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oJ urn eyToM ddlEarthbyDarkAl ie ana Chapte1r DI ream hadbeenayearsi Caspi hadbeenresto redtoth eTel ari thro neandpeacehadbeenufylrlesto redtoNl

arna. tI nce an m ne al i Petenow tw entyyearsolSusanni een, undtefifen andLucytw el w erngl atenew ylresto redCai a vel w ereruil overNarna.thoughCaspi hadbeencrow ned Ki ofeTel ari andpeacehadbeenesta bl betw eenm enandtheN arnans,m ajtyiofeNarnansw ante dtoberuedbyw hattheybel tobeth ei andonltrueeadersth,eKi andQ ueensof d. r d, net Edm ve vieilal th rPar and ng iAl an ng th m nes shed i i a or th i l eved rone y l ngs i Ol Thereof reth eandw hereth eTel ari nhabid w asseparate drfo m theandsthatbel toN arnaiandw asrenam edTel araftethr ei ew orlandw astoberuedoverbyCaspi andhidescendantsTherestofeandniN arnanclu di theof restw asruedoverbyth ePevensi l m nesi te l onged am rhom d l an s . th l i ng l es. Susansatth eedgeofeverbankniNarnani aw hiofftheshoul gow nasAsl appearedonth everedge, ovi to w ard sher. smedasAsl sm anebru shedagai herarm . at th ri te der an ri s' m ng Susan li an' nst "H eldearone!"Asl spokenihideepand cal ngvoi asSusanturned toaf cehi andpl herfore headagai him uzzl"A sl "Susansaiasshestaredntohigol eyesassheefatlw aveof of rw ashth roughher, ghtfearufasshebrushedherhandagai hiufs r. ol an s m i ce m aced nsts e. an! d i s den com t butfeslti l l nst "W hat ychi Susangaveasm sme;i shoul haveknow nshew oul beablhi anythngrfom Asl "Peacehasbeenbro ughtbackntoN arnaiandswalbutIelmi ypurp osesnot "Susanookeddow nateground beneathherasshespoke. mis d?" t l al lshe d l dn' e de i an. t i i l elefl as , f i done! l th "M ydearchiyourdestieslaf rbeyondth eshore sof arna!"Susanookedupatm confused.Ifm ydestieslbeyondN arnaiamtoeaveand nevertoretu rn!"Asl ookedat hieyesifw thisecuri. dl nyi N i l hi " nyi Il anl Susan,s ed ty ll "N o. arnasiyourki yourl yourhom eandyouwlli bepartedrof mButyouhaveagre atepurp ose. yourhandyouhavehel bri peaceandpro speriot thand, now youm usthel defi th eaf teof h er!" N ngdom , and, never t.i r By ped ng ty sli but p ne anot Susanoldaw ake; efatlw aveofiwl ashthro ughherasshesaw th eaf marlsiiteofherbedcham bersSusanpul th ebedcoveri offasshegotupandw al tow ardsherth ebal th atoverl th ebeachand sm edasth ew arm sunbeatdow nonherface, quiyaf dedandsherem em bere dherdre am . jte but reef i . ed l ng ked cony ooked li butckl ti Shehadbeenhavi thatsam edream of thr epast eekanddeeplconcernedher. knew sheshoulustustAsl sw ordbutshew ante dansw ersshew anted toknow herpurp ose. ng w ti y She dj tr an' , , Susangot essedandheadedof thr establ Shehadre cei w ordth atCaspi w asonhiw ayandshew antedtoeavebeforehew oularve.thoughshecaredof Caspi Caspi sproef ssorhadet thathew ante dtocourher, Susandinotfeel stro nglof Caspi ashediof her, w asafraditoreecthi byski thestaonofei p. dr es. ved an s l d ri Al r an, an' pped slltii t but d as y r an d r but j m ring ti th endshi rfi Susanust anted tobeal andcl herhead. to okherhorseandrodeoff ntoth eof re st. ro detoverbankniherdream anddi ounte d herhorseasshedeta chedherbow andqui rfom herbackassheil dow nonthegra ssbeneath her. staredupatecl assheedgureoutth em eani of dre am . jw one ear Susan deepi She ri sm ver ed Susan th ouds rti if ng her Soonhereyel becam eheaviasshedridntoadeepsl ds i er tef i eep. StrangeLand I Susanaw okeniastrangeand,esunhadset shew asngonapatchofgrass. gra ssefatlmarlbut ythng el seem edstrange. observedtheand shew asiandof und hersnelerunsof olw atchtow erShenoti thatherqui andbow w ereyilngbesi herassheheard aoudscreech. l th and yil The i i ever i se She l n ithf i an d . ced ver de l Susangot andpl herbow andqui onherbackasshem ovedtow ardthesound. m ovedtow ard sasm boul andookedoverandsawvedarkdersw thith ei ord sdraw nadvanci onof ursm chienw thith ei daggersdraw n. asSusanookedcl shenoti theyw erenotsm chien, nym en. up aced ver She al der l l if ri rsw ng al rsm al dr l l But l oser, ced all butti ldr Thre eofesm ml en w erestandi nirfontofeof urthasfieyw ereprote cti hi asoneofedargure s, hi Susanpre sum edtobeth eeaderpushthem asi w thieaseashebegantom ovecl toth eof urth . th al ng th th ng m th kif w ch l de oser Alsuddenthesm ofalurthm anseem edtohavedi ednto thniai.r stoodth erenishockassheookedof thr esm ml an, qui yookedbacktospotw herehehadvani w hensheheardaoudcrynipai ofla l sappear i Susan l al but ckll shed, l n. Shequiydrew herbow andanarro w andai edof thr eeaderhearassheet herarro w Thearro w pi cedtsai rg etasoutaoudscreechasth earrow bursntoam esand turn oughthearro w hadhurthecreaturediidn' tostopt.i ckl m l s' t ose . er eti l l lt it lf Al t tseem Susanum peddow nofftheboul andandednirfo ntofeN azgul thesm ml anre appearedbehi her. quiynotched anoth erarrow andai edof thr esam edarkcreatu ragaihadthesam eoutcom e. j der l th as al nd Susan ckl m etI. n O utofecornerofhereyeSusannoti theoth erthre egetti up,arcl ylpre sent theicesasth eyto w ard sthecom pani "G etbehi m e!"Shesaiastheyranbehi her. th ced ng ef ear on arf on. nd d nd Theaio undth em grew eerstlecl guresm ovedcl tothem Theeaderofedarkdersstru ckhisw ordA.ngi sound aro seasthem etaoflthebl m adecontactw hibowSusanbow w asm agitsw,i oodenrfa m ew asstro ngerth ananysw ordandcoulw thistandanym etaandcoulnotbebro ken. ar r asthlial oakedif yl oser . l th ri s ri ng ade t . cal d l d Susansw ungherbow agai th ecreaturebut nandagaieverym ehew oulbl wtithi ease. nherlrtyh,eeaderbl th ebl agaiandsw unghisw ord agai herchest. cri outipaiasshebackntoth eground oughwi asasm scra tceh,iherchestw asonreif. nst agai n ti d ock O ast l ocked ow n s nst Susan ed n n efll i Al t al fasi l tlf H ervionbegantoblasacrycam erof m th earchw ay. tu rnedherhead toseeam anru nni thearchw ayandtow ard them H. ecaredhisw ordnionehandandatorchcovere dw tham esnith eother. w ante dtokeephereyesopen, beforeshecoulseew hatw oulbecom eofeotherseverythng tu rntobl si ur Susan ng ri s ilf Susan but d d th i ack. Ri l IIvendel Susanw asconstantnliandoutof ousness. henSusannalaw okesheefatlsharppaiiherchestassheopenedhereyelSheof und hersyielniabedniagrandroom niabeautcastlte. asbeautildecora tedw thiw oodenuf rntui reandw hiitnensandthebedonw hi sheaiw asextre m elcom of rtablasi w asng onacl Thesheetssm el rfeshofshlf ersandrfeshrfuassheconti tostu dytheroom . y consci W ifyl n ds. i ng lf ufil wI ufy l el ch ld y e she yil oud. f ed rfe ow l ti nued Susanookedbesi herbedtonoti th erew asamll anw thongbrow nhai thipoi yearssta ndi besi th ebed. si befo redecingtosi "W hathappened?"Sheasked.Y ousufef redrfo m apoi bl rfom aN azgul havebeenunconsci of rtheth reedays. ourheal sw ereabltoufylheal "Heansw eredherasheookeddow nat andhandedheragl of ate"Tr. hankyou!"Susansaiasheto okth egl and dra nk. l de ce ta il rw nt ng de Sheghed di up. t " sonous ow and ous But er e l you. l her ass w d ass W henSusan'thrsiw asquenched, spoke.W hoareyou?"Them anhesitedof arm om entbeforegingasm bow asherepl "M ynam esElo nd!Andknowar"e.Susanhesitedof armesofN arna!Coul youpossiymll ebefohereaamtohi?lmlAndwstohati.saN azgulThem ansm edgracefulandrepl "YouareniRi "RvendelSusansaiasshecuthi of,f ookedateElondcl ylconfu sed.P erh apsi oulbebest todlm eaboutyoursel how youcam ehereandcanyouthalatyouw ant st she " ta vi al ed. l i ir to you ?""S usanPevensi om entandth ennodded w restng te her ry ?" ta i d blte Irti l i y l ed. vendel i ?"l d m shel th r ear " w d you i l t fi and f I tell l AfteSusanexplnedeverythni gaboutherpastandN arna,ro nd hadw el ed herw thiopenarm sandntroducedhertoArw enand w asproperntro ducedtoAragon, andal th ehobbi, M, erryPi n,boandFrodo. r ai iEl com i yli G and tsSam ppiBi f , l Si arrngniM ddlEarthSusanhadof rm edaendshiw thiArw enandsheevenbecam ecl toElondandFrodoandw oulspendherdaysonthepractielfidw thi herbow andarrow andiel ntoBi scountl taesofhiadventure sandthetlepeoplofeShieSheevenearnedaboutEl cul reandothercre aturesthvedniM ddlEarth. nce vii i e rfi p ose r d ce st bo' ess l s l il e th r . l ven tu atl i e i Arw enandElo ndevenbegantote achherthei vetongueandshew asbecom ngverygoodatith ew eekspassedon.rond al todlheral theNazgul m onand thegreat etlhathappenedth reethousand yearsagoandthegre atoflthengandthegreat d enth atFrodocared. r rnati i as t El so about Saur l , bat evi ri bur ri

VI TheFel shiArves ow p ri l Susandeci togoof ardeonem ornng.Shew oreghtbl gow nw hi sseem edtohi ghtherdarkbro w neyesandtanskishehadw hiow ernsiherdarkbrow nhai theyilnicurtshlalew aydow ntoth em ddlof back. ergow nhadgol strapstoholidtpl w hikeepi hershoul sbare. ded ri i ai l ue chi ghl i n; telf ras ed l i e her H den n iace el ng der Shew al outof ro om doorandntoth em arbelcorri asshem adeherw ayovertoth ecl ngbytheverw erethehorsesw ereknow ntoro am assheookedatth ebeauttriel esthatw ereth ecolof th eperef ctlcutgre engra sses, them stiyw atethraflatpoureddow nntoaverthatranthro ughthehearof eci. ked her i dor eari ri l uf orash, y and l i ri th ty AloughshehadbeenniRi oflsom em e, w oulal aysbeta kenbackbyth ebeautlfuil th atbel totheEl ciAftethr eherif w thi Nazgul shehadregai herstre ngthandhad gotacustom tohersurroundi shenoongerneedheltogetaro undandw asabltow alaro undRi wl thiease. th vendelr ti she d w ands onged ven ty. ght and ned ngs, l p e k vendel Pri Legol andhiel com pani arri niRi andw heregreete dbyAragonasth eyente redtheciTheyw erearviirngrfom M rkiw oodaftethr eyhadrecei acalm LordElondof eati portance.Theyw erenottodlofem attebut heretodltheyw oulbenform edatthecounci eeti tom orro w m ornng. nce as s ven ons ved vendel l ty. ved rfol r gr m th r, w d i m ng l i Legol andhicom pani aughedastherem ni abouttheimti eniRi Aragonhadefshortlaftegreeti th em togoandspeakw thiArw enastheybegantow alaro undth egrounds. begantow alpast ecl ng assom ethni gcaughtLeogl eye. as s onsl isced ast vendel lt y r ng rl .l k They k th eari as H em m edieylcam etoanabrupt ashem ovedcl toth ew ndow togetabetteookasheai eyesonthem ostbeautwli om anhehadeverseen. ew atchedniaw easshepetew hihorse'm uzzlasherl darkbro w nhai oulsw ayasiewnithew nd andherskiw oulbecom easgol honeyasthesuntouchedt.i w asabsoleylbeaut.fuil i at hal t oser i lr ld uf H th te s e ong rw d bl i t n d den She ut Legolustconti tostareatsiunearthylbeautybeforehi H. eperused everfeatureeverydetoflheraf ce, darkbrow neyesanddesiabliel andthenhecaughtsi of earsShew ashum an buthadbeautyth atcoulvalatofves. esuddenlefburd ened know ngth athew ouloutl her. asj nued th m , ai her r ps ghther . dri th el H y tl i d ve i Legolcom pani cam etostandbesi hi astheyoow edhigaze.W hatbeauty!"O neofecom pani exclm ed ashesaw her. asw assurpsedbyth ew aveofousyth atsw eptthroughhi asth ere sthicom pani com m entonherabeautyH. ew anted her, hadtoknow her. as' ons de m fll s " th ons ai Legol ri eal j m ofs ons he

Chapte2r TheCounci eeti Ml ng "B eautifut?lit"Susansaiassheil onthegra ssooki up atestarsasFrodocam etobesi herY. es!"Frodosaiashivoi w asl w thidespai.r sat toookupatFrodoasshetouchedhihand.I" youcarryagre atburd en, soontwilteflid."Fro doturn ed toookatherandgaveherasm sm e.i knew thatFro dolstiedthengandaloughshedi understa ndt,i knew hew asstruggl sn' d ed l ng th si de " t d s ce aced Susan up l s know but bel l al lSusan l carr ri th l dn' she t ng. i Thenextm ornng Susanaw oketoaknockat ro om door. openedth edoortond Elond.G oodm ornngQ ueen Susan!"Susansm edathi "L.ordElo nd!Com en sieverythngalir ?"Elo ndgaveherasm sm elasSusanm oveasi al ng hi entry"Y. es! estoibeasecrecouncil eeti thsim ornngandwI oulil of ryoutobenianattendance."Susanookedatrondcl ylconfu sedasshecl th edoor. i her She if r " i li m r i . i ght r al i l deow i m Ther l t m ng i d ke l El ear osed "W hy?Ioughtw om enw erenotal edntothecouncil hadearn edaboutEl custom sniherti eniRi andaloughshedinotagreew thi thei stw ays, respecte dth em "Y. esth atitru e, thIoughtaboutth edream youtodlm eaboutandthnkyourfatessom ehow nte rtw ned w thiM ddlEarthso, underth ecicum stanceswIlli akeanexcepti "SusanagreedasElondgaveasm bow andtookhil th ow i ".Susan l l ven m vendel th l d rsexi she s but Ii i i i ie r m on. r al l seave. AsSusanm adeherw aytocounciom sheth oughtoverElo nd'w ords, aybehew asri W hyel w oulbehere ?Sheth ought.Susanentere dth ecounciom andshenoti Elondw ai of her. egaveherasm noddedbefo redie cti hertotheseatir nexttohi notrfom Frodo. um m erseruptedoflovertheroom asth eyw atched Susanw alw thith egraceofqueenandonElond'lhand. rol r s m ght. se dI rol ced r ng r H ti al l r ng ght m af M al k a si r seft t

Legol efhilshearstop ashenoti theravenhaiedbeautyente rtheroom Shew oreadarkredongsl gow nth atkept shoul scovered andherdarkbrow nhai dow nherback.iH Ww hatkenioffguarsdigi hew atchedElond gre ether. how asshe?Shem ustbesom eoneof e at porta ncetobeal edntothecouncieth oughtashequiyavertedhieyesbacktoth eunearthylbeautyasheefanupsurg eofousyeruptro ughhi asheiel ned tothalem en com m entonherbeautyeventh ast t ced r . l eeved her der eoosearsfound herattract e astaw as th ?ras lrdw ve. about l t r W gr m i ow i H.l l ckl s tl eal th m st l j , Susanhelherheadhi asthalem enconti tosta reat AsshesatElond'lshandshenoti th ateveryoneseem edtobengniord erofra ceth erew asFrodoandG andal onherlandth en therew eretheel dw arvesand hum ansshedinotknow w, thi theexcepti of agon. d gh l nued her. r eft ced si ti ng eft sif ti ves, d on Ar Susanbow edherhead tow ard shi niaentgesturetosayhelandAra gonnoddedniretu rnbeforeretu rnng higazetoFrodo. exchangeddinotgounnoticed toBoro m andLegol H eknow sherTheythoughtiuni astheyconti tostareat Borom hadtoadm wi hen hersifsaw her, th oughtshew asofel hadthebeautyof butshew ashum an.H ow com ehehadneverseenherbefo reandw hyw asshengw thiel m si l ol i s The d ri as. ! n son nued Susan. ri t t he ,frshe one, vii l ves. Susanavertedhergazerfo m thegro upandookedtow ard sFrodoandnoti heookedrath eranxi ashesat ngdow nategro und.odoseem edtoef elequeen'eyesonhi andookedupather. sm ed,yng togi thehobbi ofcom of asFrodogaveherasm haleartedsmenliretu rnbefo reooki backdow ntothegro und. l ced l ous ooki th Fr l th s m l She li tr i ve sense rt t alhf l l ng "S tra ngersrfo m dia ntl endsofdyouhavebeensum m onedheretoansw erth eth reatof ord or. ddlEarthstandsonthebri ofdestructi nonet.icanescapet.i wl ltei oryouEachra cesbound tothsaif teth,sionedoom Bri of rththeRi Frodo"LordElondcal causi Frodotoum p.seyesdarte daround theroom andthento w ard sSusan,saf ceddenw thief arashesto odup, al overtoasm stol neta blnithem ddlofthesem cicire,andpl th eagolng st ands, ol rfi M Mie nk on, on Youuni wlfa. l i i ng ng, r ed, ng j H i l hi ri w ked al e i e l aced dri Theracesof ddlEarthbegantow hi tooneanotherasth eystal redw thiaw eateRi of er. al coul thelbutsta reat eng assheefatlcolshi ru ndow nherspi AsSusancontin uedtostareattheng, wasiasing;bre athngthng. asfi coulhearadarkvoi w hi nghernam e.ngofpow er.oom you canhavethepow erwtI. hi ed. now sheneverrealunderstoodw hythepeoplof ddlEarthef aredso, now shedi Mie sper al th ng Pow Susan so dn' p th ri d ver ne. riookedtif vil i i wIt she d lti ce speri Ari d. sper U nti l yl e M i e tibut d. "Adream !"Borom saiashegot andstartedsl yltom oveto w ard stheng.I" th eeasternskygodarkandnithew estihaie ningAnt.ivoi w ascryngdoom doom snearathand. on'baneniof und. on'bane."Boro m saiashehand reached theng, quiyw thidre w hihand,saf ceddenw thisham easbothElondandG andaled outsnam eniadeepcom m andi to ne. rid up ow ri saw ght ce i ll , i Saur s Saur s rid ri but ckl s hi ri r cal hi fl ng G andal tochantsom eunknow n tongueastheskyw entbl and Susancoulef el bl ru ncolShedi know w hy,butosew ord sm adeherfeeldarknessw asdra w ngnear. hadtoshuthereyes. began f ack d herood d. dn' t th asfi i She O nceG andal nifished speaki Susanopenedhereyesasshew atchedth eskybecomedifw thil oncem ore"N everbefo reasanyvoi uttere daw ordofatto nguehereandnateru s!"LordElond announcedasheookedto w ard sG andalnotaskyourpard onM asterElo nd. th ebl speechof odorm ayyet heardnieverycornerofew est. ngstoalgeth ereviandalpl ashesat nagaibesi Frodo. had f ng lel ght . ce th il r l do "I.f r For ack M be th Theri il "Gl ref ed dow n de . i sai"tIgi om saiasheagairoserfo m hiseatw thiasm sm elonhiaf ce.A gih eth row sof odor. hynotuseth eng?Longasm yaf th er,este w ardofG ondorkepttheof rcesofM odoratbay, th ebl of peoplareyourl kept eG.veG ondorthew eaponofeenem etususeagai hi !" Bor rid n s t.f al i s " of M W l tf ri th by ood our e ands saf i th y. ti nstm l. "Youcannotw elt.iNoneofuscan. ngansw erstoSauro nal hasnooth erm aste"SusanookedatAragonashenalspoke. o m rtuirn ed toookedbackatm cl ylannoyedashebegantobehilm Thenahandsom ew;el hom Susanhad neverseenbeforestoodupanddefe ndsAragon. di Theri one. tI r. l ifyl Bor l hi ear etli . f Susanw ascl ylcaughtoff dAragonw asro yaland anhei ess. ow W asshecoulthnkof, Susan'thoughtsw erem oreconcernedaboutth ehandsom ebl elatstooduptodefe nd hi . ear guar , ty rnol W ! al d i but s l ond thf m "H avodad Legol { Si nLegol } "Ara gonsainical toneasheheluphihand. ascl hew ante dnotro ublLegol W hatw onderufnam e!Susanthought,but asnow hereasw onderufashiw onderufbl eyesandth atgol bl hai.r as! dow as! t dm d s wtI ear e. as! a l wi t ls lue den ond "G ondorhasnoki G ondorneedsnoki "Borom saiw thire sentm entashesatbackdow n."B utnone theessyouow ehi yourrespect!Forhesght. ecannotuset"Susansaiw thiacal but m andi voi ofqueenassheookedto w ard sBorom wi thiherheadhelhi ng! ng! rid l m ri W i d m com ng ce a l r d gh. Legolookedto w ard sSusanw thicom pleadm raionasshedefendedAragon.W hoareyouandw hatareyouevendoi nithsicouncil eeti Borom sailstiylannoyedasheookedtow ard sherL.ast echecked, om enarenotal edhere "Legol w antedBoro m ghtthen andnow of hiis enceto w ard sSusan, beforehecoulopenhim outhtorespond,ro nd spoke. asl et ti " ng m ng?" ricll d ear l "m I w ti ow l . as tolki ri l rnsol but d s El "Q ueenSusansherebym yrequest!"Boro m rsatth erenishockatro nd'state m ent,but nbeforeanyonecoulspeakElo ndspokeagai"B acktothem atteathand. ehaveonlbut choi th eng m ust destroyed!" i i El s agai d r n. r W y one ce ri be

"Thenw hatarew ew ai of r?"adw arsaiashegottohiefs etw thianaxenihandand strucktheng. ew asaashghtasth edw arf asknockedtoth eoorbyannvibloferthce. Narookedandvnoti shard softhethianedaround thengw hiilret m ai ntact.Coulthengevenbedestro yed?ShethoughttohersHelew ashel tohief etbysom eoth erdw arvesasSusannoti th edirencesbetw eenth esedw arvesandtheonesiN arna. ddlEarthdw arvesw erem uchm orebui hai ng f d ti ri Ther lf of il w lf i sie ri an nlandw ar esced spokew axeaccent. ri Susan i and shIri l nedi d ri .f ped s ced ef n iM i e and tl "Thengcannotbedestroyed, msonof oibyanycrathfatw eherepossess. ngw asm adenith erifsofM ountD oom andonltherecanti destro yed. ust ta kendeepntoM ord orandcast ntotheerychasm rfom w hencecam e. neof m ustdoths,"iElondsail ng aro undat eassem bl guestsA.stu nnedencecam edow nuponthem . ri G i ,il G ln, Theri y be m be tI i backi if ti O you r d, ooki th ed si l Them ennitheciceookedaroundentlasng tond outw how oulbenglitodestro yth eng.O nedoesnotsi plw alntoM ord or.ackgatesareguard edbym oreth anust cs. eseviereth atdoesnotsl andthegre ateyesieverw atcshfuItiabarrenw asteand,ir edw threifash, am e.Theveryai bre athsaipoi uf m e.Notw thitenthousand m encoulyoudosoy.lth"s.lBoro m rsaisterny.l r lal l siy tryfi if l d wil ri " m y ki stIbl j or Ther ithl eep .l l ddl , andlf you sonous r d if Ii id "H aveyou heardnothni g thatElondhassai Thengm ustbedestro yed!"Legol yel ashesprangoutofsseatl ngatBoro m "rOi. h, supposeyouthnkyoushoulbetheonetodot?i"Gmi yel back.A ndw hati hathappensw hen Sauro nta kesbackw hatihi Borom rsaiashegotup,ari at as. r d? ri as ed l hi ooki andI i d ied " wf l ss?" i d glng Legol d"'IratherdithanseethengnithehandsofanelAssoonasthew ord shadefGms'ml outhth,eotherel sto od upbesi Legol tow eri overth edw arvesangri eam ng ateach oth erandth en thesoonenoughtheentieroom w asnichaos. e ri !"f lt i i ves des as, ng y,lscr i r Susanand Elo ndsi Leavi w enoughal Elondsat dow nntohichai pl hiheadandw aidof thr em entocal th em sel dow n. torehereyesaw ayrfo m theangrym ob toFro do, how aslrastingelentF." rodo?"Sheasked, re cei noansw er. got andm adeherw ayovertoFrodo. seyebro w sscru nched upasshenoti Frodoseem edtobenipaibythem en'w ordsashestaredateng. r ghed. ng el one,r back i s rand aced s l te m ves Susan w stl ysi l but ved Susan up Susan' ced n s th ri AlsuddenFrodoum peduprfom outofsseatandspoke.Itw"alket!"Hi esaiw thiauth oriSusaneyesw dennishockasth ew ord efFrodo'm outhw"taI.l lket!"Hi erepeate dw hennooneseem edtohaveheardThensuddenlthalevoi af dedasthalem ensta redat odo,eicesddenw thishock. ofla j hi li d ty. i slt s i . y l ces l Fr th afr ri Susancam etosta nd behi hi and putreassuri handonFro do'shoul asheaf cedth ecro w d.Itw"alketh engtoM odor"Frodosaiw thihiheadhelhi "T hough donotknow thew ay." nd m a ng s der l i ri . d s d gh. I G andal asm sm elashetookadeepbreathandsteppedof rw ardw"helipyoubearthsiburd enFrodoBaggiAsl asi stobear"H. esaiashecam etostandnibehi Frodoandputshand onhirfeeshoul . gave al i f l I.ll ns.ongsyour it d nd hi s der nI stantlAragoncam eandknel nirfo ntofodoandookedhi nitheeye.W hetherw thim efyiordeatcanprote ctyou.lI.w li havem ysw ord"H esaiashem ovedtostandbesi Susan.A ndm ybow "Legol saiasheto otookastepof rw ard"A. ndm yax."GmsaiasheandLegol exchangedabrigl e . y, tdow Fr l m " l hI, You . d de " . as d i idl as efar "Youcarrytheaf teoftuslalthfss,Iii th ewofl ieCounciondorwseedone."Boro m saiasheookedatFro doashem adehiw aytoFro do. Susanefasi caredm oreabout eaf teofeng,anFro do' elone. lth G,l lliti i lndeed, rid l s But the lf th th ri th s. Frodosm edetlabeforeooki backatSusan. ookeddow natm w"I. assenthereof arre asonandthnkFrsiodo!I earlIa,lindbyyouw hetherw eshoulorsucceed.lI loite ctyouw thim efyYoual havem ybow ". l i il l ng Susanl hi Ii th. sw w st dafli w pr i.l so "W aiAvoi yel rfo m behi Susan, agonandG andalrn edtoseeSam runni uprfom behi ascrubtostandnexttoFrodo.M Fr.rodosn' nganyw here w thi outm e."H esaisterny.lLordElondrasedhieyebrow sassm rkiappearedacrosshibeautialce.CearlBecauseseem shardylpossietosepara teyou. w henhew assum m onedtoasecrecounci eeti andyouarenot!"H esaiasheooked betw eenSam andFrodo. t!" ce ed nd. Ar l tuf ng nd " igoi t d r i s s uf " l y! ti itsi bl Even t m ng l d l "O y!W e'com ngto o. regoi tohavetosendushom eed upniasacktostopus. coulseeG andal hiheadnith ecorn erof eyeasM errysvoi appearedoutofnow hereandsoonenough,etw ohobbira ntostandbesi Frodo. re i You' ng ti "Susan d shake s f her ' ce th ts de "A nyw ayyouneedpeoplofeil l of thrsisorof. ssi q. uestn.i g."Pi nsaiw thianal ofshead.W thelatruesyououtM errysaiasheookedathicousiPiannoyancecl nihivoi Piutesafyladorathbl tu rnedhiheadtoookatSusan.A ndbesi som eoneneedstopro tectebeautqueenrof m danger"Susansmeddow natherpisiends. norm alhated w henm enw oultrekel adam selstressoraporcelndolw hencam erfom ent igence m ion. th. ppi d if nod hi " l l ". d l s n, norM errsoundedabsoln' cetlabut en s l .t ppi yti ear s ce.ppi eeifl l e. " des th ufil . li ntzerif Susan yl d at nidi i ai but ti ,l LordElondstared at egroupof arm om entbefo reasm sm elofi rm edonhil"Tencom pani y.oushal theFel shioftheRi "H eannouncedstu rdy.l"Gi re at!"Pi nsaiexci dl"W herearew egoi r th al l ps. si ons. be ow p ng. l l ppi d, et y. ng?" Chapte3r TheRoad ToM ord or Aftethr ecounci eeti preparaonsw erem adeof thr eeow shitoset nitw odays. ro uteto w ard sM odorhad beenpl andsupplhadi beenkel theonesthr eiLegolneyahead. ahArw enstegaveSusangoltoatw asibatlte. asghtbl oodenlhandlas'efthirebldelpantsandgn. sSusanal w oreabl eath erbracesonherw stirsw, hitherfonthalherhai aspul backntoaponytaasithereednicurldow nherback. dElondal gaveSusantw of m ng, ti l fll p out The anned esght kni packedof ongourashad. As gihada eladeandaattiehd necolforandthaeilrsolw tunicsi aritoLegolw ack vi desiboot. so ackl i i ng ves, at j Theybott,f bl r oftr wI i di ue m esof ven ne i rl el of rw ed i l ist s f l l Lor r so W henwi asti etoeaveRi th,leeow shigath ere dbyasm gateandaef w el ofth ehouseofLord Elondgath eredtoseeth em ncl ng Arw enandLordElondhi sel asandGmseem edtohavem adepeace, Susancoulthelerew aslstionbetw een thehandsom eel theredheaded dw ar.f ookedth roughthecorn erof eyeasshew atchedAragornandArw enexchange thei goodbyesasLordElondspoke. t m l vendelfll p al l ves r of,fudi i r m Legol i il .f but d l tensi l and f Susanl her ent si rl r "TheRi b earessetti outonth equestof ountD oom Andyouth attra vel thihi nooathorbondaiilsdtogouf rtherthanyouFarie w Andholtoyourpurp ose. aythebl ngsofvesand m enandrefaleofklgow thiyou,"hesainiaproudbutsaddentone. ng- ri ng M . w m, w.ll el d !l M essi el l d "Theeow shiaw aiheng-b earer!"G andaldasth eotherm em bersofeeow shi steppedasi tocre ateapathof Frodo.odoturn edtow ardsG andal hitherfoemthetheowflero ntofpne."LefG andalplughthhiarcbutl ayntwthieconfi nbefo recasti oneast ngookatthebeautelG. andall edghtbehi FrodoasSusanefherhearsitnkashew atched Aragornexchangedonceastgl w thiArw enbeforetu rnngtoeave.M ord or, andal ?"Frodo'voi askedni fll p ts ri sai f th fll p de r Fr awf sper st fl shieand"w al rethf redniaw esper, acedi o unknow and of th il t, ked oi hw dence. ng longi l l uficiltyf oow ri nd fl tl l ance i l " G eftlorrisght s ce ,f Theeow shiw al niacom pani eence.Susanbehi Frodo, andG andalthiLegol besi her. erryandPi nsto od onherothersi occasi ylging herdorkrtayiousookscausi Susantosm e.i ow everGm wil al asaf raw ayrfom Legol aspossiew thioutbei separatedrof m groupasAra gonandBorom reim ai nith eback. fll p ked onablsi l nd Sam wf as de M ppi de onalvi lfti l ng lH i ked as bl ng ned Theyw ereaef w daysoutofvendel th eystoppedtom akecam pbyasm roalckyoutcro ppi G andal asngonaro ck, oki hipi andooki deepnithought.Gmi wil asnearb yasFrodoandSam w erengonaatrflockbesi Susan, hiAragornw asng onlaef w ef etdow nrfo m them andw assm oki hiow npi w thi Legol atssi asth eyobservedth eessonbei ta ught. naatpi of ground, om wi asteachin gM erryandPi nhow toghtw thiasw ord . Ri and l l ng. wf si sm ng s pe l ng ti si ti de w el si y ti ng s pe as hide l ng O lf ece sandy Bor r ppi if "M oveyouref etAra gornnstructed asBoro m rtainedPi nw thiasw ord"W thelat'good,ppi"M errysaiashesm edtow ard sPi n.Thanks."Pi nsaiasM erryconti tosparw thiBoro m Theyconti tosparunti o m racci aylcutPi nandPi nki hi nith eshiandsoonenoughM erryoiito o. ", i i ppi . l s Pi n, d l i ppi" ppi d nued r.i nued Bor i dent l ppi ppi cked m n l jn W thinim om entsth,etw oH obbiw restl hi tothegro undm uch toAragorns'andLegolam usem ent.Ara gongot and w enttotrytohelBorom "Tr.ihat'enough, em en,"Aragornord eredasM erryandPi nturn ed aro undrfom aaughi Boro m andgrabbedAragornsankl andpul them outm hi asheandandedonhiback. ts ed m as' up p s gentl ppi l ng ri ' es ed rfo m efll l s l "H ow diyoucom etobeaqueenof na?"Fro doaskedquiylashetu rnedtoookatSusan. al ost m edieencedescended onthecam pasth eytualrln ed toookat Arw enandElondw ereth eonlonesw hoknew th estoryandSusancouleveryonew anted toknow th estory"Wst'quiaongstory"Susanbegan. recei encouragi nodsrfom th egroupastheycam etosiound her. d Nar i et l An m m at si i l l Susan. r y dtell . ieltle l , , She ved ng ar t "Therew asam ew henm ysingsandwI eren' aw areth atN arnaiexied. ecom erfo m adirentw orlcal Engl At em e,th erew asateblw argoi onandth esafetyofourpeoplespecilthechie nw asof eat n".Shesaisl ylassheookedaround thegroup. ti bl i even t st W ef d,ed ti l rie ng e, al dr gr concer dow l y l "O uraf th erw asif ngnith ew arandourm otherw asanurseanddi w antustoget upniaw ar,niord ertokeepussafew, ew eresenttostayw thiaproef ssorandhimeconfuhousekeeperiathunshal rysi anandhalassherecei smquilyasilrfo mofthegrospreasthacrioel sstheiatte nti ytohersto ry"L.ucyw asth ersitofdi N arna. ew erepl ngagam eofhi andseekandshew enttohi niaw ard robeandilraylwl al ntoN arna,w hereshem etaf unnam ed, Tum nus."Susannoti ghti dn' t caught so cedsth ean sedooksonthei.rAnf ecount de."Susansaifd !"Sheadded smes aw e upad ey nedarf ces.vel l " i hum f goat ved ckl looks al st scover iW ayi de de te kedi i a M r. "M Tum nustodlLucyabout arnaiandtsevilaJdits,ew hiw tcih.Bythepow erofew hiw tcih,N arnaihadbeenng thro ughaw nteorfrtheasthundredyearsandweasn'ecaltcatawmantecalanydhumdexiiawatwd asbe. secondmtinaitoebeed.wTumioNarna,asgoio thoerEdmLucyovertoproow edwher.butlthisheheleentofhertoarna."TumbacktoEdmof arorlButhadmehadepassednedandheadtiwtoookdithLucyrsoitfdund. hng aboutNarnabeleeviW ethexceptthshested.ustmconvinngupbecausejundtobri ustoh r. al N iruler h te l th te viil i l ustth w ogiwth ih agidw orlcoul anth ar rodiThe edniNar Lucy r. ent nuswim ybr handpalundhadfellm hiite tocim akemw pedtofof M ir.Susannus.taourw m omm entasth wboww tciourw orth em lhenattknowlusaboutN arna, edi tiorthi her. oughtati w She akiced Edm ti ng hi lt st scover n lkiM nt l ng er aceand th w sed W ehen ki seeescape hesi ted und noti etshe hi ih her atso e dn'egr anyt i iw dn'eve queen exi asj ti h ng N d. te d, l l t "S adlEdm undbel her.them e,becauseofew arEdm und w asn'averygoodpl Edm und andLucysoonenoughretu rnedtoourw orlandspokeinowofordofNewna"SusanesaiblshenaldnotheadtoLucy.Sotomat eakeoupuptohow, eerstleastingniaw eandthseeoMry"ATumdaysleonLucy'erepl ngowhenaw,bal entthroeughhiw ndow andbroraded. ehadhng.O utofferearofdngntoetrowublw tceih'secrepol orguardfi w."l liedhingnithew ard robeandw ecom pl That'how Peteanddi ed N y, eved At ti i th nit ace. d arnaand cours ar eiefabsol yldteasaboutherevi ookback th gr up, her deci togo by est .re.f w nus wr, ew request. w ever whenw gotto ashouse, been kesom et beenar stegettibythi hie, ras nandtEdm und suggest di t.l ut rie ifteyil belng l i tiw lrde at ayiH l i had i H i ti te ce you i ed. s r Iscover i "H ehadbeenarrestedof know ng aboutLucyandnotre porti hertothew hiw tcih. utofandw orryw, edeci totryandhelhi W henw ew al outofshouse, em etabeaverandgot teascarew henw ere al hecoultak.lW ehadnodeaaboutth etakilngani albut edth eyw erequicom m onniN arna."iSusansaiassheookedaro undth eeow shiandnoti th ei outh sw erehangi w deopen, G andal smed. r i ng te O gui tl ded p m . ked hi w qui zed d i i m s, seem ti te d l fll p ced rm ng i even s.'Susan li f "W eoow edM Beavertohidam andm etswefiandtheytookusiandservedusabidi astheytodlusaboutw hathappened toM Tum nusandth en aboutAsl andthepro phecy."Susansm edat em em oryasshetodlthem abouttheprophecy: fll r. s hi n ofnner t r. an l i th "Therewlli etw osonsof andtw odaughte rsof com Adam Eve,

