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Whats new at Back2Health- Current developments, achievements, news, and information.

A Quarterly Newsletter Issue No. 1- Spring 2013

99.5% patient satisfaction at B2H! Achievement award for Jonathan

Bad backs- a worldwide problem! Connect with us on social media! Awards Success for B2H

Charity abseil in aid of the Stroke Association

Success for B2H Chiropractor!
Jonathan Field, founder of Back2Health, is this year's recipient of the "President's Award" from the College of Chiropractors. This once-in-a-lifetime achievement was given to Jonathan in recognition of his unending enthusiasm and commitment to supporting the College, and also for his groundbreaking work in developing Care Response, a unique programme designed to assist practices in collecting and collating patient reported outcomes to help improve quality of care, which is currently being rolled out throughout the UK and soon to Europe via the College of Jonathan Field with his Chiropractors. Presidents Award Huge congratulations to Jonathan, it is truly welldeserved recognition for all the work he has done for the profession over the years.

Quality Awards for B2H

excellence in key areas. The PPQM is awarded to clinics that demonstrate excellence in meeting patient expectations, and more than 120 clinics now hold the award. The Clinical Management Quality Mark (CMQM) complements the PPQM and recognises excellence in terms of operating within a structured and managed clinical environment- only 43 clinics in the country currently hold this prestigious award.

On Wednesday 30th January 2013, Jonathan Field, Mark Christensen and Philippa McKernan attended the College of Chiropractors Annual General Meeting, held at the Royal College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians in Regents Park, London. Back2Health sites Peterseld, Alton, Midhurst, Southsea, Cowplain and Waterlooville all received Patient Partnership Quality Marks for 2013 to 2015, in addition to the Clinical Management Quality Marks which the sites currently hold. These quality marks are given by the College of Chiropractors to clinics that achieve standards of

Mark Christensen being presented with one of the awards by Hew Helps, Chair of the College of Chiropractors Lay Partnership Group

We are thrilled to receive this recognition for the high standard of patient-centred care we strive to achieve at Back2Health.

In the UK, strokes affect an estimated 150,000 people- thats one person every 5 minutes. The Stroke Association is a charity that supports people in the best way possible through their recovery, and provides funding for research to develop new treatments and ways of preventing strokes. Gus Becvar, one of the Back2Health partners, is taking part in a charity abseil down the iconic Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, raising money for the Stroke Association. The event is taking place on Saturday, 23rd March at 11 AM. To donate, visit or ll in one of the donation forms in reception!

Back2Health joined Facebook and Twitter in September 2012, and since then we have seen a steady increase in the number of likes and interactions we have seen on these pages. We hope to use social media to help us keep in touch with you, to answer any general questions you may have, and also to provide you with helpful advice and information regarding your healthcare. Find us at: ! !


We use Care Response at B2H to enable us to gather clinical outcome and patient satisfaction information, which is in keeping with best practice guidelines set out by the Department of Health. We are proud of the fact that our patients can get an appointment at one of our sites within 2 days. The chart below shows patient satisfaction ratings over the past year, and we are delighted that 99.5% of our patients report being either satised or very satised with the standard of care they have received with us at Back2Health.

Each decade, the World Health Organisation produces gures showing the impact of diseases on humanity, with the most recent report published in December 2012. This report has shown that musculoskeletal conditions, including back and neck pain, affect 1.7 billion people worldwide, an increase of 45% over the past 20 years, and globally are the sixth biggest cause of years lost through either disability or death. In Europe, low back pain is the single largest cause of disability, affecting an estimated 9.8 million people. British Chiropractic Association (BCA) President Richard Brown comments The gures for the incidence of back and neck pain are very worrying and demonstrate the fundamental global impact that these problems are creating. This mirrors the situation in the UK as demonstrated in regular consumer research commissioned on behalf of the BCA. Patients are telling us that back and neck pain is having a signicant impact on all aspects of their daily lives. Chiropractors have particular expertise in the diagnosis, treatment and management of back and neck pain and offer a package of care as recommended by NICE in Clinical Guideline 88, The Management of Low Back Pain This is signicant news for chiropractors and chiropractic patients, and it highlights the need for the World Health Organisation, United Nations, and national governments to prioritise allocation of funding and resources to help keep people moving and help reduce the burden of disability these conditions cause.

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