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June 5, 2000

Part III

Department of
National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitative Services; Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services;

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35768 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 108 / Monday, June 5, 2000 / Notices

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION under a new or substantially revised Most often, these efforts involve
program authority. This is NIDRR’s first increased and measurable
National Institute on Disability and grant competition under the ATAct, responsiveness on the part of public
Rehabilitation Research; Notice of which replaced the Technology-Related purchasing systems to provide AT
Funding Priorities Assistance for Individuals with devices and services for individuals
Disabilities Act of 1988, as amended with disabilities. Public systems
AGENCY: Department of Education.
(Tech Act), and was signed into law on include, but are not limited to,
ACTION: Notice of final funding priorities Medicaid, Medicare, special education
November 13, 1998.
for fiscal years 2000–2001 for new and vocational rehabilitation. These
awards for the Alternative Financing SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This
public systems have, to varying degrees,
Program, and the Alternative Financing notice contains two final priorities
acknowledged and met the AT needs of
Technical Assistance Program, both authorized under the ATAct. The
individuals with disabilities who
authorized under Title III of the priorities are: (1) Alternative Financing
qualify for the particular program.
Assistive Technology Act of 1998. Program (AFP); and (2) Alternative The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
Financing Technical Assistance amended, includes several provisions
SUMMARY: The Assistant Secretary for Program (AFTAP).
the Office of Special Education and requiring inclusion of AT devices and
These final priorities support the services among the range of available
Rehabilitative Services announces final National Education Goal that calls for
funding priorities for awards under the services offered by the vocational
all Americans to possess the knowledge rehabilitation system. The Individuals
Alternative Financing Program (AFP) and skills necessary to compete in a with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
and one award under the Alternative global economy and exercise the rights has included AT devices and services
Financing Technical Assistance and responsibilities of citizenship. since 1990. IDEA requires school
Program (AFTAP) under the National
The authority for the Secretary to districts to take AT into account in their
Institute on Disability and
fund a financing program and technical evaluations and planning for students
Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) for
assistance (TA) program is contained in with disabilities. For eligible recipients,
fiscal years 2000–2001. The Assistant
Title III of the ATAct. Medicaid offers a viable though often
Secretary takes this action in order to
Note: This notice of final priorities does unpredictable funding source. Some
award grants or cooperative agreements
not solicit applications. A notice inviting States have investigated ways to
to States to establish or maintain applications under this competition will be increase the responsiveness of private
alternative financing projects to increase published in the Federal Register concurrent insurance companies to the AT needs of
access to assistive technology (AT) for with or following the publication of the privately insured individuals with
individuals with disabilities. Currently, notice of final priorities. disabilities. For individuals who
