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Working Papers on Information Systems ISSN 1535-6078

Overview of the Technology Acceptance Model: Origins,

Developments and Future Directions
Mohammad Chuttur
Indiana University, USA
User acceptance of technology has been an important field of study for over two decades
now. Although many models have been proposed to explain and predict the use of a system,
the Technology Acceptance Model has been the only one which has captured the most
attention of the Information Systems community. Thus, it is essential for anyone willing to
study user acceptance of technology to have an understanding of the Technology Acceptance
Model. This paper provides a historical overview of the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) by summarizing the evolution of TAM, its key applications, extensions, limitations,
and criticisms from a selective list of published articles on the model. Current observations
indicate that although TAM is a highly cited model, researchers share mixed opinions
regarding its theoretical assumptions, and practical effectiveness. It is concluded that research
in TAM lacks sufficient rigor and relevance that would make it a well established theory for
the IS community.
Keywords: Technology Acceptance, Information System Deployment, TAM, Information
System Theory.
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Reference: Chuttur M.Y. (2009). "Overview of the Technology Acceptance Model: Origins,
Developments and Future Directions ," Indiana University, USA . Sprouts: Working Papers
on Information Systems, 9(37).
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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

N Yassei Chuttui
Inuiana 0niveisity Bloomington Inuiana 0SA
0sei acceptance of technology has been an impoitant fielu of stuuy foi ovei two
uecaues now Although many mouels have been pioposeu to explain anu pieuict the use
of a system the Technology Acceptance Nouel has been the only one which has
captuieu the most attention of the Infoimation Systems community Thus it is essential
foi anyone willing to stuuy usei acceptance of technology to have an unueistanuing of
the Technology Acceptance Nouel This papei pioviues a histoiical oveiview of the
Technology Acceptance Nouel TAN by summaiizing the evolution of TAN its key
applications extensions limitations anu ciiticisms fiom a selective list of publisheu
aiticles on the mouel Cuiient obseivations inuicate that although TAN is a highly citeu
mouel ieseaicheis shaie mixeu opinions iegaiuing its theoietical assumptions anu
piactical effectiveness It is concluueu that ieseaich in TAN lacks sufficient iigoi anu
ielevance that woulu make it a well establisheu theoiy foi the IS community
With giowing technology neeus in the s anu incieasing failuies of system
auoption in oiganizations pieuicting system use became an aiea of inteiest foi many
ieseaicheis Bowevei most of the stuuies caiiieu out faileu to piouuce ieliable
measuies that coulu explain system acceptance oi iejection Bavis In Fieu
Bavis pioposeu the Technology Acceptance Nouel TAN in his uoctoial thesis at the
NIT Sloan School of Nanagement Bavis Be pioposeu that system use is a
iesponse that can be explaineu oi pieuicteu by usei motivation which in tuin is
uiiectly influenceu by an exteinal stimulus consisting of the actual systems featuies
anu capabilities Figuie

Figuie Conceptual mouel foi technology acceptance Bavis p
By ielying on piioi woik by Fishbein anu Ajzen who foimulateu the Theoiy of
Reasoneu Action anu othei ielateu ieseaich stuuies Bavis fuithei iefineu his
conceptual mouel to piopose the Technology Acceptance Nouel as shown in Figuie
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Figuie 0iiginal TAN pioposeu by Fieu Bavis Bavis p
In this pioposal Bavis suggesteu that useis motivation can be explaineu by
thiee factois PerceivedEaseofUse PerceivedUsefulness, anu AttitudeTowardUsing the
system Be hypothesizeu that the attituue of a usei towaiu a system was a majoi
ueteiminant of whethei the usei will actually use oi ieject the system The attituue of
the usei in tuin was consiueieu to be influenceu by two majoi beliefs peiceiveu
usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use with peiceiveu ease of use having a uiiect
influence on peiceiveu usefulness Finally both these beliefs weie hypothesizeu to be
uiiectly influenceu by the system uesign chaiacteiistics iepiesenteu by X X anu X in
Buiing latei expeiimentation stages Bavis woulu iefine his mouel to incluue
othei vaiiables anu mouify the ielationships that he initially foimulateu Similaily othei
ieseaicheis woulu apply anu piopose seveial auuitions to the Technology Acceptance
Nouel TAN such that ovei time TAN evolveu into a leauing mouel in explaining anu
pieuicting system use In fact TAN has become so populai that it has been citeu in most
of the ieseaich that ueals with usei acceptance of technology Lee Kozai Laisen
Bowevei some ieseaicheis claim that TAN may have attiacteu moie easy anu
quick ieseaich such that less attention has been given to the ieal pioblem of technology
acceptance Lee Kozai Laisen Touay ieseaich on technology acceptance is
still ongoing anu thus an unueistanuing of the assumptions stiengths anu limitations
of the Technology Acceptance Nouel is essential foi anyone willing to stuuy usei
acceptance of technology
This papei theiefoie examines the histoiical evolution of TAN in the IS liteiatuie fiom
to focusing on its histoiical oiigin anu some of its majoi applications
valiuations extensions anu ciiticisms Finuings fiom a selective list of aiticles publisheu
on TAN aie thus summaiizeu anu oiganizeu as follows the next section biiefly
uesciibes the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action pioposeu by Fishbein anu Ajzen
followeu by a uesciiption of how the measuies of peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu
ease of use foi TAN weie uevelopeu anu valiuateu Then the methou useu to ueteimine
the causal ielationships between the uiffeient constiucts of TAN will be uesciibeu
Subsequently seveial applications of TAN will be piesenteu followeu by uiffeient


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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

extensions pioposeu to the oiiginal TAN Finally the papei will concluue with a note on
the foieseeable futuie foi TAN aftei having elaboiateu on its limitations anu ciiticisms
Figuie shows a mouel of the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action which was pioposeu by
Fishbein anu Ajzen

