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The NorthwestPaulistCenter
for Evangelization Reconciliation &

www.stp hi Iip n eri p dx. org P arish Office 50 3 . 2 3 1 , 4 9 5 5lF a x 5 0 3 . 7 3 6 . 1 3 8 3

2408 16hAvenue Portland, 1972L4-5334 SE OR I

Committed the missionof Jesusand dedicated be welcoming all, to to to we,the communityof St Philip Neri, striveto reachoug to reconcile, and topromotcunityfor all of God'screutionthrough worship, good and education, serticetowardthe common

Fifth Sunday OrdinaryTimer February 2013 in 10,

Ourannual Lenten Rebeat Shalom Prayer at Center in Mt Angel March is 8-10.Fr.Michael Connie and Os{und from 5t l'lenrfs will facilitate the weekendbr pari$ioners from bdr Churches. C6t is $130 and indudes lodging Friday Saturday nighb andmeals and Saturday brealGstthroryh $rndaybreakfastCallor visit$e Paulist ffice (503.231.4955) Cmter b rssve your space nour.Reservations be paidin full by must pleasecontact Monday, March4h. Anv auestions, Mat$ew 593.970.3937 / erpail. at ntlmoearl( THANK YOUI you Thank to all whocame stufftherigabni.Wehad to good yourhelpit would (35)andwithout a tum-out not havebeen sucess. had120packages selland We a to theywereall goneafterthe Masses. Additionally, thank youto Rick washing thepans us,Billfor bking for all for thetimewithotherc puttables chairs to and away, and cleaning thehall. up


St. PhilipNeri celebrates 69h annualspaghetti our dinneron Sunday, April 28s from noonto 5:30 in put CarylinHall. Please this important date on your calendars, invitefamilyand friendsto enjoythis and sumptuous event.

you Whois interested becoming in Catholic? maybe Or knowsomeone is talking who aboutreturning the to you Catholic faith,Or - maybe knowsomeone is who just searching God.Invitethemto Mass for withyou. Also, pleasegive them our Parishoffice number (503.231.4955) encourage and them to call us for information, are hereto assist We withthejourney to Christ.

Louisenjoying offe and donuEafrerthe 10:30Mass

Fifth Sundayin Ordinary Time o February 10, 2012

February 11 Monday, February 12 Tuesday, February 13 Wednesday, February 14 Thursday, February 15 Friday, February 16 Saturday, Sunday, February 17
8:00am Mass 8:00am Mass 8:00am Mass 7:00pm Mass 8:00am Mass pm 12:10 Mass 8:00am Mass 4:00pm Mass 8:30am Mass 10:30 Mass am 10:30 Mass am Chapel ForSpecial Intentions Chapel Forthosewho are unemployed/underemployed Church Ash HOLY DAY, Wednesday Church HOLY DAY,AshWednesday tDon andJeanMorgan Chapel Chapel Forthosewho are ill tFor the deceased our Parish Chapel of Church Forthosewho are seeking God (B) tMaurice Church Cicchetti tAngeloandJosephine Bocci Church Chapel DeafCommunity Mass

for fill Please out a MassIntention Form (loated in the foyer of the Church)if you wouldlike a Masscelebrated you, for an annivercary death, birthdayor marriagq or some other specialevent, Youan also call the office. of and cleaning February for Lt-L7: AprilMagnusson MaryJaneNavarra Church

am throughFriday HOURS: 9:O0am - Noonon Mondays 9:OO - 4:0Opm Tuesday o PARISH OFFICE Office:503.231,4955 PARISH STAFF
BusinessManager Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center McPherson,103, x Fr.Charlie Brunick, CSP, 117, Jeanne x Receptionist/Bulletin Editor Associate Pastor x101, StarStudonivic, Fr.Michael Evernden, x111, CSP, Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Associate Pastor Rose Wolfe, x101, Fr.JimMcCauley, x 109, CSP, Maintenanceand GroundsManager Director of Adult Faith Formation Edward Danila, Harrison, x107, Barbara (unless noted)is the MONDAY morning BULTEIINSUBMISSIONS: Deadline otherwise you. priorto the Sunday Thank Mass the bulletin sentto Seattle printing. as is for


will be participating the CRSRiceBowl, in Our Parish Lentenprogram,as a way to CatholicReliefSeruices encounter Jesus throughothers,especially throughthe most vulnerablein our world. Rice bowls will be in be available after all Masses the foyer. Please sure Hildegard Bingen von was truly a womanaheadof her andtakeone homeand usethe easyand fun resources time. A visionary everysense the word,this famed of in Your to deepen your family's Lenten experience. mystic, 12s century Benedictine nun was a Christian prayers, will fastingand almsgiving Lenten this season composer,philosopher,playwright, poet, naturalist, in help CRScontinue providelife-saving to assistance In activist. a herbalist ecological and scientistphysician, nearly100 countries. CRSworK on our behalfto care performance, actor BarbaraSukowapoftrays staggering for the poorest our worldandto endglobalpovefi. in Bingen's fierce determination to expand the responsibilities womenwithinthe order,evenas she of Next Sunday's ScriptureReadings: fends off outrage from some in the Churchover the First Sunday of Lent: February 17 visions claims receive from God. she to 26:4-10 Reading Deuteronomy 1: Von Bingenwas chargedwith heresyand threatened 14-15 Responsorial Psalms Psalm: 9L:L-2,10-11, 12-13, from her order by the Abbot of with excommunication Luke Gospel: 4:1-13 Lushlyshot in the original her Benedictine community, Reading Romans 2: 10:8-13 medieval cloisters of the fairytale-like German portrait inspirational countyside,Visionis a profoundly Therewas a very graciouslady who was mailingan old part of the county familyBibleto her brotherin another of a woman who has emergedfrom the shadowof in pioneer "Is there anythingbreakable here?"askedthe postal of historyas a forward-thinking iconoclastic and the clerk. "Onlythe TenCommandmenB"answered lady. faith,change enlightenment. and

PRESENTING:"VISION" von Bingen, who was A movieon the life of Hildegard in and canonized madea Doctorof the Church 2012by Benedict XVL Sundan February 17 at 1:OOpm in the Paulist Center Chapel.

