Configuring HTTP S

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Configuring HTTPS
Setup the IIS Role: 1. From start menu navigate to server manager and then to the Add Roles menu. ( Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2)
-Figure 1.1-

-Figure 1.2-

2. Click Next and Select the Web Server IIS Option. (Figure 1.3)
-Figure 1.3-


3. Once you click Next you will be shown the different role services you can choose to install, make sure all the boxes for Application Development (Figure 1.4) and all the boxes for Management tools are checked (Figure 1.5)


-Figure 1.4-

-Figure 1,5-

4. Now to install Microsoftss .NET4 It can be downloaded from


Once Downloaded go ahead and run the installer, accept the agreement and install it to the server. (Figure 1.6)
-Figure 1.6-

Once the Installation is complete you will be required to reboot your system. (Figure 1.7)
-Figure 1.7-


5. After the reboot, navigate to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from the start menu. (Figure 1.8)

-Figure 1.8-

6. From the main menu expand the main server tree and select Application pools. (Figure 1.9)

-Figure 1.9-


7. Click Add Application Pool in the upper left side of the screen. Configure it as shown in Figure 2.0

-Figure 2.0-

8. After the Application Pool has been created select the newly created object and then look for the advanced options on the left side of the screen. (Figure 2.1)

-Figure 2.1-


9. Click the Advanced Settings and make sure that the Identity is set to Local System.(Figure 2.2)

-Figure 2.2-


10. Go back the main IIS Window and expand sites, navigate to the site you would like Feathernet to be installed into and right click to select Edit Bindings. (Figure 2.3 )(Figure 2.4)

-Figure 2.3-

-Figure 2.4-


11. Click Add, and from the dropdown type menu select https. From the certificate drop down window find and select WMSVC-{NETBIOSNAME} and then click ok. (Figure 2.5)

-Figure 2.5-

12. From the main ISS manager screen, select the server you are using to view its options.Select ISAPI and CGI Restrictions (Figure 2.6)(Figure 2.7)

-Figure 2.6-

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-Figure 2.7-

13. Make sure that all ASP.NET4 are enabled. 14. Select the Site FeatherNet is to be installed on. Under the site options select Authentication. (Figure 2.8)(Figure 2.9)

-Figure 2.8-

11 | P a g e

-Figure 2.9-

13. Make sure that the Anonymous Authentication is enabled, and that the Forms Authentication is enabled

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