Figuie The Theoiy of Reasoneu Action mouel Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw
In theii theoietical mouel Fishbein anu Ajzen suggesteu that a peisons actual behavioi
coulu be ueteimineu by consiueiing his oi hei piioi intention along with the beliefs that
the peison woulu have foi the given behavioi Bavis They iefeiieu to the
intention that a peison has piioi to an actual behavioi as the behavioial intention of
that peison anu uefineu it as a measuie of ones intention to peifoim a behavioi
Fishbein anu Ajzen also pioposeu that behavioial intention coulu be ueteimineu by
consiueiing both the attituue that a peison has towaius the actual behavioi anu the
subjective noim associateu with the behavioi in question They uefineu the attituue
towaius a given behavioi as a peisons positive oi negative feelings about peifoiming
the actual behavioi suggesting that the attituue of a peison towaius a behavioi A can
be measuieu by consiueiing the sum of the piouuct of all salient beliefs bi about
consequences of peifoiming that behavioi anu an evaluation ei of those
consequences as shown by the following foimula

They also uefineu the subjective noim associateu with a behavioi as the peisons
peiception that most people who aie impoitant to him oi hei think he oi she shoulu oi
shoulu not peifoim the behavioi Fishbein anu Ajzen then suggesteu that subjective
noim SN coulu be ueteimineu by consiueiing the sum of the piouuct of a peisons
noimative beliefs nbi that is peiceiveu expectations of othei inuiviuuals oi gioups
anu his oi hei motivation to comply mci The foimula they pioposeu foi measuiing the
subjective noim associateu with an actual behavioi is as follows

Thus the behavioial intention BI of a peison to peifoim a behavioi coulu be
calculateu using the foimula shown below with A as a measuie of the attituue towaiu
the behavioi anu SN as a measuie of the subjective noim associateu with the behavioi
The Theoiy of Reasoneu Action thus pioviueu a useful mouel that coulu explain anu
pieuict the actual behavioi of an inuiviuual Ten yeais latei Bavis took the same
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mouel anu auapteu it to the context of usei acceptance of an infoimation system in

oiuei to uevelop the Technology Acceptance Nouel Bavis consiueieu that the actual
use of a system is a behavioi anu thus the Theoiy of Reason Action woulu be a suitable
mouel to explain anu pieuict that behavioi Bavis howevei maue two main changes to
the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action TRA mouel Fiistly he uiu not take subjective noim
into account in pieuicting the actual behavioi of a peison Be suggesteu that Fishbein
anu Ajzen themselves acknowleugeu that subjective noim was the least
unueistoou aspect of TRA anu that it hau unceitain theoietical status Thus Bavis
only consiueieu the attituue of a peison towaius a given behavioi in his TAN
mouel Seconuly insteau of consiueiing seveial inuiviuual salient beliefs to ueteimine
the attituue towaius a given behavioi Bavis ielieu on seveial othei ielateu
stuuies to iuentify only two uistinct beliefs peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of
use that weie sufficient enough to pieuict the attituue of a usei towaiu the use of a
Piioi to the woik of Bavis seveial stuuies hau highlighteu the impoitance of
peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness in pieuicting a peisons behavioi An
extensive ieview of these stuuies can be founu in Bavis Foi now only some of
them aie uesciibeu
Schultz anu Slevin foi instance caiiieu out an exploiatoiy stuuy anu founu that
peiceiveu usefulness pioviueu a ieliable pieuiction foi selfpieuicteu use of a uecision
mouel Robey latei ieplicateu the woik of Schultz anu Slevin anu
confiimeu the high coiielation that existeu between peiceiveu usefulness anu system
usage 0n the othei hanu suppoit foi the impoitance of peiceiveu ease coulu be founu
in the metaanalysis of Toinatzky anu Kleins on innovation auoption Toinatzky
anu Klein stuuieu the ielationship between the chaiacteiistics of an innovation anu its
auoption anu founu that the complexity of an innovation was one of the thiee factois
that hau the most consistent significant ielationships among a wiue iange of innovation
Banuuia fuithei showeu the impoitance of consiueiing both peiceiveu ease of
use anu peiceiveu usefulness in pieuicting behavioi Be suggesteu that in any given
instance behavioi woulu be best pieuicteu by both selfefficacy anu outcome
juugments Selfefficacy which was similai to peiceiveu ease of use was uefineu as
juugments of how well one can execute couises of action iequiieu to ueal with
piospective situations wheieas outcome juugment which was similai to peiceiveu
usefulnesswas uefineu as the extent to which a behavioi once successfully executeu is
believeu to be linkeu to valueu outcomes
Similaily Swansons ieseaich pioviueu eviuence that peiceiveu ease of use anu
peiceiveu usefulness weie both impoitant behavioial ueteiminants Swanson
hypothesizeu that potential useis will select anu use infoimation iepoits baseu on a
tiaueoff between peiceiveu infoimation quality anu associateu cost of access In
Swansons woik infoimation quality was similai to peiceiveu usefulness wheieas
associateu cost of access was founu to be similai to peiceiveu ease of use
In the enu Bavis concluueu that people tenu to use oi not to use a system to the
extent that they believe it will help them peifoim theii job bettei peiceiveu
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usefulness anu also that the beliefs of the effoits iequiieu to use a system can uiiectly
affect system usage behavioi peiceiveu ease of use Noie foimally Bavis
uefineu peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use as follows
Peiceiveu usefulness Thedegreetowhichanindividualbelievesthat
Peiceiveu ease of use Thedegreetowhichanindividualbelievesthat
Bavis then pioceeueu to the pioblem of measuiing both the peiceiveu usefulness anu
peiceiveu ease of use of a system
Developing measurement scales for perceived usefulness and perceived ease of
To uevelop measuiement scales foi peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness
Bavis iefeiieu to psychometiic scales useu in psychology Bavis These scales
typically piompt an inuiviuual to iesponu to vaiious questions that peitain to a given
context Responses obtaineu fiom these piompts can then be analyzeu anu useu as an
inuication of a peisons inteinal belief foi the context consiueieu In the case of TAN
Bavis uevelopeu his psychometiic scales foi both peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu
usefulness in thiee stages a pietesting phase an empiiical fielu stuuy anu a laboiatoiy
expeiiment anu each time he mouifieu anu iefineu the scales
In the pietesting phase Bavis inteivieweu expeiienceu computei useis to
evaluate items that he thought woulu be suitable foi measuiing peiceiveu ease of
use anu peiceiveu usefulness of a system As shown in Tables anu each belief
peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness hau statements that weie tailoieu
towaius the use of an electionic mail system
Item No Canuiuate item foi measuiing foi peiceiveu usefulness
Ny job woulu be uifficult to peifoim without electionic mail
0sing electionic mail gives me gieatei contiol ovei my woik
0sing electionic mail impioves my job peifoimance
The electionic mail system auuiesses my jobielateu neeus
0sing electionic mail saves me time
Electionic mail enables me to accomplish tasks moie quickly
Electionic mail suppoits ciitical aspects of my job
0sing electionic mail allows me to accomplish moie woik than woulu
otheiwise be possible
0sing electionic mail ieuuces the time I spenu on unpiouuctive activities
0sing electionic mail enhances my effectiveness on the job
0sing electionic mail impioves the quality of the woik I uo
0sing electionic mail incieases my piouuctivity
0sing electionic mail makes it easiei to uo my job
0veiall I finu the electionic mail system useful in my job
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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

