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The First Sunday of Lent

February 17, 2013

The Ashes of Lent

(by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI) We begin the season of Lent with ashes on our foreheads. What is symbolized by this smudging? Perhaps the heart understands better than the head because more people go to church on Ash Wednesday than on any other day of the year, except Christmas or Easter. The queues to receive the ashes in many churches are endless. Why? Why are the ashes so popular? Perhaps it comes from the fact that, as a symbol, they are blunt, primal, archetypal, and speak the language of the soul. Something inside each of us knows exactly why we take the ashes: "Dust you are, and to dust you shall return!" Ashes are dust and dust is soil, humus: humanity and humility come from there. Ashes function as a symbol within virtually all religions. To put on ashes, to sit in ashes, is to say publicly and to yourself that you are reflective, in a penitential mode, that this is not "ordinary time" for you, that you are not celebrating, that you are grieving what you have lost, that some important work is going on silently inside you, and that you are in the cinders of a dead fire, waiting for a fuller day. All of this has deep roots. There is something innate to the human soul that knows that, every so often, we must make a journey of descent: to be smudged, lose our lustre, and wait while the ashes do their work. All ancient traditions, whether religious or purely mythical, abound with stories of having to sit in the ashes. We all know, for example, the story of Cinderella. Her name means: "the young girl who sits in the ashes." As the tale makes plain, before the glass slipper is placed on her foot, before the beautiful gown, ball, dance, and marriage to the Prince, there must first be a period of sitting in the cinders, of being smudged, of being humbled, and of waiting while a proper joy and consummation are being prepared. In the story of Cinderella there is a theology of Lent. The church taps into this deep well of wisdom when it puts ashes on our foreheads at the beginning of lent. Lent is a season for each of us to sit in the ashes, to spend our time, like Cinderella, working and sitting among the cinders of the fire - grieving what we've done wrong, renouncing the dance, refraining from the banquet, refusing to do business as usual, waiting while some silent growth takes place within us, and simply being still so that the ashes can do their work in us.

Storytelling workshop for teens, adults and those wanting to teach children's liturgy. Focusing on bible stories, the workshop will teach you to: build your story; identify the clues to telling a story; engage the listeners to participate in your storytelling. Mondays, Feb. 18 and 25 from 7-9:00 PM; in the St Augustine's Bell Tower. For information call Elizabeth Yorski 514-482 9580.

Mother House, 2330 Sherbrooke St. W. We will use the book INTRODUCTION to the SYNOPTIC GOSPELS by Pheme Perkins from Boston College. Cost: $50 book $20 offering $30. Please contact Sr. Kay Duffin, cnd at 514-762-1844 or

Development & Peace Share Lent Campaign, Human Dignity

This year the theme of the Share Lent Campaign of D & P is Human Dignity. Regardless of our economic or social status we are all created in the image of God and are His children. Human Dignity is an intrinsic gift and cannot be taken from anyone. Failure to recognize a persons human dignity leads to injustice. Please take home the material available which will help in the understanding of this years theme.

The heart of the Gospel message is Jesus the Christ

In this Year of Faith, as part of your Lenten journey, you might like to become reacquainted with this Jesus as he is portrayed in the Synoptic Gospels those of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Eight sessions will be offered on Tuesday nights, February 12 April 2, 7:15 - 9:15 pm, at the CND

Mass Intentions February 17-24, 2013

February 16, 2013 4:00 8:30 11:00 8:00 8:00 Alexander Cybulski February 17, 2013 In Loving Memory Alessandro Fiori, Luigi & Rosa Mammone, Joseph Onesi, Cecilia Scartozzi Rosolino Sparapani Maria & Family February 18, 2013 Monday, Lenten Weekday Ermando Giuseppe Nudo His Wife Elvira Nudo February 19, 2013 Tuesday, Lenten Weekday Agnese, Martino & Antonio The Family Gagliardi February 20, 2013 Wednesday, Lenten Weekday Vincenzo Collati His Wife Francine February 21, 2013 Deceased members of the Petrosa Family February 22, 2013 Kathleen Pridham February 23, 2013 Antonio Bei February 24, 2013 8:30 11:00 Maria & Raffaele Cinelli Friday, The Chair of Peter Lucy Saturday, St. Polycarp His Wife Gabriella & Family The Second Sunday of Lent Ida & Family Saturday, Lenten Weekday George & Claudia

Adult Faith Enrichment

Upcoming events Twilight RETREAT Practical Simplicity Animated by Deacon Richard Boileau The objective of this retreat is to focus attention on ways of making simplicity a way of dealing with our many challenges in order to achieve inner peace and lasting joy. Join us on Monday, February 25, 2013, from 6 to 9 PM. This Twilight Retreat includes supper at the cost of $10. RSVP before Feb. 21: Elizabeth Koessler, 514-925-4315 or COFFEE AND CONVERSATION Positive Discipline In this session we will focus on a few parenting challenges, and discuss ways of overcoming them. Join us on Sunday, February 24, from 10 to10:50 a.m., in the dining room of the rectory. VIDEO DIVINA Fr. Raymond will present the movie CHOCOLAT on Friday, March 8 at 7 p.m. in the parish rectory. Join him for this inspirational movie, followed by stimulating discussion. Please refer to and the posters at the Church entrances for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact Anna at the office.

8:00 8:00

8:00 4:00

Mr. & Mrs. Gianbattista Onesi In Loving Memory Fioravante Rotiroti, Mickie Laughlin

Your Generosity
Thank you for your on-going support of our parish

Last Sundays collection was $3,104.20 2013 Lenten Reflection and Prayer Booklets The 2013 Lenten Reflection and Prayer Booklets are available for you to purchase at the main entrance of the church. The adult, family and childrens versions are priced at $2.00 each. Please put your payment in the Missalette and Newspaper Payment Box.

Wed. 27 February 2013 at 5:30 pm Newman Centre 3484 Peel St. Info.: 514-398-4106

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