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Lord Ashtar Speaks on Barack Obama 0 comments Saturday, November 8th 2008, by Brenda McCann

LIGHTWORKERS WIN ELECTION 2008 A Tribute To Our New US President & Fellow Lightworker

Posted by: YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Greetings In the Light of Our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command, of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. I want to give more insight into the soul you all know now in this life as Barack Obama, a little about his background, of his soul's origins, and his Mission for being here as a Volunteer in Earth embodiment, and yes, from a far more evolved world and star system...

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Though he has lived on many other worlds of our Federation, and also a key member of my Command, the Ashtar Command, and other Commands of the Federation, his true soul's origins, in fact is originally from my own star system, that of Sirius. ((Sirius is THE BLUE STAR and source of the original BLUE LIGHT and has been called The Dog Star and Blue Star System))

As a fellow Sirian Brother of Light, Obama is a very "old soul" who has, as I often used the phrase, "been around the Intergalactic block many times" and as a fellow Elohim, has held a key membership within numerous Higher Councils. As a great Intergalactic Diplomat on our higher levels, he chose to take Earth embodiment this final time, to fulfill his Destiny of becoming the leader of the United States of America, and to do this despite the attempts of the cabal to block his actual candidacy. Though the cabal thought, they would just let him, at first, attempt to win the nomination, but in the end the cabal had intended and planned for Hillary to win, by manipulating the votes, because they knew that she was more likely to be controlled, and they were

not sure if he would allow himself to be totally controlled and be just another one of their puppets. In fact, Obama had actually received a far greater number of votes in these earlier primaries, combined, far, far more than the "official tally." Even with the ''normal amount of the usual" manipulation of the actual number of votes, because of our neutralizing most of their manipulation, Obama still came out ahead of Hillary's own number of votes.

I would also like to confirm what this channel heard earlier from us and more than one "alternative Earth source." There have, in fact already been at least two [actually 3, so far, as of yesterday!!!!] major attempts by the cabal to assassinate Barack Obama--but we helped block and neutralize each of these attempts. He is very protected from any more attempts that the cabal might try in their desperation, to get rid of him because we sense that he will, in fact (with our help, of course) ultimately expose their conspiracy and all of the many evil things they have gotten away with until now. Also, unlike President Kennedy, who initially had contact with the Federation, he unfortunately had ignored our warning to him about not going to Dallas, Texas that day in '63, or he would not have been assassinated by the cabal. But Obama will be more alert and not let himself be distracted from our guidance, and he will Awaken to his soul's original Higher extraterrestrial origins, and in so doing will be a powerful and inspiring leader and diplomat for planet Earth, who will help bring peace to the planet and to help Prepare the population for our First Contact scenario. One of this Channel's friends had made the comment, that he had perceived Obama as a "black JFK," who will, once he becomes President, set in motion; all the many things that President Kennedy had planned to do, but was stopped by the cabal. This time, though, they will not be successful, and we will help him usher in a true Golden Age, and these forces of darkness will loss their power and influence.

So we of the Federation want you all to truly tune-in, go within and sense that which I am sharing with all of you. Not only is Obama the better choice for President of the United States of America, partly because of his Inner strength of character at this challenging and epic time of human history, it is, in fact his Destiny and his Mission to fulfill this for not only those of you living here in the U.S., but it is also how he will influence and help transform this planet, politically and spiritually, as his wisdom and love for all humanity shines forth and is a healing force for the challenges that have to be faced. And with our help, we of the Federation of Light look forward to meeting openly with him, and all of you, in these next few years, as First Contact finally takes place, as well as NESARA finally is officially activated. Blessings to you all, and as usual, "keep your Eyes on the Skies," as more and more off

our ships are sighted, on a mass level, as Preparation for this most wondrous and glorious event takes place.

Adonai Vassu Berogus!"

======================================== This article was brought to you by Brenda and Dorene aka YaMa'EL at: LightsOfLove.US and the Lights Of Love Membership Circle

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