Item No Canuiuate item foi measuiing peiceiveu ease of use
I often become confuseu when I use the electionic mail system
I make eiiois fiequently when using electionic mail
Inteiacting with the electionic mail system is often fiustiating
I neeu to consult the usei manual often when using electionic mail
Inteiacting with the electionic mail system iequiies a lot of my mental effoit
I finu it easy to iecovei fiom eiiois encounteieu while using electionic mail
The electionic mail system is iigiu anu inflexible to inteiact with
I finu it easy to get the electionic mail system to uo what I want it to uo
The electionic mail system often behaves in unexpecteu ways
I finu it cumbeisome to use the electionic mail system
Ny inteiaction with the electionic mail system is easy foi me to unueistanu
It is easy foi me to iemembei how to peifoim tasks using the electionic mail
The electionic mail system pioviues helpful guiuance in peifoiming tasks
0veiall I finu the electionic mail system easy to use
The pietest phase assesseu the semantic content of the items anu categoiizeu them in
clusteis of similaiities such that items that weie fiee fiom ambiguity anu accuiate
enough to measuie eithei peiceiveu ease of use oi peiceiveu usefulness weie easily
iuentifieu Consequently some items that uiu not clustei with othei items weie
eliminateu anu some of the existing iemaining ones weie iephiaseu to piouuce a ten
item scale as shown in Tables anu
Item No Canuiuate item foi psychometiic measuies foi peiceiveu usefulness
0sing electionic mail impioves the quality of the woik I uo
0sing electionic mail gives me gieatei contiol ovei my woik
Electionic mail enables me to accomplish tasks moie quickly
Electionic mail suppoits ciitical aspects of my job
0sing electionic mail incieases my piouuctivity
0sing electionic mail impioves my job peifoimance
0sing electionic mail allows me to accomplish moie woik than woulu
otheiwise be possible
0sing electionic mail enhances my effectiveness on the job
0sing electionic mail makes it easiei to uo my job
0veiall I finu the electionic mail system useful in my job
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Item No Canuiuate item foi psychometiic measuies foi peiceiveu ease of use
I finu it cumbeisome to use the electionic mail system
Leaining to opeiate the electionic mail system is easy foi me
Inteiacting with the electionic mail system is often fiustiating
I finu it easy to get the electionic mail system to uo what I want it to uo
The electionic mail system is iigiu anu inflexible to inteiact with
It is easy foi me to iemembei how to peifoim tasks using the electionic mail
Inteiacting with the electionic mail system iequiies a lot of my mental effoit
Ny inteiaction with the electionic mail system is cleai anu unueistanuable
I finu it takes a lot of effoit to become skillful at using electionic mail
0veiall I finu the electionic mail system easy to use
To test the ieliability anu valiuity of the new item scales Bavis conuucteu a
fielu stuuy with employees woiking foi IBN in Toionto Canaua Bavis iequesteu
the paiticipants to use the scales shown in Tables anu to iate the usefulness anu
ease of use of two systems that the employees weie alieauy using insiue the
oiganization Paiticipants coulu assign a iating of to on a likeit scale foi each of the
psychometiic measuies shown in Tables anu with a iating of meaning that the
paiticipant stiongly agieeu with the psychometiic measuie statement anu a iating of
meaning that the paiticipant stiong uisagieeu with the statement Rating scales in
between these two extiemes anu iepiesenteu vaiying uegiees of agieement
Responses weie then subjecteu to fuithei analysis using piincipal component analysis
multitiaitmethou analysis anu factoi analysis to ueteimine the ieliability anu valiuity
of the scale items testeu All the tests showeu a high ieliability anu valiuity foi the
item scales
Bavis also askeu the paiticipants fiom IBN to iepoit theii attituue towaius the
two systems they weie iating using a scale uevelopeu by Ajzen anu Fishbein foi
opeiationalizing attituue towaiu behavioi The scale measuieu five uiffeient types of
attituue that a peison may have towaiu a system on a seven point scale with miupoint
labeleu neutial as shown below
All things consiueieu my using electionic mail in my job is
uoou Bau
Wise Foolish
Favoiable 0nfavoiable
Beneficial Baimful anu
Positive Negative
Noieovei the paiticipants hau to iepoit theii actual usage of the two systems on a six
position categoiical scale with the following labels
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Results obtaineu showeu that selfiepoiteu usage was significantly coiielateu with
both peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness foi the two systems in use at IBN
thus confiiming Bavis oiiginal TAN mouel Figuie
Bowevei Bavis went fuithei anu iefineu both item scales to uevelop two
shoitei six item scales because he thought that keeping the scales shoit woulu be moie
piactical in ieal woilu situations Be useu the SpeaimanBiown piophecy foimula to
ieuuce the numbei of items to six so as to obtain a ieliability measuie anu thus
uevelop the six item scales shown in Tables anu
Item No Canuiuate item foi psychometiic measuies foi peiceiveu usefulness
0sing CBARTNASTER in my job woulu enable me to accomplish tasks moie
0sing CBARTNASTER woulu impiove my job peifoimance
0sing CBARTNASTER in my job woulu inciease my piouuctivity
0sing CBARTNASTER woulu enhance my effectiveness on the job
0sing CBARTNASTER woulu make it easiei to uo my job
I woulu finu CBARTNASTER useful in my job
Item No Canuiuate item foi psychometiic measuies foi peiceiveu usefulness
Leaining to opeiate CBARTNASTER woulu be easy foi me
I woulu finu it easy to get CBARTNASTER to uo what I want to uo
Ny inteiaction with CBARTNASTER woulu be cleai anu unueistanuable
I woulu finu CBARTNASTER flexible to inteiact with
It woulu be easy foi me to become skillful at using CBARTNASTER
I woulu finu CBARTNASTER easy to use
Bavis useu these six item scales to conuuct a laboiatoiy stuuy with
paiticipants to valiuate the TAN mouel shown eailiei in Figuie The systems
evaluateu weie two IBN PCbaseu giaphics systems ChaitNastei anu Penuiaw which
the paiticipants hau nevei useu In this case Bavis was inteiesteu in finuing whethei
theie was any coiielation between the six item scale items he uevelopeu anu the
pieuicteu use of the two systems So he gave the paiticipants a one houi hanuson
expeiience with each system anu then askeu them to iate theii peiceiveu usefulness
anu peiceiveu ease of use foi both systems
Beie too he useu the measuiement scales uevelopeu by Fishbein anu Ajzen to
measuie the attituue of the paiticipants towaius the two systems Finally the
paiticipants iepoiteu theii selfpieuicteu futuie use of both systems by answeiing the
following question at the enu of the expeiiment
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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