Theywsil lithethro nesof rParavel on t Cai , Andthenthsevi ewlli eundone." iml becom ti Them em bersofeeow shiooked at aghtconfusedasSusanexplned.Thepro phecyof re todlthattw osonsof PeterandEdm und andtw odaughtersof LucyandwI oulcom eand defeatthew hiw tcihandreturnpeacetoN arna."i W hoareAdam andEve?Andw hatiCai avelSam askedshylasSusansm edathi "T. hat'j aw ayof bi hum ans.Adam sm alandEvesefi m alCai avel pal Susansm edth eeow shinoddedniunderstandi th fll pl Susan sl i ai " Adam , Eve, d te s rPar ?" y li m sust descring i e e. Par siour ace" r li fl l p ng. Theeow shinoddedasSusanconti th estoryw"tI. asth en thatEdm undhadeftloseethew hiw tcih.W distinotknow aboutei eeti but themti ew ediwi astooateW henEdm undarvedatherpal shereveal hertru enaturetohi andpl hi ntoapri cel toM Tum nus. enoughhersecrepolcam eafteus, w em anagedtoel them "Susancoulseeth ehobbisi ngnireefl shegavethem asm sme.i fll p nued te edll th rm ng, by dt l . ri ace, ed m aced m i son next r. Soon ,l t ce i r but ude . d tsgni ias al l l "Aonepoiw, eth oughtshehadcaughtusbutrn ed outbeFath erChrim asw hogaveuspresentsH. egavePetehisw ordth atw oulneverrustdulthith enscriononattewybl ewIsayihel'pw henal anshakeshie."Susansainteshepoitseideathandhishid. egavehornashercordasandredaggertOh.iadmorapionhercordalasabsentlrawnhiiound.ongalhibowbutquiyefatyltwbow andm ashorsaw thmsam eooknquiothmatsneveremshandiandsaihorln . asInstm ybowwIl,l i m ssiandm yhornw thionebl n, t nt tui to st rs d or wl i ptoim m r her as, W oul Aslayscom sm ane, diasrm eet d toherw eaponsand Lucy Legolalsta datherw nedr tiofnihieyesiandtheal y ngersal sosgavem em ngeofj ousyyhenand e ym agiiBor reyesashi ptiedonhidas tru i never ade ng d w w nt ' s elH i s willi any sf He , ckl i eal l cal ver 'i esl s ong ow "N ow w thi Asl sre turnth ew hiw tcih'pow erbegantow eakensothereof resum m erw asretu rnng.W eonlhadtocrossavertom aketoiAsl scam pbutm akem atte rsw orse, secrepolhadcaughtupw thi usandsi sum m erw asretu rnng theverw asswytlfm el AsSusanconti toherstoryaef w sm rkisof standi pl onth eaf cesoftheoth erm em bersofeaudi an' te s i y ri an' to her t ce i nce i ri i ng. ti nued tell under ng ayed th ence. "Theyhad cutoff pathandnoneofushadanyexperi w thi defe ndi oursel sow ew erecom pleylheless. seem educkw asonoursi w em anagedtousethecetoouradvanta geandoateddow ntheveronasm gllaciasthew ateerluptedth roughthem el ce." our ence ng ves, et pl Buti l t de, i lf ri al er rafl ng i ti "O nce w em adetoith everbank, enoti th atLucyw asgone,"Susanconti asshenoti thedreadooksonth ehobbi'ces.B ut eventualofly und us."ThetensehobbireaxedasSusancarri onshari hertae. ri w ced nued ced l afts " she ts l ed ng l "S hortlaftewr, em adetoiAsl scam p. etodlhi off undand heagreedtohelus. hiLucyandwI erenearaver, augri th eeaderofew tcih'polandwoneoth erw ol som ankni esurhiim Sieverrw solsnuckghtof usnandedtoatsaickasmIsheanagedtoegettoemardorm. yhornandbl befo reLucyandreItre atedtoth esafetyofanearb ytree. uylPeteheardand racedtondus, thiAsl andaef w m em bersofthearm y. eedM augri and Asl sent eothersafte rthesecon y an' W m Edm p W el ri M m l th s ce d olifndEdm had asAslehow d vved thPetrie andfbane, uponara."iSusantad us. sm edat m w sy i to und ght r ' kni N tri f li th owti Thankf l r ti if w an Petlki m an th rl "O nce O reous, an'secondnicom m andandth erestofdi srfeedEdm und. asthenthatw edeci tostayandhelghtsow ew enttotran. ehadbeenrtanihadraewnouncedw eclraiceionEdmdthund'.iLatethrhiatwght,w ascomnoticedioAslecamalngafterequestShedawmokestmnceandwwehiadehiwatosecrd.ytloowocaman,ewwdemdn' mof hertosecreandhersomrbeiofatraoowr, ourcomtoeNartinanSusanAslppedsedherandtoagrenedetoretaonthbyneowvateselteastheykelidiefaltlanetenrntyisheefandAsl eannouncedth at i Asl s soler wtI ded pif iW sheingof hiw hen herem ved w or atthefeslw te nitcihLucyhad ngnt thanw kip past tenti. anrfoaudiadia wethiAsl m deci gr ntetoeShe Asltablto herethnod hiaiwcontofitong.oodof elengherfed erswnger wpany"aw th,enosaithreatheneeded ookatue kstherfihilpri shi.Butrw hat goback,tocam p,anw atche el our ng ence ashe ch he s ay thfellst ne but edi randEdmtcih und'bl ew com toliaccord i ai i attflrsbutbutst an uf andooked contith ltoofe lm Af e gaveaesi lt w an, ded te w rten nue.H lr s l ng. i, d l l pf dn' l t

"W ew atchedasthew hiw tcihedAsl "Them em bersofeeow shiookedshockedandconfu sedatesam em easSusanconti "A sl hadtra dedpl w.flthsayLucyund,orduersed, efhi.ioulhavebeenwanorunderesandmEdmA.efundmof omsdeathspassedasearbreightcamphs.m ethhadstahw ayaboveniltalestonebymandnAsl andLucyandgotuptoeaveandconfu sedandooksaw ebacksth equioyundoshookces. eheardaoud crack. henw eturn edaround, anw asgoneandthestoneta te lki an! l th fll pl th ti nued. an acesToiEdm andconf tosave Wls d esoonsent d toPet tar te ent w Asl entthro ughth teghtl erW earc yedw thiAsl hghtand tabl orng appeared."Susannoti th eassoonasw etul rn edourspre ad grcklacr ssthei asw l W niI w an' nym fo i an e ian I l ced arf Asl "Thedeepm agibro ughthi backeftoYouseefannnocentpersonslkionatratoisrstand,esto netablwlal ickandevendeathtsiellftu lrniback."Susanexplned asth eeow shisaf cesw errielsti w thishock, seem edtoreaxabi sheconti thestory. c m i.l i i ed ' th ecr il w ai fll p' dden but l l as nued t "W era cedtoaJdi aceandrfeedherpri ncl ng M Tum nusbefo rew era ced tohelPetenirthebattlhathadale adysta rted."Susanaf ceghtlassheconti "p. nfo rtunateynli,thecourseof e, undendedupghti adiandm anagedtodestro yherw andbut asm ortaylwl ounded. ew asif ngherasw earved. anthened theadiandLucyusedhercordalsaveEdm undandm anyoth erw oundedsolers"Susansaiasshesm ed andconti toookattheeow shi s' pal sonersi udi r. p e r slfeilly nued.U battlEdm if ng J s w Pet r ghti ri Asl lki J s l toi di . d li nued l fll "A tef thr ebattlourcoronati tookpl at rParavelAsl nam edusth eKi andQ ueensof arna.Petew asnam ed HghKi Petethr eM agni wI. asnam edHghQ ueenSusanth eG entlandEdm und andLucyw erenam edKi Edm und theuJ st Q ueenLucytheVal "Susansaiasconcl hertae. eraudi satienceandstaredatherT. hattruyslai gre ate!M ygentlqueen!"Legol saiashesmedat w hi Susanretu rned. e, on ace Cai as an ngs N i r i ng cent if i e, ng and ant, d uded lH ence nsi i l " ta l e as d li Susan, ch Chapte4: M nesof ori rThe i M a Afteheari Susanstaelth egroupsl yldi sed.o doandSam re m ai ngontheatrflocksw hiBoro m reisum edte achi M erryand Pi nhow toghtasAragornw atched.SusanandLegol startedtow anderaro undth eoutcro ppi asGmandG andal onlaef w ef etaw ay. r ng ow sper Fr nedsi ti el ng ppi if as ng i i l spoke y f Legol w asam azedbySusan.Y ouaretruylam azi "H esaibeforehecoulstophi sel ookedathi andsm ed.H ardthy,lnkyou'etheonethatam azi Arw entodlm eofleenhanceabiveshaveandthei ves."Susansaiassheconti tosmelatm but asefsadbyth em enti ofhils efthi,latonlre m ndedhi thathew ouloutl her. as " ng! d d m Susanl m li " Ii r .f s' ng. thal esi lel ti ongil rl d nued ihi , Legol tl on ong y i m d ve i Susanand Legol w ereaughi astheyexchanged stoesandearnngm oreand m oreabouteachotherastheyconti tow alabouttheoutcroppi "W hatth' at?"Susansaiasheratte nti w asdi tedtoastra ngeooki cl onth ehori "N othng.Iaw spofoud,"Gm saidi ssi wi thiaw aveofhihand.I"m ovi af st agai th ew nd,"Borom rsaiste rny.l"C rebaiFrom D unl "Legol suddenlannounced."Hde!"Aragornshoute d. as l ng ri l i nued k ng. s d on ver l ng oud zon. iust i cl i ild,sm ingt sjt' s st' ng nst i id n! and! as y i Everyone starte dtom ove.Supplw erehi beneathth ero cks;ecam pfiew asexti shed aseveryone doveundersom esorof SuddenlSusanof undhersel thecoverofbushw thiLegol ontopofhers,eyesstangntoher. es dden i th r ngui tcover. y under a f as hi ri i Legol coulef eleseandoflfaherchestashesta redntoherbeautdarkbrow neyes; w ante dnothni gm oreth antohavepsagai hersSusanefasi hearhadstopped asshegotntoLegoldeepbl eyes;shehadneverefanattractikel thsibeforenoteventoCaspi as d th ri l i ufil he hils nst . ther t i lf osti as' ue l tl oni , an. Legol andSusanneverbro keeyecontactuntoud ofrd sdescendedonthei psiO. nceth ebispassedandeveryonecam eoutofeidi pl "S pi of um an,"G andaldnidi "T. hepassagesouthsbei w atched. em usttakethePassof a dhras."H esaiasheturn edtoookat esnow cappedm ountanipeak. as alcli bi rcam te rd th rhing aces. es Sar sai sgust f i ng W Car d l th Theeow shiw asm bi overtherfeezi snow covere dm ountaniSusanandLegol w al si bysi "A reyou w yourhi Legol askedashivoi w asl w thi concern"'I. alir Butshyouw oulcal eSusan."Sheansw eredassheookedatm Legol sm ed.S usan!"Susansm edbackassheefherhearjt pniherchest, ovedth ew ayhernam esoundedonps. fll p cl ng i ng, . as kedde de. el ghness?" as s ced aced l m ght. wI i d ml l hi . as li" li tl um shel hils i Thetw o'eyesth enconnecte d,notdari toparasLegol absentlm oved cl toSusanashiaf cew asonlaef wnchesapart, ai of rhertocl thedia nce. begantom ovecl but asonlthenw henth eyheardFrodogaspthattheyookedaw ay.i a nt, htu rnedre achi of thr ei asth eynoti th epoorhobbi si plaen. s ng t as y oser s y i w ng ose st Susan ti oser, wi y t l nInst bot ng rbow ced hadm yfl l t Farth erupth em ountan,tihesnow w asgetti deeperandthehi astheym bed,okgreatedealenerg yth anbeforetotaki onestepafteanother. nlyLegol seem edtobetheonlonenotstrugglprobablhadsom ethni g todow thitheaf ctth athew asactu alw alngefofesslaboveth esnownstead ofrought.i ng gher cl toi r of i ng r O as y ng. y i tI yl ki rtl y i th Legol hadm oveduf rth eruptoth erfo ntofegrouptoscoutasSusanth oughtofei e raef w hoursago. cl hereyesateth oughtofm Shew ante dnothni gm oretonifishw hattheysta rted, that'notw hereherheadshoulbeat.o docom esiShethoughttoherselshem entaylscol hersel as th th rencount Susanosed th hi . but s d Fr rsft! as f l ded .f "S usan?"Asm voinquie d. ookeddow ntoseeM erryandPi nooki upat w thrietdeye. gaveasm sme.Yi es?""A reyoualir ?"M errysaiashivoiedifw thiconcern"'I. neth ankyou.Areyoutw oalir ?"Susansaiassheconti tosm elatehobbi. alcei r Susanl l ppil ng her She al l" l ght d s cedl l m if ght d nued i th ts Susanw atchedasth ehobbinoddedbefo renging untoeachoth erof rsupporasth eyshi edasth ew ndki up,irngfl th einicl astheyhi uf rtherupthem ountaniO. nlam om enthadpassed, oreAragoniefollstepw thiSusan.Y ouef arth atth eywnotm aket.i beal "Aragornreassuredherasheoow ed Susan'gazeandsm edghtlasSusangavehi asm noddedbeforeturnng herattenti backtoth ehobbi. ts cl i t ver i cked u thr oaks ked y bef nt " lli They'ght. ll ri fll s li sl y i m al l i on ts

Theeow shiconti onthei n eyupth em ountaniastheyencountere dasnow storm th atseem edtobem oste acherous. ashadm adehiw aybackthofSusan. andcam edow nrof m abovethesnow andkeptarmfi arm onherw aiyngtohelherpul ef etth roughthesnow thatonlseem edtogethi and thckerw thieverystep. andalthew ayusi histatofm akeapathasBorom rhelM erryandPi niei erarm asFrodoandSam w erecro w dedunderAragorns'cl asGmwil a fll p nued our rj tr Legol s em st,i p her tr l y gher i G ed ng s lf id ppi th oak i "Theresaiof ul ceonth eai."Legol saiasheconti toholarm handaroundSusan.I"t u m an!"G andal edrfom upaheadandthenoflsuddenaef w ro ckrfo m abovebeforeus, ssi usbyonlaef w ef et.H estriyng tobri dow nthem ountani !G andal em usttra ckback!"Ara gonshoutedabovethestorm totherestofeeow shi"N o!"G andaled.ubbornolm an. th ought. voi r as d nued d if sSar i shout f al efll m ing y " i ng wf th fll p. yel St d Susan fl nI annstant,athunderb olanoverhangi secti ofem ountanightaboveth em causi th esnow banktoexpl causi anaval onth em ountani si Theeow shied totakew hatl astheycoulunderth em ountaniedgeasth em ountani si ent.l i hi t ng on th ri , ng ode, ng anche de. fll p tri etlicover d l desiefl l Susandinotknow howongshew asunderth esnow butsheknew shehad toescapet.i naiherentiebodyseem edrfozen. suddenlasi d l Their r As y happened, efherftesieluprfom th esnow andntoth eopenai.r gaspedasshelelfailrtifo zenungs.S usan, eyoualir ?"Legol askedasheto ogaspedof ai,keepi asecurearm aro undher. noddedasw atchedth eheadsof ere stth eeow shipoppi up outthesnow Susansi asshecaughtsi Frodo. t Susan tl dlf i Susan her l " ar ght as rbutlsti ng l Susan th of fll p ng of ; ghed ght "G andal em ustgetthf em ountan!"Borom cal rof m behi Legol andSusan.T hiwllith edeathofetleones!"Susanw atchedG andalheseem edtobedebati w hetherornottotu rnback.nal andal upandookeddie ctlatFrodo. W !f of i ried nd as l " sbe th il as f ng Fiy, ooked l r y lG lf "W eshalengbearedeci "Theeow shiturn ed toookat odow howethhesionannounced hiansw erW egothro ughth em nesof ori"Theourn eydow nth em ountani w asust unpl asgoi up. ncetothebotto m ofem ountan, asanotheref w of ursuntieyreachedth eentrancetothem ne. etthl ri r de. fll p l Fr l li l ta ti s ". i M a. j j as easant ng O th wit thl i

G andalongth eedgeofth era vi unticam etow hathew asl ngof"Tr. hii eannouncedtothere stth eeow shiAtatverym om entth ecl nith eskyparted andal edh em oontoshi th rough.Thei l ra ysrfo m them oonreected offth ero ckand reveal abeautarchw ayw thiw hatl kel el vi desi andaboveth edoorw ayw asannscrionniw hatl kelelsh,but w asnot e . efall t ne he l ooki "H st. of fl l ouds ow t l ne ght lf ed ufil ookedi ven ne gns i pti ookedi vi Susan sur "W hatdoesi G andal"Sam askedasSusanpl ahandontherockdoorandtracedal thevi desi thatw ascarvedntoastigliow edbl nith em oonl . say, ?f t aced ong ne gn i t ue ght i "Thedoorsof uriLordofM orSpeak, andente"G.r andale rupted.Itquisi plreyouareaend, ustneedtosaythepassw ordandente"rG andalokastepbackrfo m thera vi andputsstauptoth edoorsandspokeasi plw ordniaboom ng voi Theeow shiw aidanxi ybutthedoorrem ai cl G andal edhith roat edoncem oreyetagainothnghappened. D n, a. end, i rfi ntfi s'" te m e al rfi youj y.lIf . tof ne hi f m e i ce. fll p te ousl nedosed. clfear s andtri ; n, i Susanust herheadandturn ed aw aytoookoutatth ebl aketh atstretchoutnexttoth em ountani assheiel nedtothesound of erryandPi ntossi stonesiotheake, ngppl toappearonth ew atesrsuraf ce.D on' ormy'rI. sureG andalll ieoutandw ewl lionourw ay."Legol sairfo m nexttoher. tu rnedtoookathi hopeyourri !"Shesaibeforeaenceuponth eeow shi j shook l ackl st M ppi ng nt l causi ri es ' " w t gurti be w if as d Susan l m "I. ght d si efll fll p. l "W hatitheelshw ordofend?"Fro dosaiashivoi suddenleru pte dth eenceth atw aspre sentam ongtheeow shi"M el".G andala ted. assoonasth ew ordefhim ouththesto nedoorbegantocreekandopened,veal adarkcavernw thin. s vi rfi d s ce y si l fll p. on. stf And l lts re ng i i W thiniseconds,eeow shi entere dthecavernastheydre w thei eapons,l th ehobbiSusanandLegol bothhadanarrow notchedntothei andhelatithereadyasthehobbistoodbehi th em w thiateedirfi expressi onth eices. th fll p w except ts. r al as i rbow dt ts nd on arf "M ycousi wlvei usth em ostroyalw el es!"Gmshouted asth em adetherew aydeeperiothedarkness.mconti tospeakofthem arvelth ataw aidth eeow shiuponm eeti oth erofhikiasSusanbecam everytense,erew assom ethng veryw ronghereth,eai asl w thidespai,r nand death. n gil of com i il nt G i il nued s te fl l p ng sn th i w aced pai r Alsuddenthecavew edifw thiabl ng w hiitghtthatcam erfom G andalaasheputacrystai-llobj ontothetopofhiw oodenstaAssoonasti ecl enoughof thr em tosee, eru pte drfo m theentieeow shiasth eysaw th escatteredskel onsof arvesthathadbeenbrutayed andeftloroonthecavernoor. ofla as ndi el ll i s'st f f ke ect s .f becam ear gasps r fll p et dw lki t l lf "Thii atm ne.tIta' om b!"Borom rsaiasthehobbibegantobackoutofem ountaniastherestofeeow shioow edsl ylbehi th em "W em akeof rth eG apofRohan. eshoul neverhavecom ehere"Borom rstia tedrm y.l ssn' is id ts th th fl l pfll ow nd . W d . if Suddenlandw thi outw arnng,odoscre am ed. and there steow shiturn edandsaw th esm hobbi ng dragged backw ardsntothew atem walhatl onlioneeyepustehntaecloarosundhianklWetthithoutw eron,Susanshot Frroedo. notchedarrow asiungeddeepntothetentacl"Fro dohangon!"Susancal uptoateedirfi ooki hobbi theaf ceofebeastth enem erg edrfo m thew atew thiacrynipaiSusangaspedatthesi ofecreaturwteI. as,fact, octopus-l y, i Fr Susan oflf l p al bei l t i anirby butookedl anoctoand re re w ofa zorsharpte athesietireadytodevouralady had ke ti y r s e. ta her pl ti i e. t ed l ng As th l t. r n. ghtth ni an ke i Susannotchedanotherarrow asshesaw th atFrodow asdangl nearth ecre atu resm outhSusanai edof rth ecreatu res'eyeasshereeased thearrow asLegolarro w hieexactsam espot thecreatureetoutanothercrynipai ng i ' . m l as' th and l n. Alsuddenatentaclw rappedaroundSusan'anklandpul herioth eai sl m edheragai them ountani w beforereeasi herS. usan!"Theeow shical asSusantoeflthl egroundbeneathher. ofla e s e ed nt rand am l nst al l ng " l fl l p ed l Aef w m om entspassedbefo reSusanefartm arm w rap aro und herw aiandpul herup andrestedherheadagai hiknee. openedhereyesandsaw thatshew asbei cra dl niBoro m srarm s. ilf st ed l nsts Susan ng ed 'i "nI toth em ne!"G andaled toeow shiSusanm m edieylgathered hersel diasi ru cted andw thihast. soonafteofeeow shireachedth ecavernth,em onstearg etentacl col th eentra ncentoth em ountani si andpl th eeow shintouttedarkness. i cal fll p. i at fl and d nst f al As al fl l p l rthl srl' es apsed l i de unged fl l pi r Therew asnosoundof raef w m om entsasSusancoulef el om srpresencenexttoherasG andalattached thesm crlystatolhistaasiproducethght. tu rnedtoookat om asshenoti hew assta ndi etlaoi locl of com of"rTt. hankyou."ShesaiasBoro m rsm ed.Y ou'ew el e."Borom saiasheconti tosmelat eyoungqueen. d Bor 'i ref al s frte ei l Susan l Bor ri ced ng ose r d i li" r com rid nued ith Theexchanged dinotgounnoticed toLegolLegol efhilsangerrngashesaw th ew ayBorom ookedatSusan. ew asal ostattem pted toshootm ghthereandnow . d as. ast sii rli H m hi ri Susanturn edherattenti aw ayrfo m Borom asshequiyscanned thecaverntoseefi coulnd Frodo.w aveofreefwl ashedth roughherasshespotte dSam andtherestofehobbihoveri overthedre nchedngbeareFr.rodoandSusanockedeyesof ram om entashesmedasm uchashew ascapablofhiw eakensta teasSusandithesam e. on ri ckl she dif A i h ts ng t ri l li eni s d seem sw ehavenochoi butendurethedaressm nesof ori"G andaldsoundi annoyed andw orri at esam em e. "tI ce to efikl , i M a. sai ng f edal ti lth Chapte5: D eadCiof ori rThe ty M a Aef w hourshadpassedsi theeow shi hadentere dth eoncegre attciof oriand thedarknessniw hi nowaipresent ygotthckerandthckerasthew entdeeperandastheythenrtheertmenes.W toestshalbehie"GSusan.fsaiashesatonanearb yro cktocatchhibre ath"W hy?"Sam asked, andal asheookedatesm hobbi ecauseSam w seG am geedonotknow w hi w aytogo!"Thew zardsaicl ytarlited.S o, haveof rg ottenthew ay?"M erryaskedasG andalaredatth esm al nce fll p yM a ch ld onl i i hobbi;deeperio at di back andlopher . andald ts nt " st nd s . G sifghed l th al "Bt. l i I ch i d ear " you gl f l Theeow shisoondeci tousethsisetbackasaw eleservedbre akastheof urhobbisat atea,couplofetfro m G andal how assm oki api assta red at etw opassagew ays, thatforkedtotheeft,lanothertoth eghtthatstoodbeforehi Boro m randAra gornw erehuddl together,kilngasLegol andGmsatoneiersi of fll p ded -dl ts and e ef w,f ng pe th one ri m. i ed ta as i il th de Susan. "S odoesN arnaihavestrongw arrikels m ysel yady?"GmaskedproudlSusanchuckl asshesaw Legol hilsbeautbl eyes.I"naf cttheydo. ysieLucyhappenstobegreat w thione."Shetodlhi asheaf ceil"S odoesN arnaihaveanycreaturekels,onesof und hereniM ddlEarth?"Legol asked. ori m l i il f y. ed asro l ufilue M st r, ends rfi m up. t i ie as "N o."Susanefherhearstopasshegazednto Legoleyes.B utw ehavegrpareaglparlt al th ereareM nota urshalhal anandcentaurshal an,hal seandaf w nsandof seyouroccasi takilng ani alLegoleyesl asSusansm edatm . tl t i as' " ns,i t e,on so if i i , bulm f ,l f , m hor f f cour onal m !" as' up ti l i hi "W eshal nueon."G andal conti l announced.H e'rem em bered!"M erryexclm ed.N o."Thew zardsaiearryilted.Thesessof ul nthsipath.w. hennidoubtal aysoow yournose, eri "G andaldasheeanedheavionhiw alng sti andstoodupandheaddow noneofthepassagew ayastherestofeeow shioow ed hiexam pl f " s ai " i cllstita " ai dow dl lri w fl l M adoc. sai l f yl s ki ck th fl l p fll s e. "S om yadyafteyou haddefe atedthew hiw tcihyoucam etoM ddlEarth ?"Sam askedashecam etow albesi herN o butthata'ongstory"Susansaiasshegaveh ehobbism sme.Ai w w us pl "Pi npl Susan'sm elgotw derasshebegantherestof tae. l r te ie k de ". sl . d t at al l" l tell ease!ppi eaded. s i i her l Asth eyw al uf rth eriothem nes,theeow shiiel nednte ntlytoSusan'tae. asl atSusanw thiadm raionasshetodlth em aboutth egol age,em eofherfisrute. truyslam azi Legolthoughttohi selaw e. hiadm raionquiyturn edtoeal yasSusantodlth em of an. re sttheeow shiseem edobl toth ew aySusanreacte dtoth esoundofsnam e. Legol coulandmi adehi ef elnew of undsenseofagew ashth roughhi . ked nt i fl l p i st s lLegolooked ti den th ti r lShe i ng. as' m nif Buts ti ckl j ousl Caspi The of fll p viious hi But as dtell t m a r m Aftearef wong hoursth,enarro w passagew aysuddenlopeneduptorevealspecta cul halwtsI. assi plbeauti,lkel Ri but ascertanlnte resti ydesi Col nssprangoutacrosstheooreverytw entyef etso, di theceiupaboveth em asthehal edendl nidilrecti l y a ar oflsor m y ufnot vendelw iyi ngl gned. um i ,l lf or holng ng il seem essal ons. l "W el eends toD w arrow delm announced w thiasm elasSusanookedniaw eatth ehalchictu reashereyesandononebl eyedbeautyLegolH seyesm eethersasBoro m cam etostandbesi Susan.A reyoualir m yady?"Boro m askedSusanashereyeslLegol" thankyou."Shesaiw thiaof rcedsm sme.i com rfi "Gf. i il i l s'ar te l l ue , as. i ri de " ght l ri eft as'i d al l l G andal pressedthem toconti on;andth eyobl asth eyw al thro ughth eneverendi halandal al aheadasGm andth ehobbioow ed behi w thiSusanandBoro m randLegol andAragonatere ar. soon f nue ged ked i ng G.l wf ked i il tsfll nd i as th Theexchangebetw eenLegol andSusandinotgoun-n oti toBorom Wi.r hat thatelnkhesdoi shedeservesbette r shedeservestobew thiherow nki shedeservesm e. o m rthioughtangrashew al besi Susanobl toLegoldeathgl eathi wIl.lethi haveher havespent2,9 68tryng tond her andwI on'hi takeheraw ay wIhaveherheart asshehasm ne.Legol thoughtastheeow shiconti on. as d ce does thf i i ng nd Bor yl i ked de viious as' ar mnotli m I i if etm lt l li i as fll p nued Aef w m om entspassedbefo retheeow shinoti ghtcom ngrfo m aro om upahead, ngrfom som ew herehi aboveth em Susan'breathcaughtiherchestasGmcriedoutigriandniangerasheranntoro om w thiatom bnithem ddlGmknel nat eof otofesarcophagusandethiheadagai th ecolm arbelashesobbed. fll p cedail i com i gh . s n i l n ef i i e. i il dow th th t l s afll nst d "H ereslBal dofM or.a.esdeadth en."G andaldsadlasSusanefherhearsi Sheeft larssom etohereyesassheefsom eonew hogra bholofherhandandw aveof andcom of rw ashth roughher, tu rnedtoookbesi hertondth esourceofhersecuri Legol ei n, hi i iLor sai y tl tnk. f tl d ove l t she l de if ty as. Shegavehi asm sme,i hi w asretu rnedassheto okastepof rw ardtoGmaslLegol reucta ntlyreeasedherhand. pl herhand onthedw arshoul al,thoughsheknew th atGmwil oulnotltobeseenasw eak, seem ednow w asexcepti asherasedhihandtohishoul andgra bbedholofherhand andhelonghtl m al lw ch l i i as l l Susan aced s'f der i d ke i but ti on i s s der d d ti y. Susanookeduprof m thegri ngdw arf G andal "Theyhaveta kenth ehal thew estgate"Theolw zardsaiasheilf th roughsom ethedrypages,hecam eotth east terinre cordandsi deeplashebegantore ad.Theyarecom ng theyarecom ng th eyarehere"Susanof ughtth ete arnsihereyesassheghte nedhergrionGmobl toPi n'curi eye. l evi as spoke. f and l . . d i d pped until lw ghed y " i i . ti p i ,iviilous ppis ous Pi n'sm ngersgrazedtheef ath ere dendofthearro wcausi th edecayedbodytoshakeand theheadtobackw ard ntothew Therestth eeow shistualrnedth eite nti toth esm hobbi theyiel ned totheheaddow nthew Ml aki oudnksandcl asi entdow nandaf therdow nthew astherestthedecayedbodyoow edth ehead'exam plshortlafter. ppis ifal l , ng afll si el of fl l p'l at on al as st .l r l t afll el ngl cl angs w . i t el of l fl l s e y

