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General Library Item Name Release Date Expire date Access Content Private Friday Report 2013-02-01 February 2, 2013

Administrative Content
Board Meetings & Minutes Drafts Draft minutes from the January 22 regular meeting were provided in last week's Friday Report. No changes were suggested. Board Agenda Items Policy 3131, School Attendance Area Changes and Transfers: Proposed revisions to Policy 3131, School Attendance Area Changes and Transfers, have been reviewed by superintendents cabinet. Revisions include the addition of language stating superintendent-designated district schools or programs are open to district students without regard to where in the district they reside thus eliminating the requirement of a variance. These schools or programs include Sequoia High School, the Jefferson Lighthouse Cooperative program, and Port Gardner. Proposed revisions to Policy 3131, School Attendance Area Changes and Transfers, are tentatively planned for first reading at the February 12, 2013 board meeting and are attached. Proposed revisions to Procedure 3131P, School Attendance Area Changes and Transfers, includes the addition of language stating superintendent-designated district schools or programs are open to district students without regard to where in the district they reside. Procedure 3131P is provided for directors information. Attachment: 3131 FR 20130201.pdf (17 KB) Attachment: 3131P IR 20130201.pdf (85 KB) Resolution 1052, 2013 Energy Conservation Grant: At the February 12 board meeting, the board will be asked to approve a resolution authorizing the district to apply for an energy operational savings projects grant for K-12 facilities from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This resolution is a prerequisite for applying for energy operational savings projects grants from OSPI. The projects to be included in the grant application are upgrades to the parking lot lights at Eisenhower Middle School, Forest View, Garfield, and Silver Lake Elementary Schools, Maintenance and the new bus facilities. The projects will also include upgrades to exterior building lights at Eisenhower and Gateway Middle Schools, Maintenance, Athletics, and Emerson and Jackson Elementary Schools. The grant request is anticipated to fund approximately one-quarter of the estimated $162,000 project cost. Utility incentives are also anticipated as the project is expected to reduce the districts electrical costs by approximately $15,100 per year. Attachment: Resolution 1052, 2013 Energy Conservation Grant.pdf (55 KB) Parking Easement and Lease at Memorial Stadium: At the February 12 board meeting, the board will be requested to approve a resolution to declare portions of district property at Everett Memorial Stadium as temporarily surplus real property, and to authorize the superintendent to enter into a temporary parking easement and lease agreement with Seventh Inning Stretch, L.L.C. (AquaSox). The agreement allows the AquaSox the use of two parking areas adjacent to the stadiums outfield fence in exchange for annual lease payments of approximately $1,100. Attachment: Resolution 1053, Surplus Property.pdf (370 KB) Attachment: Stadium Easement photo 20130131.jpg (85 KB) Attachment: ESD-Everett Aquasox Temporary Parking Easement 20130129.pdf (422 KB) Board-Superintendent Communications Rodman Reynolds has recently made three separate inquiries regarding various aspects of the district's work, one to the superintendent's office on TPEP, one to special education regarding Medicare billing, and one to human resources. Two of the inquiries and associated responses are provided for directors' information. Attachment: Reynolds-McDowell Emails (Medicaid billing) 20130128.pdf (36 KB)