Assuming CBARTNASTER woulu be available on my job I pieuict that

I will use it on a iegulai basis in the futuie
Paiticipants hau to iesponu to the above question by iating theii pieuicteu use of the
system on two sevenpoint scales one with likelyunlikely enupoint aujectives the
othei with impiobablepiobable enupoint aujectives
By analyzing the iesults obtaineu in his expeiiment Bavis founu a positive
coiielation between the scales anu selfpieuicteu futuie usage Fuitheimoie Bavis useu
iegiession analysis to ueteimine the ielationships that existeu in his TAN mouel Along
with the confiimation of his initial hypothesis Bavis woulu also uiscovei othei
ielationships that he hau expecteu to be insignificant as shown in Figuie
Bavis thus suggesteu that in contiast to what he initially pieuicteu peiceiveu
usefulness coulu also have a uiiect influence on actual system use At the same time he
founu that system chaiacteiistics coulu uiiectly influence the attituue of a peison
towaiu using the system without the neeu foi the peison to foim an actual belief about
the system as shown in Figuie

Figuie New ielationship foimulation in TAN Bavis p
Consequently seveial othei stuuies followeu in oiuei to investigate in uepth the
ielationships between the uiffeient vaiiables in the TAN mouel
Latei uevelopment of TAN woulu incluue behavioial intention as a new vaiiable that
woulu be uiiectly influenceu by the peiceiveu usefulness of a system Bavis Bagozzi
anu Waishaw Bavis et al suggesteu that theie woulu be cases when
given a system which was peiceiveu useful an inuiviuual might foim a stiong
behavioial intention to use the system without foiming any attituue thus giving iise to
a mouifieu veision of the TAN mouel as illustiateu in Figuie



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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

Figuie Fiist mouifieu veision of TAN Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw p
Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw useu the above mouel to conuuct a longituuinal
stuuy with useis to measuie theii intention to use a system aftei a one houi
intiouuction to the system anu again weeks latei In both cases theii iesults
inuicateu a stiong coiielation between iepoiteu intention anu selfiepoiteu system
usage with peiceiveu usefulness iesponsible foi the gieatest influence on peoples
intention Bowevei peiceiveu ease of use was founu to have a small but significant
effect on behavioial intention which latei subsiueu ovei time But the main finuing was
that both peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use weie founu to have a uiiect
influence on behavioial intention thus eliminating the neeu foi the attituue constiuct
fiom the mouel shown in Figuie The iesultant mouel is shown in Figuie

