # I B W B H B
In tbis book we bave written brietly about bow to oevelop
absorption jbna using minotulness-ot-breatbing. 1bis meoita-
tion subject proouces two classes ot concentration, access con-
centration ano absorption concentration. 1be concentration tbat
preceoes close to tbe entering into jbna concentration is calleo
access concentration ano tbe concentration present wben one
bas entereo into jbna is calleo absorption concentration.
1be Visuoobimagga mentions tbe potential ot tbe meoia-
tors mino to tall into a bbavanga state ouring tbe time ot access
concontration. It states:
iow concentration is ot two kinos, tbat is to say, access
concentration ano absorption concentration: tbe mino becomes
concentrateo in two ways, tbat is, on tbe plane ot access ano
on tbe plane ot obtainment. Herein, tbe mino becomes concen-
trateo on tbe plane ot access by tbe abanoonment ot tbe bin-
orances, ano on tbe plane ot obtainment by tbe manitestation
ot tbe jbna tactors. 1be oitterence between tbe two kinos ot
concentration is tbis: tbe tactors are not strong in access. It is
88 89
because tbey are not strong tbat wben access bas arisen, tbe
mino now makes tbe sign its object ano now re-enters tbe lite-
continuum e s o ) just as wben a young cbilo is litteo up
ano stooo on its toot, it repeateoly talls oown on tbe grouno.
But tbe tactors are strong in absorption. It is because tbey are
strong tbat wben absorption concentration bas arisen, tbe mino,
baving once interrupteo tbe tlow ot tbe lite-continuum, carries
on witb a stream ot protitable impulsions tor a wbole nigbt ano
tor a wbole oay, just as a bealtby man, atter rising trom bis seat,
coulo stano tor a wbole oay. (Vsm. i, 3233)
4 P N F U I J O H U P # F $ B S F G V M P G
A meoitator wbo oevelops eitber access or absorption concen-
tration as a basis tor tbe oevelopment ot insigbt will, wben a
sutticient oegree ot concentration bas been oevelopeo, begin
to see particles ot materiality calleo rpa kalpas wben be is
oiscerning tbe tour elements. 1ben be must continue turtber to
analyse tbose rpa kalpas ano to oiscern in eacb rpa kalpa
tbe tour primary-elements, ano also tbe oeriveo types ot mate-
riality present, accoroing to tbeir inoivioual cbaracteristics, tunc-
tion, manitestation, ano proximate cause. Vben be is able to
oiscern tbese tbings tbis is calleo tbe Knowleoge ot Analysing
\ateriality o m m ot eba l At tbat time be will bave
realiseo ano penetrateo tor bimselt, by rigbt view, tbe ultimate
reality ot materiality.
lurtber, be must continue to oiscern various types ot con-
sciousness tqq ) ano eacb ano every inoivioual mental-
concomitant bq ptb tbat occurs togetber witb tbe conscious-
ness in every mino-moment tqq bbe 1bese groups ot
consciousness ano mental-concomitants tbat occur togetber in
every mino-moment we call nma kalpas or mental groups.
88 89
Vben be can oiscern tbe consciousness ano eacb inoivio-
ual mental-concomitant present in eacb mental group klj
b ilm accoroing to cbaracteristic, tunction, manitestation,
ano proximate cause, tben tbis is tbe knowleoge tbat oiscerns
mentality klj m ot eba l At tbat time be will bave
realiseo ano penetrateo tor bimselt, by rigbt view, tbe ultimate
reality ot mentality.
So it a meoitator is not able to oiscern materiality ano men-
tality in tbis way tben be bas not yet acbieveo tbe Knowleoge
ot Analysing \entality-ano-\ateriality klj o m m ot eba
lurtbermore, it a meoitator bas not also oiscerneo by oirect
knowleoge tbe mentality ano materiality in tbe past ano tuture,
tben tbere is no way be can know or see, by oirect knowleoge,
wbicb causes in tbe past proouceo tbe present mentality ano
materiality, or wbicb causes in tbe present will proouce wbicb
mentality ano materiality in tbe tuture. So witbout knowing
tbe mentality ano materiality ot tbe past ano tuture ano tbeir
causes, a meoitator cannot be saio to bave acbieveo tbe Know-
leoge ot Liscerning Cause ano Conoition m v m otoo e
1bus, it a meoitator bas not yet really acbieveo tbese tbree
knowleoges be is as tar away as tbe sky is trom tbe grouno trom
attaining real insigbt-knowleoge, ano also in turn trom tbe real-
isation ot tbe ioble Iatb, ioble lruition ano iibbna.
It a meoitator is tbat tar away trom attaining iibbna,
because be bas not oevelopeo true insigbt, be sboulo really take
beeo ot tbe statement in tbe Visuoobimagga tbat a person wbo
oevelops any particular meoitation subject ano attains access
concentration or sometbing equivalent to access concentration,
can tall into bbavanga.
90 91
1bis is because tbere are some meoitators wbo tall into bba-
vanga ano say I knew notbing or Botb tbe objects ano tbe
mino noting tbem ceaseo. 1bey believe wrongly tbat tbey bave
realiseo iibbna, but actually all tbey bave oone is to tall into
It is because tbey oo not bave tbe ability to oiscern tbe bba-
vanga mino ano its object, tbey say tbat I knew notbing or
Botb tbe objects ano tbe mino noting tbem ceaseo.
However, it tbey go on to really oevelop tbe Knowleoge ot
Liscerning Cause ano Conoition, tbey will tino tbat at tbat time
tbere were still bbavanga consciousnesses present wbicb bave as
tbeir objects tbe object ot near-oeatb-impulsion-consciousness
j o lp kk g s k tqq in tbe previous lite. In otber woros,
a meoitator wbo bas properly completeo tbat insigbt-knowleoge
can look back ano oirectly see tbe bbavanga consciousness ano
its object. It is simply because ot tbe subtlety ot tbat conscious-
ness ano tbeir lack ot true knowleoge ot mentality, materiality
ano causes tbat some meoitators are not able to perceive it.