major service programs such as qualify, the aforementioned public and
Medicaid, Medicare, special education, Alternative Financing Program
private agencies should, and typically
and vocational rehabilitation cannot Background would be, approached to fund AT
meet the growing demand for AT. Most devices and services.
individuals with disabilities do not have For the first time, NIDRR is funding
In 1998, NIDRR sponsored five
the private financial resources to the Alternative Financing Program, regional hearings on issues affecting
purchase the AT they need. Loan authorized under Title III of the ATAct. appropriate and timely access to AT
programs offer individuals with The AFP will assist States to establish devices and services. (Blueprint for the
disabilities attractive options that or maintain alternative financing Millennium: An Analysis of Regional
significantly enhance their access to AT. projects to increase access to AT for Hearings, 1998) In each of the hearings,
DATES: These priorities take effect on individuals with disabilities. financing of AT was cited as a persistent
August 4, 2000. The ATAct reaffirms the Federal role barrier as was a general lack of
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: of promoting access to AT devices and knowledge about public and private
Donna Nangle, U.S. Department of services for individuals with disabilities financing options. Testimony from
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., and continues the AT State Grant consumers, families, service providers,
Room 3414, Switzer Building, Program, authorized under Title I of the and developers referenced a need for
Washington, DC 20202–2645. ATAct of 1998. In 1988 Congress passed financial incentives for both individuals
Telephone: (202) 205–5880. Individuals the Tech Act to assist States to identify and businesses to improve AT use. The
who use a telecommunications device and respond to the AT needs of hearings also identified the need for
for the deaf (TDD) may call the TDD individuals with disabilities. new funding strategies and models to
number at (202) 205–4475. Internet: Reauthorized in 1994, the Tech Act expand funds for AT purchases. Public provided Federal funds as a catalyst for testimony also indicated that AT users
Individuals with disabilities may permanent systemic change and as want maximum autonomy in identifying
obtain this document in an alternate leverage within States to make AT their technology needs and the devices
format (e.g., Braille, large print, devices and services more readily and services that will best meet these
audiotape, or computer diskette) on available to individuals with needs.
request to the contact person listed in disabilities. All of the 56 State grantees Moreover, testimony emphasized that
the preceding paragraph. (50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto separately, or in combination, the major
Rico, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, service programs do not have sufficient
Waiver of Rulemaking Northern Marianna, Guam) have resources to meet the growing demand
Pursuant to section 437(d)(1) of the demonstrated success in increasing for AT and that there also is a lack of
General Education Provisions Act, the availability of, funding for, access to and private financial resources for the
Assistant Secretary has determined that provision of, AT devices and services. purchase of AT. As the number of
these priorities are exempt from the On a State level, AT State Grant individuals with disabilities increases
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. Program grantees have improved and the elderly population expands, and
553). Section 437(d)(1) exempts from delivery of AT to individuals with as consumers and their families become
rulemaking the first grant competition disabilities. increasingly aware of the role and