Theeow shistoodth erenief arasth eyw eresoonefilntutteence,eyknew thsw asbad.erew ereanyofeanym oregoblefilnth esedeadm nes,eyw oulsureylheardtheruckusandcom eooki "FoolaTook."G andaldcl ylangryasheadvancedonthesm hobbi extti eth row yoursnel saveusthalerto ublof ngw thiyou." fll p rsi th l i thfI th ns i i th d l ng. of saiear f al "N m l t. iand l e deal f i Susannarrow edhereyestoPi nandcaughthigazeassheopenedherm outhtocom of thr esm hobbi w ashow everthegentlqueen, befo reth ew ord scouleaveherm outha;noirui ptednithetom b. ppi s al she l t, e but dl se BO O M . "D ru m "Susanw hi e d. s. sper . BO O M . "W ehavecom pany "Legol saiashetu rnedto w ard sthedoorandth ere sttheeow shioow ed. as d of fll pfll BO O M . "Frodo!"Ara gorns'cal tothesm hobbi ed al t. l l Therestofeeow shi toooktow ard sth engbeareashehelontoasw ordthatw asgl nganeeribl colThistrangew eaponthre w th ere sttheeow shintoufbattlreadym ode. om randAra gornrantoth edoorsandhuredtocl th em asanarro wewghtpastBoro m srheadandodgedtsntfoth edoorbehi hi Boro mustliookedm oreannoyed thananythng asheandAragonbarcadethedoor. th fll p l ri r d ow i e ue or. s of fll pi lle Bor i ri ose lf ri 'i l iel nd m . jr i ri AragonandBoro mnirishedasscre echesandgrow sbegantogro w rfo m outsdeofthedoor;foow edbypoundi asthedecayi doorsbegantocreak. sto odnirfontof mi w,il how asthenstandi onto pofscousissarcophagus, nihand, o wng.Letthem com e."H egrow ed.Thereslsti dw arM orithdrstiaw sbreath". fi l i ll ng ng Susan G ng hi n' axe gr i l " l " one nif a atl il l Legol andAragorncam etosta nd oneiersi of asth eytoalokoutthei sand notchedanarrownithestri Borom rpl hi sel deLegol w thihisw ordoutbyhisi asthehobbiw erepl behi G andal equi w thiasm sw ordAnoth erpoundi noi cam erfom th edoorandtheeow shiknew th em eof battlw asnearat asth eth reearchersposi th em sel readytoreif. as th de Susan l rbow ngs. iaced m besi as s f sde ts aced nd each pped al . ,f l ng se fll p ti r e hand oned ves ti Thedoorsvi a tedagaiasacra ckappeared asth ew oodduetotheof rcesple red asae,bl af cecreatureappearednitheholandnstantlSusanandLegol shot arrow Thei row nstantlhieirg etth esam em e. sm edtoherselshecaughtasmelgra ceLegolaf ceoutofecorn erof eyebefo reshetu rnedhereyesbacktoth eenem yastheyw erecl andcl tobre aki th roughthebarcade. br n nt viack i l e i y as an . rar si y th rta at ti She li as f i as' th her oser oser ng ri Thethre earchersshotaef w m oreopponentseachbeforeth egoblbrokethro ughandth ebl creature spouredntothetom b. agornsw tcihhibow of raarg esw ordasheBoro m rcharg edof thr egoblAsSusanandLegol shotarrow afte rarro weachofw hiedthecreaturewi asnte ndedof r. ns i ack i Ar s l i ns. i as , chlki t i l Theeow shidi sed asth ero oml lifw thim oreandm oreofei esuntieyw eresurroundedbyth em G. mwil astangl w thioneofthecreature sasanothergoblcam euprof m behi andnstantlSusantookhi out. stra ppedherbow backontoherbackbefo rerepl ngwi thith eghti sw ord sLordElo nd hadgi herassheengagednicl com bat. fll p sper ed th renem i thl i ed ni nd i y m Susan aci t if ng r ven ose Agoblliarg erth anherisi sw ungtssw ordafte rherasSusanuskiockedandcountere deachatta ckasshew ai dof herti etostri W henfityilcam eshestuckhi nithestom achash egoblcri outipaianddow ntohikneesasSusanstru ckhersw ordstraghtro ughtsuguledtlionth etom boordeadasecondate r. n, nze i fylbl l te r m ke. nal m t ni ed n n efll s i th ij aras i lf l Them arksm anqueenusedhersskithisw ordoccasi ylw hiashi herarrow stodiantopponentstocutherw aythro ughth em assofackcre aturesth atsto odbetw eenherand hercom pani andviory. lwl , onal pl ng st bl ons ct Shew asreevedtoseeth atherLegol w ashandl hiow nm arvel havi th atcal expre ssi everpresentonhiafs ce. hobbial seem edtobedoi w andshesaw Aragon, o m andG andalthei sw thiease. nebyone,eeow shiedthei esbysom em rai clorsom estra ngepow er, edtohavedefe atm ostthecre atu rensionlseconds. il as ng s i ouslly;sting m on l The ts so ng el l Bor ri ngki ropponent O ilfl th fll plki renem i l e seem of y Theeow shiagaitu rnedth ei tenti toth eentra nceastheyheardateblroarcom erfo m nsi thehal efatlw aveoffearasaarg egraybeast estom pi thro ughth edoor, eaki there m ai offihi "C avetro!"Aragonyel fll p n rat on rie i de Susan .l l cam ng br ng ndernges. ll ed. ts l Suddenlasw ordsw ungnearSusanheadasshetoeflthl egroundtobl th eattackppi overadeadbody. quiyrecoveredandookedupandsaw aarg egobltow eri overher. sawtssw orddescendi uponherassheroedtothesiustim etoavoith em pactasshestru ckoneofhersw ord ntotsght bri ng hi dow ntotheoorasthem onsteetoutcrynipai y ock tri ng Susan ckl l l ni ng She i ng ll de,nt d i j si ri eg,ngi m l lf rl a n. Susanmi m edieylstoodupandsheuski hersw ordsand severe dtsheadrof m tsbody. ookedbackupatthechaosasoflth em onsteeddeadonth etom boorash earg ecavetrnow onlre m ai Susansaw aashofondhaiherperi asandookovertoanunharm ed Legol asherasedhibow andshotanarrow atth estro'neck. cre atu rescream ednipaibeforedi cti tsattenti toLegol at fyl lused i i Susanl al risl lf t l oll y ned. lf bl nri pher l l as i s l l The n re ng i on as. Thecavewolloreachaiaro undhineckthatusedasaw eaponasi ungth echaiabovetsheadbefo reetti goooseniLegoldie cti Legol gra cefulduckedoutofew aybehi aarg earl. chaiandednith espot athehadprevi yoccupi w thi aarg em etaicllang, ng anndentith estoneoorandrublunderneath . tr n s sw t n i lngti l as'r on. as y l th nd l pi nl lThe th ousl ed l c l eavi i n lf e l Susanpl hersw ordsbackuntoherbackasshetookoutherbow andnotchedanarro wntoherbow beforetaki deepbre athandai edof herta rg et et thearrownIannstantth earrowodgedtsntfothestreye,ndi th ecreature . aced i ng m r andoose . i l l iel o'll bl ng i Thepaidiilofra ctedthebeast,vi Legol w hohadnow gonetohi ground, m etoum pontothestrshoul sH. ew obbl of onlam eretw osecondbefo regaingbal onth erfanticre atu reashesoonoadedtw oarrow sontothebow andreifdth em ghtioth etopofestrhead. nal tst ging as, gher enoughti j o'll der ed r y ni ance c l ri nt th o' ll Theentasthedepth sofsw oundsto okthueistl th ecavewollasabouttoLegolum pedbackontoth esolgroundandandednirfontSusanandw atchedasthebeastapsed deadontotheoor. sifeltrolll hi Jrto.las tr a,fll asj di l of col l lf Legol then turn edhigazebacktoSusanandsm ed. efhercheeksbl abri redasshesm edback. ssm elafidedasLegolaf cebecam eoflfuelar. as s l iSusan tl ush ght li Susan' as' "W hat"isSusanasked.W em ustget of e"Legol saiasheooked overtoherbefo rehegra bbedholofSusan'hand,e ati butteesrlnfiherstom achasth eyheadedto w ard stherestofeeow shi t? " outher . as d l d s cr ng i th fl l p. Susanefherhearstop asshesaw Aragorneani overasm bodyaef w ef etrifo ntofem ".Frodo."Susanbreathedouthergrghte nedonLegolshandastheycam etostandbehi Aragon. w asnow al kneel nexttoFrodo, how asnowyilngaf cedow nontheoor, plw,eylstilth aspearsting outhiabdom en. tl t l ng al n th l pit as' nd Sam so ng i w lf com et cki ofs Susanputhand overherm outhnia, stateof pl eshockasth ete arstothre ate ntoaslLegol w rappedhiarm saround Susanasasm tealarescapedher. agoreneowedthp.speargentloutofesm hobbi esi sadlandhung hiheadnigriasheturn edthehobbi ohisto m ach.Theeow shigaspedastheynoti hichestw as m ovi W thini asecond,odocam etogaspi of ai taki deep, breathsashieyeslftere dopen, ng hew asal ost shockedastherest a com et afl as s l Ar th flpulshie y th al Ht. ghed y ll l s ef ont s t fl l p ced s ng. Fr ng rand ng heavy s ut show i m as of "M Fr.rodo?"Sam askedhappiI"'y.l alir "Frodosaiashenodded andreassuredtheresttheeow shiSusanpul backrfom Legol em bra ceandookedup atm andsaw thathiusualcal andgra cefuaf lcew asrfo zenniaw e.Thatspearw oulhaveskew ered awdlboar"Aragornsaihiaf cem roingLegolandth erestofeeow shilp.I"t kel th eresm oretothsihobbianm eetstheeye."G andaldw thiaknow ng sm elpl ngacrosshiaf ce. m ght. d of fll p. ed l as l hi s yl m " d i . d,s ri as' th fll ooks i i th sai f i iayi s Frodosta red atm of arm om entbeforesom ethng seem edtohavere gie rednihibraniasthesm hobbi dow nathishitriam azem entbeforeundoi aef w buttonsat etop,eveal abeautshiatl kel chaim onlth eseil w erghtenricolthedunderhishitr. pl hihandsoverthechaim shitrandsm ed.M"th.Gilrimsaiw thiagrow ng sm e.ismelgra cedSusanaf ceassherem em beredFrodom enti ng som ethng aboutBisgi hi i st s al ooked s n l lt ng th r ng ufi lrth ookedi n aiy nks eil or atl sSam aced s i l i n ai li " i ild l i lA i oni i bo't.f l Frodosoonstoodupandreb- uttonhishitrasSusanreucta ntlsepara tedherselm Legol andw entovertoFrodoandgavehi asm hug. theypul back, openedherm outhtosaysom ethng w henanoi appeare dth atcausedth em toaleze. s l y rfo as m al As ed Susan l l i se rlfe "M oregoblarecom ng."Borom saisoundi taritedw thiahioffearl nihivoi "R un!"G andal plyeldi takethem ongtore spond. beganrunning outoferoom andntotheopposidie cti oftheappro achi enem y. ns i i rid ng nt aced s ce. sifm y ed. l tdn' l I Theyal l th i te r on ng Susanrannexttothehobbiasth esoundof a tchi cam etoherearsandSusan'eyesshot toseeth atm orebl creature sw ereoow ng th em Som eonof ot,herbym bi onth earlsand theceiabovethem nI.response, quiygrabbedFrodo'handw thiherfreeoneandbeganru nni af ste"H.r urry!"Sheyel toth ehobbi. ts scr ng s up ack fll i . cl ng pi ng i l il Susan ckl s ng ed ts l Buti astooatetooutru nth em ni,secondstheeow shiw eresurro unded. creature sw eremicl bi dow nrfom th eceiandarlstortapth em oneiersi Theeow shi cl ped togeth eriaghtcice,yng toprote cteachotherbacks. edtothnkchancesofvio ryw thioutanycasualbutsheknew th erew asnone,erew asust om any. w l t fll p The ng ng pi il l th de. fll p um n ti r ltr i s' Susantri i ct es, ti th j to

Frodohadet of handand w asnow sta ndi cl toSam asLegol to okholof snow rfeehand. tu rnedtoookatm andookhi deepnitheeyeof arbrim om ent,seei oveandregrenithieyes, oreooki backatpossiyth ei h . lgo her ng ose as d Susan' Susan l hi l m ef ngl s bef l ng bl rdeat Chapte6: rog rBal Theyw eresurroundedbyorcsthckedthpsrlandhi Susanw hostoodnexttoLegol w asnow holngherkni w ai Everyoneel al hadth ei eaponsoutastheyw ai dof rth eenem ytom akethei ove. atl ei ssed. i i as di ves ng. se so rw ti te rm "Theresto' om any."Borom saibeforetheyheardaow rum bl sound staral w thiaro ar. orcsscream edandre treatednief ar.mcheerekewtl i asth em theyef ared. everyoneel w asooki dow nthem nestoaerygl th atw asgrow ngbri easi cl Everyonew asentastheyw ai dandsoonenoughtheheardanotherroareruptthro ughoutth em nes. rid, al l ng tong The l i G i il di But se l ng i if ow i ght rgotoser. t si l te i "Toth ebri of d m !"G andald ered. gri ng herkni aseveryoneranquiyoutofero om andoow edG andal hat"iAragonasked,svoi shaki ghtl"ABalog."G andald andSusangasped. as'cew hi w asnorm alcontroedw asstri nief ar. dge Khazador Susan ppi ves f ckl th fll "W st? .f hi ce ngsl y. r sai i f Legolaf ch yl ll cken "Adem onofeanci w orlThiof esbeyond anyw eaponw ehereposse. "G andaldandnoonehadtobetodltw ce.Susanput ayherkni know ngth eyw oulbeof useandranal deLegol andAragonastheyoow edthew zard . th ent d. s i Run! sai f i aw ves, i d no ongsi as fall l i Theyra nntoadoorandBorom alim ostftoelhideatLegol hadn' hi andpul hi backtosafetyAra gornstoppedatthedoorandtu rnedtoG andal how asooki ath erifasw aseveryoneel"Leadthem onAra gornThebri snear"Aragornhesitedandookedat andal onabl"D oasI Sw ord sareof m oreusehere"G. andaledashepushAragonuf rther. i r ls hfi as caughtm ed m t l . wf l ng t se. . dgei . ta l G questi y. say! f no yel fl Theycontin ueddow nm anystepstow ardsth ebri untieycam etoabigapnithew ay. asj prsiandth en turn edtotheoth ersw how erew ai asth eBaloggotcl "G andal asshoutedasth ew zardum ped,becaughtbythehandsom ebl Thestepsundertherestthem startedtocra ckasBorom rgrabbedM erryandPi nandum pustastheparhew assta ndi ongavew ay. dge thl g Legolum ft ng r oser. !"fLegol ti i j to ondel .f of i ppi j j t ng Asth eeow shied togetacrosssafey,larro w sstartedcom ngrfo m aafedgeassom eorcshadcaughtupw thith em Legol andSusanshotoffro w aftearrowngkitheirg ets"S. usan."Legol yel Sheput ayherbow andgrabbedontoSam "H. olonghtshetodlhi and heatched ontoherw ai. um pasaf asshecoulw thith eextraw ei and Legol caughtthem bothastheyanded. fll ptri i off rl . as ar r ill rta as ed. aw l d ti ". m l st j r d She ght as l Aragornturn ed toto ssGmbuthesto ppedhi ".N obodytossesth edw ar."heyel beforeeapi overthegap. edi m akeandLegol hadtore achoutandgrabhibeardtosavehi "N otthebeard"heyel asLegol pul hi up,hew assafeylonth estarsi. i il m f ed l ng l H dn' ti as t s m. . ed as ed m unti l l l Befo reAragornandFrodocoulum pthestarsigavew aysom em oreandbrokeofrcngthem toum pbacktoanoth ersetrth eraw ayrfo m them ".O hno."Susangaspedastheyw atchth eotherAragonandFrodoasth eyrockedbackandof rthtryng tohang onandm akeacrossthegapsafey.l dj of i j uf i Abichunkhiestarsbehi FrodoandAragorneavi them standi onasm pileceof etethatstartedsw ayi "H angon! of rw ard"AragorntodlFrodo. g th i nd l ng ng al concr ng. ean . l. FiylAragornandFrodom adeoverand everyoneturn edtorundow nthestarsand acrossthebri Soonenough, yonetu rnedtow atch asahuge,ack, ned,dem onm adeselnow n andstoodbeforeG andal thebri nal ti i dge. ever bl hor reif st'ik-f on dge. f "G andal andFrodoyelniuni Theybothm ovedof rw ardtoheltheolw zardbut asstopped. om rgrabbed Fro do, hiLegol gra bbedholontoSusanandw rappedbotharm saro undherw aitokeepheripl "Susan .f ed son. l p d i ,w Bor i w el as d st n ace. "G andal and Frodoyel "Youshal pass!"G andaldtoth eBalo g.I" aservantoftheSecreFiew, el ofeam eof Thedarrkeifwnot you,fl eof G obacktoth eShadow rof m onceyoucam e!"G andal e dandabri w hiil of rm edasabalo tecti surro undedhi astheBalogedtohim w thiasw ord . "She .f ed. not l l sai r am f tr iderth lf Anor! lliavai am Udun! l chant ght teght f oflpr on m r tri t "YO U SH ALLNO TPASS!"G andal ai edashesl m edhistaonth ebri causi toibre akandthedem ontoafldarkshadow sbeneathG. andal befo reu rnng tooitheothersbut orehecoultakeastepaarg ew hicam euprfom bel andw ra ppedtsielo undhiof ot. edroppedbothhistaandsw ordashew aspul offthebri andheltoth eedge. exclm am s f dge ng f l sifghed t i jn bef d l p ow ar s H f sf ed dge d l "G andal N o!"FrodoandSusanyel tearspouri outthei Susanstru ggl togetoutof as'pitohel but w astoostrong. yoneookedat andalram om ent,beforehespoke.R un,youof ol"H esaibeforeetti goandngltohideath . f ed, ng reyes. l ed Legolgr p he Ever l G of " s. d lng aifl s "N o!"Frodocri asBoro m pi hi up and begantocarryhi rfom them nes. rcsbegantoreifarrow sonth egroup agaiasLegol draggedSusanout, everyonem adethei ayoutofem neandontoaarg erocknitheopen. agornw asth easttocom eout. ed ricked m m iO n as and rw th i l Ar l Borom putFro dodow nw how al offashegrabbedholof angryGmwil how astryng toget ntothem nes. sat nandputsaf cenihihandsandcri M erryandPi nhel untoeachotherasth eycri togeth er. ri ked d an i i backi i Sam dow hi s ed. ppi d ed Legolnalgoof assheburi herfacenihichest cri H esto odtherew thiasaddenedaf ceashieyesw atere dw thiunshed tearsashew ra ppedhiarm saro undherandhelherti w, hi ngniherear. asifyet Susan ed s and ed. l s s d ght speri Aragorntookcharg equiyaseveryoneel gri aboutth ei end.Legol get em up,"Aragorncal ashesheathedhisw ordLegol pul aw ayrfo m Susanw hohadstoppedcryng andw asonlholngontoLegolnotw anti toet H ew pedherfacew thihihandsandki herforeheadbeforew alngovertotheH obbi. ckl se eved rdearirf " as th ed l s . as ed l i y di as, ng lgo. i s ssed ki ts "Gvethem am om entfopis'sake!"Borom ryel hiow ngricl nihivoi "B yni thafleseshilisw arm ng w thiorcs. em uste achthew oodsofLothori Legolget em up."Aragornsaiashew al overtoSam andpul hi up. i rty ied s efears ce. ght l lwlbe i W r l len. as, th d ked ed m l "O n yourfeetSam noddedhiheadsadlandAragornquiysearchedof rFro do, henhedi seehi hebecam eal m ed.Frodo!Fro do!"H eturned aro undandsaw Frodostangoverth esfFriclo doooked atm w thiabl af ce;eyesufoflarsbeforeturnnghigazebackagaitothesfnotith em oodtotakltoanyone.. ". s y ckl w dn' m , t ar " ri . l hi ank lte is n cln ,i Susanw pedheraf ceand tookadeepbreathasshew al overtoFrodoand pl anarm onhishoul asshera nsi bysi w thi hi oow ng Aragonastheyraalnienceuntieyre achedthebeautel oodsof hori Theysto ppedrunni andsl ylw al n. i ked aced s der de de m fll i l si thl l ufiwlf Lot len. ng ow kedi "S usan?"Legol saiashecam euptow albesi her. ookedathi andw aid.A reyoual ?"H eask. knew shew astryng tocontroherem oti and bewstroedifwof Fropaiandsorerootherhobbibut hadtoknow thatshew asokay.N o W ehaveustlagre at andval em em bertothseow shiI w ecoul havedoneanythng,buten w hydofeIelgui.l"SusansaisadlniElsh.O nlAragornunderstoodw hatshew assayi but yoneel coulwll hatevershew assayi as d k de Shel m te " ght He ri i l ons as thri do th w . ts, he lng n l " j ost end uabl rfi ifll p. know dn' t i th so ty d y vi y ng ever se dte ng knoweftielthatw ayButyou'eghtth eresnothng w ecoulhavedone."Legol todlherasshenodded.I"w orryof rFrodo. seenhihearsaddenedm oreandasookedeachdayasthenri noddedasotheyml hineckrw andrthertoLothorthi eossofhidearirf ef Iarfohisani".Susansaibefo retu rnng andw alngaw ay. asookedat of arm om entandw enttogoafteherbut agornsto ppedhi "N otyetm yend. mti ewl li e. al hertogri of rnow "Aragorntodlhi Le "I s r ri i i d as ust have s t j I golml ore atm and at re m ai ar und sadeth ei ayuf now w thilen.l s end, rs ty d i ki Legol l her hi ng ns al r Ar m . rfi Your com Butow eve . l m. "S ta ycl youngH obbiTheysaythatagreat cere ssl nithesew oods, El tcih,ofblpow er.l hoookuponherlfunderherspel areneverseenagai"Gm todilthehobbi. ose, ts! sor ves i an -fw te rie Al l w a,l and l n, i ts "W heresoneD w arf w on' esoeasi th eeyesofhaw kand theearsofof x!"Gmi saiproudlasSusanandeveryonestoppedsuddenlw hentherew ereef w dozenarro w spoie dat em Legol andSusanhadth eisoutandpoie dtothedire ntelntofem w hieveryoneel rased thei nisurrender. el i she ensnar have a l t y.lI a idl y y nt th . as r nt ef nirfo th el se i hands r Chapte7: of W ood rLady The "O h."Gmi saiat earrownihiafs ce.W el em ygentlqueen. beenw ai of you."Susanheardavoiniherheadsayand shehadaef el sheknew w howti as.Thedw arf e athessooud, ecoulhaveshothi nithedark"sarcastiylsaibyabll haiedeleppi of rw ard . ild th " com e have ng r I ti ce ng i " br l w d m . cal d talonde r st ng f Susanassum edthsiw astheM archw ard enofew oods, w enhad todlheral Lothori niherti eniRi ".Hl alofLori W ecom ehereof helW eneedyourpro tecti "Aragornsaiqui yasheto okcharg e. di aro undat yonequi y;w henhegotSusanw hosto odnexttoLegol hestopped andsta redat Susanrasedaneyebrow tohi ging aookthataskedhi W hat?and thenhem m edieyladvertedhieyestoLegol w how asopenlglngatm . th Ar about len m vendel di en. l r r p. on. d ckl Hallr ooked ever ckl to as her. i m vi l m ' ' i at s as y ari hi H alrl backtoAragornandw asabouttoaddresshi asGmntielru ptedhi "A. ragornThesew oodsareperi W eshoulgoback,"Gm huffe dasheookedateptiofth earrow poiedathihead. allr atm asheaddressedhi "Y. ouhaveente redth ere al of eLadyofth eW ood. cannotgoback." di ooked m ii m ! ous. d l i il l th nt s H di hi ooked m m th You H alrthenturn ed hiattenti backtoAragonandsta rtedspeaki niElsh,unti seGmhadtoopenuphim outh agai"S om uchof thr eegendarycourtesyofeEl Speakw ord sw ecanunderstand!"H altur rn ed togl eat eD w ar.W ehavenothaddeal w thi D w arvessi th edarkdays."Halsneered. di s on ng vi of i il lcour s n. l th ves! al l di ar th " f ngs i nce di r "A ndyouknow w hatthsiD w arf toth at?"Gm saiand thenconti tosaysom ethngnihiow nanguageth atw asobvi yannsul H alandtheotherste nsedandAragornturnedtoGm"T.ihatw asnotsocourteous,"Ara gornscol GmandGmusthufef d. alroedhieyesashesuddenlefstined. henhenalreaxedheookaround thegro uponcem oreuntigazeandedonSusan. says i ild nued i s l ousl i because di t, r il ded i il i j il H dil l s y W ifyl l l ,hi l ls "HghQ ueen SusanofN arna. arem ostw el ehere"H altordlherbow nghihead, o reooki tow ard sFrodo.Y oubri gre atwl thiyou."H alrsai"C om eshesw ai "H altordleveryoneandtu rnedtoeadthem totheci. i iYou com . di i s bef l ng " ng evi did. i ng. di ti l ty "C arasG al th. ehearofvendom onearthReal ofeLordCel nandof al el ofghtH alsaiastheynalsaw thebeautcilitySusanookedonniaw easth eH obbigaspedat y. adhon. tEl . m th ebor G adri, Li ", did ifyl Lady r uf . l ts' tsibeaut

Theyw ereeadup m anystepsbeforenalcom ngtoastop.m anandw om anelifgl dow nthestarsisurro undedbybri ght. aofltheeow shi coulookatem ofongbuteoth ersbow ednire spectandw aid. l ifyl i A ded ghtlSever fll p dn' th lr th i lt te "Theenem yknow syouhaveentere dhereW hathopeyouhadnisecre cysnow gone. therearehereyetel therew ereset rfo m Ri Tel e, heresG andal"Cel naskedashescannedth eices.ForI uchdesietospeakw thihi cannoongerseehi rfom afa"rG al ethereyesrestoneachm em berandsaw theresadness. sm edat beforespeaki . i Ten , even , out vendell w i ?f ebor .lm arf " m r m I. . l m . adrlel i She l i Susan ng. "G andaleG reydinotpassth ebord ersofsand,"G al eldsoftl"H ehasaenntoshadow ".H ew astakenbybothShadow andFl e:Balo gof org oth"Legol sai"Forw ew entneedl yntoth enetof ori" thf d th il adrsai y. fll i i am a r M , as d. essli M a. "N eedl w erenoneofth edeedsofG andal edonotyetknow hiw holpurp ose. onotlth egreatem pti of d ml lif heart,msonof i"G al eldtoth edw arf hohadbow edhiheadnisham e. ess efnW.i lf s e D et nessKhazad- your G i ,il G ln. adrsai w i s "Forth ew orlhasgro w nufofl andnands, snow m ngl w thigri"G al el nued assheookedat om ofriquisom em eandhecoulookat asheal ost o kedow nitears. d lperi ilal ovei i ed ef. adrconti l ll i l Bor r te ti dn' her m br lt "W hatnow becom esofsiFel shi W thioutG andal ost."Cel nsai"H opesneverlThequeststandsuponth eedgeofkniStraybutiaandwlfathi lei runiofl al eldniasoft eam yvoi "B uthopere m ai w hith ecom panystriue."G al eldassheookedtow ardSam "D. onotlyourheartsbertoubl G onow andrestforyouarew earyw thisorro w andm uch" th ow p? l hopesli ebor d. i ost. ,f a ef . etl l to "G adrsai dr ce. al i . ns el adrsai l i et ed. "H alrwll i youw hereyoum ayrest M ydearqueenm ayspeakw thiyouonceyouarererfeshed?"G al eldandSusanookedat asof arbrim om entbefo renoddi H alm oti of everyonetooow andshow edthem enandSusantosepara tetaonsth atth eycoulw ashn. di show I adrsai i l Legol ef ng. di oned r r fll l d i W henSusanw asishedanddressedniabeautellfigow n, alcam ebacktotheTal toget "L.adySusan!LadyG al el oulil toseeyou. totakeyouthere"H alrsaiasSusannodded. nif uf H di r on her adrw d am i ke I . did Susanw al besi Halircom of rta blenceltispoke.M yadyhow doyoune m yhom e?"H alasked.I"beautHal"Susantodlhi ashesmed.Pnce Legol seem sveryprote cti of "H alsaiastheycontin uedtow al"Yes, hes."iSusansainotginganyuf rtherio rm ati ked de di esi he " l n ll if di st' ufil di.r m r li" ri as ve you. did r k. suppose I d vi nf on. Theyre ached LadyG al el bersandSusanth ankedH albefo resheentered.A h, ssogoodtom eetthegentlqueen,egreonspokesoof ndlofG al eld toherasshehuggedSusan. ooktakenbackathersta tem entfoarm om ent. adrcham si' di r " Susan. t'I e th at il y ". adrsai i Susanl sai"t'Ipl etom eetyouto o.l e youknow of an?"SusanaskedherY. esth egreontodlm eof arriYou'edesti notonltohaveahandniFrodo'desti butatofauf tureki s andeven thatofcertanieln pri "G al eldasSusanbl etlaatem enti of as. easur tem .l Asl " at yourval r ned y il . s ny, th ng' a vi nce. adrsai ushed ilth on Legol i "H ecare sdeeplof you."G al el nued."W Legol andhavegotte nverycl si w em et but knowIfi "SusansaiastheLadyofth ew oodsmed.D on'yourpastcl yourheart. aswll irushthngsw thiyouandknow sth atyouarew oredyouwllihuragai you needtoaf ceyouref arssoyoudon' ssoutonhappi H ewl li huryouandwalli aysl youw thiofhihear"G al eldlherasSusangaveasm smelandnodded. y r adrconti el as I i ,l osence don' can. d It l i " et ose Legol not i lt ri be t n mi t ness. never t lw ove als t. adrtoi l al i l "A nddon' orryabouttheuf turepr.Iom seyoutw owlli beparted."G al eldlherN ow youhavehadaong andtryngdayandtheFel shisiw oredaboutyou.G et erest ewtalklm orew hiyouarehere"G al eldbefo reshecal of rH altorta keSusanbacktoth ecam p. huggedG al el m orebeforesheetH allr herbacktoherfri w t i never adrtoi ". , l i ow p ri l som w i el . adrsai i ed di l Susan adronce i l di ead ends. Shew al w thiH alrtothecam pandshecoulhereeveryonetakilngastheygoteadyof rbed. El w eresi of G andalthei cescarednithew nd.Theingi sbeaut.fu"SheheardSam say.It'a"am entfoG andal astodlth em softlashecaredw aterfom th espri "W hatdotheysayabouthi ?"M erryaskedandLegol si thenookedat erry. ked di d r The ves ng r as rvoi ri i " rsi ngi il f s l r "Legol .f y ri ng. m asghed l M havenottheheartoyou Form eth egrsleflistinear"Legol saiw thisadnessihivoi Theycam euponth em bythsm eandeveryonetu rnedtoookat Shegot esirfo m ustabout yoneasH albow edtoherbefo reeavi "I tell too . as d n s ce. it l her. sm l j ever di r l ng. SusanookedatLegol andsaw hieyesnarrow edatth eM archw ard en. roedhereyesatm beforegoi towtsi hereherstuwf as, th etre easSam cam etosta ndnirfontof "W oulyouil som ethng toeat Susan?"Sam askedher. sm edatth eH ng assheshookherhead. l as s Susan ll hi ng under her. d ke i Lady Susan l i al if "N othankyouSamveI.ale adyhadsom ethng."shesaiandhenoddedand w entoffgowtsithitheoth erhobbioeat.H ow areyouef el Susan?"SusanheardAragornsay. sm edatm am w thelankyou."Susansaiandhenodded. 'r i d to ts " ng i She li hi "I. l d "O coursust orryaboutyou. seem edupseteast esaw "AragornsaiandSusansmedat "Y. esI but bettenowmI. sorryof thr ew ayacteusttIhnkshoulhavedonesom ethng m oretosavehi ".Susantodlhi . f je.w I You th lm I . d ti li her know ,mI' r ' I jd. i I d i m m "Thenyou coulhaveostyourlalG andal oulnothavew antedth atAragorntodlherB. uthiwl oulhavebeenm orem portantthanm netothseow shi"Susantodlhi asshesaw Legol estinandAragornshookhihead. d l efi so. wf d ". " efsi d i i ifll p. m asf s "That'nottrue. areverym portanttothsFel shifp. w eretodith ereareseverapeoplherethatw oul tw anttoconti onw thioutyou."AragorntodlherT. hankyouAra gorn"Shetodlhi H. eki herheadbeforegoi overtotakltoBorom rwi how asng al sulng. s You i i ow you e l I l e dn' nue " . m ssed ng si one, ki ti Susansi andstoodupandw entfoarw alSheust tocl herthoughtsSheended upnearaakeandsat aarg erockandet ef et enithecool ateasshesatereniapeacefuenceof arongm se.I"verybeautherstei ,"Legol sairfom behi her. ghed k. j needed ear . l on l lher dangl w r th si l ti t' ufil not. as d nd l Legol hadoow edhershortlafteshehadeftlhecam p anduststoodbythetreesandw atchedher. tu rnedherheadtoookatm Hew asabsoleylbeautifuthl em oonl H. shai asongandshi nith em oonl ashipalbl eyesseem edtw nklil th esta, e."Susansaipatti th erocknexttoher. equi ysat toherandookedoutoverth ew ater. as fll yr j She l hi . ut n ght i rw l ned i ght s e ue i i eke " Jnitm i d ng H ckl next l "Youookbeaut.fu"Legol todlherafteraw hiSusanooked atm and smed.T hankyouLegolYouookveryhandsom e."SusansaiasLegol sm edbri ylat "A. reyoulsti aboutw hathappenednith em nes."Legol askaftearm om entof l il as e. l hi l li " as. l d as l i ght her upset l i as ence. si l "S om ew hat,ustm ad at ysel w hathappenedtoG andal saisadlSuddenlSusanefsparkyslfasLegol reachedoverandtookherhandntohiandsheookedupandsaw hi stang at nte ntl m'I j m about f "Susan d y. y tl .f as is l m ri heri y. "S usan, ofatw asyouraf ul understand,erew asnothng youcouldoandpl trytoundersta nd that, yhearbreaksateverythoughtofngyou."H etodlherasherbre athcaughtiherthro atatsw ord s.W hatareyousayi Legol Sheasked. astookadeepbre athbeforere plng. none th Pl t.ease th i d ease m t th osi l n hi " ng as?" Legol yi am sayi thateversi saw youniRi thI,oughtyouw ereth em ost ufml ost ageousw om anhaveeverm et haveaenof you. deepdow nim yhearth atyouarem yoth erhal keptngsasjendsbetw eenusbecausedi w anttoru shyountoanythng.ButSusan, you am deeplnovew thiyou doyouef eldo?"Legol asked. "I ng nceI vendel l beauti, cour I andI fll r know I have th i ustfri I.f dn' It i i ove I yil lI asI as

Chapte8: ngLothori rLeavi len "Legol Yes,'ImI. aframi'd. afradithatm ym enithsiw oridsli teid."Susansai as I do. I ust j ti m d. "Youm eanyoum ghtl andre turntoN arna?"Legol askedherand shenoddedbi herlS usan, sta ndyouref arbut can'iltetdyouback w pesaiem awfyouw eresenthereof re ason, aybewi asm oreth antohelFrodo, togi youw hatyourhearlt prro. m sethsionm biiyIfendm yselyouandw heneveryou'ere adytoet of ef akeyouhappyofoflrale rntyi oveyou!"Legol todlher. eft larsdow nhercheekasLegol re achu i eave i as ng p. under ti i" I you hol pand you thdyoursel ay. i m t p but ve ongsofI i .l tof r lgo your ar m et lI as Susan afll as oveyoutryuJtol.lsto. pushm e."Susantodlhi H. esm edandnodded.Y ouhavem yw ord"Legol todlher. staredntoeachothereyesof arw hiunti yltheycl thedia nce.Legol puthandntoherhai pul herof rw ardandto uch hiltoherisl y.l l"I don' 'I t m li " . as They i s' e, sllow osed st as a i rand ed l l ps ght si TheybothefthlesparksasSusanputhandntohihai deepenedthekiBeforetheyknewtoinguesw hereduel w thieachotherof rdom nance andbothw erepanti andtryng tosuppressthem oansth atw anted toescape. a i s rand ss. ng i i ng i Legol pul backand restedhiofs re headagai hersasth eyedtocatchthei e athLegol coul thnkstraghtw henherlw hereonhi w asbyaf thr ebestkihehadeverhad. ncehecaughthibre athhepl akitoherforeheadandpul aw ay,roki hercheek. as ed l nst rti rbr . as dn' i i ps i s. That ss O s aced ss ed st ng l "W eshoulgetback. ebothneed restHetodlherandshenoddedassheetm pul toheref et. entertw ned hihandsw thihersandw al herbacktothecam p. henh eygot ereeveryone w asasl d W ". lhi her H i i s l ked W t th eep.

