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A Thunderbolts Gent Skirmish Tournament

1. Preliminary Data
Welcome Trooper! For the first time, Thunderbolts Gent organises its very own Warhammer 40.000 tournament. Focused on small, skirmish-sized battles, Operation Alpha brings a whole new layer to the tournament concept. More importantly, we hope to make Operation Alpha more of a social event rather than a cold-blooded showdown between players. Does that mean that youre not allowed to bring competitive army builds? No! We believe that a competitive player can still be a fun and gentle opponent, and hope you share that vision. Operation Alpha will take place on the 17th of March, in the Outpost Gent gaming centre:

Outpost Gent Ottergemsesteenweg 13 9000 Gent

Outpost Gent opens at 11.30 and the tournament starts at 12.00, so please be there in time! Registration for the tournament costs 5,00 , which can be paid on the day itself. Please register in time, as we can only accommodate around 20 people. Feel free to inquire whether or not the tournament has reached its capacity or not by sending us an email. But please, only register if you are sure you will be able to join us that day! As far as your stomach is concerned, feel free to bring your own food. However, Outpost Gent supplies some nice food itself and there are plenty of shops etc. just around the corner. Furthermore, The Outpost asks however to not bring your own drinks! They have a wide variety of drinks available for very reasonable prices. This is their only source of money, so please respect that! Should you have any questions or simply want to send in your army list, you can contact us at The 19th Thunderbolt Regiment thanks you for volunteering for Operation Alpha!

2. Force Composition
Spend up to 500 points, using a slightly modified Allied Force Organisation Chart This means: 0-1 HQ, 1-3 Troops, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 Fast-Attack, 0-1 Heavy Support. Your army may only contain 1 flying model, and only a maximum of 51 models in total. It also must contain at least 1 character. Vehicle Squadrons & Artillery Batteries may only contain a maximum of 2 Vehicles/Artillery Pieces. Only codices found on the Games Workshop website can be used, taking into account the latest FAQs & White Dwarf Updates. If a codex is released in less than a month before the tournament, it cannot be used. Unique & Named Characters (whether it is an HQ choice, unit upgrade) are NOT allowed, with the exception The Emperors Champion, Sgt. Telion, All 4 Temple Assasins & HQ Choices that unlock certain units as troops. You are allowed to bring up to ONE non-Apocalypse Forgeworld unit, as long it is conform to the previous limitations (must be part of the FoC, no more than 2 vehicles/squadron,). Also, you must bring along the appropriate, up-to-date, rules & FAQs, and take the time to explain this unit to your opponent pre-battle. Forgeworld army lists are allowed as well. Pre-Heresy armies are allowed, but only the main army list. The Fury of The Legion & Lords of War special rules may not be used. Fortifications will be restricted to an Icarus Lascannon at 30points or a Quad Gun for 50 points. Note that these do not come with the Aegis Defence Line. Deployed per standard Fortification rules. Please send your army list to before 13/03/2013. No Army Builder files please, just a simple doc(x)., exc(x)., or txt. will do!

3. Operation Schedule
11.30 12.00 13.15 14.15 15.15 16.30 17.45 19.00 12.00 13.00 14.15 15.15 16.15 17.30 18.45 19.30 Report to Commanding Officer: Registration Execute First Mission Execute Second Mission Take a break, but prepare to be (paint-) judged Execute Third Mission Execute Fourth Mission Execute Last Mission Receive your Rewards

4. Requisitioning Equipment
Please bring the following items to the tournament: o Your Army, preferably painted. o 3 Objective Markers, all on an equally sized base (25 or 40mm is ideal). o A copy of the Warhammer 6th Ed Rulebook. o A copy of your armys codex. o Measuring tape & templates. o Dice (Including that special one that always rolls a 6, unless you need it to). o A bit of glue. o A pen or two, a calculator. o This rulespack(!) Please do not count on the organisation to supply these items for you!

