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Candidate's copy

PSPCL's copy

Bank's copy

State Bank of Patiala

State Bank of Patiala

State Bank of Patiala

Fee Payment challan for application for the post of Fee Payment challan for application for the post of Fee Payment challan for application for the post of JE/APA/AJS/SI against CRA No. 276/2012 advertised by Punjab JE/APA/AJS/SI against CRA No. 276/2012 advertised by Punjab JE/APA/AJS/SI against CRA No. 276/2012 advertised by Punjab State Power Corporation Limited State Power Corporation Limited State Power Corporation Limited All of the following preprinted fields are must be enteredAll of the following preprinted fields are must be enteredAll of the following preprinted fields are must be entered accurately by the Bank's cashier in the Bank's fee collectionaccurately by the Bank's cashier in the Bank's fee collectionaccurately by the Bank's cashier in the Bank's fee collection system for PSPCL: system for PSPCL: system for PSPCL: 1. Accounts No. :- 65140761507 1. Accounts No. :- 65140761507 1. Accounts No. :- 65140761507 2. Amount (Rs.) :- 500 2. Amount (Rs.) :- 500 2. Amount (Rs.) :- 500 3. Reference No.. :- 211200001092 3. Reference No.. :- 211200001092 3. Reference No. :- 211200001092 4. Name of applicant :- Pushpinder Singh 4. Name of applicant :- Pushpinder Singh 4. Name of applicant :- Pushpinder Singh 5. Course/post code :- 21 5. Course/post code :- :- 21 5. Course/post code :-:- 21 6. Application No. :- 160892 6. Application No. :- 160892 6. Application No. :- 160892 All of the following fields must be manually enteredAll of the following fields must be manually enteredAll of the following fields must be manually entered accurately by the Bank's cashier in all the three copies of theaccurately by the Bank's cashier in all the three copies of theaccurately by the Bank's cashier in all the three copies of the challan from the Bank's fee collection system for PSPCL: challan from the Bank's fee collection system for PSPCL: challan from the Bank's fee collection system for PSPCL: 7. Journal No. -----------------------7. Journal No. --------------------------7. Journal No. --------------------------8. Journal date -----------------------(DD/MM/YY) 8. Journal date -----------------------(DD/MM/YY) 8. Journal date -----------------------(DD/MM/YY) 9. Bank branch code (5 digit)-------------------------9. Bank branch code (5 digit)-------------------------9. Bank branch code (5 digit)-------------------------Signatures of the candidate ---------------Signatures of the candidate ---------------Signatures of the candidate ---------------Signatures of the Bank's Cashier ------------Signatures of the Bank's Cashier ------------Signatures of the Bank's Cashier ------------Seal/Stamp of the Bank ----------------------Seal/Stamp of the Bank ----------------------Seal/Stamp of the Bank -----------------------

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