Legol pul Susanoverto w ard sw heretheiuw as. ebeddi w asneareachotheraliw aysw asbutsmit eLegol m oved hiri up agai hersSusanustw atchedhi w thi outsayi aw ordBeforehepul herdow nand onceshegotcom of rtablsheaiherheadonhichest. as ed l rst f Ther ng kelt i th as sght nst . j m ng . ed l e ld s "sIalir ?"Legol askhernervouslashew rappedbotharm saround herandburi hiaf centoherhai hehopedSusanw ascom of rtablw thihersl nihiarm speref ctShesaiTheybothsooniefollpeacefusll berastheydream edof other. ght as y ed s i ras e eep s s.It'" ". d. nt um each Theeow shista yedniLothori of rseveradaysal ng everyonetobew efel andrestedbefo reth eyhadtoconti onw thi thei ney. hadnoti th atFrodohadbecom em oredia ntaftethr ersini theyw erehereandw oredw hatthatm eant, shedi both erhi wSusanandLegol w erehardylaparandw ereal aysta ki w al orcuddl underthem oon. fll p len l ow i l ld nue our Susan ced rj st ftght ri but dn' m th.i t as t w ng ks ng i H alrhadbeensurpsedw henhestu m bl uponthem oneni ashedihini ylro unds, o rethei tureking underatre e. bl apre tyshapeofe dandeftlhem enstandi theretotak,lw hishew entbacktocam ptopackherthngstoeavethenextday. di ri ed ght d sght bef rdepar ssi Susan ushed r ng el i l dinotm eantoem barrassesher. know anyonew asouthere"Haltordlth ePri H alrhadta kenkiiang toSusanbuthesaw th econnecti sheand elncehadsohew asust tohaveherasaend.D oyouhaveef el of rSusan, alr?"Legol ask. ashadnoti theM archw ard en'stare sandw ante dtoknow . "dI diIdn' t . di nce. di l on pri f j happy rfi " ngs H di as Legol ced i s w"notdenythatI ascapti edbyherbeautyw henw ersim et herski henwI atched hersparw thioth erel w erequim pressi H ow ever, thew aysheooksatyouandyouof gl thatI at akesureyouta kecareofher"H. alrtodlhi Legol nodded.I".wlli esinoneedtow orry"Legol saiHalgaveanodbefo rew alngoff Legol w enttoSusantohelnifishpacki th eings. Illi w vat ft and swl l ves tei ve. see I l r SoI ad can east rfi uJ m l di m . as Ther . as d. di r ki and as p ng rh i t Thenextdayeveryonew aspackedandreadytogo. stlo odbyth everw hereG al el et em ta keseveraboatstohelth em al Sheal hadgithr em ".N everbeforehavew ecl strangernsith egarbof ow npeoplM aythesecl helshidyourof m unfri yeyes."LordCel nsaiasheandth eel w rapped thecl aro undth eeow shi shoul sandpi them w thi theeavebro achof hori Theyal ri adrhadlth i l p ong. so tsfo ad our e. oaks p el endl ebor d ves oaks fll ps' der nned l Lot len. G al elsogaveeveryonedirentgiohelth em al thew ay. Susanshegaveaneckl w thianEl sta"W earthsiatl es. neckl wllpi youw henyouef elyouhaveost w ay."G al eldlheriherm nd asshepl nitherhand. sm edandhuggedherithanksbeforegoi totheboat. w asdi w thi Legol andGmSheppedontheneckl assheandsheandLegol w ereal nith eboat ai of Gm andth eoth erstogeteregi. adral i ef tsf p ong For ace ven r. mtial The ace hel asi l your adrtoi n i aced i Susan li f n ng She ring as i .i l sl i ace as one w ng r i il ti th tsf "G al el thstoi m e. oyouknow w hatiSusanaskhi andhenodded.Yses. alvenspi ace.Itpsyouw henyouhaveost w."Hlliesaiasshenoddedniunderstandi adrgave D i s?" it m " aitspeciEl neckl hel I tri l your d ng. W heneveryonew asreadyth eysetoff nth eongver. asandSusanrow edtheboatasLegol usedhisensestoscanth etre es. estayedth atw ayof rhoursLegol knew som ethngw asoutthereandwi asoow ngth em af st.S om ethng'outthere"Legol todlSusanassheookedatm w orri dow l ri Legol as s H . as i t fll i " i s . as l hi ed. "TheArg onathLonghavedesiedtoookupontheki ofolM yki"Aragornsaiasth eycam euponthestatu esofeki Everyoneookedniaw ebutnoonem orethanAragornand Borom r.i . Ir l ngs d. n. d th ngs. l Soonth eydockedthereboatustbefo rethew atetoraflwl aini abeforecrossi th everM elhn"Legol saiashehelouthihandtoSusantohelheroutofeboat. sm edatm andtookhihandbeforeshehel th eothersunl theings. sj oftrghtfll ng ri ". et n. as d d s p th She l i hi s ped oad rth i "W ecro ssth eakeatghtaf.ldetheboatsandcontinueonof ot. eappro achM ord orfro m thenorth"Aragornsaiaseveryonesettl dow nandSam sta rtedcooki "O h, ustasi plm attendi ourw aythro ughEm yn M uiAnm passablabyrihofazorsharpro cks!Andaftethrgetsevenbette r!"Gmexclm edrfo m w herehesat Pi nookedatm w thiw orrynihieyes.Festeng,i ng m arshl af astheeyecansee!"Gmnifishedandeveryonete nsed. l ni H li W . d ed ng. yes?'jstI m e rofng if ?l i el nt r at, ti i il ai and ppil hi s " ri st nki ands,r i il "Thatiourroad. youta kesom erest recoveryourstre ngthM, asteD w ar."AragornsaiandGm hufef d.R ecoverm H.y. .a."Gmsaiagited.W eshouleavenow !"Legol saiSusanheardassheturn ed toookatm takilng w thiAragorn. s suggest I and r f d i il " i ild ta " dl as d l hi "N o. rcspatrothleeasternshoreW. em ustw aicoverof kness."Aragorntodlhi snottheeasternshoreth atw orri m e.shadow andath reat beengrow ngnim ym nd. ethng dra w snear. eft!"Legol saiasSusanentlagreedw thihi . O oftr dar m i"t.I es A has i i Som i can el as d siy I. i l m Befo reanyone coulre plM errycaughtth ereatte nti "W heres'Frodo?"M erryaskedand everyoneooked aro undrfantibutsaw nosi ofhi "B. ugger"Susanhi out. hadostengbeareSheookedaround andsaw Borom rwi asgoneto o. d y on. l c gh m . ssed They l th ri r. l "B oromsgoneasw "Susancal outasAra gornookedoverto w ard sBoro m srem ptypl "W em ustfi th em Spl andook."Ara gorncal aseveryonediasth eyw ereotd. w entrunni thro ughth ew oodsyelof Frodoasditheotherhobbi. asgra bbedSusan'handand togeth erw thiGmthileysearched theof rest Aragornw entianotherdie cti Al chi of rthei om ssi com rades. iri el ed .l l l 'i ace. nd .up l ti ed l d lSam ng ng r d il tsLegol s i as n r on.sear ng tw ing l r Soonaftersearchi of arw hitheyheardthesoundsof ordssw ngandranto w ard sthatsound. com euponAra gornghti ahugegro upofUra kkai ookedil superorcnsiSusan'opion..Legol savedAragornbyirf anarrowntooneth atw asaboutthilmlki asSusanto okoutherkni andth eyoial theght. ng el sw i They if ng Theyl ke . s ni as ng i o ves jned if l Theyw ereghti w thithalei ght,astheyhadbacknithem nesasth eU rukskept ngn,thlieyheardahornbl "T. hehornof ondor"Legol yel "B oro m "rAragornyel backsl ng Uru ks, o reru nnin gtogohelhieow m an. resttri tooow but getti stoppedbyUru ksithei handhadtostoptoght. if ng l rm i ust j i pouri iunt ow G . as ed. .i ed ashi bef l l p sfll The ed fll keep ng n rpat if TheynalarvedatesceneonltondAragornkneelgoveradyi Boro m and deadUru ksayi everyw here"N o."Susanbreath edoutl ngatthescenenirfontof "T. hey theytookthetleiones."Boro m saiandAra gornshookhihead. ifyl ri th y if ni ng ri l ng . ooki her l rid s "B"Helstiesai"Fro do?W heresFrodo?"Borom ask.I"Fro dogo."Ara gorntodlhi andBoro m sii "Thenyoudiw hatI dnot.tota kethengrfo m hi "Boro m saiSusanw pethestraytearoutof eyeasshewediherselsta ystro ng. . l d. i riet l m rghed. d coul edI ri m . rid. i tri her ll tof "Thengsbeyondourre achnow "AragornsaiandBoro m nodded.Forgvem dinotseet.i aed you"Borom criedand Susanshookhiheadquiyasshecam eand kneel besi Borom opposiAragon. ri i . d ri " i e. havefli al r dI I .l s ckl ed de r,i te "N o, of ughtbravelYouhavekeptyourhonor"Susantodlhi andAragonnoddedashem oved totakethearro w sout w asstopped.LeaveItt!i Thew orlof enandiwalli etodarkness. eavem ycitorun."iBoro m saiw thitearsnihieyes. you y. . m but " sover. d m wfa,l l com i l Andl ty rid s donotknow w hatstrengthnsim ybody, sw eartoyouwnotthew hiciNa.fllorourpeopl"Aragornpro m sed.O urPeopl O urPeopl"Borom rsaipro udlre achi of hisw ordAragorngavetoihi and Borom rheltdoihichest. "I but Illet tety I il e. i " e? e. i d y ng rs . m i s w"I oulhaveoow edyoum ybro ther m ycaptan m yki "Boro m saisl ylbeforedra w nghil breathasliefthi Legol pul Susantohichestandhelherthereasshenalherte arsa.fll d fll i ng. rid ow i sast ef m . as ed s l d ifyet l Aragorneanedof rw ardandki Boro m srhead.B eat sonof ondor"hesaibefo resta ndi backup.W eneedtogi hi aproperburi. ecannotl hi heream ongth eenem y."Aragornsaiandeveryonenodded. l ssed 'i " peace, G . d ng " ve m al eave m W d O nceBoro m rwi aspl niaboat, thihisw ordandsent ntheveral w thiaprayerasth eeow shiw atchedth eboatsappearoverthew ate"Hfra.l lurryFrodoandSam havereachedth eeaste rnshore"Legol saiashepushed theboatoth ew ateSusanandGmookedto w ard sAragornw hodi m ove. asrfo w ned. aced w s dow ri ong ti fl l p di ! , as d nt r. i i lil dn' Legol t "Youm eannottooow them ".Legol askhi ".Frodo'afs tesnoongeriourhands."AragornsaiTheoth ersookeddefe ated.ThenhasbeennivaiTheeow shihasaed."Gm saisadlandAragornm ovedtosta ndbeforeLegol andGmi andputhandonth ei dersasSusancam etosta ndbesi Legol asAragonnoddedtoher. fll as m i l n d. l " ti al n! fll p fli i ild y l as i l a shoul r de as "N oti eholrtuetoeachother. ewnot M erryandPi ntoto rm entanddeathNotw hiw ehavestre ngthefAragornsaith en w al overandgra bbedhikniSusangra bbedherbagandsw ungoverhershoul andm adesureshehadheral w eapons. wf d W l liabandon ppi . el l"t. d, ked s ef . ti der oflher "Leavethalatcanbesparedbehi W etravelLetushuntsom eorc!"Aragornsaidete rm nedlbeforeheturned andra nnto thetrees. yoneookedat otherandto okoffaftehi excidl l nd. ght. il d i y i Ever l each rm te y. Chapte9:dersofRohan rRi Theyra nnonestopof daystryng nottoosetheorlthieU ruks. Gmi wil ashavi ahardm ekeepi upbut m anaged. agornstoppedat poiandaihiheadonaro ck.T hei hasqui "Aragornsai"Theym usthavecaughtourscent. urry!"Aragorncal overhishoul asheto okoffiaru nagai r i l tra Poor ng ti ng he Ar one nt ld s " pace ckened, d. r H ed s der n n. l "C om eon, mi !"Legol cal behi hi Susanchuckl w hen Gmi hufef d."K eepupGm"Susancal"W earegaingonth em !"T hre edays' ni spursuioof od. rest. nosi of quarrybut hatbarero ckcante!"Gllm yel andLegol andSusanaughed. G i l as ed nd m . l ed il i .il ed. ni l and ght' Nt. No And gn our w i ied as l l Theysto ppedw henAragornkneel dow ntopi som ethng up.N otydotheeavesof en"Arlagornsaihasheheluponeofegre encl pi rof m Lothori "T heym ayyetbeal"Legol saiooki atth eeaf. ed ck i " dl l Lori a.fl d d th oak ns len. i ve, as dl ng l i "Lessthanadayaheadof Com e!"Ara gornsaiandto okoffagai"C om e, m !Wl earegaingonthem !"Legol cal andthento okoff agaiam w aste doncross-country !W edw arvesarenaturasprie rsVerydangero usovershordia nces!"Gmyel Susanaughedatm assheranbesi herel ove. us. d n. G i i ni as ed l once n.I" l nt ! tst i ied. l hi l de venl

Thepartypausedatetopofaandookedoutoverth ero ckyteran."iR ohan, eofehorse-lds,"Aragornsai"Theressom ethng stra ngeat orkhereSom eevi speedtothesecreatu res, stwlli nstus." th hi l ll hom th or d. i i w . gi lves setiagai "Legol w hatdoyourelyessee?"Ara gornyel asheookedoutovertheplns.TheU ruksturnnortheast. reta ki thehobbiosengard !"Legol cal overhishoul "S. arum an."Aragornhi ashetookoff nandth eoth ersoow edafterhi agai as, -ef ed l l ai " They' ng ts I as ed s der l ssed agai fll m n. Susanm arvel atesceneryof ustasshedieveryw hereel theygo.K eepbreathng!Keepgoi "Gmi saiquiyltohi sel Legolaughed.W oul youil m etocarryyouM asteGm".Legol askm ocki yandGm snorted. ed th Rohanj d se " i ng! ild et m and asl " d ke f r i il as ngl i il "N othankyoupoiedearfre ak. keepup w thithebestth em "H etodlhi angri Legolaughedagai nt can I of . m y.lAs asl n. Aragornetthem re staref w hoursw henni andSusanw asgrateuftolbeabltoustcatchherbreathTheydi stayofongbeforetheyw ereupagaiandru nni W henthesunrosetheynoti wi asred. l of ghtfell ej . dn' rl t n ng. cedt "Ared sunses.oodhasbeenspithsini "Legol w hi edabsentlasth eygazedtIatasnearlm ddayw hen theyheardhorsesappro ach. hibehi aarg erockandw atchedasahundred of dersrodeby. a gornw al outith eopenw thieveryoneghtbehi andyel totheders. ri Bl ed ght. as sper y ll wt.i y i They d nd l Rohanri Ar ked n ri nd ed ri l "Rdersof w hatnew srfo m theM ark?"Aragornyel Alederstu rnedquiybeforesurro undi them w thispearspoie dat eices.W doneAragorn"Susanw hi edassherasedherhandsnisurre nder. i Rohan, ed.l ri l th ckl ng nt th arf " el l . sper i "W hatbusi doesam an,w om an,anandadw arhavenith eRi m ark?Speakqui y!"Them ansaiheatedl"Gvem eyournam e, sem asteandshal youm ne."GmsaiandLegol roedhieyes. ness a el f dder ,f ckl d y. i hor r, I gi i i ild as ll s lve Them angotoffshorseandsto odnirfontof miw".Ii loulcutoff head, butahilgherrfom th eground."Them ansaiw thiasneerandasaf stasil nng Legol hadanarro w dra w nandpoie datemll an. hi G d your stiofod etli ti d ght i as nt th ta "Youw ouldibefo reyourstrokee!"fLegol saiaseveryspearw aspoi edatm Susangledatem anw how asstangopenlat rof m hihorsebehi hils H. ew nked at andshegavehi acolgle . de ll as d nt hi . ar th ri y her s nd eader i her m d ar Aragorntouched Legolarm tom akehi ow erhibow befo retu rnni gbacktotheeaderI". Aragornsonof ath ornThiiGmsonof iSusanofN arna, asofeW oodl real "Ara gornsaiashepurp oseleftout as' Susan'nobi as' ml s l am , Ar . s i ,il G ln; iLegol th and m . d yl Legoland s tyi.l "W eareendsof andof yourki "Them anto okastepbackandsi ashetookoffshel et."T hodennoongerrecogni endrfom of e."Them ansaisadl rfi Rohan Thoden, ng. ghed hi m l zesrif d y. "N otevenhiow nkiI Eom er,snephew Sarum anhaspoi th em nd ofeki andclm edord shiovertheseands. ycom panyareth oseoyalRohan.Andof rthat, earebani TheW hiW zardscunni H ew al hereandth ereth,eysay, anolm an,hoodedandcl Andeveryw herehispipslpast nets"Eom ersaiasheandhim en gl edatem . s am hi n. . soned i th ng ai l p l M l to w shed. te i i ng. ks as d oaked. s esi our . d s ar th Susannarrow edhereyesatm andhesaw and staredat "W earenospiW erta ckedapartyof ruk-hai estw ardacrossth epln. veta kentw oofourfri capti "AragornsaiandEom erl tohi agai hi her. es. U w aiThey' ends' ve. d ooked m n. "TheU ruksaredestroyed. esl ere dth em duri theni ".Eom ersaiandSusangasp.B utth erew eretw ohobbi.diyouseetw ohobbiw thithem ?"Gmaskedqui yandom ershookhihead, ylconfused. W aught ng ght d " tsD ts i il ckl s ght sl i "Theyw oulbesm onlchie ntoyoureyes."AragornsaiasEom ershookhiheadagai"W eefnonealW epi thecarcassesand burnedth em "H esaiaspoiedtoatow erof okeow ngnto theai.r d aly dr ,l l d s n. lt ve. ed i l . d nt sm bi i i ll "D ead?"Gmaskedhigrievi nihivoi andth em annoddedhihead.N o."Susancrockednisadness.I" sorry"Eom ersaiashesaw th esadnessithei i il s ef dent s ce s " am , d n reyes. youw anttocom ew thius'I surew ecannduseof you.Especilof arprekegilryoursel m anonthehorseth atw asogl SusansaiSusansnappedhearheadtogleatm asLegol put arm around herw aiandpul hertohichest,ari "fI m if r al tyil "The y .f ng d. i ar hi as an st ed s glng. l Eom ertodlhi oftarkilng toaadyil that.But w aslsti yShew asqueen, hetherheknew ornot, w aslbevi edasaadyandtreatedassuch. w al overtoth em an,smngi sw eetlasusedherbow andhim nithechestw thithalestrengthshecoulgath er. m of l ke Susan angr . l w she to sti ew l l Susan ked il y thi l d Them anw asth row noffhihorseandontohibacksi andhicom radesl atm ".M en."Susanscofef d, hiEom erl backat am used. ew hiedandtw ohorsescam erunnin gup. s s de s aughed hi w el ooked Susan H stl "M ayth esehorsesbearyoutobetteofrrtu nethanth eirm erm asters"Eom ersaiandhandedonetoAragornandth eothertoLegol beforegetti backonhiow nhorse. orf . d as ng s "Lookof yourrfi Butdonottrusthope, of rsakenth eseands."H etodlth em beforeheookedtohim en."W edenorth!"H eshouted andth ehorsem entookoffandef em . r ends. to has ti l l s ri lth Aragornm bedontohihorseandhel Gmupbehi hi AsLegolm bedontheotherandhelhihandouttoSusan, tooktandhehel herontonsifirtontofhi w, how rapped anarm around herw ai. cl i s ped i i l nd m . ascl i ds she i ped m st Theyrodeoffw ard sth esm oke. hentheygot ereth eycoul bel th ei Therew asapiof nng Uru ksandnosi oftheH obbi. to W th dn'eve reyes. ti el bur i gn ts W hentheygotereth eydi ounted therehorsesandGmwil entovertotheburnng piandstartedshi th roughthedeadbodiAragornscre am edandki ahel etiangerandeveryoneelustl aroundooki of hopeofanyki thattheyw erallei sti th sm i i el ng tif es. cked m n sejooked l ng r nd ve. l SuddenlAragornspottedatroni thegro undandstoodupquiy."Ahobbiher. rhandsw erebound."H eoow edth etlurafilrthi erandof und thecutropebeneathth egrasseveryoneoow nghi . y, al ckl ay Thei lt fl l fll i m "Theindsw erecutH estoodandbegantoru n."T hei cksl aw ayrfom th ebattlandstraghtioFangornof rest." rbi ". tra ead e i nt Chapte10:FangornFore st r "Fangorn?W hatm adnessdrovethem nith ere ?"Gmi askedasheookedattheanci tre es."W hatw rongw thitheof restSusanasked.I"to'dlth atth eEntsil thereM. ovi andtakilng trees. sayth eof restievim toidlher. il l ent ". s ve ng They s "Gl i . "S o?W ehavethatiN arna. treesw ouldanceandsi w thith ew nd, they'enotevi defe nded.Thatm aybe, thssn' arna."iAra gonsaiasheconti toookntoth eof rest. n iThe d ng i but r "Susan .l " but iN t d nued l i "W reelgardessof hatiandw hatiand w hatdro veth em th erew; earegoi tohavetooow Thehorseswhavetosta y."Susansairunnin gtoth ehorseandgrabbi herbag,isl overhershoul andre turn ed toth eoth ersAragornnoddedniagreem ent. l l w s sn' t ng fll . ll i d ng ngsti der . "Let'gondourirf "H ere pl andedth egroupth roughth eof rest. oow edth etracksi otheof restforseverahoursbeforeGmspottedadarksubstanceonaeaf. etouched som ew thihiisf andbro ughtihim outh tastiandth enhespi. s if ends. ed l i Theyfll nt l i il lH nger to s ngt,i out tit "A rg h!O rcbl "H eshouted. ym oansandcreaki noi w ereheardG.mi raisedhiaxandLegol estined asdith eoth ers"T. hetreesarespeaki toeachother"Legol sai"Thiofs resstlfuiofl em ory"hepausedandhieyesw dened,andanger"Susanookedw deeyedatGmi .il ood! Suddenl ng ses li s asf d ng . as d. m , s i " . l i "Gmowil eryouraxe."Susantodlhi G. mookedatherthensl yow erhiaxeandth em oansstopped.T heyhaveef el m yend. El begant;i aki upth etre es,achi them tospeak."Legol todlGm .il i l, m i l il ow l s " ngs rfi The ves w ng te ng i as i

"Talngtre es, hatdorteeshavetotaklabout?Excepttheconsie ncyofsquiedroppi Gm askedandLegol andAragonchuckl "Youw oulbesurpsedGmThetre eshearm anythngs."SusandefendedandGmroedhieyesather. ki w st r l ngs?" i il as ed. d ri i .i l i i ill s Legol w entridashesto odiel ni of som ethni g."A ragornSom ethngsoutth ere "Legol todlhi "W hatagornaskedashew al overtoLegol "T hew hiw zardapproaches."Legol saiandeveryonew asonal t. as gi st ng r , ii as m . t"sAr i ked as. te i as d er Legol reachedof hibow asdiSusanw hith eAragonandGmi helontoth ei eaponsandw erestandi verWlysti em ustbequiD onotlentohi speakorhewlliaspel us,"Aragornsaiashedre w hisw ordel ,ni totheof otstepsapproach. as rs d el il d rw ng ". l ck. sti m put on l d s sti ng "N ow "Aragornyel andeveryone spunaround. andLegolreifd arro w sasGmthirlew anaxe. w zardth atw asbath edniabri w hiil defl ed them Ara gornhi nipaiashisw ordheate dupandw asof rcedtodropandsta rentothght, thoughhecoul tseew howti as. . ed l Susan as i The i ght teght ect al ssed n s .l ti i ei l even dn' "Youaretracki theof otstepsof oyoung H obbi?"Thew zardasked.W hereareth ey?"Aragorndem anded.Theypassedthsiw ayth edaybeforeyesterd ay. m et eoneth eydinotexpect. thatcom of ryou?"Thew zardrepl and Susanscofef d. ng tw ts i " " They som d Does t i ed i "N odoesn' ve doneth em anyharm".Susanw arnedta ki aste pof rw ardbut asput arm aroundhertostopherW hoareyou?Show yoursel agornsaioudlTheil di m edsl ylandeveryonegasp. ti you' fIt. . ng Legol and ". !"fAr dl y. ghtm ow Susanw ggl outof as'a spandranufspeedatthew zard"G. andalSheyel thro w nghersntfohiarm s. eaughedashecaughtherandhuggedherbackw hieveryoneel sto od dum bfo unded. i ed Legolgr ll i !"f ed, i el s H l l i el se cannotbe."Aragornsaiooki attheendth eythaloughtdead. andaleasedSusanandookedtow ard stheoth ersandsm ed.Forgvem e,"Legol saikneelmI" stio okyouof Sarum an."G andal atth eelenbackat tI dl ng rif l G ref l l li " i as d ng. i r ooked thf Susan. lf am Sarum an.O rath er, u m an asheshoulhavebeen."G andald.You"Arla gornbreathedlstibel nghieyes.T hro ughreifandw ate"rG andald.beensentbackunti ytasksdone."hi andalof Iughtw thith eBalo gof org othU. atitlhIr,e w dow nm yenem yandsm otehiruniuponthem ountani si D arknesstookm e. strIayedoutof oughtandm e. arsw heel overheadand everydayw asasl asfeai-al geofeearthButi asnotth eend.lItm eagai'n.I "I Sar d sai" e.fl f not evi s " l i . sai"From th eow estdungeontotheGghestpeak,ai f l m i l explned. r M nt f ast s de. And th ti St ed ong th . wt efniefl ve "G andal agornsaismng.G andal"Thew zard questi ghtlconfu sed beforerecogni shi nihibl eyes.Y es. w asw hatth eyusedtocal e. andaleG re y. w asm ynam e."Gmchuckl "G andal esaisoftl "Ar d il i" ?f i onedsl y .f i on ned s ue " That ti . ml G thf That i il ed. "Hf. d y. am G andaleW hiandcom ebacktoyounow ateturnofede."G andaldseri yand everyoneiel ned.C om ew em ust ove."Hesaiandturn ed toeadth em h roughthew oods. "I thf te , I th th ti sai ousl f st " m d l t "O nesta geof ourn eysover, herbegi W em ustri toEdora sw thihaste"G andaldasth eynearedtheedge.E doras?Thatinoshordiance!"Gmexclm ed."W hatEdoras?"Susanasked. yourj i anot ns. de al . sai l f " s tst i il ai s' "H ow oftheKi of "Ara gorntodlherW hat th eH obbi?"Susanasked G andaleookedatherandsmed.T heyaresafew thianEntfri ofm ne."G andaldandshenoddedsi ng w ng Rohan. ". about ts H.f l li " end i sai f ghi "Athngsiabouttohappenthathasnot i happenedsi theel days. Entsaregoi tow akeup. . nd thatth eyarestrong,"G andald.Y ouhavenotchanged, yend. speaknddl "Ara gornsaichucklg asdieveryoneel nce der The ng andif sai" f m rfi Youlsti iri es. d ni d l se. Theycam etotheedgeofeof restandG andal hied.beautwli hihorseappeared runni tow ardsth em w thith etw ohorsesth eyaladyhad andathrdione. th wf stl A uf te ng re "ThationeofeM eara s, essm yeyesarecheatedbysom espel assaiquiylasth ehorsesteppeduptoG andal yoneooked onniaw eatehorse.S hadow af x."G andaldw thiasmelashera nhihanddow nShadow af x'af ce. s th unl "Legol d et .l Ever l .f th " sai i s f s "H e'theordofl sesandhe'beenm yendthro ughm anydangersAnd hebrought of everyone."Hesaiashem ounte dhihorse.Athloughwi oulseem Gmwihavetodew thisom eone, edon' anthi ngloff dow e?"G andaldw thiaschuckl s l hor s al rfi . ends r rfi d s " t d i lli ri w w m aifl now t sai f e. "Gm candew thi Legol "Ara gonsainiasternvoieavi noroom of rarg um entasGmi stialrtedgru m bl underhibreathSusangotonherhorseasdiAra gonw thihiandLegol andGmoow ed. rodehardunti wfal l henth eystoppedandm adecam p. i il ri as. d ce,l ng ng s . i d s as i flil They ni lght Thenextdayth eyro dedayandnaleciof ascam entovi "B. ecareufwl hatyousay. onotl of rw el ehereth,em ndof eki hasbeenpoi W em ustreeasehi rfo m hihol"G andaldasheurg edShadow af xon. yone noddedandoow ed them ntoth eci. al ify,lth ty Edor i ew l D ook com i th ng soned. l m s d. sai f Ever fll i ty Theef elth eciw asdepressi tosaytheeast.Y ou'ndm orecheeriagra veyard"Gmi mi l um bl andeveryoneentlagre ed. gotthf ei sesandm adethei ayupthestarsonltobestoppedbyguard s. of ty ng l " dif n . ed siy They of hor l r rw iy "W ecannotal youtom eetw thitheki soarm edG andal re yham byord erof m aW orm to unge."Aguardsta ted, ngatth enam eof mir a. coulhearthatth eydikelthi verym uch.W hoeverhew as. ow l ng Gf Gri sneeri G Susan d dn'm i G andal andhandedhisw ordandeveryoneoow ed. tookoff bow andarro w sasw asherkni andhandedth em totheguard"F.ath erChrim asgavem eth atbow andarrow s. akesurenothni g happenstothem "Susantodlhi of rceful l nodded f s fll Susan her el ves l st M . m y. prom sem yady."H esaiandshenoddedandhanded them overY. oursta"TheguardsaitoG andal oti ngto w ard st.i "I i l d " .f d mf, oni "H um O. h,youw oulnotdepri anolm anofhiw alngsti H easkedasheactedolandunabltow alw thiouti guard noddedandedth em ntothehal notbeforeG andal at agornandw nkedta ki Legolarm of bal Susanbipitol stophersrelm aughi asth eywl entide. d ve d s ki ck?" d e k The t. l i but l ooked Ar lf i ng as' r ance. her fof l ng al nsi t Theyw ereedntoth ehal aslstitendi tohelG andal alnsi Everyonecoul seetheki onhithro w nandheookedtobeneardeathth,erew asanuglm anw thidarkhaitrsi w thihi . l i Legolprle ng p wf ki de. ,l d ng s l y ng m i "M yordG, andaleG re yscom ng.H e'aheradl of oe."Them anw thidarkhaidandtoiokthem oftw osecondstore alth athew asG m aW orm to unge. ow ever, dinotknow th atunderthegre ycl G andal orew, asapow erufwl hiw zard . l thf i i s w rsai al l ze i ri H he d oak wf te i "Thecourte syof hal ew hatl ofeThodenKi "G andaldasLegoletgoofhiarm andhew al aef w ste psahead ofegro up. yoneel stayedcl tohi w, aw areofth eeyesofeguard sonthem . yourssom essened at , il l ng. sai asl s f ked th Ever se ose m el l th "H e'notw el e."G m ahi toth eki "W hyshoul w el eyou,G andal ?Storm crow ?"Theodenaskedhivoi sl sl,uggi andstruggl "Austquesti m ege."G m asaiashestoodandw al toG andal s com ri ssed ng. dI com f s ceow sh ng. j on, yil ri d i ked .f "Latesthi ehouriw hi thsiconj erchoosestoappear. h spel ehinew sanl i ".B eentKeepyourof rkedto nguebehi youteethavenotpassedthro ughreifanddeathtobandycrookedw ordsw thiawessw orm !"G andal edbefo reherasedhistaand helagai th esning m an.Gri acow eredbacknief arandshook. n ch ur Lat nam ml lI. guest si ! Il il l nd hI. tli sneer f i s f dti nst vel m i "Hssta!"fGri ahi to"dIlyoutotakethew zardssta!"fTheguardsstartedtocom eafteG andal theoth ersto okcareofem asG andal adehiw aytotheki Them enw entfothr eSusanrsithfnkin gshew oulbeeasytobeat. i m ssed. i ' r but f th m s ng. f i d H ow ever, quiyhad them onth ei G m aedtoru nbut dro ppedtoth eoorandpped hi w hiGmstiol odonhichest.I'"staydowwnfiereyou."Gmhil Susan ckl knees. ri rti Susan r lf tri m el i s d I i issed. "Thoden, ofThengeloonghaveyousatitheshadow s,"G andald.H earkentom e!Ieaseyourof m th espel andaldashehelhihandoutandcl hieyes. ow everihil,s teidm agispel noefef ctonTheodenw hosta rtedtoaughm enacin glatm . son to, l n sai" f rel "Gl sai d s . f osed s H m c had l l y hi "Youhavenopow erhereG, andaleG rey!"TheodensaiG andalre w offhigreycl andeveryonew asbl byw hiilw"drlaiw you,Sarum an,aspoi sdra w nrfom aw ound."G andaldandrasedhistaAragornstoppedabl w om anniaw hidre ssrof m rushi of rw ardtoth eki thf d. thf s oak nded teght.Il i soni sai i s .f f onde te ng ng. go. di "Cam eSarum an'voi rfo m Thoden'lG andal ovedhistaclfoserandTheodenbackm orenihith rone."Youdinotki e, wlhiimlki !"G andal ai ed. Thoden es. I."fI. sufl lce ps. m s si f efl l s d mll you not ll exclm f