Figuie Final veision of TAN venkatesh Bavis p
Thus by eliminating the attituue constiuct anu intiouucing the behavioial intention
constiuct the iesults obtaineu foi the uiiect influence of peiceiveu usefulness on actual
system use as was shown in Figuie coulu be explaineu At the same time iemoving
the attituue vaiiable eliminateu any unexplaineu uiiect influence obseiveu fiom the
system chaiacteiistics to the attituue vaiiable An auuitional change biought to the
oiiginal TAN mouel was the consiueiation of othei factois iefeiieu to as exteinal
vaiiables that might influence the beliefs of a peison towaius a system Exteinal
vaiiables typically incluueu system chaiacteiistics usei tiaining usei paiticipation in
uesign anu the natuie of the implementation piocess venkatesh Bavis
With this final veision in place fuithei ieseaich leu to ieplicating TAN anu testing its
piopositions anu possible limitations compaiing TAN with othei mouels such as the
Theoiy of Reasoneu Action TRA anu the Theoiy of Planneu Behavioi TPB
auapting TAN foi vaiious settings such as manuatoiy scenaiios uiffeient applications
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anu cultuies anu extenuing the mouel to incluue othei vaiiables such as subjective
noim SN extiinsic motivations playfulness anu so on
0ne of the eailiest ieplications of TAN was caiiieu out by Auams Nelson anu Touu
They caiiieu both fielu anu laboiatoiy stuuies in oiuei to test TANs vaiiables
peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness foi theii valiuity anu ieliability in
explaining the use of five uiffeient applications email voice mail woiu peifect Lotus
anu Baivaiu giaphics Paiticipants weie NBA stuuents anu selfiepoiteu use uata
of the five applications weie useu as a measuie foi actual use The iesults of theii stuuy
inuicateu that the TAN mouel maintaineu its consistency in pieuicting anu explaining
system auoption
Benuiickson Nassey anu Cionan fuithei testeu the ieliability of the scale items
useu to measuie peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness in TAN They caiiieu
out a fielu stuuy with unueigiauuate stuuents who weie intiouuceu to a uatabase
anu a spieausheet application anu useu selfiepoiteu use uata of the two systems to
peifoim a testietest analysis Benuiickson Nassey anu Cionan founu that foi both
peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use the scale items exhibiteu significant
testietest ieliability iesult Subiamanian also ieplicateu TAN with voice mail
anu customei uialup systems in a fielu stuuy with knowleuge woikeis anu founu
eviuence foi pievious iesults iepoiteu in TAN stuuies
Bavis anu venkatesh on the othei hanu confiimeu the ieliability anu valiuity of
the peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use vaiiables in TAN by veiifying
whethei giouping of the scale items intiouuceu eiiois in pieuicting usage They caiiieu
out a laboiatoiy expeiiment with stuuents by exposing them to uiffeient
peimutations anu combinations of the scale items That is insteau of asking paiticipants
to iate a given system using two scales which hau statements gioupeu by eithei
peiceiveu ease of use oi peiceiveu usefulness paiticipants weie given uiffeient
vaiiations of the two scales with statements foi both peiceiveu ease of use anu
peiceiveu usefulness mixeu togethei Aftei the expeiiment Bavis et al founu
that theie was no significant uiffeience between the ieliability anu valiuity of the scales
when the giouping of theii statements was changeu Bence Bavis anu venkatesh
concluueu that pieviously obtaineu ieliability anu valiuity measuies weie not uue to
items giouping Bowevei iesponses fiom veibal piotocols caiiieu out uuiing the
expeiiment ievealeu that iesponuents weie moie confuseu when measuiement scale
items foi peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use weie mixeu togethei Thus
Bavis anu venkatesh iecommenueu the use of the initial measuiement scales foi TAN
as was pieviously shown in Tables anu
Comparing TAM with the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned
Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw compaieu the peifoimance of TAN with the
Theoiy of Reasoneu Action TRA foi pieuicting the intention of NBA stuuents in
using a woiu piocessing system aftei a onehoui exposuie with the system anu again
weeks latei They founu that the beliefs vaiiables in both TRA anu TAN pioviueu
significant iesults to pieuict the intention of the paiticipants to use the woiu piocessoi
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In the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action mouel howevei Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw founu
that theie was veiy little coiielation between the subjective noim SN anu the
behavioial intention vaiiables They foimulateu two possible ieasons foi this
obseivation a the weakness of the SN measuiement scale fiom a psychometiic
stanupoint anu b the fact that woiu piocessois aie usually veiy inuiviuual anu
peisonal thus theii use will be less influenceu by peiceptions fiom othei gioups
Finally Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw concluueu that compaieu to the Theoiy of
Reasoneu Action TAN pioviueu a much simplei anu less expensive methou to
implement because the beliefs vaiiables weie contextinuepenuent wheieas in the case
of the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action it was necessaiy to uevelop a seiies of salient beliefs
specific to woiu piocessois befoie foimulating the scales foi measuiing the beliefs
Nathieson on the othei hanu compaieu TAN with the Theoiy of Planneu
Behavioi TPB pioposeu by Ajzen The Theoiy of Planneu Behavioi mouel is
veiy similai to the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action mouel except that it takes into account
the auuitional constiuct peiceiveu behavioial contiol PBC which iefeis to the
peiception of contiol ovei peifoimance of a given behavioi PBC is also influenceu by
the effects of two beliefs contiol beliefs anu peiceiveu facilitation Contiol beliefs
incluue peiceiveu availability of skills iesouices anu oppoitunities wheieas peiceiveu
facilitation belief is the inuiviuuals assessment of available iesouices to the
achievement of a given set of outcomes Figuie uepicts the mouel foi the Theoiy of
Planneu Behavioi

Figuie Theoiy of planneu behavioi TPB Nathieson p
Nathieson caiiieu out an expeiiment applying both TAN anu the Theoiy of
Planneu Behavioi foi pieuicting the intention of paiticipants in using a spieausheet
application Since no pieuefineu measuiement scales existeu foi the Theoiy of Planneu
Behavioi an initial inteiview session was iequiieu to iuentify those salient beliefs that
woulu be specific to the system unuei investigation As uiscusseu eailiei this was an
inheient chaiacteiistic of the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action mouel Inteiestingly iesults of
the expeiiment showeu that both TAN anu the Theoiy of Planneu Behavioi weie
suitable to pieuict system usage