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Attachment: Reynolds-Cohn Emails (TPEP forms) 20130201.pdf (17 KB) Legislative Update The Feb. 1, 2013 edition of WASA's This Week In Olympia (TWIO) is available online for your informion on budget issues and legislation impacting K12 education. The Jan. 30, 2013 edition of WSSDA's Legislative Update provides a quick review of the education bills to be heard in the coming week. Directors are encouraged to review both of these documents. Bills that would change teacher compensation, school day length requirements, students' ability to be promoted from third grade, and numerous others are under consideration at this time. Early Graduation (Strategic Target: 1.1.a) One student from Northwest School of Innovative Learning and one student from Northwest Regional Learning Center are graduating this month. Two students from contract placements are returning full-time to their home schools this week due to the progress they have made at their interim educational placement. PSAT Administration (Strategic Target: 1.1.b) For the second year, Everett Public Schools has offered the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) at no cost to all high school juniors. The PSAT measures skills in three basic academic areas important for success in college including critical reading, mathematics problem solving, and writing skills. Taking the PSAT has many benefits for students. Eligible juniors who take the PSAT are automatically entered into scholarship and recognition competitions, including the National Merit Scholarship Program. These scholarships not only help students and families pay for college and training, but they distinguish students in the post-high school education admission process. On average, students who take the PSAT score higher on the SAT than those who do not take the PSAT. Those who take the PSAT test both as sophomores and as juniors score even higher when taking the SAT as seniors. In the second year of district-funded testing, scores remained relatively stable from the 2012 to the 2013 school year, with the mean score in writing increasing 0.7, the mean score in math remaining unchanged, and the mean score in critical reading decreasing by 0.4. The attached PSAT Results reports the score results for the class of 2013 and 2014. Approximately 85 percent of each class participated, which is a 58 percent increase over self-selected testing years. This is indicative of the districts commitment that each student graduates from high school ready for college and career with 21st Century skills. Attachment: PSAT Report 2012-13.pdf (136 KB) Life Skills Curriculum Adoption Process (Strategic Target: 1.2.b) The Life Skills curriculum adoption committee held their first meeting in mid-January. The committee includes two parents of students in Everetts Life Skills Programs, two elementary teachers, one middle school teacher, two high school teachers, and two special education administrators. Prior to the first meeting, each of the nine members were assigned a surrounding district to poll regarding the current curriculum they use in their K-21 Life Skills Programs. We then gathered materials from nine publishers to review at our first meeting, and eliminated materials from six of the nine publishers because they did not align with our vision. We will meet in March to review the three remaining curriculums. Jackson High School Hosting FIRST Lego League Robotics State Championship (Strategic Targets: 1.2.b, 2.1.a, 5.4.a) FIRST Lego League (FLL) Robotics State Championship will be held on February 10, 2013 at Jackson High School from 12:30-4:30 p.m. This championship will have 55 of the best teams in the state. All FIRST events are free to the public. Stop by and see the action-packed event! In the spring when the FIRST Robotics teams from Jackson and Cascade High Schools travel to Century Link Event Center (March 29-30), you will see how the different teams designed robots that will shoot frisbees into nine-foot goals and climb steel pyramids that are also nine feet tall! Regional Technology Student Association (TSA) Competition (Strategic Targets: 1.2.b, 2.1.a, 5.4.a) On Saturday, February 2, 2013, 30 Jackson High School technology students along with their TSA advisor are hosting a TSA Regional Competition. Local districts from around the region will be participating in this competition. The TSA competition has seven different events in which students are able to participate including Career Preparation, Essays on Technology, Extemporaneous Speech, Photographic Technology, Promotional Graphics, Structural Engineering, and Technology Problem Solving. Secondary Reading and Writing Assessments (Strategic Target: 1.2.c) Our district-wide secondary reading and writing assessments began in January and continue through March. In response to building requests, grade-level teams at each building in collaboration with their administrative teams, and with the literacy specialist, have selected dates within the testing window to give the assessments, dates for scoring their own students writing assessments, and dates for Review of Evidence (ROE) that work most effectively with their building goals and action plans. This option of grade level building-based scoring and ROE days came about because of principal and teacher requests that these assessments and the resulting data be more aligned with, and relevant to, their own individual buildings and classrooms. The central literacy staff is working with building teams to assist with coordinating, planning, and facilitating these days for each team. As the assessments, scoring, and data reviews are completed, our next steps will be to evaluate the process and results with each building so we may continue providing relevant, efficient, and effective support for our literacy teachers.

