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Knit Using 6 - weight yarn about 55 - 60 yards and Size US 13 Circular needles
Abbreviations: k2tog: holding working yarn as if to knit, knit 2 stitches together as one p2tog: holding working yarn as if to purl, purl 2 stitches together as one Cast on 50 stitches, place marker and join, taking care not to twist stitches. Work Brim: Row 1: knit all stitches Repeat Row 1 until your piece is about 3.5 to 4 inches in length Work Pattern: Row 1: *k2tog, leave on LH needle and working the same 2 stitches, p2tog*; repeat around Rows 2 & 4: knit all stitches Row 4: k1,*k2tog, leave on LH needle, p2tog,*; repeat around to last stitch, k1 Repeat Rows 1 - 4 until piece is 6 to 6.5 inches in length. Work Crown: Row 1: knit all stitches Repeat Row 1 until piece measures 7 to 7.5 inches in length Finish: Cut working yarn, leaving a 6-inch tail. Draw the tail through the remaining stitches, cinch closed and secure. Weave in ends and give this hat as a hug to someone! The pattern is worked over 2 stitches. To maintain the crown decreases adapt in multiples of 10 To knit this using 5-weight yarn, use size 10.5 needles and cast on 70 stitches. To knit this using worsted weight yarn, use size 8 needles and cast on 100 stitches. To make it child size, use worsted yarn, size 8 needles and cast on 60 stitches. Adjust in increments of 10 stitches for individual sizes. To knit this using sport weight yarn, use size 5 needles and cast on 120 stitches. If using a different weight, you might have to add more rows to the crown decrease. Feel free to use dpns if you prefer! Decrease Crown: Row 1: *k3, k2tog *; repeat around Row 2: *k2, k2tog*; repeat around Row 3: *k1, k2tog*; repeat around Row 4: *k2tog*; repeat around

Visit my blog for more patterns, ebooks and info: www.knittingwithschnapps.blogspot.com Join us on Facebook for new patterns as soon as they come off my needles:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Delaware-Head-Huggers/ 250229674280 Learn more about Delaware Head Huggers by visiting www.delawareheadhuggers.org

Jurisprudence Robin Agar - Celli 2013

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