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Influences in Rock n Roll: the Elvis Empire

Guadalupe Arceo, Nikki Miller Senior Division Group Website

Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Beaulieu, Priscilla, and Sandra Harmon. Elvis and Me. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1986. Print. Written by his ex-wife, this book gives personal details about the life of Mr. Presley, and the woman that lived these experiences with him. It will give us insight into the real world of Elvis Presley. Bernstein Office, Leonard. Young People's Concerts Scripts: What Makes Music Symphonic? [pencil on Yellow Legal Pad Paper]. Young People's Concerts Television Scripts, 13 Dec. 1958. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. This source shows us that Elvis main goal was to thoroughly entertain his audience. This also leads us to the fact that he actually cared about his fans, not just the money that come from concerts, etc. Bendewald, Judy Palmer, and Mike Freeman. Meeting Elvis: My Treasured Memories. 1. Memphis: Memphis Explorations Publishing, 2009. Print. This is a compilation of concert pictures from Elvis. This woman caught him on stage, letting us use this source to really see what he was like while performing. Bova, Joyce, as told to William Conrad Nowels. Dont Ask Forever: My Love Affair with Elvis. Kensington Books, 1994. Joyce was a Capitol Hill staffer on the Armed Services Committee when she met Presley in 1969 in Las Vegas. In this story we learned about Elvis private life

and how nothing was kept a secret back then.

Brean, Herbert. A Different Kind of Idol. 1956. Life Magazine Web. Miami. 18 Dec 2012. Elvis pushed many boundaries at the beginning of his career. Nicknamed Elvis the Pelvis, he became known as an icon. This is what really attracted women to him, and definitely helped him in his rise to fame. Burk, Bill E. Early Early Elvis: The Humes Years. Red Oak Press, 1990. These were a series of books that were interviews of people that were around Elvis during his career. Some were neighbors, friends, fans, and family. Through these interviews, we found out about Elvis personality around those he loved the most. Dayrit, Dennis. Marriage. 1967. Elvis Presley Pedia, Las Vegas. Web. 18 Dec 2012. This is a picture of Elvis and Priscilla on their wedding day. This source showed how unlike most famous people, he was a family man. It helped us realize that he really was a normal guy. Doll, Susan. "Elvis Presley Quotes." HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. This source gave quotes from Elvis about the influences he used to create his own style of music. It will help us because it gives us exact places he derived his styles from. From his gospel influence from church, and his rhythm and blues influence from people he met in Mississippi, these quotes really aide us in finding where his unique style came from.

Dundy, Elaine. Elvis and Gladys. Macmillen, 1985. This site reveals the early life of Elvis, the role of his mother Gladys, and how she played an important role in his formative years. This helps us understand how his mothers influence helped him in the beginnings in recorded music and film. Dova, Curtin. Priscilla. Behind all the fame and fortune Elvis really was a family man. This source shows us that even with all the women that wanted him, he stayed true after he married Priscilla Beaulieu. Priscilla was his musical muse, and she is behind some of the songs Elvis wrote. This gave us insight to reasons behind certain songs Elvis wrote, and why he wrote them. "Elvis Presley / Dancing Quotes." Elvis Presley / Dancing Quotes. Refspace, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. Elvis stated that when he was younger Gospel was all he knew. This would lead us to believe that this was one of the major influences in his musical career. He used Gospel as a way to escape, which comes through in some of his songs. This will help us because it shows reasons why Gospel had a major impact in his music.

Escott, Colin. "Elvis Presley". In: Kingsbury, Paul, editor. The Encyclopedia of Country Music. Oxford University Press; . Stated in this encyclopedia, this shows the variety of music that Elvis used within his own collage of music. Some of his songs inspired a bit of country, which made him so heard world wide. This helped us by understanding what his variation of music consisted of. Fensch, Thomas. The FBI Files on Elvis Presley. New Century Books; 2001. ISBN 0930751-03-5. In these FBI files it gives detailed information of Elvis duties while being while working in the army and house filing. This helped us understand the events that happened throughout his life and what the impacts were. Guralnick, Peter. Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley. Little, Brown; 1994. Through this novel Elvis life was described in a very detailed way, and his values were talked about, and how they mattered to him. This helps our project and us to know that even though he was a very famous man, he still kept respect and his values for others. Hanson, Alan. Elvis Deserves More Recognition. 1961. Elvis History Blog, Honolulu. Web. 18 Dec 2012. As the title of the picture states, Elvis deserves more recognition. This source shows that Elvis wasnt a selfish celebrity, and was constantly fighting for the betterment in the youth that suffered from Polio. The Hilton. "Menu." Elvis Presley In Concert. MxF, n.d. Web. This source helped us take a look of one Elvis many important concerts, this