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Launching Common Core Standards Habits of Mind in Everett Public Schools (Strategic Target 1.2.c) This week, middle school teachers, paraeducators and administrators convened at Evergreen Middle School for the middle school learning improvement day. The purpose of the day was to develop foundational background knowledge about the development, design, and content of the Common Core Standards, including the Habits of Mind, and the instructional shifts implied in the Standards and Smarter Balanced Assessments. Dr. Robyn Jackson, educator and author of several books about rigor, encouraged teachers to remove institutional barriers to equity, access, and rigor for all students. She showed teachers how to unpack the Common Core Standards as a starting point for planning rigorous lessons and units. In addition to the keynote, the event featured a student panel and 18 concurrent sessions focused on Habits of Mind, 21st Century Skills, Smarter Balanced Assessments, Digital Storytelling, and Common Core Alignment in various content areas. Several sessions were personalized to address the needs of the districts physical education, music, and art teachers. Training evaluation results indicated high levels of satisfaction but a need for high levels of support during the implementation process which will begin during the 2013-14 school year. Reading Intervention Strategies (Strategic Target: 1.5.a) Over the last couple of years, we have focused on ideas for supporting struggling readers in the elementary grades. A particular resource, the EPS Reading Intervention Matrix was developed by a district literacy team to aid teachers in their decision making process of how to work with readers that find reading a challenge. This matrix was built upon the four main components of the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) including comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and motivation. Within the matrix, intervention strategies, questions for assessment, and progress monitoring tools are provided. In addition, each suggested strategy is written out in a lesson plan format which includes the purpose of the strategy, supported research, and a sequence of steps on how to apply the technique. While we have trained reading specialists and classroom teachers on some of the strategies, additional professional development is in the works for getting these important strategies into the hands of teachers to use with their readers. Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) (Strategic Target: 1.5.a) Environmental Systems Design teachers met during the day this week to discuss and plan STEM implementation strategies and enhancements for second semester. Investigations in Environmental Science was adopted last year as part of the curriculum for this class. It is a project-based curriculum that teaches biological and environmental sustainability content within the context of real-world dilemmas. An important aspect of this course is Connections to the Community. Teachers invite presenters into the classroom who have experience in the projects in which the students are working. The current unit is Land Use; students work in groups throughout the unit to design the best placement of a new school. Everett City Council member Scott Murphy recently visited our Everett High School class. The teacher had students read an opinion article about the Kimberly Clark space that was being abandoned. Students wrote the Council to express their opinion on the issue. The teacher bundled the letters together and delivered them to the City Council. Council member Murphy asked if he could visit the classroom to discuss the Councils perspective. He stated that every Council member read each letter, and he was interested in learning more about the students opinions. Jackson High School invited architect Kevin Oremus to their classroom. He was part of planning many nearby school projects, including the new annex at Jackson High School. He discussed considerations and constraints when building a school, such as placement of doors and environmental impacts. Students incorporated the information into their current school planning project. Learning Management System (LMS) Start of School Debrief (Strategic Target: 2.1.a) In mid-January, curriculum specialists in LMS collaborated with curriculum specialists in science to create and lead a professional development workshop for biology teachers. The session focused on instructional best practices in assessment mapping, item writing, standards unpacking, standards scaling, and leveling looking through a lens on rigor. Teachers from all three high schools engaged in a process developed by Robert Marzano where they worked in teams to scale each of their content, inquiry, system, and application standards taught during first semester. The process of scaling the standards will lead to the development of a rubric that defines the level of learning for any given standard in their course. Clearly defined levels allow teachers to plan their instruction to provide learning opportunities that support higher level thinking and cognitive demand. When they completed the scaling and leveling of their course standards, teachers used the scales to level each question on their upcoming semester final. The process of using the scales to level the questions gave the team a clear picture of the level of rigor on each assessment item and the assessment as a whole. The team used this information to modify some questions and add more rigorous items where needed. The LMS team uploaded the final revised assessment that was created by teachers at the workshop, making it accessible for teacher use. The LMS team will continue to support the biology team as they use the assessment tool to deliver their Semester 1 final. 21st Century Skills Community Engagement Events (Strategic Target: 2.3.a) Planning is under way for several student and community engagement events regarding Learning for Life: 21st Century Skills. This process begins with gathering information from several different groups. Students at each high school will be participating in discussion groups this month. Recent graduates, business leaders, service organization leaders, staff, and parents will participate in discussion groups in late February. Experts will then be assembled in March to review and analyze information collected in preparation for a large-scale community engagement event in May. This work will culminate in the Learning for Life: 21st Century Skills Symposium in August. University of Washington Math Day (Strategic Target: 5.4.a) In late March, 30 of our students from all four high schools will participate in the 23rd Annual University of Washington

