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13 Mudras and Mantras of Creation

Version 14 March 2003

Note: Mudras 1-7 are done with BOTH hands. 1.

Thumbs to ring fingers, palm up. Bring the hands up to the place where the thumbs and fingers are on the 3rd eye. KWASHIM KWASHIM KWASHIM MA NA


Index fingers & thumbs together, other three fingers on both hands extended, hands facing out sideways in line with the shoulders, about shoulder height, palms facing downwards. As the hands come in, the palms are turned up and the arms raised to the heavens MAKWAKA MAKWAKA MAKWAKA MA NIE


Index fingers & middle fingers together, place palms down approximately at the height of the solar plexus, resting against the body. Gradually bring your hands in a semi-circle rotating the palms are up and then they come to the heart chakra. SHAMOA SHAMOA SHAMOA SHANSHI


Raise hands up where arm is bent, extend them forward from shoulders and make a right angle at the elbows - the palms are facing behind you, forearms are vertical and upper arms are horizontal to the ground. Place small fingers and ring fingers and thumbs together. Extend the other fingers in a peace sign. Rotating the arms inward, bring the 2 remaining fingers to the 3rd eye making a diamond shape over the 3rd eye, palms facing out. MIEKMISHO MIEKMISHO MIEKMISHO WA NIE


Place thumbs & index fingers together so that they meet on the heart chakra, palms up. Make a semi-circle out in front of you and bring the back of the hands, palms out, onto the 3rd eye. NASHA NASHA NASHA MUKMI


Place thumbs over fingernails of the little fingers. Put hands so that the thumbs & little fingers meet at the bridge of your nose (at the Taoism point below the 3rd eye), the remaining fingers come up like a flame from that point. The movement is out in a semi-circle, allowing your arms & shoulders to rotate until arms are perpendicular to the body, with elbows bent, palms facing out. Next, they come in and connect to the lower heart chakra just above the sternum. OMEN OMEN OMEN SHANTI


Place thumbs & middle fingers together. Forearms parallel with body, elbows bent, upper arm parallel to the ground. Place thumbs & middle fingers on the crown chakra, palm facing head. Let the hands & arms float out in a semi-circle and back so that the shoulders are straight and palms are facing out in a crucifix position forward, except that arm is bent at elbow with the upper arm parallel to the ground. Allow the arms to drop in an arc until the thumbs and middle fingers touch the Tan Tien (3 inches below the navel). SHASHOA SHASHOA SHASHOA SHALOM

Note: Mudras 8- 3 are done with the LEFT hand 8.

Place thumb, index finger & middle finger together, 2 little fingers extended up. Place in a 3-point pyramid on the 3rd eye. Make a clockwise circle (right, down, left, up) and continue spiraling out in an arc. Then spiral back in to connect it with your heart chakra. SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI MAHATMA


Place thumb & index finger together. Rest wrist on the crown chakra as if a flame is coming out of the top of your head, palm is facing to the right side of your body. Move in an arc forward of the body so that the arm is in front. Keep the palm facing the crown chakra. BAKIKWIMA BAKIKWIMA BAKIKWIMA MOMA


Open up the fingers so they are fully extended. Place palm over 3rd eye, with fingers facing up. Move hand in an arc rotating out to the right side of the body, also rotate the palm so that it faces away from the 3rd eye once the arm is extended. Bring ring finger and thumb together. Drop your hand straight down and in to connect thumb and ring finger to the heart chakra. SHASHO SHASHO SHASHOLA WAK NIE


Bring palm in front of the eyes and face. Place little finger over the corner of your right eye and thumb over the corner of your left eye. The ring finger is bent and rests comfortably over the Tao initiate point. The index & middle finger are extended up into a V shape - this shape is called the Flame of Creation. Allow hand to float to the left in an arc. Bring thumb, little finger & ring finger together as the hand moves away from the face. The arm goes into a natural arc out to where upper arm is horizontal to Earth, forearm is parallel with body, elbow remains bent & palm faces outward. MAKWASHI MAKWASHI MAKWASHI MA MIE


Place middle finger & thumb together. Hand is making small clockwise circles over the 3rd eye with the bottom of the thumb resting on the nose. The 3 remaining fingers are extended like the Flame of Truth. Rotate the palm so it faces away from the body as the arm floats out in a 45 degree angle in front of the body. Then rotate palm to be facing behind you. Then extend arms up, spiralling as you go, keeping palm facing the body. MONO MONO MONO UNI


Place thumb over fingernail of little finger. Place inner wrist (where pulse is taken) on the crown chakra. The 3 Flames of Truth extend to Heaven and Infinite Circle of Creation is completed through the thumb & little finger. Allow arm to float in an arc to the right, so that the palm is facing outward but still in line with the crown chakra. Then bring the arm down in front of you in an arc. Connect thumb & little finger to the heart chakra with the 3 Flames of Truth facing down. AGUPARUM AGUPARUM AGUPARUM MASA

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