Our Vision

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Our Vision

The Computer Science Department at the Rochester Institute of Technology provides leading programs in computer science whose graduates are globally recognized as innovative and well-prepared computing professionals. Our Mission The Department's mission is to provide students and faculty with an open environment that fosters professional and personal growth. We will prepare our students for successful careers in the computing professions through flexible programs of study that can be adapted to support individual career goals. We will provide students with: A strong theoretical and practical background across the computer science discipline with an emphasis on software development; An understanding of their professional, ethical responsibilities; Opportunities for research; A rich skill set and practical experience enabling them to become valuable and creative contributors immediately upon graduation; The skills necessary to continue their education, to grow professionally and to push the boundaries of conventional thinking long after graduation.

Furthermore, the Department will help faculty foster the growth and strength of its programs. In this regard, we will:

Adapt curriculum and pedagogy to complement the evolution of computer technology and the computing profession; Accommodate the varied learning styles of a diverse student population; Recognize and support faculty research and scholarship in computer science; Support scholarship and creativity associated with curriculum development and innovative approaches to teaching.

Program Educational Objectives Our program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. They will be able to:

Pursue advanced study in computing or participate in modern software development. Collaborate Successfully with colleagues and clients. Work as ethical and responsible members of the computing profession and society.

Program Outcomes To allow our BS graduates to meet our long-term program educational objectives, the department has developed seven program outcomes, which are narrower statements used to describe what our students are expected to know and be able to do by graduation. Students graduating from our B.S. program are able to:

Apply the theory and principles of computer science. Demonstrate fluency in high-level programming languages, environments, and tools for computing. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of computer organization, operating systems, and networks. Apply computing skills and work effectively in teams in industry or research. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of a selected area within the computer science discipline. Prepare technical documents and make effective oral presentations. Comprehend and analyze both legal and ethical issues involving the use of computing in society.

The Department of Computer Science is committed to becoming internationally recognized for research at the intersections of knowledge domains within computer science and between computer science and other disciplines, especially where such research can empower the human potential in service to science and society. We will reinforce, extend, and diversify our strengths in interdisciplinary innovation and collaboration while striving to become recognized for addressing critical, scientifically important problems.

Department of Computer Science: The vision of the department is to emerge as an institute of excellence for IT pedagogy and internationally renowned R and D institute and excel in software consultancy. The missions of the Department are To offer PG Programmes in Computer Science and IT related areas, keeping in tune with the latest developments and industry requirements. To offer advanced level training programme and to promote industry based internships, leading to the development of skilled technical man power in Software Engineering. To guide and supervise in the identified IT domainsto enhance students R&D potential.

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