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Fundamental MS Dos

Part- I Answer all questions, each question one mark a) i. Which of the following is not an O.S? (a) DOS (b) Oracle (c) Linux (d) Windows ii. Data are (a) Row falt and figure (b) Information (c) Electronic representative of falts (d) Non of these iii. Which of the following can be used as primary memory (a) Cartridge tape (b) Optical disk (c) Hard disk (d) none of these iv. What is the binary number for the decimal number 217? (a) 11011001 (b) 11101001 (c) 10110101 (d) 11000001 v. The connection bet the computer and peripherals is called (a) Port (b) Bus (c) 1/0 device (d) Dir vi. Which one of the following is External Dos Command (a) Copy (b) Format (c) Del (d) Dir vii. The resolution of a printer is measured in (a) Megabits (b) Hz (c) DPI (d) Inches viii. Information retrieval is fastest from (a) Floppy disk (b) Magnetic disk (c) hard disk (d) CD-ROM ix. Which of the following memory or storage is volatile (a) Hard disk (b) Floppy disk (c) Magnetic Disk (d) RAM x. One of the following is not a high level language (a) C++ (b) Fortran (c) Basic (d) Assembly 2. a) symbols O and I represents _____________ states b) mouse is a ______________ input device

c) TFT- LCD stands for ______________ d) ___________ key is used to print the Desk-top background e) Multiple choice examination answer shuts can be evaluation automatically by ____________ f) A conclusion of eight bits is called ____________ g) The binary No. 110011 in octal system is _______________ h) To get any special symbol, we use __________ key i) BCD stands for __________ j) Which key is used to rename a selected file or icon. 3. To mark true or false a. ALU is part of CPU b. VDU can be used both as an input or output device c. 3 floppys are available in market. d. CD-ROM is a re-writable CD. e. DVD is a Primary Memory. f. A Kb is Biggest than a byte g. Mouse is two types. h. MICR stand for Magnetic Ink Course Reader i. Web camera is a output device j. F6 is used to save the file. 4. a. Write the function of following commands. i. Dir/O ii. Dir/S iii. Prompt &P&G. iv. Ver v. Types Con Vi. Promt & L vii. Color viii. Doskey ix. Tree. X. Ren 5. Write any five a) What is Batch file? Write the syntax with an example b) What is booting, how many types of booting describe it? c) What is operating system, how many types of O.S. and what is it? d) Different between Internal Command and external command. e) Convert these ni to binary i. (5689)10 ii. (9875)10 iii. (6543)10

f) Write the three procedures how to open DOS. 6. a) What is printer, how many types of printer describe it? b) Describe the No

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