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ENGLISH 27 - NE Cabudoy, Caress Mae Demo, Karla Erika Jamero, Ma.

Christina Lee, Czarina Louise Introduction Introduction December 11, 2012 Sir Samante

It has been debatable issue over the years on the use of medical marijuana, because the moment we hear the word marijuana, what comes to our minds in some of us is an illegal drug; something that is not acceptable in the society. However, this is not entirely true since some places in the world consider marijuana legal and has a medical use like California, Washington D.C, Hawaii to name a few. Currently, two states allow marijuana for recreational use and 16 states allow it for pain relief, nausea and loss of appetite by people with AIDS, cancer and other debilitating diseases (New York Times, December 10, 2011). Since it has been mentioned that marijuana relieves loss of appetite, and on the other hand one disease that is characterized mostly of such symptom is anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder. So this research deciphers if medical marijuana can be a treatment of choice for patients with Anorexia Nervosa and increase their appetite. This problem deserves to be researched further because there are only few effective treatments that exist for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa which indicates that there is a potential that marijuana is one of them. This study will provide concrete evidences to show what components of marijuana can really help treat anorexic patients and not just be an instrument for addiction for other people. The prescription of marijuana for medical treatment is really an issue because it is possible to become addicted to it, but this study will prove that there are ways to make marijuana a therapeutic treatment for patients who have a lack in appetite. This study aims to show evidence of a strong relationship with smoking marijuana and increased appetite.

Lack of control and effective coping mechanisms for marijuana users will make them become addicted to this substance. But on the other hand it helps the anorexic patients by increasing their appetite since it contains a property called THC which stimulates the appetite of a person. Anorexia Nervosa is a serious problem and it can become a lifelong illness, but it can be managed over time with therapeutic medical management, one of which is the use of medical marijuana. This study can help the community by proving to them the effects of marijuana in the recovery of patients with anorexia nervosa. Increasing number of various studies and researches have been conducted to end the debatable issue on the use of marijuana to treat some diseases. The common goal of these studies is to establish a strong evidence and give appropriate knowledge to the society that marijuana can be medically used. Cannabis has been claimed to help with a large number of wide-ranging symptoms. However, research has concluded three major properties which are medically useful. Cannabis is:an analgesic (relieves pain) an anti-emetic (relieves nausea and vomiting) and an appetite stimulant (induces hunger).( Because marijuana has been legally used in some places, more and more studies, informative articles and sites in te internet have been published to inform the public and its users more information about its properties, its medical uses and teachings on ow to use it. As marijuana is known to be an appetite stimulant, it is considered as a treatment for some eating disorders including anorexia nervosa. The potential for relief of anorexia with the use of cannabis may depend upon psychological factors. Cannabinoids may have minimal appetite stimulation effect in cases of classic anorexia nervosa. The overwhelming evidence of hunger-inducing properties of cannabinoids, particularly the primary ingredient, delta-9 THC, in the physical condition of appetite loss known as cachexia is well-established. ( Several uman trials ave been establised cannabis ability to stimulate food and weit ain nin ealty volunteers. A trial pf 27 cannabis smokers and ten controls concluded that marijuana smokers ate more and gained more weight than none-smokers after 21 days in a hospital research ward.( Because of these studies and the spread of information, the public is more equipped with proper knowledge and prejudices about marijuana are reduced. * KEN INSERT PART HERE

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