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Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 108 / Monday, June 5, 2000 / Notices 35769

benefits of AT, the demand for AT will Description of the Alternative Financing technology needs, including
increase; the result will continue to be Program consideration of methods to reduce
a tremendous strain on public and The AFP creates a new Federal paperwork and duplication of effort,
private third party funding sources. A program to pay a share of the cost of particularly relating to need, eligibility,
significant recommendation of the establishment or expansion, and and determination of the specific AT
hearings was that the AT State Grant device or service to be financed through
administration of, an alternative AT
Program grantees continue to work with the project; (2) A policy and procedure
financing program. The program
other entities such as consumer to assure that access to the AFP shall be
features one or more alternative
organizations, community-based groups, given to consumers regardless of type of
financing mechanisms to allow
and private lending institutions to disability, age, income level, location of
individuals with disabilities and their
residence in the State, or type of AT
establish alternative financing projects family members, guardians, advocates,
device or AT service for which
for the purchase of AT devices and and others to purchase AT devices and
financing is requested through the
services. Alternative financing projects services.
program; and (3) A procedure to assure
offer individuals with disabilities Priorities consumer-controlled oversight of the
attractive options and can serve as program.
financing alternatives for individuals Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3) and Title
(c) The State must provide the
with disabilities who do not qualify for III of the ATAct, the Assistant Secretary
following information: (1) The ratio of
public financing programs. Loan gives an absolute preference to funds provided by the State for the AFP
programs enhance access to AT devices applications that meet the following to funds provided by the Federal
priorities. The Assistant Secretary will Government; (2) the type of alternative
and services in a way that underscores
fund under this competition only financing mechanism used and the
independence and inclusion.
applications that meet one of the community-based organization with
Currently, a total of 32 AT State Grant following priorities. which the State entered into a contract;
Program grantees operate alternative
Priority 1: Alternative Financing (3) the following information
financing projects under Title I. The
Program concerning each disabled individual
success of these Title I alternative served by the project: The amount of
financing projects has stimulated The Assistant Secretary establishes
assistance, type of AT device or AT
interest in creating opportunities for the AFP in order to provide assistance service financed through the project,
additional States to establish alternative to States so that individuals with type of disability, age, gender, race,
financing projects and for States that disabilities of all ages and their family ethnicity, socioeconomic status, primary
have an existing projects to expand members, guardians, advocates, and language, geographic location within the
available resources. Currently, authorized representatives will have State, employment status, whether the
individuals who apply for loans under increased access to funding for AT consumer is part of an underrepresented
the Title I AT State Grant Program devices and services through alternative population or rural population, and
alternative financing projects obtain financing mechanisms (loans). whether the consumer tried to secure
loans that range from $250 to $50,000. Consistent with statutory requirements: financial support from other sources
(a) The State must enter into a and, if so, a description of those sources.
The estimated average loan is between
contract with a community-based (d) The State must provide one or a
$5,000 and $7,500. (Wallace, J.,
organization (including a group of such combination of the following: (1) A low-
Assistive Technology Loan Financing: A organizations), such as Centers for
Funding Alternative of Increasing interest loan fund; (2) an interest buy-
Independent Living, that has down program,) a revolving loan fund;
Importance. Tech Express, 1998). The individuals with disabilities involved in
Title I AT State Grant Program (4) a loan guarantee or insurance
organizational decision making at all program, (5) a program operated by a
alternative financing projects include organizational levels, to administer the partnership among private entities for
various types of activities, such as alternative-financing program. The the purchase, lease, or other acquisition
revolving, guaranteed, interest buy- contract shall: (1) Include a provision of AT devices or AT services; or (6)
down, traditional or combination requiring that the program funds, another mechanism that meets the
program models. States typically enter including the Federal and non-Federal requirements of this program and is
into an agreement with a private lending shares of the cost of the program, be described in an application, peer
institution such as a bank or credit administered in a manner consistent reviewed and approved by the Assistant
union and involve consumers in the with the provisions of this title; (2) Secretary.
selection and approval procedures. include provisions for oversight and (e)(1) The State must provide
In establishing the AFP, the Assistant evaluation to protect Federal financial matching funds so that the Federal share
Secretary recognizes that significant interests; and (3) require the of the cost of the AFP is not more than
challenges and barriers continue to face community-based organization to enter 50 percent. Because section 302
into a contract with a commercial (a)(3)(A) of the ATAct requires each
individuals with disabilities and their
lending institution or State financing State to receive a minimum award of
families. A pervasive barrier is the
agency. $500,000, the State match must be at
absence of funding and information (b) The State that receives a grant and least $500,000; and (2) The State must
about funding opportunities for AT any community-based organization that provide the non-Federal share of the
devices and services. The AFP will enters into a contract with the State, cost of the AFP in cash, from State,
enable individuals with disabilities to must annually submit, 12 months after local, or private sources;
access a funding alternative to public receipt of the fiscal year 2000 award, (f) The State must provide an
assistance programs. NIDRR has $3.9 each of the following policies, assurance that the State will continue
million available for awards under this procedures, data, and information: (1) A the AFP after Federal funding has
program in fiscal year 2000 and the procedure to review and process in a terminated on a permanent basis or for
President has requested $15 million for timely manner requests for financial as long as the mechanisms exist to
fiscal year 2001. assistance for immediate and potential support such a program;

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35770 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 108 / Monday, June 5, 2000 / Notices