"R ohansim ne!"B egone!"G andaldandcharg edof rw ardstrngasiri Theodenontheof reheadw thihistaTheodenbackil plbeforehesw ayednihichai.r andal heaviandsteppeddow nrfo m theste ps. i sai f kii ng s .f efll m y s G sifghed yl Thew om anescapedAragornsgraspandrushedof rw ardtotheki bra ci hi andstoppi hi rfo mnglof rw ardSl yltheagedandsiypaltheKi saf ceandhiol butyouthufalcew asonceagaihiow n. w om ansm edathi w thite arnsihereyes. ki sm edather. ' ng, ng m ng m aifl .ow ckl or ng' s der, ef l n s The li m Theng l i know youraf ce. yn ow yn."Theodensaiw thiasme,isvoi w eak, hiow n.sbl eyeslth ew om anbeforehi andsw ept osshihalest G andalthi confusi "G andal"Thew zardsm ed atm and bow edhihead. "I ow d lhi ce buts H iue ef m acr s tolr on wf on. ?f i li hi s "B re ath etheref eai n, yend,"G andaldandTheodento okadeep bre athashesl ylstoodandookedabouthihalseyesandedonG andal panyw denghtlat Butw henhesaw how shehadhel anddefeated theguards, bow edhiheadnire spectandshebow edback. ragaim rfi sai f ow l s Hi l .l s'com f i sl y Susan. i ped he s Chapte11:Edora s r

"D arkhavebeenm ydream sofe"Thodenw hi eexi hiisf s"Y. ourif sw oulrem em bertheidstrengthbetteieyr. graspedyoursw ord"G andaldandthem anth athadstoppedth em atedoorsteppedof rw ardw thith earg ebl ofth eRohanki at . l sper d,ng nger nger d lf rol thf . . sai f th l ade ng. Thodensl ylw rappedhihandsaro undth ehi pul thethckandheavym etarfolm th ebeautilcratef d sheathThebl gilri nihappi asshew atched herki holhisw ord . ow s tand ed i l l ufy . ondecr ness ed ng d s Theki caughtsiof m abei heldow nbyGmand Susanandnarro w ed hieyesand charg edhi Theodenm adehiw ayovertoGri aanddraggedhi outsdetossi hi onth este psaseveryoneel oow ed. ng te G ri ng d i il s m. s m m i ng m sefll veonleverw shedtoserveyou, yord !"G mir apl butThodenpainoheedtohi ashew al dow nthestarsiandadvancedonthegro vel m an.Yourl crawtf oulhavehadm ecra wngonofalurisl abeast!"Thodensaihiangerand hatredacedw thinihivoi "'I y i m l eaded, d m ked ng " eech d i i l l ke ds l s ce. "S endm enotm yoursi "G m apl andThodengro w edbeforeherasedhisw ordtostri G m adow nw henAragornm ovedof rw ardandstoppedhi ".N o!N o, yordet,hi go. bl hasbeenspi hiaccount"Aragornsaiashehelontoth ehandcoveredoflThoden'sw ord . rfo de. ri eaded l i s ke ri m m l l m Enough ood on s . d d tl hi s t Thodenookedatm andow eredhisw ordAragornet ofeki andm ovedtohelG m atohief et henG m aspidonhihand andto okoffshovi hiw aythro ughh ecro w dof eth athadgatheredatseei theingof thr ermfist enim anym onth s. l hi l s . lgo th ng p ri s w ri te s ng s t peopl ng rki SusanseethedniangeratG m aspi onAra gornshand anddiespecti theki Shetookoffdow nth estarsiafterthem anbut shereachedw heretheki andAragornstood, asm adehiw aydow nthestarsand stoppedher. ri ng ti ' sr ng ng. as ng Legol s i "Letm ego. ow darehediespectyouandhikilng?'snake!"Susanhi andAragonputhand onhershoul "L.ethi go."Ara gornsaiSusanookedat agornthentotheki w how asl ngatherw thinothngbutre spectanddi evi eyes. H sr sthkiliyfl I thlat ssed a der m d. l Ar ng, ooki i sbelng i "V eryw "el bre ath edasshereaxedand Aragonre m ovedhihandasLegol kept arm aroundherI". thnkwI ouleverw anttom akeherangry"Theki w hi ed toAragornandseveraotlhersnoddedniagre em entM yordyouhavenodea."Ara gorntodlhi sm rking. ustoedhereyes. .Susan l l s as an don'i d . ng sper ". l , i m i Susanj rll "G etoutof yw ay!"G m ayel ashecharg ed tothestablandto okahorseandw asgone.T hatw orm wll itoSaurm an."Susansaiquiylasshew atched G m adeoutiothedia nce. m ri ed l e " go d et ri ri nt st "HThodenki "Aragoncal topeoplof beforebow nghiheadandSusan, as,m andG andallflfoow ed hil astheybow edthei asw welhieveryoneel dro ppedtothei ai ng! ed e Rohan, ,l l is Legol G i il sead rheads ,l el se rknees. Theki ookedaro undhipeoplbut cedhecoulnotfi som eone. etu rnedaround andookeddi ctlat yn,w how aslstingirof m seei herunclbacktohiolsel heresThodred?W heresm yson?"Thodenaskedquiy.l ng l s e, noti d nd H l re y Eow sm il ng e sd "W i l .f i et Eow yn'sm eldi e drfo m heraf ceasshenowookedathi w thitearnsihereyes.H esdead, yord"ShesaisadlTheki ookedw deeyed at beforeoow ng hertothebodyofhison. s isappear l m " i m l . d y. ngl i her fll i s Anhourlethr eeow shiw erecll changedandw asshow edtosparero om sw hitheki gri of rhisonand heand Eow ynarrangedth euf neraThenatethr eki w hi tospeakw thithem soalth eyw erecalntoth ethro neroom . at fl l p al eaned, el ng eved s .l l ng ch ,l edi l Legol stoodw thianarm around Susanastheyw aidof rth eki "M yendsI sorryaboutnot e eti youpro perlbefore"Theodensaiasheto okhiseatonthethro new thiEow ynbyhisi "T herearenoneedof apol zesm yordW. eperef ctlundersta nd."Susansaiasshesm edatm gentland henodded. as te ng. rif am gr ng y . d s sde. r ogi l y d l i hi y "N ow G, andal oul youpl mll ew hoyourfri areandpl explnw hyyouhave aw om annidanger"H. easked andSusanrasedabrow atm asLegolghtened hiholonherw ai. wf d easete ends ease ai i hi asit s d st "A ragornyouknow alady. sPri Legol of rkiw oodand hibel HghQ ueenSusanof na.Anotherw orlafrfom ourow nandGmsonof iSusansanexcel w arriandsverycapablofki careofher. canta keonth ebestanym ancanassureyou. wconti tosta ndandghtw thiusasshehasdonesoof thr esem anypastm onths."G andaldandtheki nodded. re Thiince as M s oved i Nar i d i il G ln. i ent or i e ta ng She l of I She l li nue if sai ng f th"fIatiherw shth enwIlli atat, sobvi ynotyouravera gew om an. arew el eyoung queenasthi ere styoureow shiW ecanuseasm anyendsaspossieat esilth ese."Theodentodlthem beforetheythalankedhi andeftlh ethroneroom . s i eavetith shei ousl l You com s of fll p. rfi blmti ke l m Theodred'ufs nerawl asateonth atdayandwti asasadoccasi O ncewti asovereveryoneefG andal th eki byth etom bandw entide.I"elbadof hi H. esnim uchpai"Susansaiastheysataro undth etablw thitheresteow shi lr on. al l lt and ng f nsi ef so rm n. d al l e oflf l p. haveaef el he'notgoi tohavem etogri m uch.Theresaire asonG andal antedushereH. esaionestageof ourneysoverandanoth erbegithnkthngsaregoi togetaot orse, oretheyget te"rAragonsaiashesat w eenLegol andSusan. yonenoddedathiw ordsasth eef aredof rw hattheuf turew oulhol "I ng s ng ti eve i wf d ourj i ns.iI i ng lw bef bet . d bet as Ever s d d. Aef w m om entsateasth eylstiaro undthetablEow ynbursnitw thitw osm chie nnito w th atw eresta rvedandreti d. quiyw enttoEow ynandhel w thi thechie nastheki andG andal enibehi them . l r sat l e al dr l Susan ckl ped dr ng l cam nd f "Theyhad now arnng."Eow yn saiasshew rappedabl aro undthe"gilrheyw ereunarm ed. th eW dm anarem ovi th roughthew estd, nngeverythni gnithei h". i d anket T. Now l i ng of lbur i rpat "W heresm am a?"Theigi andow yn quiedherT. hibutatasteofeterorthatSarum anwl leash.Alem orepote ntfohesdri now byef arof on.deoutand m eetm headon. ra w hi aw ayrfom yourw om enandchie n."G andaldashestoodnexttoThodenw how asngonhith rone. ' etlasked lr et " si th unli thl r i ven Saur Ri hi D m dr sai l f si s ti "Youm ustfi Youhavetw oth ousandgoodm endi northasw espeak."Aragornsaiasheow eredhipi rfo m hilandeyesturn edtohi ". om erlsi toyou.Hsm enwrelltuirnandghtfothr eing." ght. ring d l s pe ps al si l m oyal i if rki "Theywbeith reehundredeaguesrfom herebynow "Thodensaiashestoodrfo m hithrow nand w al dow nth este psbefo rehepacedghtlacrossthestoneoor. om ercannothelus. w hatiatyouw antofm e. wnotnguf rtherdeathtom ypeoplIe.lskopenw ar"Theodensaiasheconti topace, tu rnedhigazedto w ard stheeow shi ll l . d s ked sl y i lf " p know sthit I ButlI libri wl ir not . d nued but s fll p. "O penw ariuponyou. hetheryouw oulskirorinotAragornsairdmfi ylandtheki shotm aook.W henastI Thoden, Aragornw, aski ofRohan."Thodensaiw hi aghtedgeAriagornbow edhiheadandretu rnedhipi tohil s W d t ". ng hi l " ooked, not l ng d t sl to. i s spe ps. si G andal ovedof rw ard andookedat "Thenw hatitheki sdecion?"G andal andThodenookedatm beforehetu rnedhieyestohini andth enooked at andal m ore. m f l Thoden. s ng' si asked f l hi s s ece l G once f "W em akeof Hel sD eep."Theki saibefo reheeftlheroom oow edbyhim enandeavi Eow yn tota kecareofechien.G andal beforem oti ngth eeow shiotoow hi . rm ng d fll s l ng th dr sifghed, oni fll p fll m l "H el sD eep!"G andal asth eyw al toth esta bl Gm tailki upth ere arofegroup.Theyeetothem ountansw henth eyshoulstandandght. howll iendthem noteing?"G andal tonooneniparti arastheyw al andAragorngl at beforehetu rnedhieyesaheadoncem ore. m' hi fssed ked es, i ng th " lf i d if W def fi th rki asked f cul ked anced her s

"H e'onldoi w hathethnkssbestfohipeoplH el sD eephassavedth em nith epastAragornsai"YesbutSarum anwknow thsandtsw eakness. m awml i ".Susansaiste rnylastheyentere dth establ s y ng i i rs e. m ' ". d. l li i i G ri hil te d es. "Theki hasm adehidecion. em ustobey."Aragorntodlhi "T. heresnow ayoutofatra vi Thodensw alngntoatrap. ethnkshe'l ngthem tosafetyW. hattheywgetm assacreThodenhasastro ngwllefiIarof rhi ef Iarfothr esurvvalRohan."G andaldashestoppednirfo ntof af x'standsettl hieyesonAragorn . ng s si W m i th ne. i ki i H i seadi llsia . but m . i of sai f Shadow s all ed s "H ewlli youbeforeth eend, agornThepeoplof wll i you. defenseshavetohol"G andaldrm ylandAragornnodded. wlld."Ara gornsairm y.l need Ar . e Rohan need The d. saiif f Theyholi dif G andal oncebeforem ovi ntoth estal l stroked Shadow af x'm aneandookedntfothedia nce.T heGre yPim th. .at'w hattheyoncecal m e."G andaldquiylasheconti tostrokeShadow af x'm ane. nodded f ng i and s l of st " gri s i l ed l sai et nued f s "Threehundrevesof en'I w al thsiearthandnowhavenom e."H em bedontoShadow af x'backandookedatAragorn"W thuck,m ysearchwl libenivaiLooktom ycom ngghtonththefifday;at n, totheEastAra gornnodded. dil m ve ked I ti cl i s l . il not n. i attfisl ri daw ook ". l Theywl atchedasG andalokoffndEom erH eeadi speopltodeath".Susansaiasth eyw atchedG andalsappearam ongthehori "T henw em ustdothalatw ecantostrayth em rfo m thatpath"Legol todlher. ookedatm andnoddedastheywl enttorestbeforetheyw eretoeaveghttom akeof hel s'deep. al tof toi ". sli ngi e d di f zon. l . as Susanl hi al l attfisl ri rm Thenextm ornng Susanw oke, hedanddressedniherif ngattieandstrappedherw eaponstoherbackandsl herbagaro undherneckbefo reshem adeherw ayoutto w ard stheth ronero om w hereeveryonew asw ai i bat ghti r ung ng. ti Theki ookedatherandsm ed.Y oure alareaw aror. eyounot?"H easkedasheookedat w eaponsandattie"T. hatI ghtf.lI loiw hatI andholdear. mifi eansm efyibeof refteid."Susantodlhi honestlsoundikel everybihequeenshew as. ng l l i " yl riAr l her r amw r ove d Even if l t l m y, ngi of t Theki ookedbehi herasSusanefLegol w rapanarm aro undherw aiashestoodbehi herY. ouhavechosenaverynoblandcoura geousw om an,nceLegolM enhavetravel totheaf endsofsandtondaw om ansuchasher. aretruylauckym an."Theodensaiand Legol nodded.A yethatI tobetrue."H esaipro udlandtheKi w al aw ay. ng l nd tl as st nd " e Pri as. ed r thil if l You l d as " know d y ng ked "W EM AKEFO RH ELM S'D EEP."Theeow shi heardaguardyel m ounte dherow nhorsethsm easdieveryoneel and theFel shirodeneartherfont thi theki and higuardastheym adeth ei aytoH el s'deep. fl l p Susan .l it d se ow p l w ng s w m r Chapte12:Hel s'D eep r m

Theyrodedayand byni thafleystopped tocam p. w asngw thiLegol andGmi wi l henshestartedaughi "W hatsouf nny,m el hn H easkedher. poie dot Ara gornw how astryngveryhardtosw al th estew Eow ynhadm ade. al ghtl l Susan si as ti l ng. s' et n?" She nt i ow l Legol andGmi stialrtedchuckl astheyw atchedAragonspieste w outandpouredouttherestw hensheefhandoutm ore"B. yth eoveof an!She'com ng thsiw ay. ui handm eanappl"Susansairfa ntiylbeforeLegol qui ythrew anappltoherandGm toilokoneof rhi sel as ng i th lto l Asl s i Q ck e. d cal as ckl e i m .f "M yord s, yadyw oulyouil som este w ?"Eow ynaskedth em asshecam etostandnirfo ntofem ".N othankyouLadyEow yn.W e'ene."Susantodlherki y. ynsmedandnoddedbefo reshem oved on. l m l d ke th rif ndlEow l i AfteEow yneft,lAra gorncam euptothem andpl dow nnexttothem Legol sm rkiedatm andtossed hi andappl"M anyth anks."Aragonsaibeforeeati quiy."W hatth' em atterAragon?Ddn'th epri sstew "Susanaskedhi w thiasm elandheshookhiheadquiy,eru pti aughterof m th em . r opped . as hi m e. d ngti ckl s ikelt ncess' . i m i s ckl ng l Thenextm ornng theyconti ontheongroadahead.mwil astakilngw thiEow yn w how asgazi ovi yat agorn"O hno. snotgood."Legol saiandSusanookedathi questi y."E ow ynhasta kenkiiang toAragorn"Legol saipoingto w ard sthem . i nued l Gi ngl ngl Ar . That' as d l m onabl l . as d, nti "Yourri Thepoorgi butsheeventu alsheearinth athiheariale adytaken."Susansaihopeful"Al sm ne."Legol saiw thiasm elandovenihieyesasheookedatSusanw hom m edieylsm edback. ght. rl yl wl ll s str d y. i i as d i l s l i at li str"'uI eyoudon' m anydw arf om en."Gmtodilow yn, shew al nexttohihorseandedhi on.I"naf ct,eyaresoalnivoi andappeara nce,thatthey'eoftenm stiakenof dw arm en."ow ynaughedsofsm edbeforesheookedbackat agornw thiasme.i see t w i as ked s l m th ke ce i r r f l y,tl l i l Ar l H ereturnedhersm elandgesture dw thihihandoverhibeardth"'I.ebeards."Hew hi e dandow yn noddedandsm ed beforesheturn ed hereyesaheadoncem oreSuddenlGms'horseto okoffandhew asth row n totheoorT. hatw asdel ate !"Gm saiautom atiylashegothief et SusanandLegolaughed. i s s s sper li . y i il lf " ber i ild cal to s and i asl Legol soonrodeof rw ardandgothihorseandra nupth etoookout.scream edppedth roughtheai aw argandanorcderatta ckedoneofeki sguardLegol quiyedasAragornandSusanrodeto w ard shi . as offs hi A ll ri as r ri th ng' . as ckllkiti l m "Ascout!"Legol yel toth em Aragonnodded and turn edtodetoth eki andtogethelSusanstayedbyLegol astheyookedoverth eplnstoseeotsm orew argsand orcsrunning tow ardsth em . as ed . l ri ng p. as l ai l "W arg s!"Aragorncal "W e'eunderattack!"Thepeoplbegantopaniw hithedersgotonth ei ses.Pre pareof rbattl"Thodencal Gmhadm adebackonhihorseandw asdi besi them . ed. r l e c el ri rhor " e! ed. i il ti s l ring de "Eow yn. thepeoplon."Theki saicanghtShearg ued.N o!DoasI "H etodlher. w asreucta ntbutdiasshew astod. Lead e ng d.I" if ". " say. She l d l Theki andhiguard sal w thith eeow shiro detow ard sw hereSusanandLegol w erngshotaftershotki dow nasm anyw arg sasth eycoulW henth eysaw h edersappro achSusanput bow aw ayassheandLegol bothgrabbedthei sesranandsw ungontoth ei es. ng s ong fll p as erif ta ng d. t ri her as rhor rsaddl Susanunsheath ed herkni andqui ybegantosw ngherkni taki outherfisorcSusanof undhard ertoghtonhorsebacksoshesto ppedanddi ounted herhorseandquiysta rtedcisl thro ughaw argw thionekniandrt'i i w thith eoth er. ves ckl i ves ng r t . ti if sm ckl ng i ef sder Susanw asnot etore al aro undtoseehow hercom pani w eredoi asshew asto obusylkianybeastatcam eherw ay. dihow everat poiseetheki oflfahilfshorsenearw hereshew asif ng. abl yook l ons ng ngl th i She d one nt ng ghti Susanw atchedasth ew arg snuckuponhi asth eki got onhief et. quiyra nof rw ardandknockedth eki tothegro undustasthew argw asabouttobim Susanqui ytu rnedaro undrfo m herspotontheground andsl ntothew arg sneck, akitoaftlhileground, m ng back s She ckl ng j hi . ckl t ashedi m ng dead. "A reyoualir ?"Susanaskedth eki astheybothstood.Yes,ankstoyou. savedm efyi".H etodlherD on' orryabout, yord"Shesaiasth eyookedupandsaw therem aing w arg sretreati ght ng " th You l ". w m l . d l t ni ng. Susansooneftlh eki andookedaroundand spottedofthl eeow shiexceptAragornLegol w ashelngGmuprfo m w herehew astra ppedunderadeadw arg"L.egolW heresAra gorn?"Susanaskedasshew al tow ard shi and Gmi .i l ng l al fll p . as pi i il as. ' ked m "W edon' W ew ereaboutookof thr em ".Legol saiasheookedheroverfoanynjes."'I alir "Susantodlhi andhenodded befo reth eyhel Gmookof Aragorn"A. RAG O RN !"Theyyel Theyw al to w ard sthewfclhenth eyheardaughi com ngrfo m andyi orc. know . t tol as d l r iurim ght. m ped i l il r ed. ked l i l ng i ng "Tml ew hatyouknow andwIlli yourpassi Gmi sainiaharshvoi ashesto odnirfontofm Theoraughedasti ghtlontsow nbl "H e'dead."H esaira spedoutbeforeheaughedevi el ease ng?" i ld ce hi . cl chokedsly i ood. s i d l y.l l "H etooktlauilm bloff"e.Hcleconti beforeLegolookedatthebeforegrabbi theorcbyhiarm orY. oui"Legol hi Theorustl holngsom ethngnihihandbefo renaldyi e e th f i nued, asl fcl ng s " e.l asssed. cjaughed di i i s ifyl ng. Legol sl yltookw hathew asholngoutofshandand helfdtireveryonetosee. gasp,astheevenstarth atArw engavehi ".N o."Shew hi edbeforerunni tow ardsth ewfclthiLegol andGmoow ng behi her. asow di hi o Susan wti m sper ng i as i flil i nd

Theyookeddow nbutcoul seehi anyw herecan' "Susancri andLegol pul hertohichest heookeddow ntheandntoth ew ate"Pr. utthew oundedonhorses, thedead."Thodensaionhinew ylacquiedhorse. lal l dn' m t "tI. tbe. ed as ed s as l l fcl i i eave l d s r Legolookedupattheki w thi w deeyesandtheki gl atm andacryng Susannihiarm s.C om e."H esaiashegentlpattedLegol ontheshoul beforeheef em and theysl yloow edgetti backonhorsesandconti ng on.thl em saddenedbytheossof agoodend. asl ng i ng anced hi i s " d y as der, lth ow fll ng nui Al of l such rfi O nceth eyreachedth eof rtess, ynrantoth em tow el etheef w solersth atre turn ed. scanned overthem w thitearnsihereyes.S oef w soef w of haveretu rned."Shesaiashervoi cracked. Eow com di She " you d ce Thodenookedat ashedi ounte d."W eof ughtbra velbutl m any."H esaiashehel annj ed solerdi ount.H eturnedrfom herandm adehiw ayupthestarsi. l her sm y, ost d ped iur di sm s Theeow shidi ounted andGmwil al up toherM yady."H esaiw thihigricl nihivoi "LordAragornw, hereshe?"SheaskedasGmi of iughtbackte arsandsi "H e"Gfe.llmsaisadlbeforehew al aw ayandEow yn backedaw ayw thite arngldow nhereyes. fll p sm i ked ". l d s efear s ce. i l ghed. i ild y ked saifl LegoledSusantoherroom w hereshecoulcl up.Wyousta yw thim epl SusanaskedLegol aftethr eyw erecl andniaro om th attheyw ereshow n. enoddedandpul heriohiarm sasshecri of rherfri asl d ean " l li ease?" as eaned H ed nt s l ed end. "S hh. eth,erem yove.W edonotknow th athe're algone. andal ebackw hen w eth oughthi dead. diAsl H aveafthi".HetodlhersofSusannodded asshedri hereyesbeforerasii herhead toookathi . Ther l s yl G cam f m So d an. ed ng l m oveyou."Shetodlhi "A.oveyou."H esaibefo rehecaptu red herlw thihi"s.Wyousta yw thim e?"Sheaskedoncetheypul aw ayandhenodded. aidow nto getherandiefollrest cklaftesuchatryngday. l"I m lsI d, ps lli i ed l Theyld nt quiy r i Thenextdayth eeow shiw asithem airoom helngget ew oundedheal w henthedoorsbangedopenandniw al Ara gornl, ngil hehadseenbettedays. sm edassheandLegol steppednihipathst,oppi hi . fll p n n pi th ed ked ookike r Susan li as s ng m Legolookedhi overY. ou'eate"Legol saiandAra gornsm ed.Youooktebl"Legol todlhi andSusanaughedasAragonsmed.Fortheoveof an. scaredushaldeath"Shetodlhi assm ackedhi onhiarm andhesmed. asl m " r l . as d l i" l rie. as m l li" l Asl You tof . m m s li apol ze."H etodl herandshesm rkiedatm "u.J st akesureyoudon'agai"Susansaiasshesm edathi befo reshehandedArw en'evenstarneckl tohi andAra gornookedatherw deeyed. "I ogi hi m doti n. d l i m t s ace m l i "Thankyou.I ustseeth eki "Aragorntodlth em befo reheadi tokeep w heretheki w as, thiLegol and Susanoow ng cl ybehi Butnot oreSusansaw Eow yn offth esi w thiasadookonheraf cew henshesaw how happyAra gornw asw hen shere turn edhineckl back. m ng. ng ng w as fll i osel nd. bef to de l s ace W hentheyente red thekeeptheki hecoul tbel Aragornw asal "Theresaigre athost tsw ay, yord"Ara gorntodlhi ".A gre at yousay?"Ki Thodenasked.Aofengardsem pti "Aragornsai"H ow m any?"Thodenasked. ng, dn'eve i ve. i oni m l . m host, ng "sIl l i ed. d. "Tenthousand stro ngatl "Ara gornsaiandeveryoneookedatm w thidi evi eyes.cegaspasshesaw them m ovi thsiw ay.Tenthousand?"Thodenaskedhivoi reecting oneverythng Aragonhadtodlhi . east. d l hi sbelng Al i i ng " s ce lf i m sanarm ybredof rasi epurp ose:destro yth ew orlofm en. wlliherebyni "a.Arla gornsaical y.Letth em com e."Thodensaibeforehew al rfom th ekeepandw al outal thewllofekeep. i"tI ngl to d Theybe ghtfl d m l" d ked ked ong ta al thl w"I anteverym anandstro ngadabltobeararm stobereadyof battlbyni "aThodentodlG am ng w hiAragornandtherestofeeow shioow edbehi l e r e ghtf.ll il el th fll p fll nd. Chapte13:TheEveof etlForH el sD eep r Bat m '

"W ewcoverthecausew ayandthegaterfom above. oarm yhaseverbre achedtheD eepi w orsetfo otdeth eH orn burg"Theodentodltheeow shiastheyookedoutoverthew "Talhinorabblof ndl orcs. areU ruk-hai rarm orthickandthei el bro ad."Gm stialte dandTheodenookedatm . l li N ng al nsi l i . fll p l .l si e m i ess These Thei s i rshids i . l hi haveof ughtm anyw arsm aste rdw know how todefendm yow nkeep."TheodensaiandGmhufef d.Legol patte dGms'shoul astheki andAra gornbegantow alaw ayw thith eothersoow ng. "I , ar.f I d i il as i il der ng k fll i "Theywbrlei akuponthsofi rtekel w ate ronrock. um an'hord esageandburnw, e' seenbeforeCro pscanberes-ow n; esrebui thinith esew al ewoutl th em ".Theodenproclm ed. l ss i Sar s wpili ll ve ti . hom Wl t. s,lw ll iast ai "Theydonotcom etodestroyRohan'cro psorlvi Theycom etodestroytspeoplD ow ntoth eastd!"Aragornexclm ed,yngtom akeseethegra viof esi ati Theodenustl atm beforehem ovedcl tohi andw hi edtohi ercel s ages. l i e. l chi l ai tr i ty th tu on. jooked hi oser m sper m if y. "W hatw oul youhavem edo?Lookatm ym en;th ei a gehangsbyathre ad.beourend,enwI oulhaveth em m akesuchanendastobew orthyofrem em bra nce."H esaiandAragornookedatm befo rehesi d cour r thfsItoi th d d l hi ghed. "S endoutri sm, yordYoum ustcalrlai"Aragornurg edandTheodensteppedbackrfo m hi beforehegl around.A ndw howlli e?"Theodenasked.Eves?D w arves?W earenotuckyniourfri asyou. olancesaredead." der l . of d. m anced " com "l sol ends The dal il "G ondorwlli er"Ara gornprote stedbeforeTheodengre w angry"G ondor?W herew asG ondorw hentheW estofdle?flW herew asG ondorw henourenem escl niaro undus?W herew asG on "Theodenstoppedandto okadeep bre athbefo reheshookhihead. answ . . l i osed s "N o, yLordw, eareal "Hesaisadlbeforehetu rnedaround andw al aw ayging ord ers"G etew om enandchienntoth ecaves."W eneedm oremti etoaypro vionsof arsi m yord "G amngsta rtedashecam etotheKi ssi oncem orebefo reTheodencuthi of.f m one. d y ked vi . th dr i l l si ege, l il ng'de m "Theresnom e.W ariuponus!"Theodenexclm ed ashew al aw ayw thiG am ng oow ng andAra gorntu rnedtohirfi "C om e,ushelreadyth eof rtess."Aragornsaiandth eyoow ed hi dow nto w ard sthecavesw hereeveryonew asgetti ready. i ti s ai ked il fll i sends. et p l d fll m ng "W pll thereservesal thew Theycansupporth earchersrof m abovethegate"Ara gornsaiashew al thro ughth eru shi peopl"A ragornyoum ustrestYou'enousetoushalifal"Legol saiandAragornustgl athi . e' lace ong al .l , d ked ng e. , ! r ve. as d j anced m "Leavehi be, ustasstubbornasPeteHr. ew on'n."Susantodlhi beforeEow yncam erunning uptoth em "M yLord !"Cam eow yn'voi astheeow shiturned thei toherasshem ovedtoAragornandshediookhappy. m he'js stielt m, . s ce fll p reyes dn' lt mI"' tobesentw thi thew om enntoth ecaves."Shesaibiyrlassheookedat agornof rgui but si plbow ed hihead.That honorablcharg e."H esaical ylassheookedoutri ofef nded. i d te l Ar dance, hem y s " sian e d m l ght "Tom ndth echien,tondof odandbeddi w henthem enretu rnW hathonoritherenith at?"ow"M yady,mti em aycom eof valw thi outhonor. hoth en wlli peoplooktonith east e nse?"Ara gornaskedherlst,i ng cal . i dr if l ng . s te l a r or W your el l def keepi m l "Letm estandat si "ow ynprote stesd.I"t nim ypow ertocom m and"Aragornsi plsta ted beforehetu rnedand starte dtogui hirfi aw ayrfom th ew om anw henshecal outY. oudonot m andth eotherstosta y!"Shecal andth eystol ppedtoookat . yourde. inot t.i m y de sends ed " com l ed al l her l "Youdonot m and Q ueen Susanntoth ecavesw hensheustaw om anasm uchas.I ghtsbyyoursi w hycan'Sheprote stedastearsgatherednihereyes.B ecausetheresai dire ncebetw eenyouand.I snotm yki th ereof ream notboundtohicom m and."Susansaical y. com i sji Sheif de, ?"tI " ef Theodeni ng, I s dml ow ynsainothngbeforeturnngandrunnin gout. si asshew atchedow yn.Sheundersto odheref el but neverhadthsiasaprobl Susanw asaqueenandNarnaihelnodim nati agai w om enonthebattlelfid.W em uste adyof battl"Ara gornsaibeforeth eeow shioow edhi thearm orytogete adyof anotherif . d i i Susanghed ngs, she i em , d scri i on nst e" r r e. d, fl l pfll m r r ght

