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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prelude Welcome, Announcements and Preparation *Gathering Hymn Bless Now, O God, the Journey, #489

We believe in one body, one Holy Spirit, one hope to which we are called, one Lord Jesus, one faith, one baptism, one God of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Based on Ephesians 4, Chalice Worship #496, Modified

*Invocation (Please pray together.) Betty Gray Lord, the temptations of the world loom large before us. We are enticed, cajoled, and sweet-talked into moving from lives of service to lives of self-centeredness. In this season of Lent we need your healing love more than ever. As you resisted the temptations in the wilderness, help us to place our trust in you, that we may be strong in our faith and confident in our service to you through serving others.AMEN.
Adapted from

*Benediction (Please gather in a circle.)

Week of Compassion/One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

This week and next we will be accepting our Week of Compassion (WoC) and One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. These organizations work together and are responsible for emergency/disaster assistance for our denominations. Below is an excerpt from the weekly WoC email about what they are involved in.

*Passing of the Peace (Please greet one another.) Music with the Worship Team See Inserts

Pastoral Prayer Joys & concerns Pastoral Prayer & Lords Prayer Response Come and Fill Come and fill our hearts with your peace. You alone, O Lord, are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace, alleluia! Offering of Ourselves Meditation Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #46 Blessing of gifts Scripture Sermon Betty Gray Pastor Stacy Shelton Lessons Ive Learned: The First 40 Years Lessons My Father Taught Me: Youve Just Gotta Love Em, Babe *Closing Hymn Take My Life, #609 Invitation & Affirmation of Faith (Please say together.) Matthew 12:28-31

Syrian Humanitarian Disaster The situation is Syria only seems to be worsening. Through the Middle East and Europe Area Office of Global Ministries, Week of Compassion has been supporting the Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue in Lebanon as they respond to the overwhelming humanitarian needs in Syria. Your gifts have supported thousands of persons who have been affected by the violent conflict and fighting in the city of Homs and Aleppo and are now displaced in the suburbs and surrounding countryside areas. Winter's arrival has led to a new set of needs as the freezing temperatures increase the severity of the current crisis. Week of Compassion also continues to support the work of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) through the ACT Alliance and Church World Service as they continue to respond to the immediate needs of refugees, IDPs, and the churches. We ask for your prayers and support for the people of Syria and the surrounding areas as they endure this horrific humanitarian, political, and economic crisis.

Prayer Requests
Renee Allen Karen Dubuque Clair Oliver Jean Jepsen Kim Carter Yvonne Morter June Crowell Dick Sherer Barbara Foster Brian Gutierrez The Family of Jim Martin Linda Shelton The Family of Pat Thornton Helen Crawford Willard French

Sunday 2/17 9:45! Sunday School 11:00! Worship Noon !Coffee Hour 12:30! Diaconate Meeting Wednesday 2/20 6:00! ICY Jr. Friday, 2/22 7:00! Bible Study @ Alvins 7:30! Alcoholics Anonymous Sunday, 2/24 9:45! Sunday School 11:00! Worship Noon! Coffee Hour

Ione Community Church

February 17, 2013

February 17 Lay Leader! Betty Gray Diaconate! Team 3 Coffee Hour! Backpacks! Jerry McElligott February 24 Lay Leader! Nancy Miller Diaconate! Team 4 Coffee Hour! Backpacks! Betty Rietmann

Upcoming Sermons & Scriptures

Pastor Stacy is in the midst of a six week sermon series entitled: Lessons Ive Learned: The First 40 Years February 24: Lessons My Father Taught Me: You Were Forgiven at ! ! Birth Matthew 18:21-22 March 3: ! Thirsting for Christ Isaiah 55:1-9, Psalm 63:1-8 March 10: ! Embracing Love Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 March 17! Something New Isaiah 43:16-21 March 24:! Into Jerusalem Luke 19:28-40

Rev. Stacy Shelton, Pastor Phone 541.256.0397 email Stacy will be in the ofce Monday through Thursday from 9 to noon. Please stop by, call or email.

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