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Degree Project

by Eli Brumbaugh

"How can an app allow the social media user to curate and organize their mobile experience throughan intelligentalgorithmpaired with highly customizable user controls in which the user views only the content that matters most to them from people they care the most about?


Complete a technological audit of existing algorithms, social networks and content curation methods. Narrow my audience to help dene user personas. Discover how that audience would group their social media connections & apps. Complete a survey of how my audience would curate their own social networking experience, and if possible add to it.


Better mobile social networking user experience. Allow the user to focus on content from the people who matter most to them. Give the user a sense of ownership and control of how they view social media.




Inspiration & Research

Allows for the creation of algorithm based and personally tailored lists. Neglects content created or shared by those connections. Allows for the group messaging or e-mailing to existing contacts based on list. Neglects the ability to share anything other than a text based note. Allows for the integration of multiple social networks into the app. Neglects the ability to interact with the content on those networks. Has to log in each time.

Existing Solutions

21 15 17 14 12 10 6 2
19-24 25-30 Casual Power iPhone iPad Android OS Yes No


User Type

Social Network Access

Creative Professional



The fact that I can't lter my feeds by topic or content.

I have noticed that now everything is just reposting someone's postI feel like I have to sift through a lot of it.

Facebook has way too much shit linked to it. I do not want to see anyone's Instagram pics if I don't follow them on Instagram. Constant change, not necessarily for the better. Things becoming too complex... ...I get sharing, but its annoying when you cant escape an image/meme... I hate how Facebook omits certain posts it feels are unimportant.

There are lots of tools and features that I dont use but the icons sit on my home page and they just create unnecessary visual clutter. I would like the option to remove these. That I have to go to many di erent places. How they are always changing.

What annoys you the most about social networking sites or itself in general?

Too many notications sometimes. I get a billion emails from Twitter.



Windows 8
Possible Additions

Chrome Widget


Front End
Intuitive UI Strong User Control Tailorable Groups & Lists Fluid Sharing

Strong Focus on UX User Testing Responsive Layout Flat Design

Algorithm Wizards Multiple Account Authorization Conguration Proles (Card DAV)

How does it work?

"How can an app allow the social media user to curate and organize their mobile experience throughan intelligentalgorithmpaired with highly customizable user controls in which the user views only the content that matters most to them from people they care the most about?


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