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Math Day. Cutting-edge topics in the mathematical sciences are presented by top faculty during this one-day event. Participants will be able to choose from a wide variety of math topics throughout the day that cover diverse applications of math with session titles such as Practical Uses of Math in Real Life Situations, Computer Models of the Earths Climate, Symmetry and Chirality (handedness) in Discrete Situations, and The Math Behind Why Smart Phones (Sometimes) Do Silly Things. There will also be panel discussions on the experiences of undergraduate math students as well as a panel on careers in mathematics. Participants will also be able to take field trips to various campus laboratories and facilities where mathematics is being put to use every day such as the Applied Physics Lab, the Botany Greenhouse, the Kirsten Wind Tunnel, the Planetarium, and the Seismology Lab. This event is sponsored by the district Math Curriculum Department and each school will determine the student participants. Update on 2013 U.S. Soccer Foundation Grant Application Earlier this week, Athletic Director Robert Polk was informed by the U.S. Soccer Foundation that the Everett School District would not be a recipient of the 2013 Field Grant. Forty-seven non-profit entities from around the country received the grant. (The full list of 2013 recipients can be found at the foundation website.) It is unknown where the Everett School District fell in the process because the foundation requested that we refrain from such inquiries due to the number of applications they review. Robert is in the process of preparing an application for the NFL Grassroots Grant which is due in mid-March and will be awarded to qualified applicants in early May. LED Lighting at Monroe Elementary School The cost savings and learning enhancements of LED lighting at Monroe Elementary School drew media coverage and industry interest when the school opened last year. District and local media stories about the new schools innovative design and lighting system appeared on Nov. 22, 2011, Dec. 20, 2011, Jan. 11, 2012 and March 14, 2012. The interest and promotion of the benefits of LED lighting for a school and its students is featured again in the Cree Lighting materials being circulated through the lighting and construction industry circles. Procedure 2409P, Granting Equivalency Credit Proposed revisions to Procedure 2409P, Granting Equivalency Credit, are from Jeanne Willard, director of district improvement and on-time graduation, and have been reviewed by the on-time graduation committee and superintendents cabinet. Originally included in Procedure 2409P, Granting Equivalency Credit, was the substitution of third year math credit and the application for Algebra II course replacement. These were born out of the initial work outlining steps for granting equivalency credit. They are now key information and alternatives available to students to meet high school graduation requirements and have been moved to Procedure 2410P, High School Graduation Requirements (as shown below). Procedure 2409P, Granting Equivalency Credit, is provided for directors information. Attachment: 2409P IR 20130201.pdf (48 KB) Procedure 2410P, High School Graduation Requirements Proposed revisions to Procedure 2410P, High School Graduation Requirements, are from Jeanne Willard, director of district improvement and on-time graduation, and have been reviewed by the on-time graduation committee and superintendents cabinet. Revisions include clarification of how grades from out-of-district correspondence courses and credit from unaccredited programs or home schools can be included on students permanent transcripts. Changes to the procedure also redefined the focus of the Culminating Exhibition (CE) from the completion of a self-directed learning project, a reflective letter which includes the High School and Beyond Plan, and a presentation, to a broader focus on post-high school readiness, which continues to include these components, as well as specific products aligned to 21st Century skills, college and career readiness, and planning for a balanced life. Procedure 2410P, High School Graduation Requirements, is provided for directors information. Attachment: 2410P IR 20130201.pdf (83 KB) Procedure 6640P, District Owned Vehicles New Procedure 6640P, District Owned Vehicles, has been reviewed by superintendents cabinet and legal counsel. A draft of this procedure was provided for directors information in the November 30, 2012 edition of the Friday Report. The corresponding policy was adopted at the January 8, 2013 board meeting. New Procedure 6640P, District Owned Vehicles, is provided for directors information. Attachment: 6640P IR 20130201.pdf (79 KB) Miscellaneous Attachments, News Releases & Articles Sheriff John Lovick sent superintendents in the county a follow-up letter (see attached) describing plans for the School Services Unit activation and deployment. An initial event for this undertaking is expected to occur at an elementary school in this district. Dr. Mike Copland, presently with the Gates Foundation, previously on faculty at the University of Washington, is assisting the cabinet analyze central support operations based on the Wallace Foundation report, Central Office Transformation for District-wide Teaching and Learning Improvement (attached). The executive summary is available to directors at the foundation site. Dr. Copland also authored The Center for Educational Leaderships Principal Support Framework and a District Self-Assessment & Planning Template which are outgrowths of the Wallace report. The Principal Support Framework is designed to help central office leaders and principals: assess their systems current approach to supporting principals as instructional leaders; identify strengths to build on; and highlight areas for next-stage organizational development.