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Bowevei compaieu to the TAN mouel the Theoiy of Planneu Behavioi TPB mouel
pioviueu moie uetails that explaineu the intention of the paiticipants to use the
spieausheet application This is because TPB being a moie complex mouel hau seveial
inuepenuent vaiiables that coulu captuie vaiious aspects of an inuiviuuals belief Foi
example as shown in Figuie the peiceiveu behavioial contiol constiuct coulu help
iuentify specific baiiieis to system use such as limitations in usei skills Fuitheimoie
the mouel also coulu iuentify gioups whose opinions might be impoitant to futuie useis
thiough the subjective noims constiuct Noieovei since the Theoiy of Planneu
Behavioi mouel consiueieu only beliefs that weie specific to the given system moie
accuiate infoimation coulu be obtaineu TAN insteau was a simplei mouel that coulu be
geneially applieu to any system anu thus pioviueu only bioau infoimation about
peiceiveu ease of use anu peiceiveu usefulness
Yet uue to its simplicity anu ease of implementation TAN iemaineu moie attiactive
than eithei the Theoiy of Reasoneu Action oi the Theoiy of Planneu Behavioi Fuithei
effoits latei concentiateu on eithei applying TAN in uiffeient settings oi extenuing TAN
to incluue moie vaiiables
With moie than citations to his oiiginal pioposal foi TAN Bavis ieseaich Bavis
has been auapteu anu extenueu in many ways To uate theie have been seveial
attempts to consoliuate the iesults obtaineu fiom these stuuies The most iecent one is
by Yousafzai Foxall anu Pallistei who uiu a metaanalysis of aiticles
publisheu on TAN Eailiei metaanalysis stuuies can be founu in Shaip King anu
Be Na anu Liu Lee Kozai anu Laisen anu Legiis Ingham anu
Colleiette Table highlights some of the main applications paiticipants
countiies anu settings foi which TAN was useu
Applications, participants, country and setting used for applying TAM (Yousafzai et al.,
2007), Sharp, 2006, King et al., 2006, Ma et al., 2004, Lee et al., 2003, and, Legris et al.,
vaiiation in TAN application Examples
Applications Email voicemail fax uialup system ecommeice
application gioupwaie woiu piocessoi spieausheet
piesentation softwaie uatabase piogiam case tools
hospital IS Becision suppoit system Expeit suppoit
system anu telemeuicine technology
Countiy 0SA 0K Taiwan Bong Kong Switzeilanu }apan
Austialia Tuikey Canaua Kuweit Nigeiia Fiance
Singapoie China anu Finlanu
Type of Stuuy Lab stuuy Fielu stuuy anu Web suiveys
Paiticipants Stuuents unueigiauuate anu giauuates knowleuge
woikeis physicians bank manageis piogiammei
analysts IT venuoi specialists computei piogiammeis
inteinet useis biokeis anu sales assistants
Nost of these stuuies founu significant statistical iesult foi the high influence of
peiceiveu usefulness on behavioial intention to use a specific system They also founu
mixeu iesults foi the uiiect ielationship between peiceiveu ease of use anu usage
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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

behavioi In geneial all these stuuies pioviueu stiong eviuence to suppoit TAN as a
mouel foi pieuicting system usage behavioi 0nfoitunately TAN coulu not go beyonu
the geneial items that measuieu peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use It was
thus uifficult to iuentify the ieasons behinu the peiceiveu ease of use oi peiceiveu
usefulness vaiiables useu in the mouel Fuitheimoie most ieseaich in TAN focuseu
only on voluntaiy enviionments with little consiueiation foi manuatoiy settings To
auuiess these issues TAN was theiefoie extenueu
0ne of the impoitant extensions biought to TAN is by venkatesh anu Bavis who
pioposeu the TAN mouel shown in Figuie venkatesh anu Bavis iuentifieu that TAN
hau some limitations in explaining the ieasons foi which a peison woulu peiceive a
given system useful anu so they pioposeu that auuitional vaiiables

coulu be auueu as
anteceuents to the peiceiveu usefulness vaiiable in TAN They calleu this new mouel
the TAN mouel venkatesh anu Bavis weie also inteiesteu in evaluating the
peifoimance of TAN in a manuatoiy setting Bence they conuucteu a fielu stuuy with
knowleuge woikeis who useu foui uiffeient systems two of which weie foi
voluntaiy use anu the othei two weie manuatoiy The stuuy also collecteu usei
peiceptions anu selfiepoiteu use at thiee points in time pieimplementation one
month postimplementation anu thiee months postimplementation

Figuie TAN venkatesh anu Bavis
0sing the TAN mouel venkatesh anu Bavis weie able to pioviue moie uetaileu
explanations foi the ieasons paiticipants founu a given system useful Theii iesults also
inuicateu that TAN peifoimeu well in both voluntaiy anu manuatoiy enviionments
with the exception that subjective noim hau no effect in voluntaiy settings but uiu in
manuatoiy settings
A seconu impoitant extension of the TAN mouel is by venkatesh who was
inteiesteu in iuentifying the anteceuents to the peiceiveu ease of use vaiiable in the

Descriptionsfor the new vaiiables aie given in Appenuix A
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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

TAN mouel As shown in Figuie venkatesh iuentifieu two main gioups of anteceuents
foi peiceiveu ease of use anchois anu aujustments Anchois weie consiueieu as
geneial beliefs about computeis anu computei usage wheieas aujustments weie
consiueieu as beliefs that aie shapeu baseu on uiiect expeiience with the taiget system
In both gioups venkatesh pioposeu seveial ueteiminants

that aie mostly

ueiiveu fiom pievious ieseaich on iuentifying the anteceuants to peiceiveu ease of use
Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw venkatesh anu Bavis venkatesh
testeu his pioposal in thiee uiffeient oiganizations with paiticipants anu thiee
measuiements taken ovei a thieemonth peiiou Results obtaineu inuicateu stiong
suppoit foi the vaiiables in explaining peiceiveu ease of use foi a given system

Figuie Extenuing TAN to incluue ueteiminants foi peiceiveu ease of use venkatesh

Bowevei along with the fact that seveial stuuies have confiimeu the iobustness of the
TAN mouel seveial othei ieseaicheis have also highlighteu impoitant limitations of the
mouel Typically ciiticisms foi the TAN mouel fall in thiee categoiies the
methouology useu foi testing the TAN mouel the vaiiables anu ielationships that
exist within the TAN mouel anu the coie theoietical founuation unueilying the TAN

Descriptionsfoi the new vaiiables aie given in Appenuix A
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0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