Theeow shistoodnithearm oryandth eyookedaround andsaw olm enandyoung boyswl thief arith ereeyes.Theresoyoung."Susanw hi edassheookedataveryyoung boytrem bl w thief ar. fll p l d al n " sper l ng i "Farm ersst,ablboys;esearenosolers"Aragornsaiasheputdow naw ornsw ord"M osthaveseento om anyw nters"Gmsai"O tor oef w They'eghte ned. seeithi ei "Legol saiandth em engrew ent,rnngandooki atm . e th di . d . i . i id. l r rfi can n reyes. as d I situ i l ng hi l Susanrof w nedateost nihivoi "A ndtheyshoulbe. eehundre dagai te nthousand!"H esaierceltoAragornN. oonebutSusancoul understandw hathesaibuteyknewwti asn' th l hope s ce. d Thr . nst dif y d d th good. t "Theyhavem orehopeof endi them sel hereth anat as."Ara gornre asonedbutLegoleyesnarrow ed.A ra gornth,eycannotw ni thght.Theyaregoi todi"Legol todlhi andSusansi def ng ves Edor as' " sif al ng e. as m l ghed. "Thenshalasoneofem !"Aragornexclm edniangercausi them entoentoncem oreTheel th em anustaredateachotherbeforeAragornturn ed andquiym akehiw ayoutofearm oryLegol m adetooow but mstiolppedhi . I di th le ai ng sifalll . and j st f ckl s th . as fl l G i m "Lethi go,Lethi be."GmsaiandLegol si andtu rnedtoSusan. knew shew asn' ngkel w hathehad tosay.S usan. oulrath eryougotothecavesw thith ew om enandchien."H etodlhersoftlSusan'nosearedniangerandhereyebro w rose, oreheri antlcal edandetequeenshew ascom eout. m ad. m i ild asghed l She goi toi t " wI d dr l y. s lf bef nst y m lth "Youthnkm etow eaktoght, asteel"Sheaskhi niadeathylcal voi "Nust antyoutobesafe"Legol todlherashereachedof herbutshebackedaw ayandput hand up. i if m r?f m m ce. jo.w I . as r her "Legolofas, besi m ybroth ersandsienirm anybattlevenw henth eoddsw ereagai us,notl th em astheydinotl m e. w hen w ethoughtw ew oulnotltosayseethenextday. nowveIof ughtbesi youandthseow shithsiw holmti eandwIl linuetodoso, w thithechanceth attoni m ghtbem yast.oughtyouknew m ebettebynow "Susansaibeforeshesheath ed herkni onherbackandeavi thearm orustasAragorndi Iught de st es, nstdi eave dI d eave Even d ve i And ' de ifll p e conti even ght i thlI r . d ves l ng yj, d. Legol w entafterherj ashediw thiAra gornbutGmi stiolpped hi oncem ore"L.ethergol,Gvehersom emti e."Gmi saiashew enttogethiaxesharp ened. assi ashew aidof bothAragornandSusantoretu rn. as ust d m ad. i i ld s Legol ghed te r W henSusannalretu rnedtoth earm oryShew atched asAragornandLegol m adeup.W ehavetrustedyouthsaifYouhavenotl usastra y. gvem wI asw ro ngtodespai."Legol saiquiylasheookedatAragorn. ifyl . as " r. ed For i e. r as d et l Aragornbow edhiheadof ram om entbeforeheputshandonLegolshoul "T. heresnothng toof rgve, as."AragornsaigentlandLegol puthihandonAragornsshoul . s hi as' der i i i Legol d y as s ' der Aragornsoonspotted Susannoddednihedicti toLegol w hoookedupat H. eow ered hihandrfom Aragornsshoul and quiyw al overtow ard sSusan.S usan. sosordiIyd.notm eantoupset Pl of rgvem ustw ante dyoutobesafe"Legol saiasheookedntohereyes. re on as l her l s ' der ckl ked " am r I you.ease i je. I . as d l i Susansi beforepl ng ahandonhicheek.H ecl hieyesbryilandeanedntoherto uch."LegolLi Aragonsaith eresnothng toof rgve. arm sm yhearth atyouaresoconcernedof m yw bei uJstpl trustiAsl andourl tokeepm hi w hencanstandbyyoursi andght.easeunderstandthatij w hoam "Shetodlhi and henoddedandtookheroth erhandnihi ghed aci s osed s ef l i d, i i iwtI r el ng. ease n an ove l eneverde I de if Pl sust I . m s. understand. theodd'ofghtH esaibut cuthi of.Tfruetheoddsareagai us. w, ehavesom ethng theenem ydoesnot."W hatithat, yove?"H easkherandshesm edasshepl herhandoverhiheart. "I But sthsif ". d Susan m " nst But i sm l li aced s "W ehavesom ethngw orthghti ofSom ethngw earenglitodiof"rSusantodlhi befo reLegol steppedof rw ardandreste dhiof reheadonhersuncarni g w how asw atchi them ".You'eght. edohavesom ethng w orthif ngghttlrlI.oith eendsofem ddlearthandbeyondof you. you."H etodlhersoftlasheeanedand theyki i if ng r. i wil e . m , as s ng r ri W i ghti w iof th i e r ove lI y l ss. W hentheynalpul aw aytoseeAra gonsmngi atth em SoonGm cam eoutaef w m nute satew eari aarm orchai aiatw asw ayto oongof hi asAragon, asandSusanookedathi asth eyednottoaugh. ehadm de, thsiadj esghtacrossthechestGmsai ifyl ed l il . i il i l r ng nm thl l rm Legol l m tri l wf"I ti 'Iget ust tld.lI a'i ". i ild. Legol openedhim outhtosaysom ethng w henth eyheardahornbl ngnithediance.Thatinoorchorn !"Legol exclm edbefo reheranrfom th ero om pulSusanw thihi asAragonandGmoow edqui yafte rtheelnce. as s i ow i st " s as ai ng il m i flil ckl pri f Theycam etothegatestoseetheki arviirng al W henth eyookeddow nth estepstheysaw H alrand aarg egroupofvesclalniarm or. di at em andsmed, oreooki tow ard sTheoden. ng so. l di l el ad Hallr th l ooked libef l ng "H owsthisipossie?."H easkedastoni bri w ordrfom LordElondofvendelance onceexie dbetw eenel andm en.Longagow eof ughtanddi to gether"H. alsaibefo rehepausedandookeduptoAragornLegolSusanand Gmi beforehecontinued. bl shed.I"ng r Ri Anal .l i l st ves ed did, r l , as, il "W ecom etohonorthatal ance."Aragornsmedandrandow nthestarsFol ed byth eothergoodtoseeyou,m yend."Aragornsaiasheputahandonhishoul beforeem braci H aliraghthug. egi l li i.ow l ss"t'I. rif d s der ng diti n H alrw asshockedof arm om entbeforehehugged Aragornback.Youarem ostw el e."H esaiashestepped aw ayandLegol greeted Halbutdi hug hi kel Ara gornbut asj ashappytoseehi . di " com d as di,r dn' m i t w ust m Legol soonste ppedasi andstoodbehi H alfdi,rel m orecom of rtablw thihiow nki asSusansteppedof rw ardandhuggedH altor o.I"t toseeyou,Hal"Shetodlhi . as de nd eng i e s nd, digood di.r m H alrpul backandbow edow toherasdioflth eeldi sth atw erebehi hi sgoodtoseeyouasw HelghQ ueen Susan."H esaitoherbeforeaf ci th eki agai"W eareproudtoghtal dem en,oncem ore"H alsaiandth eki w astooshockedtosayanythngbutbow edhiheadniapprecion. died l l dal soler f nd m "t'I. ,l i d ng ng n. if ongsi . di d ng r i s ati "M yadyal sendsw ordtoyouasw Ml yLady."H alsaitu rnng tow ard sSusan. ookedatm and w aidof hi toconti "S hesaysshespro udof andknow syoughtiw thiyourheart. al saysth egreon wl ltei youw thiyouraf m ylsoon."Hetodlherandshenoddedsmng, aybetherew ashopeyet. l so el did i r Shel hi te rm nue. i you wfill al She so l at uni il i i lim Chapte14:Battlof H el sD eep r er m '

Theeow shitookth eiacesaftethr at. w asstandi nexttoLegol andGmi aslshecoulseeH aljr aef w spotsdow nnearfro m Gmi andAragornw alngbackandof rthbehi them . fll p rpl Susan ng as i d di ust il ki nd "Yourirf arew thiyou, agorn"Legol saitoAragornashieyesneverlm assofuruk-hai ovi n. miookedupat agorn"L.ethopeth eyasttheni "Gmi saibeforetheystlo odnienceof arw hijlustw atchi astheyappro achedandtai rted tothunderandran. ends Ar . as d s eft m ng iG li l Ar s' l ght. i ld, al si e ng l st i "S how them nom ercy!Foryoushalcei none!"Aragornshoutedashew al al thew andturn edtoaf cetheuru ksw hohadstoppedandw eresl m ng thongspearsagai thei el to gether. rel ve ked ong al l am i ei lr nst rshids "W hat'happeni outth ere ?"Gmi exclm edashegre w andbegantoum pupanddow ntoseeoverth ew Susanustknew Legol w asgoi tosaysom ethni gbyh eteasi griheadornedhihandsom eaf ce. s ng i l ai j al j .l as ng t ng n s "S hal betoiyou?"Legol askth enookedat mi wil how asooki athi "O rw oulyouil m etondyouabox?"Gm stialredatm of aref w m om ent,befo reheaughedsarcastiy.l descri Il as l G l ng m . d ke if i hi l cal "G etready."Ara gornyel asthesoundsrfom theuruksgre wouderandouder. and everyncl n gLegol reachedbackandgra bbedanarro w and gotadyandw ai dof thr egoahead. ed l l l Susan eludi as if rtei te Befo reth egoaheadcoul beord ered,stra yarrow w asshot am anof uponthew "Hl ol"Ara gornyel befo reandeafe ni ence settl overth ew asth earrow sai h roughth eai hi uru knith eneck. d a by Rohan al d. ed . l ngsi ed al edt l l l rand an t Soonth euruktoeflthl egrounddead, o reth eoth ersscre am edniangerandcharg edof rw ard"T. heim oriw eakateneck."Legol saiashestudi thei rg ets"R. el th earrow s!"Aragornshoute dandSusanandtheel reifaltheirow s. bef rar s th as d ed rta ease vesdl rar "Frei"Theyheard am ansayandth eRohanm enreifdth eiro w saswngkiseveraorlcs.Fvol "Aragornshoute dtoel thatstoodupontheoorofekeep. row ew overheadasSusancoulef elew ndcom ng offth em beforehig theretarg ets. . rar ilel " uley! l ll ves lf th Ar slf d th i i nti

Theyreeasedarrow aftearrow tryngaslkim anyasth eycoulButalosoonth eysaw theorcsbri naddersandrasiing them tothew "Lal D ERS!"Aragornyel "Y es.ngthem tom e."Gmyel excid. l r i tol d. tol ngil .lAD ed. Bri l i ied te l "S w ord s! epareof com bat!"Ara gornyel ashedre w hiow nsw ord andra ndow nth ew Susankeptfshotsal w thiLegol asth euru ksstartedcom ngnioverth ew Soonshew asshootandstabbi th roughuru ksoneafteanotherasth eycam eoverthew al Pr r ed l s al ng ong as .l ri i al .l ng r .l "Legol tw oale ady!"Gmi exclm edashetookdow nanotherurukw thihitru ste daxe. asiefd anoth erarrow andsm edat edw m"'arI.f onsevente en!"Legol saiashenotched anoth erarrow G. mi grlow ed. as, r i l ai s Legolr l i th as d i l "Ahavenopoiy-earoutscori m e!"Gmyel befo rehesunkhiaxentoanoth erurukth atcl bed offeadder. m onetayaughed at ei ebefo rem ovi backtothetaskat Susancontinueddow nthneshooti and occasi ylstabbi herenem yw thiherarro w s, henshereal shew asseparate drfom Legol lrgl'I! nt ng i ied l s i m th l Susan lri th rgam i ng hand. ei l ng onal ng w zed i as. "Bnghi dow n, as!Ki hil "Ara gornyel befo reth ew underSusanshookw thithem assof expl onand thre w everyonenitheai soonandedhardnexttoGmandcovere dherheadrfom ooserocksthatw erenglof ew "Yaloualir ass?"Gmaskedasshegroanedandnodded.I"' ne, m".Shesaiasshesatupooki atem assi holth atw asnow al ngm oreuruksn. ri m Legolhilml Ki !lm ed l al l an osi Susan l r. i il l aifl th .l ght, i il l m if G i il d l ng th ve e ow i l i "A RAG O RN!"BothSusanandGmyel asth eysaw Aragornw asknocked dow nandabouttobetra m pl byuru k-h ai m m edieylstoodupandum ped dow nontop of aurlu ksasGmi swl unghiaxeandSusanshotem w thiherarro w s, htryngtokeepAragornsafe . i ied l ed Theyi at . j sever i s th bot i "S usan, mDow n."Theyheard Aragornsay, oretheyookeduptoseeseveraellvesre adytoreifTheydropped toth egro undust th earrow ssoare doverheadandedseveraurlu ks.C harg e."Aragornyel asheeadth eel dow nw hereSusanandGmwil erholidi th ereow nagai agre at of uks. G i .i l bef l . j as lki l " ed l ves l i elstng l nst dealur "A ragornG, miSusan!"TheyheardLegol yeloreSusanookeduptoseeLegoldi dow nth estarsionashing at euru ksnihiw aybeforehem adetoithebottom andstarte dusi hikni ,i l asbef l ,l asslng i elrdif th s ng s ves. "A ragornG. et m enoutofere"Susanheardtheki yelm th ew "TalotheKeep!Pul totheKeep!H altor,theKeep!"EchoedAragornsvoi andH allr dow natm andnoddedbeforehecedth roughanotheruru kandcal outtohim en. agornand Legol hadtodra gGmwi lthith em tothekeepashew ante dtostayandght, oreSusanookeduptoseeH alrget onthearm and cryoutipai your th . ng rfol .l back l di ' ce di ooked hi sl i ed s Ar l as i if bef l di cut n n. Susanmi m edieylto okoff thiouteventhnkin gto w ard sH alAsSusanransheput bow aw ayandpul out ghti kni ustim etopushH aloutofew ayandw thioneofekni bl thebl th atw asabouttocom edow nonhihead. at w i di.r her ed herif ng vesjnt l di th r th ves ock ade s Susanookedattheuru kw thianger, oreusedheroth erkniandstabbi theuru kw thioflherstre ngthandcausi hi tooflfathflew andontothegro und. ookeddow natH alandputoutherhandsasshehel hi up. l bef ef ng al ng m al l Susanl di r ped m "Youok?"Sheaskedand henodded.T O TH EG ATE."Sheheardam anyel oresherantothew toal over, ytoseehundre dsofuru k-h aing tobreakthro ughth egateasAragornandGmuml p overofr m th ero ckandbattlw thitheuru ksonth ecausew ay, th eyw ereoutnum bere d. m m edieyeapedoverth ewgnori thecalm H alandLegolw hohadbeencl bythsm eandsaw her. " bef ,l ook onl l rtyi i ji e but Susani at l ial ng rfol di as, l r ose it Susanandedonheref etrifo ntof agornandGmuJ.nstlti etosaveAra gornrfo m anuru kbl "A ragornG, mSusan. etoutofereFal "Theodenyel astheyseal thedoorS. usan, eon."Aragornyel asshetu rnedtoseeLegol andH althr row tw oro pesoverthew ofalrlthem . l n Ar i im ade. i ,i l G th .back! l ed ed " com l ed l as di AragorngrabbedGm andto okhol of ro beandetLegol pul upasSusanra nandum pedcatchi theotherrobenim dai H alpul herup. henshegotth eto pof ew shesto odooki outonltoseem oreaddersupand m oreuru kscom ngn.Legol grabbedherhand, o reth eyraalntoth ekeepaftethr eyheardTheodensayth euru ksbroketh roughthegate sagai i il d one l as hilm j ng i ras died W rl to th al l ng y ,l l i i as bef l n. O ncensi thekeepH altur rnedtoSusan.M yady. savedm ow eyoum efyi"Hl. alrtodlherandSusanustshookherhead.Y ouow em enothng,m yend."Susantodlhi w thiasm e.i alnoddedhiheadbutlstdi gre atespectthr eyoungqueennihieyes. i de di " l You e, I di j " i rfi m lH di s hel r of r l s "Theof rtesstai ken. "Theki saiw thiaheavyhearYt.ousaithsofi rtessw oul neverafwll hiyourm endefendt.i defiendt.i havedi defendi t!"Aragornexclm ed. epausedandookedtoG am ngandthenth eki s sover. ng d itI " d d el Theylst They ed ngi l ai H l il ng. "sItherenooth erw ayof thr ew om enandchie ntoget ofecaves?"Aragornaskbuteydi answ erI"sth. erenooth erw ay?"H easkagaim oreof rcbl"Theresonepassage. ntoth em ountani s.Buteywll igetfaTheuru k-h aietoom any."G am ng saiasheookedatAragorn . dr outth l th dn' t n iy. i eadsi ltI th not r. ar il d l Aragornw al overtoG am ng andgrabbedhi byhishoul "S. end w ordof thr ew om enandchie ntom akeof thr em ountanipassandbarcadeth eentrance!"Ara gornsaiasheshovedhi gentltogetm ovi ked il m s der dr l ri d m y ng. "S om uch death"Susansaiashergentlnatureshow ed.S om uch deathyes. hatcanm endoagai such reckl hate ?"Theodenaskedw thiaostl onhiafs ce.S unri "Gmsaiandeveryoneookedtow ard sth ew ndow toseeth esunri . d e " ,W nst ess look " se. i idl l i se. "G andal w hi e dw thiangeofhope.Rdeoutw thim e Ri outandm eetthem Aragornsaiandtheki ookedatAra gornsom ethng sparkngnihieyes."Fordeathand gl y?"TheodenaskedandAragornshookhihead. "Susan sper ti " i .f de . d ngl , i i s or s "ForRohan. yourpeopl"Aragornsaiw thiarenifhivoi "Y es."Theodensaiquiyl"Y es!ThehornofH el shal nithedeeponeast e!"H eshoutedasheookedtoth em ennih eroom . For e. d s ce. d et m sound l lm ti l t "Yes!"Gmi shoutedbefo rehera nrfom th ero om andupghtofarsitothehornw hitheoth ersgot ei sesandm ounted uponth ei "Letthsibethehourw henw edra w sw ordstogether.deedsaw ake. ow of w rathN ow of run!And areddaw n!"Theodenexclm ed ashepul onhihel etand dre w hisw ord . il ailf st el th rhor rbacks. Fel l N r ! i ai ed s m l s Thehornsoundedaseveryonegoteady.B ecareuf".Legol todlSusan, oresheookedatm andsmed.Y outo o."Shesaiandhegavehernod. alhandedherasw ordsoshecoulghtonhorseand shethanked hi . r " l as bef l hi l i" d H di r dif m "ForthEorl "Theodenshoute d, orethedoorw asth row nopenandtheycharg edof rw ardcisl, th roughtheuru k-hai th eyof ughtth erew ayoutofedeep. of ughtw thithalei,wll icari thattheyw ereoutnum beredasabright th ereatte nti ngas! i bef ng i as th They l not ng r ghtlcaught on. i TheyookeduptoseeG andal andal w hi e dbeforehundredsofth eRohanderscom ngoffeandchargngof rw ard w thiG andal uruksaro undth em starte dghti of thr ervesasth eygot ed. lal l "Gf. "Susan sper .f ri i th hi i ll The .f if ng eil scar Susanheardom eryeltodri th em tothetreesandookedovertoseethetre eshadoi th eght. thisom uchagai them theuru kslf backtosafe ty"V. CI TO RY!"Theki yel andeveryonecheere d. ng ve il l jned if W nst ed ng ed l "S usan."Sheheardtw oaf marlvoi calhernam e.O verhere"Susanyel backking herhorseof rw ardbefo reshesaw tw opeoplthatshem sseddearPeteandEdm und. sm edashedi ounted herhorseandrantoherbro thers. i i cesng il " . ed cki l , e i y,l r Susan li sm ThePevensi em bracedeachotherasLegol andH alrodeovertow heretheyw ere"W hoarethey?"Legol askedastheynalpul aparsmngiat otherandheandH aldi ounte dth ei ses. es as di . as ifyl ed t il each l dism r rhor "Thesearem ybro thersH,ghKi PeteandKi Edm und."Susantodlhi assheneverto okhereyesof broth ers"H. ow diyougethere?"Susanasked.W eust okeupnitheof rest, oreom erfoundusandnotdayateG andaldto o. e'bei nglusw hatabusygilr ve been."Edm und teasedasSusansm ed. i ng r ng m her d " jw bef a l r di H s ngteil f you' li "A ndLucy?"SusanaskedasPeteandEdm undookeddire ssed.W edon' W erenotevensurshe'evenniM ddlEarth"PetesaisadlasSusan'sm eLegol cam etow arphiarm saroundhericom of asPetesrandEdm und'eyesnarro w ed. r l st " know . t efi s i e . r d y s le.fill as s n rt ' s "W hosthis?"Peteaskedrudelhipro tecti ol brothersi com ngoutT." hiPri Legol "Susansaiassheshot broth ersaw arnnggl sa"t'Ipl etom eetyou, hi "Legol gre ete dcal ylasPeteandEdm und si hi up. i r y,s ve der de i since as. d her i ance. easur yourghnesses. as m r zed m "W seefi sayithatonceyou getknow them "Susanteasedastheyaughedbeforegetti backonherhorseandtheyroaldebackntothekeep. e'youlst ll l to . lal l ng l i Chapte15:I d r sengar

Theyheadedbacktothekeepandthew om en w eresoonreeasedrfo m thecaves. yn rushedoutandhuggedheruncl"Y ouralir "Shecri andookedaround smngiat a gornandevengre w w derw henshespotte dherbroth erw hohadniaf ctcom etosavetheday, oresherantohi andhuggedhi ght. l Eow e. ght. ed l il Ar ti i bef m m ti "Bngsbackm em ori doesn' Edm undsaiasheand Susanw atched thehappyexchange. nodded, oreshentro ducedherbro therstoth eki andtherestofeeow shibeforethew oundedw ereta kentoth eheal s. ri es Su?" t d She bef i ng th fl l p, er Susanw al w thiLegol andEdm und asth eyof undGmnglonto pofdeaduruk-hai oki hipi "W ml astief Iel ysel pretyon43."H esaium phantlw thiasm e.i ked as i si a ti sm ng s pe. el ndr,fm ng , , sifti dtri y l Legol quiydrew anarro w andshotth edeaduru k'body. sm edandcockedhiheadtothesi "43."Legol saiandGmi ml adeagrunoi "H ew asaleadydead!"Gm exclm ed.H ew astw tcihi "Legol todlhi . as ckl ntoi it s He li s de. as d i f se. r i il ai " ng. as m "H ew astw tcihi becausehehasm yaxburi nithsnervoussystem !"Gmtodil hi asheshookhiaxth atw asburi nith euruk'back, aki twi tcih."A ndhow m anydiyoulki yady?"Gmi saiashetu rnedhiatte nti aw ayrof m anam usedLegol"N otasm anyasyou'I afrad."iSusansaisi plbutEdm undknew shew asng,w hennitruthshehaded byhercount,48. ng ed i i m s ed s m ng d ml l ild s on as. m dm y, yil lki l Theysoonturn edtoaf ceAragornH, alandPeteastheyappro ached.Theki hassaith atw eshoulgetenstth. em ornngw eredi w thith eki tosengardG. andal w eneedtogoth erebeforeheadi backtoEdora s."Aragorntodlth em andth eynoddedandw enttotherero om sth eki hadgi th em . di r r " ng d d r I i ring ng I says f ng al l ng ven Thenextm ornng theyw eredressedof thr ede.W edeofsengard"Ki Theodensaionceeveryone hadarved. eow shitheki H alrandEom erw heregoi togetherbeforeth eyw ouldebacktoEdoras. i al ri " ri Ir .ng l d ri Thefll p, ng, di alng l dri Legol rodenexttoSusanw thi HalandPeteandEdm undnotfabehi At poiEom erdeci todropbacknexttoherandtakltoherI"goodtoseeyou, hi "H etodlherandsheaughed. as di r r r nt ded st'. yourghness. l "Youcancal eSusan. wi oulseem ow eyouadebtgratutide. youof keepi m ybroth erssafe"Shetodlhi andheshookhihead.N ogratutidesriequie d. dofw hatyoudinithebattlandnottom enti yousavedm yunclrfom th eW args. aretruylagre at arriandj Iw anted tothankyou."H etodlhersmng. ml Andt d I of Thank r ng . m s " r hear I d e on e You w or ust i li "Theresnoneed toth ankm diw hatneededtobedone. w oul havedoneth esam e."Susantodlhi andhebow edhiheadandrodeoffw ardstheki agaiSuddenlSusanheardGmiaughi andturn edtoookathi w thiconfusi i e. dI Anyone d m s to ng n. y li l ng l m on. "Theel aseal coulsw earI dhi gro w"Glm saiandLegol shothi agleasSusanaughed.Theresnoneedtoef elatw ay, oveyouand onlayou.rkio. oneel canevencom pareButI sta nd, w om enorshe-edlrwoit lfthiyouthatm ayustbetheastthngth eyeverdo."S usanteasedandhim outhtw tcihedntoasmelasH allr "A reyouaughi atm eH alr?"Susanasknim ockangerand H alsoberedquiy.N o, yady."hesaiassheof ughtdow n wf j ous. d hear m . i ild as m ar l " ' I th Legollas. I ysmN se . under any fi etrif j li s i i di aughed. l ng di di ckl" m l d r Theynalarvedatengardandw eregreete dw thiashocki siItesengardw asdestroyedandw edifw thinothni g but ateandtwetloism oki H obbingonaro ckeati anddri ng. ifyl ri sI ng . as ll w r l ng tssi ti ng nki "W el em yord s, ady,sengard"M errysaisoundi kel hehadetlabiom uchtodri "Y ouyoung rascalAm erryhuntyoueaduson, herew endyouef asti anda. ndsm oki "Gmi exclm edaseveryoneookedat em and sm edorl TheHobbiw eresom ethni g el com l and l toI . d ngi itol nk. s! l and if ng ng! i l ai l th li aughed. ts se. "W eareng onaelfidofctoryenj ng aef w w elarn edcom of rtsThesaldporkspartiarlgood."Pi nsai"S aldpork?"Gmaskedbefo reheil psandSusanroedhereyes. si vi , oyi -el ti . te i culy ppi d. te i il ckedhils i ll "H obbi"G. andal uttere dunderhibreath"W e'underord ersrof m Treebeardw hohasta kenoverm anagem entofengard"M errysaiashepoi edntoth eci"G etdow nrfom th ere"G andaldandthetw ohobbiem pti theipesandsl ylm adethei aydow nrfo m w Arla gornhel Pi nontohihorsew hiSusanpul M erryunto hers. ts m f s . re sI . d nt i ty. . sai f ts ed rpi ow rw al ped ppi s el ed . l M errysmedashew ra ppedehilm saro undherw ai"stItgoodtoseeyou, yady."M errytodlherI"goodtoseeyouasw MelerryW ew ereveryw orri aboutyouandPi n."Susantodlhi astheyw al troughth ew ate ronhorsebacktow ardsth eto w erof dw heretheym etw thianEnt. li tlar si s'. m l st'. ,l . ed ppi m ked sengar I "H m youngm asterG andalgl you' com e. oodand w atestr,o ckand stonecanm astebutth eresa'w zard tom anagehereockednihito w er"Boom edth edeepandru m bl voi ofTre ebeard . , m'I,f ad ve W I r, i l; s . ed ce "A ndthereSaru m anm ustrem aiU nderyourguardTre ebeard"G. andaldand Gmi hufef d behi Legol"S how yoursel agornshoute dtoth eto w erB. ecareufEvennidefeat, u m ansverydangero us."G andal oned. n. , sai il nd as. f "Ar .f " .l Sar i cauti f "W etjlusthavehiheadandbedonew thit!"Gi mi exclm ed."A greed."Susansaishocki herbroth ersbutth eyknew Sarum anhadtoberealbadof rSusanofl etow anthi dead. sel s ,'l i l ai d, ng yl peopl m al "N o!W eneedhi alW eneedhi totak.l"G andald.Youhaveof ughtm anyw arsandslnm anym en, Ki andm adepeaceafte rw ards."Sarum an'voi cam eandeyestu rnedtothetopofeto w ertoseetheaenw hiw zard . m ve. i m sai" f ai Theoden ng, s ce al l th fll te i "C anw enotkecounselgetherasw eoncedim yolend?Canw enothavepeace, and?I"H econti andeveryoneookedto w ard stheki of rhiansw erW eshal peace."Theodensaisoftlasheookedaheadandth enooked upat um anw thiadeep gl e . ta to d, drfi you nued l ng s ". have l dy l l Sar ar "W eshal peacew hen youansw erfothr eburnng ofth eW estofd, thechie ntheatldeadthereW eshal peacew henthvesofesolersw hosebodi w erem utied evenasth eyaydeadagai th egatesofeH orn burgareavenged! henyouhangrfom agi of thr esporof ow ncro w sthenw eshal peace."Theodentodlhi . have l i land dr i l ! have l eil th di es at l l nst th W bbet tyour have l m "Gbbetsandcro w s?D otard !"Sarum anshouted,earlagited w thiThoden'response, orehieyesm ovedtoG andal hatdoyouw ant, andal reyham ?Letm eguess. Keyof rthancorperhapsth eKeysof ad-d urialf,el w thithecrow nsofesevenki andth erodsofeFi W zard s!" i cl y ta s bef s "W .f G Gf They O Bar ts ong th ngs th ve i "Yourrteacheryhasaleadycostm anyil Thousandsm orearenow atriButyoucoulsaveth em Saru m an.Youw eredeepnitheenem y'counsel andaldandSarum an sm rkied. r ves. sk. d , s ".G sai f Saru m an reachedntohirobesandpul outaro undspherew, thiora ngeam esw thinSit.iom ethni gef sternsith ehearof ddlearthSom ethng thatyouhaveaedtosee. theGre atEyehasseent.i now hepresseshiadvantage.sattackwl li esoon. regoi todi"Sarum ansaiw thianevi eluponhiafs ceasheow eredthespheretohisi is ed l lf " tM i e- . i fli But Even s H i com You'alng e. l d sm i l l sde. "B utyouknow ths,idon' G andal"Saru m ansaibefo reheookedat agornidi ebeforeooki backatG andal m oreandnarrow edhieyes.Youcannotthnkth atthsirangerwlli si th eth roneof ondor. you, ?f t d l Ar ricul l ng once f s " i everupon G t Thiexie pt m theshadow swll i becrow nedki G andal nothesitetosacrith osecl tohi th, oseheproef ssestoove Tel e, hatw ord sof of rdiyougi thehalbefo reyousenthi tohidoom ?Thepaththatyouhavesetm oncanonleadtodeath"Sarum ansaisi plandth enockedgazesw thiSusan. s e, rfo lcr never ng. does ta ce osest m f if l ml w com td ve ng, ilf m s hi yl . dm y l "A ndyou,th eHghQ ueen,appoied bythegreon. onhasgre atansof you. h yes, know sabout andyoursings. ethwlkili andthentakeyouashipriw henhew ns."Sarum ansaiandSusanefatlbolef arcourseth roughherasM errys'handghtenedaroundherw aiandth eeow shiPeteandEdm undgl edatth ew zard . i nt atlSaur i pl r O he al you bl H lem l i s ze, i d of t ti st fll p, r ar i veheard enough!"Gm shouted.S hoothi Sti anarrownihigob."Gmi saitoLegol w hom orethanhappire achedof anarro w"N. o."G andaldandLegol si cl ylw anti tohlkim an. "'I i il " m .ck s i ld as, yl r sai asghedear ng el f "C om edow n,Saru m anandyourbeispared."G andaldasSarum angl eddow nat andalheadj edhista"S.f aveyourm erchavenouseoft!"Saru m an shoute dbeforehegra spedhistghtlandrasedonltoreifaboliofdow nuponG andal efiwl ll sai f ar G as ust s f y. I ir s atif y i ti y retf .f Fl esconsum edhi andShadow af xaseveryonegaspandth enookedw deeyesw henth eam esdi dow nandG andal Shadow af xrem ai untouched."S aru m an,yourstasbroken,"G andaldsi plandSarum an'stabrokentom anypi am m l i lf ed and f ned if saim y f sf i eces. SuddenlG m aW orm to ngueappeare dooki dow nat em w thief arihieyes.G m a, edow n!Berfeeofm ".Theodencal uptohi ".Fre e?H ewlli berfe e."Sarum ansaiandG m ashookhihead. y ri l ng th n s " ri com hi ed m l never d ri s "N o."G m asaiandSarum antu rnedtoookattheoth erm an.G etdow n,cur!"Saru m anshoute dbefo rehebackhandedG m aacro ssth eaf ceandsenthi toth eoorS. arum an!"G andal e dandSaru m an turn edandookeddow natm oncem ore . ri d l " ri m lf " shout f l hi "Youw eredeepnith eenem y'counselusw hatyouknow ".Y ouw thidra w yourguardandwIll i w hereyourdoom wl lideci wnot hel pri here"Sarum ansaibeforehew ascutshorandgaspedasG m astabbedhi nitheback. s Tel .l , you te be ded.l ibe d soner . Il d t ri m

G m aconti tostab hi befo reLegolreifdanarro w st,kiirngG m anithehearlkit,hi andSarum ansto odandsw ayedbeforeherfoelm thetow er,sbodyspi ng ashew entandSusancl hereyesbeforeheontoaspi ngspi w heeloneofsm achi ri nued m as ri ng m il l hi nni osed efll nni ked of hi nes. "S endw ordtoouralandtoeverycornerofM ddlearththstlastindsrfe e. enem ym ovesagai us. eneed toknow w herehewstlke."iG andaldof rcblasheookedatTheodenw honoddedhihead. ales, l il i e- atl The nst W ril sai iy l f s "Theliof um ansiw ashi aw ay. eeswll i ebackvel hereYoungrtees,dltriees."Tre ebeardsaiasSusansaw Pi num poff agornshorseandw alth roughthew atebendi dow ntopi uptheSarum an'sphere . th fSar ng Tr com toi . w d ppij Ar ' k r ng ck s "PeregriTook,th atm yad."G andaldand Pi nookedupatm ".Q uiynow "G andald erw thihastebeforehesi ntPi ngaveG andalesphereandG andal cklcovere dwtithinihithckro bes. n talkeI' l sai ppil hi ckl . or l f f , ta ppi thf quiy f si Pi nookedatew zardstrangelbeforeheookeddow nandG andal al aw ayrof m hi onShadow af x.W edetoEdoras."G andaldandth eothersnodded.ppigot onthehorsew thiAragornandth eytualrnedand starte dtodeout. ppil th i y l wf ked m " ri sai f Pi n back l ri PeteEdm undandLegol stayedverycl toSusanw thiconcern ed w terinovertheices.A reyou al ?"Legol askherandSusannodded.I'" ne."Shesaical y,lbutherbroth ersandLegol coulthelatsheyilng. r, as ose al arf " ght as l ri m if d m as d l "D on' orrySu. ythngwbeialir "PetesaiandLegol andEdm und noddedniagreem ent. gaveherbroth ersandLegol asm sme,i ngth eyw oulkeephersafeastheyro debacktoEdoras. w , Ever i ll ght. r d as t Susan as al lknow i l d Chapte16:BackToEdoras r