concert, taken in 1974 helped us really focus on how his concerts inspired others in the audience and how he was such a huge star. Hopkins, Jerry. Elvis. Simon & Schuster, 1971. This source helped us because Jerry Hopkins met Elvis once in his life, and made two classic studies on him. His visit with the King of Rock n Roll, was written in this book he published just a few years before Elvis death. Journal Now Staff. "Elvis in Church." Winston-Salem Journal. N.p., 9 Aug. 2009. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. This shows a picture of Elvis in his church, playing guitar. The article that came with it said this was the place that he learned to play guitar, and was also the source of his main musical influence. We will use this in our project because it gives us information about our main topic. Kelley, Robert W. Elvis Presley: Rare Photos. 1956. Life Magazine, Florida. Web. 18 Dec 2012. Elvis had 91 albums recieved either gold, diamond, or platinum statuses under his belt. None of these are easy to accomplish, Elvis worked hard to achieve the amount of fame and fortune he had. Khurana, Simran. "Elvis Quotes." Elvis Quotations. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. When asked about his singing style, Elvis said he did not get it from anybody. In fact, he said his biggest influence was country music. This will help us because it tells us exactly what contributed to his unique style. Klein, George. Elvis: My Best Man. New York: Crown Publishers, 2010. Print. This is the first hand account of a young Elvis. This gives us a perspective of the

friends and people he surrounded himself with, and helped shape him to be the man he was during his prime years. The people you surround yourself with show who you are as a person. Krough, Brad. United States. President Richard Nixon. Memorandum for: The President's File. Monday, December 21, 1970. Web. This source shows how involved and how much Elvis cared for his country. It gives us a better understanding of him as a person. Mansfield, Rex. Sergeant Presley: Our Untold Stories of Elvis' Missing Years. Toronto, Ontario,Canada: ECW Press, 1983. Print. Elvis was fully commited to his country, and showed this by joining the military. This source demonstrates to us that he did whatever he could to help out the U.S.A., even if that meant risking his life. This book shows good and bad traits he obtained through his years in the military. McComb, Janelle. "Elvis Quotes." Elvis Quotes. N.p., 1971. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. Elvis truely believed that his sound was completely original, and that he did not sound anybody else at the time. He said that his sound was influenced by many different things that no one else in the industry could be influenced by. He said he was not a hilbilly, but even country influenced him. This quote will help us because even Elvis said himself, I dont sound like nobody. Moore, Scotty, as told to James Dickerson. Thats Alright, Elvis: The Untold Story of Elviss First Guitarist and Manager, Scotty Moore. Schirmer, 1997. In this documentary Elvis manager is mentioned to the people. This helped us with our research because it gave us a peek into his business life and how Elvis

did not require of a person with a big title to be his manager, but a simple band member and friend. Nash, Alanna. Baby, Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him. New York: HarperCollins, 2010. Print. This source gives information about the popular singers main inspiration for songs. The book is comprised of interviews by the many women in his life, and sheds a new light on the kind of person he was. Nash, Alanna, with Billy Smith, Marty Lacker, and Lamar Fike Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations from the Memphis Mafia. HarperCollins, 1995. This site was based on the recollections of the three men closest to Elvis himself-including his first cousin--and written to set rumors straight. Here they talk about how Elvis life was as a child and his struggle with drugs. This helped our research because it allows us to see the struggles that went on inside of his life that others did not know. Pleasants, Henry. Elvis Presley. In: Frith, Simon, editor. Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, Volume 3: Popular Music Analysis. Routledge; 2004. This musical analysis helps our project understand how Elvis was not only successful through his genuinely good looks but that his success came from his talent. This helps us know that Elvis was a professional musician. Presley, Elvis. "Elvis Presley Quotes." Elvis Presley Quotes (Author of Elvis Presley's Love Me Tender). Goodreads, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. In this quote Elvis talks about his originality in music. This source helps us learn

