Electronics Coach Feb2010

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Coaching in Electronics (February 11, 2010)

1. Actuators sets manipulator in motion through joint actuation (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aibo pet robot of Sony Air muscle b muscle Anderson modified Maxwell-Wien Bridge? Asimo humanoid robot of Honda At least 3 wrist of robot Autonomous robot w/o supervision of either computer or human being Carbon lubricates and polishes the commutator- carbon brushes are used in dc machines 9. Carbon Arc Welding- oldest of all arc welding processes and beginning of arc welding constant gear ratio 11. Changes in electron energy within atoms- Emission of energy in an IRED is caused by 12. Clinometers or inclinometer measuring the steepness of sloping surface 13. CMRR (Common Mode Rejection Ratio)- common mode characteristic 14. Collector- In a common base circuit, the output is taken from the oscillation, controls the open loop cut-off frequency of an op-amp 17. Cut-off Region- B-E, B-C Reversed Bias 18. DArsonval -Another name for Permanent Magnet Moving Coil 19. Dot Pitch Image Resolution, The sharpness of the image on a computer display can be specified in terms of 20. Easier to transport and store-why methanol is preferred than hydrogen 21. Einstein de Haas Effect22. Eddy current loss the armature of a dc machine is laminated in order to reduce the 23. Extremely high -The input impedance of a MOSFET is 24. Field Strength- most common used method speed control by varying 25. FLOPS- measures the speed of supercomputers 26. Forge Welding- oldest of all welding processes 27. GaAs- LED construction emits infrared radiation 28. GaAs -Microprocessor used in CRAY-1 supercomputer invented by Seymour Cray 29. GMAW inert gas or MIG, pool 31. Hartley Oscillator uses a single coil tap in the tune circuit (LC circuit) 32. Has a large spacing between layers why cholesteric crystals are colored 33. Hay bridge- bridge that measure in high-Q inductors (Q>10) 34. Hay bridge- measure both capacitive and inductive impedances @ higher frequency 35. Hold interval-next before release interval w/c SCR switches from conduction state of the forward blocking region 43. Lead acids an interruptible power supply 44. Lenz Law- law states d polarity of induced voltage will oppose the change in magnetic flux causing the induction 45. Lithium Cadmium- never used power supply until it dies 46. LF157A BiFet op-amp 47. Low resistance circuit DC voltmeter with low sensitivity gives accurate reading when measuring 48. Main Memory primary storage 49. Manipulator consist of segments of rigid links connected by means of articulation (joints) 50. Manipulator - is a device used under human control to manipulate materials without direct contact. The materials are frequently radioactive or bio-hazardous. 51. Mass does not affect the 52. Monolithic- I.C. is made of...single chip: 53. Mossbauer effect54. Number box - A dialogue box control which is represented by a text box set up to only accept numbers. 55. Oscillator op-amp employ negative feedback 56. Oscillator circuit produces pulsating or alternating current voltage Winding- 2 essential parts in rotating generators 58. Photocells selenium 59. Photodiode reverse bias if not in used

10. Chain drive- robot transmission system 30. Handshake-

15. Compensating capacitance prevents 36. Holding current- value of current below 57. Permanent Magnets and Armature

16. Colpitt and Hartley-RF Oscillators used 37. Hydraulics turbines- low speed alternators are driven by 38. Identification, Verification,

authentication-The science of Biometry 60. Photodiode light activated diode is used for 39. Immunity to noise purpose of adding hysteresis 40. Jump voltage leading edge 41. Kirchhoffs Current Law- states the sum of currents entering a node is equal to the current leaving in electric circuits. 42. Kismet facial expression of robot known as 61. Pinch off voltage- in N-type channel...employing more negative 62. Pleo dinosaur toy robot 63. PMMC most sensitive electrical instrument 64. Prismatic- Straight line ...sliding

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Coaching in Electronics (February 11, 2010)

