Nairobi Star 27th Jan 2009

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NAIROBI STAR Tuesday 27 January 2009

Lion Place, Waiyaki Way IT’S TIME ABORTION
PO Box 74497- 00200
Nairobi, Kenya

If you can’t beat llow me to com-
ment on the By Collins Wanderi
wanted children all over the

them, join them ongoing debate on

the Reproductive
Health and Rights
There is no morality in living in
Research has linked the
presence of many neglected
and homeless children in

affluence and privilege while
HE Ministry of Finance has confirmed Bill, 2008 and the merits and
innocent souls who had no our urban centres to these
that M-Pesa, the money transfer service demerits of legalising abor- problems. Moralists who are
tion. I support the legalisa- control over their procreation opposed to the legalisation of
offered by Safaricom, is “safe and reli- tion of abortion. The law that wallow in abject poverty. abortion should demonstrate
able”. prohibits abortion in Kenya responsibility by establish-
In December the acting Finance minister John is one of the oldest and ing institutions to cater for
archaic pieces of legislation in these neglected and homeless
Michuki expressed fears that M-Pesa could col- our statute books. trench gender parity through rape, incest and defilement children.
lapse like a ‘pyramid scheme’ and ordered the The Penal Code, Chapter legislation and repeal of all means that a very big number There is no morality in liv-
audit which has now given the all-clear. 63 Laws of Kenya is in seri- laws that promote discrimi- of girls and women in this ing in affluence and privilege
ous need of reform in several nation against women. This country stand a very high while innocent souls who had
The scare over the M-Pesa was prompted by
aspects in order to put all includes the promotion of re- risk of being put in the family no control over their procrea-
its extraordinary popularity. Launched in March Kenyans in the same pedestal productive rights for women, way against their will. tion wallow in abject poverty.

2007, it now has over 5,000,000 registered us- with the rest of the world in which encompasses the right Finally, outlawing abor-
ers and almost 5,000 registered outlets. the full enjoyment of funda- to decide if and when to he socio-psycho tion denies women the right
mental human rights. procreate and with whom. In trauma of bringing to take control of their
It is now transferring almost 500 million shil- Many people who oppose many countries women now up a child conceived productive powers, more so
lings monthly and is a major revenue earner for the legalisation of abortion have the right to access safe as a result of rape, in a male dominated society
Safaricom. in Kenya argue from the mis- and legal abortion. incest and defilement such as ours. Allowing it on
guided pedestal of obsolete Even where this right is re- is unbearable for most vic- the other hand, will enable
By comparison the banks only have 750 cultural norms or religious stricted, abortion is allowed if tims and survivors of sexual qualified medical personnel
banking outlets and 3,000,000 bank accounts beliefs which totally ignore the pregnancy was as a result abuse. Any society worth its to carry out the procedure
between them countrywide. the strides which have been of sexual violence. It is only status ought to enact laws safely using the right equip-
made since 1946 when the in a few countries like Kenya and social norms that protect ment.
M-Pesa may soon mutate into a ‘mobile wal-
UN established the Commis- where abortion is completely rather than denigrate the At the moment, abortion
let’ or something very similar to a debit card. sion on Status of Women. In outlawed. Parliament should weak and the marginalised. is carried out in secret and
But this does not mean that M-Pesa or Safari- 1948 the UN adopted the speedily pass the Reproduc- Secondly, the rapid rate of unsafe underground facilities
com is becoming a bank. Universal Declaration of Hu- tive Health and Rights Bill urbanisation and the attend- often by unqualified people
man Rights (UDHR) which and repeal sections 158,159 ant erosion of the moral fab- who do not have the right
A bank makes loans and pays interest on de- restated the equality of men and 160 of the Penal Code ric of our traditional values equipment.
posits. Safaricom does neither of those things. and women. and allow abortion in Kenya. have resulted in numerous Abortion is happening
If commercial banks see a threat in the emer- This was followed in The government should even social problems. all over the country and we
1979 by the Convention on go further and provide the The aping of foreign cannot continue to bury our
gence of the mobile wallet, they should jump on the Elimination of all Forms appropriate equipment for ideologies and the adoption heads in the sand. Women de-
the bandwagon rather than derailing it. They of Discrimination against carrying out this medical of an economically superior serve the right to take control
should provide their own mobile platforms – Women (CEDAW) common- procedure in all major pubic but morally inferior Western over their productive powers.
ly known as the International hospitals. culture by our youth has This is a fundamental human
for instance, instant SMS updates on account
Bill of Rights for Women. This is for a number of rea- resulted in many cases of right. I hope our male domi-
transfers or Internet banking. Kenya is a member of the sons. To begin with the high teenage pregnancies. The nated Parliament will take
UN and a party to both rate of reported violent crime inevitable consequence has heed and legalise abortion.
conventions. The convention and sexual offences such as been the birth of many un-
Quote of the day: “We can do no great things; only came into force in 1981 after Capt. (Rtd) Collins Wan-
small things with great love” — Composer Wolfgang ratification by 20 member deri is an advocate of the
Amadeus Mozart was born on 27 January, 1756 in states of the UN. Is he right? Tell us what YOU think. High Court, a Commissioner
Salzburg, Austria. The convention enjoins all
state parties thereto to en-
email of Oaths and a certified fraud

WANJIRU: I wish I was a little bit taller

I’m good at………… running the mara- another life I’d have been a…………. My greatest fear is…………. something Greatest achievement………becoming
thon and now since I started playing businessman. bad happening that will stop me from the 2008 sports man of the year.
golf, I think I will be good at it. running.
I am not a politician but if I were one Quality I most like in a woman
I am very bad at…………fighting. I would …………create employment for Living person I most admire…………… ………… honesty.
the youth. Barack Obama.
The most surprising thing that hap- Greatest love of my life………… my
pened to me ………… winning Kenya’s The best age to be is…………. in your Trait I most deplore about my- wife and daughter.
first ever gold in the men’s marathon. 20’s. That’s when you start shaping self…………..making too many com-
your life. mitments at the same time. I would like to die…….. in my sleep
A common misconception of me with my family around me.
is……….that I’m very rich. The best part of what I do is……… Occasion when I lie………….. when I
travelling and meeting different peo- promise something and forget it. If I were going to die in the next
SAMUEL WANJIRU One of my worst childhood fears ple and winning medals. five minutes, my last word swould
was…………animals. That’s why I What I dislike most about my ap- be………. “ I love you” to my family.
don’t have any pets in my house. In a nutshell my philosophy is pearance is……. my height. I’m short.
★5min My ideal night out is…….with friends
………….everyone has something to
offer in this world. If I could change one thing about
Samuel Kamau Wanjiru is a long
distance runner. He recently won

interview and family at a good restaurant.

You know me as an athlete but in

My idea of perfect happiness is………
winning after hard training.
myself, it would be………… spending
more time with my family.
Kenya’s first ever gold in the men’s
marathon, breaking the Olympic
record in Beijing.

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