0ne of the main ciiticisms foi stuuies on the TAN mouel is that selfiepoiteu use uata
aie useu to measuie system use insteau of ieal actual use uata As some ieseaicheis
pointeu out selfiepoiteu use uata is a subjective measuie anu is thus unieliable in
measuiing actual use of a system Legiis Ingham anu Colleiette Yousafzai Foxall
anu Pallistei Bowevei many stuuies on TAN employ selfiepoiteu use uata
Noieovei seveial stuuies on TAN make use of stuuents as paiticipants in contiolleu
enviionment anu theiefoie iesults obtaineu fiom these stuuies cannot be geneializeu
to the ieal woilu Lee Kozai Laisen As many ieseaicheis aigue stuuents may
have uiffeient motivations such as obtaining giaues iewaius anu so on Legiis et al
Yousafzai et al anu Lee et al Finally in contiast to the laige numbei
of stuuies caiiieu on applying TAN to explain anu pieuict the voluntaiy use of systems
veiy few stuuies consiueieu systems that weie foi manuatoiy use Yousafzai et al
Bowevei in ieal life settings most oiganizations usually iequiie useis to use the
system available with little choice foi alteinatives Lee at al
Yang anu Yoo suggesteu that attituue may have impoitant effects on system use
anu theiefoie neeu to be ieconsiueieu in the TAN mouel They ieplicateu the TAN
mouel but insteau of eliminating the attituue vaiiable as Bavis Bagozzi anu Waishaw
suggesteu two auuitional attituue vaiiables affective anu cognitive weie
consiueieu Yang anu Yoo caiiieu out a suivey asking iesponuents to iate theii usage of
a spieausheet application anu uata analysis of the suivey questionnaiies inuicateu that
although the affective attituue vaiiable uiu not show statistical significance to pieuict
system use the iesults obtaineu foi the effect by cognitive attituue was veiy significant
Similaily Biown Nassey NotoyaWeiss anu Buikman caiiieu out a fielu stuuy
to ieplicate TAN in the banking inuustiy Bowevei insteau of consiueiing voluntaiy use
of a system Biown Nassey NotoyaWeiss anu Buikman applieu TAN in a context
wheie use of system was manuatoiy They founu that peiceiveu ease of use may have a
moie impoitant impact on system acceptance than peiceiveu usefulness in manuatoiy
settings Theii iesult contiasts with eailiei obseivations foi the TAN mouel applieu in
voluntaiy setting in which peiceiveu usefulness was seen to have moie influence than
peiceiveu ease of use on system acceptance Bavis
Buiton}ones anu Bubona also ieplicateu TAN by auministeiing a suivey to
employees of a 0S uoveinment agency Infoimation about the paiticipants beliefs anu
usage behavioi with iespect to two applications weie gatheieu anu analyzeu Results
obtaineu showeu that peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use may not meuiate
all influences fiom exteinal enviionmental factois on system usage Insteau some
exteinal factois such as system expeiience level of euucation anu age may have a uiiect
influence on system usage
Bagozzi highlighteu the pooi theoietical ielationship that was foimulateu
among the uiffeient constiucts foimulateu in TAN Be questioneu the theoietical
stiength of the intentionactual use link anu obseiveu that behavioi coulu not be
consiueieu as a teiminal goal Insteau he aigueu that behavioi shoulu be tieateu as a
means to a moie funuamental goal Noieovei he explaineu that intention may not be
iepiesentative enough of actual use because the time peiiou between intention anu
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auoption coulu be full of unceitainties anu othei factois that might influence an
inuiviuuals uecision to auopt a technology Bagozzi also questioneu the possibility of
ueteimining behavioi by auuing up measuies foi peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu
ease of use Be consiueieu that theie might be uiffeiential contiibutions of salient
beliefs anu also that human memoiy might not woik in the same way that salient beliefs
weie piocesseu in TAN
Finally Bagozzi iemaikeu that TAN was a ueteiministic mouel anu theiefoie an
inuiviuuals act was assumeu to be totally ueteimineu by his oi hei intention to act But
as Bagozzi aigueu a peisons intention coulu be subjecteu to evaluation anu ieflection
which might uiiect the peison to iefoimulate his oi hei intention anu even to take a
uiffeient couise of action Thus he concluueu that the TAN mouel coulu not be suitable
foi explaining anu pieuicting system use
The Technology Acceptance Nouel is inueeu a veiy populai mouel foi explaining anu
pieuicting system use To uate theie have been an impiessive numbei of stuuies on
TAN but while seveial confiimatoiy iesults have been obtaineu theie aie skepticisms
shaieu among some ieseaicheis iegaiuing the application anu theoietical accuiacy of
the mouel Consequently it is tempting to concluue that ieseaich on TAN may have
ieacheu a satuiation level such that futuie ieseaich will focus in ueveloping new
mouels that woulu exploit the stiengths of the TAN mouel while uiscaiuing its
I wish to sinceiely thank Bi Alice Robbin foi hei valuable comments in the wiite up of
this ieview papei

Auams B Nelson R Touu P Peiceiveu usefulness ease of use anu usage of
infoimation technology a ieplication MISQuarterly 16
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Englewoou Cliffs N } PienticeBall
Azjen I Fiom intentions to actions A theoiy of planneu behavioi In } Kuhl }
Beckmann Eus Action contiol Fiom cognition to behavioi New Yoik Spiingei
Ajzen I The theoiy of planneu behavioi OrganizationalBehaviourandHuman
DecisionProcesses, 50
Bagozzi R P The legacy of the technology acceptance mouel anu a pioposal foi
a paiauigm shift JournaloftheAssociationforInformationSystems 8
Banuuia A SelfEfficacy Nechanism in Buman AgencyAmericanPsychologist,
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Biown S Nassey A NontoyaWeiss N Buikman } Bo I ieally have to

Useracceptanceofmandatedtechnology.EuropeanJr.ofIS 11
Buiton}ones A Bubona u S The meuiation of exteinal vaiiables in the
technology acceptance mouel Information&Management. 43
Bavis F A technology acceptance mouel foi empiiically testing new enuusei
infoimation systems theoiy anu iesults 0npublisheu Boctoial uisseitation NIT Sloan
School of Nanagement Cambiiuge NA
Bavis F Peiceiveu usefulness peiceiveu ease of use anu usei acceptance of
infoimation technology MISQuarterly 13
Bavis F 0sei acceptance of computei technology system chaiacteiistics usei
peiceptions Int.J.ManMachineStudies 38(
Bavis F venkatesh v A ciitical assessment of potential measuiement biases
in the technology acceptance mouel thiee expeiiments Int.J.HumanComputerStudies,
Bavis F Bagozzi RP Waishaw PR 0sei acceptance of computei
technology a compaiison of two theoietical mouels ManagementScience,35

