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May 14, 2005 While in Canada going through Customs, Alice Boland threatens to kill a police officer and President George W. Bush. "Give me a gun, I am going to kill you," she reportedly told airport police. I am going to kill President Bush with a gun. Just give me a gun; I am going to come back and shoot you all, asshole. I am going to find a gun and kill you all."

May 26, 2005 Boland, while at her parents home in Beaufort, South Carolina is interviewed by the U.S. Secret Service. John Kenney, resident agent in charge of the Secret Service in Charleston, reports Boland repeated her threats. Hell yes I would shoot (Bush), she says according to the affidavit. I would shoot him and the entire U.S. Congress. ... If I had a gun I would shoot you too. ...Ill go to Washington and Ill shoot him dead and if you get in my way, Ill shoot you too. ...Ill go wherever he is and find him and kill him. Ill kill Senator (Robert) Byrd and Senator (Hillary) Clinton and all those people and think nothing of it.

May 31, 2005 A Federal District Court Judge in South Carolina signs an Order for Psychiatric Evaluation directing an examination of Bolands competency and sanity.

June 14, 2005 Boland is indicted for threats against the President.

July 6, 2005 A Federal District Court Judge in South Carolina signs an order stating medical personnel may involuntarily administer injectable long-acting antipsychotic drugs to Boland in order to render her competent to stand trial.

July 13, 2005 The Court receives Bolands psychiatric report. It finds she suffers from a severe chronic mental illness, specifically schizophrenia, and that her prognosis remains poor. It further finds Boland was legally insane at the time of the offense, a substantial risk to others, and requires care and treatment in a suitable psychiatric facility.

December 2, 2005 Boland pleads Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity and the case is dismissed without prejudice. As part of the plea agreement, the Judge orders Boland be admitted to a Behavioral Health Center. She is also ordered to have a therapeutic mental evaluation and, if required, have commitment proceedings instituted against her for longterm care.

February 1, 2013 Boland purchases a Taurus PT-22 semi-automatic pistol from a gun store in Walterboro, South Carolina.

February 4, 2013 Boland travels to Ashley Hall, a private school in Charleston, South Carolina, where she takes her loaded pistol and aims it at staff members. Boland repeatedly pulls the trigger. The gun did not have a chambered round and did not fire. She is charged with attempted murder.

February 4, 2013 Upon a search of Bolands vehicle, police find a copy of the completed federal questionnaire required before legally purchasing a gun.

February 9, 2013 According to the Charleston Post & Courier, Earl Woodham, a regional spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said he was not permitted to discuss how Boland answered certain questions on the firearms transaction record. But passing a background check to buy the gun means she answered the questions truthfully. There was nothing illegal about the transaction, said Woodham. The arms dealer properly followed procedures. She [Boland] answered the questions properly.

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