Fifth Sundayin Ordinary Time r February 10, 2012

Annual Catholic Appeal Weekend in Thisweekend areonce we again called participate the to Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal, helpsupport to the in in Oregon. Participation worksof the Church western Appealremindsus that we are not a this important Christian congregationalist church,nor an independent parishand worshipping community.We are a Catholic We Gtholic meansuniversal. are alwayspart of someWe withinan archdiocese which thingbigger. area parish we is alsoa partof a national entityand ultimately are all partsof the worldwide Roman Catholic And Church. we haveresponsibilities to suppoft needs the Church the of at everylevel.


music group (10:30 Liturgy)would like contemporary A a more voicesto become part of our ministrv. male voicewould be great! We are lookingfor peoplewho cansingon key,workwith a team,makea commitment for this year, AND enjoy 'singing for the Lord.' or Pleasecontact BarbaraHarrisonat 503.231,4933 barbarah@stph,

RECONCILIATION: People returning to Reconciliation after "Bless me, Father, for I have -sinned" even if they get that far -- there are millions of Catholics who don't exactlyknow what to say next. who havenot gone This is especially for Catholics true in years--- evendecades. or to confession/reconciliation includes Despite parishesand diocesesinviting Catholicsto Catholics always have understood our mission that the archdiocesan the worldwide and Church that we and is returnto the sacrament reconciliation-----it likely of mustalways movebeyond ourselves do our best,even some Catholics are afraid, bewildered or even and in our own timesof localneed,to assist othersin their intimidated at the prospect of returning to the praise the poor confessional needs well. Thisis the pointof Jesus' of as after a long period away from it. A rote widowin MarkL2:42andLuke 21:2whenshegives the to recitation sins doesn'tseemquite right and 'laundry of support the Temple, from any abundance wealth listsl---assomepriests them,are out. In fact, says of not of call but evenin the midstof herowngreatneed. one priest,evendevising gameplan beforereturning a to Reconciliation out. "Just come. Don't prepare. is The Church western in of Oregon, whichwe are a small We'll do it in there. I'll help you with this. At the part,is struggling financially, much we areasa parish. as end of i$ you're going to think about things we for The needto conUnue suppoft our Catholic schools and didn't cover. You can come again." programs all levels the faithformation education in and at LENT: During Lent please take advantage of one Archdioceseongoing dramatic. need support is and The to the education seminarians the needsof retired or moneof the following special oppoftunities: of and 8amand 7pmin The Appeal Ash Wednesday: Feb.13 Liturgies clergy alsoveryimportant. Annual are Catholic the Church collection is a most important and very necessary hopethat everyhousehold the endeavor.I certainly of Fridays of Lent: (Feb. 15, 22, MarchL, 8, L5,22) parish do its verybestand riseto the occasion. will What Mass 12:10in the Paulist at Center Chapel, followed by is needed not equalgifE, but equalsacrifice. is our is It Stationsof the Crossand a simple shared meal of futurewe are sharing shaping. close and I with a favorite in Center. quote from the lrish theologian and story teller, Flor soup/bread the Paulist Mcarthy, SDB: "Thetest of a gift is not whatit amountsto in ibelf, but whatits lossmeansto thegiver. Wehaveto give what will Cost us something.Thisis not just giving somethingwe can live without,but what we can't live without,or don't wantto live without.Thiskind of givinghurts. Thiskind of giving is love in action. Whenthe gift is as desperately needed the giveras by the receiver, that is truegiving. by Thenourgift becomes scrifice." a Fr. Charlie Bruniclg 6P Lenten Retreat: (3 daysl2 nights), March 8-10, Mt.Angel--Shalom Center--with Fr.Michael. Parish Lenten Retreat: Saturday, March16h, 9:30your crosses4--with 3pm "Naming/knowing Barbara Harrison/Rose Wolfe. ReconciliationSeruice:Tuesday, March 19ft,7pm, Paulist for Center Chapel---wonderful oppoftunity a 'spiritual tune-up.'

HOLYWEEK: March 28, HolyThursday, Tpm Liturgy the Church in March 29, GoodFriday, 7pm, Seruice the Church in of QUESTIONABLE FORUM: third Wednesday the March HolySaturday, 30, 8:30pm, Liturgy the Church in monthcoming on the 20h, 7:15 pm Paulist up Center. March Easter Liturgies the in 31, Sunday, 8:30/10:30 join us for exciting Come conversation. Church FiveSmallFaithGroups(6-8 people)are gathering to STATIONS OF THE CROSS: rne response was listen& discuss how the weeklyScripture Readings and underwhelming onlytwo parishioners as responded. We Eucharist neededapplies theirdailylives. No degree to will try this for a couple of weeks and see what --just bring your faith. If you are interested in happens. joining a grcup pleasecontact Barbara Harrison.

M OV I E . T I M E.

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