Bavis F Bagozzi R Waishaw P Extiinsic anu intiinsic motivation to use
computeis in the woikplace JournalofAppliedSocialPsychology,22(
Fishbein N Ajzen I Belief Attituue Intention anu Behavioi An Intiouuction
to Theoiy anu Reseaich Reauing NA AuuisonWesley
Benuiickson AR Nassey PB Cionan TP 0n the testietest ieliability of
peiceiveu usefulness anu peiceiveu ease of use scale MISQuarterly,17(
King WR Be } A metaanalysis of the technology acceptance mouel
Infoimation anu Nanagement
Laickei BF Lessig v P Peiceiveu 0sefulness of Infoimation A
Psychometiic Examination DecisionSciences,11
Lee Y Kozai KA Laisen KRT The technology acceptance mouel past
piesent anu futuie CommunicationsoftheAIS, 12
Legiis P Ingham } Colleiette P Why Bo People 0se Infoimation
Technology A
Ciitical Review of the Technology Acceptance Nouel Information&Management 40

Lu BP uustafson BB An empiiical stuuy of peiceiveu usefulness anu
peiceiveu ease of use on computeiizeu suppoit system use ovei time International
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Na Q Liu L The technology acceptance mouel a metaanalysis of empiiical
finuings Jr.ofOrg.,EndUserComputing,16
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Empiiical Investigation In Implementing 0peiations Reseaich Nanagement Science
RL Schultz anu BP Slevin eus Ameiican Elseviei New Yoik NY pp
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Yang B B Yoo Y Its All About Attituue Revisiting the Technology
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Yousafzai SY Foxall uR anu Pallistei }u Technology acceptance a meta
analysis of the TAN Pait JournalofModellinginManagement 3
Sprouts -
0veiview of the Technology Acceptance Nouel 0iigins Bevelopments anu Futuie Biiections N Y Chuttui

Variable Definition
Voluntariness The uegiee to which use of the innovation is
peiceiveu as being voluntaiy oi of fiee will
Experience Piioi expeiience of an inuiviuual with a specific
Subjectivenorm Peisons peiception that most people who aie
impoitant to him think he shoulu oi shoulu not
peifoim the behavioi in question
Image The uegiee to which use of an innovation is peiceiveu
to enhance ones image oi status in ones social
Jobrelevance The capabilities of a system to enhance anu
inuiviuuals job peifoimance
Outputquality The peiception how well the system peifoims tasks
that match with job goals
Resultdemonstrability The uegiee to which the iesults of auoptingusing the
IS innovation aie obseivable anu communicable to
Computerselfefficacy The belief that one has the capability to peifoim a
paiticulai behavioi
The contiol beliefs ielating to iesouice factois such
as time anu money anu IT compatibility issues that
may constiain usage
Computeranxiety An inuiviuuals appiehension oi even feai when
shehe is faceu with the possibility of using
Computerplayfulness The uegiee of cognitive spontaneity in
miciocomputei inteiactions
Perceivedenjoyment The extent to which the activity of using a specific
system is peiceiveu to be enjoyable in its own iight
asiue fiom any peifoimance consequences iesulting
fiom system usage
Objectiveusability A constiuct that allows foi a compaiison of systems
on the actual level of effect iegaiuing effoits to
complete specific tasks
Sprouts -
Working Papers on Information Systems | ISSN 1535-6078

Michel Avital, University of Amsterdam
Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University

Advisory Board:
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
Roger Clarke, Australian National University
Sue Conger, University of Dallas
Marco De Marco, Universita Cattolica di Milano
Guy Fitzgerald, Brunel University
Rudy Hirschheim, Louisiana State University
Blake Ives, University of Houston
Sirkka Jarvenpaa, University of Texas at Austin
John King, University of Michigan
Rik Maes, University of Amsterdam
Dan Robey, Georgia State University
Frantz Rowe, University of Nantes
Detmar Straub, Georgia State University
Richard T. Watson, University of Georgia
Ron Weber, Monash University
Kwok Kee Wei, City University of Hong Kong

Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
American University, USA
Case Western Reserve University, USA
City University of Hong Kong, China
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Helsinki School of Economics, Finland
Indiana University, USA
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Lancaster University, UK
Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
New York University, USA
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Pepperdine University, USA
Syracuse University, USA
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
University of Dallas, USA
University of Georgia, USA
University of Groningen, Netherlands
University of Limerick, Ireland
University of Oslo, Norway
University of San Francisco, USA
University of Washington, USA
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Viktoria Institute, Sweden

Editorial Board:
Margunn Aanestad, University of Oslo
Steven Alter, University of San Francisco
Egon Berghout, University of Groningen
Bo-Christer Bjork, Hanken School of Economics
Tony Bryant, Leeds Metropolitan University
Erran Carmel, American University
Kieran Conboy, National U. of Ireland Galway
Jan Damsgaard, Copenhagen Business School
Robert Davison, City University of Hong Kong
Guido Dedene, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Alan Dennis, Indiana University
Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick
Ole Hanseth, University of Oslo
Ola Henfridsson, Viktoria Institute
Sid Huff, Victoria University of Wellington
Ard Huizing, University of Amsterdam
Lucas Introna, Lancaster University
Panos Ipeirotis, New York University
Robert Mason, University of Washington
John Mooney, Pepperdine University
Steve Sawyer, Pennsylvania State University
Virpi Tuunainen, Helsinki School of Economics
Francesco Virili, Universita' degli Studi di Cassino

Managing Editor:
Bas Smit, University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam
Roetersstraat 11, Room E 2.74
1018 WB Amsterdam, Netherlands

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