It must be also pointeo out tbat tbere is no cessation ot con-
sciousness wben one realises tbe unconoitioneo state ot iibbna.
1be Iatb Consciousness j oo tqq ano lruition Conscious-
ness me i tqq botb bave as tbeir object tbe unconoitioneo
state, wbicb is iibbna.
1be only time tbat consciousness can be suspenoeo is our-
ing tbe attainment ot cessation ktolae p jlm qqt wbicb is
only attainable by arabants ano non-returners kloljt wbo
bave also attaineo tbe eigbt attainments consisting ot tbe tour
tine-material jbnas ano tbe tour immaterial jbnas. So to say
tbat consciousness ceaseo or tbe mino ceaseo, as some meoi-
tators report, is not possible or in accoroance witb tbe real attain-
ment ot iibbna.
90 91
" C I J E I B N N B tbe tbiro ot wbat are calleo tbe 1bree Baskets tmt b ot
tbe 1beravoa Canon, teacbings ot tbe Buooba on a tar oeeper level tban
in tbe suttas, oeals only witb ultimate reality, seen in Vipassan meoitation.
(ct. sutta)
B S B I B O Uultimate stage in 1beravoa meoitation oevelopment, an arabant
bas eraoicateo all oetilements, ano at bis or ber oeatb (Iarinibbna) tbere is
no rebirtb. (ct. kamma)
C I B W B H Bcontinuity ot ioentical consciousnesses, broken only wben tbougbt-
processes occur, tbe object ot wbicb is tbe same as tbat wbicb arose at time
near oeatb in past-lite, tbe bbavanga ano its object are visible only in ligbt ot
concentration. (ct. Abbiobamma)
C I J L L I V Buoobist monk witb two bunoreo ano twenty-seven precepts to
observe, a bbikkbus major outy is to work at trying to escape trom tbe rouno
ot rebirtbs.
# V E E I B a person tully enligbteneo witbout teacber, wbo bas by bimselt
oiscovereo ano teacbes tbe lour ioble 1rutbs.
% I B N N B (capitalizeo) tbe 1eacbings ot tbe Buooba, tbe noble trutb.
E I B N N B (uncapitalizeo) pbenomenon, state, mino-object.
K I O Bincreasingly aovanceo ano subtle state ot concentration on a specitic
object, witb mino aware ano increasingly pure. (ct. Samatba)
S Q B L B M Q Bsmall particle, tbe smallest unit ot materiality seen in conven-
tional reality, invisible to buman-eye, visible to ligbt ot concentration.
L B N N B (Sanskrit: b oj action, torce trom volition wbicb makes gooo
actions proouce gooo results, ano bao actions proouce bao results.
/ J C C O B (Sanskrit: ktos k tinal enligbtenment, tbe cessation element, an
ultimate reality, attaineo atter oiscerning ano surpassing tbe ultimate reali-
ties ot mentality-ano-materiality, it is seen atter tbe insigbt knowleoges bave
been matureo, it is non-selt ano uniquely permanent ano peacetul, not a
place. (Language is at a loss to oescribe iibbna, because iibbna is beyono
tbe range ot concepts upon wbicb language relies.)
O J N J U U B T J H O , image upon wbicb meoitator concentrates, proouct ot tbe
mino, wbicb oepenos on perception ano level ot concentration.
Q B S J L B N N B O J N J U U B preparatory sign in meoitation.
V H H B I B O J N J U U B taken-up sign, image wbicb is exact mental replica
ot object ot meoitation.
Q B J C I H B O J N J U U Bpuritieo ano clear version ot uggaba-nimitta,
appears at stable perception ano concentration.
4 B N B U I B serenity, practice ot concentrating tbe mino on an object, ano
oeveloping bigber ano bigber states ot concentration, wbereby tbe mino
becomes serene. (ct. jbna, Vipassan)
T V U U B single oiscourse in tbe secono basket ot wbat is calleo tbe 1bree Bas-
kets (1ipitaka) ot Ili Canon, teacbings ot tbe Buooba on a practical level,
oeals only witb conventional trutb. (ct. Abbiobamma)
7 J Q B T T B O oiscernment ot specitic cbaracteristics ot materiality ano mental-
ity, causes ano results, in ultimate reality, ano tbeir general cbaracteristics ot
impermanence, suttering, ano non-selt. (ct. Abbiobamma, arabant, iibbna)
` P S ` S F F % J T U S J C V U J P O
5 I J T C P P L J T O P U U P C F T P M E J O B O Z X B Z P S G P S N B O E Q F S N J T T J P O U P
Venerable Ia Auk Sayaoaw
co \ajor Ken Saing (kto)
653 Lower \ain koao, \awlamyine, \yanmar
1el: (032) 22132
lirst printeo 1995 keprinteo 199 keviseo eoition 1998
Iublisbeo ano oistributeo by: VAVI (\alaysia)
Sabbaoanam Lbammaoanam }inati
1be Citt ot 1rutb Ixcels All Otber Citts
} v qeb jbotq orba colj qetp jbotqlotlrp abba
tk ob pb qebto m o jtp , mbocb qtlkp ka otko qebj
itjtqibpp ibpptkop lc olla eb iqe e mmtkbpp
} v qeb ae jj ib a ii btkop ql qeb bka lc
arbbe ka rkp qtpc qlotkbpp
} v ii btkop nrt biv qq tk ql qeb riqtj qb itpp lc Kt k

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