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Attachment: SCSO School Services Unit 20130131.pdf (565 KB) Attachment: Central Office Transformation For Teaching and Learning Improvement 2010.pdf (1,087 KB) News Releases Points of Pride Budget Articles Field Trip Requests Attachment: Cascade HS Advanced German Class FT to Carnation 20130201.pdf (326 KB) Attachment: Cascade HS Drama Club FT to Ashland, OR 20130201.pdf (493 KB) Attachment: Everett HS Bowling to Tacoma 20130201.pdf (506 KB) Directors' Dates to Remember Tuesday, February 5 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 Monday, February 11 - Special Board Meeting - Audit Entrance Conference - 4:30 p.m. - Educational Service Center - Conference Room 3 Tuesday, February 12 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Wednesday, February 13 - NBCT Reception - 3:30 p.m. social, 4 p.m. program -Longfellow Annex Wednesday, February 13 - U.S. Navy Band - 6:30 p.m. - Everett Civic Auditorium Tuesday, February 26 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Saturday, March 2 - CHS 50th Anniversary Celebration - Reg Scodeller (CHS) gymnasium - 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 5 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 March 10-11 - WASA-WSSDA Legislative Conference - Olympia Tuesday, March 12 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, March 19 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 Tuesday, March 26 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Thursday, March 28 - Students of Color Career Conference - 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Everett Community College, Student Fitness Center April 1-5 - Spring Break April 13-15 - NSBA Annual Conference - San Diego Tuesday, April 16 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, April 23 - View Ridge Elementary Dedication and Open House - 6:30 p.m., program at 7 p.m. Monday, April 29 - Middle School Art Reception - 6 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, April 30 - Special Board Meeting - 6 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 Tuesday, May 7 - Special Board Meeting - 6 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 Saturday, May 11 - Special Board Meeting (tentative) - all day Tuesday, May 14 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Thursday, May 16 - WASA Sno-Isle 109 Awards Ceremonies - 11:30 a.m. - Everett Golf & Country Club Monday, May 20 - High School Art Reception - 6 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, May 21 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 Wednesday, May 22 - Superintendent's Scholar Ceremony - 7 p.m. - Everett Golf & Country Club Tuesday, May 28 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room 2409P IR 20130201.pdf (48 KB) 3131P IR 20130201.pdf (85 KB) Cascade HS Advanced German Class FT to Carnation 20130201.pdf (326 KB) Cascade HS Drama Club FT to Ashland, OR 20130201.pdf (493 KB) Everett HS Bowling to Tacoma 20130201.pdf (506 KB) Resolution 1052, 2013 Energy Conservation Grant.pdf (55 KB) Resolution 1053, Surplus Property.pdf (370 KB) PSAT Report 2012-13.pdf (136 KB) 2410P IR 20130201.pdf (83 KB) 3131 FR 20130201.pdf (17 KB)

Stadium Easement photo 20130131.jpg (85 KB)

ESD-Everett Aquasox Temporary Parking Easement 20130129.pdf (422 KB) 6640P IR 20130201.pdf (79 KB) Reynolds-Cohn Emails (TPEP forms) 20130201.pdf (17 KB)

Reynolds-McDowell Emails (Medicaid billing) 20130128.pdf (36 KB) SCSO School Services Unit 20130131.pdf (565 KB) Central Office Transformation For Teaching and Learning Improvement 2010.pdf (1,087 KB)

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Executive Content

Last Modified by Kathy Mahan on February 4, 2013

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