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BBA Programme Trimester - VI Second Year Bachelor of Business Administration Academic Year 2012-2013

Course Details 231. Literature 232. Marketing ManagementI 233. Operations Management-I 234. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

235. Practical Studies-II

B. K. Majumdar Institute of Business Administration

231 Literature
Course Instructor Course Credits : Ms. Prof. M. Pandya, Prof. R. Sudan, Prof. A. Modi : 3 (30 Sessions of 1 Hour each)

Course Objective: Why are some subjects called the humanities? What does it mean to be human? This course aims at showing that literature, far from being a soft option in college, offers an awareness of lifes intricacy, mystery and meaning in a way that is not available anywhere else. It is based on the firm belief that literature gives not only a reflection of life but also insight into its complexity by showing us how human beings have felt, acted, lived, and died in different situations. In the process it makes us more open, more tolerant, less judgmental, less narrow; it widens our sympathies and kindles the imagination, and leads us by the hand in a search for meaning. In short, it humanizes us. You may expect here not practical knowledge but images of beauty, love, sadness and courage. You will hear language used with such power and skills as to move you, and read words that make you stop and ask yourself what meaning life holds for you. If, at the end of the course, you realize, as Socrates once said, that the unexamined life is not worth living, the objective of the course will have been attained.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will develop higher level of sensitivity for literature and will realize that literature can widen our general perspective which can become a base for understanding not only beauty, social and cultural ethos but also management and life. They would develop a liking towards reading be it fiction or nonfiction.

Pedagogy: Reading in classroom, discussion, debate

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Evaluation: Mid Trim Test End Trim Test Attendance (10%+5 Beyond Syllabi %) Concurrent Evaluation Quiz 25% 50% 15% 10%

Course Curriculum:

Topic Selected Poems Fiction Short Stories (autobiographical) Text Book:

Weight 30% 30% 40%

1) Wise & Otherwise by Sudha Murthy Selected Chapters 2) Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach 3) Selected Poems 4) Selected Short stories


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232 - Marketing Management - II

Course Instructor Course Credits : Mr. Keshav Bhatia & Mr. Aravind Panicker : 3 (30 Sessions of 1 Hour each)

Course Objective: Building upon the fundamentals of Marketing learnt in Marketing Management-I; this course shall provide students with a more practical view of Marketing Management. Students shall study how decisions are made when it comes to branding of products, pricing of products, as well as their distribution. They shall also study the importance of Integrated Marketing Communications in todays world and how a winning IMC program is developed using the various tools that exist at a marketing managers disposal. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, a student shall: 1) Have a clear understanding of how and why product decisions, branding decisions, pricing decisions and channel decisions are taken. 2) Be able to differentiate between effective IMC programs from ineffective ones. 3) Be able to identify the distinctive characteristics of services.

Pedagogy: 1) Multi Media Presentations 2) Chalk & Talk 3) News Articles 4) Case Studies

Evaluation: End Trim Exam Mid Trim Exam Project work Attendance (10% + 5 Beyond Syllabi %) Concurrent Evaluation 40% 25% 10% 15% 10%

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Course Curriculum: Topic Product Decisions Ch.12 Branding Decisions Ch.10 Channel Decisions Ch.15 Channel Decisions Ch.16 IMC Decisions Ch.17,18 & 19 Pricing Decisions Ch.14 Service Marketing Ch.13 Weight 10% 10% 15% 15% 30% 10% 10%

Text Book: 1) Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy and Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing Management - A South Asian Perspective, 13th Ed.,: Pearson Education India.

Reference Books: 1) Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy and Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing Management - A South Asian Perspective, 14th Ed.,: Pearson Education India. 2) Rajen Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 3) Kotler P., Marketing Management, Pearson Education India. 4) Kurtz and Boone, Principles of Marketing, Thomson Publication. 5) Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management 6) Marketing supplements of any Business Newspaper (eg. Brand Equity, Brand Standard)


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233 Operations Management I

Course Instructors : Ms. Karishma Dalal Course Credits : 3 (30 sessions of 1 Hour each)

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the foundations of the operations function in manufacturing. The course will analyze operations from both the strategic and operational perspectives and highlight the competitive advantages that operations can provide for the organization.