(g) The State must provide an activities using the data collection (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
assurance that, and information instrument to be developed the AFTAP Number 84.224C, Assistive Technology Act
describing the manner in which, the described in Priority 2. Alternative Loan Financing, Title III)
program will expand and emphasize Program Authority: 29 U.S.C. 3051–3058
Priority 2: Alternative Financing
consumer choice and control; Dated: May 31, 2000.
(h) The State must provide an Technical Assistance Program
Judith E. Heumann,
assurance that the State will supplement The Assistant Secretary establishes
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and
and not supplant other Federal, State, AFTAP in order to assist States in Rehabilitative Services.
and local public funds expended to meeting the objectives of the AFP.
[FR Doc. 00–13945 Filed 6–2–00; 8:45 am]
provide any currently operating AFP in Consistent with the statutory
the State; requirements, the AFTAP project must:
(i) The State must provide an (a) Provide assistance to States
assurance that the State will place all preparing applications for the AFP; DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
funds that support the AFP, including (b) Assist States to develop and
funds repaid during the life of the implement the AFP; and [CFDA No.: 84.224C]
program, in a permanent separate (c) Provide any other information and
account, apart from any other fund; TA the Assistant Secretary determines Office of Special Education and
(j) The State must provide an to be appropriate to assist States to Rehabilitative Services National
assurance that the State’s community- achieve the objectives of AFP. Institute on Disability and
based organization will invest funds in In addition to the statutory Rehabilitation Research; Notice
low-risk securities in which a regulated requirements, the AFPTA project must: Inviting Applications for New Awards
insurance company may invest under (a) Develop and implement a self- in Fiscal Years 2000–2001 for the
the law of the State if the organization assessment instrument to determine the Alternative Financing Program (AFP),
administering funds invests funds effectiveness of the AFPTA; and the Alternative Financing
within this account; (b) Provide in accessible formats Technical Assistance Program
(k) The State must provide an materials that contains useful and (AFTAP), Both Authorized Under Title
assurance that the State’s community- replicable information on loan projects III of the Assistive Technology Act
based organization will administer the and can be used by States under the (ATAct)
funds with the same judgement and care AFP and States planning to apply under
the AFP to improve the efficiency and Note to Applicants: This notice is a
that a person of prudence, discretion, complete application package. Together with
and intelligence would exercise in the effectiveness of their loan projects the statute authorizing the program and the
management of the financial affairs of working closely with the National Education Department General
such person; Internet Project located at the Georgia Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), this
(l) The State must provide an Institute on Technology; notice contains information, application
assurance that funds comprised of the (c) Develop a uniform data collection forms, and instructions needed to apply for
principal and interest from the State instrument for use by the AFP that a grant under these competitions.
account for this activity will be includes, at a minimum, data on These programs support the National
available to support the AFP; features of loan programs and unique Education Goal that calls for all
(m) The State must provide an characteristics and outcomes in order to Americans to possess the knowledge
assurance that any interest or comply with annual reporting and skills necessary to compete in a
investment income that accrues on or requirements; and global economy and exercise the rights
derives from such funds after such (d) Share information and collaborate and responsibilities of citizenship.
funds have been placed under the with the TA programs funded under The estimated funding levels in this
control of the organization Section 104 of the AT Act. notice do not bind the Department of
administering the AFP, but before such Education to make awards in any of
Electronic Access to This Document these categories, or to any specific
funds are distributed for purposes of
supporting the program, will be the You may review this document, as number of awards or funding levels,
property of the organization well as all other Department of unless otherwise specified in statute.
administering the program; and Education documents published in the Applicable Regulations: The
(n) The State must provide an Federal Register, in text or Adobe Education Department General
assurance that the State will limit the Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Administrative Regulations (EDGAR),
indirect costs of the total amount Internet at either of the following sites: 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 85,
available for the AFP to 10 percent, and 86 and the Notice of Final Priority
including both the Federal and State published elsewhere in this issue of the
funds. To use the PDF you must have the Federal Register.
In addition to the statutory Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is Absolute Priorities: These
requirements, each project must: available free at either of the previous competitions focus on projects designed
(a) Provide in accessible formats sites. If you have questions about using to meet the absolute priorities in the
materials that can be used by potential the PDF, call the U.S. Government notice of final priority for these
loan applicants and lending institutions Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1– programs, published elsewhere in this
to obtain, share and disseminate 888–293–6498; or in the Washington, issue of the Federal Register. Under 34
information on loan availability, D.C., area at (202) 512–1530. CFR 75.105(c)(3), we consider only
eligibility requirements and procedures applications that meet one of the
Note: The official version of this document
and general loan related updates; and is the document published in the Federal
absolute priorities.
(b) Coordinate and share information, Register. Free Internet access to the official
Pre-Application Meeting: Interested
resources and with the State ATAct edition of the Federal Register and the Code parties are invited to participate in a
projects. of Federal Regulations is available on GPO pre-application meeting to discuss the
(c) Conduct and submit to NIDRR and access at: funding priorities for the AFP and the
the AFTAP an annual evaluation of its index.html. AFTAP and to receive technical

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