that Elvis was not just a man of one talent but multiple talents in one. His originality with music, and his positive attitude helps us understand what he loved doing the most. Presley, Elvis. "Elvis Presley Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Quote. Through this source we learned that for Elvis music mattered, but at the end of the day what really mattered to him was his family. This helped our project not to forget that he was also a family man. Presley, Elvis. "Excitement of concerts." . N.p., Online Posting to Elvis - Aloha from Hawaii, via satellite. Quote. This source gives us information about the feeling Elvis brought to the stage and his fans. Not only did the audience enjoy it, being on stage was his favorite part of his career. Presley, Elvis. "First time on stage" . N.p., Online Posting to Taped Interview - Used in an MGM documentary. Quote. This shows us that Elvis was just a regular guy, by him saying that he had to overcome stage fright. His pelvic motions were reactions caused from nerves. These moves are what literally helped him build the Elvis Empire. Presley, Elvis. "Rock n Roll" . N.p., Online Posting to Answer to a question at a Las Vegas press conference. Quote. Elvis not only played rock n roll music, it was his life. He said he couldnt help the way it makes him feel and move. Music was a part of him, and this shows us how much his career meant to him.

Rooks, Nancy. Inside Graceland: Elvis' Maid Remembers. Xlibris Corporation: Memphis, 2005. Print. This book gives accounts of the daily life of Elvis Presley. Giving us a real look inside at the women whos life revoled around Graceland, and the man that lived there. Saville, Natalie. "Elvis Quotes." We Love Tupelo RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. The quotes provided by a women who was an Elvis super fan. After attending a concert, she gave information about what she saw. She said that his dance moves are what started, Sex, drugs, and Rock n Roll. His clothes, his songs, and his moves embodied the music culture of the 1950s. Schilling , Jerry, and Chuck Crisafulli. Me and A Guy Named Elvis. New York: Penguin Group, 2006. Print. This book is from the account of the night life and an inside look at an Elvis off the stage. This source provides us with information that is required to get the real Elvis, not the one that is seen on stage. Smith, Gene. Elviss Man Friday. Light of Day publishing, 1992. In this novel you get to see what Elvis did in his spare time, and how his family paid an important role into his life. Through his words it is understandable that he cared a lot for his fans and his children. Stern, Jane, and Michael Stern. Elvis World. Alfred A. Knopf, 1987. Inside of Elvis World it explains how from the hands of Elvis himself, shows us what life was for him through interviews and his family. With this is helped portray the image of a great man, father, and husband.

"Streaming Oldies - Listen On Demand." Streaming Oldies. Streaming Oldies, 1955. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. In this site it shows Elvis accomplishments during his first few years of his career, and how his success brought him to the top of the charts. This web document also shows Elvis high-school diploma that demonstrates his much earlier accomplishments as a student. "The National Archives Experience: Digital Vaults." National Archives Experience. Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 1958. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. This site shows us that Elvis did whatever he could for the betterment of the United States of America. In this letter to the President, he showed enthusiasm for cutting of his hair - a staple in the Elvis Empire. Todays Documents; Elvis Presleys Service Obligation [Official Military Personnel File]; March 24, 1958; Records of the U.S. Army Staff, National Archives This is the document Elvis signed when he was inducted into the army. Even though he was in the prime of his career, he still did what he thought was best for his country. This really shows what kind of person Elvis was. Tracy, Kathleen. Elvis Presley: A Biography. Wesport: Greenwood Press, 2007. Print. This book shares some secrets to the reasons Elvis sounded the way he did. Since he lived in Mississippi, he had a lot of rhythm and blues influences in his music, as well as country. This shows us how his sound brought a whole new meaning to the rock n roll genre. Wertheimer, Alfred, with Gregory Martinelli. Elvis 56: In the Beginning. Collier Books MacMillen, 1979.