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will have a basic understanding of the role of operations management in organizations and the some key operations management concepts.

Pedagogy: Course will consist of lectures, class discussions, case studies, videos and pre-reading relevant material supplied in class.

Evaluation: Mid Trim Exam End Trim Exam Attendance (10%+5 Beyond Syllabi %) Concurrent Evaluation 25% 50% 15% 10%

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Course Curriculum: Topic Introduction to production & operations management Facility location planning Capacity and layout planning Quality management Demand Forecasting Weight 10% 25% 25% 20% 20%

Reference Books: 1) Mahadevan B., Operations management, 1st Ed., Pearson education. 2) Aswathappa , K. & Bhat, Shridhara K., Production & Operations Management, (2010), Himalaya Publishing House. 3) Bedi, Kanishka Production and Operations Management, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press. 4) Stevenson, William J., Operations Management, 9th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Limited.


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234 - Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Course Instructor Course Credits : Mr. Nimit Thaker and Ms. Kanan Dhru : 3 (30 Sessions of 1 Hour each)

Course Objective: To sensitize the student on the various ethical aspects concerning the functioning of Business enterprises, both within the organization and outside and which affect their relationship with the external world.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the Trimester the student will be able to: 1) Understand the importance of ethics in business and solve ethical issues arising in the functioning of the business. 2) Appreciate the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance in successful functioning of the business.

Pedagogy: Chalk and Talk including Multimedia presentations, Videos, Articles & Research Papers.

Evaluation: Mid Trim Test End Trim Test Theory 25% Viva Voce 25% Attendance (10%+5 Beyond Syllabi %) Concurrent Evaluation 25% 50% 15% 10%

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Course Curriculum:

Topic Introduction to Business Ethics Corporate Governance Ethics and Governance MID TRIM EXAM Ethical Issues in Business Functions Corporate Ethics & Responsibility END TRIM EXAM

Weight 15% 20% 15% 30% 20%

Reference Books: 1) Business Ethics by Daniel Albuquerque, Oxford University Press 2) Business Ethics- Concept and Cases by Manuel G. Velasquez, Pearson Publications 3) "Introduction to Business Ethics" by Professor S. Manikutty (IIMA Press) 4) Corporate GovernancePrinciples, mechanisms and Practice by

Dr. S. Parthsarthy, Biztantra Publications 5) Corporate Governance in India by Sunita Sharma, New Century Publications


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235 Practical Studies-II

Course Instructor Course Credits : Ms. Karishma Dalal, Ms. A. Bihani and Prof. N. Taneja : 3 (30 Sessions of 1 Hour each.)

Course Objective: 1) To help students relate the concepts of the various fields of management studied in the classroom with the actual practice in the industry. 2) To make students analyse the industry under study to become aware about the global as well as Indian scenario. 3) The students should be able to analyse the practices of the company in the different management fields and give their own inputs for the same.

Course Methodology: In an attempt to fulfil the credit requirement of Practical Studies Course, students are required to prepare analytical project report of a particular company. For this purpose, students will be divided into groups of 30-35 each. Each group will be taken for a visit to particular unit/company. Before the visit, students will prepare pre- visit draft to get brief understanding about the company. After the visit, students will prepare a Draft report for which they will be given the feed-back by the respective faculty. Based on those inputs and their understanding, students will then prepare Final report . The weight-age of the three reports and viva will be according to the Evaluation Criteria as mention below.

Evaluation: Pre-visit Report Draft Report Final Report Viva-voce Timely Submission Mandatory 50 marks 70 marks 50 marks 30 marks (10 each for pre-visit report, draft report and final report) -----

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