5. Analysing the Operation

Difference in Victory Points Operation Points Analysis +6< 30 Massacre + 4-6 25 Major Victory + 1-3 20 Minor Victory 0 15 Draw 1-3 10 Minor Loss 4-6 5 Major Loss 6< 0 Annihilated Throughout the tournament you will be able to gain Operation Points: these points will determine the winner. You can require these points by winning battles, helping the organisers by registering on time, First: the missions. There will be 5 skirmish games throughout the tournament, all contributing towards your final score. At the end of every battle, calculate the total of your Victory Points and subtract your opponents value to determine your Operation Points (to a maximum of 165 Points). These Operation Points will determine the winner of the tournament! If you register on time and your army list is received on time, you will receive an additional 5 Operations Points. You receive additional Operation Points for the following: Bringing a fully painted army . 6 Points Bringing a fully WYSIWYG1 army .... 4 Points The organisation has the right to penalise people who cheat, purposefully delay the game, or behave in an intolerable fashion.

6. Squad Markings
During the lunch break, a team of painting judges will come around and give each army a painting score (to a maximum total of 40 points). This score will be used as a tie-breaker for the final ranking. Painted: 8 points. You get 2 points for every 25% of your total amount of models that is fully painted. An undercoat never counts for a model as being painted. Three colours minimum! Based: 5 points. If one of your models doesnt have a finished base you will get a 0 for this category. Squad markings & Uniformity: 7 points. You will receive points if each unit has appropriate markings (or simply if we can quickly and easily distinguish your units from one-another) and that it has a uniform feel (matching colour schemes, heraldry etc.). Detail, conversions and WOW effect: 20 points. This is the look and feel of the army, and its mainly in this category where the judges will be giving you a mark. Basically pure awesomeness will grant you points here. At the same time, the judges will select 3 armies that they consider to be best painted. Then, all participants will be asked to cast their vote. This will determine who wins the Best Painted prize.

What You See Is What You Get. This means that all models in your army are representing exactly what they look like. We will be VERY tolerant towards Count-As models and conversions (e.g. a converted inquisitor with glowing eyes counting as a primaris psyker).

7. Rewards
The following prizes can be won over the course of the tournament: First, Second & Third Place Best Painted Participants Choice* * All tournament participants will have the chance to vote for one opponent of their choice. This may be for his/her sportsmanship, bad luck or even out of pure pity!

8. Combat Data
All missions use the following general rules (unless otherwise stated): All battles are played on a 4x4 board. Warlord Traits are treated as follows: roll on both tables, then choose the Warlord Trait Table. If an army does not contain a HQ choice, randomly select a single character model in your army. This becomes your warlord. Battles are set up using the Starting a game rules detailed within the 40k rulebook, with the only exception that terrain is already deployed by the organisation. All battles use Primary & Secondary mission objectives. The Primary objectives are worth more Victory Points than the Secondary ones, but for the rest, theres no difference. Gunships often drop of the small taskforces, but cant stay there to long because of the constant threat of Anti-Air fire. Therefor, flyers can never opt to hover. Additionally, all units that enter Ongoing Reserves immediately count as destroyed! Your army may never have more than 51 models on the board at any point during the game. Units like tervigons or canoptek spiders may never spawn models so that your armies total amount of models on the table is higher than 51. The system for Night Fight works as follows: on the first Game Turn, the night fight rules are automatically in effect. However, on the roll of a 5+ it is also Night Fight on Game Turn 5 and on. Sometimes you will be asked to calculate Battle Points: this is the same as the old Victory Point system. A unit is worth as much Battle Points as its point cost. If the unit is below 50% unit capacity or has lost at least half its Hull Points/Wounds, its worth half its point cost. In every battle the Wipe-Out rule is in effect: if a player does not have any models on the board at the beginning of either players turn, that player immediately grants 5 Victory Points to his opponent. If he still has reserves left and there are more turns to play, he only grants 4 Victory Points to his opponent. If a battle has not reached turn 3 by the end of the hour, it is considered a draw. At 45 minutes, an announcement will be made. From that moment on, you may only play one additional, full turn. E.g.: if you finished one player turn at Game Turn 4, you may play until the end of Game Turn 5. In case of an argument, try and resolve this in a gentle, fair way. Remember, were here to have fun! If youre opponents vehicle is covered for 23%, let him take that cover save. If this loses you the game, have a laugh and let your opponent buy you a drink. Should you and your opponent still not agree, roll a die. Only call upon a judge in cases of extreme disagreement.