"Toni w erem em berth osew hogavetheioodtodefe ndthsicountryH. thaievioousdead!"Theodenexclm edashehel outhigobl"H. ai yonenithehal Susanexclm ed beforetaki adri ofalSusanefsaddenbythaledeathperh apsi ashergentlheart, sheefnohonorideath . ght rbl l ct ri ai d s et !"Ever except ai l l ng nk e. tl l , w e but tl n t Thepartysoongot tsw ayw thim oredri ng, ngandsom edanci Susanm anagedtoetgoof sadnessasshedancedw thiLegol of raongm ebefo reheal edH altorcuti oni nki eati ng. l her as l ti ow di t. l "Youookovelm yend."H altordlherandSusanbl "T hankyou."Susansaibefo reetti hi sw ngheraroundth edanceoorI". deci tosta yandhel theFel shiI eyoum efyiandieI ndtom akesureyoustaysafe"Haltordlher. l l y rfi di ushed. d lng m i lfhave ded p ow ow l p. l nt . di alI"readytodlyouth atyouow em enothni gm yend.ydiw hatanyone el w oulhavedone."Susanprotestedtothestu bborn"eleth atasti aywlstIliyltoihelseeSaurondefeate dandthatheshal ayhihandsuponyou."H alrtodlherdeterm nedlasSusanefdreadniherheart, th edarkordsnte rensther, sheustnoddedknow ngtherew asnouseniarg ui w thith em archw ard en. rfi onl d I se d B.f m stla p neverl s l di i y tl about l i' i so j i ng Susansoondanced w thiAra gornandEdm undnext,th enw atchedasM erryandPi nput ashow of everyone,si nganddanci onth etabl"S usan, w thim e."Peteurg edheraftearw hiSusannoddedandaccepte dthedancew thiPeter. ppi on r ngi ng e. dance r e. l "Legol seem sni "Petetordlhery,ngtoactief rentlbutSusanknew betterandaughed.H es."iSusansaiw thiasm e.Ilam veryhappyof youandLegol H esanhonora blperson;I'ustw orri aboutyou, alafteeverythng th athappenedw thiCaspi "Susantodlherandshenodded. as ce. tr i ndi y, l " d "i r as. i e m j ed especil r i y an. know Sow as,I heunderstands. how doyouil m ddlearthsoaf r?"Susanaskedhi changi th esubj "E. dm undandlIti t.Iiydirentfrom N arna,sverybeauttfusiow nght. eenj ngkithoseorcstheotherday."Petetordlhersmng. "I . but So ke i e m , ng ect sver ef ke i ibut n l ri W oyedi ll iti ili bet diIw shsom anydi havetodi"SusansaiandPetenodded.I" Su. theydi of argoodcause,edom Andth erewll im anym oredeathsbeforethsoverw thi".Petetordlherand Susannodded. "I youust i d. j dn' e. d r know , But ed t rfe . be ial l Petesoonedherbackto w ard sthetabl andsheeanedupagai aarl ngaroundof Legol andof undhi w thi Gm"C.ilom ead.s'seehow w youholyoural"GmtodilLegol andSusanaughedasshem adeherw ayovertow atchcl y. r l es l nstpi ooki l r as m i l Let el d e. i as l l osel "N opauses, spi ersaibeforehehanded apiofaltoLegol "A ndnoregurgtaion."Gmsaiw thiasm e.Si soat'idri ng gam e?"Legol askedooki atsend.Lastonestandi w ns."Gmsaiasheaughedand beganguzzl dow nhial no s."lom d l nt e as. ti i ild l" nki as l ng hirfi " ng i i idl l ng s e. i Legol m adeaaf cebeforehesta rted todri oneafteanoth er. Fel shiw asstlandi aro undw atchi andaughi at eel D w arpl ngth ei e. mwil assoonputti them dow naf standburpngoudlw henhew asdone. as nk r The ow p al ng l ng l ng th and fayi rgam G i f ng il y sth"'IeD w arvesth atgosw m m ng we,hihaiyw om en."Gmsaibeforeheburp edanddrankrfo m hitankardandSusanaughedatm beforesheookedoveratLegol w how asstudyi hihandsandrasedanel bro w athi . i i tl l r i idl s l hi , l as ng s i egant m ef"Iel ethni g;aghtti enim yngers"Legol saiasheputhitankarddow n,w ni th"nkaffie cti m e."H esaiquiylw thiaseri expre ssi onhiafs ceasheookedatom erandthentoSusanw how astryng sohard nottoaughatm . som slngl if . as d s i rfo ng.Iist' ng d et ous on l i l hi "W hatdiI H ecan' dquor"Gmi saibeforehieyescrossedandoflfehilfschaioadrunkenheapontheoorG am eover"Legol saicasual ngdow nat m .il dsay? holhils . ild s t i nt ri lf ". . as d yooki G i l SusanaughedasEdm undandAra gornhel Gmbackntohiseat herehesnore doudl"nkyouw on."SusantodlLegolbeforehegot andw ra ppedhiarm saro undherw ai"st.Y es,"H etodlherandsheknew hew asn'kilng aboutth egam e. l ped i il i s w l y.Ii th as, up s diId. ta SuddenlLegol grabbedherhandandpul heraw ayrfom everyone."W herearew egoi Susanasked. edi answ eronlpul heraro undth ecornerandpushedherioadarkcravesithew andpul herbodycl tohi y as ed l ng?" H dn' y ed t l nt n al ed ose s. l l "S usan, yousom uchandprom sedyourbro thersthatI oulnevercauseyoupaiI oulsoonerdi"Hesaiooki ntohereyes.W hendiyouspeaktom ybro thers?"Susanaskedcuri y. ove lI I i w d w d e. dl ngi " d n, ousl "W hiyouw erere sti th eycorneredm eandth reatenedtomlkidie,tre atyouw thith eoveandrespectth atyoudeserve."H esaiw thiachuckl"M ybro thershaveal aysbeenoverp ro tecti "Susansaiw thightannoyance,regardngherbroth ers. el ng, l dn' Ifi l d e. w ve. d sl i i "A sth eyshoulbe, youaream rai cul w om anandanym anw oul beuckytohaveyouandam thankfuthlatI thatm anth atgetstocal oveyou, ysunandstars"H. esaihieyesifw thioveanddesie{AN: thatfro m G am eof onesandjoved}t.i d Susan ous d l I am youhiIs. m ll d,s ed l ll r . got I Thr ust Il Susanshi ed atsookandpul hi dow nntoakiTheyki of arw hibefo retheyw entbacknsi w heretheyspentti egetti teasedbyth ereendsof rthere stth eni beforeeveryoneel w entandsl . ver hil ed m i ss. ssed e, l l i de m ng rif of ght, se ept Late ronLegol and Susancuddl togetherontheedgeastheyookedoutioth esky, henAragorncam eandsto odnexttoth em "T. hestarsarevei "Legol saitoAragornassheconti toookon. as ed l l nt w ed. as d l nued l "S om ethngstitheeastsl essm alTheEyeofeenem ysm ovi "Legol saiasth eysoonsto odniencebefo reLegolerkedhihead.H eshere!"Hesaial m edandAragorntooknsi w thith eothertw ooow ng. i rsn a. .eepl ce. th i i ng. as d si l asj s " i d ar offde, i fll i Theym eetEdm und H alrandPeteatthedoorandth eycoulhearM erryshouti rfo m nsi th eroom Theyquiypushed openthedooronltoseePi nonth eground w thith espherenihihandsandniagre at of n. di r d ng i de . ckl y ppi s dealpai G andal pedoffthebedw hentheycam ebursngn. a gornto okth esphererof m Pi nbut astopow erufolhi andhetoeflthlegro undetti go. ookedat saw th eeyeasshetsefeviilngtonvadeherm nd. ereyesroedbackntoherheadandshetoeflthl egro undonltobecaughtbyH alr. um jf ti iAr ppi wi t rm lngti Susanl and ti itrly i i H ll i y di "FoolaTook!"G andaldbeforerushi overtoanunm ovi Pi n.H eputhihandoverPi nsof rehead beforehesaiasm spelatseem ed tobri th esm hobbim hitra nce. of sai ng f ng ppi s ppi d althl l ng al rfot s l

"M yady."H alyelnial m asheaiSusanonthegro und. asl uprfom w herehehadhel Aragornandsaw hil onth eground.S usan."Legol yel ashe, eandEdm und ranovertoher. l died ar ld rl Legolooked ped sove " as ed Pet r l Edm und noti shew asout dasheedunsuccessfuyltow akeherG. andal eyel alng thew zardbeforeG andalnoverto w ard sSusananddithesam ethngheditoPi nandshegaspedof ai. ced col tri " "Pet red erti i , .f l raf d i d ppi r "S he'alir uJ.stlherrestth ereof awsheef elbette"G.r andaldandLegol noddedasaiherheadnihil andEdm undandPetestayed cl byasth eyw atchedG andal backotPi n. beghtet r hiti s ll ell sai as f dl sap r ose go ppi f "Lookat e."G andal m anded, o rePi nookedatm w thisadeyesandatrem blp.l"iG andal gvem e!"Pi nsaipl nglbeforeheedtoookaw ayonltohaveG andal hieyesof cusedonhi . m com f bef ppil hi ng For i ppi d eadi y tri l i !f y keep s f m "Lookat e. hatdiyousee?"G andal urg entlandPi nto okadeepbre ath"A. trethe.erew asaw hitrenie.courtyard ofo ne.asdead.eciw asburnng."Pi nsaihivoiacedw thidespai.r mW d asked y ppi f . te a. st wtI. th. ty i ppi d s cel "M nasTiir?sIth atw hatyousaw ?"G andal m oreurg entlth anbefo resaw saw Hmi coul hearHsvoi nim yhead!"Pi nsaiw thief arcl nihivoi "A ndw hatdiyouHtellm ?Speak!"G andal m andedasheshookPi n'shoul saseveryoneiel nedniw deeyed, Susanw how asnowngupand w atchi asLegol keptsarm sw rappedaro undher. i th asked f y "I. I I! d i ce ppi d ears ce. d i com f ppis der' st i even si ti ng as hi "H easkedm em ynam e;Idn' er. ehurm e!"Pi nsaiw thiefedifeyesandG andal deepntoPi n'eyes.W hatdiyouhilml aboutFrodoandth eng?"G andal urg entland Pi nookedG andal enitheeyeaseveryone'breathecaughtitheiro atsaw ai hiansw er. di answ H t ppi d lar t l ooked i ppis " d te lf ri asked y ppil f squar f s n rth ng s ti "Therew asnoni lPi n'eyes.ofbutanhonestol re m ai "G andald toth ero om oflfuthl eFel shiasw astheki andhiguard"H. etodlSauro nnothngofFrodoapstochalW e'm beenostranefngel"oiyGrtuandal nsawninthaspallantgl at aofeenemrehestuplrnSaurattenmonbacktostriethKieciof nasTiirH. sdefeatat el sD eepshow edourenem yonethng:H eknow stheheiEl hascom eof rthM. enarenotasw eakashesupposed;therescoura gelrstingthenough e ppis A .ol of he ns, sai . f ow p el ng s l l i perh andtheng. hi Saur arsths.f natePifonceagai eheooked psegornbefo y' an. hio nti oves thke ng.M i th i H m enge ve . ril .ppi ram Ar th i ed s ty i ofendi r l i Stel . "H ewllskthepeopl of ddlE arthuni underonebanner. ewalzeM nasTitoth eground befo reheseesaki retu rntotheth roneof en.IfeBeaconsof ondorart,ei l m ust readyof w ar"G. andaldand everyoneooked ateki of hiansw er. notri esM i e- ng ti H r li i thri ng m th G Rohan be r sai f l th ng rs "Tml e, hyshoulw edetotheaiofosew hodinotcom etoours?"TheodenaskedandAragornookedsharpylattheki nidi ef.iSusangappedathi andm oved tosaysom ethng w hen Legolghtenhiarm around herw aiiw arnng.W hat w eow eG ondor?"Theki asks. el w d ri d th d l ng sbel m i asti s st i " do n ng snotaboutow ng anyoneanythng.W eGalondorandRohanhaveacom m on enem y, thatw oulseeusdead.edonotunieveryoneth atw eovewle.i ythni gyouof ughtfoat el sdeepwllni dangeryetagai"Petetordlth eki andSusanandEdm undnoddedniagre em ent. "t'I i i ,l one d al wfI te l l dilEver rH m ' be n. ng Theodenookedateyoung ki thoughtufylof arm om entasdieveryoneel befo reAragonspokeup.Igo.i"H esai"N o!"G andaldasheookedaterangerT. heym ustbew arn ed."Ara gornprote sted. l th ng d se w"l l d. sai l th " f "Theywbe."iG andalassuredashew al cl toAra gornandth eothers"Y. oum ustcom etoM nasTiirbyoth erro ad.ow theverandooktotheBl shi "Hew hi edbeforehestepped aw ayandookedat yone. ll ref ked oser i th Fol ri l ack ps. sper l l ever "U ndersta ndths:ithngsarenownim oti th atcannotbeundone.of rM nasTiirandwI on' goi al "H enifished asheookedatppiG andal efaftethr attaki Pi nw thihi asM erryoow edtosayhigoodbyes. i on de i th , be ng one. riI t l Pi n. soonlt ng ppi m fll f s "W hysheta ki Pi nw thihi ?"Edm und asked.S auronthnksPi nhastheng. andal togethi aw ayrof m heresoSauronw on' anyofsof rcesl ngo"fLegol todlhi andhenodded. i ng ppi m " i ppi ri G needs m f tsend hi ooki as m "S ow hatnow ?"Pete rasked, onetoonhitoes.N ow w ew ai agornsaical ylbefo reeveryonew entofftododirentngsandLegol andSusanw enttorestieachothersarm s. not si s " t "Ar d m t. ef thi as n Chapte17:TheDmi hol r tRoad

D ayspassedw thioutaw ordunti dayAragornburnttothethro nero om w hereeveryonew as.T heBeaconsofM nasTiirThebeaconsart!"eHil eyel ashera nandstoppednirfo ntofeKi one l si " i th! ed l th ng. "G ondorcalai "H esaiandeyesnithehalrn edtoookat eKi H eookedat yoneof arm om entstoppi onSusanandPetebeforeansw eri "A ndRohanwansw erM usterth eRohiirm !"Theodencom m anded. ernoddedbryilandw thiaookedtohisierheeftlodoascom m anded. solf rd! d al tul l th ng. l ever l ng r ng. ll i ! Eom ef l sst Thehal asianuproarw thieveryonegetti re adyasSusanm adeherw aytoherroom andchangedntoherringw earandstrappedherw eaponstoherbackbefo regoi backouttom eeteveryone. wl n ng i di ng H alrandLegol w eretakilngasSusanw al uptoth em Legol auto m atiylpul hercl tohi asheookedat thoughtufyllandSusannarrow ed hereyes, ngthatl countl of esrfom herbroth ers"D on' bother"Shetodlhi ste rnylbefo rehecouleven askhertosta y. esm edghtlandnodded, oreoow ngeveryoneoutsdetothehorses. di as ked . as cal ed ose m l her l know i ook essm ti . teven . m d H l i sly i bef fll i i W hentheyarvedatth ecam padayatethr eKi askof rthecountastheypassed.H ow m any?"Theodenasked.I"ngvehundredm enrof m th eW estofd, yord"A. sol saiandTheodennodded. ri l ng " bri if lm l der d i "W herearethedersrfom Snow bourn ?"Theodenaskedastheyconti thro ughth ecam pandG am ng shookhihead.N onehavecom e, yord"G am ng saisadlandTheodensi andth eyconti onth erew aytothei p onthe.fcl ri nued il s " m l . il d y ghed nued rcam i Thehorsesstartedgetti restl aseveryoneookedtow ard sth em ountanith atgaveth em th ecre eps.Thehorsesarerestlandth em enarequi"Legol saiquiylandEom erw al overtoth em ".T heygro w nervousith eshadow ofth em ountan."iEom ersaiashegl atem ountani . ng ess l " ess. . et. as d et ked n d anced th "Thatroadth erew; heredoesth atl Gm askedtonoonenipartisarI"ith.eroadtoth eDm holedoorunderth em ountani".Legol saiPeteSusanandEdm und staredatem ountaniw hitheytaked.N onew hohaseverventure dth erehaseverre turn ed. m ountanisevi ersaibefo rew alngof.f ead?" i il cul i th; as d. r, th el l " That i"Eom d ki .l Late rthatni Susangoteef el som eonem porta ntw asapproaching. gre w real teandconcentra ted.S usan, hat"isLegol askedastheoth ersstoppedtakilngtoookat Susanrfow nedherbrowniconcentraon beforehereyesw dened. ght th ng i i She qui " w t? as l her. ti i "C an' ef elat?"Susanasked herbro thersEdm und and Peteookedateachoth ericonfu si beforetheycl th ei niconcentraonof ram om entbeforegaspi asth eefwl hatSusane"fAt.lsl "Theybreathed. you th t . lr n on, osed reyes ti ng t an. "S ta yhere"Susansaibeforegetti upandspringto w ard stheki stentw thiPeteandEdm undoow ng cl ybehi ThePevensi cam entoth eki ste ntim etoseeLordElond takilngw thiAragorn . . d ng nti ng' r fll i osel nd. es i ng' nt r Aragornbow edhihead toLordElondandefw thianew sw ordnihand.LordElond."SusansaiasPeteandEdm und'eyes'denednire cogni rof m Susan'stoes. dElo nd pul hertohi andhuggedherti y.l s r lt " r d r s wi on ti s ri Lor r ed m l ght "W edon' m uchm havecom eandm akesureAragorndoesw hat'ri Arw ensdyi ShehasboundedherfatetoFrodoandtheng."ElondsaiasSusanookedonw thite arnsihereyes. have ti e. t I sght. i ng. ri r d l "W eustlhavetom akesurew esucceedth en.Arw enwbene."Peterproclm edasElondookedatm andthem gavethem asm elbefo renoddi andturnni g hiattenti backtoSusan. wjl i llif ai r l hi i ng s on

"Youhaveof undth em ssi pi ofyourgentlhear"ElondsaiandSusanbl then nodded.Legol "Shesta tedandhenodded, ng."I gl H eovei youwslhearandknow youwll ihappy. safi thercoulhaveaskedof rbetteconsorofthison. ow befoeave. em bertosta ysafeandl I youasfi w erem yow n."ElondsaiandSusansmedathi . ing ece e t.r d ushed " as. sm iliam ad. wll hil i t I be H d l al r rs N rel I Rem ove you r d li m "Aoveyou, "Susansaibefo reshegavehi hugandkionth echeek.O h and theressom eoneel w how shestohaveaw ordw thiyouthre e."Elo ndsaibefo rehegaveaSusanaqui kionth eof reheadandeftlh eki ste ntassom ethni gm ovedrfom outofeshadow softhetentandntothght, an. lsI Ada. d m ss " i se i r d ck ss ng' th i eil Asl "A sl "Susan, eandEdm undproclm ed at asth eyrushed overtohi and Susanhugged hi "H eldearones. afradiw edon' m uchm e."Asl saical ylasSusanpul backtoookatthegreonandw aidof rhi tospeak. an. Pet r ai once m m . ol m'I have ti an d m t ed l at te m l il "A ragonwl li youfMiali eEarthstoisurvve Susan,donotdespai o nwl libeabltoto uch youasl asIotectyouandth erewlli beadaythatIoptodoso. happythatyouhaveof undyourtru eoveandknew hewlngyouete rnal nessuntieendof days Asof Lucy, shereniM ddlErathhow evershem ustw aladirentpathH. swllei aki andonlshewlliabltohelhi "Asl sai need lddl i Saur not e r, ong pr never st am I l I brlii happi thl your r shei i e ; k ef br ng y be e p m . an d. i "Lucysw thiFro do?"PeteraskedandAsl noddedhihead.Y es, s.i m ustnot orryof rher;shesstro ngasareyouNalow youm usthurrybeforeyougetlbehiwIll i yousoon."Asl saiastheynodded andSusanpul Asl ntoonem orehugbeforetheyra nofftow ard sw hereLegol andH alw erew ai w thith ei ses. i an s " sheYou w i .l eft nd. see an d ed ani l as di ng rhor r ti W hentheygotereLegol handedth em th, ei eaponsand regnstoth ei ses.A reyoualir ?"H easkedand Susannodded.Yes. dElo nd cam etoArlagornw hatheneedstodo."Susansaiand Legol andH alnodded. th as w r i hor " ght r " Lor r tel d as di r "C om ehe'ls ng."H alsaiashespottedGm stiolppi Aragornonhiw ayoutN o. otthsmit eGmi "Arlagornsaiasth ecam euponthem "H aven' aleadyearn edthestubbornnessof ar"Legol todlhi ".O el thatm atte"Susansaicasualand shesm edatem ockgl eth atLegol andHalsenther. eavi did r i ng s ". N .i d . tyou r l dw s.'f as m rves r. d yl li th ar as di r "M ghtasw accepti erecom ng w thiyouaddi"Gmtodilhi andAra gornsi befo renoddi Gm roildew thiLegol astheothersrodeonth ei nhorsesand theysl ylm adetherew aytow ardsth em ountangnori th em encal th em backasth eypassed. i el W l t. i l e. i m ghed ng. i as row ow i , ng ng il W hatki ofarm yw ouli l nisuchapl Gmasked aftethr eyhadbeendi of rquisom em e."O neth aticursed."Legol saiashieyesscanned thew althem ountani s. nd d nger ace?" i il ring te ti s as d s slof "LongagotheM enofeM ountanisw oreanoathtotheastki ofG ondor,com etohiaitoght.But hen them ecam e, henG ondorneedw asdieth,eyed. shi ntothedarknessofem ountani and sodurcursedthem n. .evertorest,thlieyhadlufi ltheiedge."Legol explnedand everyoneel rem ai ent. th l ng to s d,if w ti w s' r lf Vani ng i th slIi unt ed rpl as ai se ned si l Theysooncam euponthesl ofth eD w mi orb ergandtheygotthf erehorsesandgri therew eaponsasth eysl ylm adeth erew aytothedoorT. hew aysshut.asm adebythosew hoaredead.nd thedeadkeept.i w aysshut."Legol re adandnosoonerafterth ew ordefhim outhaghtufwl nd w hi outfrom th ecavedoorandscaredaw ayth erehorses. ope alof l pped ow " i wit. a. They i as slts rfi i pped Theeow shicouldonothni gastheyw atchedth ehorsestakeoff, oreooki atedarkdoorw ayth atl ntothem ountani ofthedead,ari w hataw ai dth em onthensi donotardeath !"Aragornbravelbeforehem archedntotheentrance. fll p d bef l ng th eadi ef ng te i de.I" ef y, i SusanookedatLegol beforetheybothoow edAragonniw thithesam edeterm nati H alghtal w thith em ".Eveswll iunderg ro undw ereadw arwf oulneverheartheend"Gimsaibeforeheoow edal w thiPeteandEdm undcl ybehi l as fl l i on, di ong ri l go d not. ll'I ofi ild fl l ong r t. osel nd. "Thipl scre epy."Edm und saiastheyw al asagroupnith edarkghostgreenm stiarlo undth em G. mwil asbl ngaw ayrfom hi ufouslasSusangi ed. agornsoonof undatouchand helsoi everyonecoulseeasth eyw entdeeperioth ecave. s acei d ked , y,l al i ow i ti m ri y ggl Ar dt d nt Theynalcam entoaarg ero om andookedaround.W hoentersm ydom ai theghostki askedniagruvoi asheappearednirfontofem Aragornustoodstraghteandpl hihandonth eofssw ordAndri ifyl i l l " n?" ng f ce th . j st i r aced s hi , .l tlhi "O new howhaveyoural ance."Aragornsaiw thikikelaiound hi thatm adeSusanproud.T hedeaddonotsufef rthviiengtopass."Theghostngsai"Youwllefim e!"Aragorntodlhi determ nedl ll i egi l d ngi rar m " l ki d. suf r m i y. Theghostki etoutanchiaughth atsentaef el ofte rterothr ro ughth em astheyookedaro undw deeyedashundredsof th,ew holdeadarm yof rm ed aro undth em "T. hew aysshutTheghostki saiashem ovedcl tothem w"tI. asm adebyth osew hoaredead.ndth edeadkeepHi econti asLegol andSusanpul outthei sandreadi astheoth ersdrew th ei eapons. ngl ilgl l ng ut i al l l i ghost e i ". ng d oser a. "t. nued as ed bow l r edti rw "Thew aysshut N ow youm uste."TheghostngsaiasheadvancedonAragornLegol andSusanreifdanarrow ateghostki onloftigostraghtth roughhi sum m on youyouroath"Aragornsaiasheookedat eghostng. i di ki d , as th ng, y r i m "I. ltolufi l . d l th ki "N one,but eki of ondorm aycom m andm e!"Theghostngexclm edasherasedhiow nsw ordand sw ungdow n,but a gornbl andw ra ppedhihandaro undth eghostro at. th ng G ki ai i s ti Ar ockti s th "Thatbl w asbro ken!"Theghostngchoked out evi y."tI beenre -m ade!"Aragornsaibeforeheshovedhi aw ayand turn edandookedatth earm ysurroundi th em ".Fghtforusandregaiyourhonor!"H esaiand pausedandookedaro undat eghostng'solers. ade ki unbel nglhas i d m l ng i n d l th ki s di "W hatsayyou?"Aragondem andedandGm huffe d.Y ouw asteyourti e!Theyhelnohonorinandholnone nownideath !"Gm exclm ed. Aragornusti ed hi andconti tospeaktothem . i il " m d ef l d i il ai And jgnor m nued amdurhei.rghtform eandwholyouroathl slufi l"Aragornexclm edasheturn edaround andookedatthl esolers"W hatsayyou?"H esaioncem orebut answ ere dAragorns'pl "I siIl s' Fi Ill id ed! ai l of di . al d , none eas. Theghostki ustsm edasheandhiarm ysl yldi edandonlm om entsaterthecavern begantoshakeandaru m blw asheardnithedia nceandeveryoneookedaroundnial m . ngj li s ow sappear y l e st l ar Chapte18:G ondor r

Soonth ousandsuponth ousandsof sldescendeduponthem andal ost adeth em oflfathlTheeow shira nw thithalei ghttogetbackoutofecaveandonceoutsdeAra gornsi andookeddefeated. skul m m e.fcl fll p l m i i r th i ghed l "Theyw on' pus."Hesi andbeforeanyonecoul answ erth eghostng appearedoncem ore"W eghtH epro clm edandAragornnodded, o reth eym adetherew aydow nth em ountaniandw atchedasth epia teshi approached. thel ghed d ki . if ". ai bef r ps "Youshalente rG ondorTurnyourshi around andretu rnrfo m w hence youcam e!"Aragornyel tothepiatesonthei psandtheyaughed atem ".Legolreifaw arnngshotnexttotheeader"Aragonw hi edasLegol dre w anarrow andto okai . not l ! ps ed r rshi l th l as, i l . sper as m "M ndyourai "Gmi saiw thiasm elasH aland Susanooked atm confu sed. mraisedhiaxehandlandptiLegolbow causi hiai tobeoff of thr earrow toshootdow napiate"O. hw welew arnedyou!"Gmexclm ed,l ngeagerfoaghtasLegolookedatGmannoyed. i m . ild i di l hi r G i li s e as' ng s m and r ,l i il ai ooki rif asl i il "Youandw hatarm y?"Theeaderta untedrfo m theshi"Thiarm y."Ara gonsaiandbefo retheyevenknew w hathiem th, edeadarm yannihlied everyastra teTheeow shith enboard ed theshial w thithedeadarm yandm adeth erew ayto w ard sG ondor. l p. s d th at l pi . fl l p p ong TheynalreachedG ondorandcoulhearthesoundsof era gi battlandth ecri ofem onste rsof on.Takecover"Aragorncom m anded andeveryoneduckeddow nsonottobeseen.I" you.Besafe"Legol todlSusanging heraquiastm nutekiw"andyouaswl Ielyouto o."Susansaiashegaveherasm sm elandnodded. ifyl d th ng e es th Saur " . ove . as vi ckl i ss.Illi ovel l . d al i l "Lateasusualratescum !Theresenoughw orkherethatneedsdoi "Anorccal "C om eon, searatsG! etoffyourshi "H econti astheeow shiookedtoAragornw honoddedandth eyum pedovertheboat. Pi ! ' ng! ed. l you ps! nued fll pl jal l Theysto odnineooki ateorcsw thibattlreadyaf ces. herdre w herbow andre adi anarrow Theorcsw ereshockedattfisbutthengra spedth ei eaponsw thism esiontheisto rtedaf ces. ail l ng th e Susan ed . r rw l rdi "Therespl yenoughofofus. ayth ebestdw arf n."iGmsaiastheyw al to w ard stheorcsandthedeadarm ycanrunni behi them andth eorcsbackaw aynief arash ere al theyw eregre atloutnum bere d. ' ent ralM l w i ild ked ng nd t zed i y

Theyengagednibattlsl ngth roughorcafteorcasth edeadarm ym ovedthro ughoutth ebattlidf ta ki outtheenem y.Susanookedoutoverth eelfid asth eym adetherew aythoughand gaspatw hatshesaw . al l e, ashi r eel ng l "D earAsl "Susansaiaseveryoneookedaround. essbodi w ereaislnacrossthevaloorashugeel sw eretra m pl anym anandhorsethatgotthei ayandorcsbythethousandsif ng. an. d l Countl es ldai eylf ephant l ng i ni rw ghti Susanw entbacktobattlru nnin gof rw ardsheput ayherbow andunsheathedherkni cisl aw ayanorcth atgotherw ay. coulhearLegol andGmcounti acro ssth ebattlelfidanddi evenboth ertochasti them . e , aw ves,ing ni She d as i i l ng e dn' t se "Legol Susan."Ara gornyel tothem beforeth eyookedupandsaw tw oel scom ng tow ardsth em w thdersontopthatw erngkim enw thithei s. yone w atched asLegol andSusantookntfo aaf strun, tow ard sadire ntel . as, ed , l l ephant i iri ei ll rbow Ever as of each ef ephant i Legol andSusanhoppedontsosnoutandm bontoegs, aki therew aytow ard sth ebackandm bi up. gotth etopofhersandof ughtoffebal enw thiherkni astheycam eafteher. th en grabbedontotheropeandsw ung toth erfontbeforecutti th ecarageof.f as t'i cl tsli m ng i cl ng Susan to i th tri m ves r She ng ri Them enscre am edastheyontoth egroundal w thdri Susanranof rw ardtow ardsth eheadandput ayherkni beforedra w ngherbow andthreearrow sandreifdth em ntotheel s'bran, o reyel outipaiandsw ayed. efl l ong sit'iver. aw ves i i ephant ibef tied n n l Susanand Legoldedow nthesnoutandcam etoastop beforeeveryoneasth eel sbehi them dead. sm rkiedat broth ersopenm outhexpre ssi androedhereyesasLegol cockim ovedhiheadtow ard sanannoyeddw arT.f hatstyi countsasone."Gmexclm ed beforehehi h erorcSusanLegol andH alsmedat otherbefo reth eyconti toghtoffcs. assl i ephantefll nd Susan her ons l l as yl s " onl ll i il ai anot . t as di li each r nued if or Aftearw hitheenem yw asdefeatedasth edeadarm yed them andsw eptro ughth ew hiciG. andal Pi ncam ew alngout smedatescene. deadarm ygath ered aro undAragornandtherestofeeow shi el lki l th te ty and ppi f ki and li th The al l th fll p. "R el us."Theghostki dem anded.B addea. yhandyniaghtspot,eseads, teth eaf ctthey'edead."GmsaysasSusansl hi ghtlandheooked at nnocently".Yougaveusyourw ord !"Theghostngprote sted. ease ng " i Ver ti th l despi r i il apped m il y l heri ki holyouroathlufiGl o, atpeace."Aragorntodlth em and theghostghsireefandsl yldi sw thiablusm elonhiaf ce. andal at agonproudlbefo rehebow shiheadnirespecttothenew ki and everyoneoow s.te rthattheysurveythegro undsl ngof rsurvvors. "I d ed. be l si n il ow sappear ssf l i s G ooked Ar i lf y s ng fll Af ooki i Pi nof und M erryunderadeadorcandcalsom eonetohelSusanandtheothersconti toookof oth ersunti com esacro ssth edeadki of TheodenandEow yn. ppi sofl r p. nue l r ,Susan l ng Rohan, "B yAsl Eom er"Susanyel herunsoveral w thieveryoneel "E ow yn!"H eexclm sashekneelnexttohiunconsci sieanddeadunclH ecalhelandsoonsom esurvviingm enof takehisietorth ehealandhiunclsbodytohaveaproperburi. an, . slas ong se. ai s s ousst r e. solf r p Rohan sst er s e' al Thenextdayafteraongni ofcl ngupandsom ere st andalsltheeow shiPeteEdm und, alandEom eriothethro neroom of ondorfoarm eeti "Fro dohaspassedbeyond m ysi Thedarknessdeepeni "G andaldasheookedat yone. l ghteani G cal fll p, r, H di f r nt G ng. ght. si ng. sai l ever f Sauronhadtheng, ew oulknow"Aragornsaihivoilcelifw thiconvion.G andal at agornsadlandshookhihead.I"ionlam atterof e. hassuffe red adefeat, But nd thew alM ord ortheenem ysrieg- roupi "G andald. "fI ri w d t.i d,s ed cti ooked Ar y lf s st y mti He . yes. behi sof l ng. sai f "Letth em stayth erLetthem roW hyshoulw ecare?"Gmsaiasheputhipi backnihim outh".B ecausetenth ousandorcsnow sta ndbetw een Fro doandM ountD oom "G. andaldrm ylasheookedatGmiw,ilhoow ere dhipi sadlreal w hatG andal asi plng. e. . t! d i idl spe s saiif l f l s pe y, ziing wf m yi vesenthi tohideath"G andal "Frodo, andSam arestrong. candoSusansaiasLegol w rappedacom ofng handaro undherw ai"stT. herhopeof Frodo. eneedsti e, safepassageacro ssth ePlnsof org orothW. ecangi hi th atAragornsaideterm nedl "'I m s . sifghs. Lucy They "t.i d as rti eslsti r H m and 'l ai G ve m ". d i y. "H ow ?"Gmi askeddi evi yaseyesw eretranedonAragorn"D ra w outSauron'arm es, ptyhils Thenw egatherouruflrel ngthand m archonth eBl G ate"Aragornstate d. i l sbelngl al i i l . s i em ands. st ack . "W ecannotachi viorythro ughstre ngthofm s."Eom erpro tested.N otfooursel butw ecangi Frodohichancewfi ekeepSauron'Eyexed uponus!"Ara gornsaiasheookedatG andal eve ct ar " r ves. ve s . s if d l .f "K eephi bl toellsethatm oves."Aragonconti "Adi son."Legol state d, sta ndi w hatAragonm eantandAragornnodded.S auronwll i atrap. ewlliat keth ebai andala ted asheshookhihead. m nd al i nued. ver i as under ng " suspect H not "G st t. f s "N o, Wlli ehavetw othngshew antsasm uch astheng. agornand.I thibothusthereheookiat hni gbut "Susantodlthem assheefLegol te nsenexttoherI". ewte.lI liork"PetesaiandEdm undnoddedniagre em ent.Theydikeltthedeaof ng theieasbaihel LucyandFrodoth en sobet.i hew. i ri Ar W wlll not us. tl as agr . r d dn' i usi si r butped i rst t, ti "C ertantyof hSm chance ofsuccess!W hatarew ew ai of r?"Gmsaiandeveryoneookedathi andaughed. ethr atni SusanandLegol aslleepnieachothersarm s, hhopi thatthsiw oul beth east etheyw oulsl togetherasth eyheleachoneanother. i deat ! al l ng i ild ti l m l Lat ght asefl bot ng dn' lm t ti d eep d TheyrodetotheBl gatesthenextday. eow shiPeteEdm und,Eom erandH allr ngsurvviing m em bersofeG ondorandRohanarm es. erryrodew thiEom erandPi nro dew thiG andalmi roi ldew thiLegol andthaleoth ersrodethei nhorses. ack Thefll p, r, di eadi th iM ppi G.f as l ow r Legolookedovertow ardsSusanandgaveherasm elwi hi shegl yre turn ed. ookedovertoherbro thersandsmed. coul helt.i w assogl th atth eyw herehere. asl ch adl Susanl liShe dn' p t She ad Countl m eshehadaf cedenem esw thinum bersaf rgreaterthanherow n,but thiherbro thersandnow herl athersi sheknew thateverythni g w oul bealir Asl w oul keepth em safeth; eyw oul seevio ryonthsday. essti i w ove de d ght, an d d ct i Edm und caughtherl ng andgaveherateasi w nkandovi sm e.Ai reyoualir m yove."Legol askedbeforeSusandre w herattenti aw ayrof m herbro thersandookedoveratm andsmed. ooki ng i l ng l" ght, l as , on l hi li "Yes,ne."S usantodlhi "P.easebecareufSusan. el diof bro kenhearandwI oulsureyldifei ethnghappenedtoyou."Legol todl herandSusanookeddeepntocrystabllueeyes.I" o m se.steasem akesureyou'esafeI , knowIfid beari todl hi astheystaredntoeachoth ereyes. mI' if m l l Ancan e an f t d som i as l i pr iuJ pl r don' coul "Susan m t t. i s' Theyhadnalreached thebl gatesand everythng w asquiasSauro nhadm adenonoti ofem yetW herearethey?"Pi naskedbutnooneansw ered. agornrodetow ard sth egatesw thithaleeow shioow ngasw asPeteEdm und, erand H alr. ifyl ack i te ce th ". ppi Ar l fl l p fll i el r, Eom l di "Letth eLordofeBl Land com eof rthLetjcebedoneuponhi !"Aragornshoute d, th erew asenceasthegatesdinot "C om eonoutSauro n. eyousuchacow ardthatyou hi behi yourhi w al w antm e, com eandget e."Susanyel angrandLegol andtheoth erookedat w deeyedattherareshow ofangerofr m th egentlqueen; ythegate ssl ylstarte dtoopen. th ack ! usti m but si l d open. Ar de nd gh s.lYou now m ed yli as l sl her i e suddenl ow Chapte19:ForTheFre edom of ddlEarth r Mie

