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National Disability Insurance Scheme

Practical Design Fund Values Based Leadership Development Workshop 7-8 March I Geelong

About the Workshop

This free two-day workshop is aimed at service agencies seeking to explore their values and culture in preparation for the introduction of the NDIS. The growth in disability support funding through the NDIS has the potential to deliver significant changes to the way people living with disability (NDIS participants) are supported. Participants will have an individual budget and become authentic customers through their purchasing decisions. The values underpinning the NDIS include control and choice, and participation in community life and the economy. Given these values, it will be essential for service agencies to reflect upon, and determine, the values which underpin their work and how these values are lived out in practice. This work goes to the heart of an agencys culture. This workshop is funded through the Australian Governments Practical Design Fund.

Julia Farr group CEO, Robbi Williams Robbi has more than 25 years of international experience working across a range of social issues including disability, mental health, families, ageing, primary and specialist health services. Robbi is CEO of the Julia Farr group, a trio of non-government organisations working to improve the life chances of people living with disability.
SACOSS Executive Director, Ross Womersley Ross is the Executive Director of the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS). Prior to this role, Ross was widely involved in the community sector and intensively involved in the development of innovative, highly personalised, community-based services for people living with disability.

Location Leisuretime Centre, 262-282 Anakie Road, Norlane.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Practical Design Fund Values Based Leadership Development Workshop 7-8 March I Geelong
Day 1 Time 9:00-10:30 10:30-10:50 10:50-12:20 12:20-1:00 1:00-2:30 2:30-2:45 2:45-4:15 4:15-4:30 Day 2 9:00-10:30 10:30-10:50 10:50-12:20 Connected Break Safety vs. Safeguards The differing values underpinning safety and safeguards and building the agencys values-based approach to risk. Navigating situations where there are competing values, for example when a staff workplace is also someones home. Gathering service agency leaders views on the potential for a NDIS e-Market. The values underpinning community connection and the implications for agency practice. Topic History of disability support services Break Inquiry into values Lunch Planning with people seeking assistance Break Personalised supports Closing The values underpinning personalised supports and the relationship between paid and freely given assistance. The values which underpin helpful planning and the implications for specific planning methods. How to lead an agency conversation about its values. Description A history of disability support and the functional and cultural implications for the NDIS.

12:20-1:00 1:00-2:30

Lunch Your home, my workplace Break Extra: E-Market consultation

2:30-2:45 2:45-4:00

Registration Form
Cancellation Policy This a free workshop because the registration fee (venue hire costs, catering, facilitators and materials) is fully-funded through the NDIS Practical Design Fund. Once you register, it is important you attend or nominate a proxy or provide seven (7) days notice of cancellation, because places are limited. Otherwise you may be charged a cancellation fee of $250 (except in extenuating circumstances). By registering you agree to these terms.

I would like to attend the following workshop: City: First Name: Organisation/Agency: Email: Mobile: Address: Phone: Dates: Surname:

Please provide details of any specific accessibility requirements:

Please provide details of any specific dietary requirements:

I understand I may be charged a no-show fee of $250 if I do not attend or provide a proxy or provide seven (7) days notice of cancellation (please sign below):

Please return the completed registration form by fax (08) 8373 8373 or email For additional inquiries, please call us on (08) 8373 8333.

For more information about JFA Purple Orange, visit and for more information about SACOSS visit

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