<< Target Objectives >>

Target 1 : Secure Entrance

Deploym ent: Dawn of War.

Additionally, the players deploy a total of 4 objective markers, starting with the player who goes first. These objectives must be 12 apart and a minimum of 9 away from any table edge. Additionally, 2 of them must be deployed to a minimum of 6 away from any deployment zone.
Gam e Length: The game lasts on until Turn 5, and continues to Turn 6 on the roll of a 5+ Special Rules: Reserves, Night Fight, Mysterious Objectives.

Shock Attack: all units are scoring and denial units. However: vehicles, swarms, non-Troops monstrous creatures are only denial units. Models in flying mode and units that are falling back are still non-scoring and non-denial.
Prim ary Mission: Receive 3 Victory Points for every objective marker in your control at the end of the

Secondary Mission: Receive 1 Victory Point for the following: First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the


Target 2 : Gain Control

Deploym ent: Warhammer 40k 5th Edition Spearhead Deployment (see below for reference). Gam e Length: The game lasts on until Turn 5. Special Rules: Reserves, Night Fight Prim ary Mission: As shown below, the board is divided into 5 zones. At the end of the battle, calculate

the amount of Battle Points located per zone (roll a die for units located in more than 1 zone). Receive 3 Victory Points for every zone where you have a higher total of Battle Points than your opponent
Secondary Mission: Receive 1 Victory Point for every unit located in youre opponents deployment


Target 3 : Recover The Artifact

Deploym ent: Both players deploy their forces up to 20 away from opposite corners.

You must deploy your warlord2 and all troop choices (these may be deployed in their non-flyer dedicated transports), all other units go into reserve. Note that units that normally cannot be deployed at the beginning of the game (flyers, drop pods etc.) still cant do so now! Additionally, put a single Objective Marker in the centre of the board. This is The Relic.
Gam e Length: The game lasts until Turn 5, and continues to Turn 6 on the roll of a 4+ Special Rules: Reserves, Night Fight, The Wipe-Out rule is only in effect from Turn 2 on. Prim ary Mission: Receive 5 Victory Points for retrieving The Relic (as per 40k 6th Ed Rulebook) 3 Secondary Mission: Receive 1 Victory Point for Slay The Warlord, and First Blood. Additionally,

receive 1 Victory Point for every 75 Battle Points you destroyed.

Target 4 : Destroy The Generators

Deploym ent: Vanguard Strike

Deploy 2 Objectives: both exactly 24 away from the corner, on the Vanguard Strike deployment line.
Gam e Length: The game lasts on until Turn 5, and continues to Turn 6 on the roll of a 5+ Special Rules: Reserves, Night Fight. Prim ary Mission: At the end of every Game Turn, receive 2 Victory Points for every objective marker

in your control.
Secondary Mission: Receive 1 Victory Point for every 8 models you destroyed.

Target 5 : Crush
Deploym ent: Dawn of War Gam e Length: The game lasts until Turn 5, and continues to Turn 6 on the roll of a 5+ Special Rules: Reserves, Night Fight Prim ary Mission: Receive 1 Victory Point for every 50 Battle Points you destroyed. Secondary Mission: Receive 1 Victory Point for every 8 models you destroyed. Additionally, receive 1

Victory Point for the following: First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord

2 If your warlord is a character and part of a unit, than you must deploy that unit as well. However, if your warlord is 3 Also, the Necron Nightscythe tactic for picking up Relics may not be used in the tournament!

an Independent Character, you may only attach him to Troop units.

Wed also like to thank our sponsors, without whom this would not be possible:

Finally, should you have any comments, constructive criticism etc. regarding the organisation, this rulespack, the location, Feel free to drop us an email or have a chat on the day itself!

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