Thegatessl ylstartedtoopenandeyesw ereuponthegate sastheyopenedtoseeasi ebl dercam eout. onlparofederyoucoulsee, desaufsquarehel etandarm or, asagro tesquem outh . ow al l ngl ackri The y th ri d besi ll m w Everyoneookednatsgust, yonebut erandEdm undastheychuckl ghtl"B yAsl he'ugl"Susanheardherol bro therw hi andEdm und noddedhiheadniagreem ent. l itdi ever Pet i edil y. an, s y. der sper s "M ym asteSauro nth eG reat,dstheew el e,ith ereanynithsiro utw thiauth oritotreat thim e?"Them outhof onsaibeforehesmedacrazysm elandltid hiheadtoth esi asthegatescl behi them . r, bi com s ty w Saur d li i te s de osed nd Susanw nkl hernosenidi atth enastythng,beforeG andal andthem outhof o nturnedhiattenti tohi "W edonotcom etotreat thiSauro n,thiessandaccursed Tel m astethrs:Thearm esofM ord orm ustdi H estoideparth eseands, tore turn"G andald. ri ed sgust i spoke f Saur s on m . w af l your i i l sband. l never . sai f

"A hh.OdlG reybeard haveato kenwI asbi toshow thee."Thebl dersaibeforehepul Frodo'm thilroiftm hicl Severapeoplgasped, Susanookedatthiw deeyesasherbro therookedonniconfusi I dden ackri d ed s shi soak. l e and l wi i l t sl on. "Frodo."Pi nw hi e dandth ebl derth rew theshiG andalo do!"Pi nyel andtheM outh of o naughed.Sence."G andald eredasheooked ateshitrN o!"M erryexclm ed."Sence!"G andald ere dm orerm ylasheookedatm . ppi sper ackri tor "Frf. ppi ed l Saur l " li or f l th ". ai li or f if l hi "TheHngflalw asdeartoth ee, "Them outhof onsaiw thiagro tesquesm elonhiaf ceandG andal theshiPi n.K now th athesufef redgreatlatehandsofhihost. how oulvethoughtonesosm coulenduresom uchpai AndhediG andaledi"Thebl dersaiaughi andSusangot yangry. i see. I Saur d i s handed tor ppi" f y th s W d' al d l n? d, H.f d. ackri dl ng ver "K eepyourevitongue.lstiarenotevenw orthytoevenw hi hinam e."Susanspat th em outhofSauro ntu rnhiheadto w ard sherandLegol te nsedbesi herA. hh,egentlqueenof arna. ym astehasbeenw ai of youof arongm eandassoonashew nshewlkeyou.O hyes. agoodwefiyouwlli akem ym aste"rThedersaiandSusannarrow edhereyes. l You l spers and s as de " h e N iM t r ng r l ti ti i ta l i Such m . ri d "Youcanyourm astethr atI aleadybound toanotherandthathewlli nith edeepestpiofhel sneere dandthebl derhi atherWngl iornot, wlkeyouashipri "Them outh of onsaibeforeturnng hiheadtow ard sAragornw hohadsta rted tonch cl tohi havi heard enough. tell am r bur ts "Susan .l ackri ssed ". il he ta li s ze. Saur d i s i oser m ng "A ndw hosthis?siIlidurhei?Ikesm oretom akeaki th anabro kenelshbl "Thebl derbeganbeforeAragornrasedhibl andw thioneswmi ovem entdecapitedthem outh of on. s' rta ng vi ade ackri i s ade tf ta Saur guessth atconcl negotions."GmsaiquiylandAragorntu rnedtoookatem oncem oredonot evet wInotAragornsairm ylbefo reth egatesstarte dtoopenoncem oreandtro opsof csbegantom archto w ard sthem . "I udes ati i ild et l th "I. bel i .lli". dif i or Thearg eeyew asnow viblandooki atth em Susanookedati helherhi head hi asth equeenshew asandsm rkied, etti th eevi herheranyongerF.back!Fal "Aragornord eredtoth eoth ers. l sie l ng . l and d gh gh t not bot l " al back! lng l l l Theytu rnedthei sesandreoi therof nesof eoi arm esof ondorandRohan.Thenal etlw asabouttobegiAragornro dehihorsebeforeth em enofRohanandG ondorasth eycow ardbacknief ar, o rehespoketoth em . rhor jned ntl th jnt i G i if bat n. s al l bef "H olyourground H. olyourground!Sonsof ondorRohan!M ybroth erseeniyoureyesthesam eef arthatw oultakethehearof e!"Aragorncal ashero adbackandof rthbetw eenth em enandeyesw eregl tohi . d d G of , sI! d tm ed l al ued m l Susan, eandEdm undefpow erfrom hiw ord sasth eyiel nednte ntlandefatlgreatdealpri andre spectto w ard sAragon,eyknew hew oulm akeagre atng. ealeadyw as. Pet r, al tl s st i y ofde th d ki H r "Adaym aycom ew hen thecourageof enas,lfwi henw eof rsakeourirf andbreakbondsoflfeow shi buti thsiday. hourofw ol and shatteredshids, hentheageof encom escrashi dow n.Butthsiday!Thidayw eght!BythalatyouholdearonthsigoodEarbi.yousta nd, enofeW est!"Aragornshoutedw thipow erw thiaraseofssw ord . m ends al l p snot An ves l it el w m ng snot s if l d iti thdI M th i hi H edi ounted hihorseal w thith eoth ersandtheysentth ehorsesoffandoutof m sw ay. stoodbesi Legol andGm wilthiPeteandEdm und at oth ersi andH alnexttoth em astheyookedontoth ethousandsof csthatm archedtow ardsth em andsurro undedth em niacice. sm s ong har Susan de as i r her de di r l or rl "N everthoughtdiif ng si b y-sdew thianelmsaincre dul yandLegol andH alal w thiSusan, eandEdm undookedatm beforeLegol sm ed.H ow aboutsi b y-sdew thiaend?"Legol asked. d'Ieghti de- i "Gf. i ildi ousl as diong r Pet r l hi as li " de- i rif as Gmooked atm th en totheH alandth eothers"A. ye, ddothatGm saiandLegol noddedandgrabbedSusan'handandsheturn edtoookatmoveyou."H etodlher. i lil hi di r coul ". i ild as I s l hi l"I. Susansmedandeanedof rw ard togi hi adeepkiw hiherbroth erookedonnigreatscom of"Art. ndl I you.M orethananythng."Susansaiasshesqueezedhihandil ylbefo reetti go. li l ve m ss, el sl di ove i d s ght lng "A ndnoneofyoubette rditoday.lI losi m eytlasthegentlqueenfyoudo."Susantodlthem asshegrabbedherbow andnotched anarro w Severapeoplw hoheardherl asEdm und and Peteshookthei attheiesarf' marlthire at Susansmed. e w il ng ti e i be . l e aughed r rheads si i and rst li Theywl atchedasAra gornookedntoSauro n'eyeandow eredhisw ordghtl"A ragorn"Theeyehi "Eessar"It.dw thiaaughbefo reAragorntu rnedtoeveryonew thiteedifeyes. al l i s l s sl y. . ssed. l sai l i lar l "ForFrodo."H ew hi edandturn ed totheenem yandcharg ed.Frodo!"Pi nandM erryyel astheynstantloow ed. as, G andal eEdm und,GmandH alw erenext,unnin gspeedtow ardsth eorcsandeveryoneel oow edaftethr em dete rm nedtogi Frodohichance. sper " ppi ed i yfll LegolSusan, Pet r, l ,f i il di al r ufll r l sefll al i ve s ,l Theybrokethneof cghti w thieverythng theyhad, yoneendedupsepara tedghti onthereow n. soonheardscre echesandookeduptoseeth eN azgul overh ead, straghtthr em . ei l or sif ng i ever if ng Theyal l l yilng f headed i of Befo reth eycoulevenbeconcerned abouti argl eeagl cam esw oopi niandstartedattachin gtheN azgulagl Theeagl arecom ng!"Pi n'sm voi sainiexcim entofleghti d several es t, ng ".E es! es i ppis alce d te thalif ng. l Soonth eyheardoudhingasth eeyehadturn edtonith edie cti ofem ountan. N azgul m m edi eyltu rnedtoynlfithatdiecti "O hno."Susanw hi edbutherattenti w astakenaw ayassheheardarg eof otste pscom ngoutth egate. l ssi r on th iThe desi at ri r on. sper on l i of Ahugetrwll asru nni ghtforAragornw, hom m edi eylengageditbattlSusanof ughtherw aytohi asshesaw hi get tothegro und.A RAG O RN !"SheheardLegol yel o ngri i at n i e. m m knocked " as .l Susansaw hi offtheeft coul m akehiw ayover, onecoulShew asth eonlonecl enough. putaw ayherbow andtookoutherkni befo reshebegantosl th eorcnsirfontof andgottoAra gornustimt etobl thesarlgl esw ordrof mngkiAragorn. m to lbut dn' s no d. t y ose Susan ves ash her jn ock rto'l ill Theof rceofth erbll knockedSusantoherkneesnexttoAragornw how asl ng at w thiw deeyes.S usan."Legol yel tryngshard estgettoheraseveryoneelnitheeow shiookedoverim etoseethetraolkeaarg esw ng, ngSusanyilng thro ughth eai andi hardonherbackseveraef letaw ayrof m everyone. tolade ooki her i " as ed i i to l se fll p l nt l l i sendi f and l ng r AsSusanandedadeadorcsbl stuckherthroughth eegcausi hertoyelnipai"S u!"Sheheardsom eoneyelhervionsw arm ed. m anagedtoholontoherkni som ehow duri herfandgri th em bothnionehand assheusedtheoth ertoyankth eorcbl outof eg. l 'ade l ng out n. l as si l Susan d ves ng all pped ade herl "A sl gi m estrength"Susanhi andw atched asbl soakedherpantsl '"G etth e"gilr heardanorcyel oresheefsom ethng yankheroffthegroundholngherro ughlagai hi andtookherkni outof hand. an ve . ssed ood eg. Susan . bef tl i l di y nstm ves her Susaneyesopenedandcl w hisheshookherheadtryng tocl hervionrfo m theandbl ossasshesaw thebl ryguresof as, bro thersandendslngi toghterew aytoherandAragornw how asunderthesotrf'lot, th erew astoom any,th eyw ereto oaf aw ay. stru ggl nithegra spoftheorcasiarte dtodrag herthro ughthecro w dandto w ard sthebl gates. osed el i ear si afll oodl ur if Legol her rfi rtyist if th l lbut r Susan ed st t ack "S eeyourm ategentlqueen. ewlelal w thiyourbroth erandendsandm ym astewl li youashiW atchasheghtstogettoyoubutm ym astesrarm ystoi ostro ng."Theorctodlherashestoppedsoshecoulw atchaseveryonelughtandtw stie dherhandsbehi herbackandhelonehandaround herth roat. , e H di iong rfi rhave s. if ' d of sti l nd d Susanw atchedasLegol w aslngi togettoherasw asH alandherbroth ersth,eicesifceandlifw thi angerY. ouwll itheonetodi"Susanhi then bipirfol m yeloutipaiw hen theorcki heriure degnianger. as tryst il di r arf er ed " be e. ss her ng n n l t il cked nj l "G etyourhandsoff e."Susanyel beforesheheadbuttedhi m aki hi dropheripaiSusantoeflthleground androedover, egscre am ngnipaiassheedtosta yconsci rfom bl oss. m ed l m ng m n n. l l herl i n rti ous oodl Theorookedat niangerbefo rerasiingoneof ow nkni toher. quiypi upasw ordthegro undrof m aaenof eandstabbedhi nithestom ach causi hi toonl ot pofher, cl her her ves lkiSusan ckl cked l fll m ng m afl dead. Susanpushth eorcoff nidi andgra bbedherkni befo reputti them backonherbacksoshew ouloseth em andookedtow ard sth eeyeasi e echedniw hatseem edi lpaiastheorcsstartedtorerteat. her sgust ves ng dn' lt l scr t ke n Thebl tow erstartedtoallfaongw thith egroundaroundtaiki them ajtyiofeorcsw thbeforeth eeyebursanddi andeveryonestarte dtocheerT. heydiSusanw hi ed. ack l ng or th iti t ed " dt."i sper

"Frodo."M errycheered.Fro do. o."M errysaiagaibutthsm esadlaswl atched toseeth evol erupt SusanefherheardroppedatthethoughtthatLucyandth ehobbinotgetti outimt e. " N d n, it y al cano and tl t ts ng n Susanaydow nonthegro undandstartedatebl skyasthedarknesssl ylw anted tota kehereaseAslet em bealir Sheth oughtasshecl hereyes. l th ue ow Pl. an,tlh ght. osed Chapte20:M nasTi r i thri

"S usan."SusanvaguelheardLegol cal nam enial m "S. u!"Sheheardherbro thersyel son.B yVal O. verhere"A. voi Susanre cogni asH als.rSusanm anagedot openhereyestohiblryel af ceooki at niconcern . y asher ar l niuni " nor l i ce, zed di' s ur ven l ng her "H el di."Susansaivoinaudie."S tayw thim em yady. on' tosl "H alrpl andSusangavehi asm sm e.Si usan."Legol saiashem adetoihersi al w thiherbro thersandth eoth ernsitow . o, r d cei bl lHal l D go eep. dieaded t m al l" l as d de ong H eookedat af cethenherl toseecovere dnibl "S usan, youherem ysunandstars"Legol askedasH alPeterandEdm undw enttoookat eg. alri herpantegm aki everyonegaspastheyookatherl l her eg ti ood. can . as di,r l Susanl H di pped sl ng l eg. canhearyou."Susanw hi edrtyngtokeep hereyesopen.S he'l to om uch bl W eneedtostop thebl ngorshew on' akeHi alrsaigravelasPeteandEdm undookeddow natth eiesadl "I sper i " sost ood. eedi tm "t. di d y r l rsi r y. st "S u, hathappened toyourl Edm und askedputti presseronth ew ound usi api ofclhAragongavehi touse.I" onabl w hen therhilml e."Susanw hi ed,el herstrengthw ani w eg?" ng ng ece ot m anded ade l to sper ef ng i ng. "B uthow diyouget here ?W esaw youandoverth ere"Aragornaskrof m behi Legol beforeSusanpoiedtoth edeadorcth atldnexttoherH. egrabbedm eandw asta ki m etoSauro n."Susansaicl nghereyes. d over l . nd as, nt ai " ng d osi Susanefhandsonheraf ceand sheopened hereyestoseeLegolooki at w thipl ng teedifeyes.S usan, ysunandsta rsPl stayaw ake, eavem oveyou."H ew hi e dkingherof rehead. tl asl ng her eadi lar " m l .ease don' le. lt I sper ssi oveyouto o."Susanw hi edw thi asm sme.Ilhaveed herl andstop thebl ngof now Butw eneedtoget backtoG ondorandtoahealm m ediey.lSom eonewlli todebackw thiherandtryandkeepheraw ake."Halsai l"I sper al "i ti eg l eedi r . her eri at need ri did. r talkeI"' her"Legol sainsta ntlyscoopi herupbri styelcareufylandrunni tothehorses. ehandedSusantoPeterashem ounte dthehorse.G etbetteSu. seeyousoon."Petew hi edbeforehehandedSusanbacktoLegol w hohelheragai hichestw thionearm assheaiherheadagai hishoul . l . as di ng dal l ng H " r W e' ll r sper as d nsts ld nsts der "S ta yw thim e, "Legol todlherasheki herhai tookoffw ardsG ondorw thisom eofeoth ersdi cl ybehi hi Susanefthlehorserunning tow ard sG ondorunderherandLegol holng herti . Susan. as ssed and to r th ringosel nd m . as di ght Shew antedtostayaw akebutshecoul shew asj toretidsosheem bracedth epeacefudarkness. coul vaguelhearLegol cal hernam ebut dn' erasthedarknessto okhercom pley.l dn' ust t, l Susan d y asng il coul tansw et "S usan Susan!N o!Pl w akeup."Legol saiasheefhergoil pnihiarm sandsheunconsci "N o!"H eyel andurg edth ehorsentoufspeedtoG ondorW hatw ro ng?"Peteaskedastheycaughtupw thihi . ease as d tl m s efll ous. ed l i ll ". s' r al l m "S he'unconsci "Legol saiasth eothersefatlgreat aveoffearpassoverth em astheyurg edthei sestorunasaf stastheycoulcarryth em toG ondor, ngSusanw oulbealir . s ous. as d w rhor d hopi d ght "S usan. akeupm ydear"Susanheard assheopenedhereyesandof undhersnel oodsth atl akeNarna."W heream ?IH ow diI her?"Sheaskedoutl th eastthng sherem em bered w asdi onahorsew thiLegolnj ed. W . ifw ookedot i il dget oud, l i ring asiur "Youarasli niG ondor. bodyniheal socal youhere"Asl saiste epi tow ard sherW hy?N otth atI' happytoseeyouagai"SusansaiandAsl sm ed atust anted toyouhow pro udam of Youhavehel savethem "Asl todlher. el st leep Your ng Ied . an d ng i l ". m n. d an li herI".w tel l j I you. ped alan .l di tdoonm yow n, yonepl thei "Susansaihum blasal ays.That'true. youkept eeow shistrongandkeptem goi w henseem edilhopew asostAsl todlher. "dn' ti I ever ayed rpart. d, e w " s But th fll p th ng ti keal l ". an l "WI l lok?Andw hataboutLucy,odoand Sam ?"Susanasked.Y ouwllneandsowlelioth ersG. andal theeagl of undth em onth esl of ountD oom aftethr eeru pti Lucysale adyupandw ai of ryou, wlliakeupsoon."Asl saiashesm edat . be i Fr " beif th and es f opes M on. ir ng you ti an d li her "A ndw hataboutm eandLegolbelrleitu rnngtoNarnaiorEngl soon?"Susanaskedre m orseful"Yl es, wbeiretu rnng toEngl soon. youw on' goi al Legoloilyouandyoursings. andLegol wlli aovi andhappyiandth enonedaysai norBut of arongmti e."Asl todlherandSusansmedather. as,Iw i and y. you ll i and But be ng ong. asw li t jn bl You ashave l ng i ef l tolVal . not l an i li "A ndPeteEdm und andLucy.W hathappentothem ?Wthleyretu rntoEngl too?"Susanasked.Y everoffethr em aspotVal w thiyouandLegol w hen themti ecom esal w thiGmYou' earnedGi al eldlherandSusansm edoncem ore. r, wlli li and " wIl how ni nor i as ong i .il veal "t. adrtoi l li havetotakltoth em abouti sta ted beforeAsl spokeoncem orm"teis'I. eyouw akeup, ydearchiThepoorpri hasnotonceefyoursi hiandLordElo ndwbeith eresoonof Ara gornscoronati "A sl todlherbeforeheki heronherfore head.G oodbye."Susanw hi e dbeforethevionvani ll"'I "Susan t. an m d. nce l lt de s r ll r ' on. an ssed " sper si shed. Susansl ylopenedhereyestoseeasl ng Legol w thihiheadresti onthebedandherhandnihiSusansmedassherasedherotherhandandraniroughhihai.r gro anednihisl befo reerkngaw ake,sbreathcaughtihithro atashestare dat . ow eepi as s ng s. li i th s He seep j i hi ns her "S usan."Hew hi e d,svoi bre aki "H el yove."Shew hi edw thiasm elbeforeheum pof rw ard sandcaptu red herlntoapassi eki"Y ouhavenodeahow w orri wI asaboutyou. yousom uch."Legol saiashepul aw ayandsta redntohereyes. sper hi ce ng. o, l lm sper i j psi onat ss. i i ed ove lI as d ed l i oveyoutomI'o. sosorrym yove,rm aki you w orryso, m ybodyw asbro ken, nowsheal "Shesaibeforehepul herbackntoanoth erkitss,astl asthedooropened and Lucycam en. l "I l of ng but but iti ed. d ed i di ltong l dn' i i "You'eaw ake."Lucyexclm ed happiassheranof rw ardandhuggedSusanw thioflherm ghtasLegol pul aw ayandm ovedasi tow atchth esiesrhappyre uni Susansm edassheookedherleover,il onltoseem norcutsandbrusesadornherski r ai yl al i as ed l de st ' on. l i l etlisi r reeved y i st i n. Soonherbroth ersandofltheeow shiexceptFro doandSam cam enial w thiH al"di.H ow areyouef el Su?"Peteasked, ngth econcern ed bibroth erashew entovertothebedandooki at egthatw aspretym uchheal al fll p ong r ng r bei i g l ng herl ed. mI"' ne. owong w asIeep?"Susanasked.3days."Edm und todlherH ow sFro doandSam "Susanasked.T heyarasllsti andheal but eywllne."G andallherandSusanbreath edasi ofreefbeforesheookedovertoM erryandPi n. if H l asl " ". ' . " eleep ng th beif tofd i gh il l ppi "A ndhow aretw oof yaf vorihobbidoi Sheaskedbeforetheybothum pedonth ebedandgaveherabihug.W e'egood. eregl yourfeel bette"M errytodlherY. eahyoudiooksogood thereof arw hiandw ho'yourotherfavoris?"Pi nsai m te ts ng?" j g " r W ad ng r. " i dn' lt el s te ppi d. "Frodoand Sam youof ol errysaiashesl hi nith ebackofehead, ng everyoneel toaugh.S usan. anttoth ankyouof savi m efyrioflm th att"rArlagornsaiasSusanturn ed atte nti aw ayrof m th euf nnyhobbi. "M d apped m . th causi se l " wI r ng o.l d on ts "S hedoesth ataot. peopl"H alsaiand Susanroed hereyes.AyouIthesam ethngtodIlH alYoudon' tothankm mI ustgl yourunharm ed."Susantodlhi andhebow edhiheadtoherirespect. lSave e. did r ll " tend' ll i di have r t e, j ad ' m s n "Theyel of Ri Lothori andM rki w oodwll iheretom orro w "H. altordlherashew ored gl niLegol die cti anddi gounnoticedbySusan.M yaf therwbeiam ong them "Legol saiasSusanookedat antl ves rvendel len ,l be di ri ance as r on tdn' it " ll . as d l expect y.

Susannoddedcal y,lal oughshew asscream ng onth ensi "O alIm ostfo rg ot. antakltom ew hiIlw asheal andtodlm etoyousom ethng."Susansaiassheookedtohersii andLegol anddeci tothnkofoth erthngs,an herpendi m eeti w thiLegolaf th er. m th i i de. h, Asl e ng i tel l i d l bl ngs as ded i i th ng ng as' "H esaithatw ewllireturnng toEngl soon. hehasofef redyouallongw thiGmaispotiVal w heneverLegol anddeci totaketheshithere"Susantodl them G. mookedatherandLegol w thiw deeyesasdihersii d be i and But i l n nor i as I de p . i lil as i d bl ngs. "Youdon' toevenaskSu. hereyougo, ego."LucysaiasPeteandEdm undnoddedniagreem ent."Engl soundsl aw onderufadventureO. newI oulbehappytota kew thiyou."Legol saiashegazedovi yatSusanasshesm edatm w thionlonethought,ThankyouAsl have t W w d r and ke i l d as d l ngl li hi y an. Chapte21:TheD aysofTheKi r ng

Frodow okeupthenextdayw thiG andalhibedsi Aftethr atM erryandPi ncam enismngiandum pedonhibed. mcam enitovitsi andLegol andSusanoow ed. alPeteandEdm undcam eninextw thiAragornand LucyandSam w ereast.leeow shibesi Boro m andnew andolendsw eretogeth eragai ats de. f ppi il j s G i il next as fll H di,r r lAl fl l p, des r,i th drfi n. Frodow asveryhappytoseeeveryone.Theyspentthenextcouplof snglhi aboutth eretravelandFrodo, and Sam todlth em w hathappenedtoth em Latehrt atni th eoth erel arri e hourteil m al l s Lucy . ght ves ved. Susangotspendm ew thiLordElondandArw en,w how ashingrfo m Aragornuntiecoro nati Sheal m ettheM rkiw oodel al w thiLegolbro thersandsiersTw oof as'ersbecam equita kenw thiPeteandEdm undandth eyw thithem . to ti r di thl on. so ves ong as' st . Legolsi st te r Susansmedasshew atchedth em astheytakedhopi thatm aybeshew asn'eonloneof sii Susanal noti th atLucyw asactualquitakenw thi Halasw andhew thiher, hapstherew asuf turetherew henLucyw asol . li l ng th y herbl so ced ngs. yl te di el r l per der Legolaf mylw ereveryaccepti andtodlherth athiaf therw asl ngof rw ardtom eeti her. ehadheardth athisonhadof undovew thithegentlqueenand thattheypl ot sai eundyi andsonedayand hew asecstac.ti as' i al ng l s ooki ng H s l e anned tolth ng l Eow ynal m adeaufrellcoveryandherandFara m rwi ereal aysseento gether. nalofl undthem anshew asm eantfoasw Susanw ashappyth atheraf m ylandendsw eregetti th erehappyendi so w Sheify r el .l i rfi alng l ngs. Aw eekateeveryonew asdressedand sta ndi nith ecourtyardtocrow nG ondornew andghtufkilng. w enhadstayedhi behi aG ondorbannerandw asverynervous. stood w thihersingsnexttoLegol HalandLordElondastheel w herestal ndi to gether. lr ng s' ri Ar dden nd Susan bl i as, di r ves al ng r Legol w asw eari hiheaddre ssasw erethePevensi show ngthattheyw ereniaf ctroyalastheyw atched Gmi stielppedof rw ardw thitheG ondori cro w nuponavel ow G. andalokthecro w nandsl yow ere dontoAragorns'head. as ng s es, i ty an vetpi tof ll ow l ti "N ow com ethedaysofeki M aytheybebl "G andaloclm ed andAragornsteppedupandsl ylturn ed aro und toaf ceeveryone.Cheerseruptedofoveraseveryonecl of thr erenew ki th ng. essed. pr ai f ow al rl apped ng. "Thidaydoesnotbel toonem an, toLetustogeth errebuithsiw orlthatw em aysharenith edaysof "Aragornsaibefo rem orecheerseruptedrfo m thepeoploncem oreandhebegantosi s ong butal .l dl d peace. d e ng. "O utofeG reat toM ddlEartham com e.thsipl abilde, m yheisuntotheendi ofth ew ord"H. esangbeforehem adehiw aydow nthestepsandth roughth epeoplAragonbow edhiheadtocertanipeoplashepassed. erw asoneofem ashew asaend and thenew ki ofRohan. edithesam eof Faram Eow yn, eEdm undand Lucy. th Sea i e I nI acewl i and r , ng I s e. s e Eom th , rfi ng H d r r,i Pet r, Ashedrew cl SusanandLegoleadagro upofel tohi Ara gornem bra cedSusanniahug andki hercheekbeforecl ngshoul sw thiLegolLegol gavehi asm elastheybow edtoeachother. oser, asl ves m . ssed aspi der as. as m i "A ragorn"Legol saiquiy,lbefo reheltidhiheadtotheght. agornookedathi andthenatSusanniconfusi Susanw nkedathi andgavehi aghtpushashew al overw herehecoul seeLordElo nd,andi nexttoaG ondori banner. . as d et te s ri Ar l m on. i m m sl i ked d r st ng an Sl ylth eG ondori bannerm ovedand Arw encam entovi Arw ensteppedof rw ardasAragondith esam eandth eystoppedghtbeforeeachother. a gornot okth ebannerofr m herandhandedtoisom eonetohilashieyesneverlArw en' ow an i ew . d ri Ar seft s eft s. Arw enbow edherheadtohi beforeheltidherchibackupw thihiisf beforem ovi of rw ardandkingherifcelandeveryonecheered agaiSusancoulef el te arsof ru nni dow nhercheeksasshecl al w thieveryoneel m te n nger ng ssi er y n. d ent oy ng si j l apped ong se. Legol puthiarm saro undheranddrew herioakiaswoveyou."Legol todlherA.oveyou."Susansaibeforetheyoow edAragornand Arw enoverto w ard stheH obbioAl hobbistartedtobow toAra gornbuthehelupahandof thr em tostop. as s nt ss l"Iel as " lsI .l d fll tsf.lur ts d "M yends "Aragornsaiandth eof urhobbisto odstraghtandookedatm "Y. oubow tonoone."H eproclm ed befo rehekneel and bow eddeepltothem w, thiArw enoow ngsui rfi d ts i l hi ai ed y fll i t. Legol andSusanal w thihersii w erenexttooow andbefo reth eH obbicoulevenprocessw hatw ashappeni th ehobbil aro undstu nned asth eentiecouryardw askneel befo reth em nirespect. as ong bl ngs fll ts d ng, tsooked r t ng i Late rthatdaytheyhadahugepartytocel ateeverythng.SusanandLegol sta yednieachoth ersarm sdanci andtakilngw thith ereends. saw Lucydanci w thiH aland herbro thersdanci w thiLegolsie rsandsmedatem Everyonew ashappyand shecoul behappiorm orenove. ebr i as ng rfi Susan ng di r ng as' st li th . dn' er il t Chapte22:TheLastShiToVal r p nor i

Susanand Legol hadre turn ed toEngl togeth eral w thihersings, ytlafteAragon'coronati Theystayedthereof raef w yearsshari m anyadventure s,thliedeathofeSusan'pare ntsandtheyraltu rnedtoM ddlEarth . as and ong bl shor r s on. i , ng unt h s t el ie Susanand Legol w erem arri niM rkiw ood w thithaleimends, an, arand elniattendance.Legol andSusanhadthre echie n, oboysand awgihow erebllessedbyth egreonandLadyG al el as ed l arf y,lrfi i m dw f al ke fi as dr tw l ,rl al at il adri. Lucyw hohadagrow nol andhadabeautythatevenval hersies,r' arri H alTheyhadtw ochien,andaboy, hoshenam edafteM Tum nus. eandEdm und hadbothm arri oneof as'ersandbothhadtw osons. der ri ed stm ed di.r dr agilr w l r r. Pet r ed Legolsi st Theyearshadroedbyandtheyearshadbeenki toSusan, nowwi asm etoeave. as, Peterand Edm undandth ei vesal w thith eidrenexceptSusanandLegoldaughtew how asnowniG ondorw thi Aragon, w enandthei asshew assetbeG ondorufs' tu requeen,M rki w oodandro detothedocks, hereth eastshiaianchore dtota kethem toth egre yhavens. ll nd but t ti l LegolSusan, rw i ong rchi l as' r Ar rson, to eft l w l pld H alrandLucyoi them al w thith ero adrof m Lothori beforetheyarri daysle rat eshiportoseeLordCel nLordElond, G al el andal thehobbirtsealadyth erew ai of thr em . di jned ong len, ved at th p ebor , r Lady adrGi and l f ng ti "M yady!"Pi nandM erryyelniuni asth eymi m edieylrantoLucyandhuggedherti ylaroundherw ai, o rem ovi tow ard sSusanand doi th esam e.You'eeavi now ".M errysaisadlasSusaneft larscom etohereyes. l ppi ed son l at ght st ng bef ng " r l ng d y "YesandwIllissyoudearl"Susansaiashuggedth em oncem oreandki eachhobbi thecheekbeforeoing herfam ylontheboardw thiLordCel nLordElond, G al el Bi m i y. d . ssed on t jni i ebor , r Lady adrand bo i l LordElondem bra cedSusanniahugasshecam eondeck, o reSusanm ovednto Legol arm sasth eyw atchedth ehobbisayth eiedifgoodbyestoFrodo, oreFrodoand G andal th em onshi r bef i as ts rtelar l bef oif jned p. "A reyoualir m ysunandstars?"Legol askedSusanasshew atched thehobbim nusFrodow aved toth em nigoodbyew thi thete arsrunning dow nthei mustilne.ssthem som uch."Susanconfe ssedasw avednigoodbyetothehobbiasth eygrew sm alandsm alastheshidre w uf rtheraw ayandLeogl w ra ppedhiarm saro undherti er. ght, as ts i rcheeks.I"' j m'I i fl ts er er p l l as s ght

know butth eywwli aysbeniyourheart asyouarenim ne."Legol saiasSusantorehereyesaw ayrfo m shoresof ddlEarthandtu rnedtoookat husband andsmoveyou,m ysunandsta rs"Legol saiashegazedntohiwefsibeautbrow neyes.Aoveyou, andal ays."Susansaibeforesheeanedntohi andpul hi ntoapassi eki "I , all i as d Mie l her e.I"i l . as d i s ' ufil " lsI now w d l i m ed m i onat ss. l Susanal aysknew thatherdestiedaf rbeyond theshoresof na.But neveri agi th ati ouleadhertoherheart, soulove, Legol w nyil Nar i she m ned w dl t her herl her as. , TH EEN D .

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