This documentary showed how his life changed dramatically with his new career, his mother Gladys, and father, had many things to do with his success as explained here. This helped understand that without his parents and supporters he would not be where he was. West, Red, Sonny West, and Dave Hebler, as told to Steve Dunleavy. Elvis, What Happened? Ballantine Books, 1977. Written by the 3 body guards of the musician, the took out the anger after Elvis father fired them due to financial issues. This was a shocking to the fans as they answered a lot of questions. This helped our research because it made us realize over the great hate that comes with such a big fame in the music industry. Yancey, Becky, with Cliff Linedecker. My Life with Elvis. St. Martins Press, 1977. Becky Yancey was the private secretary of Elvis for nearly thirteen years and a great friend. This novel helps us understand how Priscilla, Elvis wife was before she became famous, and how Elvisand she became one.

Secondary Sources Brown, Anny. "Why Do People Impersonate Elvis Presley?."Ezine Mark. N.p., 09 2011. Web. 19 Dec 2012. This source helped us realize what kind of impact Elvis really had on modern rock and in the lives of his fans. Even years after his death, he still is considered the main influence of rock music today. Carter, Jimmy. "Elvis Quotes." We Love Tupelo RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. This is a quote from President Jimmy Carter stating that Elvis changed Rock and Roll forever. His impact on the music scene and his impact on people around the world will never be forgotten. He said that his influences from Southern country music, gospel, and rhythm and blues are what made him stand out from the rest of the people in the music industry at that time. We will utilize this resource by understanding what kind of impression Elvis made on the people of America. Castleden, Rodney. People Who Changed the World. Great Britain: Time Warner Book Group UK, 2005. Print. This book tells us what his main contributions to popular music were. He bridged together two different types of music, creating a new sound. His performance style was also extremely provocative. Chadwick, Vernon, ed. In Search of Elvis. Westview Press/HarperCollins, 1997. Through his last 10 shocking years of life, this author breaks down for the search of the Elvis that had started his career and was genuinely happy. This taught us how his struggles slowly led him to being a drug addict.

Clayton, Rose, and Dick Heard, eds. Elvis Up Close. Turner Publishing, 1994. This source helped us because it captured a side of Elvis that wasnt often talked about. It was the Elvis that his children knew and the great musician everyone fell in love with. Doll, Susan. Elvis Presley. Chicago: World Book, Inc, 2007. Print. This source helped us investigate further into the real impact Elvis made with his music, not only by selling out concerts, but how his music spoke louder and gave more meaning. With this source it gives us the opportunity to show what Elvis's Music really transformed RocknRoll. Doss, Erika Lee. Elvis Culture: Fans, Faith, and Image. University of Kansas Press; 1999. This information talks about how fans reacted to seeing or hearing their idol on the radio, and how image took a big part of Elvis career. This helps our project by understanding what the typical fan did and how she felt about the artist, giving us their opinions on the Rock n Roll artist. Elvis Presley." Elvis Presley. The Colombia Electronic Encyclopedia: 2011. This source gave us general, but vital information about Elvis. It gave us a place to start our research, being that it had a lot of things about his start and facts that we know are true. "Elvis Presley's Musical Influence on America." For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. This resource was helpful because it told us that Elvis did not invent Rock and Roll, he just brought it to the entire country. Although he did put his own style

into Rock and Roll, he just aided in the popularity of it, he made it mostly popular to teenagers. This will help us in our project because it gives us more clarity of what he did exactly in the music industry. Geller, Larry, and Joel Spector with Patricia Romanowski. If I Can Dream: Elvis Own Story. Simon & Schuster, 1989. This site described the dreams that elvis had when he first started his career and how it all turned out to be a huge success for him at the end. This helped us see that Elvis is just like any other person that chased after his dreams and made it. Guralnick, Peter. The Unmaking of Elvis Presley. USA: Back Bay Books, 2000. Print. This book talks about the American culture, and how Elvis helped shape the style of that generation. Including fashion, music, and personal transformation. Israel, Marvin. Elvis Presley 1956. Photographs by Marvin Israel. Edited and designed by Martin Harrison. Harry N. Abrams, 1998. In this photograph you can see how Elvis relaxes in his tour bus and plays his guitar. This photograph shows us that when he had relaxing time he still thought of music and incorporated into his life. Jorgensen, Erns. Elvis Presley: A Life in Music: The Complete Recording Sessions. St. Martins Press, 1998. With his music playing in most countries around the world in these sessions you get to experience Elvis perform his favorite songs for the people who mean the most to him, his fans. This videotape helped us by observing the way he put his heart and soul into his music and always went for what was right to him.

