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Criminal Mind Profile Report Part I: The Introduction The Devil In The White City by Erik Larson, is a non-fiction

history-based story set in the late 19th century. Chicago, a city blossoming with jobs and opportunities, but with many dangers as well. Homeless people, muggers and killers lurk around the dark alleys of the huge raising skyscrapers. Young woman from small towns plan to make this tough city their home, surrounded by places like the Stock Yards, where the stank of death and blood covers the overwhelming smell of horse manure. Chicago was elected to host the Worlds Columbian Exposition, an exposition that would astonish people from all over the world, with the first ever use of electricity, electric boats, beautiful white buildings and with the cleanest streets, this exposition was nicknamed The White City. Chicago on the other hand was called The Black City. H. H. Holmes a young Physician came to Chicago expecting great things to happen, but what was in stored for him no one knew. He began the construction of a building where he could hire people and also give them a place to stay at, then with the talk about the Fair he decided to build a Hotel, and he called it the castle. The Castle had a restaurant, a pharmacy, and other stores on the bottom floor, over 30 rooms on the second, his office on the third floor and a basement. Holmes build a kiln as a measure of conditioning the temperature of his hotel, but it really was used to trap his victims and then kill them with the heat, the kiln was also sound proof. His hotel gave off a creepy vibe coming off it, its corridors were small and turned at weird angles, the windows were small and few, and the hotel smelled of chemicals, but its guests were fine with it; as long as that doctor was around to keep the woman company. Part II: Character Analysis and Diagnosis

Harry Howard Holmes a male doctor in his early 30s came to Chicago, the Black City, a new but dangerous place, with new job opportunities, especially for women. Holmes has constructed a hotel for the up coming Worlds Fair, a Fair with beautiful buildings, beautiful gardens and clean streets., this Fair was to attract people form all over the world. Holmes is in reality a false name, his given name was Herman Webster Mudgett. Mudgett was a bright boy born in Gilmanton, New Hampshire, a farmers village; where he had only one friend, but died when he fell from a fun-down house. Mudgetts father was named Levi, a farmer, he had a mom and two siblings. He kept a small treasure box with a picture of his sweet heart and the skulls of small animals he dissected. When he grows up a little older he and another co-worker decide to earn some cash by buying life insurance and faking the deaths of a family of three. The bodies of a mom, a father, and a child were acquired through time by Holmes (Larson, 43). Mudgett had an incredible amount of charm, he could just look at a girls eyes and show such attentiveness, to make any girl feel like they were alone in the world, and when he talked he would touch their arm or shoulder; sure, it felt wrong, but they were in the city now and things were different than they were at their little villages (Larson, 246).Holmes was a defiantly a pathological liar. There was a woman in his life that knew him by the name Harry Gordon, she was called Minnie. Gordon would write to her and fill her head with wonderful and fascinating stories about Chicago, then made her fall in love with him, made her sign over to him a piece of land, and when they married he promised her trips to Europe, Art classes and children (Larson, 203-204). Minnie didnt knew a lot of thins, like his real name, or that he was still legally married to Clara Lovering and Myrta Belkamp, she didnt know that he was a father in both marriages (Larson, 204).

When the Worlds Fair opened its gates and Holmes opened his hotel, he began his killing spree. Stenographer, Jennie Thompson who worked for Holmes disappeared, as well as a male physician that was seen talking with Holmes. The strange thing was that no one saw them leaving the Hotel and no one suspected of Holmes. The hotel had many guests, which wasnt an issue, but when Holmes tried to trap his victims in the kiln, they would normally scream for help, so he couldnt kill them that way. He also sneaked in the guests rooms at night and press a Chloroform-soaked rag to their faces, it was to see his measure of power (Larson, 257). Herman Webster Mudgett, Harry Howard Holmes and Harry Gordon shows from the an early age some traits of Antisocial Personality Disorder. When hes a kid he keeps the Skulls of animals he dissected. When he is older he commits fraud with life insurance by faking the deaths of a family of three, with bodies he acquired. Mudgett lies easily and has superficial charm, he also confessed to have murdered 27 men, woman and children during the Fair (Montaldo). Part III: The Diagnosis Herman Webster Mudgett exhibits symptoms if Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), which can also be called Sociopathic Personality. From a very young age Mudgett is said to have kept a treasure box with skulls of animals and he intentionally committed fraud. He is a pathological liar and finds satisfaction when he is about to commit murder, lets not forget he is incredibly charming and premeditates every move he makes, which are all signs of APD (Franzblau, handout).

Works Cited Larson, Erik. The Devil in the White City Murder, Magic, Madness, and the Fair that Changed America. New York: RH Audio, 2005. Print. Franzblau, Leslie. Antisocial Personality Disorder. Handout by instructor on Symptoms of antisocial behaviors distributed at Rincon High School, Tucson AZ during sixth period. Fall/Winter 2009. Montaldo, Charles. "Herman Webster Mudgett - Serial Killers Photo Gallery of Herman Mudgett." Crime and Punishment Home Page. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. <>.

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