Definition of Culture

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1. Definition of culture: Cultural diversity is the way or life style of various communities and nations.

It covers various aspects of culture such as history, literature, politics, music, arts, architecture, philosophy, ideas, habits and value beliefs which have been passed down since generations. Culture can also be associated with individual experience of social interaction with the surrounding community. Culture is a symbol of the success of a community or nation. The word budaya was derived from the combination of Sanskrit and Malay language. Culture is the ability of an individual to use the power, energy and sense of mind to address problems and so on working to solve these problems.

Budhi (Sanskrit)

Fitness of mind and intellect

Daya (Malay)

The power of authority, power and influence

2. Component of culture Norm Value Objective




Component of Culture


3. Differences between functional and non- functional culture.




Definition of socialization

social interaction process that enables individuals to learn the norms, the way people live and its role.


Indicator of social class

Level of education

Monthly and annual income

Type of employment (skilled, semiskilled, not competent)


Definition of social control Action taken to ensure that individuals comply with the norms of society. the aim is to shape the behavior of individuals in accordance with the norms of society.

Definition of social mobility The movement of individuals / groups of different positions in the social stratification. Movement can occur horizontally or vertically.

Definition of custom The habit of a society that has a value of ethics and aesthetics and accepted as the norm in a society

Definition of Ethnosentrisme The attitude and belief that their culture is better or higher than others.

7. Differences between nation and society

Related to nationalities and the spirit of nationality; people who fight together to create a country that is considered as safe and independent A group of people who have the traits of culture, values and the same inspiration. i.e: Malaysian

A group of people who live in a certain place, according to the regulations and there are certain norms of behavior.

Share the same value system and there is a system of social control. Interact with one another The way of life and culture are almost the same. Have commitment for the betterment of the society.

8. Classroom surrounding which has taken into account the diversity of different cultures. Comfortable classroom, condusive and peaceful to carry out the T&L process without denying the rights of equality, which is distinct from the background, sex, socio- economic levels and purposes.

can stimulate pupils to become more sensitive to other people's cultures and mutual respect respect.

Definition of culturefriendly classroom

students can mingle freely, regardless of their differences.

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