Juanico, June. Elvis: In the Twilight of Memory. Arcade Books, 1997. This book takes a look at all of Elvis greatest accomplishments that everyone remembers him by. This teaches us that people liked him for representing his country with great spirit, and honor. Kallen, Stuart A. The History of Rock and Roll. Farmington Hills: Lucent Books, 2003. Print. This book ties into the background of rock and roll during Elvis time. It relates to the theme by telling us that the creation of rock and roll was solely based on rhythm, and beats that would provoke people to dance. Keogh, Pamela Clarke. Elvis Presley: The Man, The Life, The Legend. Simon & Schuster; 2004. Through this biography it talks about how he became a legend and what his life consisted of. This is useful for our project to learn more in depth of him and the impact he made with people. Lomax, Alan. The Land Where the Blues Started. Dell, 1993. This source describes how Elvis music was soulful and carried an upbeat rhythm at the same time. This helped us understand that his music wasnt just one single genre but many in a sense.

Mark, Mason. "The Wonder of You." Features RSS. The Sun, 08 Jan. 2010. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This source provides information about the numerous amount of Elvis impersonators. His sound still lives on, and demonstrates how music isnt defined by the year in which it was created. This shows how important Elvis affects the lives of people today, even years after his death. Marsh, Dave. Elvis. Times Books, 1982. In this Biography it explains the simple story behind this talented man and how he began his journey with music. This source helped understand of what his story consisted of and what made him unique. Mason, Bobbie Ann. Elvis Presley. New York, New York : Penguin Group, 2003. Print. This source gives us information about Elvis career from beginning to end. This will help us understand how his began his career and the reason he succeeded,

but also the reason for the collapse of his time in the music industry. McKeen, William. Rock and Roll is Here to Stay. New York: Norton & Company, 2000. Print. This novel speaking about Rock and Roll helped us really know where this type of music started and its purpose for the new music era. This source is helpful because we get a better understanding of the kind of background Elvis based his music on, and what a difficult genre to create a new unique sound like he did.

Nolan, Jerry. Web log post. Elvis & Rock'n'Roll. N.p., n.d. Web. The quote written by Jerry Nolan in the novel Please Kill Me, he describes his experience being in an Elvis concert. This quote helps our project know that his music could not only be heard, but felt with the accompany of his RocknRoll skills. Porteous, Clark. "A Lonley Life Ended on Elvis Presley Boulevard." Memphis PressScimitar 17 Aug 1977, Front Page. Print. This article will give us information about the death, and the reasons of death for Elvis Presley. This will help us understand how and why his career ended as well. Quain, Kevin, ed. The Elvis Reader: Texts and Sources on the King of RocknRoll. St. Martins Press, 1992. This magazine cover takes people behind the scenes and acts of the great Elvis. It helped us understand of everything that goes on before his big shoes, and what his good luck charms were. Rockwell, John. "Presley Gave Rock Its Style." New York Times 17 Aug 1977, Pg. 1. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. This article gives us one mans account on the influence Presley had on rock music as a whole. This helped us fully understand exactly how highly people thought of and respected him. Scrembs, Jeffrey. "Elvis Presley 1975-1977." Booksie. (2011): n. 2012. This article gave information about Elvis prime in the music industry. It helped us become familiar with the performering side of his life. page. Web. 19 Dec.

Stephan, Ed, and Chris Holland. "Elvis Presley." IMDb. The Internet Movie Database. Web. 12 Nov 2012. This source gave a lot of information about his beginning in the music industry. It will help us get a better understanding of Elvis, and what brought him to his fame and fortune. Tyle, Laura B. Elvis Presley. UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography.Volume 8. Detroit: 2003. This encyclopedia gave numerous facts on Mr. Presleys death, and what caused it. This helped us by giving information that was reliable, and helped us understand what Elvis was like in his later years of life. Wilson, Christine. "Elvis Presley: The Early Years." Mississippi History Now. Mississippi Historical Society, n.d. Web. 19 Dec 2012. This source gives us the literal start of Elvis life in music. This article will help us understand the very beginning of his musical career, and the reason he has earned the title as the King of Rock music.

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