65. Proximity sensing is mostly akin to range plotting 66. Pyrometer- measures temp. By electric means beyond the range of mercury thermometer 67. Pyranometer measures the intensity of the radiation received from any portion of the sky 68. Qrio humanoid robot of Sony 69. Ratio of resistors on one side bridge is balance 70. Rectifier converts ac voltage to dc voltage 71. Reduce sparking carbon brushes is preferable compare copper brushes 72. Release interval- next before stand by interval 73. Release of magnetic field is faster- If inductor is small 74. Reversed Biased- if photodiode is not in used as a photovoltaic cell has.... 75. Revolute- In a robot, the axis that allows rotation are often referred to as __________ joints. 76. ROBOT coined by Karel Capek 77. Robotics - The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots 78. Roll- type of motion of robotic endeffector that is rotational in form 79. Sawtooth linear increase rapid decrease 80. SCARA- human assembly task 81. Series a motor that has the highest starting torque 82. Sequencing- A motion control in which the load is moved between sequences of numerically defined positions where it is stopped before it is moved to the next positions: 83. Shunt best speed regulation, parallel with the load 84. Shuji Nakamura invented practical blue laser diodes 85. Slew rate- max rate that an output voltage of an op-amp can change 86. Snubber voltage equalization 87. Solid State Welding friction welding type 88. Squared Pulses- Voss-McCartney noise generator 89. Squeeze interval- next to hold interval oscilloscope which consists of a narrowband in filter and a local oscillator (receiver) capable of showing transmitter carriers, spacing, harmonics and sidebands. 91. Switching regulator most efficient, avoid heat 92. Stand By interval- next after release interval 93. Stroboscope- frequency of rotation in some rotating machinery can measured by are driven by 95. Three-In a robotic system, how many degrees of freedom can be given to a manipulator by adding a wrist? 96. Transistor-transistor logic less susceptible to noise 97. Transputer computer on a chip/32 bit 98. Ted Hoff - microprocessor 99. UNIMATE- George Dovel and Joseph Engelberger- industrial robot 100.Varley loop Wheatstone bridge det. Distance from test point in a pt. To a fault in a tel. Or telegraph line or cable 101.Visio Computer aided Design.... 102.Vision system a device that convert light to digital 103.Voltage divider type- The most widely used combination bias system in basic transistor amplifier 104.Wien bridge and phase shift Audio Oscillator used 105.XNOR even parity 106.XOR odd parity 107.Walk-through programming- a robot programming...rqd. sequence of functional and positional steps written on a remote programming 108.Wattmeter dynamometer used as 109.Weld interval- next before hold interval 110.Wheatstone bridge 4 arm bridge w/c all arms predominantly resistive and measure dc resistance 111.Wire-wound resistor- handle large amount of power 112.Work envelope- region where robot arm can accomplish tasks 113.ZMP (zero moment point) Asimos system 114.12 neutrons + 12 protons if atomic weight is 12 115.2:1 the relation of peak in Half Wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier bridge type rectifier 117.1000000 gain of a closed loop opamp. 118.5 interval welding process 119.1 atmosphere normal boiling point 120.79xx series negative output value 121.6.24x10 18 electrons- 1 coloumb 122..0001% or 1rpm- Crystal oscillator 123.800 rpm- LC oscillator 124. (+) to (-)- holes flow 125.Yaw perpendicular to the plane 126.Pitch parallel to the plane 127.Groshs Theorem 128.Hideki Yukawa129.Rodney Brooks130.KUKA- strongest industrial robot referred also to FANUC 131.Hazardous those overhead industrial robots are considered

=on the other side- Wheatstone bridge 90. Spectrum analyzer- is a kind of

94. Steam turbines- high speed alternators 116.81.2% -maximum efficiency of full wave

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Coaching in Electronics (February 11, 2010)

132.Point to point or bang bang robot the software of robotics that is capable of moving any single degree of freedom to any intermediate point 133.Masons Rule134.Ignitron135.Meissner Effect136.Wiedemann- Franz Law ratio of thermal conductivity over dielectric of material 137.Heaviside Campbell - self inductance from mutual Inductance 138.1 diode half wave rectifier uses 139.Sayboult effect140.Cycloconverter ac voltage frequency to dc voltage frequency 141.Polyphase motor 142.Orthogonal nulling 143.Spooling144.Bluetooth- 1/5 of the range of WiFi 145.3G 144kbps 146.Ferro pot core 147.Crystal Growth 148.Interruptible Power Supply lead acid cell most common found 149.Compton Camera positron Camera 150.Digital Computer - digital data process by 151.450 kHz- 95 MHz... current frequency 152.PEW- Peripheral Wielding 153.SMAW154.Cross over network- the signals are separated going to tweeter and woofer 155.Switching Regulator- most efficient regulator and avoid heat 156.Eddy-Current an increase in core loss 157.Cathode Ray Oscillation-shows the waveforms or frequency 158.Sawtooth- gradual increase in ramp and instant decrease 159.Solid State Welding Friction Welding 160.Quartz 161.Pierce 162.Reluctance opposition of magnetic flux 163....Reflectometer - determines the fault 164.Rheostat handles more current advantage of rheostat compare potentiometer 165.Ripples- variation of an ac voltage output signal 166.Phasor diagram graphical representation and show at what state 167.Dynamo 168.Electrodynamometer 169.Software- step by step instruction... 170.Voltage follower unity gain or voltage gain of 1 171.Zener diode voltage reference in half wave rectifier 172.Schmitt Trigger173.Optoisolator incorporated the IRED and LED 174.Peak reverse voltage 175.Easily damage in electrostatic disadvantage of metal oxides semiconductor 176.Electron energy configurationdistribution of electron in such level 177.Maxwell Bridge- used to measure the unknown inductance with a capacitance 178.Screening Mammogram- something check-up in breast part of the female 179.Pneumatic, Hydraulic, and Electric common source actuator in robot 180.Pink Noise Generator 181.Damping- a progressive decay in oscillation signal 182.The earths magnetic field is disturbed can occur during geomagnetic storm 183.In a small inductance energy is stored and released quickly 184.Electrolytic type of capacitors that are polarized 185.Its capacitance decrease as the temperature rises capacitor that has a negative temperature coefficient 186.A balanced winding a centre tap often exist 187.Variable conductive properties of some material- a term semiconductor arises from 188.Voltage amplifier Pre-amplifier 189.HFRW current frequency ...450kHz 190.Pressure cold welding uses 191.Work of range axis 192.Net computer personal computer that can connect to TV set 193.Secondary memory data are not frequently used 194.3 data word and 3 bits- 3x3 ROM 195.Easier to store and retrieve data advantage of disks over tapes 196.(...) dialog box will appear after you choose 197.Comparator compare two signal 198.four sets of resistors in series, and connecting these four sets in parallel - Suppose you have an unlimited supply of 1-W, 1000- resistors and you need a 500- resistance rated at 7 W or more. This can be done by assembling 199.Is never be repulsive- The force between a magnet and a piece of ferromagnetic metal that has not been magnetized 200.motion of electric charge carriers The presence of a magnetic field can always be attributed to

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