Lesley Mancilla Boshore

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3.Who is more likely to litter?

Are there these act toof littering ? drop with intent Define these act to littering drop with intent Define any advantages littering flagrant fingers: flagrant fingers: inch away: inch away: foul shooters: foul shooters: . 4.Define these act to littering drop with intent Along roadways, motorists (52%) and flagrant fingers: pedestrians (23%) are the biggest inch away: contributors to litter. Research also foul shooters: shows that individuals under 30 are more likely to litter than those who are older. In fact, age, and not gender, is a significant predictor of littering behavior.

define this acts with littering intent flagnent fingers inch away foul shooters

wedgers? Drop with intent the person subtly drooped the item on the ground but with notable intent to litter .we dubbed this group diry droppers . . 5. are there any advantages of littering ? There are no advantages of litter. Litter, in terms of the environment, is a bad thing. Collecting litter and recycling it is a good thing and very advantageous. It saves the worlds natural resources (recycling paper, metal etc), it makes the environment nicer to be in, (no one likes to see piles of rubbish on the beach or in the country side) and it is also better for the wild life for there not to be litter around (sea creatures can be harmed by plastic bags in the sea, birds and

animals can choke on rubbish they ingest or be trapped e in litter such as plastic bottles 6.Are there any disadvantages of littering? There are a lot of disadvantages the brought by our daily foods rubbish if we not quickly throw away the rubbish , as said before one of the disadvantages by our daily foods rubbish is the illnesses for the people inside the house . 7.What are some strategies to prevent people from littering? Carry a litter bag in your car. Ask local businesses to buy car litter bags and distribute them to customers. Encourage them to print their names and an environmental message on the bag.

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1 .What is litter? throwing away or leaving rubbish lying around in public places instead of using the rubbish Littering is the increasingly prevalent bad habit of thoughtlessly bins or wastepaper baskets provided

2 .Why do people litter? They cant be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin # They have no sense of pride in their community # There is a lack of education / poor parenting of young people # If an area is already dirty, why bother to look for a bin? Phone: # People dont Fax: Email: appreciate the consequences of littering

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