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Susana Dittrich 2n D J.

Everyone was gazing at the floor. The atmosphere was very heavy, we only hear the clock hands. Mrs Jonshon E. was pacing back and forth. Mr Jotton E. was looking out the window, into the cold winter night, the coldest since the beginning of the war. A coffee smell went out of the kitchen and behind it Jeorge E. with the cups. So now the sound of the clock hands was accompanied by the sound of the little spoons that went around each ones coffee. I wanted to say something but I didnt know how. When suddenly Mrs Jonshon E. said: Well, now that were all here when Mr Jotton E. interrupt: Not for a very long time, I have already called a cab and I will start packing my things when I finish my drink. So Mrs Jonshon said: I dont want to think that youre occulting something, but if you leave you will turn into the suspicious number one of Mrs. Bonnet murder. So he sat down and she continued. You are all here for two reasons, first because you all had a special relationship with the dead person. Secondly, as I was trying to explain, we have found the weapon of the murderer not very well hidden in a tree. The important thing is that we found it with a pair of gloves and a jacket that has turn into red. And in them two initials: J.E. We brought you together because you are the only ones with these initials in the hotel Bristols Billy Hall. That werent very good news for someone that I knowThey were going to make a big mistake. Everyone restart looking to each other covertly and were trying to put two and two together so the climate of distrust join the heavy atmosphere. I dont know how many time passed, but then Mrs Jonshon added: To collect clues we will start looking each ones belongings. We will bring them here so that the murderer wont be able to hide nothing. When all the bags were there, she opened the first one that was hers. There was a just clothes and bath stuff, the second one was Mr Jottons suitcase that had only a few ties impregnated with tobacco smell but nothing suspicious. And finally Jeorge E.s luggage, where there were only a few old bills that maybe they werent even valid. Well we havent found anything, so can we leave now Said Mr. Jotton nearly yelling. I think so... answered Mrs Jonshon. No, we still have to look to a last baggage. Mrs Bonnets one. This wasnt a very good idea The mistake was imminent. They opened the bag carefully, at first sight there were only clothes, papers, shoes, a box of cookies, and another bigger box with a lot of dust. Mrs Jonshon blew it and opened it, there were lots of letters tied with a string. She started reading the first one: Dear Jacqueline Bonnet, when she finished reading with loud voice the name of the sender: With love from: Jeorge Eventon. Every one turn to look at the butler, he wasnt trusting what was happening so he even react. Till he started screaming that he wasnt the murder and explaining our history, the way we met, how he searched all around the world just to find me and how he did it. No one was believing a word of his speech, I knew I had to say something but I didnt know what. The next morning when the police came he was arrested and they brought him to the prison. I was there that night and he wasnt, he didnt do this to me. Only the jealousy of Mrs Jonshon did it, she couldnt tolerate that I was going to change Bonnet to Eventon in a few months.

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